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Álvaro Alv-fh
Estudiante de Administración de Sistemas Informáticos en Red (ASIR) Pentester / Red Team / Técnico Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes


XeusNguyen Xeus-Territory
Be stayed humble and enthusiastic with passion. Indie researcher who wants to bring new things 📧📧📧 [email protected] Viet Nam

Mr.Huang amydomi
a pretend programmer.
Laura Clemons lclemons01
Innovative product management and cloud solutions leader with extensive start up experience and DevOps collaboration. Passionate about data, AI and gardening!

Tacoma, WA

Jhony Alexis Martínez AlexisMartinez1913
Software developer. I love Java, C# and Python. I'm passionate by programming, videogames, cinema, travel, football, technology and continuous learning.

Medellín, Colombia

Rhyz Rhyzpect
College Instructor

Davao City, Philippines

Rotem Konstantinos Rotem-Konstantinos
Software Engineer. I specialize in .NET, Java and mobile development.
sakulem lemonoil
derangement is what makes you get derangement

SEU China,Nanjing

Tr4cck Tr4cck
All for me is known to me. 😲

XDU China


A1 Cement Contractors Ltd. Calgary, Canada

Amy Luu amyluums

Microsoft Corp

Wong Pedro PadoruPadoruu
How to get passive income, looking for remote jobs. [email protected]

Hong Kong

强 许 supesthero


M4rt1n_0x1337 MartinPSDev
I like challenges. Enthusiastic.


ScientifiqueE750 ScientifiqueE750
Bonjour je suis un développeur en C++, phyton et scratch. Je suis aussi un modeur Minecraft Bedrock Edition du studio infinite suis hacker grey hat

EVA Corp North of frenche/nord de la France