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__z__ alpinebuster
😶‍🌫️ The continuous rain does not know that spring has gone, and once it clears, I realize that summer is deep.


Brandon-Jermaine swails, S.A.W, MHS-C, CRPA, MCM BJDusan08
As'Allah-imu-'Allahi-kum! I am a dynamically ready, willing, and i-N-i abled Profit ( an offer, gift and reason-Able-Insha'Allah) RIGHTLY sharing TRUTH! B.A.M.

Bronx Borough of NYC, NY

Raimund raaaimund

@ICT4Dat Austria

David K c0un7-z3r0

@AccentureSong Germany

Mohab Gabber mohabgabber
Cyber Security Engineer, Founder & CEO @CyberHotline

@CyberHotline Linux kernel

Patrick Kahr kahrpatrick
web technologies, DevOps, software development


dntech9x memto
Self-taught Dev (C/C++, JS/NodeJS)
asdhuman asdhuman-dev

@CodeDuneApp Ukraine

Tenkai Kariya cosmikwolf
audio focused embedded engineer // Founder @ Zetaohm // Firmware Engineer @ Synapse

Zetaohm Mojave Desert

Anthony AnthonyRcd
Software development engineer

Thales Services Lyon (France)

Palash Tyagi Magnus167
Python | Problem Solving

@macrosynergy London

Linux enthusiast trying to get back into coding. On private for the time being for privacy reasons, I'll come off some time later!

Yorknew City

Daniel danielschnee
Founder and Developer of Elephouse

Elephouse Leipzig

Talha Asghar iamtalhaasghar
Professional Backend developer who is also good at Deep Learning!


Jack S. awtj8o81ryywg793
Free & Open Source Software Advocate and Practitioner.


Sanyaade Adekoya sanyaade-teachings

Pat-Eta Electronics Ltd

Jan Sroka jansroka

Elster Intelligence GmbH Berlin, Germany

Konstantin Mokhnatkin sub314xxl

Moscow, Russian Federation

AbdulRahman Nadeem ar-nadeem
I program stuff.

@Texagon-Dev Pakistan

Egidijus Ligeika egidijus
I make things work.


Max Kratz maxkratz
PhD student @Echtzeitsysteme TU Darmstadt

Technical University of Darmstadt Germany

Adam Kaminski thimslugga
I am interested in Linux, macOS, Python, Golang and Networking. Opinions expressed are my own and may not be the views of my employer.

Washington, D.C.

Bruno Rocha rochacbruno
Principal Software Engineer at @RedHatOfficial. #Python #Rust . Working on: @ansible @python @dynaconf @codeshow Marmite

@redhatofficial Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Ricardo rmdes
Middleware engineer | wanna be solution architect Love to promote #Indieweb Passionate about #RSS #OSS #Fediverse #Bluesky Brussels

Gabriel A. Devenyi gdevenyi
Research Computing Associate at Cerebral Imaging Centre, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University

Cerebral Imaging Center, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, @CobraLab Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Daniel Hedberg fixxxer77

Mercur Solutions Stockholm