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Miguel ☕ mikeepme
💼 Working on personal projects while running an agency


Hasan Al-Kaf hasanalkaf3
const aboutMe = { job: 'Front-End Developer', skills: 'HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SASS, PugJS, React.js, TailwindCSS, Gulp.js, Git' };

Saudi Arabia

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Madalitso Simbeye madlabs-ally
Hi there, I'm Madlabs

MeloSpot Zambia

Joaquin Molto FIUPanther-JMolto98
Web 🌐 + AI/ML 🦾

Miami, FL

Igor Fernandes Igor097

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Chad Smith cs01
Creator of gdbgui, pipx, and TermPair. Software engineer at Reality Labs.
Hyden Liu HydenLiu
Front-end development, people who love open source and the open source community

ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ hangzhou, china

Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Software Engineer | AWS | NodeJS | TypeScript | Python | C# | Azure | React | FullStack developer | Web Developer | IT Consultant


ursister 🐍🦀 ursisterbtw
i like rust, i like python

Miami, FL

Moham Son Deso desomoham25
Moham Son Deso @Student @ku King University @desomoham25

@koif SA

Fernando Olivo V. olivodeveloper
I'm a civil engineer specialized in BIM, now enjoying the integration of software development into my skillset.


Lance Newman lancenewman
Senior Software Engineer

@onemedical Jacksonville, FL

Pooriya p-pey
Over 6 years of Frontend Developer and Develop Web Apps Using React Js 🥇 New Journey ➡️ Learning Angular


Facundo Martinez Vidal FacuMartinezVidal
Software Engineer Student | Backend Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Shivam shivam-bm
I write code 🚀
Dom dom-liu
software developer


eryue0220 eryue0220
Contributing to OSS. Currently Writing JS / TS / Rust. Learning Golang.

[[Your Company Name]] Undefined

Ben Trounson bjtrounson
Full Stack Developer with skills in React, React Native, Next.js, TypeScript, PHP & JADE. Berserk & tech enthusiast.

Contec Group International Christchurch, New Zealand

Yosuke inoue2002
Hi. 👋

関西大学 滋賀県

Cody Sam codysam

@polytrial Denver, CO

Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
DDD(Dollar Driven Developer) • Ruby on Rails developer • FastAPI developer • NestJS developer

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Brittek brittek
Exploring. Learning. Constructing. Culture. Software. Design. Development. The intersection of my interests & societal adaption.


Pau García Chiner pauchiner
Full-Stack Developer.

Formizee Valencia, Spain

kanugu rajesh kanugurajesh
T3 Stack Developer | Proficient in Java & Python | 3x Hackathon Champion 🏆 | 2x Intern | RAG & SAAS Builder | Competitive Programmer | @rajeshkanugu

GDSC MVSR hyderabad

FrancelWebdev francelwebdev
Long time Ruby & Ruby on Rails developer, now shifted to JavaScript world (NodeJS/TypeScript/VueJS/ReactJS).
Prajwal Bhattarai<Dev> bhattaraiprajwal
Hello there! Its me prajwal bhattarai!


Samad Ariyan samadariyan
Learning Frontend development.

freelancer Tehran

Sahitya infsahitya
Full-Stack Software Engineer | TypeScript | Node | React


Cornelius Emase Lochipi
Open-Source Freedom Fighter | Community Advocate | neovim btw | I Open source now!

OSNow Silicon Valley

Mano southguy


manupanand manupanand
Mechanical engineer turned coder, merging hardware finesse with software flair on GitHub.