When replacing timecode, is it supposed to only generate/add 1 sample? #77
Hi there, thanks so much for making this, it's helped me a lot to understand timecode creation. I'm just a video editor trying to solve a problem, and so I don't know Swift super well, but I kept getting warnings about the .wait() in "AVAsset Timecode Write.swift" because it doesn't seem to work well with modern concurrency, or at least however I was trying to use it (I don't really know what I'm doing). Anyway it worked until I ran 1TB of files to replace timecode and then compress, and then eventually it would cause a crash, so I had to stop using TimecodeKit unfortunately. However, I looked into what you were doing and what I could do and came up with a solution using your method of creating new timecode samples. I was just wondering if your code is supposed to only add 1 sample? I noticed that my output files seem to be fine but the timecode end is always 4 frames after timecode start, whereas the original files have a timecode end matching the final frame of the video. If it's only supposed to add 1 sample it seems like you realised the timecode end doesn't actually matter? I'm also not sure if your timecode is usually written in the timescale of the original timecode, so I've added the timescale to the writer just in case: // called with: await writeTemporaryTimecodeTrack(from: sourceTimecodeTrack, toURL: tempfileURL) { }
func writeTemporaryTimecodeTrack(
from sourceTimecodeTrack: AVAssetTrack,
toURL tempfileURL: URL,
completion: @escaping () -> Void
) async {
// get settings from source asset
let formatDescriptions = try? await sourceTimecodeTrack.load(.formatDescriptions)
guard let formatDescription = formatDescriptions?.first else {
print("Failed to load timecode track properties")
let frameDurationDesc = CMTimeCodeFormatDescriptionGetFrameDuration(formatDescription)
let frameDuration = frameDurationDesc.value
let timeScale = frameDurationDesc.timescale
let inputFrameDuration = CMTime(value: frameDuration, timescale: timeScale)
// set up writer
guard let writer = try? AVAssetWriter(url: tempfileURL, fileType: .mov) else {
print("Writer initialisation failed")
return }
writer.movieTimeScale = timeScale
let input = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .timecode, outputSettings: nil)
input.mediaTimeScale = timeScale
guard writer.canAdd(input) else { print("Adding input to writer failed")
return }
guard writer.startWriting() else {
print("Failed to start writing")
return }
writer.startSession(atSourceTime: .zero)
// fetch start timecode or set new one here
guard let getStartTimecode = getInitialTimecode(for: sourceTimecodeTrack) else {
print("Failed to get initial timecode frame")
var startTimecode = getStartTimecode.bigEndian
// write data
guard let blockBuffer = try? CMBlockBuffer(length: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size) else {
print("Failed to initialise blockbuffer")
return }
do {
try blockBuffer.fillDataBytes(with: 0x00)
try withUnsafeBytes(of: &startTimecode) { startTimecodePointer in
try blockBuffer.replaceDataBytes(with: startTimecodePointer)
} catch {
print("Failed to write blockbuffer data")
// append sample buffer
guard let sampleBuffer = try? CMSampleBuffer(
dataBuffer: blockBuffer,
formatDescription: formatDescription,
numSamples: 1,
sampleTimings: [CMSampleTimingInfo(duration: inputFrameDuration, presentationTimeStamp: .zero, decodeTimeStamp: .invalid)],
sampleSizes: [4]
) else {
print("Failed to initialise samplebuffer")
return }
do {
try sampleBuffer.makeDataReady()
} catch {
print("Failed to make samplebuffer ready")
// finish writing
do {
try await finishWritingAsset(writer: writer, frameDuration: inputFrameDuration)
print("Asset writing completed successfully.")
} catch {
print("Error during asset writing: \(error)")
func finishWritingAsset(writer: AVAssetWriter, frameDuration: CMTime) async throws {
writer.endSession(atSourceTime: frameDuration)
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
writer.finishWriting {
if writer.status == .completed {
continuation.resume(returning: ())
} else if writer.status == .failed {
let defaultError = NSError(domain: "com.yourdomain.error",
code: -1,
userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Unknown error during asset writing."])
continuation.resume(throwing: writer.error ?? defaultError)
} else {
let defaultError = NSError(domain: "com.yourdomain.error",
code: -2,
userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Asset writing was cancelled or an unexpected error occurred."])
continuation.resume(throwing: defaultError)
// if successfully written then call: await replaceTimecodeInMovie(movie: movie, withNewTimecodeFrom: tempfileURL)
func replaceTimecodeInMovie(movie: AVMutableMovie, withNewTimecodeFrom tempfileURL: URL) async {
// load new timecode asset
let newTimecodeAsset = AVMutableMovie(url: tempfileURL, options: [AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey: true])
guard let newTimecodeTrack = newTimecodeAsset.tracks(withMediaType: .timecode).first else {
print("Failed to load new timecode track.")
let newTimecodeTrackDuration = newTimecodeTrack.timeRange.duration
//remove existing timecode tracks from the mutable movie
let existingTimecodeTracks = movie.tracks(withMediaType: .timecode)
existingTimecodeTracks.forEach { track in
// create new mutable timecode track
guard let movieTimecodeTrack = movie.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .timecode, copySettingsFrom: nil) else {
print("Failed to add new mutable timecode track.")
// add new timecode track
do {
let range = CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: newTimecodeTrackDuration)
try movieTimecodeTrack.insertTimeRange(range, of: newTimecodeTrack, at: .zero, copySampleData: true)
let videoTracks = movie.tracks(withMediaType: .video)
if videoTracks.isEmpty {
print("No video tracks found.")
} else {
videoTracks.forEach { videoTrack in
movieTimecodeTrack.addTrackAssociation(to: videoTrack, type: .timecode)
print("Timecode associated with video track.")
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Failed to replace timecode track: \(error)")
print("Error localised description: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 1 comment 3 replies
Do you remember what sort of errors? Do you mean when Thread Sanitizer is turned on?
Sounds like a memory issue. Do you recall if that caused really large RAM usage? If so, then that's probably a small fix where a release pool might be needed.
I'd have to look into it. I didn't run into any issues with test video files I was using so maybe it's an edge case, not sure. In theory you just need one timecode sample at the start of the track and have the track duration match the video track's (if I recall, been a while since I worked on this module). |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Do you remember what sort of errors? Do you mean when Thread Sanitizer is turned on?
Sounds like a memory issue. Do you recall if that caused really large RAM usage? If so, then that's probably a small fix where a release pool might be needed.