Select again initial raw dataset (NextSeq500...) in Sushi and select ‚STARApp’
Select specific parameters for the reference and preprocessing options:
Start job via ‚Next’ and ‚Submit’
Navigate to IGV Website and launch IGV with 750 MB option: http://software.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/download
- Select corresponding reference in IGV:
- Load BAM-File(s) into IGV:
- Copy URL for BAM-File from Sushi
- Paste URL into IGV via File → Load from URL:
- Repeat ‚Copy & Paste’ with another sample of the other condition to load one file per biological group (glucose & glycerol eth)
Search for Gene ‚YHR094C’ (=HXT1) and explore result
Is there a difference in gene expression for ‚YHR094C’ between the conditions?
What is the orientation of the reads in comparison to the reference (color alignment by read strand)?
(Are there genes with more than one exon in Yeast?)