This webbsite (hosted at provides web interface for Slovenia Landcover (RABA-KGZ) community import process.
- Leaflet for showing the map
- zlib.js for unzipping zipped shapefiles
- shapefile-js for parsing shapefiles
- leaflet.shapefile for integrating shapefiles into leaflet
- catiline to do shapefile parsing in the background
- Leaflet.MousePosition for showing geo-coordinates
- leaflet-hash for preserving zoom and location in the URL
- Bootstrap for responsive site
- Bootleaf for responsive leaflet maps
- jQuery to help put everything together
- JOSM Remote Control to streamline the import process
- TagInfo project integration for import analysis
- OpenStreetMap mapnik layer for comparing RABA with existing OSM data
- RABA tiles - tiles from RABA dataset, kindly hosted on WMS-Server
- RABA3000 tiles - tiles from RABA dataset, kindly hosted on WMS-Server
- relief overlay (SRTM based)
- tiles for high-level zooms rendering of OpenStreetMap data
- watercolor tiles by Stamen Design for fun