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Arman Taheri ArmanTaheriGhaleTaki
interested in cloud computing and data
CarlitoDevDreamer CarlitoDevDreamer
A Junior DEV. Curious DEV. "a swiss army knife and a Jack of all trades" Portugal

Redion Xhepa rodonal
Software Engineer(Profile under construction)

Camelot Mannheim

Ibe Dwi ibedwi

Bandung, Indonesia

Samet Demir sademirdev
IT Solutions Designer and Developer

Istanbul, Türkiye

alish.mrk Mereke2121


Mark Bradley braddle
Senior Consulting Engineer @armakuni, host of Test Driven Development (TDD) Screencast @testingallthethings (

@testingallthethings @armakuni London

Eugene Lamskoy lamskoy
LAMP/Magento Developer, Arch Linux user


Angelo Moreira angelo-moreira
Mythical Rockstar 1001x Engineer ;-) Strong opinions, weakly held!

@WithWise Saturn

Angelo acmachado14
Software Engineer

Brasil - MG