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Kaveh Shahbazian dc0d
Programming, FunctionalProgramming, Learning continuously about Clean Code, Teamwork, TDD, Agile, DDD, Approaching Legacy Code and Technical Debt - Minimalist

Stockholm, Sweden

Niklas Wall niklaswall
Security Enthusiast. Computer & Electronics Geek. Maker. Father. Husband. CISO, Security Architect. Personal site:


Erik Hoffman slowmove
CTO at @Clipsource – Expert in streaming media & ads

@Clipsource Stockholm

Fredrik Forsmo frozzare
🇸🇪 Full-stack developer and open-sourcerer.

Stockholm, Sweden

Lowe Schmidt lsc
Wannabe Backend Engineer, Infrastructure and Platform Engineering with over 20 years of Linux experience. I like modal editors, hoppy beer and tattoos.

Stockholm, Sweden

Zhanliang Liu liuzl
AGI; Large Language Model, Large Multimodal Model; Robotics; Web Crawling; Distributed System

<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA Earth