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Lina Quiceno linaquiceno
MS, Business Analytics Student at UIC Interested in Data Ming, Visualization and Machine Learning

Chicago, IL

Julieta Millan JuliMillan
Biology, data science and open science

La Plata, Argentina

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


AhmedHAhmed Ahmedhany750
👋 Hi! I’m Ahmed Hany , a biotech student coding cool stuff. 🌱💻 Passionate about AI, bioinformatics, and sustainability! 🚀✨

Galala University

Nara naragb
Driving Innovation with Data Science Solutions
Srikar rakirs2
A chemist turned Software Engineer.

@microsoft Dallas, Texas

Dingyi Fang dingyif
Data Scientist

Schonfeld New York NY

Wyatt Walsh wyattowalsh
cookin' up some code 👨‍🍳 :octocat: :bowtie: :shipit: 📈

@jpmorganchase New York City, New York, United States of America

Xiangyu Lu HobbitArmy
I am currently a doctoral student at Zhejiang University, majoring in Agricultural Electrification and Automation.

University of Toronto Toronto

Anthony Marcozzi amarcozzi
Software Developer and Wildfire Researcher

Silvx Labs Missoula, MT

Shaun Keegan shaunkeegan
Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine North Lanarkshire, Scotland

Alexis Athens alexisathens
Budget & Policy Economist @ Utah GOPB

Governor's Office of Planning and Budget Salt Lake City, UT

Sarah Elizabeth Stockman SEStockman

University of Colorado, Boulder

Ramya Roopa ramyaroopa94
An ecologist with a passion for quantitative ecology and data visualization. Currently - Data analyst and Lead, Turtle Project at Wildlife Conservation Trust

Wildlife Conservation Trust Bengaluru

José Fernando Aguilera González fherglez501
PhD Candidate in Conservation Medicine


Iremide ire-mide1
Machine Learning Engineer

Lagos, Nigeria

wsyxbcl wsyxbcl

Qingdao, China

Yunmei Huang YunmeiHuanghi
PhD candidate at Purdue University, interested in AI for forestry and ecology.

Purdue University US

Nicholas Clark nicholasjclark
Amplify Fellow at University of Queensland. Interested in multivariate statistics, time series and forecasting, with applications in community ecology

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Kelsey McGuire kmcguire33

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Ismael V. Brack ismaelvbrack
PhD in Ecology (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil) interested in population modelling and monitoring, and technologies to survey wildlife.

UFRGS Porto Alegre RS Brazil

Matthew Whittle MatthewJWhittle
AssociateData Scientist @ SLR Consulting. Background in ecology and environmental consulting. Passion for using data science to solve biodiversity challenges

SLR Consulting Leeds, UK

Kaleem Mehmood kmkamilkhel
🌿 Kaleem Mehmood, Ph.D. 🔬 Environmental Remote Sensing | 🌍 Climatic Change | 📊 Data Science
Vijay Ramesh vjjan91
Postdoctoral research fellow at the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics @CornellLabofOrnithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Ithaca, Gainesville, Kotagiri

Joshua joshualiuxu
Ph.D in Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Work in Nanjing Agricultural University

Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing

Matias Mattamala mmattamala
Postdoctoral researcher at @ori-drs, Oxford Robotics Institute

University of Oxford Oxford, United Kingdom