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LeoHou Leo-Hou
I'm working on virtualization with Linux OS. As a virtualization developer, I work on KVM and QEMU.


Hyokeun Lee harrylee365

Ajou University South Korea

Kang Hyuck kang-hyuck

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Euijun Chung ejchung0406
CS PhD Student at Georgia Tech
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Graduate Researcher @ Georgia Tech

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, USA

Taekyung Heo TaekyungHeo
Senior HPC Middleware Developer at NVIDIA

NVIDIA New York City Metropolitan Area

YUKE WANG YukeWang96
Incoming Assistant Professor at Rice CS | Ph.D. at the University of California, Santa Barbara | System/Compiler for Deep Learning

Rice University

yuyue wangyuyue
CS Ph.D. student at UCLA working on CXL and CSD

Los Angeles

Seonjin Na SeonjinNa
Postdoctoral Researcher at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech

Saurabh Singh saursin

Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA, US

K Chitra LailaChitra
Performance Architecture Intern @ Intel IIT Guwahati
Akilesh Kannan aklsh
The world runs on bit flips.


Saaswath infini8-13
Creating stuff that makes and improves computers. 1/0.

IIT(BHU) Varanasi Chennai