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Robert Manolea Pupix
Web wizard by day, reverse engineer by night.


Michael Fuller michaeljfuller
This is my professional account for work. "A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street." ~Doug Linder

United Kingdom

Thomas mthomas-io

@GetintheLoop, @LabelA, @deep-bv Vancouver, Canada

Shivangi Das shivangidas
Software Developer at BJSS | Machine Learning Engineer in spare time | Hacking the patriarchy always

BJSS Newcastle upon Tyne

Cristian Barraco Crish15
Software Engineer at Fiscozen

Fiscozen Italy

sharaf eldien ehab sharafabacery
Software Engineer

Alexandria, Egypt

Francesco Pasqua cesconix
Full Stack Developer | Open Source Maintainer & Contributor | Associate Manager @ Jakala | Creator of @pinoramajs 🌀

Jakala Sicily, Italy 🇮🇹

Francesco Chiapello francescochiapello
Sr. Software Engineer | Full-stack Javascript developer | Blockchain Engineer

Chpl Cuneo

Ethan ⛺︎ sixfourtwelve
I write code, that makes computers go brrr.


Daniele Barbaro danielebarbaro
I'm Daniele, a seasoned and 👨🏼‍🦲 Engineer. I'm 🇮🇹 and have been working in the tech field for over 12 years.

dB Development Turin

Federica Chiantini Federica-Chiantini
I am a front end developer that like writing code and resolve riddles 💻

Key Partner Digital Rome, Italy

Nathan Birrell nathanbirrell
Software Engineering. Typescript, Node, AWS & T3 stack. Previously: @MYOB-Technology, @Versent, @staxio, @Versent, @DeloitteAU,,


Ermon Harris WestSideData

WestSideData INC Las Vegas NV

Alessio Scarfone AlessioScarfone
😄 Hi! 🌍 Italy


Marco Turi marcoturi
Full Stack Developer and Psychologist

Nearform Turin, Italy

Giovanni Ruzzi giovanniruzzi
Senior Software Engineer

Nearform Milan, Italy

Marcos Moura thomaslnx
Software Engineer JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, NextJS, NestJS and Go Lang Jedi Apprentice

FullStack Software Engineer

Joan Anagbla tutanck
Kaizoku ô


Flavio Del Grosso flaviodelgrosso
Senior Software Engineer | JavaScript, Rust, React, Next.js, Node.js


Umar Gora umxr
engineering @ Formidable | cto @ Deen Developers

@formidablelabs West Yorkshire

Solomzi wiredmartian
Typescript, C#, Go and Flutter Software Engineer

@ikhokha South Africa

Ntokozo Shagala ntokozodev
Software Engineer

iKhokha Durban, South Africa

Curiousity mentordotgit
Eternally curious | Effortlessly trying | Endlessly learning

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav

Jacopo Martinelli JacopoPatroclo
Senior Software Developer at Nearform

Nearform Italy

sreejin sreejinsreenivasan
Co-Founder | Developer
Rakesh ra-kesh
Javascript Developer | Probably Writing React Now


Dan McGrath djm158
Senior Frontend Engineer @ Nearform (formerly Formidable)

Nearform Conshohocken