- Navigate to Sushi Demo Server: http://fgcz-sushi-demo.uzh.ch
- Enter your project ID in the field: e.g. 1001, 1002 etc.
- Select „DataSet“ to get a listing of existing DataSets in your Project.
There should be only one dataset which contains the meta-information of the raw data:
- Click on the name of this dataset to see the details, to list all Apps and to select FastqcApp
- Keep default options and continue with ‚Next’:
- Start the actual job with ‚Submit’:
- Go back to main page via ‚Today’s Menu’:
- Repeat Step3 and explore the new dataSet ‚Fastqc_....’ . After 1-3 minutes a link to the FastQC-report should be available. Select this link to open the report
- Explore the FastQC-Report
- Questions:
- Are there under/overrepresented libraries?
Are there differences in quality scores across all bases?
Was an adapter contamination detected? Are there differences across the libraries?
Do you see a relationship between GC-content and adapter content/primer dimers?
→ What could be a good preprocessing strategy for our data?