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sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

Bobi The-RealBobi
Fundador de @BobiStudio

Bobi Studio

Aidan Wong T0astedChipz
I like making cool stuff.


Felipe Inoue fiwon123
Before: 🎮 Indie Game Developer //// Now: ???

São Paulo, Brazil

Paul Hazen paulhazen

PlayEveryWare, Inc. Seattle, WA

Matthew Endsley mendsley
I make things just so the internet kids can yell at me on Twitter

PlayEveryWare Seattle, WA

Jaron Ray Hinds djjaron
Pickleball legend!


Aaron Macklar knockoutgames

Knockout Games Cape Coral, FL

Monier Hossam MonierHossam
.Net & Unity Game Developer -Computer Science Graduate.
Deepak iamsince1998
Indie Game Dev. from India

iamsince1998 Haryana,India

Sufiah Ahmad SufiahA
Software engineer by day, avid learner by night! I am always looking for new opportunities to hone my coding skills.

Greater Seattle Area, Washington