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Atharva Celestial AtharvaAuti
* Turning ideas into circuits, and circuits into code. * Where hardware meets software. * Exploring the intersection of electronics and software.


Motivated programmer, Python Learner , Machine Learning with Python, R programming

Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Santeri Saariokari saarioka

Helsinki Institute of Physics / University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland

Saravanan Dayalan dsarvan
Physics student

Chennai, India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Guanqun Cao gqcao
I like Linux and developing efficient neural nets. 🇺🇦

Zeekr Gothenburg, Sweden

Victor Anderssén Avicted
Master of Science (Technology)(Computer Engineering).

@notasoftwaredevelopmentcompany Finland

Laura Martikainen lmartika

Sapienza University of Rome

Ashwin V. Mohanan ashwinvis
HPC specialist and research software engineer. Ph.D, KTH alumnus.

@ENCCS Stockholm

Felipe Paiva felipebpaiva

University of Helsinki

Silvia Cretoiu biosilviac
Microbial Systems | Biotech & Translational research | Data Science
Hannah Stoik hannahms

@EnterpriseDB Boston, MA

Ye Ji (纪野) jiyess
Computer-Aided Geometric Design & IsoGeometric Analysis


Usman Ahmed usmanUA
From Quantum Chemistry to Code: Evolving into a Polyglot Programmer

AMD Finland

Shenghui Zhong ZSHtju
Computational fluid dynamics & Turbulent combustion & Molecular dynamics simulation & Machine learning & Data science

Beihang University Hangzhou

Petr Pavlík petr-pavlik
Ph.D. student at Department of Water Resources and Environmental Modeling, FES CULS in Prague. Researcher at TGM Water Research Institute.

Prague, CZ

Tran Minh Tuan 7und3dpy
Dev - Hack


Mir Junaid mirjunaid26
Scientific Computing Consultant (AI/HPC)

University of Duisburg-Essen Cologne Bonn Region, Germany

Patryk Kiepas quepas
Aspiring scientist, CS PhD

Institute for Not-so-Advanced Study

Mitja Sainio msainio

@CSCfi Helsinki, Finland

Daniel inhyeoklee

University of Chicago

Zeeshan Zeeshan-Virk
WEF Nexus Researcher

University of Oulu Oulu

Zheng Gong GongZheng-Justin
Posdoctor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Nasibullin Rinat


Soner Steiner sonersteiner
I am a physicist/mathematician with a huge interest in programming, hpc, ai, ml and quantum computing.


Perry Zou ZonePG

USTC => ByteDance Hefei, China

Shohel Rana mdshohelrana
I am Shohel Rana, a creative software developer with a solid programming background on web technologies, endeavoring to come to global attention in the tech

Helsinki, Finland