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Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Manuel Gijón Agudo MGijon
Software Engineer and Data Scientist

Mundimoto Barcelona, Spain

Sage Magras TheJadeResistor
I make stuff sometimes. It’s usually pretty cool, I promise
Zaynab El Mawas ZaynabEM

University of Lille - CRIStAL Lille - France

Matthew Shields MShields1986
MEng Motorsport Engineering | Whitworth Scholar | ex-CTO at Kingdom Technologies | Researcher at Strathclyde University

University of Strathclyde Glasgow

skywoodsz skywoodsz

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Sarmad Gulzar sarmadgulzar
Software Engineer
