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Alexandr Ryzhikh raasakh
Senior/Lead Blockchain Developer, JavaScript developer. Use C, C++, C#, CMS, HTLM, css, php, js. dapps: Solidity (EVM) Ride (Waves blockchain) Javascript

Frontend Blockchain & Web Developer Russia

Moses Kippe mavrk-mose
digital craftsman

sumo labs Iringa

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

qvelard qvelard

Mines Nancy Paris

Christopher White Chris255202
Originally from New Orleans, Can play both piano and Hammond Organ, Visited 47 states and Canada

Udacity Houston, TX

ZHS copyrighthero
Adept at full-stack development, fluent in JavaScript, Python, and SQL; can occasionally converse in Bash, PHP, and C.

Austin, TX

Mxh 0xMaxoh

42 School France

Chuck B cbarnettx
I like to eat my own burgers

Some Company™ US

Martijn Oppedijk moppedijk
Frontend developer

Moppedijk Leerdam

DemonBarber23 DemonBarber1020

Dc's DemonBarber clothing brand 06120

Lucas M. LucasMontorio
Software Engineer @honestica .

@honestica Paris / London

Ewa Krajewska Sentini4 Seaworthy House LONDON, SW11 3NG, UK, SW11 3NG, GB

Salim Belkhir Salim-belkhir
I am a Software Engineer graduated from an Engineering School in Computer Science

@LedgerHQ Montpellier, France

KuroDrinkMilk KuroisKitsune
No idea from makes anything

Game Developer/Animator Bangkok

Mika Andrianarijaona mikaoelitiana
I started programming with my father's old SHARP EL-5500 scientific calculator using Basic language. Now playing with Typescript, #React, NodeJs

@busbud Paris, France

Rainbowscientist GloWE3
I am on this learning journey that if I make a mistake, apologizing in advance. Can you provide constructive feedback so I can improve, TY ❤

RainbowScientist Playground

Ahmar Saeed Ahmar-cmd
Front-End Developer | React & Next.js Enthusiast Building dynamic and innovative web apps with React, Next.js, Typescript and Tailwind CSS.

Hafizabad, Pakistan

displaystyle Joingithubstyle
Blockchain Collator & Validator
Lonnie E Goodin Thegoldengoat5150

One shot investments 7316 Reading Rd apt2 Cincinnati Ohio 45237