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Roberto Dias Junior robertodjunior
Software Developer na XD Software

XD Software São Paulo

Edgar Ocampo OcampoPythonZen
I'm an IT Engineer and I like the programming languages. Specially Java, Python and Kotlin and Learning Angular.


Janani M Janani-Murali

Logic Information Systems, (INDIA) Pvt Ltd. Chennai

LM lucasmodrich
Iterative Betterment. Scratcher of Itches


Pete Yan peteyan

@KewnyCorp Shanghai, China

Anton Pomanytskyi pomanitzz
Senior Software Engineer
Lee Hall lethall
Retired. C/Unix developer since 1983 who codes in Python, Java, Go, TypeScript, C#, and GDScript.

Retired Caledonia, OH

Michael Klein michaelklein24
Software Developer | Full Stack Web Development | Java | JavaScript | C# | React | Angular | Spring Boot

Logic Information Systems Austin, Texas

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps
