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Alexandre Picard-Lemieux piclemx
Principal Engineer @ticketmaster Love to learn new things @ticketmaster

@Ticketmaster Québec, Canada

Olivier Jansen oli4jansen

Utrecht, The Netherlands

TekinDev ju8sho
"Kimni so‘ylasalar, ani nomi o‘lmas, Yaxshi ishlari qilg‘on, xotirdan ketmas."


ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Xose XoseRamon

Meplato GmbH Leipzig, Germany

(老外) doug nullniverse
Vassal @ TCS LLC (yes this github belongs to my alter ego, too)

特贸 Cyber Remote

Sourabh Mundhra boarush
Merlin by Foyer | IIT Kanpur


Wisdom Ekpotu wisdomekpotu
DevOps Engineer


Andeya andeya
Cease to programing and cease to live.

@ByteDance Shenzhen, China

CitrixMing CitrixMing
Free Software Engineer @linuxfoundation @cncf @apache @OpenStackweb @kubernetes @istio 专注于容器、云原生技术、虚拟化技术、开源爱好者。。。

San Francisco

Hưng HUNG-rushb

CMC Saigon, Vietnam



iamzuowei Kirk-Wang
微信:ok666wei 公众号:黑客下午茶
Jakub Olan keinsell
Computer Scientist balls deep in bytes

Chirdeep Tomar chirdeeptomar
A polyglot engineer/architect with a passion for languages, cloud technologies, Docker and Kuberenetes.

London, UK

Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

Ludovic Ortega M0NsTeRRR
NetOps/NetDev engineer


nanark nanark

Paris, France

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Nicolas TOISON NicolasTOISON
Front-end software developer currently enjoying AstroJS. Focus on semantic HTML, CSS, a11y, o11y & web performance.

Bytes Crafting Group Saint-Malo

Sergey Polyatykin myateznik

@surfeed Moscow, Russia

Patrick unenunciate
A general-purpose person.
@whoimicom whoimicom
Doing is better than perfect.

Chongqin, China

wusphinx wusphinx
less is more

Hangzhou, China