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Cole Folkers ElocF
Geospatial Coordinator for the Province of British Columbia
Khoa khoa-lucents


John FunctionalTheory
I studied philosophy at U of T. ( is my old account which I no longer have access to



Earth - Solar System - Orion Arm - Milky Way Galaxy - Local Group - Laniakea Supercluster - The Universe

Adrian A. web247

OPTASY Toronto

Ashwin Balamohan abmohan

@jumpstoneai Bellevue, WA

Jaimie Boyd boydjaimie
Chief Digital Officer in the Government of British Columbia

@bcgov Victoria, BC

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Steven Zarichney Zarichney

Zarichney Development North Bay

Jeremy Buist jbuistjbuist
full-stack web developer
OJ MacDonald OJMac789
Hey! I am a GNU/Linux programmer (elisp/python) pentester & ethical hacker! I am the collaborator of Helm-Posframe and would love to support another project!
Jelisa Cooper Jelisacooper4
Criminology behavioral analysis major and graduate!

University Of Phoenix United States

Andrés Reyes Galgani AndresReyesDev
Computer engineer with more than 20 years of experience in the development of web, desktop and mobile applications.

Toronto, ON

Francis Han francishzq
Doing math is simple; doing simple math is hard.


Adeyemi Oyinlola adeyemi-o
Computer Science Graduate | Advanced Diploma Artificial Intelligence Student at CentennialCollege Canada. Loves Dogs, Movies & some fun

Ontario, Canada

Alekzandriia alekzandriia
💻 Full-snack 🥼 Mad scientist 🤓 Curious about nearly everything 100Devs 💻💖

100Devs Guelph, Canada

Shehzad Akbar msakbar
Product Principal @ Thoughtworks. Previously @clerk @fusebit


Bartlomiej Mika bartmika
Technical Consultant

Mika Software Corporation London, Ontario, Canada

Justin Tung justunsix
Technology Architect, Healthcare

@ongov Toronto

Pradeep Kumar Prakasam pradeepp88
Blockchain Engineer/Architect

CGI for Govt. of Ontario Toronto, Canada