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Manuel Polo mrmx
To fix or not to fix, that's the question.

@wualabs Spain

Eugene Kozlov abstractart

@beagreatengineer Saint Petersburg, Russia

Atmos Maciel atmosmps
"Vi veri universum vivus vici."

@luizalabs São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil

Marcello Lamonaca m-lamonaca
Icon by

Deltatre Volvera, Italy

Marco Moreno marcomorenoag
💻 Software Engineer | 🎓 Computer Engineering @ UNAM

State of Mexico, Mexico

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Robyn-Dale Samuda samudary
Software Engineer

Minnesota, United States

Agustin M. auge2u

Zurich, Switzerland

Withney Guilherme wguilherme
💻 Full Stack Developer Typescript/NodeJS | Python | Go | React | Docker | K8S 🎓 Software Engineering Student


Henry Goodwin ClariNerd617
I guess I do Python and TypeScript and sometimes other stuff too.

Everywhere and Nowhere

Giovanni De Giorgio gdegiorgio
Cloud Engineer @ Sky; Msc in Cloud Computing

Sky Italia Salerno/Milano

Moncef AOUDIA aoudiamoncef
Passionate developer, open source contributor

@massalabs Lille

Leo leandromonaco
I'm a curiosity-driven & lifelong learning engineer.

QLD, Australia

Nirmalya Nayak nayak-nirmalya
Software Developer

NA Odisha, India

Zubin Khavarian zkMake
Software Engineer @EdClub (TypingClub) ⌨ Building UIs with React and TypeScript 🎧 Exploring Three.js ☕
Jorge Maturana ronsilver
:v Chile

John-Appleseed - Web and gaming platform with markdown, GDscript, JS, and Golang.
Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

Amine aminenaim
Typewriting and fixing pipelines. Have a great day!
Brianna Bland bbland1
Software Developer 🔎 | { skills: [typescript, react, go] } | Problem solving is my degree 📜


Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Ziad Mansour ZiadMansourM
Junior Software Engineer; Doing SRE 👾

San José State University || Cairo University Luxor || Cairo || San José, California

Ki kondohiroki
~ Golang Boy ~

Bluebik Group PLC. [Orbit Digital] Bangkok, Thailand

Niklas Petersen niklasfp

@nisportal Copenhagen, Denmark

saddam hossain saddamBD
Web 🌐 Development Simplified • Frontend Web Developer • Learning and Building ( Javascript, React.js,Next.js )🚀 • Simpler threads • Join the journey


Marcelo Dolza marcelodolza
Creative Coder

Manchester, United Kingdom

Gioacchino Piazzolla gioce90
👩‍💻 sw developer. Full-stack! 🎓 Uniba graduate 🤿 Scuba diver


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kris Coleman kriscoleman
Software Engineer

Zeeland, MI

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO