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Thomas Frans ThomasFrans
I pretend to understand computers, and I fix printers against my will.


The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world


Nar Shaddaa

Ohsey OhseyDev

Greater London

Zhao YuPeng zhaoyupenggit
GitHub Launch!!!
Daniel dwinkler1
I am not a cat

@WU-RDS Vienna

Sven Sackers gridhawk
IBM client success engineer, passionate windsurfer, love spending time with my family and hacking InternetOfThings. he/him Ireland

TheGuide GotaLoveFiraCode
I used one 't'. I regret it. But I'm not going to bother changing it now. Love espresso, people.


flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Vis/Vim and Blender shill. Student of the internet. Terminally goofy.


Tango tango0o
Just do it

Remote Working WuHan, China

Victor Ferreira Yonemoto victorfyonemoto
Software Engineer - Full Stack Developer
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
那思路(なしろ) mnipritom
I would rather feed pigeons.


Patrick H. Mullins phmullins
Hello there. I'm Patrick, and I'm a writer, gamer, geek, father, and husband. I write, build, game, tinker, and geek out on #macOS, #amigaos, #plan9, and #unix.

@arkhamgames Greenville, MI

Rusik Blyk RusikBlyk
Hi All ! I Rusik . Just beginning to learn programming....At first it's hard ,but nothing - I hope he can handle it.At the moment all.
Akhil Jalagam akhiljalagam
DevOps - living in *nix environments.

Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Frank Perrakis frankperrakis
⛺🚴⛱️📸💻📽️ Amateur human,cyclist,runner,photographer,devops

@riptano London

Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

BG becksgld

Magnum Opus Lab New York, NY