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Zaria Jalan zariajalan

@Google New York, NY

Pablo C. Ruíz pcruiher08
B.S. Digital Systems and Robotics Engineering M.Sc. Computer Science - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Ricardo Alanis ricalanis
Humans + Data = SuperPowers.

@nowports Monterrey, México

Elinor P-D elinorp-d
Grad student at MIT CCC passionate about fair, responsible NLP and social good applications. Previous account @elinorpd

@mit-ccc MIT Media Lab

Deepak Krishnaa Govindarajan deepakkrish212
Co-founder @ GardenM8 | SWE @ Raven Industries
Maria Yokochi Ordal yokochimaria
Hi there! I'm a designer and front-end developer with an interest in exploring back-end work. It's nice to meet you!

MIT Center for Constructive Communication Wellesley, MA

William Brannon wwbrannon

@social-machines Cambridge, MA

Bryan Chen mrknight21

Auckland, New Zealand

Hang Jiang hjian42
PhD-ing at MIT; NLP, HCI, CSS

MIT Cambridge, MA

Harry Reyes Nieva harryreyesnieva

Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY, USA