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Youjin Hong howyoujini
A software engineer who thinks about the User eXperience with witty insight.

Yonsei Univ Graduated Seoul, South Korea

찬호랑이 bk100km

Suwon, South Korea

minsekim minsekim1
Tech Leader in 4dayworks Inc.

4dayworks Inc. & Samhyook Univ. Seoul, Gangnam

Seongjung Kwon wnd180

@Dunamu Seoul, Korea

Chan Jin ImNM
Hongik University

@tosspayments Republic of Korea

Seo, Yeong-Hak inspire12

ncsoft korea, Republic of


XXSOFT. CryptoTax

권기현 Gyeony95
Flutter Developer


Evan froggy1014

CloudHospital Seoul

sangwon nowgnas


JUNHWAN(Chris) JANG itsChrisJang
Back End Engineer

TONYMOLY, @sipe-team Seoul

Jinhyun Park developerjhp
💻 Frontend-Developer @Huinno-ParkJinHyun

HUINNO Republic of Korea

Kihoon KIM rlarlgnszx
SSU 인공지능학과 (구 스마트시스템 소프트웨어)
KimJoseph KimTeaSick
front-end dev.


Donghyeon Lee Donghyeon0908
cloud nine

@sipe-team Seoul, Korea

Hyobum Lee createhb21
create something in world, out of me 🧑‍🚀

Redblue Inc. Seoul

HyojinKim hy57in
Seize the day! 😎 👩🏻‍💻

bemyfriends Seoul, South Korea

Jiyoung Jung Jungjjeong
Frontend Developer


SungEun Kim sung-silver
💻 SMWU 20 computer science @nonsoolmate-official @SOPT-server @sopt-makers

Sookmyung Women's University Seoul

hsj penrose15
어쩌다 개발하게 된 구황작물
yb__char char-yb

@depromeet @sipe-team Seoul.

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Shin seongsu shinseongsu
Full-Stack Developer

Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Taehwan Heo or-m-or

Changwon, South Korea

haim.som(하임) som-syom
Dasom Hyeon / FE


Dongmin,Yu AndrewDongminYoo
Java / Python / Node.ts / AWS / Mobile 기반을 가지고 있는 외식업 출신의 앱 개발자입니다. Seoul

Unan unanchoi
$ unan

B.S. Mathematics in Chung-Ang Univ. Seoul

Haon msung99
immersing and focusing

@kakao tech course Inha University

Ting-Kim Ting-Kim

MIDASIN Seoul, SouthKorea

Rudy rycando

@modusign Seoul

후니 jiji-hoon96
난 후니 난 프엔개발자

Hicarenet Seoul

Jun juno7803
Junho(Jun), FrontEnd-Developer :)
