Below is a more familiar depiction in assembly of the provided sample program. Also included are comments explaining each operation.
/*compute b = a! % |d|*/
load a, 5
load b, 1
load c, -1
load d, -100
load temp, 0
dump registers
dump memory
// Note that instructions below implicitly address the AC register
load b // AC = b
mul a // AC *= a;
// decrement b*a by |d| till it's 0 or negative.
store temp // temp = AC
add d // AC += d
bgz mod // if AC > 0 goto mod
mul c // AC *= -1
bgz update
store temp
load temp
store b
print // print AC
load a
add c
store a
dump registers
dump memory
bgz factorial // if AC > 0 go to factorial
dump registers
dump memory
load b
print // print final result
sleep 20000
exit // 0 0