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Esteban estebanfelipep
Passionate about solving problems using code as a tool.


Carlos Yazid CarlosYazid
Manipulating data | Colombiano


Interested in distributed, scalable systems, FP , Web dev , OSS [email protected]

Accra, Ghana

Kirill Gavrilov gavvvr
Senior backend developer (Kotlin/Java)
Sander Trijssenaar ALTrijssenaar
Getting shit done | Passion for technology | Quality focused | Hands-on mentality

Xpirit Oudewater

Pieter-Paul Luijten ppluijten
Cloud Solution Architect | Azure, .NET, Data, IoT

Xebia | Xpirit Huissen, Arnhem-Nijmegen, Netherlands

Sujith Quintelier sujithq
Full bio available @

@xebia Belgium

Peter Szekeli peterszekeli

Xebia | Microsoft Services (@xebia) The Netherlands

Mojtaba Imani mojtabaimani
Consultant, Platform/Cloud/Kubernetes
Oleksandr Korniienko oleksanderkorn
Senior Software Engineer

Hilversum, Netherlands


Xebia Microsoft Services

Erik Oppedijk Oppedijk

@XpiritBV Netherlands

Rob Bos rajbos
DevOps afficionado

@Xebia Den Bosch, NL

Arjan van Bekkum arjanvanbekkum
I am passionate about problem-solving for customers with the help of technology. I love to learn new techniques, technologies and ways to improve myself.

@Xebia Zwolle, Netherlands

Amias Channer amias-channer
Software Test Consultant @ Xebia Consulting

@xebia @qxperts @Santandersecurityresearch Amsterdam,NL

Jesse Houwing jessehouwing
GitHub Trainer, Microsoft MVP, Microsoft ALM Ranger, Microsoft Community contributor, Professional Scrum Trainer and Phoenix Project Game facilitator

@xebia Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Mark van Holsteijn mvanholsteijn

Xebia Cloud Hilversum, The Netherlands

Tomás Cayuelas Ruiz tomascayuelas
Software Engineer at @47deg

Xebia functional Spain, Barcelona

Ron S Intex32
CS student at TUM

47, Alster Systems UG delocalized ⌬

Samir Kahvedzic Zamirk
Software Engineer FP | Scala

@sky-uk @xebia-functional @VTSL-Ltd London

Nikita brndt

@Wallapop Barcelona, Spain

Sávio Raires de Souza savitoh
I'm a Software Developer. Currently focused on Java and Kotlin for backend development.

@ciandt Salvador/BA - Brazil

Bogdan Cordier octogene
Android Developer

@worldline France

Luis Carcamo lcarcamo1526
Sometimes I do cycling, Sometimes I lift weights, Sometimes I do code. Sometimes both [email protected]


Victor Carrillo-Redondo victorcrrd

@xebia-functional Cádiz, Spain

David Vega Lichacz realdavidvega
Software Engineer from Technical University of Madrid, currently working at @xebia, Backend in @Kotlin. Previously at @deutschebank, @BBVA.

@xebia | Formerly @47deg Madrid, Spain

Jaime Navarro jaimenavarro
Senior DevOps Engineering at @xebia-functional

Xebia Spain

Julián Carvajal 1304julian97
I work at 47 Degrees which is a global consulting firm and open source advocate specializing in Scala, Kotlin, and related functional programming technologies.

47degrees Medellín Colombia

ooussem ooussem
Software & Data Engineer Université Paris X - MIAGE
