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Adding dynamic behavior: working with variables and props

Now that we have our markup and styles ready we can start developing the required features for our To-Do list app. In this article we'll be using variables and props to make our app dynamic, allowing us to add and delete todos, and mark them as complete.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with the core HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages, knowledge of the terminal/command line.

You'll also need a terminal with node + npm installed to compile and build your app.

Objective: Learn and put into practice some basic Svelte concepts, like creating components, passing data using props, render JavaScript expressions into our markup, modify the components state and iterating over lists.

Coding along with us

If you want to get the app's code to start coding you can clone the github repo (if you haven't already done it) with git clone and then cd mdn-svelte-tutorial/03-adding-dynamic-behavior, or you may directly download the folder's content with npx degit opensas/mdn-svelte-tutorial/03-adding-dynamic-behavior. Remember to run npm install && npm run dev to start you app in development mode. You can also follow us online using this REPL.

Working with todos

Our Todos.svelte component is currently just displaying static markup; let's start making it a bit more dynamic. Let's take the tasks information from the markup and store it in a todos array. We'll also create two variables to keep track of the total number of tasks and the completed tasks.

The state of our component will be represented by these three top-level variables.

Create a <script> section at the top of src/components/Todos.svelte with the following content:

  let todos = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Create a Svelte starter app', completed: true },
    { id: 2, name: 'Create your first component', completed: true },
    { id: 3, name: 'Complete the rest of the tutorial', completed: false }

  let totalTodos = todos.length
  let completedTodos = todos.filter(todo => todo.completed).length

Now let's do something with that information. Let's start by showing a status message. Find the <h2> heading with id list-heading and replace the hardcoded number of tasks and completed with dynamic expressions:

<h2 id="list-heading">{completedTodos} out of {totalTodos} items completed</h2>

Now when you go to the app, you'll see the "2 out of 3 items completed" message as before, but this time the information is coming from the todos array. To prove it, go to that array, and try changing some of the todo object's completed property values, and even add a new todo object. Observe how the numbers in the message are updated appropriately.

Dynamically generating the todos from the data

At the moment, our displayed todo items are all static. We want to iterate over each item in our todos array and render the markup for each task, so let's do that now.

HTML doesn't have a way of expressing logic, like conditionals and loops. Svelte does. In this case we use the {#each...} directive to iterate over the todos array. The second parameter, if provided, will contain the index of the current item. Also, a key expression can be provided, which will uniquely identify each item. Svelte will use it to diff the list when data changes, rather than adding or removing items at the end, and it's a good practice to always specify one. Finally, an :else block can be provided, which will be rendered when the list is empty.

Let's give it a try. Replace the existing <ul> element with the following simplified version to get an idea of how it works:

{#each todos as todo, index (}
    <input type="checkbox" checked={todo.completed}/> {index}. {} (id: {})
  Nothing to do here!

You'll see something like this:

Our first #each block

Now we've seen that this is working, let's generate a complete todo item with each loop of the {#each} directive, and inside it embed the information from the todos array: id, name, and completed. Replace your existing <ul> block with the following:

  <!-- Todos -->
  <ul role="list" class="todo-list stack-large" aria-labelledby="list-heading">
  {#each todos as todo (}
    <li class="todo">
      <div class="stack-small">
        <div class="c-cb">
          <input type="checkbox" id="todo-{}" checked={todo.completed}/>
          <label for="todo-{}" class="todo-label">
        <div class="btn-group">
          <button type="button" class="btn">
            Edit <span class="visually-hidden">{}</span>
          <button type="button" class="btn btn__danger">
            Delete <span class="visually-hidden">{}</span>
    <li>Nothing to do here!</li>

Notice how we are using curly braces to embed JavaScript expressions in HTML attributes, like we did with the checked and id attributes of the checkbox.

We've turned our static markup into a dynamic template ready to display the tasks from our component's state. Great! We are getting there.

Working with props

With a hardcoded list of todos, our Todos component is not very useful. To turn our component into a general purpose To-Do editor we should allow the parent of this component to pass the list of todos to edit. This would allow us to save them to a web service or local storage and later retrieve them for update. So let's turn the array into a prop. In Todos.svelte replace let todos = ... with export let todos = [].

export let todos = []

This may feel a little weird at first. That's not how export normally works in JavaScript modules! This is how Svelte 'extends' JavaScript by taking valid syntax and giving it a new purpose. In this case Svelte is using the export keyword to mark a variable declaration as a property or prop, which means it becomes accessible to consumers of the component.

You can also specify a default initial value for a prop. It will be used if the component's consumer doesn't specify the prop on the component (or if its initial value is undefined) when instantiating the component.

So with export let todos = [], we are telling Svelte that our Todos.svelte component will accept a todos attribute, that when omitted will be initialized to an empty array.

If you have a look at the app you'll see the Nothing to do here! message. This is because we are not passing any value into it from App.svelte, so its using the default value.

Now let's move our todos to App.svelte and pass them to Todos.svelte component as a prop. Update src/App.svelte as follows:

  import Todos from './components/Todos.svelte'

  let todos = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Create a Svelte starter app', completed: true },
    { id: 2, name: 'Create your first component', completed: true },
    { id: 3, name: 'Complete the rest of the tutorial', completed: false }

<Todos todos={todos} />

A nice shortcut provided by Svelte is that when the attribute and the variable has the same name you can just specify the variable, so we can rewrite our last line like this:

<Todos {todos} />

At this point your todos should render just like they did before, except that now we're passing them in from the App.svelte component.

Toggling and removing todos

Let's add some functionality to toggle the task status. Svelte has the on:eventname directive to listen to DOM events. Let's add a handler to the on:click event of the checkbox input to toggle the completed value. Update the <input type="checkbox"> element inside src/components/Todos.svelte as follows:

<input type="checkbox" id="todo-{}" 
  on:click={() => todo.completed = !todo.completed}

Next then we'll add a function to remove a todo from our todos array. At the bottom of the Todos.svelte <script> section, add the removeTodo() function like so:

  function removeTodo(todo) {
    todos = todos.filter(t => !==

And we'll call it from the Delete button. Update it with a click event, like so:

<button type="button" class="btn btn__danger"
  on:click={() => removeTodo(todo)}
  Delete <span class="visually-hidden">{}</span>

A very common mistake with handlers in Svelte is to pass the result of executing a function as a handler, instead of passing the function. For example, if you specify on:click={removeTodo(todo)}, it will execute removeTodo(todo) and the result will be passed as a handler, which is not what we had in mind.

In this case you have to specify on:click={() => removeTodo(todo)} as handler. If removeTodo received no params, you could use on:event={removeTodo}, but not on:event={removeTodo()}. This is not some special Svelte syntax — here we are just using regular JavaScript arrow functions.

Again, this is good progress — at this point, we can now delete tasks. When a "Delete" button is pressed, the relevant todo is removed from the todos array, and the UI updates to no longer show it. In addition, we can now check the checkboxes, and the completed status of the relevant todos will now update in the todos array. But the "x out of y items completed" heading is not being updated. Read on to find out why this is happening and how we can solve it.

Reactive todos

As we've already seen, every time the value of a component's top-level variable is modified Svelte knows how to update the UI. In our case, if the todos, totalTodos or completedTodos if updated Svelte will update the DOM. But in this case the following code is just two regular javascript assignments that, like the rest of the <script> tag, gets executed when the component is instantiated:

  let totalTodos = todos.length
  let completedTodos = todos.filter(todo => todo.completed).length

We could recalculate them after toggling and removing todos, but there's an easier way to do it.

We can tell Svelte that our totalTodos and completedTodos variables are reactive by prefixing them with $:. Svelte will generate the code to automatically update them whenever data they depend on is changed.

Svelte uses the $: JavaScript label statement syntax to mark reactive statement. Just like the export keyword being used to declare props, this may look a little alien. This is another example in which Svelte takes advantage of valid JavaScript syntax and gives it a new purpose — in this case to to mean 're-run this code whenever any of the referenced values change'. Once you get used to it, there's no going back.

Update your totalTodos and completedTodos variable definitions inside src/components/Todos.svelte to look like so:

  $: totalTodos = todos.length
  $: completedTodos = todos.filter(todo => todo.completed).length

If you check your app now, you'll see that the heading's numbers are updated when todos are completed or deleted. Nice!

Behind the scenes Svelte compiler will parse and analyze our code to make a dependency tree, then it will generate the JavaScript code to re-evaluate each reactive statement whenever one of their dependencies is updated. Reactivity in Svelte is implemented in a very lightweight and performant way, without using listeners, setters, getters, or any other complex mechanism.

Adding new todos

Now onto the final task for this article — let's add some functionality for adding new todos.

First, we'll create a variable to hold the text of the new todo. Add this declaration to the <script> section of Todos.svelte file:

  let newTodoName = ''

Now we have to use this value in the <input> for adding new tasks. To do that we need to bind our newTodoName variable to the todo-0 input, so that the newTodoName variable value stays in sync with the input's value property. We could do something like this:

<input value={newTodoName} on:keydown={(e) => newTodoName =} />

Whenever the value of the variable newTodoName changes, it will be reflected in the value attribute of the input, and whenever a key is pressed in the input, we will update the contents of the variable newTodoName.

This is a manual implementation of two-way data binding for an input box. But Svelte provides an easier way to bind any property to a variable — using the bind:property directive, like this:

<input bind:value={newTodoName} />

So, let's implement this. Update the todo-0 input like so:

<input bind:value={newTodoName} type="text" id="todo-0" autocomplete="off" class="input input__lg" />

An easy way to test that this works is to add a reactive statement to log the contents of newTodoName. Add this snippet at the end of the <script> section:

$: console.log('newTodoName: ', newTodoName)

Note: as you may have noticed, reactive statements aren't limited to variable declarations. You can put any JavaScript expression after the $: sign.

Now try going back to localhost:5000, press Ctrl-Shift-K to open your browser console and start typing something in the input box. You should see your entries logged. At this point, you can delete the reactive console.log if you wish.

Now we'll create a function to add the new todo — addTodo(), which will push a new todo object onto the todos array. Add this to the bottom of your <script> block inside src/components/Todo.svelte:

function addTodo() {
  todos.push({ id: 999, name: newTodoName, completed: false })
  newTodoName = ''

Note: For the moment we are just assigning the same id to every todo, but don't worry, we will fix that in a minute.

Now we want to update our HTML so that we call addTodo() once the form is submitted. Update the NewTodo form's opening tag like so:

  <form on:submit|preventDefault={addTodo}>

Note: The on:eventname directive supports adding modifiers to the DOM event with the | character. In this case, the preventDefault modifier tells Svelte to generate the code to call event.preventDefault() before running the handler. Explore the previous link to see what other modifiers are available.

If you try adding new todos in our app at this point, the new todos are added to the todos array but our UI is not updated. That's because in Svelte reactivity is triggered with assignments. That means that the addTodo() function is executed, the element is added to the todos array, but Svelte won't detect that the push method modified the array, so it won't refresh the tasks <ul>.

Just adding todos = todos at the end of the addTodo function would solve the problem, but it seems strange to have to include that at the end of the function. Instead, we'll take out the push() method and use spread syntax to achieve the same result, except that this time we're assigning a value to the todos array equal to the todos array plus the new object.

Array has several mutable operations - push, pop, splice, shift, unshift, reverse and sort. Using them is usually causing side effects and bugs that are hard to track. By using the spread syntax instead of push we avoid mutating the array, which is considered a good practice.

Update your addTodo() function like so:

function addTodo() {
  todos = [...todos, { id: 999, name: newTodoName, completed: false }]
  newTodoName = ''

Giving each todo a unique ID

If you try to add new todos in your app now, you'll be able to add a new todo and have it appear in the UI! Once. If you try it a second time, it won't work, and you'll get a console message saying "Error: Cannot have duplicate keys in a keyed each". We need unique IDs for our todos!

Let's declare a newTodoId variable calculated from the number of todos plus 1, and make it reactive. Add the following snippet to the <script> section:

  let newTodoId
  $: {
    if (totalTodos === 0) {
      newTodoId = 1;
    } else {
      newTodoId = Math.max( => + 1;

Note: as you can see, reactive statements are not limited to one-liners. The following would work too, but it is a little less readable: $: newTodoId = totalTodos ? Math.max( => + 1 : 1

How does Svelte achieve this? The compiler parses the whole reactive statement, and detects that it depends on the totalTodos variable and todos array. So whenever either of them is modified, this code is re-evaluated, updating newTodoId accordingly.

Let's use it in our addTodo() function — update it like so:

  function addTodo() {
    todos = [...todos, { id: newTodoId, name: newTodoName, completed: false }]
    newTodoName = ''

Filtering todos by status

Let's implement filtering our todos by status. We'll create a variable to hold the current filter, and a helper function that will return the filtered todos.

At the bottom of our <script> section add:

  let filter = 'all'
  const filterTodos = (filter, todos) => 
    filter === 'active' ? todos.filter(t => !t.completed) :
    filter === 'completed' ? todos.filter(t => t.completed) : 

We use the filter variable to control the active filter: all, active or completed. Just assigning one of these values to the filter variable will activate the filter and update the list of todos. Let's see how to achieve this.

The filterTodos function will receive the current filter and the list of todos, and it will return a new array of todos filtered accordingly.

Let's now update the markup to make it dynamic and to update the current filter when the user presses any button.

<div class="filters btn-group stack-exception">
  <button class="btn toggle-btn" class:btn__primary={filter === 'all'} aria-pressed={filter === 'all'} on:click={()=> filter = 'all'} >
    <span class="visually-hidden">Show</span>
    <span class="visually-hidden">tasks</span>
  <button class="btn toggle-btn" class:btn__primary={filter === 'active'} aria-pressed={filter === 'active'} on:click={()=> filter = 'active'} >
    <span class="visually-hidden">Show</span>
    <span class="visually-hidden">tasks</span>
  <button class="btn toggle-btn" class:btn__primary={filter === 'completed'} aria-pressed={filter === 'completed'} on:click={()=> filter = 'completed'} >
    <span class="visually-hidden">Show</span>    
    <span class="visually-hidden">tasks</span>

There are a couple of things going on in this markup.

We will show the current filter by applying the btn__primary to the button of that filter. To conditionally apply style classes to an element we use the class:name={value} directive. If the value expression evaluates to truthy the class name will be applied. You can add many of this directives, with different conditions, to the same element. So when we issue class:btn__primary={filter === 'all'} Svelte will apply the btn__primary class if filter equals all.

As you may have guessed by now, Svelte provides a shortcut which allows to write <div class:active={active}> like <div class:active> when the class matches the variable name.

Something similar happens with the aria-pressed={filter === 'all'}, when the JavaScript expression passed between curly braces evaluates to a truthy value, the aria-pressed attribute will be added to the button.

Whenever we click on a button we update the filter variable by issuing on:click={()=> filter = 'all'}. Read on to find out how Svelte reactivity will take care of the rest.

Now we just need to use the helper function in the {#each} loop:

  <ul role="list" class="todo-list stack-large" aria-labelledby="list-heading">
  {#each filterTodos(filter, todos) as todo (}

After analyzing our code Svelte will find out that our filterTodos function depends on the variables filter and todos. And just like with any other dynamic expression embedded in the markup, whenever any of these dependencies change the DOM will be updated accordingly. So whenever filter or todos changes, the filterTodos function will be re-evaluated and the items inside the loop will be updated.

Tip: reactivity can be tricky sometimes. Svelte recognizes the filter as a dependency because where are referencing it in the filterTodos(filter, todo) expression. filter is a top-level variable, so we might be tempted to remove it from the helper function params, and just call it like this filterTodos(todo). This would work, but now Svelte has no way to find out that {#each filterTodos(todos)... depends on filter, and the list of filtered todos won't be updated when the filter changes. Always remember that Svelte analyzes our code to find out dependencies, so it's better to be explicit about it and don't rely on the visibility of top-level variables. Besides it's a good practice to make our code clear and explicit about what information is using.

Coding along with us

If you want to see how the app's code should look like by now you can clone the github repo (if you haven't already done it) with git clone and then cd mdn-svelte-tutorial/04-componentizing-our-app, or you may directly download the folder's content with npx degit opensas/mdn-svelte-tutorial/04-componentizing-our-app. Remember to run npm install && npm run dev to start you app in development mode. You can also follow us online using this REPL.


That will do for now! In this article we already implemented most of the desired functionality. Our app can display, add and delete todos, toggle their completed status, show how many of them are completed and also apply filters to our todos.

To recap, we covered the following topics:

  • Creating and using components.
  • Turning static markup into a live template.
  • Embedding JavaScript expressions in our markup.
  • Iterating over lists using the {#each} directive.
  • Passing information between components with props.
  • Listening to DOM events.
  • Declaring reactive statements.
  • Basic debugging with console.log() and reactive statements.
  • Binding HTML properties with the bind:property directive.
  • Triggering reactivity with assignments.
  • Use reactive expressions to filter data
  • Explicitly define our reactive dependencies

In the next article we will add further functionality to allow users to edit todos and filter them by status.