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A computing student!
Damien MATTEI damien-mattei
Computer Scientist,WindSurfer.1989:Public State University FRANCE BSc MSc Maîtrise Informatique.1992:27e BCA FAR Tireur d'Elite FRF2 1eCie de Combat 1eSct 1eGrp

Νησί της Καλλίστέ

David Nicholson NickleDave
ML, AI; behavior + cog + neuro. Open + inclusive science. Pythonista. He/him (they's ok too). Habla espanglish y baila salsa y bachata a medio tiempo.

@vocalpy Charm City

Kevin Stephen kands-code
I am nobody but love kiyohi.


Natnael Belayneh natnaelbelayneh
👨‍💻 Anime addict turned code samurai. Slicing through bugs like a shonen protagonist. Let's code our way to victory! 🗡️💻🌟

ethiobyte addiss ababa, Ethiopia

zaidan s. zaidansani
🇸🇬 22 yo compsci student @ nus, cybersec diploma holder. trying to just explore and find things to delve into!
Allu Allupeng
A Java/Rust Programmer


Math d-arken
young spirit and high tech


Daniel Kaczmarczyk danielkaczmarczyk

@shopify San Francisco Bay Area

Pierre Brasseur brasseurp

ULB Bruxelles

bronifty bronifty
web dev etc

Bro Nifty Inc internets


Paris, France

Aqib Gatoo aqibgatoo
Senior Software Engineer

Tyrads Anywhere

Fai Yew 0xF41


Baimizhou baimizhouu
CS student in NUS

National University of Singapore


National University of Singapore Singapore

Sumanjit Sengupta sumanjitsg

Visionet Systems Inc. Bengaluru, India