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Robert Bosch GmbH

Wang Loujiang wangloujiang
Hello, here is my repository for fun and learning.
Daniel Hirsch DaniDeer
Hello I'm @DaniDeer a developer from Bavaria, where we like our code like we like our beer: strong and full-bodied. Our style: Code, beer, BBQ, gaming repeat.

Robert Bosch GmbH Immenstadt, Bavaria, Germany

Tobias Windisch windisch
I'm a curious terrestrial with a particular interest in machine learning, math, and python. I like vim, too.

University of Applied Sciences Kempten Kempten, Germany

Joachim Friedrich F-Joachim

Robert Bosch GmbH Germany

Martin Roth MartinRoth

Robert Bosch GmbH Ofterschwang

Tsvetelina Yordanova ts933
Data Scientist @boschglobal

Bosch Allgäu