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Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


david balkcom qmg-software-lab
datagrams, bbs & a commodore x64

qmg lehi, utah

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Naomi Yudanin, PhD nyudanin
Blurring the line between medicine and mathematics with a dash of design sprinkled throughout.

New York

Maria Jaleh McTeigue mjm-boop
JD/MA Candidate at Washington University in St. Louis obsessed with TEFCA for some reason haha
Mohamed El Fadil Abuagla Fadil369
Enterprise Digital Solutions


Omar Usman modanq
Emergency Medicine physician and Informatician.

Washington, D.C.

Dan Hon danhon
I help governments deliver digital services that meet user needs.

Very Little Gravitas Portland, Oregon

Seth Spanogle sws-hit
Director, Product Development - Greenway Helth

Greenway Health Tampa

DevDesign dev-designs
Just a Frontend Developer from Deutschland based in North Carolina.
William Stuart williamstuart9
Data and Biotech

New York, NY

GenAI Consultant genai-consultant
GenAI Consultant | GPT4 | Azure OpenAI | OpenAI | LLM | AI Studio | Prompt Flow | LangChain | LlamaIndex | Python | AI Search | Document Intelligence | Textract

GenAI Consultant Global

kung13 sativay

United States

Mark Weiss rustycache
Interested in networks/graphs, spatial analysis, and digital health

Evolent Health Washington, USA

Biswajit Maharathi bmaharathi

University of Illinois at Chicago United States

Abubakar Muhammad Hassan darkqubits
Interested in building health technology apps

Tokyo, Japan

Luke Kuenneke LukeKuenneke

United States of America

Wei Chang weiachang

Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT Washington, D.C.

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Jason Decastro jasondecastro
building @remohealth

@remohealth new york city

Kaustubh kaustubhn
All about Technology!
