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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

dqvid dquevid
rm -rfd /brain/
unknown CybereDrum
Embracing the Light, Darkness shall perish.


Bernardo smoge
Composer | Programmer | Musician | Performer | Crafting scores, sounds and code with equal passion. Exploring the intersections


Christophe Monier TheMicronauts
Composer, producer, DJ, head of the Micronautics label

Micronautics Paris

Michaël tekit

Tek'it Studio France

Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them) reillypascal
Composer, electronic musician, and educator // Music tech lecturer at SUNY Geneseo // I like noise, code, electronics, and nostalgia

Rochester, NY

Linsan Yang yangls06
I am now a student majoring in data science. New start!
Colorwav3 Studio Colorwav3
Creating games, design assets & art/design-community tools.
headsink sink headsink

Kartel Ong 888 The Sky

Gllmar gllmAR
This github is mainly for teaching. Most of my developpement has migrated to

Artificiel Montreal

Ame アメ ameknite
✦ Character Artist • Main: BlueSky • Support me: Ko-fi • Links:
Straussn strzlee
why not zoidberg? *blbbbllbbbllbblblblb*

Jausentest Internet

Stephen Zabel sjzabel
I'm a dev 5... I can cast Fireball now!

Q2eBanking Austin, TX