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Mohamed Galal mgalal8866
My name is Mohamed Galal, Back-end Developer and I constantly strive for development and learning.

Egypt - Alexandria

asma asmashawky
Flutter Developer | Software Engineer
Ahmed Gomaa EngAhmedGomaa1234
A communication engineer specializing in systems communication, currently expanding expertise through software testing. Eager to blend technical and testing ski

Aquadic software solutions

Mohamed Amr Mohamed-Amr19
Software Engineer @AQuadic


10 Trend Meia Agency 10Trend
Elevate your brand with us ✨ the all-in-one marketing solution We drive success through creativity and innovation, guiding your journey to excellence

Dubai, UAE

Mohamed Idris edriso
I make web apps 🐱‍👤 | Minimalist 🐾

Alexandria, Egypt

RaykujanK13 rimba5446
Gak Tau Mau Ngapain

RaeiZers Group Community Indonesia,Banten

Ahmed Nasser AhmedNasser7797
i am interested of mobile development using flutter , for now i have experience for about 1 year with flutter framework , worked for about 8 main projects like:


Saif Allah Khaled Saifallak
Programmer, Statistician, Computer Geek and Anime Fan.

@AQuadic Egypt