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Just some script kiddie trying to learn how to code, in order to become less of a script kiddie and more of an actual programmer. Discord username: alte2513


Nemanja Bondzulic kkyborg

Superverse Industries

linq kapilavashtu
sex with computer


jack polanczuk jones un-simp
be tired, cry at your system cause it breaks for no reason

Amphe Co /home/un!

Ces byterider


Eric Eric-Bwr

IU Internationale Hochschule Lower Saxony

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Guido Schmidt guidoschmidt
Creative programmer from Heidelberg, Germany Heidelberg, Germany

林允儿 Yoona Lim YoonaLimSauce

chinatelecom Shanghai, China

Masked Man Veryzon
Vento Do Deserto.

@sigmaco Unidade Federal Do Leste

coffee ->code
Awayume Awayume
Japanese High School Student, Age 17.

@PescadoGames Aichi/Japan

ZGQ Inc. ZGQ-inc

ZGQ Inc. 二次元

Dennis S. Ute aVeRone
art, music and science lover… There are only 10 types of peolpe in the world, those who understand binary and those who not. ;

@microsoft Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate

Vivek Rajwanshi vrajwanshi

Berkely Wireless India, Navi Mumbai

ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

secjstnlt ohmyj
Hello World

Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia

Thomas Perrot tprrt
Embedded Linux and kernel engineer @bootlin

@bootlin Toulouse Area, France

Krzysztof Kondrak kondrak

@EmbarkStudios Poland

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Software engineer by trade. Theoretical computer scientist by schooling. Geek by birth.


Laurent Lardinois type-one


Damien FREMONT DamienFremont
Senior Software Engineer by day. Indie Game Developer by night.

Nantes, Frances

AjayBadrinath AjayBadrinath
Currently a CS undergrad Student @ Shiv Nadar University

Shiv Nadar University India

ibisrecordings ibisrecordings
I make things, but I mainly break things.


Markus Zeller markuszeller

ForcedWeb Dortmund, Germany

Ash ash-entwisle
2nd Year CompSci student @ Uni of Hull. Enjoyer of Rust, Hater of JS.

@netterapp / @AmmoniumStudios Britland

René H. TheBitFossil
"Jr. Game Engineer developing games with UE5 and Godot on Linux."

Indie Berlin, Germany

Skyslycer Skyslycer
Passionate, ongoing, open source full stack developer. Specializing in Laravel / Svelte(-Kit) applications also utilizing JVM languages and learning new ones.

Stuttgart, Germany

Dived in Rust. Prefer to Rust.
Marcin Dąbrowski mardab
Throwing stars at everything that inspires me, even if in most minute way.


Brooks bmbeverst

@cresta Herndon, VA

Paulo Carabuena pawekz

Freelance IT Support Philippines