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Achraf El Mehdi B. phrechu
Front End Developer & Brand Designer


Almir AlmirSai
Hi 👋 My name is Almir and in you can find my project Data Science/ML/Backend majors
jose MARIN josermarinr
/* dev */

re-mind Paris

Melyssa Nimeth nimethv
Software Engineering & DevOps | FIAP

São Paulo

Talon Kettuso TalonFloof
I code things (poorly)

a place

Josh joshtrichards
💻 🌯, 🍺, ☕, ⚽, 🚲 Mostly @nextcloud stuff at present.
MUHNIROB-24 muhnirob24
Learning Blockchain, Crypto, NFT, UI/UX, Cybersecurity, and Networking. Focused on building solutions, mastering smart contracts, and designing user experiences
Luka Mamukashvili USLTD
Hardcore fan of milsim and realistic games, terminal wonders and SCP. Computer Science (English sector) Freshman at International Black Sea University LLC

Tbilisi, GE

Vincent Hilla vinhill
CS graduate at RWTH and ex-Mozilla


Muhammad Sufian sufiancodes
CS student | Programmer
Kirill KirilDev

RVT Latvia, Riga

StarloExolizz StarloExolimm
Starloexoliz GitHub account Main account: Kazooki123 (You should definitely follow him :D )
Sarfaraz Unar sarfarazunarr
Sarfaraz is here ✋! I am Full Stack Developer but interested in Backend, AI and Logic Development. Currently Exploring AI and new Tech Stacks!

Techryzer Hala Sindh Pakistan

HITlittlefox HITlittlefox
Programmer, majoring in Information Management at Harbin Institute of Technology.
learnwithnic yannicola
Live Love Laugh!!!

United States

Roushan Kumar Singh github-roushan
Ex-Google Software Engineer

Turing Remote

WatchAndyTW WatchAndyTW
A developer from Taiwan, experienced in Node.JS, Java, C# for over five years. Developer of VALLIANTY and Empressival, dedicated to create more useful projects.

@WindowsedCS Taiwan

Frontend Developer Level 7 S7E04 Codeando un poco 👩‍💻

BlackySoft SpA Santiago, CL

Binlogo Binlogo

ByteDance China Beijing

satake-miyuki satake-miyuki
I'm front-end Engineer and GitHub beginner. so I hope everyone will be nice to me🥰


Laura lautel
PhD fellow @coastalcph

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen

Chengnan chengnan049
Here is nothing.


vienna vienatjeee

Fashion by Edelbands the netherlands

Shigure Kurosaki kurosakishigure
Bookworm, Developer, Will to Power

Cupertino, CA