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jagged jaggedsoft
2x Winner of Binance API Programming Competition

Vitality Ventures S.A. Panama

Kevin cosin2077
Full stack developer


GMfrens two-bucks
I am not an active user, but I currently and self-educating myself about contributing to open-source projects because of their value to humanity.
KaranSinghNegi Karansinghnegi396
👨‍💻 Aspiring Full-Stack Developer & ADCE Student 🔹 Skilled in Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS 🔹 Learning Three.js, Flask, and database technologies 📊 Work

India Delhi

Ihor Dotsenko GarrisonD
Ruby on Rails / React Software Developer interested in AI / ML / DL

Dnipro, Ukraine

Pavel Vdovenko lf1up
Full Stack Engineer

StrataScratch Tbilisi, Georgia

WeChat qiquanshang Email [email protected]
Oli Mostovyi olimstv
I'm a full-stack web developer based in Adelaide, Australia 🇦🇺. Originally from Ukraine 🇺🇦. In my previous life, I've worked as an Automation Test Engineer.


0xTar tar-ser
Blockchain Developer | Ethereum | DeFi

Forest Laboratories

Yuanwang Liu D-lyw
Coding in Crypto/Web3


Nektarios NekSfyris
Senior Robotics Engineer - making autonomous aerial/ground robots.

Abu Dhabi, UAE

T. Todua ttodua
Developer at @ccxt | CEO @Puvox

Tbilisi, Georgia

Enda Carroll enda-quantmatix
Head of Quantitative Research @Quantmatix

Quantmatix Dublin

joshsmarty smartie2037
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm passionate about software development and always eager to learn new technologies.

software developer Sydney australia

akola arthur alaali akolaarthurali
A computer Engineer, An emerging Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist with a great passion of building a truly trans-formative pan-African business and startup.

dozens Group Limited Makindge,

Buenos Aires
Ibrahim Amin DevHezoo
Honest Not only a word...

ABC Hosting Ltd. United Arab Emirates

Hyman Lee MrBigBang
Siddharth Krishnan sidkris
Primary Interests --> AI & DeFi Languages (Main) --> Python & Rust
wuhongsheng wuhongsheng


Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul