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Chris Renshaw crenshaw78
I am an experienced mobile developer working in Miami. Besides my full time job, I am working on projects in Android Kotlin, iOS Swift, Java Spring, and React.

Drive-Innovations Miami, Florida

mel meliani
Learning in life ... Sometimes I teach.

RandomTings Everywhere

Minik_Lyd MinikOlsenLyd
Electronic Engineering student | Freelance sound engineer


Hey there, I'm an electronics engineer who is learning -more or less- how to program. I'm still a n00b, so expect to see a lot of silly mistakes.
Ramazan Sancar ramazansancar
╥━━━━━━━━╭━━╮━━┳ ╢╭╮╭━━━━━┫┃▋▋━▅┣ ╢┃╰┫┈┈┈┈┈┃┃┈┈╰┫┣ ╢╰━┫┈┈┈┈┈╰╯╰┳━╯┣ ╢┊┊┃┏┳┳━━┓┏┳┫┊┊┣ ╨━━┗┛┗┛━━┗┛┗┛━━┻

Waiting offers... Manisa, Turkey

ferrie = differentieel differentieel
handmade music from my own studio


James McGill jmcgill-public
James McGill, McGill Cloud Enterprises

McGill Cloud Enterprises Scottsdale Arizona

Brad Holland bradholland

ISLA Instruments Florida

Scott Veirs scottveirs
Bioacoustician and oceanographer in the Pacific Northwest.

Beam Reach, SPC Seattle, WA, USA