diff --git a/aws_open_datasets.json b/aws_open_datasets.json
index 3e946d8..9163f4a 100644
--- a/aws_open_datasets.json
+++ b/aws_open_datasets.json
@@ -4466,7 +4466,7 @@
"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::wrf-ak-ar5",
"Region": "us-east-1",
"Type": "S3 Bucket",
- "Documentation": "http://ckan.snap.uaf.edu/dataset/historical-and-projected-dynamically-downscaled",
+ "Documentation": "https://catalog.snap.uaf.edu/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/7825535",
"Contact": "http://directory.iarc.uaf.edu/peter-bieniek",
"ManagedBy": "Scenarios Network for Alaska + Arctic Planning at the International Arctic Resea",
"UpdateFrequency": "as needed",
diff --git a/aws_open_datasets.tsv b/aws_open_datasets.tsv
index 28c7cce..75b05c5 100644
--- a/aws_open_datasets.tsv
+++ b/aws_open_datasets.tsv
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ Discrete Reasoning Over the content of Paragraphs (DROP) Project data files in a
Distributed Archives for Neurophysiology Data Integration (DANDI) All datasets arn:aws:s3:::dandiarchive us-east-2 S3 Bucket http://dandiarchive.org [DANDI Archive Help Desk](https://github.com/dandi/helpdesk/issues/new/choose) [DANDI Archive](https://www.dandiarchive.org/team) New datasets deposited every month CC0, CC-BY aws-pds, biology, cell imaging, electrophysiology, life sciences, infrastructure, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, neuroscience
District of Columbia - Classified Point Cloud LiDAR - LAS, XML LAS, XML arn:aws:s3:::dc-lidar-2018 us-east-1 S3 Bucket [2015 data](https://github.com/awslabs/open-data-docs/tree/main/docs/dc-lidar-20 dcgis@dc.gov [Washington DC government](https://dc.gov/) The most recent data is from 2018 and 2015 data is available as well. A new data See Washington, DC [Terms of Use](https://dc.gov/page/terms-and-conditions-use) aws-pds, geospatial, cities, us-dc, disaster response ['[Browse Bucket](https://dc-lidar-2018.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html)']
District of Columbia - Classified Point Cloud LiDAR - LAS, XML, SHP LAS, XML, SHP arn:aws:s3:::dc-lidar-2015 us-east-1 S3 Bucket [2015 data](https://github.com/awslabs/open-data-docs/tree/main/docs/dc-lidar-20 dcgis@dc.gov [Washington DC government](https://dc.gov/) The most recent data is from 2018 and 2015 data is available as well. A new data See Washington, DC [Terms of Use](https://dc.gov/page/terms-and-conditions-use) aws-pds, geospatial, cities, us-dc, disaster response ['[Browse Bucket](https://dc-lidar-2015.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html)']
-Downscaled Climate Data for Alaska Dynamically downscaled climate data for Alaska and surrounding regions arn:aws:s3:::wrf-ak-ar5 us-east-1 S3 Bucket http://ckan.snap.uaf.edu/dataset/historical-and-projected-dynamically-downscaled http://directory.iarc.uaf.edu/peter-bieniek Scenarios Network for Alaska + Arctic Planning at the International Arctic Resea as needed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ aws-pds, agriculture, climate, coastal, earth observation, environmental, weather, aws-pds, sustainability ['[Browse Bucket](http://wrf-ak-ar5.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/)']
+Downscaled Climate Data for Alaska Dynamically downscaled climate data for Alaska and surrounding regions arn:aws:s3:::wrf-ak-ar5 us-east-1 S3 Bucket https://catalog.snap.uaf.edu/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/7825535 http://directory.iarc.uaf.edu/peter-bieniek Scenarios Network for Alaska + Arctic Planning at the International Arctic Resea as needed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ aws-pds, agriculture, climate, coastal, earth observation, environmental, weather, aws-pds, sustainability ['[Browse Bucket](http://wrf-ak-ar5.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/)']
ECMWF ERA5 Reanalysis ERA5 Reanalysis NetCDF 4 files arn:aws:s3:::era5-pds us-east-1 S3 Bucket https://github.com/planet-os/notebooks/blob/master/aws/era5-pds.md etoodu@intertrust.com [Intertrust](https://www.intertrust.com/) Monthly Generated using Copernicus Climate Change Service Information 2018. See http://a aws-pds, agriculture, climate, earth observation, meteorological, weather
ECMWF real-time forecasts Access ECMWF's open-data for real-time forecasts arn:aws:s3:::ecmwf-forecasts eu-central-1 S3 Bucket [User Documentation](https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/DAC/ECMWF+open+data%3A https://confluence.ecmwf.int/site/support [European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts](https://www.ecmwf.int/) The data are released 1 hour after the [real-time dissemination schedule](https: This ECMWF data is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internatio air temperature, atmosphere, meteorological, near-surface air temperature, near-surface relative humidity, near-surface specific humidity, precipitation, weather
EMory BrEast Imaging Dataset (EMBED) EMBED dataset and tables arn:aws:s3:::embed-dataset-open us-west-2 S3 Bucket https://github.com/Emory-HITI/EMBED_Open_Data hari.trivedi@emory.edu Health Innovation and Translational Informatics Lab at Emory University (hitilab New data to be added annually [Custom License](https://github.com/Emory-HITI/EMBED_Open_Data/blob/main/EMBED_l aws-pds, health, cancer, mammography, imaging, x-ray, bias, biology https://forms.gle/HwGMM6vdv3w32TKF9
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+++ b/gee_catalog.tsv
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COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V-C3/Global Copernicus Global Land Cover Layers: CGLS-LC100 Collection 3 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V-C3/Global') Copernicus 2015-01-01 2019-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False copernicus, eea, esa, eu, landcover, proba, probav, vito https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_Landcover_100m_Proba-V-C3_Global.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_Landcover_100m_Proba-V-C3_Global proprietary
COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V/Global Copernicus Global Land Cover Layers: CGLS-LC100 Collection 2 [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V/Global') Copernicus 2015-01-01 2015-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 True copernicus, eea, esa, eu, landcover, proba, probav, vito https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_Landcover_100m_Proba-V_Global.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_Landcover_100m_Proba-V_Global proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S1_GRD Sentinel-1 SAR GRD: C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected, log scaling image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2014-10-03 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False backscatter, copernicus, esa, eu, polarization, radar, sar, sentinel https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S1_GRD.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S1_GRD proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S2 Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2015-06-23 2023-09-21 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2 proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY Sentinel-2: Cloud Probability image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY') European Union/ESA/Copernicus/SentinelHub 2015-06-23 2023-09-21 -180, -56, 180, 83 False cloud, copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel, sentinelhub https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED Harmonized Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2015-06-23 2023-09-21 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_HARMONIZED.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_HARMONIZED proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S2_SR Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-2A image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2017-03-28 2023-09-21 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, reflectance, sentinel, sr https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_SR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_SR proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED Harmonized Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-2A image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2017-03-28 2023-09-21 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, reflectance, sentinel, sr https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_SR_HARMONIZED.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_SR_HARMONIZED proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S3/OLCI Sentinel-3 OLCI EFR: Ocean and Land Color Instrument Earth Observation Full Resolution image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S3/OLCI') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2016-10-18 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False copernicus, esa, eu, olci, radiance, sentinel, toa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S3_OLCI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S3_OLCI proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S1_GRD Sentinel-1 SAR GRD: C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected, log scaling image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2014-10-03 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False backscatter, copernicus, esa, eu, polarization, radar, sar, sentinel https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S1_GRD.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S1_GRD proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S2 Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2015-06-23 2023-09-22 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2 proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY Sentinel-2: Cloud Probability image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY') European Union/ESA/Copernicus/SentinelHub 2015-06-23 2023-09-22 -180, -56, 180, 83 False cloud, copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel, sentinelhub https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED Harmonized Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2015-06-23 2023-09-22 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_HARMONIZED.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_HARMONIZED proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S2_SR Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-2A image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2017-03-28 2023-09-22 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, reflectance, sentinel, sr https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_SR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_SR proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED Harmonized Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-2A image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2017-03-28 2023-09-22 -180, -56, 180, 83 False copernicus, esa, eu, msi, reflectance, sentinel, sr https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S2_SR_HARMONIZED.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2_SR_HARMONIZED proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S3/OLCI Sentinel-3 OLCI EFR: Ocean and Land Color Instrument Earth Observation Full Resolution image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S3/OLCI') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2016-10-18 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False copernicus, esa, eu, olci, radiance, sentinel, toa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S3_OLCI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S3_OLCI proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_AER_AI Sentinel-5P NRTI AER AI: Near Real-Time UV Aerosol Index image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_AER_AI') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aai, aerosol, air_quality, copernicus, esa, eu, knmi, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi, uvai https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_AER_AI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_AER_AI proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_AER_LH Sentinel-5P NRTI AER LH: Near Real-Time UV Aerosol Layer Height image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_AER_LH') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, air_quality, alh, copernicus, esa, eu, knmi, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi, uvai https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_AER_LH.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_AER_LH proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_CLOUD Sentinel-5P NRTI CLOUD: Near Real-Time Cloud image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_CLOUD') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-05 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, cloud, copernicus, dlr, esa, eu, s5p, sentinel, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_CLOUD.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_CLOUD proprietary
@@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_CO Sentinel-5P NRTI CO: Near Real-Time Carbon Monoxide im
COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_HCHO Sentinel-5P NRTI HCHO: Near Real-Time Formaldehyde image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_HCHO') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-10-02 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False air_quality, bira, copernicus, dlr, esa, eu, formaldehyde, hcho, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_HCHO.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_HCHO proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_NO2 Sentinel-5P NRTI NO2: Near Real-Time Nitrogen Dioxide image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_NO2') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False air_quality, copernicus, esa, eu, knmi, nitrogen_dioxide, no2, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_NO2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_NO2 proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_O3 Sentinel-5P NRTI O3: Near Real-Time Ozone image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_O3') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False air_quality, copernicus, esa, eu, o3, ozone, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_O3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_O3 proprietary
-COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_SO2 Sentinel-5P NRTI SO2: Near Real-Time Sulfur Dioxide image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_SO2') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-10 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False air_quality, bira, copernicus, dlr, esa, eu, pollution, s5p, sentinel, so2, sulfur_dioxide, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_SO2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_SO2 proprietary
+COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_SO2 Sentinel-5P NRTI SO2: Near Real-Time Sulfur Dioxide image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/NRTI/L3_SO2') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False air_quality, bira, copernicus, dlr, esa, eu, pollution, s5p, sentinel, so2, sulfur_dioxide, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_SO2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_NRTI_L3_SO2 proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_AER_AI Sentinel-5P OFFL AER AI: Offline UV Aerosol Index image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_AER_AI') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-04 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aai, aerosol, air_quality, copernicus, esa, eu, knmi, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi, uvai https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_AER_AI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_AER_AI proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_AER_LH Sentinel-5P OFFL AER LH: Offline UV Aerosol Layer Height image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_AER_LH') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2018-07-04 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, air_quality, alh, copernicus, esa, eu, knmi, pollution, s5p, sentinel, tropomi, uvai https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_AER_LH.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_AER_LH proprietary
COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_CH4 Sentinel-5P OFFL CH4: Offline Methane image_collection ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_CH4') European Union/ESA/Copernicus 2019-02-08 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, copernicus, esa, eu, knmi, methane, s5p, sentinel, sron, tropomi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/COPERNICUS/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_CH4.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_CH4 proprietary
@@ -71,11 +75,11 @@ CSP/ERGo/1_0/US/topoDiversity US NED Topographic Diversity image ee.Image('CSP/E
CSP/HM/GlobalHumanModification CSP gHM: Global Human Modification image_collection ee.ImageCollection('CSP/HM/GlobalHumanModification') Conservation Science Partners 2016-01-01 2016-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False csp, fragmentation, human_modification, landcover, landscape_gradient, stressors, tnc https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/CSP/CSP_HM_GlobalHumanModification.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/CSP_HM_GlobalHumanModification CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
DLR/WSF/WSF2015/v1 World Settlement Footprint 2015 image ee.Image('DLR/WSF/WSF2015/v1') Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) 2015-01-01 2016-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False landcover, landsat_derived, sentinel1_derived, settlement, urban https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/DLR/DLR_WSF_WSF2015_v1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/DLR_WSF_WSF2015_v1 CC0-1.0
DOE/ORNL/LandScan_HD/Ukraine_202201 LandScan High Definition Data for Ukraine, January 2022 image ee.Image('DOE/ORNL/LandScan_HD/Ukraine_202201') Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2022-01-01 2022-02-01 22.125, 44.175, 40.225, 52.4 False landscan, population, ukraine https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/DOE/DOE_ORNL_LandScan_HD_Ukraine_202201.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/DOE_ORNL_LandScan_HD_Ukraine_202201 CC-BY-4.0
-ECMWF/CAMS/NRT Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Global Near-Real-Time image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/CAMS/NRT') European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 2016-06-22 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, atmosphere, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, forecast, particulate_matter https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_CAMS_NRT.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_CAMS_NRT proprietary
+ECMWF/CAMS/NRT Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Global Near-Real-Time image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/CAMS/NRT') European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 2016-06-22 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, atmosphere, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, forecast, particulate_matter https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_CAMS_NRT.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_CAMS_NRT proprietary
ECMWF/ERA5/DAILY ERA5 Daily Aggregates - Latest Climate Reanalysis Produced by ECMWF / Copernicus Climate Change Service image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5/DAILY') ECMWF / Copernicus Climate Change Service 1979-01-02 2020-07-09 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, copernicus, dewpoint, ecmwf, era5, precipitation, pressure, reanalysis, surface, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_DAILY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_DAILY proprietary
ECMWF/ERA5/MONTHLY ERA5 Monthly Aggregates - Latest Climate Reanalysis Produced by ECMWF / Copernicus Climate Change Service image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5/MONTHLY') ECMWF / Copernicus Climate Change Service 1979-01-01 2020-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, copernicus, dewpoint, ecmwf, era5, precipitation, pressure, reanalysis, surface, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_MONTHLY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_MONTHLY proprietary
ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR ERA5-Land Daily Aggregated - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/DAILY_AGGR') Daily Aggregates: Google and Copernicus Climate Data Store 1950-01-02 2023-09-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cds, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, era5_land, evaporation, heat, lakes, precipitation, pressure, radiation, reanalysis, runoff, snow, soil_water, temperature, vegetation, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_DAILY_AGGR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_DAILY_AGGR proprietary
-ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY ERA5-Land Hourly - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY') Copernicus Climate Data Store 1950-01-01 2023-09-11 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cds, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, era5_land, evaporation, heat, lakes, precipitation, pressure, radiation, reanalysis, runoff, snow, soil_water, temperature, vegetation, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_HOURLY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_HOURLY proprietary
+ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY ERA5-Land Hourly - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY') Copernicus Climate Data Store 1950-01-01 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cds, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, era5_land, evaporation, heat, lakes, precipitation, pressure, radiation, reanalysis, runoff, snow, soil_water, temperature, vegetation, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_HOURLY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_HOURLY proprietary
ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/MONTHLY ERA5-Land Monthly Averaged - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/MONTHLY') Copernicus Climate Data Store 1950-02-01 2023-04-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 True cds, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, era5_land, evaporation, heat, lakes, precipitation, pressure, radiation, reanalysis, runoff, snow, soil_water, temperature, vegetation, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_MONTHLY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_MONTHLY proprietary
ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/MONTHLY_AGGR ERA5-Land Monthly Aggregated - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/MONTHLY_AGGR') Monthly Aggregates: Google and Copernicus Climate Data Store 1950-02-01 2023-08-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cds, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, era5_land, evaporation, heat, lakes, precipitation, pressure, radiation, reanalysis, runoff, snow, soil_water, temperature, vegetation, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_MONTHLY_AGGR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_MONTHLY_AGGR proprietary
ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/MONTHLY_BY_HOUR ERA5-Land Monthly Averaged by Hour of Day - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/MONTHLY_BY_HOUR') Climate Data Store 1950-01-01 2023-08-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cds, climate, copernicus, ecmwf, era5_land, evaporation, heat, lakes, precipitation, pressure, radiation, reanalysis, runoff, snow, soil_water, temperature, vegetation, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/ECMWF/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_MONTHLY_BY_HOUR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/ECMWF_ERA5_LAND_MONTHLY_BY_HOUR proprietary
@@ -108,7 +112,7 @@ FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_NPP_D WAPOR Dekadal Net Primary Production 2.0 image_collection e
FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_D WAPOR Dekadal Reference Evapotranspiration 2.0 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_D') FAO UN 2009-01-01 2023-03-11 -30.15, -39.9953437, 65.13, 40.0044643 False agriculture, fao, wapor, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/FAO/FAO_WAPOR_2_L1_RET_D.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/FAO_WAPOR_2_L1_RET_D proprietary
FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_E WAPOR Daily Reference Evapotranspiration 2.0 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_RET_E') FAO UN 2009-01-01 2023-03-20 -30.15, -39.9953437, 65.13, 40.0044643 False agriculture, fao, wapor, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/FAO/FAO_WAPOR_2_L1_RET_E.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/FAO_WAPOR_2_L1_RET_E proprietary
FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_T_D WAPOR Dekadal Transpiration 2.0 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('FAO/WAPOR/2/L1_T_D') FAO UN 2009-01-01 2023-03-01 -30.0044643, -40.0044644, 65.0044644, 40.0044643 False agriculture, fao, wapor, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/FAO/FAO_WAPOR_2_L1_T_D.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/FAO_WAPOR_2_L1_T_D proprietary
-FIRMS FIRMS: Fire Information for Resource Management System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('FIRMS') NASA / LANCE / EOSDIS 2000-11-01 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False eosdis, fire, firms, geophysical, hotspot, lance, modis, nasa, thermal https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/FIRMS/FIRMS.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/FIRMS proprietary
+FIRMS FIRMS: Fire Information for Resource Management System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('FIRMS') NASA / LANCE / EOSDIS 2000-11-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False eosdis, fire, firms, geophysical, hotspot, lance, modis, nasa, thermal https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/FIRMS/FIRMS.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/FIRMS proprietary
FORMA/FORMA_500m FORMA Global Forest Watch Deforestation Alerts, 500m [deprecated] image ee.Image('FORMA/FORMA_500m') Global Forest Watch, World Resources Institute 2006-01-01 2015-06-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 True alerts, deforestation, forest, forma, geophysical, gfw, modis, nasa, wri https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/FORMA/FORMA_FORMA_500m.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/FORMA_FORMA_500m proprietary
Finland/MAVI/VV/50cm Finland NRG NLS orthophotos 50 cm by Mavi image_collection ee.ImageCollection('Finland/MAVI/VV/50cm') NLS orthophotos 2015-01-01 2018-01-01 59, 18, 69.4, 29.2 False falsecolor, finland, mavi, nrg, orthophoto https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/Finland/Finland_MAVI_VV_50cm.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/Finland_MAVI_VV_50cm CC-BY-4.0
Finland/SMK/V/50cm Finland RGB NLS orthophotos 50 cm by SMK image_collection ee.ImageCollection('Finland/SMK/V/50cm') NLS orthophotos 2015-01-01 2023-01-01 59, 18, 69.4, 29.2 False finland, orthophoto, rgb, smk https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/Finland/Finland_SMK_V_50cm.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/Finland_SMK_V_50cm proprietary
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ GLIMS/20171027 GLIMS 2017: Global Land Ice Measurements From Space [deprecated]
GLIMS/20210914 GLIMS 2021: Global Land Ice Measurements From Space table ee.FeatureCollection('GLIMS/20210914') National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSDIC) 1750-01-01 2019-07-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False glacier, glims, ice, landcover, nasa, nsidc, snow https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GLIMS/GLIMS_20210914.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GLIMS_20210914 proprietary
GLIMS/current GLIMS Current: Global Land Ice Measurements From Space table ee.FeatureCollection('GLIMS/current') National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSDIC) 1750-01-01 2019-07-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False glacier, glims, ice, landcover, nasa, nsidc, snow https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GLIMS/GLIMS_current.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GLIMS_current proprietary
GLOBAL_FLOOD_DB/MODIS_EVENTS/V1 Global Flood Database v1 (2000-2018) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('GLOBAL_FLOOD_DB/MODIS_EVENTS/V1') Cloud to Street (C2S) / Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO) 2000-02-17 2018-12-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2s, cloudtostreet, dartmouth, dfo, flood, gfd, inundation, surface, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GLOBAL_FLOOD_DB/GLOBAL_FLOOD_DB_MODIS_EVENTS_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GLOBAL_FLOOD_DB_MODIS_EVENTS_V1 CC-BY-NC-4.0
-GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1 Dynamic World V1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1') World Resources Institute 2015-06-23 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False global, google, landcover, landuse, nrt, sentinel2_derived https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GOOGLE/GOOGLE_DYNAMICWORLD_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GOOGLE_DYNAMICWORLD_V1 CC-BY-4.0
+GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1 Dynamic World V1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1') World Resources Institute 2015-06-23 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False global, google, landcover, landuse, nrt, sentinel2_derived https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GOOGLE/GOOGLE_DYNAMICWORLD_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GOOGLE_DYNAMICWORLD_V1 CC-BY-4.0
GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v1/polygons Open Buildings V1 Polygons [deprecated] table ee.FeatureCollection('GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v1/polygons') Google Research - Open Buildings 2021-04-30 2021-04-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 True africa, building, built_up, open_buildings, structure https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GOOGLE/GOOGLE_Research_open-buildings_v1_polygons.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GOOGLE_Research_open-buildings_v1_polygons CC-BY-4.0
GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v2/polygons Open Buildings V2 Polygons [deprecated] table ee.FeatureCollection('GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v2/polygons') Google Research - Open Buildings 2022-08-30 2022-08-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 True africa, asia, building, built_up, open_buildings, south_asia, southeast_asia, structure https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GOOGLE/GOOGLE_Research_open-buildings_v2_polygons.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GOOGLE_Research_open-buildings_v2_polygons CC-BY-4.0
GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v3/polygons Open Buildings V3 Polygons table ee.FeatureCollection('GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v3/polygons') Google Research - Open Buildings 2023-05-30 2023-05-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 False africa, asia, building, built_up, open_buildings, south_asia, southeast_asia, structure https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/GOOGLE/GOOGLE_Research_open-buildings_v3_polygons.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/GOOGLE_Research_open-buildings_v3_polygons CC-BY-4.0
@@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ HYCOM/GLBu0_08/sea_water_velocity HYCOM: Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model, Water Ve
HYCOM/sea_surface_elevation HYCOM: Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model, Sea Surface Elevation image_collection ee.ImageCollection('HYCOM/sea_surface_elevation') NOPP 1992-10-02 2023-05-08 -180, -80.48, 180, 80.48 False elevation, hycom, nopp, ocean, ssh, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/HYCOM/HYCOM_sea_surface_elevation.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/HYCOM_sea_surface_elevation proprietary
HYCOM/sea_temp_salinity HYCOM: Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model, Water Temperature and Salinity image_collection ee.ImageCollection('HYCOM/sea_temp_salinity') NOPP 1992-10-02 2023-05-08 -180, -80.48, 180, 80.48 False hycom, nopp, ocean, salinity, sst, water, water_temp https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/HYCOM/HYCOM_sea_temp_salinity.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/HYCOM_sea_temp_salinity proprietary
HYCOM/sea_water_velocity HYCOM: Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model, Water Velocity image_collection ee.ImageCollection('HYCOM/sea_water_velocity') NOPP 1992-10-02 2023-05-08 -180, -80.48, 180, 80.48 False hycom, nopp, ocean, velocity, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/HYCOM/HYCOM_sea_water_velocity.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/HYCOM_sea_water_velocity proprietary
-IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET GRIDMET: University of Idaho Gridded Surface Meteorological Dataset image_collection ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET') University of California Merced 1979-01-01 2023-09-18 -124.9, 24.9, -66.8, 49.6 False climate, fireburning, gridmet, humidity, merced, metdata, nfdrs, precipitation, radiation, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET proprietary
+IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET GRIDMET: University of Idaho Gridded Surface Meteorological Dataset image_collection ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET') University of California Merced 1979-01-01 2023-09-20 -124.9, 24.9, -66.8, 49.6 False climate, fireburning, gridmet, humidity, merced, metdata, nfdrs, precipitation, radiation, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET proprietary
IDAHO_EPSCOR/MACAv2_METDATA MACAv2-METDATA: University of Idaho, Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs Applied to Global Climate Models image_collection ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/MACAv2_METDATA') University of California Merced 1900-01-01 2100-12-31 -124.9, 24.9, -67, 49.6 False climate, conus, geophysical, idaho, maca, monthly https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR/IDAHO_EPSCOR_MACAv2_METDATA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_MACAv2_METDATA CC0-1.0
IDAHO_EPSCOR/MACAv2_METDATA_MONTHLY MACAv2-METDATA Monthly Summaries: University of Idaho, Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs Applied to Global Climate Models image_collection ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/MACAv2_METDATA_MONTHLY') University of California Merced 1900-01-01 2099-12-31 -124.9, 24.9, -67, 49.6 False climate, conus, geophysical, idaho, maca, monthly https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR/IDAHO_EPSCOR_MACAv2_METDATA_MONTHLY.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_MACAv2_METDATA_MONTHLY CC0-1.0
IDAHO_EPSCOR/PDSI PDSI: University of Idaho Palmer Drought Severity Index [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/PDSI') University of California Merced 1979-03-01 2020-06-20 -124.9, 24.9, -66.8, 49.6 True climate, conus, crop, drought, geophysical, merced, palmer, pdsi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR/IDAHO_EPSCOR_PDSI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_PDSI proprietary
@@ -173,17 +177,17 @@ JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR/YEARLY/SAR Global PALSAR-2/PALSAR Yearly Mosaic, version 1 imag
JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR/YEARLY/SAR_EPOCH Global PALSAR-2/PALSAR Yearly Mosaic, version 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR/YEARLY/SAR_EPOCH') JAXA EORC 2015-01-01 2022-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False alos, alos2, eroc, jaxa, palsar, palsar2, sar https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_ALOS_PALSAR_YEARLY_SAR_EPOCH.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_ALOS_PALSAR_YEARLY_SAR_EPOCH proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V1 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Leaf Area Index (V1) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V1') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2020-06-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, lai, land, leaf_area_index https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V1 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V2 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Leaf Area Index (V2) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V2') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2021-11-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, lai, land, leaf_area_index https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V2 proprietary
-JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Leaf Area Index (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, lai, land, leaf_area_index https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V3 proprietary
+JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Leaf Area Index (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LAI/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, lai, land, leaf_area_index https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LAI_V3 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V1 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Land Surface Temperature (V1) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V1') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2020-06-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, land, land_surface_temperature, lst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V1 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V2 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Land Surface Temperature (V2) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V2') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2021-11-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, land, land_surface_temperature, lst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V2 proprietary
-JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Land Surface Temperature (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, land, land_surface_temperature, lst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V3 proprietary
+JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Land Surface Temperature (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/LAND/LST/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, land, land_surface_temperature, lst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_LAND_LST_V3 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V1 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Chlorophyll-a Concentration (V1) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V1') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2020-06-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False chla, chlorophyll_a, climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, ocean_color https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V1 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V2 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Chlorophyll-a Concentration (V2) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V2') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2021-11-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False chla, chlorophyll_a, climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, ocean_color https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V2 proprietary
-JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Chlorophyll-a Concentration (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False chla, chlorophyll_a, climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, ocean_color https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V3 proprietary
+JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Chlorophyll-a Concentration (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False chla, chlorophyll_a, climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, ocean_color https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_CHLA_V3 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V1 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Sea Surface Temperature (V1) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V1') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2020-06-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, sea_surface_temperature, sst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V1 proprietary
JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V2 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Sea Surface Temperature (V2) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V2') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2018-01-01 2021-11-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, sea_surface_temperature, sst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V2 proprietary
-JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Sea Surface Temperature (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, sea_surface_temperature, sst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V3 proprietary
-JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/operational GSMaP Operational: Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/operational') JAXA Earth Observation Research Center 2014-03-01 2023-09-20 -180, -60, 180, 60 False climate, geophysical, gpm, hourly, jaxa, precipitation, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GPM_L3_GSMaP_v6_operational.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GPM_L3_GSMaP_v6_operational proprietary
+JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V3 GCOM-C/SGLI L3 Sea Surface Temperature (V3) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/SST/V3') Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) 2021-11-29 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, g_portal, gcom, gcom_c, jaxa, ocean, sea_surface_temperature, sst https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GCOM-C_L3_OCEAN_SST_V3 proprietary
+JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/operational GSMaP Operational: Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/operational') JAXA Earth Observation Research Center 2014-03-01 2023-09-22 -180, -60, 180, 60 False climate, geophysical, gpm, hourly, jaxa, precipitation, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GPM_L3_GSMaP_v6_operational.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GPM_L3_GSMaP_v6_operational proprietary
JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/reanalysis GSMaP Reanalysis: Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/reanalysis') JAXA Earth Observation Research Center 2000-03-01 2014-03-12 -180, -60, 180, 60 False climate, geophysical, gpm, hourly, jaxa, precipitation, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JAXA/JAXA_GPM_L3_GSMaP_v6_reanalysis.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JAXA_GPM_L3_GSMaP_v6_reanalysis proprietary
JCU/Murray/GIC/global_tidal_wetland_change/2019 Murray Global Tidal Wetland Change v1.0 (1999-2019) image ee.Image('JCU/Murray/GIC/global_tidal_wetland_change/2019') Murray/JCU 1999-01-01 2019-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False coastal, ecosystem, intertidal, landsat_derived, mangrove, murray, saltmarsh, tidal_flat, tidal_marsh https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JCU/JCU_Murray_GIC_global_tidal_wetland_change_2019.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JCU_Murray_GIC_global_tidal_wetland_change_2019 CC-BY-4.0
JRC/D5/EUCROPMAP/V1 EUCROPMAP 2018 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('JRC/D5/EUCROPMAP/V1') Joint Research Center (JRC) 2018-01-01 2019-01-01 -16.171875, 34.313433, 36.386719, 72.182526 False crop, eu, jrc, lucas, sentinel1_derived https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/JRC/JRC_D5_EUCROPMAP_V1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/JRC_D5_EUCROPMAP_V1 CC-BY-4.0
@@ -281,18 +285,18 @@ LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T2_SR USGS Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Tier 2 [deprecated] im
LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 2013-03-18 2022-01-02 -180, -90, 180, 90 True global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C01_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C01_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1 USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1') USGS 2013-03-18 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l8, landsat, lc8, oli_tirs, radiance, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1 PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2 USGS Landsat 8 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2') USGS 2013-03-18 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, l8sr, landsat, lasrc, lc08, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_L2 proprietary
-LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 and Real-Time data Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT') USGS 2013-03-18 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l8, landsat, lc8, nrt, oli_tirs, radiance, rt, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT_TOA USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 and Real-Time data TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT_TOA') USGS/Google 2013-03-18 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l8, landsat, lc8, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT_TOA PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 and Real-Time data Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT') USGS 2013-03-18 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l8, landsat, lc8, nrt, oli_tirs, radiance, rt, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT_TOA USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 and Real-Time data TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_RT_TOA') USGS/Google 2013-03-18 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l8, landsat, lc8, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_RT_TOA PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA') USGS/Google 2013-03-18 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T1_TOA PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T2 USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 2 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T2') USGS 2021-10-28 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l8, landsat, lc8, oli_tirs, radiance, t2, tier2, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T2 PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T2_L2 USGS Landsat 8 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T2_L2') USGS 2013-03-18 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, l8sr, landsat, lasrc, lc08, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T2_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T2_L2 proprietary
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 2021-10-28 2023-09-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC08_C02_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1 USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 1 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1') USGS 2021-10-31 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l9, landsat, lc9, oli_tirs, radiance, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1 PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_L2 USGS Landsat 9 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_L2') USGS 2021-10-31 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, l9sr, landsat, lasrc, lc09, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_L2 proprietary
-LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_TOA USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_TOA') USGS/Google 2021-10-31 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_TOA PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2 USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 2 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2') USGS 2021-11-02 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l9, landsat, lc9, oli_tirs, radiance, t2, tier2, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2 PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_L2 USGS Landsat 9 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_L2') USGS 2021-10-31 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, l9sr, landsat, lasrc, lc09, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_L2 proprietary
-LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 2021-11-02 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l9, landsat, lc9, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1 USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 1 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1') USGS 2021-10-31 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l9, landsat, lc9, oli_tirs, radiance, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1 PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_L2 USGS Landsat 9 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_L2') USGS 2021-10-31 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, l9sr, landsat, lasrc, lc09, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_L2 proprietary
+LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_TOA USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_TOA') USGS/Google 2021-10-31 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T1_TOA PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2 USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 2 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2') USGS 2021-11-02 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l9, landsat, lc9, oli_tirs, radiance, t2, tier2, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2 PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_L2 USGS Landsat 9 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_L2') USGS 2021-10-31 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, l9sr, landsat, lasrc, lc09, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_L2 proprietary
+LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 9 Collection 2 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 2021-11-02 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, l9, landsat, lc9, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC09_C02_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC8 USGS Landsat 8 Raw Scenes [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8') USGS 2013-04-11 2017-05-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 True global, l8, landsat, lc8, oli_tirs, radiance, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC8.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC8 PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC8_L1T USGS Landsat 8 Raw Scenes (Orthorectified) [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T') USGS 2013-04-11 2017-05-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 True global, l8, landsat, lc8, oli_tirs, radiance, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC8_L1T.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC8_L1T PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_32DAY_BAI Landsat 8 32-Day BAI Composite [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_32DAY_BAI') USGS 2013-04-07 2017-04-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 True bai, landsat, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LC8_L1T_32DAY_BAI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LC8_L1T_32DAY_BAI PDDL-1.0
@@ -354,14 +358,14 @@ LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 1 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance [depr
LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T2 USGS Landsat 7 Collection 1 Tier 2 Raw Scenes [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T2') USGS 1999-05-28 2021-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 True c1, etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, t2, tier2, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T2 PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T2_SR USGS Landsat 7 Surface Reflectance Tier 2 [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T2_SR') USGS 1999-05-28 2021-10-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 True cfmask, cloud, fmask, global, landsat, le07, ledaps, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T2_SR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T2_SR proprietary
LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 1 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 1999-05-28 2021-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 True global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1 USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 1 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-25 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1 PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2 USGS Landsat 7 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-25 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, etm, fmask, global, landsat, lasrc, le07, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_L2 proprietary
+LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1 USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 1 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1 PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2 USGS Landsat 7 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, etm, fmask, global, landsat, lasrc, le07, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_L2 proprietary
LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_RT USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 1 and Real-Time data Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_RT') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, nrt, radiance, rt, t1, tier1, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_RT.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_RT PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_RT_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 1 and Real-Time data TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_RT_TOA') USGS/Google 1999-05-28 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_RT_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_RT_TOA PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA') USGS/Google 1999-05-28 2023-08-25 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_TOA PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2 USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 2 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-25 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, t2, tier2, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2 PDDL-1.0
-LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_L2 USGS Landsat 7 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_L2') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-25 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, etm, fmask, global, landsat, lasrc, le07, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_L2 proprietary
-LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 2003-12-01 2023-08-25 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_TOA') USGS/Google 1999-05-28 2023-08-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T1_TOA PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2 USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 2 Raw Scenes image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, t2, tier2, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2 PDDL-1.0
+LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_L2 USGS Landsat 7 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_L2') USGS 1999-05-28 2023-08-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cfmask, cloud, etm, fmask, global, landsat, lasrc, le07, lst, reflectance, sr, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_L2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_L2 proprietary
+LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_TOA USGS Landsat 7 Collection 2 Tier 2 TOA Reflectance image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_TOA') USGS/Google 2003-12-01 2023-08-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 False c2, global, landsat, toa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_TOA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE07_C02_T2_TOA PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LE7 USGS Landsat 7 Raw Scenes [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE7') USGS 1999-05-28 2017-04-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 True etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE7.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE7 PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LE7_L1T USGS Landsat 7 Raw Scenes (Orthorectified) [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE7_L1T') USGS 1999-05-28 2017-04-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 True etm, global, l7, landsat, le7, radiance, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE7_L1T.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE7_L1T PDDL-1.0
LANDSAT/LE7_L1T_32DAY_BAI Landsat 7 32-Day BAI Composite [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE7_L1T_32DAY_BAI') USGS 1999-01-01 2017-04-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 True bai, landsat, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/LANDSAT/LANDSAT_LE7_L1T_32DAY_BAI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/LANDSAT_LE7_L1T_32DAY_BAI PDDL-1.0
@@ -627,8 +631,8 @@ MODIS/061/MCD12Q1 MCD12Q1.061 MODIS Land Cover Type Yearly Global 500m image_col
MODIS/061/MCD12Q2 MCD12Q2.006 Land Cover Dynamics Yearly Global 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD12Q2') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2001-01-01 2022-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False evi, global, modis, onset_greenness, phenology, usgs, yearly https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD12Q2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD12Q2 proprietary
MODIS/061/MCD15A3H MCD15A3H.061 MODIS Leaf Area Index/FPAR 4-Day Global 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD15A3H') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-09-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 4_day, fpar, global, lai, mcd15a3h, modis, nasa, usgs, vegetation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD15A3H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD15A3H proprietary
MODIS/061/MCD18C2 MCD18C2.061 Photosynthetically Active Radiation Daily 3-Hour image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD18C2') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-02-24 2023-08-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False par, radiation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD18C2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD18C2 proprietary
-MODIS/061/MCD19A1_GRANULES MCD19A1.061: Land Surface BRF Daily L2G Global 500m and 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD19A1_GRANULES') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-12-21 2003-10-11 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, aod, aqua, daily, global, maiac, modis, nasa, terra, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD19A1_GRANULES.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD19A1_GRANULES proprietary
-MODIS/061/MCD19A2_GRANULES MCD19A2.061: Terra & Aqua MAIAC Land Aerosol Optical Depth Daily 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD19A2_GRANULES') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-02-24 2023-09-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, aod, aqua, daily, global, maiac, mcd19a2, modis, nasa, terra, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD19A2_GRANULES.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD19A2_GRANULES proprietary
+MODIS/061/MCD19A1_GRANULES MCD19A1.061: Land Surface BRF Daily L2G Global 500m and 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD19A1_GRANULES') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-12-21 2004-01-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, aod, aqua, daily, global, maiac, modis, nasa, terra, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD19A1_GRANULES.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD19A1_GRANULES proprietary
+MODIS/061/MCD19A2_GRANULES MCD19A2.061: Terra & Aqua MAIAC Land Aerosol Optical Depth Daily 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD19A2_GRANULES') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-02-24 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, aod, aqua, daily, global, maiac, mcd19a2, modis, nasa, terra, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD19A2_GRANULES.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD19A2_GRANULES proprietary
MODIS/061/MCD43A1 MCD43A1.061 MODIS BRDF-Albedo Model Parameters Daily 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD43A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-02-24 2023-09-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 False albedo, brdf, daily, global, mcd43a1, modis, nasa, reflectance, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD43A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD43A1 proprietary
MODIS/061/MCD43A2 MCD43A2.061 MODIS BRDF-Albedo Quality Daily 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD43A2') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-02-24 2023-09-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 False albedo, brdf, daily, global, modis, nasa, quality, reflectance, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD43A2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD43A2 proprietary
MODIS/061/MCD43A3 MCD43A3.061 MODIS Albedo Daily 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MCD43A3') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-02-24 2023-09-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 False albedo, black_sky, daily, global, modis, nasa, usgs, white_sky https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MCD43A3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MCD43A3 proprietary
@@ -670,7 +674,7 @@ MODIS/061/MYD11A2 MYD11A2.061 Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 8-Day
MODIS/061/MYD13A1 MYD13A1.061 Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day Global 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD13A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-08-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 16_day, aqua, evi, global, modis, myd13a1, nasa, ndvi, usgs, vegetation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD13A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD13A1 proprietary
MODIS/061/MYD13A2 MYD13A2.061 Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day Global 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD13A2') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-08-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 16_day, aqua, evi, global, modis, myd13a2, nasa, ndvi, usgs, vegetation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD13A2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD13A2 proprietary
MODIS/061/MYD13Q1 MYD13Q1.061 Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day Global 250m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD13Q1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-08-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 16_day, aqua, evi, global, modis, myd13q1, nasa, ndvi, usgs, vegetation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD13Q1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD13Q1 proprietary
-MODIS/061/MYD14A1 MYD14A1.061: Aqua Thermal Anomalies & Fire Daily Global 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD14A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-09-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aqua, daily, fire, global, modis, myd14a1, nasa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD14A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD14A1 proprietary
+MODIS/061/MYD14A1 MYD14A1.061: Aqua Thermal Anomalies & Fire Daily Global 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD14A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-09-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aqua, daily, fire, global, modis, myd14a1, nasa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD14A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD14A1 proprietary
MODIS/061/MYD14A2 MYD14A2.061: Aqua Thermal Anomalies & Fire 8-Day Global 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD14A2') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-08-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 8_day, aqua, fire, global, modis, myd14a2, nasa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD14A2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD14A2 proprietary
MODIS/061/MYD15A2H MYD15A2H.061: Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day Global 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD15A2H') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2002-07-04 2023-08-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 8_day, aqua, fpar, global, lai, modis, myd15a2h, nasa, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD15A2H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD15A2H proprietary
MODIS/061/MYD17A2H MYD17A2H.061: Aqua Gross Primary Productivity 8-Day Global 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MYD17A2H') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2021-01-01 2023-08-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 8_day, aqua, global, gpp, modis, myd17a2, nasa, photosynthesis, productivity, psn, usgs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/MODIS/MODIS_061_MYD17A2H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/MODIS_061_MYD17A2H proprietary
@@ -736,10 +740,10 @@ MODIS/NTSG/MOD16A2/105 MOD16A2: MODIS Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration 8-Da
NASA/ASTER_GED/AG100_003 AG100: ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset 100-meter V003 image ee.Image('NASA/ASTER_GED/AG100_003') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2000-01-01 2008-12-31 -180, -59, 180, 80 False aster, caltech, elevation, emissivity, ged, geophysical, infrared, jpl, lst, nasa, ndvi, temperature, thermal https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_ASTER_GED_AG100_003.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_ASTER_GED_AG100_003 proprietary
NASA/FLDAS/NOAH01/C/GL/M/V001 FLDAS: Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Land Data Assimilation System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/FLDAS/NOAH01/C/GL/M/V001') NASA GES DISC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1982-01-01 2023-08-01 -180, -60, 180, 90 False climate, evapotranspiration, famine, fldas, humidity, ldas, monthly, nasa, runoff, snow, soil_moisture, soil_temperature, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M_V001.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M_V001 proprietary
NASA/GDDP-CMIP6 NEX-GDDP-CMIP6: NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Climate Projections image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GDDP-CMIP6') NASA / Climate Analytics Group 1950-01-01 2100-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False cag, climate, gddp, geophysical, nasa, nex, precipitation, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GDDP-CMIP6.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GDDP-CMIP6 various
-NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/htf GEOS-CF fcst htf v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/htf') NASA / GMAO 2022-10-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_htf.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_htf proprietary
-NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/tavg1hr GEOS-CF fcst tavg1hr v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/tavg1hr') NASA / GMAO 2022-10-01 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_tavg1hr.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_tavg1hr proprietary
-NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/htf GEOS-CF rpl htf v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/htf') NASA / GMAO 2018-01-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_htf.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_htf proprietary
-NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/tavg1hr GEOS-CF rpl tavg1hr v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/tavg1hr') NASA / GMAO 2018-01-01 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_tavg1hr.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_tavg1hr proprietary
+NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/htf GEOS-CF fcst htf v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/htf') NASA / GMAO 2022-10-01 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_htf.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_htf proprietary
+NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/tavg1hr GEOS-CF fcst tavg1hr v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/fcst/tavg1hr') NASA / GMAO 2022-10-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_tavg1hr.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_fcst_tavg1hr proprietary
+NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/htf GEOS-CF rpl htf v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/htf') NASA / GMAO 2018-01-01 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_htf.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_htf proprietary
+NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/tavg1hr GEOS-CF rpl tavg1hr v1: Goddard Earth Observing System Composition Forecast image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GEOS-CF/v1/rpl/tavg1hr') NASA / GMAO 2018-01-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False composition, forecast, geos, gmao, nasa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_tavg1hr.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GEOS-CF_v1_rpl_tavg1hr proprietary
NASA/GIMMS/3GV0 GIMMS NDVI From AVHRR Sensors (3rd Generation) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GIMMS/3GV0') NASA/NOAA 1981-07-01 2013-12-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 False avhrr, gimms, nasa, ndvi, noaa, vegetation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GIMMS_3GV0.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GIMMS_3GV0 proprietary
NASA/GLDAS/V021/NOAH/G025/T3H GLDAS-2.1: Global Land Data Assimilation System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GLDAS/V021/NOAH/G025/T3H') NASA GES DISC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2000-01-01 2023-09-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 3_hourly, climate, evaporation, forcing, geophysical, gldas, humidity, ldas, nasa, precipitation, pressure, radiation, soil, soil_moisture, surface, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GLDAS_V021_NOAH_G025_T3H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GLDAS_V021_NOAH_G025_T3H proprietary
NASA/GLDAS/V022/CLSM/G025/DA1D GLDAS-2.2: Global Land Data Assimilation System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GLDAS/V022/CLSM/G025/DA1D') NASA GES DISC at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center 2003-01-01 2023-05-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 3_hourly, climate, evaporation, forcing, geophysical, gldas, humidity, ldas, nasa, precipitation, pressure, radiation, soil, soil_moisture, surface, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GLDAS_V022_CLSM_G025_DA1D.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GLDAS_V022_CLSM_G025_DA1D proprietary
@@ -751,7 +755,7 @@ NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/MASCON GRACE Monthly Mass Grids - Global Mascons image_col
NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/MASCON_CRI GRACE Monthly Mass Grids - Global Mascon (CRI Filtered) image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/MASCON_CRI') NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2002-03-31 2017-05-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False grace, gravity, jpl, mascon, mass, nasa, tellus, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GRACE_MASS_GRIDS_MASCON_CRI.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GRACE_MASS_GRIDS_MASCON_CRI proprietary
NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/OCEAN GRACE Monthly Mass Grids - Ocean image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/OCEAN') NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2002-07-31 2016-12-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False crs, gfz, grace, gravity, jpl, mass, nasa, ocean, tellus, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GRACE_MASS_GRIDS_OCEAN.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GRACE_MASS_GRIDS_OCEAN proprietary
NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/OCEAN_EOFR GRACE Monthly Mass Grids - Ocean EOFR image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/OCEAN_EOFR') NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2002-12-31 2016-12-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False crs, gfz, grace, gravity, jpl, mass, nasa, ocean, tellus, water https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GRACE_MASS_GRIDS_OCEAN_EOFR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GRACE_MASS_GRIDS_OCEAN_EOFR proprietary
-NASA/GSFC/MERRA/aer/2 MERRA-2 M2T1NXAER: Aerosol Diagnostics V5.12.4 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GSFC/MERRA/aer/2') NASA/MERRA 1980-01-01 2023-08-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aer, aerosol, carbon, dust, mass, merra, nasa, sea_salt, so2, so4 https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_aer_2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_aer_2 proprietary
+NASA/GSFC/MERRA/aer/2 MERRA-2 M2T1NXAER: Aerosol Diagnostics V5.12.4 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GSFC/MERRA/aer/2') NASA/MERRA 1980-01-01 2023-09-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aer, aerosol, carbon, dust, mass, merra, nasa, sea_salt, so2, so4 https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_aer_2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_aer_2 proprietary
NASA/GSFC/MERRA/flx/2 MERRA-2 M2T1NXFLX: Surface Flux Diagnostics V5.12.4 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GSFC/MERRA/flx/2') NASA/MERRA 1980-01-01 2023-09-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False merra, sea_salt, so2, so4, soil_moisture https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_flx_2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_flx_2 proprietary
NASA/GSFC/MERRA/lnd/2 MERRA-2 M2T1NXLND: Land Surface Diagnostics V5.12.4 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GSFC/MERRA/lnd/2') NASA/MERRA 1980-01-01 2023-09-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False evaporation, ice, merra, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_lnd_2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_lnd_2 proprietary
NASA/GSFC/MERRA/rad/2 MERRA-2 M2T1NXRAD: Radiation Diagnostics V5.12.4 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GSFC/MERRA/rad/2') NASA/MERRA 1980-01-01 2023-09-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False albedo, emissivity, merra, shortwave, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_rad_2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_GSFC_MERRA_rad_2 proprietary
@@ -769,14 +773,14 @@ NASA/OCEANDATA/SeaWiFS/L3SMI Ocean Color SMI: Standard Mapped Image SeaWiFS Data
NASA/ORNL/DAYMET_V3 Daymet V3: Daily Surface Weather and Climatological Summaries [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/ORNL/DAYMET_V3') NASA ORNL DAAC at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1980-01-01 2019-12-31 -150.8, 1.6, -1.1, 84 True climate, daily, daylight, daymet, flux, geophysical, nasa, ornl, precipitation, radiation, snow, temperature, vapor, water, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_ORNL_DAYMET_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_ORNL_DAYMET_V3 proprietary
NASA/ORNL/DAYMET_V4 Daymet V4: Daily Surface Weather and Climatological Summaries image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/ORNL/DAYMET_V4') NASA ORNL DAAC at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1980-01-01 2022-12-31 -150.8, 1.6, -1.1, 84 False climate, daily, daylight, daymet, flux, geophysical, nasa, ornl, precipitation, radiation, snow, temperature, vapor, water, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_ORNL_DAYMET_V4.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_ORNL_DAYMET_V4 proprietary
NASA/ORNL/biomass_carbon_density/v1 Global Aboveground and Belowground Biomass Carbon Density Maps image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/ORNL/biomass_carbon_density/v1') NASA ORNL DAAC at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2010-01-01 2010-12-31 -180, -61.1, 180, 84 False aboveground, belowground, biomass, carbon, density, forest, nasa, ornl, vegetation https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_ORNL_biomass_carbon_density_v1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_ORNL_biomass_carbon_density_v1 proprietary
-NASA/SMAP/SPL3SMP_E/005 SPL3SMP_E.005 SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 9 km Soil Moisture image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/SMAP/SPL3SMP_E/005') Google and NSIDC 2015-03-31 2023-09-18 -180, -84, 180, 84 False drought, nasa, smap, soil_moisture, surface, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_SMAP_SPL3SMP_E_005.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_SMAP_SPL3SMP_E_005 proprietary
-NASA/SMAP/SPL4SMGP/007 SPL4SMGP.007 SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9-km Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/SMAP/SPL4SMGP/007') Google and NSIDC 2015-03-31 2023-09-17 -180, -84, 180, 84 False drought, nasa, smap, soil_moisture, surface, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_SMAP_SPL4SMGP_007.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_SMAP_SPL4SMGP_007 proprietary
+NASA/SMAP/SPL3SMP_E/005 SPL3SMP_E.005 SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 9 km Soil Moisture image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/SMAP/SPL3SMP_E/005') Google and NSIDC 2015-03-31 2023-09-20 -180, -84, 180, 84 False drought, nasa, smap, soil_moisture, surface, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_SMAP_SPL3SMP_E_005.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_SMAP_SPL3SMP_E_005 proprietary
+NASA/SMAP/SPL4SMGP/007 SPL4SMGP.007 SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9-km Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA/SMAP/SPL4SMGP/007') Google and NSIDC 2015-03-31 2023-09-18 -180, -84, 180, 84 False drought, nasa, smap, soil_moisture, surface, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA/NASA_SMAP_SPL4SMGP_007.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_SMAP_SPL4SMGP_007 proprietary
NASA_USDA/HSL/SMAP10KM_soil_moisture NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global Soil Moisture Data image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA_USDA/HSL/SMAP10KM_soil_moisture') NASA GSFC 2015-04-02 2022-08-02 -180, -60, 180, 90 False geophysical, hsl, nasa, smap, soil, soil_moisture, usda https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA_USDA/NASA_USDA_HSL_SMAP10KM_soil_moisture.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_USDA_HSL_SMAP10KM_soil_moisture proprietary
NASA_USDA/HSL/SMAP_soil_moisture NASA-USDA SMAP Global Soil Moisture Data [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA_USDA/HSL/SMAP_soil_moisture') NASA GSFC 2015-04-02 2020-12-31 -180, -60, 180, 90 True geophysical, hsl, nasa, smap, soil, soil_moisture, usda https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA_USDA/NASA_USDA_HSL_SMAP_soil_moisture.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_USDA_HSL_SMAP_soil_moisture proprietary
NASA_USDA/HSL/soil_moisture NASA-USDA Global Soil Moisture Data [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NASA_USDA/HSL/soil_moisture') NASA GSFC 2010-01-13 2020-12-31 -180, -60, 180, 90 True geophysical, hsl, nasa, smos, soil, soil_moisture, usda https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NASA_USDA/NASA_USDA_HSL_soil_moisture.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NASA_USDA_HSL_soil_moisture proprietary
-NCEP_RE/sea_level_pressure NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Sea-Level Pressure image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/sea_level_pressure') NCEP 1948-01-01 2023-09-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, geophysical, ncep, noaa, pressure, reanalysis https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NCEP_RE/NCEP_RE_sea_level_pressure.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NCEP_RE_sea_level_pressure proprietary
-NCEP_RE/surface_temp NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Surface Temperature image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/surface_temp') NCEP 1948-01-01 2023-09-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, geophysical, ncep, noaa, reanalysis, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NCEP_RE/NCEP_RE_surface_temp.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NCEP_RE_surface_temp proprietary
-NCEP_RE/surface_wv NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Water Vapor image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/surface_wv') NCEP 1948-01-01 2023-09-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, geophysical, ncep, noaa, precipitable, reanalysis, vapor https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NCEP_RE/NCEP_RE_surface_wv.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NCEP_RE_surface_wv proprietary
+NCEP_RE/sea_level_pressure NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Sea-Level Pressure image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/sea_level_pressure') NCEP 1948-01-01 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, geophysical, ncep, noaa, pressure, reanalysis https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NCEP_RE/NCEP_RE_sea_level_pressure.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NCEP_RE_sea_level_pressure proprietary
+NCEP_RE/surface_temp NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Surface Temperature image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/surface_temp') NCEP 1948-01-01 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, geophysical, ncep, noaa, reanalysis, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NCEP_RE/NCEP_RE_surface_temp.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NCEP_RE_surface_temp proprietary
+NCEP_RE/surface_wv NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data, Water Vapor image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NCEP_RE/surface_wv') NCEP 1948-01-01 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, geophysical, ncep, noaa, precipitable, reanalysis, vapor https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NCEP_RE/NCEP_RE_surface_wv.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NCEP_RE_surface_wv proprietary
NOAA/CDR/ATMOS_NEAR_SURFACE/V2 NOAA CDR: Ocean Near-Surface Atmospheric Properties, Version 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/ATMOS_NEAR_SURFACE/V2') NOAA 1988-01-01 2021-08-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False air_temperature, atmospheric, cdr, hourly, humidity, noaa, ocean, osb, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_ATMOS_NEAR_SURFACE_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_ATMOS_NEAR_SURFACE_V2 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/AVHRR/AOT/V3 NOAA CDR AVHRR AOT: Daily Aerosol Optical Thickness Over Global Oceans, v03 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/AVHRR/AOT/V3') NOAA 1981-01-01 2022-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False aerosol, aot, atmospheric, avhrr, cdr, daily, noaa, optical, pollution https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_AVHRR_AOT_V3.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_AVHRR_AOT_V3 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/AVHRR/LAI_FAPAR/V4 NOAA CDR AVHRR LAI FAPAR: Leaf Area Index and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Version 4 [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/AVHRR/LAI_FAPAR/V4') NOAA 1981-06-24 2019-05-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 True avhrr, cdr, daily, fapar, lai, land, noaa https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_AVHRR_LAI_FAPAR_V4.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_AVHRR_LAI_FAPAR_V4 proprietary
@@ -788,40 +792,40 @@ NOAA/CDR/AVHRR/SR/V5 NOAA CDR AVHRR: Surface Reflectance, Version 5 image_collec
NOAA/CDR/GRIDSAT-B1/V2 NOAA CDR GRIDSAT-B1: Geostationary IR Channel Brightness Temperature image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/GRIDSAT-B1/V2') NOAA 1980-01-01 2023-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False brightness, cdr, fundamental, geostationary, infrared, isccp, noaa, reflectance, sr https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_GRIDSAT-B1_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_GRIDSAT-B1_V2 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/HEAT_FLUXES/V2 NOAA CDR: Ocean Heat Fluxes, Version 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/HEAT_FLUXES/V2') NOAA 1988-01-01 2021-08-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmospheric, cdr, flux, heat, hourly, noaa, ocean, osb https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_HEAT_FLUXES_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_HEAT_FLUXES_V2 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/OISST/V2 NOAA CDR OISST v2: Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/OISST/V2') NOAA 1981-09-01 2020-04-26 -180, -90, 180, 90 True avhrr, cdr, daily, ice, noaa, ocean, oisst, real_time, sst, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_OISST_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_OISST_V2 proprietary
-NOAA/CDR/OISST/V2_1 NOAA CDR OISST v02r01: Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/OISST/V2_1') NOAA 1981-09-01 2023-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False avhrr, cdr, daily, ice, noaa, ocean, oisst, real_time, sst, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_OISST_V2_1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_OISST_V2_1 proprietary
+NOAA/CDR/OISST/V2_1 NOAA CDR OISST v02r01: Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/OISST/V2_1') NOAA 1981-09-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False avhrr, cdr, daily, ice, noaa, ocean, oisst, real_time, sst, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_OISST_V2_1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_OISST_V2_1 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/PATMOSX/V53 NOAA CDR PATMOSX: Cloud Properties, Reflectance, and Brightness Temperatures, Version 5.3 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/PATMOSX/V53') NOAA 1979-01-01 2022-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmospheric, avhrr, brightness, cdr, cloud, metop, noaa, optical, poes, reflectance, temperature https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_PATMOSX_V53.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_PATMOSX_V53 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/SST_PATHFINDER/V53 NOAA AVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.3 Collated Global 4km Sea Surface Temperature image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/SST_PATHFINDER/V53') NOAA 1981-08-24 2022-12-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 False avhrr, noaa, pathfinder, sea_ice, sst, temperature, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_SST_PATHFINDER_V53.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_SST_PATHFINDER_V53 proprietary
NOAA/CDR/SST_WHOI/V2 NOAA CDR WHOI: Sea Surface Temperature, Version 2 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/SST_WHOI/V2') NOAA 1988-01-01 2021-08-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmospheric, cdr, hourly, noaa, ocean, oisst, osb, sst, whoi https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CDR_SST_WHOI_V2.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CDR_SST_WHOI_V2 proprietary
-NOAA/CFSR CFSR: Climate Forecast System Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CFSR') NOAA NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 2018-12-13 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, daylight, flux, forecast, geophysical, ncep, noaa, nws, precipitation, radiation, snow, temperature, vapor, water, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CFSR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CFSR proprietary
-NOAA/CFSV2/FOR6H CFSV2: NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2, 6-Hourly Products image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CFSV2/FOR6H') NOAA NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 1979-01-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, daylight, flux, forecast, geophysical, ncep, noaa, nws, precipitation, radiation, snow, temperature, vapor, water, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CFSV2_FOR6H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CFSV2_FOR6H proprietary
+NOAA/CFSR CFSR: Climate Forecast System Reanalysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CFSR') NOAA NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 2018-12-13 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, daylight, flux, forecast, geophysical, ncep, noaa, nws, precipitation, radiation, snow, temperature, vapor, water, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CFSR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CFSR proprietary
+NOAA/CFSV2/FOR6H CFSV2: NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2, 6-Hourly Products image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CFSV2/FOR6H') NOAA NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 1979-01-01 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, daylight, flux, forecast, geophysical, ncep, noaa, nws, precipitation, radiation, snow, temperature, vapor, water, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_CFSV2_FOR6H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_CFSV2_FOR6H proprietary
NOAA/DMSP-OLS/CALIBRATED_LIGHTS_V4 DMSP OLS: Global Radiance-Calibrated Nighttime Lights Version 4, Defense Meteorological Program Operational Linescan System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/DMSP-OLS/CALIBRATED_LIGHTS_V4') Earth Observation Group, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines 1996-03-16 2011-07-31 -180, -65, 180, 75 False calibrated, dmsp, eog, imagery, lights, nighttime, ols, radiance, visible, yearly https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_DMSP-OLS_CALIBRATED_LIGHTS_V4.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_DMSP-OLS_CALIBRATED_LIGHTS_V4 proprietary
NOAA/DMSP-OLS/NIGHTTIME_LIGHTS DMSP OLS: Nighttime Lights Time Series Version 4, Defense Meteorological Program Operational Linescan System image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/DMSP-OLS/NIGHTTIME_LIGHTS') Earth Observation Group, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines 1992-01-01 2014-01-01 -180, -65, 180, 75 False dmsp, eog, imagery, lights, nighttime, ols, visible, yearly https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_DMSP-OLS_NIGHTTIME_LIGHTS.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_DMSP-OLS_NIGHTTIME_LIGHTS proprietary
-NOAA/GFS0P25 GFS: Global Forecast System 384-Hour Predicted Atmosphere Data image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GFS0P25') NOAA/NCEP/EMC 2015-07-01 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, cloud, emc, flux, forecast, geophysical, gfs, humidity, ncep, noaa, precipitation, radiation, temperature, vapor, weather, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GFS0P25.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GFS0P25 proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/16/FDCC GOES-16 FDCC Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/FDCC') NOAA 2017-05-24 2023-09-21 -152.11, 14, -49.18, 56.77 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCC proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/16/FDCF GOES-16 FDCF Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/FDCF') NOAA 2017-05-24 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCF proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPC GOES-16 MCMIPC Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPC') NOAA 2017-07-10 2023-09-21 -152.11, 14, -49.18, 56.77 False abi, climate, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPC proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPF GOES-16 MCMIPF Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPF') NOAA 2017-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPF proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPM GOES-16 MCMIPM Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Mesoscale image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPM') NOAA 2017-07-10 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPM.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPM proprietary
+NOAA/GFS0P25 GFS: Global Forecast System 384-Hour Predicted Atmosphere Data image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GFS0P25') NOAA/NCEP/EMC 2015-07-01 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False climate, cloud, emc, flux, forecast, geophysical, gfs, humidity, ncep, noaa, precipitation, radiation, temperature, vapor, weather, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GFS0P25.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GFS0P25 proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/16/FDCC GOES-16 FDCC Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/FDCC') NOAA 2017-05-24 2023-09-22 -152.11, 14, -49.18, 56.77 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCC proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/16/FDCF GOES-16 FDCF Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/FDCF') NOAA 2017-05-24 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_FDCF proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPC GOES-16 MCMIPC Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPC') NOAA 2017-07-10 2023-09-22 -152.11, 14, -49.18, 56.77 False abi, climate, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPC proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPF GOES-16 MCMIPF Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPF') NOAA 2017-07-10 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPF proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPM GOES-16 MCMIPM Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Mesoscale image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPM') NOAA 2017-07-10 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_16, goes_east, goes_r, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPM.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_16_MCMIPM proprietary
NOAA/GOES/17/FDCC GOES-17 FDCC Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/FDCC') NOAA 2018-08-27 2023-01-10 -180, 14.57, 180, 53.51 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_17, goes_s, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_17_FDCC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_17_FDCC proprietary
NOAA/GOES/17/FDCF GOES-17 FDCF Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/FDCF') NOAA 2018-08-27 2023-01-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_17, goes_s, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_17_FDCF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_17_FDCF proprietary
NOAA/GOES/17/MCMIPC GOES-17 MCMIPC Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/MCMIPC') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-01-10 -180, 14.57, 180, 53.51 False abi, climate, goes, goes_17, goes_s, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_17_MCMIPC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_17_MCMIPC proprietary
NOAA/GOES/17/MCMIPF GOES-17 MCMIPF Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/MCMIPF') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-01-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_17, goes_s, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_17_MCMIPF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_17_MCMIPF proprietary
NOAA/GOES/17/MCMIPM GOES-17 MCMIPM Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/17/MCMIPM') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-01-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_17, goes_s, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_17_MCMIPM.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_17_MCMIPM proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/18/FDCC GOES-18 FDCC Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/FDCC') NOAA 2022-10-13 2023-09-21 -180, 14.57, 180, 53.51 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCC proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/18/FDCF GOES-18 FDCF Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/FDCF') NOAA 2022-10-13 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCF proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPC GOES-18 MCMIPC Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPC') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-09-21 -180, 14.57, 180, 53.51 False abi, climate, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPC proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPF GOES-18 MCMIPF Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPF') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPF proprietary
-NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPM GOES-18 MCMIPM Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPM') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-09-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPM.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPM proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/18/FDCC GOES-18 FDCC Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/FDCC') NOAA 2022-10-13 2023-09-22 -180, 14.57, 180, 53.51 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCC proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/18/FDCF GOES-18 FDCF Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/FDCF') NOAA 2022-10-13 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, fdc, fire, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, hotspot, nesdis, noaa, ospo, wildfire https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_FDCF proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPC GOES-18 MCMIPC Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery CONUS image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPC') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-09-22 -180, 14.57, 180, 53.51 False abi, climate, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPC.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPC proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPF GOES-18 MCMIPF Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPF') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPF.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPF proprietary
+NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPM GOES-18 MCMIPM Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/GOES/18/MCMIPM') NOAA 2018-12-04 2023-09-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 False abi, climate, goes, goes_18, goes_t, goes_west, mcmip, nesdis, noaa, ospo, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPM.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_GOES_18_MCMIPM proprietary
NOAA/NCEP_DOE_RE2/total_cloud_coverage NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 (Gaussian Grid), Total Cloud Coverage image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/NCEP_DOE_RE2/total_cloud_coverage') NOAA 1979-01-01 2023-08-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, climate, cloud, geophysical, ncep, noaa, reanalysis https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_NCEP_DOE_RE2_total_cloud_coverage.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_NCEP_DOE_RE2_total_cloud_coverage proprietary
NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1 ETOPO1: Global 1 Arc-Minute Elevation image ee.Image('NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1') NOAA 2008-08-01 2008-08-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False bedrock, dem, elevation, geophysical, ice, noaa, topography https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_NGDC_ETOPO1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_NGDC_ETOPO1 proprietary
NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/atlantic NOAA NHC HURDAT2 Atlantic Hurricane Catalog table ee.FeatureCollection('NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/atlantic') NOAA NHC 1851-06-25 2018-11-04 -109.5, 7.2, 63, 81 False hurricane, nhc, noaa, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_NHC_HURDAT2_atlantic.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_NHC_HURDAT2_atlantic proprietary
NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/pacific NOAA NHC HURDAT2 Pacific Hurricane Catalog table ee.FeatureCollection('NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/pacific') NOAA NHC 1949-06-11 2018-11-09 -180, 0.4, 180, 63.1 False hurricane, nhc, noaa, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_NHC_HURDAT2_pacific.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_NHC_HURDAT2_pacific proprietary
-NOAA/NWS/RTMA RTMA: Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/NWS/RTMA') NOAA/NWS 2011-01-01 2023-09-20 -130.17, 20.15, -60.81, 52.91 False climate, cloud, geophysical, humidity, noaa, nws, precipitation, pressure, rtma, surface, temperature, visibility, weather, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_NWS_RTMA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_NWS_RTMA proprietary
+NOAA/NWS/RTMA RTMA: Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/NWS/RTMA') NOAA/NWS 2011-01-01 2023-09-22 -130.17, 20.15, -60.81, 52.91 False climate, cloud, geophysical, humidity, noaa, nws, precipitation, pressure, rtma, surface, temperature, visibility, weather, wind https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_NWS_RTMA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_NWS_RTMA proprietary
NOAA/PERSIANN-CDR PERSIANN-CDR: Precipitation Estimation From Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/PERSIANN-CDR') NOAA NCDC 1983-01-01 2022-12-31 -180, -60, 180, 60 False cdr, climate, geophysical, ncdc, noaa, persiann, precipitation, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_PERSIANN-CDR.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_PERSIANN-CDR proprietary
-NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA VNP09GA: VIIRS Surface Reflectance Daily 500m and 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False daily, nasa, noaa, npp, reflectance, sr, viirs, vnp09ga https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP09GA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP09GA proprietary
+NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA VNP09GA: VIIRS Surface Reflectance Daily 500m and 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False daily, nasa, noaa, npp, reflectance, sr, viirs, vnp09ga https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP09GA.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP09GA proprietary
NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09H1 VNP09H1: VIIRS Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09H1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 False daily, nasa, noaa, npp, reflectance, sr, viirs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP09H1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP09H1 proprietary
NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP13A1 VNP13A1: VIIRS Vegetation Indices 16-Day 500m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP13A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-17 2023-08-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 False 16_day, evi, nasa, ndvi, noaa, npp, vegetation, viirs, vnp13a1 https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP13A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP13A1 proprietary
-NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP14A1 VNP14A1: Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP14A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False fire, land, nasa, noaa, surface, viirs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP14A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP14A1 proprietary
+NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP14A1 VNP14A1: Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP14A1') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-19 -180, -90, 180, 90 False fire, land, nasa, noaa, surface, viirs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP14A1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP14A1 proprietary
NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP15A2H VNP15A2H: LAI/FPAR 8-Day L4 Global 500m SIN Grid image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP15A2H') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-17 2023-09-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 False land, nasa, noaa, surface, viirs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP15A2H.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP15A2H proprietary
NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP21A1D VNP21A1D: Day Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP21A1D') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False daily, day, land, nasa, noaa, surface, temperature, viirs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP21A1D.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP21A1D proprietary
NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP21A1N VNP21A1N: Night Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily 1km image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP21A1N') NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center 2012-01-19 2023-09-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 False daily, land, nasa, night, noaa, surface, temperature, viirs https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP21A1N.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_001_VNP21A1N proprietary
@@ -836,7 +840,7 @@ NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMCFG VIIRS Nighttime Day/Night Band Composites Versi
NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMSLCFG VIIRS Stray Light Corrected Nighttime Day/Night Band Composites Version 1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMSLCFG') Earth Observation Group, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines 2014-01-01 2023-08-01 -180, -65, 180, 75 False dnb, eog, lights, monthly, nighttime, noaa, stray_light, viirs, visible https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NOAA/NOAA_VIIRS_DNB_MONTHLY_V1_VCMSLCFG.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NOAA_VIIRS_DNB_MONTHLY_V1_VCMSLCFG proprietary
NRCan/CDEM Canadian Digital Elevation Model image_collection ee.ImageCollection('NRCan/CDEM') NRCan 1945-01-01 2011-01-01 -142, 41, -52, 84 False canada, cdem, dem, elevation, geophysical, nrcan, topography https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/NRCan/NRCan_CDEM.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/NRCan_CDEM OGL-Canada-2.0
Netherlands/Beeldmateriaal/LUCHTFOTO_RGB Netherlands orthophotos image_collection ee.ImageCollection('Netherlands/Beeldmateriaal/LUCHTFOTO_RGB') Beeldmateriaal Nederland 2021-01-01 2022-12-31 50.75, 3.2, 53.7, 7.22 False orthophoto, rgb https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/Netherlands/Netherlands_Beeldmateriaal_LUCHTFOTO_RGB.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/Netherlands_Beeldmateriaal_LUCHTFOTO_RGB CC-BY-4.0
-OREGONSTATE/PRISM/AN81d PRISM Daily Spatial Climate Dataset AN81d image_collection ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/AN81d') PRISM / OREGONSTATE 1981-01-01 2023-09-17 -125, 24, -66, 50 False climate, daily, geophysical, oregonstate, precipitation, pressure, prism, temperature, vapor, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/OREGONSTATE/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_AN81d.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_AN81d proprietary
+OREGONSTATE/PRISM/AN81d PRISM Daily Spatial Climate Dataset AN81d image_collection ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/AN81d') PRISM / OREGONSTATE 1981-01-01 2023-09-18 -125, 24, -66, 50 False climate, daily, geophysical, oregonstate, precipitation, pressure, prism, temperature, vapor, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/OREGONSTATE/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_AN81d.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_AN81d proprietary
OREGONSTATE/PRISM/AN81m PRISM Monthly Spatial Climate Dataset AN81m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/AN81m') PRISM / OREGONSTATE 1895-01-01 2023-08-01 -125, 24, -66, 50 False climate, geophysical, monthly, oregonstate, precipitation, pressure, prism, temperature, vapor, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/OREGONSTATE/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_AN81m.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_AN81m proprietary
OREGONSTATE/PRISM/Norm81m PRISM Long-Term Average Climate Dataset Norm81m [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/Norm81m') PRISM / OREGONSTATE 1981-01-01 2010-12-31 -125, 24, -66, 50 True 30_year, climate, geophysical, oregonstate, precipitation, pressure, prism, temperature, vapor, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/OREGONSTATE/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_Norm81m.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_Norm81m proprietary
OREGONSTATE/PRISM/Norm91m PRISM Long-Term Average Climate Dataset Norm91m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/Norm91m') PRISM / OREGONSTATE 1991-01-01 2020-12-31 -125, 24, -66, 50 False 30_year, climate, geophysical, oregonstate, precipitation, pressure, prism, temperature, vapor, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/OREGONSTATE/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_Norm91m.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/OREGONSTATE_PRISM_Norm91m proprietary
@@ -898,7 +902,7 @@ TIGER/2018/States TIGER: US Census States 2018 table ee.FeatureCollection('TIGER
TIGER/2020/BG TIGER: US Census Block Groups (BG) 2020 table ee.FeatureCollection('TIGER/2020/BG') United States Census Bureau 2020-01-01 2020-01-02 -180, -14.69, -64.435, 71.567 False census, city, neighborhood, tiger, urban, us https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TIGER/TIGER_2020_BG.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TIGER_2020_BG proprietary
TIGER/2020/TABBLOCK20 TIGER: 2020 Tabulation (Census) Block table ee.FeatureCollection('TIGER/2020/TABBLOCK20') United States Census Bureau 2020-01-01 2020-01-02 -180, -14.69, -64.435, 71.567 False census, city, neighborhood, tiger, urban, us https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TIGER/TIGER_2020_TABBLOCK20.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TIGER_2020_TABBLOCK20 proprietary
TIGER/2020/TRACT TIGER: US Census Tracts table ee.FeatureCollection('TIGER/2020/TRACT') United States Census Bureau 2020-01-01 2020-01-02 -180, -14.69, -64.435, 71.567 False census, city, neighborhood, tiger, urban, us https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TIGER/TIGER_2020_TRACT.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TIGER_2020_TRACT proprietary
-TOMS/MERGED TOMS and OMI Merged Ozone Data image_collection ee.ImageCollection('TOMS/MERGED') NASA / GES DISC 1978-11-01 2023-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, aura, climate, geophysical, ges_disc, goddard, nasa, omi, ozone, toms https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TOMS/TOMS_MERGED.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TOMS_MERGED proprietary
+TOMS/MERGED TOMS and OMI Merged Ozone Data image_collection ee.ImageCollection('TOMS/MERGED') NASA / GES DISC 1978-11-01 2023-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 False atmosphere, aura, climate, geophysical, ges_disc, goddard, nasa, omi, ozone, toms https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TOMS/TOMS_MERGED.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TOMS_MERGED proprietary
TRMM/3B42 TRMM 3B42: 3-Hourly Precipitation Estimates image_collection ee.ImageCollection('TRMM/3B42') NASA GES DISC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1998-01-01 2019-12-31 -180, -50, 180, 50 False 3_hourly, climate, geophysical, jaxa, nasa, precipitation, rainfall, trmm, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TRMM/TRMM_3B42.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TRMM_3B42 proprietary
TRMM/3B43V7 TRMM 3B43: Monthly Precipitation Estimates image_collection ee.ImageCollection('TRMM/3B43V7') NASA GES DISC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1998-01-01 2019-12-01 -180, -50, 180, 50 False climate, geophysical, jaxa, nasa, precipitation, rainfall, trmm, weather https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TRMM/TRMM_3B43V7.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TRMM_3B43V7 proprietary
TUBerlin/BigEarthNet/v1 TUBerlin/BigEarthNet/v1 image_collection ee.ImageCollection('TUBerlin/BigEarthNet/v1') BigEarthNet 2017-06-01 2018-05-31 -9, 36.9, 31.6, 68.1 False chip, copernicus, corine_derived, label, ml, sentinel, tile https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/TUBerlin/TUBerlin_BigEarthNet_v1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/TUBerlin_BigEarthNet_v1 proprietary
@@ -978,7 +982,7 @@ USGS/WBD/2017/HUC06 HUC06: USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset of Basins table ee.Fe
USGS/WBD/2017/HUC08 HUC08: USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset of Subbasins table ee.FeatureCollection('USGS/WBD/2017/HUC08') United States Geological Survey 2017-04-22 2017-04-23 -180, -14.69, 180, 71.567 False hydrology, usgs, water, watershed, wbd https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/USGS/USGS_WBD_2017_HUC08.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/USGS_WBD_2017_HUC08 proprietary
USGS/WBD/2017/HUC10 HUC10: USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset of Watersheds table ee.FeatureCollection('USGS/WBD/2017/HUC10') United States Geological Survey 2017-04-22 2017-04-23 -180, -14.69, 180, 71.567 False hydrology, usgs, water, watershed, wbd https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/USGS/USGS_WBD_2017_HUC10.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/USGS_WBD_2017_HUC10 proprietary
USGS/WBD/2017/HUC12 HUC12: USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset of Subwatersheds table ee.FeatureCollection('USGS/WBD/2017/HUC12') United States Geological Survey 2017-04-22 2017-04-23 -180, -14.69, 180, 71.567 False hydrology, usgs, water, watershed, wbd https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/USGS/USGS_WBD_2017_HUC12.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/USGS_WBD_2017_HUC12 proprietary
-UTOKYO/WTLAB/KBDI/v1 KBDI: Keetch-Byram Drought Index image_collection ee.ImageCollection('UTOKYO/WTLAB/KBDI/v1') Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan 2007-01-01 2023-09-19 60, -60, 180, 60 False drought, kbdi, lst_derived, rainfall, utokyo, wtlab https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/UTOKYO/UTOKYO_WTLAB_KBDI_v1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/UTOKYO_WTLAB_KBDI_v1 CC-BY-4.0
+UTOKYO/WTLAB/KBDI/v1 KBDI: Keetch-Byram Drought Index image_collection ee.ImageCollection('UTOKYO/WTLAB/KBDI/v1') Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan 2007-01-01 2023-09-21 60, -60, 180, 60 False drought, kbdi, lst_derived, rainfall, utokyo, wtlab https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/UTOKYO/UTOKYO_WTLAB_KBDI_v1.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/UTOKYO_WTLAB_KBDI_v1 CC-BY-4.0
VITO/PROBAV/C1/S1_TOC_100M PROBA-V C1 Top Of Canopy Daily Synthesis 100m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('VITO/PROBAV/C1/S1_TOC_100M') Vito / ESA 2013-10-17 2021-10-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False esa, multispectral, nir, proba, probav, swir, vito https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/VITO/VITO_PROBAV_C1_S1_TOC_100M.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/VITO_PROBAV_C1_S1_TOC_100M proprietary
VITO/PROBAV/C1/S1_TOC_333M PROBA-V C1 Top Of Canopy Daily Synthesis 333m image_collection ee.ImageCollection('VITO/PROBAV/C1/S1_TOC_333M') Vito / ESA 2013-10-17 2021-10-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 False esa, multispectral, nir, proba, probav, swir, vito https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/VITO/VITO_PROBAV_C1_S1_TOC_333M.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/VITO_PROBAV_C1_S1_TOC_333M proprietary
VITO/PROBAV/S1_TOC_100M PROBA-V C0 Top Of Canopy Daily Synthesis 100m [deprecated] image_collection ee.ImageCollection('VITO/PROBAV/S1_TOC_100M') Vito / ESA 2013-10-17 2016-12-14 -180, -90, 180, 90 True esa, multispectral, nir, proba, probav, swir, vito https://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-stac/catalog/VITO/VITO_PROBAV_S1_TOC_100M.json https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/VITO_PROBAV_S1_TOC_100M proprietary
diff --git a/nasa_cmr_catalog.json b/nasa_cmr_catalog.json
index 96c183b..44051c9 100644
--- a/nasa_cmr_catalog.json
+++ b/nasa_cmr_catalog.json
@@ -1,1575 +1,4747 @@
- "id": "1C_LIS3_STUC00GTD_1.0",
- "title": "IRS 1C LIS3 Standard Products",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-14",
- "end_date": "2007-09-20",
+ "id": "0f4324af-fa0a-4aaf-9b97-89a4f3325ce1",
+ "title": "DESIS - Hyperspectral Images - Global",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "2018-08-30",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -52, 180, 52",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458058-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458058-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/0f4324af-fa0a-4aaf-9b97-89a4f3325ce1",
+ "description": "The hyperspectral instrument DESIS (DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer) is one of four possible payloads of MUSES (Multi-User System for Earth Sensing), which is mounted on the International Space Station (ISS). DLR developed and delivered a Visual/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer to Teledyne Brown Engineering, which was responsible for integrating the instrument. Teledyne Brown designed and constructed, integrated and tested the platform before delivered to NASA. Teledyne Brown collaborates with DLR in several areas, including basic and applied research for use of data. DESIS is operated in the wavelength range from visible through the near infrared and enables precise data acquisition from Earth's surface for applications including fire-detection, change detection, maritime domain awareness, and atmospheric research. Three product types can be ordered, which are Level 1B (systematic and radiometric corrected), Level 1C (geometrically corrected) and Level 2A (atmospherically corrected). The spatial resolution is about 30m on ground. DESIS is sensitive between 400nm and 1000nm with a spectral resolution of about 3.3nm. DESIS data are delivered in tiles of about 30x30km. For more information concerning DESIS the reader is referred to https://www.dlr.de/eoc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13614/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "11c5f6df1abc41968d0b28fe36393c9d",
+ "title": "ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol CCI): Level 3 aerosol products from MERIS (ALAMO algorithm), Version 2.2",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "2008-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2008-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2548143004-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2548143004-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/11c5f6df1abc41968d0b28fe36393c9d",
+ "description": "The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises the Level 3 aerosol daily and monthly gridded products from MERIS for 2008, using the ALAMO algorithm, version 2.2. The data have been provided by Hygeos.For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "12-hourly_interpolated_surface_position_from_buoys",
+ "title": "12-Hourly Interpolated Surface Position from Buoys",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "1979-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2009-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-180, 60, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600619-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600619-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/12-hourly_interpolated_surface_position_from_buoys",
+ "description": "This data set contains Arctic Ocean daily buoy positions interpolated to hours 0Z and 12Z.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "12-hourly_interpolated_surface_velocity_from_buoys",
+ "title": "12-Hourly Interpolated Surface Velocity from Buoys",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "1979-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2009-12-02",
+ "bbox": "-180, 74, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600621-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600621-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/12-hourly_interpolated_surface_velocity_from_buoys",
+ "description": "This data set contains 12-hourly interpolated surface velocity data from buoys. Point grid: Latitude 74N to 90N - 4 degree increment Longitude 0E to 320E - 20 and 40 degree increment.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "12_hourly_interpolated_surface_air_pressure_from_buoys",
+ "title": "12 Hourly Interpolated Surface Air Pressure from Buoys",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "1979-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2007-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, 70, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600618-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600618-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/12_hourly_interpolated_surface_air_pressure_from_buoys",
+ "description": "Optimally interpolated atmospheric surface pressure over the Arctic Ocean Basin. Temporal format - twice daily (0Z and 12Z) Spatial format - 2 degree latitude x 10 degree longitude - latitude: 70 N - 90 N - longitude: 0 E - 350 E",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "14c_of_soil_co2_from_ipy_itex_cross_site_comparison",
+ "title": "14C of soil CO2 from IPY ITEX Cross Site Comparison",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "2008-01-16",
+ "end_date": "2008-01-21",
+ "bbox": "-157.4, -36.9, 147.29, 71.3",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214602443-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214602443-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/14c_of_soil_co2_from_ipy_itex_cross_site_comparison",
+ "description": "Study sites: Toolik Lake Field Station Alaska, USA 68.63 N, 149.57 W; Atqasuk, Alaska USA 70.45 N, 157.40 W; Barrow, Alaska, USA 71.30 N, 156.67 W; Latnjajaure, Sweden 68.35 N, 18.50 E; Falls Creek, Australia: Site 2-unburned 36.90 S 147.29 E; Site 3-burned 36.89 S 147.28 E. Additional sites will be added summer 2008, but the exact sites are not finalized. Purpose: Collect soil CO2 for analysis of radiocarbon to evaluate the age of the carbon respired in controls and warmed plots from across the ITEX network. Treatments: control and ITEX OTC warming experiment (1994-2007). Design: 5 replicates of each treatment at dry site and moist site. Sampling frequency: Once per peak season.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "2008-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2008-03-20",
+ "bbox": "139.01488, -67.07104, 150.06479, -42.88246",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305618-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305618-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/200708_CEAMARC_CASO_TRACE_ELEMENT_SAMPLES.v1",
+ "description": "We collected surface seawater samples using trace clean 1L Nalgene bottles on the end of a long bamboo pole. We will analyse these samples for trace elements. Iron is the element of highest interest to our group. We will determine dissolved iron and total dissolvable iron concentrations. Samples collected from 7 sites: Sites 1, 2, 3, 4 were a transect perpendicular to the edge of the iceberg to try and determine if there is a iron concentration gradient relative to the iceberg. Sites 4, 5, 6 were along the edge of the iceberg to determine if there is any spatial variability along the iceberg edge. Site 7 was away from the iceberg to determine what the iron concentration is in the surrounding waters not influenced by the iceberg.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "39480",
+ "title": "1988 Mosaic of Aerial Photography of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1988-11-24",
+ "end_date": "1988-11-24",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443228137-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443228137-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/1C_LIS3_STUC00GTD_1.0",
- "description": "The medium resolution multi-spectral sensor, LISS-3 operates in four spectral bands - B2, B3, B4 in visible near infrared (VNIR) and B5 in Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) providing data with 23.5m resolution. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656753-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656753-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39480",
+ "description": "Aerial photographs taken by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey during 1988 were mosaicked and orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. The resulting image was used to digitize benthic, land cover and mangrove habitat maps of the Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service), on St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.The mosaic is centered on the National Park Service Site, located on the north central coast of St. Croix, and extends beyond the park boundaries approximately 0.5 - 4.0 km.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "1C_WIFS_STUC00GTD_1.0",
- "title": "IRS 1C Standard Geo Referenced Product",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1999-10-04",
- "end_date": "2007-09-20",
+ "id": "39481",
+ "title": "1988 Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1988-11-24",
+ "end_date": "1988-11-24",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443227047-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443227047-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/1C_WIFS_STUC00GTD_1.0",
- "description": "The data is acquired in four spectral bands, three in the visible and in NIR (VNIR B2, B3 and B4)and one in the short wave infrared (SWIR B5).The AWiFS camera is realized in two electro-optic modules viz. AWiFS-A and AWiFS-B, providing a combined swath of 740 Km with 56m resolution. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656462-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656462-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39481",
+ "description": "Habitat maps were created as part of a larger ecological assessment conducted by NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS), Biogeography Branch, for Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service).Aerial photographs were obtained for 1988 from the National Geodetic Survey, and were orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. A classification scheme was set up with 20 benthic habitat types, 19 land cover types, and 13 mangrove habitat types. For this map of seagrass and mangrove habitats during 1988 only the 3 seagrass, and 14 mangrove classification categories were used. These were mapped directly into a GIS system through visual interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L1B_STD_Not provided",
+ "id": "39482",
+ "title": "1992 Mosaic of Aerial Photography of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-31",
+ "end_date": "1992-01-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656472-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656472-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39482",
+ "description": "Aerial photographs taken by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey during 1992 were mosaicked and orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. The resulting image was used to digitize benthic, land cover and mangrove habitat maps of the Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service), on St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.The mosaic is centered on the National Park Service Site, located on the north central coast of St. Croix, and in some areas extends beyond the park boundaries up to 2 km.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "39483",
+ "title": "1992 Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-31",
+ "end_date": "1992-01-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656483-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656483-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39483",
+ "description": "Habitat maps were created as part of a larger ecological assessment conducted by NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS), Biogeography Branch, for Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service).Aerial photographs were obtained for 1992 from the National Geodetic Survey, and were orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. A classification scheme was set up with 20 benthic habitat types, 19 land cover types, and 13 mangrove habitat types. For this map of seagrass and mangrove habitats during 1992 only the 3 seagrass, and 14 mangrove classification categories were used. These were mapped directly into a GIS system through visual interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "39556",
+ "title": "1993 Average Monthly Sea Surface Temperature for California",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1993-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1993-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656641-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656641-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39556",
+ "description": "The NOAA/NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder sea surface temperature data are derived from the 5-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) on board the NOAA -7, -9, -11, -14, -16 and -17 polar orbiting satellites. Daily, 8-day and monthly averaged data for both the ascending pass (daytime) and descending pass (nighttime) are available on equal-angle grids of 8192 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 4km resolution, 4096 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 9km resolution), 2048 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 18km resolution), and 720 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 54km resolution or 0.5 degree resolution).The monthly averaged daytime data was converted to an ESRI GRID format and the 12 monthly grid files were combined into one annual grid with a attribute field for each month.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "39557",
+ "title": "1994 Average Monthly Sea Surface Temperature for California",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1994-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1994-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656671-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656671-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39557",
+ "description": "The NOAA/ NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder sea surface temperature data are derived from the 5-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) on board the NOAA -7, -9, -11, -14, -16 and -17 polar orbiting satellites. Daily, 8-day and monthly averaged data for both the ascending pass (daytime) and descending pass (nighttime) are available on equal-angle grids of 8192 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 4km resolution, 4096 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 9km resolution), 2048 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 18km resolution), and 720 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 54km resolution or 0.5 degree resolution).The monthly averaged daytime data was converted to an ESRI GRID format and the 12 monthly grid files were combined into one annual grid with a attribute field for each month.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "39558",
+ "title": "1995 Average Monthly Sea Surface Temperature for California",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1995-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1995-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656698-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656698-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/39558",
+ "description": "The NOAA/ NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder sea surface temperature data are derived from the 5-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) on board the NOAA -7, -9, -11, -14, -16 and -17 polar orbiting satellites. Daily, 8-day and monthly averaged data for both the ascending pass (daytime) and descending pass (nighttime) are available on equal-angle grids of 8192 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 4km resolution, 4096 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 9km resolution), 2048 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 18km resolution), and 720 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 54km resolution or 0.5 degree resolution).The monthly averaged daytime data was converted to an ESRI GRID format and the 12 monthly grid files were combined into one annual grid with a attribute field for each month.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3DIMG_L1B_STD",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-1B Full Acquisition Standard Product",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1231649308-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1231649308-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1231649308-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L1B_STD_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L1B_STD",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-1B Standard Product containing 6 channels data in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L1C_SGP_Not provided",
+ "id": "3DIMG_L1C_SGP",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-1C Sector Product",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "20, -50, 130, 50",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622563-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622563-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622563-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L1C_SGP_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L1C_SGP",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-1C Sector Product (Geocoded, all pixels at same resolution) contains 6 channels data in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2B_CMK_Not provided",
+ "id": "3DIMG_L2B_CMK",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Cloud Map",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622564-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622564-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622564-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_CMK_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_CMK",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Cloud Map Product in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2B_HEM_Not provided",
+ "id": "3DIMG_L2B_HEM",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Precipitation Using Hydroestimator Technique",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622538-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622538-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622538-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_HEM_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_HEM",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Precipitation using Hydroestimator Technique in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2B_OLR_Not provided",
+ "id": "3DIMG_L2B_OLR",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radiation",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622556-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622556-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622556-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_OLR_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_OLR",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radation (OLR) in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2B_SST_Not provided",
+ "id": "3DIMG_L2B_SST",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Sea Surface Temperature",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622565-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622565-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622565-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_SST_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_SST",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Sea Surface Temperature in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2B_UTH_Not provided",
+ "id": "3DIMG_L2B_UTH",
"title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Upper Tropospheric Humidity",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
"state_date": "2013-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622539-ISRO.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622539-ISRO.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622539-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_UTH_Not%20provided",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2B_UTH",
"description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2C_FOG_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C FOG",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
+ "id": "3fe263d2-99ed-4751-b937-d26a31ab0606",
+ "title": "AVHRR - Vegetation Index (NDVI) - Europe",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "1994-07-01",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "44.5, -10, 105.5, 45.5",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622566-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622566-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2C_FOG_Not%20provided",
- "description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C FOG Map in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-24, 28, 57, 78",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458021-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458021-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/3fe263d2-99ed-4751-b937-d26a31ab0606",
+ "description": "Every day, three successive NOAA-AVHRR scenes are used to derive a synthesis product in stereographic projection known as the \"Normalized Difference Vegetation Index\" for Europe and North Africa. It is calculated by dividing the difference in technical albedos between measurements in the near infrared and visible red part of the spectrum by the sum of both measurements. This value provides important information about the \"greenness\" and density of vegetation. Weekly and monthly thematic synthesis products are also derived from this daily operational product, at each step becoming successively free of clouds. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2C_SNW_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C SNOW MAP",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
+ "id": "7ae5a791-b667-4838-9733-a44e4cf2d715",
+ "title": "Cartosat-1 (IRS-P5) - Panchromatic Images (PAN) - Europe, Stereographic",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "2007-01-05",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "44.5, -10.05, 105.5, 45.5",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622557-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622557-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2C_SNW_Not%20provided",
- "description": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C SNOW Map in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-25, 30, 45, 80",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458042-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458042-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/7ae5a791-b667-4838-9733-a44e4cf2d715",
+ "description": "Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. The satellite has two panchromatic cameras that were especially designed for in flight stereo viewing.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2P_IRW_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P IR WINDS",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
+ "id": "802569b8-fb56-4d78-a2e8-3e4549ff475b",
+ "title": "AVHRR - Sea Surface Temperature (SST) - Europe",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "1994-08-01",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "20, -50, 130, 50",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622580-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622580-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2P_IRW_Not%20provided",
- "description": "Suitable tracers are identified in TIR1 band imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-35, 47.5, 51, 73",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458053-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458053-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/802569b8-fb56-4d78-a2e8-3e4549ff475b",
+ "description": "The AVHRR Mulitchannel Sea Surface Temperature Map (MCSST) was the first result of DLR's AVHRR pathfinder activities. The goal of the product is to provide the user with actual Sea Surface Temperature (SST) maps in a defined format easy to access with the highest possible reliability on the thematic quality. After a phase of definition, the operational production chain was launched in March 1993 covering the entire Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Since then, daily, weekly, and monthly data sets have been available until September 13, 1994, when the AVHRR on board the NOAA-11 spacecraft failed. The production of daily, weekly and monthly SST maps was resumed in February, 1995, based on NOAA-14 AVHRR data. The NOAA-14 AVHRR sensor became some technical difficulties, so the generation was stopped on October 3, 2001. Since March 2002, NOAA-16 AVHRR SST maps are available again. With the beginning of January 2004, the data of AVHRR on board of NOAA-16 exhibited some anormal features showing strips in the scenes. Facing the \u201cbar coded\u201d images of NOAA16-AVHRR which occurred first in September 2003, continued in January 2004 for the second time and appeared in April 2004 again, DFD has decided to stop the reception of NOAA16 data on April 6th, 2004, and to start the reception of NOAA-17 data on this day. On April 7th, 2004, the production of all former NOAA16-AVHRR products as e.g. the SST composites was successully established. NOAA-17 is an AM sensor which passes central Europe about 2 hours earlier than NOAA-16 (about 10:00 UTC instead of 12:00 UTC for NOAA-16). In spring 2007, the communication system of NOAA-17 has degraded or is operating with limitations. Therefore, DFD has decided to shift the production of higher level products (NDVI, LST and SST) from NOAA-17 to NOAA-18 in April 2007. In order to test the performance of our processing chains, we processed simultaneously all NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 data from January 1st, 2007 till March 29th, 2007. All products are be available via EOWEB. Please remember that NOAA-18 is a PM sensor which passes central Europe about 1.5 hours later than NOAA-17 (about 11:30 UTC instead of 10:00 UTC for NOAA17). The SST product is intended for climate modelers, oceanographers, and all geo science-related disciplines dealing with ocean surface parameters. In addition, SST maps covering the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Western Atlantic equivalent to the Mediterranean MCSST maps are available since August 1994. The most important aspects of the MCSST maps are a) correct image registration and b) reasonable cloud screening to ensure that only cloud free pixels are taken for the later processing and compositing c) for deriving MCSST, only channel 4 and 5 are used.. The SST product consists of one 8 bit channel. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2P_MRW_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P MIR WINDS",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
+ "id": "936b319d-5253-425d-bd29-4b6ebce067ff",
+ "title": "AVHRR - Land Surface Temperature (LST) - Europe, Nighttime",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "1998-02-23",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "20, -50, 130, 50",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622567-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622567-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2P_MRW_Not%20provided",
- "description": "Suitable tracers are identified in MIRband imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-24, 28, 57, 78",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458046-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458046-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/936b319d-5253-425d-bd29-4b6ebce067ff",
+ "description": "The \"Land Surface Temperature derived from NOAA-AVHRR data (LST_AVHRR)\" is a fixed grid map (in stereographic projection) with a spatial resolution of 1.1 km. The total size covering Europe is 4100 samples by 4300 lines. Within 24 hours of acquiring data from the satellite, day-time and night-time LSTs are calculated. In general, the products utilise data from all six of the passes that the satellite makes over Europe in each 24 hour period. For the daily day-time LST maps, the compositing criterion for the three day-time passes is maximum NDVI value and for daily night-time LST maps, the criterion is the maximum night-time LST value of the three night-time passes. Weekly and monthly day-time or night-time LST composite products are also produced by averaging daily day-time or daily night-time LST values, respectively. The range of LST values is scaled between \u201339.5\u00b0C and +87\u00b0C with a radiometric resolution of 0.5\u00b0C. A value of \u201340\u00b0C is used for water. Clouds are masked out as bad values. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2P_SMK_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P SMOKE",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
+ "id": "AAOT.v0",
+ "title": "Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT)",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1999-08-03",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "60, -10, 100, 40",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622568-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622568-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2P_SMK_Not%20provided",
- "description": "This is an Active Smoke product, which identifies pixels having smoke using Visible albedo and Brightness Temperature of MIR, TIR-1 and TIR-2 channels",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360084-OB_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360084-OB_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/AAOT.v0",
+ "description": "Measurements made by the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), an Italian installation off the coast of Venice in the Adriatic Sea from 1999 to 2002.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2P_VSW_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P VISIBLE WINDS",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "20, -50, 130, 50",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622558-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622558-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2P_VSW_Not%20provided",
- "description": "Suitable tracers are identified in VISIBLE band imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "AAS_4156_Macquarie_Island_Emerald_Lake.v1",
+ "title": "12,000 year record of sea spray and minerogenic input from Emerald Lake, Macquarie Island",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "2012-07-01",
+ "end_date": "2019-06-30",
+ "bbox": "158.77441, -54.77772, 158.94951, -54.4828",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102891784-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102891784-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/AAS_4156_Macquarie_Island_Emerald_Lake.v1",
+ "description": "Reconstructed sea spray and minerogenic data for a 12,000 year lake sediment record from Emerald Lake, Macquarie Island. Proxies are based on biological (diatoms) and geochemical (micro x-ray fluorescence and hyperspectral imaging) indicators. Data correspond to the figures in: Saunders et al. 2018 Holocene dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and possible links to CO2 outgassing. Nature Geoscience 11:650-655. doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0186-5. Detailed supplementary information: https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41561-018-0186-5/MediaObjects/41561_2018_186_MOESM1_ESM.pdf Abstract: The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds (SHW) play an important role in regulating the capacity of the Southern Ocean carbon sink. They modulate upwelling of carbon-rich deep water and, with sea ice, determine the ocean surface area available for air\u2013sea gas exchange. Some models indicate that the current strengthening and poleward shift of these winds will weaken the carbon sink. If correct, centennial- to millennial-scale reconstructions of the SHW intensity should be linked with past changes in atmospheric CO2, temperature and sea ice. Here we present a 12,300-year reconstruction of wind strength based on three independent proxies that track inputs of sea-salt aerosols and minerogenic particles accumulating in lake sediments on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. Between about 12.1 thousand years ago (ka) and 11.2 ka, and since about 7 ka, the wind intensities were above their long-term mean and corresponded with increasing atmospheric CO2. Conversely, from about 11.2 to 7.2 ka, the wind intensities were below their long-term mean and corresponded with decreasing atmospheric CO2. These observations are consistent with model inferences of enhanced SHW contributing to the long-term outgassing of CO2 from the Southern Ocean.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "3DIMG_L2P_WVW_Not provided",
- "title": "INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P WV WINDS",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2013-10-01",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "20, -50, 130, 50",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622581-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622581-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/3DIMG_L2P_WVW_Not%20provided",
- "description": "Suitable tracers are identified in WV(Water Vapour) band imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "AAS_4156_Macquarie_Island_unnamed_lake.v1",
+ "title": "2000 year record of environmental change from an unnamed lake on Macquarie Island",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "2012-07-01",
+ "end_date": "2019-06-30",
+ "bbox": "158.74969, -54.78485, 158.96118, -54.47004",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102891849-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102891849-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/AAS_4156_Macquarie_Island_unnamed_lake.v1",
+ "description": "Age-depth and geochemical data for a 2000 year lake sediment record from an unnamed lake on Macquarie Island. The lake is the small lake to the west of Major Lake, on the edge of the Macquarie Island plateau. The chronology is based on lead-210 (last ca. 100 years) and radiocarbon (extending to ca. 2000 years). Geochemistry is based on micro x-ray fluroescence, and carbon, nitrogen and sulphur contents. Grain size and water content were also measured. Data correspond to the publication: Saunders et al. in prep.Southern Hemisphere westerly wind variability in the sub-Antarctic and relationships to mid-latitude precipitation for the last 2000 years",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AAOT_0",
- "title": "Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT)",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1999-08-03",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360084-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360084-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/AAOT_0",
- "description": "Measurements made by the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), an Italian installation off the coast of Venice in the Adriatic Sea from 1999 to 2002.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "ABLVIS1B.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE LVIS L1B Geolocated Return Energy Waveforms V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2017-06-29",
+ "end_date": "2017-07-17",
+ "bbox": "-158, 48, -104, 72",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1513105920-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1513105920-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/ABLVIS1B.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains return energy waveform data over Alaska and Western Canada measured by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of NASA's Terrestrial Ecology Program campaign, the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABLVIS2.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE LVIS L2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Product V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2017-06-29",
+ "end_date": "2017-07-17",
+ "bbox": "-158, 48, -104, 72",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1513105984-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1513105984-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/ABLVIS2.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains surface elevation data over Alaska and Western Canada measured by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of NASA's Terrestrial Ecology Program campaign, the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABOLVIS1A.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE LVIS L1A Geotagged Images V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2017-06-29",
+ "end_date": "2017-07-17",
+ "bbox": "-158, 48, -104, 72",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1673546369-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1673546369-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/ABOLVIS1A.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains geotagged images collected over Alaska and Western Canada. The images were taken by the NASA Digital Mapping Camera, paired with the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of NASA's Terrestrial Ecology Program campaign, the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABoVE_ASCENDS_Backscatter_2051.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE/ASCENDS: Atmospheric Backscattering Coefficient Profiles from CO2 Sounder, 2017",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2017-07-20",
+ "end_date": "2017-08-08",
+ "bbox": "-165.68, 34.59, -98.15, 71.27",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2264344759-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2264344759-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/ABoVE_ASCENDS_Backscatter_2051.v1",
+ "description": "This dataset provides atmospheric backscattering coefficient profiles collected during Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) deployments from 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08 over Alaska, U.S., and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada. These profiles were measured by the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument carried on a DC-8 aircraft. The airborne CO2 Sounder is a pulsed, multi-wavelength Integrated Path Differential Absorption lidar that estimates column-averaged dry-air CO2 mixing ratio (XCO2) in the nadir path from the aircraft to the scattering surface. In addition to XCO2, the lidar receiver recorded the time-resolved atmospheric backscatter signal strength as the laser pulses propagated through the atmosphere. Raw lidar data were converted to the atmospheric backscatter cross-section product and the two-way atmosphere transmission, also known as attenuated backscatter profiles. These ASCENDS flights were coordinated with the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) campaign and are provided in ICARTT format.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABoVE_ASCENDS_Merge_2114.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE/ASCENDS: Merged Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and Meteorological Data, 2017",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2017-07-20",
+ "end_date": "2017-08-09",
+ "bbox": "-165.68, 34.59, -98.15, 71.27",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2575399701-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2575399701-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/ABoVE_ASCENDS_Merge_2114.v1",
+ "description": "This dataset provides in situ airborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor concentrations, air temperature, pressure, and wind speed and direction as well as airborne remote sensing measurements of column average CO2 collected during Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) deployments from 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08 over Alaska, US, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada. CO2 and CH4 were measured with NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument. Water vapor and relative humidity were measured with Diode Laser Hydrometer. Measurements were taken onboard a DC-8 aircraft. The ASCENDS flights were coordinated with the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) campaign. The data are provided in ICARTT format along with an archive of flight videos.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABoVE_ASCENDS_XCO2_2050.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE/ASCENDS: Active Sensing of CO2, CH4, and Water Vapor, Alaska and Canada, 2017",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2017-07-20",
+ "end_date": "2017-08-08",
+ "bbox": "-165.68, 34.59, -98.1, 71.28",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2264340976-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2264340976-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/ABoVE_ASCENDS_XCO2_2050.v1",
+ "description": "This dataset provides in situ airborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor concentrations, plus air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed values over Alaska and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada during 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08. Measurements were taken onboard a DC-8 aircraft during this Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days and Seasons (ASCENDS) airborne deployment over portions of the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) domain. CO2 and CH4 were measured with NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument. Water vapor and relative humidity were measured with Diode Laser Hydrometer. Measurements of column-averaged dry-air mixing ratio CO2 measurements (XCO2) were taken with the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument. The airborne CO2 Sounder is a pulsed, multi-wavelength Integrated Path Differential Absorption lidar. It estimates XCO2 in the nadir path from the aircraft to the scattering surface by measuring the shape of the 1572.33 nm CO2 absorption line. The data were collected in order to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics of the northern high latitude carbon cycle as part of ABoVE and are provided in ICARTT file format.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABoVE_Concise_Experiment_Plan_1617.v1.1",
+ "title": "A Concise Experiment Plan for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2014-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2021-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-176.12, 39.42, -66.92, 81.61",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2162145735-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2162145735-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/ABoVE_Concise_Experiment_Plan_1617.v1.1",
+ "description": "This document presents the Concise Experiment Plan for NASA's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) to serve as a guide to the Program as it identifies the research to be conducted under this study. Research for ABoVE will link field-based, process-level studies with geospatial data products derived from airborne and satellite remote sensing, providing a foundation for improving the analysis and modeling capabilities needed to understand and predict ecosystem responses and societal implications. The ABoVE Concise Experiment Plan (ACEP) outlines the conceptual basis for the Field Campaign and expresses the compelling rationale explaining the scientific and societal importance of the study. It presents both the science questions driving ABoVE research as well as the top-level requirements for a study design to address them.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ABoVE_PBand_SAR_1657.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE: Active Layer and Soil Moisture Properties from AirMOSS P-band SAR in Alaska",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2014-08-16",
+ "end_date": "2017-10-10",
+ "bbox": "-167.94, 64.71, -150.25, 70.88",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2170972048-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2170972048-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/ABoVE_PBand_SAR_1657.v1",
+ "description": "This dataset provides estimates of soil geophysical properties derived from Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) P-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data collected in August and October of 2014, 2015, and 2017 over 12 study sites (with some exceptions) across Northern Alaska. Soil properties reported include the active layer thickness (ALT), dielectric constant, soil moisture profile, surface roughness, and their respective uncertainty estimates at 30-m spatial resolution over the 12 flight transects. Most of the study sites are located within the continuous permafrost zone and where the aboveground vegetation consisting mainly of dwarf shrub and tussock/sedge/moss tundra has a minimal impact on P-band radar backscatter.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACCLIP_AerosolCloud_AircraftRemoteSensing_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACCLIP WB-57 Aerosol and Cloud Remotely Sensed Data",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2022-07-14",
+ "end_date": "2022-09-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, 16.6, 180, 61.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2655162569-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2655162569-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACCLIP_AerosolCloud_AircraftRemoteSensing_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACCLIP_AerosolCloud_AircraftRemoteSensing_WB57_Data is the cloud and aerosol remote sensing data from the Roscoe lidar collected during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACCLIP_Aerosol_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACCLIP WB-57 Aircraft In-Situ Aerosol Data",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2022-07-14",
+ "end_date": "2022-09-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, 16.6, 180, 61.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2609962127-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2609962127-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACCLIP_Aerosol_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACCLIP_Aerosol_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data is the in-situ aerosol data collected during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data from the Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry - Next Generation (PALMS-NG), Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), Nucleation-Mode Aerosol Size Spectrometer (N-MASS), Printed Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS), and the Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS) is featured in this collection. Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACCLIP_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACCLIP WB-57 Meteorological and Navigational Data",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2022-07-14",
+ "end_date": "2022-09-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, 16.6, 180, 61.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2566338281-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2566338281-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACCLIP_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACCLIP_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data is the in-situ meteorology and navigational data collection during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data from the Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) and Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH) is featured in this collection. Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACCLIP_Model_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACCLIP WB-57 Aircraft Model Data",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2022-07-14",
+ "end_date": "2022-09-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, 16.6, 180, 61.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2609869612-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2609869612-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACCLIP_Model_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACCLIP_Model_WB57_Data contains modeled meteorological, chemical, and aerosol data along the flight tracks of the WB-57 aircraft during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACCLIP_TraceGas_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACCLIP WB-57 Aircraft In-situ Trace Gas Data",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2022-07-14",
+ "end_date": "2022-09-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, 16.6, 180, 61.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2566342407-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2566342407-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACCLIP_TraceGas_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACCLIP_TraceGas_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data is the in-situ trace gas data collection during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data from the Airborne Carbon Oxide Sulfide Spectrometer (ACOS), Carbon monOxide Measurement from Ames (COMA), Laser Induced Fluorescence - Nitrogen Oxide (LIF-NO), In Situ Airborne Formaldehyde (ISAF), Carbon Oxide Laser Detector 2 (COLD 2), and the NOAA UAS O3 Photometer (UASO3) is featured in this collection. Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirHARP_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACEPOL Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP) Remotely Sensed Data Version 1",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-18",
+ "end_date": "2020-11-20",
+ "bbox": "-130, 25, -100, 45",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588261-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588261-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirHARP_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACEPOL Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP) Remotely Sensed Data (ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirHARP_Data) are remotely sensed measurements collected by the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA\u2019s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which is a valuable resource for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirSPEX_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACEPOL Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (AirSPEX) Remotely Sensed Data Version 1",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-19",
+ "end_date": "2017-11-09",
+ "bbox": "-130, 25, -100, 45",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588281-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588281-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirSPEX_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirSPEX_Data are remotely sensed measurements collected by the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA\u2019s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_CPL_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACEPOL Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) Remotely Sensed Data Version 1",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-19",
+ "end_date": "2017-11-09",
+ "bbox": "-130, 25, -100, 45",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588308-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588308-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_CPL_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACEPOL Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) Remotely Sensed Data (ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_CPL_Data) are remotely sensed measurements collected by the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA\u2019s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_HSRL2_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACEPOL High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) Remotely Sensed Data",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-23",
+ "end_date": "2017-11-09",
+ "bbox": "-130, 25, -100, 45",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588330-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588330-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_HSRL2_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACEPOL High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) Remotely Sensed Data (ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_HSRL2_Data) are remotely sensed measurements collected by the High-Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL-2) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA\u2019s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACEPOL_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_Data.v1",
+ "title": "ACEPOL ER-2 Meteorological and Navigational Data Version 1",
+ "catalog": "LARC_ASDC",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-19",
+ "end_date": "2017-11-09",
+ "bbox": "-130, 25, -100, 45",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588825-LARC_ASDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588825-LARC_ASDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC_ASDC/collections/ACEPOL_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_Data.v1",
+ "description": "ACEPOL_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_Data are in situ meteorological and navigational measurements collected onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA\u2019s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "ACIDD_0",
+ "id": "ACIDD.v0",
"title": "Across the Channel Investigating Diel Dynamics project",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
"state_date": "2017-12-16",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360091-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360091-OB_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360091-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/ACIDD_0",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/ACIDD.v0",
"description": "The ACIDD (Across the Channel Investigating Diel Dynamics) project, in the Santa Barbara Channel, was initially designed to characterize daily variations in phytoplankton populations, but with the Thomas Fire in the Santa Barbara Hills December 2017, this project evolved into a study to characterize the effects of smoke and ash on the mixed layer in the Santa Barbara Channel.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACOS_L2S.v7.3",
+ "title": "ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 Full Physics Standard Product V7.3 (ACOS_L2S) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2009-04-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1339230297-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1339230297-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/ACOS_L2S.v7.3",
+ "description": "Version 7.3 is the current version of the data set. Version 3.5 is no longer available and has been superseded by Version 7.3. This data set is currently provided by the OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) Project. In expectation of the OCO-2 launch, the algorithm was developed by the Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) Task as a preparatory project, using GOSAT TANSO-FTS spectra. After the OCO-2 launch, \"ACOS\" data are still produced and improved, using approaches applied to the OCO-2 spectra. The \"ACOS\" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances, and algorithm build version 7.3. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the \"ACOS\" Level 2 production process. Even though the GES DISC is not publicly distributing Level 1B ACOS products, it should be known that changes in this version are affecting both Level 1B and Level 2 data. An important enhancement in Level1B will address the degradation in the number of quality-passed soundings. Elimination of many systematic biases, and better agreement with TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network), is expected in Level 2 retrievals. The key changes to the L2 algorithm include scaling the O2-A band spectroscopy (reducing XCO2 bias by 4 or 5 ppm); using interpolation with the instrument lineshape [ ILS ] (reducing XCO2 bias by 1.5 ppm); and fitting a zero level offset to the A-band. Users have to also carefully familiarize themselves with the disclaimer in the new documentation. An important element to note are the updates on data screening. Although a Master Quality Flag is provided in the data product, further analysis of a larger set of data has allowed the science team to provide an updated set of screening criteria. These are listed in the data user's guide, and are recommended instead of the Master Quality Flag. Lastly, users should continue to carefully observe and weigh information from three important flags: \"warn_level\" - Provides a value that summarizes each sounding's acceptability to a larger set of quality filters. A high warn level predicts that the sounding would fail most data filters applied to it. A low warn level suggests that the sounding would pass most quality filters that might be applied. \"sounding_qual_flag\" - quality of input data provided to the retrieval processing \"outcome_flag\" - retrieval quality based upon certain internal thresholds (not thoroughly evaluated) \"master_quality_flag\" - four possible values: \"Good\", \"Caution\" and \"Bad\", and \"Failed\", as determined from other flags in the L2 productThe short name for this data type is ACOS_L2S.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACOS_L2S.v9r",
+ "title": "ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 Full Physics Standard Product V9r (ACOS_L2S) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2009-04-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633158704-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633158704-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/ACOS_L2S.v9r",
+ "description": "Version 9r is the current version of the data set. Older versions will no longer be available and are superseded by Version 9r. This data set is currently provided by the OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) Project. In expectation of the OCO-2 launch, the algorithm was developed by the Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) Task as a preparatory project, using GOSAT TANSO-FTS spectra. After the OCO-2 launch, \"ACOS\" data are still produced and improved, using approaches applied to the OCO-2 spectra. The \"ACOS\" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances, and algorithm build version 7.3. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the \"ACOS\" Level 2 production process. Even though the GES DISC is not publicly distributing Level 1B ACOS products, it should be known that changes in this version are affecting both Level 1B and Level 2 data. An important enhancement in Level1B will address the degradation in the number of quality-passed soundings. Elimination of many systematic biases, and better agreement with TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network), is expected in Level 2 retrievals. The key changes to the L2 algorithm include scaling the O2-A band spectroscopy (reducing XCO2 bias by 4 or 5 ppm); using interpolation with the instrument lineshape [ ILS ] (reducing XCO2 bias by 1.5 ppm); and fitting a zero level offset to the A-band. Users have to also carefully familiarize themselves with the disclaimer in the new documentation. An important element to note are the updates on data screening. Although a Master Quality Flag is provided in the data product, further analysis of a larger set of data has allowed the science team to provide an updated set of screening criteria. These are listed in the data user's guide, and are recommended instead of the Master Quality Flag. Lastly, users should continue to carefully observe and weigh information from three important flags: \"sounding_qual_flag\" - quality of input data provided to the retrieval processing \"outcome_flag\" - retrieval quality based upon certain internal thresholds (not thoroughly evaluated) ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACOS_L2_Lite_FP.v7.3",
+ "title": "ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files V7.3 (ACOS_L2_Lite_FP) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2009-04-21",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1339230298-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1339230298-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/ACOS_L2_Lite_FP.v7.3",
+ "description": "The ACOS Lite files contain bias-corrected XCO2 along with other select fields aggregated as daily files. Orbital granules of the ACOS Level 2 standard product (ACOS_L2S) are used as input. The \"ACOS\" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the \"ACOS\" Level 2 production process.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACOS_L2_Lite_FP.v9r",
+ "title": "ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files V9r (ACOS_L2_Lite_FP) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2009-04-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1720416694-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1720416694-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/ACOS_L2_Lite_FP.v9r",
+ "description": "Version 9r is the current version of the data set. Older versions will no longer be available and are superseded by Version 9r. The ACOS Lite files contain bias-corrected XCO2 along with other select fields aggregated as daily files. Orbital granules of the ACOS Level 2 standard product (ACOS_L2S) are used as input. The \"ACOS\" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the \"ACOS\" Level 2 production process.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACR3L2DM.v1",
+ "title": "ACRIM III Level 2 Daily Mean Data V001",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "2000-04-05",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-09",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179031504-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179031504-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/ACR3L2DM.v1",
+ "description": "ACR3L2DM_1 is the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) III Level 2 Daily Mean Data version 1 product consists of Level 2 total solar irradiance in the form of daily means gathered by the ACRIM III instrument on the ACRIMSAT satellite. The daily means are constructed from the shutter cycle results for each day.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ACR3L2SC.v1",
+ "title": "ACRIM III Level 2 Shutter Cycle Data V001",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "2000-04-05",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-09",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C61787524-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C61787524-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/ACR3L2SC.v1",
+ "description": "ACR3L2SC_1 is the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) III Level 2 Shutter Cycle Data version 1 product contains Level 2 total solar irradiance in the form of shutter cycles gathered by the ACRIM instrument on the ACRIMSAT satellite.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADAM.Surface.Reflectance.Database",
+ "title": "ADAM Surface Reflectance Database v4.0",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2005-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2005-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336812-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336812-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/ADAM.Surface.Reflectance.Database",
+ "description": "ADAM enables generating typical monthly variations of the global Earth surface reflectance at 0.1\u00b0 spatial resolution (Plate Carree projection) and over the spectral range 240-4000nm. The ADAM product is made of gridded monthly mean climatologies over land and ocean surfaces, and of a companion API toolkit that enables the calculation of hyperspectral (at 1 nm resolution over the whole 240-4000 nm spectral range) and multidirectional reflectances (i.e. in any illumination/viewing geometry) depending on user choices. The ADAM climatologies that feed the ADAM calculation tools are: For ocean: monthly chlorophyll concentration derived from SeaWiFS-OrbView-2 (1999-2009); it is used to compute the water column reflectance (which shows large spectral variations in the visible, but is insignificant in the near and mid infrared). monthly wind speed derived from SeaWinds-QuikSCAT-(1999-2009); it is used to calculate the ocean glint reflectance. For land: monthly normalized surface reflectances in the 7 MODIS narrow spectral bands derived from FondsdeSol processing chain of MOD09A1 products (derived from Aqua and Terra observations), on which relies the modelling of the hyperspectral/multidirectional surface (soil/vegetation/snow) reflectance. uncertainty variance-covariance matrix for the 7 spectral bands associated to the normalized surface reflectance. For sea-ice: Sea ice pixels (masked in the original MOD09A1 products) have been accounted for by a gap-filling approach relying on the spatial-temporal distribution of sea ice coverage provided by the CryoClim climatology for year 2005.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1day",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Day)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698128761-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698128761-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1day",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1day dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is daily L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrated. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"mg/m-3\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1month",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Month)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129571-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129571-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1month",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1month dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is monthly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"mg/m-3\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1week",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Week)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129911-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129911-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1week",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1week dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is weekly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"mg/m-3\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1year",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Year)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698131479-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698131479-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1year",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1year dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is annually L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"mg/m-3\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1day",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Day)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130444-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130444-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1day",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1day dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is daily L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"m-1\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1month",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Month)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698131472-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698131472-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1month",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1month dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is monthly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrated. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"m-1\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1week",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Week)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698132483-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698132483-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1week",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1week dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is weekly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"m-1\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1year",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Year)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129238-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129238-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1year",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1year dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is annually L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is \"m-1\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCL_1day",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCL) (1-Day)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698128801-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698128801-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCL_1day",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCL 1day dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena.This product is daily L3BM, Level 3 binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCL (Ocean Color) product includes Normalized water radiance at 412nm,443nm,490nm,520nm, and 565nm (nLw) and aerosol radiance at 670nm,765nm and 865nm. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCL product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrated. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of normalized water-leaving radiance and aerosol radiance and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity is \"mW/cm-2/mm-1/sr-1\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCL_1month",
+ "title": "ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCL) (1-Month)",
+ "catalog": "JAXA",
+ "state_date": "1996-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-07-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130286-JAXA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130286-JAXA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/JAXA/collections/ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCL_1month",
+ "description": "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCL 1month dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena.This product is monthly L3BM, Level 3 binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCL (Ocean Color) product includes Normalized water radiance at 412nm,443nm,490nm,520nm, and 565nm (nLw) and aerosol radiance at 670nm,765nm and 865nm. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCL product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of normalized water-leaving radiance and aerosol radiance and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity is \"mW/cm-2/mm-1/sr-1\". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT_2",
+ "id": "AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT.v2",
"title": "VIIRS/NOAA-20 Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km (v2.0)",
- "catalog": "ASIPS STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASIPS",
"state_date": "2023-06-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706369224-ASIPS.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706369224-ASIPS.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706369224-ASIPS.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT_2",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT.v2",
"description": "The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea\u2010viewing Wide Field\u2010of\u2010view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor\u2019s scanning geometry and Earth\u2019s curvature. Viewed differently, this product\u2019s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1.1",
+ "id": "AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1.1",
"title": "VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km",
- "catalog": "ASIPS STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASIPS",
"state_date": "2019-04-18",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607549631-ASIPS.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607549631-ASIPS.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607549631-ASIPS.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1.1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1.1",
"description": "The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea\u2010viewing Wide Field\u2010of\u2010view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor\u2019s scanning geometry and Earth\u2019s curvature. Viewed differently, this product\u2019s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_2",
+ "id": "AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v2",
"title": "VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km (v2.0)",
- "catalog": "ASIPS STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASIPS",
"state_date": "2023-06-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706359459-ASIPS.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706359459-ASIPS.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706359459-ASIPS.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_2",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v2",
"description": "The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea\u2010viewing Wide Field\u2010of\u2010view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor\u2019s scanning geometry and Earth\u2019s curvature. Viewed differently, this product\u2019s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AERDT_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1.1",
+ "id": "AERDT_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1.1",
"title": "VIIRS/SNPP Dark Target Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath",
- "catalog": "ASIPS STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASIPS",
"state_date": "2020-06-09",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1976333380-ASIPS.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1976333380-ASIPS.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1976333380-ASIPS.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDT_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1.1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/AERDT_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1.1",
"description": "The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) dark target (DT) aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, and spectral AOT and their size parameters over oceans every 6 minutes, globally. The VIIRS incarnation of the DT aerosol product is based on the same DT algorithm that was developed and used to derive products from the Terra and Aqua mission\u2019s MODIS instruments. Two separate and distinct DT algorithms exist. One helps retrieve aerosol information over ocean (dark in visible and longer wavelengths), while the second aids retrievals over vegetated/dark-soiled land (dark in the visible).",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AERIALDIGI",
+ "title": "Aircraft Scanners",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1987-10-06",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, 24, -60, 72",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566211-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566211-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/AERIALDIGI",
+ "description": "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Aircraft Scanners data set contains digital imagery acquired from several multispectral scanners, including Daedalus thematic mapper simulator scanners and the thermal infrared multispectral scanner. Data are collected from selected areas over the conterminous United States, Alaska, and Hawaii by NASA ER-2 and NASA C-130B aircraft, operating from the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, and by NASA Learjet aircraft, operating from Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Limited international acquisitions also are available. In cooperation with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Daedalus Enterprises,Inc., NASA developed several multispectral sensors. The data acquired from these sensors supports NASA's Airborne Science and Applications Program and have been identified as precursors to the instruments scheduled to fly on Earth Observing System platforms. THEMATIC MAPPER SIMULATOR The Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) sensor is a line scanning device designed for a variety of Earth science applications. Flown aboard NASA ER-2 aircraft, the TMS sensor has a nominal Instantaneous Field of View of 1.25 milliradians with a ground resolution of 81 feet (25 meters) at 65,000 feet. The TMS sensor scans at a rate of 12.5 scans per second with 716 pixels per scan line. Swath width is 8.3 nautical miles (15.4 kilometers) at 65,000 feet while the scanner's Field of View is 42.5 degrees. NS-001 MULTISPECTRAL SCANNER The NS-001multispectral scanner is a line scanning device designed to simulate Landsat thematic mapper (TM) sensor performance, including a near infrared/short-wave infrared band used in applications similar to those of the TM sensor (e.g., Earth resources mapping, vegetation/land cover mapping, geologic studies). Flown aboard NASA C-130B aircraft, the NS-001 sensor has a nominal Instantaneous Field of View of 2.5 milliradians with a ground resolution of 25 feet (7.6 meters) at 10,000 feet. The sensor has a variable scan rate (10 to 100 scans per second) with 699 pixels per scan line, but the available motor drive supply restricts the maximum stable scan speed to approximately 85 revolutions per second. A scan rate of 100 revolutions per second is possible, but not probable, for short scan lines; therefore, a combination of factors, including aircraft flight requirements and maximum scan speed, prevent scanner operation below 1,500 feet. Swath width is 3.9 nautical miles (7.26 kilometers) at 10,000 feet, and the total scan angle or field of regard for the sensor is 100 degrees, plus or minus 15 degrees for roll compensation. THERMAL INFRARED MULTISPECTRAL SCANNER The Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) sensor is a line scanning device originally designed for geologic applications. Flown aboard NASA C-130B, NASA ER-2, and NASA Learjet aircraft, the TIMS sensor has a nominal Instantaneous Field of View of 2.5 milliradians with a ground resolution of 25 feet (7.6 meters) at 10,000 feet. The sensor has a selectable scan rate (7.3, 8.7, 12, or 25 scans per second) with 698 pixels per scan line. Swath width is 2.6 nautical miles (4.8 kilometers) at 10,000 feet while the scanner's Field of View is 76.56 degrees.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AFLVIS1B.v1",
+ "title": "AfriSAR LVIS L1B Geolocated Return Energy Waveforms V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2016-02-20",
+ "end_date": "2016-03-08",
+ "bbox": "8, -2, 12, 1",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1549378019-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1549378019-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/AFLVIS1B.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains return energy waveform data over Gabon, Africa. The measurements were taken by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of a NASA campaign, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) mission AfriSAR.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AFLVIS2.v1",
+ "title": "AfriSAR LVIS L2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Product V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2016-02-20",
+ "end_date": "2016-03-08",
+ "bbox": "8, -2, 12, 1",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1549378743-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1549378743-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/AFLVIS2.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains surface elevation data over Gabon, Africa. The measurements were taken by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of a NASA campaign, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) mission AfriSAR.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AFOLVIS1A.v1",
+ "title": "AfriSAR LVIS L1A Geotagged Images V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2016-02-20",
+ "end_date": "2016-03-08",
+ "bbox": "8, -2, 12, 1",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1932134853-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1932134853-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/AFOLVIS1A.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains geotagged images collected over Gabon, Africa. The images were taken by the NASA Digital Mapping Camera paired with the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of a NASA campaign, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) mission AfriSAR.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AG100.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset, 100 meter, HDF5 V003",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2008-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000362-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000362-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AG100.v003",
+ "description": "Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Emissivity Dataset (GED) land surface temperature and emissivity (LST&E) data products are generated using the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm with a Water Vapor Scaling (WVS) atmospheric correction method using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (MOD07) (https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/MOD07_L2/index.html) atmospheric profiles and the MODerate spectral resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN 5.2 radiative transfer model). This dataset is computed from all clear-sky pixels of ASTER scenes acquired from 2000 through 2008. AG100 data are available globally at spatial resolution of 100 meters. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration\u2019s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, developed the ASTER GED product. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AG1km.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset, 1 kilometer, HDF5 V003",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2008-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000380-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000380-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AG1km.v003",
+ "description": "Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Emissivity Dataset (GED) land surface temperature and emissivity (LST&E) data products are generated using the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm with a Water Vapor Scaling (WVS) atmospheric correction method using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (MOD07) (https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/MOD07_L2/index.html) atmospheric profiles and the MODerate Spectral resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN) 5.2 radiative transfer model. This dataset is computed from all clear-sky pixels of ASTER scenes acquired from 2000 through 2008. AG1KM data are available globally at spatial resolution of 1 kilometer. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration\u2019s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, developed the ASTER GED product.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AG5KMMOH.v041",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset, Monthly, 0.05 deg, HDF5 V041",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1344831606-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1344831606-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AG5KMMOH.v041",
+ "description": "Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Emissivity Dataset (GED) is a collection of monthly files (see known issues for gaps) for each year of global emissivity. The ASTER GED data products are generated for 2000 through 2015 using the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm atmospheric correction method. This algorithm method uses Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Atmospheric Profiles product (MOD07) (https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/MOD07_L2/index.html) and the MODerate spectral resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN) 5.2 radiative transfer model along with the snow cover data from the standard monthly MODIS/Terra snow cover monthly global 0.05 degree product (MOD10CM) (https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD10CM.006), and vegetation information from the MODIS monthly gridded NDVI product (MOD13C2) (https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD13C2.006). ASTER GED Monthly V041 data products are offered in Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration\u2019s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, developed the ASTER GED product.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AIRABRAD.v005",
+ "title": "AIRS/Aqua L1B AMSU (A1/A2) geolocated and calibrated brightness temperatures V005 (AIRABRAD) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2002-05-21",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1243477366-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1243477366-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/AIRABRAD.v005",
+ "description": "The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. The AMSU-A instrument is co-aligned with AIRS so that successive blocks of 3 x 3 AIRS footprints are contained within one AMSU-A footprint. AMSU-A is primarily a temperature sounder that provides atmospheric information in the presence of clouds, which can be used to correct the AIRS infrared measurements for the effects of clouds. This is possible because non-precipitating clouds are for the most part transparent to microwave radiation, in contrast to visible and infrared radiation which are strongly scattered and absorbed by clouds. AMSU-A1 has 13 channels from 50 - 90 GHz and AMSU-A2 has 2 channels from 23 - 32 GHz. The AIRABRAD_005 products are stored in files (often referred to as \"granules\") that contain 6 minutes of data, 30 footprints across track by 45 lines along track.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_INT_JPG_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_INT_JPG.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1998-10-25",
"end_date": "2004-03-05",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921626-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921626-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921626-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_INT_JPG_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_INT_JPG.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR along-track interferometric browse product JPG",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_POL_3FP_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_POL_3FP.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1990-03-02",
"end_date": "2004-03-21",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921661-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921661-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921661-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_POL_3FP_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_POL_3FP.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR three-frequency polarimetric frame product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_POL_SYN_3FP_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_POL_SYN_3FP.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1990-03-29",
"end_date": "1991-07-16",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928843-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928843-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928843-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_POL_SYN_3FP_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_POL_SYN_3FP.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR three-frequency polarimetric synoptic product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927035-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927035-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927035-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_C-DEM_STOKES_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_C-DEM_STOKES.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model C_Stokes product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001730-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001730-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001730-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_C_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_C.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213925022-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213925022-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213925022-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_C_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_C.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model CTIF product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_L_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_L.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926419-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926419-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926419-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_L_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_L.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model LTIF product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_P_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_P.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926777-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926777-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926777-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_P_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_P.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model PTIF product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_L-STOKES_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_L-STOKES.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927939-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927939-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927939-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_L-STOKES_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_L-STOKES.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model L_Stokes product",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_P-STOKES_1",
+ "id": "AIRSAR_TOP_P-STOKES.v1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "ASF",
"state_date": "1993-06-08",
"end_date": "2004-12-04",
"bbox": "-172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928209-ASF.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928209-ASF.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928209-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_P-STOKES_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/AIRSAR_TOP_P-STOKES.v1",
"description": "AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model P_Stokes product",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_AVNIR_OBS_ORI_2",
- "title": "ALOS_AVNIR_OBS_ORI",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-01-23",
- "end_date": "2011-05-23",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1808440897-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1808440897-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_AVNIR_OBS_ORI_2",
- "description": "ALOS AVNIR-2 OBS ORI",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_KMZ_1",
- "title": "ALOS_PALSAR_KMZ",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-03-23",
- "end_date": "2011-04-22",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206156901-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206156901-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_KMZ_1",
- "description": "ALOS PALSAR KMZ",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_L1.0_1",
- "title": "ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL1.0",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-03-23",
- "end_date": "2011-04-22",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485320-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485320-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_L1.0_1",
- "description": "ALOS PALSAR Level 1.0",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_L1.1_1",
- "title": "ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL1.1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-01-23",
- "end_date": "2011-05-23",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485527-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485527-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_L1.1_1",
- "description": "ALOS PALSAR Level 1.1",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_L1.5_1",
- "title": "ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL1.5",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-03-23",
- "end_date": "2011-04-22",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485940-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485940-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_L1.5_1",
- "description": "ALOS PALSAR Level 1.5",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_L2.2_1",
- "title": "ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL2.2",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-01-23",
- "end_date": "2011-05-23",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2011599335-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2011599335-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_L2.2_1",
- "description": "ALOS PALSAR Level 2.2",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_RTC_HIGH_1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-03-23",
- "end_date": "2011-04-22",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206487504-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206487504-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_RTC_HIGH_1",
- "description": "PALSAR_Radiometric_Terrain_Corrected_high_res",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ALOS_PSR_RTC_LOW_1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2006-03-23",
- "end_date": "2011-04-22",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206487217-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206487217-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ALOS_PSR_RTC_LOW_1",
- "description": "PALSAR_Radiometric_Terrain_Corrected_low_res",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "Active_Fluorescence_2001_0",
- "title": "Active fluorescence measurements in the Gulf Stream in 2001",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2001-06-01",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AIRSM_CPR_MAT.v3.2",
+ "title": "AIRS-AMSU variables-CloudSat cloud mask, radar reflectivities, and cloud classification matchups V3.2 (AIRSM_CPR_MAT) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2006-06-15",
+ "end_date": "2012-12-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224182-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224182-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/AIRSM_CPR_MAT.v3.2",
+ "description": "This is AIRS-CloudSat collocated subset, in NetCDF 4 format. These data contain collocated: AIRS/AMSU retrievals at AMSU footprints, CloudSat radar reflectivities, and MODIS cloud mask. These data are created within the frames of the MEaSUREs project. The basic task is to bring together retrievals of water vapor and cloud properties from multiple \"A-train\" instruments (AIRS, AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, MLS, CloudSat), classify each \"scene\" (instrument look) using the cloud information, and develop a merged, multi-sensor climatology of atmospheric water vapor as a function of altitude, stratified by the cloud classes. This is a large science analysis project that will require the use of SciFlo technologies to discover and organize all of the datasets, move and cache datasets as required, find space/time \"matchups\" between pairs of instruments, and process years of satellite data to produce the climate data records. The short name for this collection is AIRSM_CPR_MAT Parameters contained in the data files include the following: Variable Name|Description|Units CH4_total_column|Retrieved total column CH4| (molecules/cm2) CloudFraction|CloudSat/CALIPSO Cloud Fraction| (None) CloudLayers| Number of hydrometeor layers| (count) clrolr|Clear-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation|(Watts/m**2) CO_total_column|Retrieved total column CO| (molecules/cm2) CPR_Cloud_mask| CPR Cloud Mask |(None) Data_quality| Data Quality |(None) H2OMMRSat|Water vapor saturation mass mixing ratio|(gm/kg) H2OMMRStd|Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio |(gm/kg dry air) MODIS_Cloud_Fraction| MODIS 250m Cloud Fraction| (None) MODIS_scene_var |MODIS scene variability| (None) nSurfStd|1-based index of the first valid level|(None) O3VMRStd|Ozone Volume Mixing Ratio|(vmr) olr|All-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation|(Watts/m**2) Radar_Reflectivity| Radar Reflectivity Factor| (dBZe) Sigma-Zero| Sigma-Zero| (dB*100) TAirMWOnlyStd|Atmospheric Temperature retrieved using only MW|(K) TCldTopStd|Cloud top temperature|(K) totH2OStd|Total precipitable water vapor| (kg/m**2) totO3Std|Total ozone burden| (Dobson) TSurfAir|Atmospheric Temperature at Surface|(K) TSurfStd|Surface skin temperature|(K) End of parameter information",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AIRS_CPR_IND.v4.0",
+ "title": "AIRS-CloudSat cloud mask and radar reflectivities collocation indexes V4.0 (AIRS_CPR_IND) at GES_DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2006-06-15",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360093-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360093-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/Active_Fluorescence_2001_0",
- "description": "Measurements in the Gulf Stream off the East Coast of the US in 2001",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224151-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224151-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/AIRS_CPR_IND.v4.0",
+ "description": "Version 4.1 is the current version of the data set. Previous versions are no longer available and have been superseded by Version 4.1. This is AIRS-AMSU-CloudSat collocation indexes, in netCDF-4 format. These data map CloudSat profile indexes to the collocated AMSU field of views, and AIRS IR footprints, per AIRS 6-min granule time. Hence it can be considered as Level 1. These data are created within the frames of the MEaSUREs project. The basic task is to bring together retrievals of water vapor and cloud properties from multiple \"A-train\" instruments (AIRS, AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, MLS, & CloudSat), classify each \"scene\" (instrument look) using the cloud information, and develop a merged, multi-sensor climatology of atmospheric water vapor as a function of altitude, stratified by the cloud classes. This is a large science analysis project that will require the use of SciFlo technologies to discover and organize all of the datasets, move and cache datasets as required, find space/time \"matchups\" between pairs of instruments, and process years of satellite data to produce the climate data records. The short name for this collection is AIRS_CPR_IND",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "C1_PANA_STUC00GTD_1",
- "title": "Cartosat-1 PANA Standard Products",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2005-08-05",
+ "id": "AIRS_CPR_MAT.v3.2",
+ "title": "AIRS-CloudSat cloud mask, radar reflectivities, and cloud classification matchups V3.2 (AIRS_CPR_MAT) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2006-06-15",
+ "end_date": "2012-12-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224153-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224153-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/AIRS_CPR_MAT.v3.2",
+ "description": "This is AIRS-CloudSat collocated subset, in NetCDF-4 format. These data contain collocated: AIRS Level 1b radiances spectra, CloudSat radar reflectivities, and MODIS cloud mask. These data are created within the frames of the MEaSUREs project. The basic task is to bring together retrievals of water vapor and cloud properties from multiple \"A-train\" instruments (AIRS, AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, MLS, CloudSat), classify each \"scene\" (instrument look) using the cloud information, and develop a merged, multi-sensor climatology of atmospheric water vapor as a function of altitude, stratified by the cloud classes. This is a large science analysis project that will require the use of SciFlo technologies to discover and organize all of the datasets, move and cache datasets as required, find space/time \"matchups\" between pairs of instruments, and process years of satellite data to produce the climate data records. The short name for this collection is AIRS_CPR_MAT Parameters contained in the data files include the following: Variable Name|Description|Units CldFrcStdErr|Cloud Fraction|(None) CloudLayers| Number of hydrometeor layers| (count) CPR_Cloud_mask| CPR Cloud Mask| (None) DEM_elevation| Digital Elevation Map| (m) dust_flag|Dust Flag|(None) latAIRS|AIRS IR latitude|(deg) Latitude|CloudSat Latitude |(degrees) LayerBase| Height of Layer Base| (m) LayerTop| Height of layer top| (m) lonAIRS|AIRS IR longitude|(deg) Longitude|CloudSat Longitude| (degrees) MODIS_cloud_flag| MOD35_bit_2and3_cloud_flag| (None) Radar_Reflectivity| Radar Reflectivity Factor| (dBZe) radiances|Radiances|(milliWatts/m**2/cm**-1/steradian) Sigma-Zero| Sigma-Zero| (dB*100) spectral_clear_indicator|Spectral Clear Indicator|(None) Vertical_binsize|CloudSat vertical binsize| (m) End of parameter information",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AIRXAMAP.v005",
+ "title": "AIRS/Aqua Granule map product V005 (AIRXAMAP) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2002-05-21",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271378-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271378-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/C1_PANA_STUC00GTD_1",
- "description": "This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1233769004-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1233769004-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/AIRXAMAP.v005",
+ "description": "The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. An AIRS granule has been set as 6 minutes of data, 30 footprints cross track by 45 lines along track. The AIRS Granule Map Product consists of images of granule coverage in PDF and JPG format. The images are daily ones but updated every 6 minutes to capture any new available granule. Granules are assembled by ascending, descending, in north and south hemisphere, and the maps are in global cylindrical projection and satellite projection for better view.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "C1_PANF_STUC00GTD_1",
- "title": "Cartosat-1 PANF Standard Products",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2005-08-05",
+ "id": "AIRXBCAL.v005",
+ "title": "AIRS/Aqua L1B Calibration subset V005 (AIRXBCAL) at GES DISC",
+ "catalog": "GES_DISC",
+ "state_date": "2002-08-31",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271427-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271427-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/C1_PANF_STUC00GTD_1",
- "description": "This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1243477315-GES_DISC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1243477315-GES_DISC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GES_DISC/collections/AIRXBCAL.v005",
+ "description": "The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. AIRS/Aqua Level-1B calibration subset including clear cases, special calibration sites, random nadir spots, and high clouds. The AIRS Visible/Near Infrared (VIS/NIR) level 1B data set contains AIRS visible and near-infrared calibrated and geolocated radiances in W/m^2/micron/steradian. This data set is generated from AIRS level 1A digital numbers (DN), including 4 channels in the 0.4 to 1.0 um region of the spectrum.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT_1",
- "title": "VIIRS/NOAA-20 Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT)",
- "catalog": "ASIPS STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2020-10-08",
+ "id": "AK_AVHRR",
+ "title": "Alaska AVHRR Twice-Monthly Composites",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1990-06-16",
"end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-179, 51, -116, 70",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220565954-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220565954-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/AK_AVHRR",
+ "description": "The goal of the Alaska Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) project is to compile a time series data set of calibrated, georegistered daily observations and twice-monthly maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) composites for Alaska's annual growing season (April-October). This data set has applications for environmental monitoring and for assessing impacts of global climate change. An Alaska AVHRR data set is comprised of twice-monthly maximum NDVI composites of daily satellite observations. The NDVI composites contain 10 bands of information, including AVHRR channels 1-5, maximum NDVI, satellite zenith, solar zenith, and relative azimuth. The daily observations, bands 1-9, have been calibrated to reflectance, scaled to byte data, and geometrically registered to the Albers Equal-Area Conic map projection. The 10th band is a pointer to identify the date and scene ID of the source daily observation (scene) for each pixel. The compositing process required each daily overpass to be registered to a common map projection to ensure that from day to day each 1-km pixel represented the exact same ground location. The Albers Equal-Area Conic map projection provides for equal area representation, which enables easy measurement of area throughout the data. Each daily observation for the growing season was registered to a base image using image-to-image correlation. The NDVI data are calculated from the calibrated, geometrically registered daily observations. The NDVI value is the difference between near-infrared (AVHRR Channel 2) and visible (AVHRR Channel 1) reflectance values divided by total measured reflectance. A maximum NDVI compositing process was used on the daily observations. The NDVI is examined pixel by pixel for each observation during the compositing period to determine and retain the maximum value. Often when displaying data covering large areas, such as AVHRR data, it is beneficial to include an overlay of either familiar linework for reflectance or polygon data sets to derive statistical summaries of regions. All of the linework images represent lines in raster format as 1-km cells and the strata are represented as polygons registered to the AVHRR data. The linework and polygon data sets include international boundaries, Alaskan roads with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and a raster polygon mask of the State. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ALOS",
+ "title": "Alos African Coverage ESA archive",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2006-07-09",
+ "end_date": "2009-05-12",
+ "bbox": "-26, -37, 53, 37",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336815-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336815-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/ALOS",
+ "description": "ALOS Africa is a dataset of the best available (cloud minimal, below 10%) African coverage acquired by AVNIR-2 in OBS mode and PRISM in OB1 mode (all Backward, Nadir and Forward views, in separated products), two different collections one for each instrument. The processing level for both AVNIR-2 and PRISM products is L1B.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ALOS.AVNIR-2.L1C",
+ "title": "ALOS AVNIR-2 L1C",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2006-04-28",
+ "end_date": "2011-04-20",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2003160566-ASIPS.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2003160566-ASIPS.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT_1",
- "description": "The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT is the shortname for the NOAA-20 VIIRS Near Real-time incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product\u2019s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the NOAA-20 VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the NOAA-20 VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689548-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689548-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/ALOS.AVNIR-2.L1C",
+ "description": "This collection is providing access to the ALOS-1 AVNIR-2 (Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2) L1C data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone plus some worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone (https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/ALOS-ADEN-Zone.pdf) was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and the African continents, large part of the Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission is covered, obviously with gaps outside to the ADEN zone: \u2022 Time windows: from 2006-04-28 to 2011-04-20 \u2022 Orbits: from 1375 to 27898 \u2022 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 670 \u2022 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 370 to 5230 One single Level 1C product types is offered for the OBS instrument mode: AV2_OBS_1C.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "title": "VIIRS/SNPP Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT)",
- "catalog": "ASIPS STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2019-04-18",
+ "id": "ALOS.PALSAR.FBS.FBD.PLR.products",
+ "title": "ALOS PALSAR products",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2006-05-02",
+ "end_date": "2011-04-14",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336814-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336814-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/ALOS.PALSAR.FBS.FBD.PLR.products",
+ "description": "The dataset contains all ESA acquisitions over the ADEN zone (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) plus some products received from JAXA over areas of interest around the world. Further information on ADEN zones can be found in this technical note (https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/ALOS-ADEN-Zone.pdf). ALOS PALSAR products are available in following modes:\u2022 Fine Beam Single polarisation(FBS): single polarisation (HH or VV), swath 40-70km, resolution 10m, temporal coverage from 02/05/2006 to 30/03/2011 \u2022 Fine Beam Double polarisation (FBD): double polarisation (HH/HV or VV/VH) ), swath 40-70km, resolution 10m, temporal coverage from 02/05/2006 to 30/03/2011 \u2022 Polarimetry mode (PLR), with four polarisations simultaneously: swath 30km, resolution 30m, temporal coverage from 26/08/2006 to 14/04/2011 \u2022 ScanSAR Burst mode 1 (WB1), single polarization: swath 250-350km, resolution 100m, temporal coverage from 12/06/2006 to 21/04/2011 Following processing levels are available: \u2022 RAW( level 1.0): Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene. \u2022 GDH (level 1.5):Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product \u2022 GEC (level 1.5): Geocoded product",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ALOSIPY",
+ "title": "ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2008-07-25",
+ "end_date": "2010-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, -50",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336817-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336817-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/ALOSIPY",
+ "description": "International Polar Year (IPY), focusing on the north and south polar regions, aimed to investigate the impact of how changes to the ice sheets affect ocean and climate change to the habitats in these regions. IPY was a collaborative project involving over sixty countries for two years from March 2007 to March 2009. To meet the project goal, world space agencies observed these regions intensively using their own Earth observation satellites. One of these satellites, ALOS - with the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor - observed these regions independently from day-night conditions or weather conditions. Carrying on this initiative, ESA is providing the ALOS PALSAR IPY Antarctica dataset, which consists of full resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR WB1 products (100m spatial resolution) over Antarctica from July 2008 (cycle 21) to December 2008 (Cycle 24) and from May 2009 (cycle 27) to March 2010 (cycle 31). Missing products between the two periods above is due to L0 data over Antarctica not being available in ADEN archives and not processed to L1. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a _$$map$$ https://tpm-ds.eo.esa.int/smcat/ALOSIPY/ available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ALOS_PRISM_L1B",
+ "title": "Alos PRISM L1B",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2006-07-09",
+ "end_date": "2011-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689640-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689640-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/ALOS_PRISM_L1B",
+ "description": "This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) L1B data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone plus some data requested by European scientists over their areas of interest around the world. The ADEN zone (https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/ALOS-ADEN-Zone.pdf) was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission is covered, though with gaps outside of the ADEN zone: Time window: from 2006-07-09 to 2011-03-31 Orbits: from 2425 to 24189 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 668 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 55 to 7185. Two different Level 1B product types (Panchromatic images in VIS-NIR bands, 2.5 m resolution at nadir) are offered, one for each available sensor mode: PSM_OB1_11 -> composed of up to three views; Nadir, Forward and Backward at 35 km swath PSM_OB2_11 -> composed of up to two views; Nadir view at 70 km width and Backward view at 35 km width. All ALOS PRISM EO-SIP products have, at least, the Nadir view which is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the view ID according to the JAXA naming convention.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AM1EPHNE.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "Files containing only extrapolated orbital metadata, to be read via SDP Toolkit, Binary Format",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2016-01-24",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607563719-ASIPS.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607563719-ASIPS.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1",
- "description": "The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP is the shortname for the SNPP VIIRS incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product\u2019s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the SNPP VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the SNPP VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426293893-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426293893-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/AM1EPHNE.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "AM1EPHNE is the Terra Near Real Time (NRT) 2-hour spacecraft Extrapolated ephemeris data file in native format. The file name format is the following: AM1EPHNE.Ayyyyddd.hhmm.vvv.yyyydddhhmmss where from left to right: E = Extrapolated; N = Native format; A = AM1 (Terra); yyyy = data year, ddd = Julian data day, hh = data hour, mm = data minute; vvv = Version ID; yyyy = production year, ddd = Julian production day, hh = production hour, mm = production minute, and ss = production second. Data set information: http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/sci_team/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "Catlin_Arctic_Survey_0",
- "title": "2011 R/V Catlin cruise in the Arctic Ocean",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2011-03-17",
+ "id": "APSF",
+ "title": "Aerial Photo Single Frames",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360181-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360181-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/Catlin_Arctic_Survey_0",
- "description": "Measurements made in the Arctic Ocean by the RV Catlin in 2011.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567654-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567654-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/APSF",
+ "description": "The Aerial Photography Single Frame Records collection is a large and diverse group of imagery acquired by Federal organizations from 1937 to the present. Over 6.4 million frames of photographic images are available for download as medium and high resolution digital products. The high resolution data provide access to photogrammetric quality scans of aerial photographs with sufficient resolution to reveal landscape detail and to facilitate the interpretability of landscape features. Coverage is predominantly over the United States and includes portions of Central America and Puerto Rico. Individual photographs vary in scale, size, film type, quality, and coverage.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZFR02_2014-10-07",
- "title": "ASCAT L1 SZF Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-01-01",
- "end_date": "2014-03-31",
+ "title": "Aquarius Celestial Sky Microwave Emission Map Ancillary Dataset V1.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-09-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-07",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901388-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901388-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ACM%3AMETOP%3AASCSZFR02_2014-10-07",
- "description": "Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at full resolution (SZF). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at 12.5 and 25 km Swath Grids. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). ",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2617176761-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2617176761-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_ANCILLARY_CELESTIALSKY_V1.v1",
+ "description": "This datasets contains three maps of L-band (wavelength = 21 cm) brightness temperature of the celestial sky (\"Galaxy\") used in the processing of the NASA Aquarius instrument data. The maps report Sky brightness temperatures in Kelvin gridded on the Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) reference frame epoch J2000. They are sampled over 721 Declinations between -90 degrees and +90 degrees and 1441 Right Ascensions between 0 degrees and 360 degrees, all evenly spaced at 0.25 degrees intervals. The brightness temperatures are assumed temporally invariant and polarization has been neglected. They include microwave continuum and atomic hydrogen line (HI) emissions. The maps differ only in how the strong radio source Cassiopeia A has been included into the whole sky background surveys: 1/ TB_no_Cas_A does not include Cassiopeia A and reports only the whole Sky surveys. 2/ TB_Cas_A_1cell spread Cas A total flux homogeneously over 1 map grid cell (i.e. 9.8572E-6 sr). 3/ TB_Cas_A_beam spreads Cas A over surrounding grid cells using a convolution by a Gaussian beam with HPBW of 35 arcmin (equivalent to the instrument used for the Sky surveys). Cassiopeia A is a supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation Cassiopeia and the brightest extra-solar radio source in the sky at frequencies above 1.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZOR02_2014-10-07",
- "title": "ASCAT L1 SZO Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-01-01",
- "end_date": "2014-03-31",
+ "id": "AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_CAP_V5.v5.0",
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 2 Sea Surface Salinity, Wind Speed & Direction Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-08-26",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-05",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901391-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901391-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ACM%3AMETOP%3AASCSZOR02_2014-10-07",
- "description": "Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 25 km Swath Grid (SZO). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 12.5 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). ",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205121315-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205121315-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_CAP_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "The version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 2 product contains the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D orbital/swath data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. This Level 2 dataset contains sea surface salinity (SSS), wind speed and wind direction data derived from 3 different radiometers and the onboard scatterometer. The CAP algorithm simultaneously retrieves the salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. Each L2 data file covers one 98 minute orbit. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZRR02_2014-10-07",
- "title": "ASCAT L1 SZR Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-01-01",
- "end_date": "2014-03-31",
+ "id": "AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_V5.v5.0",
+ "title": "Aquarius Official Release Level 2 Sea Surface Salinity & Wind Speed Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-08-25",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-07",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901394-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901394-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ACM%3AMETOP%3AASCSZRR02_2014-10-07",
- "description": "Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid (SZR). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 25 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). ",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2036882456-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2036882456-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "The version 5.0 Aquarius Level 2 product is the official third release of the orbital/swath data from AQUARIUS/SAC-D mission. The Aquarius Level 2 data set contains sea surface salinity (SSS) and wind speed data derived from 3 different radiometers and the onboard scatterometer. Included also in the Level 2 data are the horizontal and vertical brightness temperatures (TH and TV) for each radiometer, ancillary data, flags, converted telemetry and navigation data. Each data file covers one 98 minute orbit. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. Enhancements to the version 5.0 Level 2 data relative to v4.0 include: improvement of the salinity retrieval geophysical model for SST bias, estimates of SSS uncertainties (systematic and random components), and inclusion of a new spiciness variable.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGAMVE0100_2015-06-01",
- "title": "Atmospheric Motion Vectors - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1)",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2004-03-01",
- "end_date": "2012-12-31",
- "bbox": "-65, -65, 65, 65",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566336-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566336-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ACM%3AMSG%3AMSGAMVE0100_2015-06-01",
- "description": "This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI Atmospheric Motion Vectors at all heights below the tropopause, derived from 4 channels (Visual 0.8, Water Vapour 6.2, Water Vapour 7.3, Infrared 10.8), all combined into one product. Vectors are derived by tracking the motion of clouds and other atmospheric constituents as water vapour patterns. The height assignment of the AMVs is calculated using the Cross-Correlation Contribution (CCC) function to determine the pixels that contribute the most to the vectors. An AMV product contains more than 30000 vectors depending of the time of the day. The final AMV product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...). Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data. This is a Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR).",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0",
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Standard Mapped Image 7-Day Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-08-26",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-08",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756349-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756349-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the 7-Day running mean sea surface salinity (SSS) V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGASRE0100_2015-06-01",
- "title": "All-Sky Radiances - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1)",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2004-03-01",
- "end_date": "2012-12-31",
- "bbox": "-79, -81, 79, 81",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588876447-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588876447-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ACM%3AMSG%3AMSGASRE0100_2015-06-01",
- "description": "This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI All-Sky Radiances (ASR) product. The ASR product contains information on mean brightness temperatures (16x16 pixels so around 50km at nadir) from all thermal (e.g. infrared and water vapour) channels. It includes both clear and cloudy sky brightness temperatures. The ASR product also contains the fraction of clear sky and the solar zenith angle. The final ASR product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...).Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0",
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Standard Mapped Image Monthly Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-09-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-01",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756350-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756350-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the monthly sea surface salinity (SSS) V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGCSKR0100_2015-06-01",
- "title": "Clear Sky Radiances - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1)",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2004-03-01",
- "end_date": "2012-12-31",
- "bbox": "-79, -81, 79, 81",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566346-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566346-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ACM%3AMSG%3AMSGCSKR0100_2015-06-01",
- "description": "This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI Clear-Sky Radiances (CSR) product. The CSR product is a subset of the information derived during the Scenes Analysis processing. The product provides the brightness temperature for a subset of the MSG channels averaged over all pixels within a processing segment (16x16 pixels) which have been identified as clear (a minimum of 7 clear pixels are needed to compute the average). For the channel WV6.2 the CSR is also derived for areas containing low-level clouds. The CSR product also contains the fraction of clear sky and the solar zenith angle. The final CSR product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...). Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Rain Corrected Standard Mapped Image 7-Day Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-08-26",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-08",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756351-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756351-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_RAINCORRECTED_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the 7-Day running mean sea surface salinity (SSS) rain corrected V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Rain Corrected Standard Mapped Image Monthly Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-09-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-01",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756352-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756352-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_RAINCORRECTED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the monthly sea surface salinity (SSS) rain corrected V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0",
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 3 Wind Speed Standard Mapped Image 7-Day Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-08-26",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-08",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491757161-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491757161-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the 7-Day running mean wind speed V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Aquarius CAP Level 3 Wind Speed Standard Mapped Image Monthly Data V5.0",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2011-09-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-01",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491757162-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491757162-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0",
+ "description": "Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the monthly wind speed V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASAC_2201_HCL_0.5.v1",
+ "title": "0.5 hour 1 M HCl extraction data for the Windmill Islands marine sediments",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "1997-10-01",
+ "end_date": "1999-03-31",
+ "bbox": "110, -66, 110, -66",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305813-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305813-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/ASAC_2201_HCL_0.5.v1",
+ "description": "These results are for the 0.5 hour extraction of HCl. See also the metadata records for the 4 hour extraction of HCl, and the time trial data for 1 M HCl extractions. A regional survey of potential contaminants in marine or estuarine sediments is often one of the first steps in a post-disturbance environmental impact assessment. Of the many different chemical extraction or digestion procedures that have been proposed to quantify metal contamination, partial acid extractions are probably the best overall compromise between selectivity, sensitivity, precision, cost and expediency. The extent to which measured metal concentrations relate to the anthropogenic fraction that is bioavailable is contentious, but is one of the desired outcomes of an assessment or prediction of biological impact. As part of a regional survey of metal contamination associated with Australia's past waste management activities in Antarctica, we wanted to identify an acid type and extraction protocol that would allow a reasonable definition of the anthropogenic bioavailable fraction for a large number of samples. From a kinetic study of the 1 M HCl extraction of two certified Certified Reference Materials (MESS-2 and PACS-2) and two Antarctic marine sediments, we concluded that a 4 hour extraction time allows the equilibrium dissolution of relatively labile metal contaminants, but does not favour the extraction of natural geogenic metals. In a regional survey of 88 marine samples from the Casey Station area of East Antarctica, the 4 h extraction procedure correlated best with biological data, and most clearly identified those sediments thought to be contaminated by runoff from abandoned waste disposal sites. Most importantly the 4 hour extraction provided better definition of the low to moderately contaminated locations by picking up small differences in anthropogenic metal concentrations. For the purposes of inter-regional comparison, we recommend a 4 hour 1 M HCl acid extraction as a standard method for assessing metal contamination in Antarctica. The fields in this dataset are Location Site Replicate Antimony Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Nickel Silver Tin Zinc",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASAC_2357.v2",
+ "title": "10 year trend of levels of organochlorine pollutants in Antarctic seabirds",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "2003-12-16",
+ "end_date": "2004-01-18",
+ "bbox": "77.59, -68.93, 77.99, -68.755",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305884-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305884-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/ASAC_2357.v2",
+ "description": "Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2357 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Contaminants like PCBs and DDE have hardly been used Antarctica. Hence, this is an excellent place to monitor global background levels of these organochlorines. In this project concentrations in penguins and petrels will be compared to 10 years ago, which will show time trends of global background contamination levels. Data set description From several birds from Hop Island, Rauer Islands near Davis, samples were collected from preenoil (oil that birds excrete to preen their feathers. This preenoil was then analysed for organochlorine pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls, (PCBs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), DDE and dieldrin. The species under investigation were the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) and the Southern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialoides). The samples were collected from adult breeding birds, and stored in -20 degrees C as soon as possible. The analysis was done with relatively standard but very optimised methods, using a gas-chromatograph and mass-selective detection. Data sheets: The data are available in excel-sheets, located at Alterra, The Netherlands (the affiliation of the PI Nico van den Brink.). Data are available on PCB153 (polychlorinated biphenyl congener numbered 153), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), DDE (a metabolite of the pesticide DDT), and dieldrin (an insecticide). The metadata are in 4 sheets (in meta data 2357.xls): 1. 'Concentrations fulmars' 2. 'Morphometric data fulmars' 3. 'Concentrations Adelies' 4. 'Morphometric data Adelies' The column headings are: 1. 'Concentrations fulmars' - Fulmar: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'morphometric data fulmars'. - PCB153: concentration of PCB-congener 153 (ng/g lipids) - HCB: concentration of hexachlorobenzene (ng/g lipids) - DDE: concentration of DDE (ng/g lipids) - Dieldrin: concentration of dieldrin (ng/g lipids) - Sample size weight of collected amount of preenoil 2. Morphometric data fulmars - Fulmar: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'Concentrations fulmars'. - Bill Length (mm): length of bill (tip to base) - Head Length (mm): length of head (tip of bill to back of head) - Tarsus (mm): length of tarsus - Wing Length (cm): length of right wing - Weight (kg): weight of bird (without bag) 3. 'Concentrations Adelies' Adelie: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'morphometric data Adelies'. - PCB153: concentration of PCB-congener 153 (ng/g lipids) - HCB: concentration of hexachlorobenzene (ng/g lipids) - DDE: concentration of DDE (ng/g lipids) - Dieldrin: concentration of dieldrin (ng/g lipids) - Sample size weight of collected amount of preenoil 4. 'Morphometric data Adelies' - Adelie: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'Concentrations Adelies'. - Bill (mm): length of bill (tip to base) - Head Length (mm): length of head (tip of bill to back of head) - Tarsus (mm): length of tarsus - Flipper Length (cm): length of right flipper (wing) - Weight (kg): weight of bird (without bag) In sheets on concentrations: less than d.l.: concentrations below detection limits.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AST14DEM.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Digital Elevation Model V003",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-06",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 83",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AST14DEM.v003",
+ "description": "The ASTER Digital Elevation Model (AST14DEM) product is generated (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/documents/996/ASTER_Earthdata_Search_Order_Instructions.pdf) using bands 3N (nadir-viewing) and 3B (backward-viewing) of an (ASTER Level 1A) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) image acquired by the Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) sensor. The VNIR subsystem includes two independent telescope assemblies that facilitate the generation of stereoscopic data. The band 3 stereo pair is acquired in the spectral range of 0.78 and 0.86 microns with a base-to-height ratio of 0.6 and an intersection angle of 27.7 degrees. There is a time lag of approximately one minute between the acquisition of the nadir and backward images. For a better understanding, refer to this (diagram) (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/documents/301/ASTER_Along_Track_Imaging_Geometry.png) depicting the along-track imaging geometry of the ASTER VNIR nadir and backward-viewing sensors. The accuracy of the new LP DAAC produced DEMs will meet or exceed accuracy specifications set for the ASTER relative DEMs by the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/documents/81/AST14_ATBD.pdf). Users likely will find that the DEMs produced by the new LP DAAC system have accuracies approaching those specified in the ATBD for absolute DEMs. Validation testing has shown that DEMs produced by the new system frequently are more accurate than 25 meters root mean square error (RMSE) in xyz dimensions. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions As of January 2021, the LP DAAC has implemented version 3.0 of the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation ASTER DEM/Ortho (SILCAST) software, which is used to generate the Level 2 on-demand ASTER Orthorectified and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) products (AST14). The updated software provides digital elevation extraction and orthorectification from ASTER L1B input data without needing to enter ground control points or depending on external global DEMs at 30-arc-second resolution (GTOPO30). It utilizes the ephemeris and attitude data derived from both the ASTER instrument and the Terra spacecraft platform. The outputs are geoid height-corrected and waterbodies are automatically detected in this version. Users will notice differences between AST14DEM, AST14DMO, and AST14OTH products ordered before January 2021 (generated with SILCAST V1) and those generated with the updated version of the production software (version 3.0). Differences may include slight elevation changes over different surface types, including waterbodies. Differences have also been observed over cloudy portions of ASTER scenes. Additional information on SILCAST version 3.0 can be found on the SILCAST website (http://www.silc.co.jp/en/products.html). Starting June 23, 2021, radiometric calibration coefficient Version 5 (RCC V5) will be applied to newly observed ASTER data and archived ASTER data products. Details regarding RCC V5 are described in the following journal article. Tsuchida, S., Yamamoto, H., Kouyama, T., Obata, K., Sakuma, F., Tachikawa, T., Kamei, A., Arai, K., Czapla-Myers, J.S., Biggar, S.F., and Thome, K.J., 2020, Radiometric Degradation Curves for the ASTER VNIR Processing Using Vicarious and Lunar Calibrations: Remote Sensing, v. 12, no. 3, at https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030427. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASTGTM.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V003",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1711961296-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1711961296-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ASTGTM.v003",
+ "description": "The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator). The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan\u2019s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) archive of scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. Stereo correlation was used to produce over one million individual scene based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking was applied. All cloud screened DEMs and non-cloud screened DEMs were stacked. Residual bad values and outliers were removed. In areas with limited data stacking, several existing reference DEMs were used to supplement ASTER data to correct for residual anomalies. Selected data were averaged to create final pixel values before partitioning the data into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles with a one pixel overlap. To correct elevation values of water body surfaces, the ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/ASTWBD.001) Version 1 data product was also generated. The geographic coverage of the ASTER GDEM extends from 83\u00b0 North to 83\u00b0 South. Each tile is distributed in GeoTIFF format and projected on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each of the 22,912 tiles in the collection contain at least 0.01% land area. Provided in the ASTER GDEM product are layers for DEM and number of scenes (NUM). The NUM layer indicates the number of scenes that were processed for each pixel and the source of the data. While the ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer substantial improvements over Version 2, users are advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain applications. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions \u2022 Expansion of acquisition coverage to increase the amount of cloud-free input scenes from about 1.5 million in Version 2 to about 1.88 million scenes in Version 3. \u2022 Separation of rivers from lakes in the water body processing. \u2022 Minimum water body detection size decreased from 1 km2 to 0.2 km2. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASTGTM_NC.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model NetCDF V003",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2439422590-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2439422590-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ASTGTM_NC.v003",
+ "description": "The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator). The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan\u2019s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) archive of scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. Stereo correlation was used to produce over one million individual scene based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking was applied. All cloud screened DEMs and non-cloud screened DEMs were stacked. Residual bad values and outliers were removed. In areas with limited data stacking, several existing reference DEMs were used to supplement ASTER data to correct for residual anomalies. Selected data were averaged to create final pixel values before partitioning the data into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles with a one pixel overlap. To correct elevation values of water body surfaces, the ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/ASTWBD.001) Version 1 data product was also generated. The geographic coverage of the ASTER GDEM extends from 83\u00b0 North to 83\u00b0 South. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and projected on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each of the 22,912 tiles in the collection contain at least 0.01% land area. Each ASTGTM_NC data product contains a DEM file, which provides elevation information. The corresponding ASTGTM_NUMNC file indicates the number of scenes that were processed for each pixel and the source of the data. While the ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer substantial improvements over Version 2, users are advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain applications. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions \u2022 Expansion of acquisition coverage to increase the amount of cloud-free input scenes from about 1.5 million in Version 2 to about 1.88 million scenes in Version 3. \u2022 Separation of rivers from lakes in the water body processing. \u2022 Minimum water body detection size decreased from 1 km2 to 0.2 km2. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASTGTM_NUMNC.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model Attributes NetCDF V003",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2439429778-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2439429778-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ASTGTM_NUMNC.v003",
+ "description": "The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator). The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan\u2019s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) archive of scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. Stereo correlation was used to produce over one million individual scene based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking was applied. All cloud screened DEMs and non-cloud screened DEMs were stacked. Residual bad values and outliers were removed. In areas with limited data stacking, several existing reference DEMs were used to supplement ASTER data to correct for residual anomalies. Selected data were averaged to create final pixel values before partitioning the data into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles with a one pixel overlap. To correct elevation values of water body surfaces, the ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/ASTWBD.001) Version 1 data product was also generated. The geographic coverage of the ASTER GDEM extends from 83\u00b0 North to 83\u00b0 South. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and projected on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each of the 22,912 tiles in the collection contain at least 0.01% land area. Each ASTGTM_NUMNC file indicates the number of scenes that were processed for each pixel and the source of the data.. The corresponding ASTGTM_NC data product contains a DEM file, which provides elevation information. While the ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer substantial improvements over Version 2, users are advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain applications. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions \u2022 Expansion of acquisition coverage to increase the amount of cloud-free input scenes from about 1.5 million in Version 2 to about 1.88 million scenes in Version 3. \u2022 Separation of rivers from lakes in the water body processing. \u2022 Minimum water body detection size decreased from 1 km2 to 0.2 km2. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASTWBD.v001",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Water Bodies Database V001",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734433-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734433-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/ASTWBD.v001",
+ "description": "The ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) Version 1 data product provides global coverage of water bodies larger than 0.2 square kilometers at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meters) at the equator, along with associated elevation information. The ASTWBD data product was created in conjunction with the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 3 data product by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was generated using ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. The ASTWBD data product was then generated to correct elevation values of water body surfaces. To generate the ASTWBD data product, water bodies were separated from land areas and then classified into three categories: ocean, river, or lake. Oceans and lakes have a flattened, constant elevation value. The effects of sea ice were manually removed from areas classified as oceans to better delineate ocean shorelines in high latitude areas. For lake waterbodies, the elevation for each lake was calculated from the perimeter elevation data using the mosaic image that covers the entire area of the lake. Rivers presented a unique challenge given that their elevations gradually step down from upstream to downstream; therefore, visual inspection and other manual detection methods were required. The geographic coverage of the ASTWBD extends from 83\u00b0N to 83\u00b0S. Each tile is distributed in GeoTIFF format and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each data product is provided as a zipped file that contains an attribute file with the water body classification information and a DEM file, which provides elevation information in meters. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASTWBD_ATTNC.v001",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Water Bodies Database Attributes NetCDF V001",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734760-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734760-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/ASTWBD_ATTNC.v001",
+ "description": "The ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) Version 1 data product provides global coverage of water bodies larger than 0.2 square kilometers at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meters) at the equator, along with associated elevation information. The ASTWBD data product was created in conjunction with the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 3 data product by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was generated using ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. The ASTWBD data product was then generated to correct elevation values of water body surfaces. To generate the ASTWBD data product, water bodies were separated from land areas and then classified into three categories: ocean, river, or lake. Oceans and lakes have a flattened, constant elevation value. The effects of sea ice were manually removed from areas classified as oceans to better delineate ocean shorelines in high latitude areas. For lake waterbodies, the elevation for each lake was calculated from the perimeter elevation data using the mosaic image that covers the entire area of the lake. Rivers presented a unique challenge given that their elevations gradually step down from upstream to downstream; therefore, visual inspection and other manual detection methods were required. The geographic coverage of the ASTWBD extends from 83\u00b0N to 83\u00b0S. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each ASTWBD_ATTNC file contains an attribute file with the water body classification information. The corresponding ASTWBD_NC data product DEM file, which provides elevation information in meters.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ASTWBD_NC.v001",
+ "title": "ASTER Global Water Bodies Database NetCDF V001",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-11-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -83, 180, 82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734501-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734501-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/ASTWBD_NC.v001",
+ "description": "The ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) Version 1 data product provides global coverage of water bodies larger than 0.2 square kilometers at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meters) at the equator, along with associated elevation information. The ASTWBD data product was created in conjunction with the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 3 data product by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was generated using ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. The ASTWBD data product was then generated to correct elevation values of water body surfaces. To generate the ASTWBD data product, water bodies were separated from land areas and then classified into three categories: ocean, river, or lake. Oceans and lakes have a flattened, constant elevation value. The effects of sea ice were manually removed from areas classified as oceans to better delineate ocean shorelines in high latitude areas. For lake waterbodies, the elevation for each lake was calculated from the perimeter elevation data using the mosaic image that covers the entire area of the lake. Rivers presented a unique challenge given that their elevations gradually step down from upstream to downstream; therefore, visual inspection and other manual detection methods were required. The geographic coverage of the ASTWBD extends from 83\u00b0N to 83\u00b0S. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each ASTWBD_NC data product DEM file, which provides elevation information in meters. The corresponding ASTWBD_ATTNC file contains an attribute file with the water body classification information.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AST_L1A.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data V003",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-04",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C14758250-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C14758250-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AST_L1A.v003",
+ "description": "The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Level 1A (AST_L1A) contains reconstructed, instrument digital numbers (DNs) derived from the acquired telemetry streams of the telescopes: Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), and Thermal Infrared (TIR). Additionally, geometric correction coefficients and radiometric calibration coefficients are calculated and appended to the metadata, but not applied. The spatial resolution is 15 m (VNIR), 30 m (SWIR), and 90 m (TIR) with a temporal coverage of 2000 to present. Starting June 23, 2021, radiometric calibration coefficient Version 5 (RCC V5) will be applied to newly observed ASTER data and archived ASTER data products. Details regarding RCC V5 are described in the following journal article. Tsuchida, S., Yamamoto, H., Kouyama, T., Obata, K., Sakuma, F., Tachikawa, T., Kamei, A., Arai, K., Czapla-Myers, J.S., Biggar, S.F., and Thome, K.J., 2020, Radiometric Degradation Curves for the ASTER VNIR Processing Using Vicarious and Lunar Calibrations: Remote Sensing, v. 12, no. 3, at https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030427. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AST_L1AE.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Expedited L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data V003",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-04",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179460405-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179460405-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AST_L1AE.v003",
+ "description": "The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Expedited Level 1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data (AST_L1AE) global product contains reconstructed, unprocessed instrument digital data derived from the acquired telemetry streams of the telescopes: Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), and Thermal Infrared (TIR). This data product is similar to the (AST_L1A) (http://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) with a few notable exceptions. These include: * The AST_L1AE is available for download within 48 hours of acquisition in support of field calibration and validation efforts, in addition to emergency response for natural disasters where the quick turn-around time from acquisition to availability would prove beneficial in initial damage or impact assessments. * The registration quality of the AST_L1AE is likely to be lower than the AST_L1A, and may vary from scene to scene. * The AST_L1AE data product does not contain the VNIR 3B (aft-viewing) Band. * This dataset does not have short-term calibration for the Thermal Infrared (TIR) sensor. * The AST_L1AE data product is only available for download 30 days after acquisition. It is then removed and reprocessed into an AST_L1A product.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AST_L1BE.v003",
+ "title": "ASTER Expedited L1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor V003",
+ "catalog": "LPDAAC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2000-03-04",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179460406-LPDAAC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179460406-LPDAAC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPDAAC_ECS/collections/AST_L1BE.v003",
+ "description": "The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Expedited Level 1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor global data product is radiometrically calibrated and geometrically co-registered. Application of intra-telescope and inter-telescope registration corrections for all bands are relative to the reference band for each telescope: Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) Band 2, Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) Band 6, and Thermal Infrared (TIR) Band 11. The Expedited Level 1B data product is similar to the (AST_L1B) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1B.003) with a few notable exceptions. These include: * The AST_L1BE is available for download within 48 hours of acquisition in support of field calibration and validation efforts, in addition to emergency response for natural disasters where the quick turn-around time from acquisition to availability would prove beneficial in initial damage or impact assessments. * The registration quality of the AST_L1BE is likely to be lower than the AST_L1B, and may vary from scene to scene. * The AST_L1BE dataset does not contain the VNIR 3B (aft-viewing) Band. * This dataset does not have short-term calibration for the Thermal Infrared (TIR) sensor.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL02.v005",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L1B Converted Telemetry Data V005",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572246-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572246-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL02.v005",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL02) contains science unit-converted, time-ordered telemetry data, calibrated for instrument effects, downlinked from the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The data are used by the ATLAS/ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) for system\u2013level, quality control analysis and as source data for ATLAS/ICESat-2 Level-2 products and the Precision Orbit Determination (POD) and Precision Pointing Determination (PPD) computations.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL02.v006",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L1B Converted Telemetry Data V006",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2547589158-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2547589158-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL02.v006",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL02) contains science-unit-converted time-ordered telemetry data, calibrated for instrument effects, downlinked from the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The data are used by the ATLAS/ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) for system-level, quality control analysis and as source data for ATLAS/ICESat-2 Level-2 products and Precision Orbit Determination (POD) and Precision Pointing Determination (PPD) computations.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL03.v005",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Global Geolocated Photon Data V005",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572325-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572325-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL03.v005",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL03) contains height above the WGS 84 ellipsoid (ITRF2014 reference frame), latitude, longitude, and time for all photons downlinked by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The ATL03 product was designed to be a single source for all photon data and ancillary information needed by higher-level ATLAS/ICESat-2 products. As such, it also includes spacecraft and instrument parameters and ancillary data not explicitly required for ATL03.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL03.v006",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Global Geolocated Photon Data V006",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2596864127-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2596864127-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL03.v006",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL03) contains height above the WGS 84 ellipsoid (ITRF2014 reference frame), latitude, longitude, and time for all photons downlinked by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The ATL03 product was designed to be a single source for all photon data and ancillary information needed by higher-level ATLAS/ICESat-2 products. As such, it also includes spacecraft and instrument parameters and ancillary data not explicitly required for ATL03.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL04.v005",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Normalized Relative Backscatter Profiles V005",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572406-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572406-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL04.v005",
+ "description": "ATL04 contains along-track normalized relative backscatter profiles of the atmosphere. The product includes full 532 nm (14 km) uncalibrated attenuated backscatter profiles at 25 times per second for vertical bins of approximately 30 meters. Calibration coefficient values derived from data within the polar regions are also included. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL04.v006",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Normalized Relative Backscatter Profiles V006",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2613553327-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2613553327-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL04.v006",
+ "description": "ATL04 contains along-track normalized relative backscatter profiles of the atmosphere. The product includes full 532 nm (14 km) uncalibrated attenuated backscatter profiles at 25 times per second for vertical bins of approximately 30 meters. Calibration coefficient values derived from data within the polar regions are also included. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL09.v005",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Calibrated Backscatter Profiles and Atmospheric Layer Characteristics V005",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153574732-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153574732-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL09.v005",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL09) contains calibrated, attenuated backscatter profiles, layer integrated attenuated backscatter, and other parameters including cloud layer height and atmospheric characteristics obtained from the data. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL09.v006",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Calibrated Backscatter Profiles and Atmospheric Layer Characteristics V006",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2649212495-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2649212495-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL09.v006",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL09) contains calibrated, attenuated backscatter profiles, layer integrated attenuated backscatter, and other parameters including cloud layer height and atmospheric characteristics obtained from the data. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL13.v005",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Along Track Inland Surface Water Data V005",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153575088-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153575088-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL13.v005",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL13) contains along-track surface water products for inland water bodies. Inland water bodies include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays, estuaries and a 7km near-shore buffer. Principal data products include the along-track water surface height and standard deviation, subsurface signal (532 nm) attenuation, significant wave height, wind speed, and coarse depth to bottom topography (where data permit).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATL13.v006",
+ "title": "ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Along Track Inland Surface Water Data V006",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_CPRD",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2684928243-NSIDC_CPRD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2684928243-NSIDC_CPRD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_CPRD/collections/ATL13.v006",
+ "description": "This data set (ATL13) contains along-track surface water products for inland water bodies. Inland water bodies include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays, estuaries and a 7km near-shore buffer. Principal data products include the along-track water surface height and standard deviation, subsurface signal (532 nm) attenuation, significant wave height, wind speed, and coarse depth to bottom topography (where data permit).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ATSMIGEO.v002",
+ "title": "MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the ARCTAS region V002",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "2008-04-02",
+ "end_date": "2008-07-24",
+ "bbox": "-157, 54, -110, 71",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000541-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000541-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/ATSMIGEO.v002",
+ "description": "This file contains the Geometric Parameters subset for the ARCTAS region which measures the sun and view angles at the reference ellipsoid",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_DySno_NRT_R02.v2",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Global Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent V2",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2021-04-15",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2052622563-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2052622563-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_DySno_NRT_R02.v2",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Global Daily Snow Water Equivalent data set contains snow water equivalent (SWE) data and quality assurance flags mapped to Northern and Southern Hemisphere 25 km Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grids (EASE-Grids). Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/daysnow/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_Land_NRT_R02.v2",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Half-Orbit 25 km EASE-Grid Surface Soil Moisture Beta V2",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2018-04-11",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89.24, 180, 89.24",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1514684539-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1514684539-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_Land_NRT_R02.v2",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The GCOM-W1 NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Half-Orbit 25 km EASE-Grid Surface Soil Moisture product is a daily measurement of surface soil moisture produced by two retrieval algorithms using resampled Tb (Level-1R) data provided by JAXA: the Normalized Polarization Difference (NPD) algorithm developed by JPL and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA) developed by USDA. Ancillary data include time, geolocation, and quality assessment. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 and netCDF4 formats and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level2/land/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. The AMSR SIPS produces AMSR2 standard science quality data products and they are available at the NSIDC DAAC. Note: This is the same algorithm that generates the corresponding standard science products in the AMSR SIPS. With this beta release, we are generating NRT products in both HDF-EOS5 and netCDF with CF metadata. Version 2 corrects these issues from the previous release: a boundary condition error that resulted in the failure of a small number of version 1 product files and an error in the number of low resolution scans processed which caused only the first half of each scan to be processed.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_Ocean.v1",
+ "title": "AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Ocean Products V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2002-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89.24, 180, 89.24",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2176472016-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2176472016-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/AU_Ocean.v1",
+ "description": "This AMSR Unified global ocean data set reports integrated water vapor and cloud liquid water content in the atmospheric column, plus 10-meter sea surface wind speeds. The data are derived from AMSR-E and AMSR2 brightness temperature observations that have been resampled by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to facilitate an intercalibrated (i.e., \u201cunified\u201d) AMSR-E/AMSR2 data record. Ancillary files, including product history, quality assessment (QA), and file-specific metadata are also available.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_Ocean_NRT_R01.v1",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Ocean Products V1",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2020-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89, 180, 89",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1841273046-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1841273046-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_Ocean_NRT_R01.v1",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The GCOM-W1 NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Ocean Products is a swath product containing global sea surface temperature over ocean, wind speed over ocean, water vapor over ocean and cloud liquid water over ocean, using resampled NRT Level-1R data provided by JAXA. This is the same algorithm that generates the corresponding standard science products in the AMSR SIPS. The NRT products are generated in HDF-EOS-5 augmented with netCDF-4/CF metadata and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level2/ocean/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. The AMSR SIPS produces AMSR2 standard science quality data products, and they are available at the NSIDC DAAC.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_Rain.v1",
+ "title": "AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Surface Precipitation V001",
+ "catalog": "NSIDC_ECS",
+ "state_date": "2002-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89.24, 180, 89.24",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1708620364-NSIDC_ECS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1708620364-NSIDC_ECS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDC_ECS/collections/AU_Rain.v1",
+ "description": "This AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified Level-2B data set reports instantaneous surface precipitation rates and types (over land and ocean) and precipitation profiles (over ocean). The data are derived by applying the AMSR-E/AMSR2 unified algorithm to L1R data obtained by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) for EOS (AMSR-E) and AMSR2 instruments.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_Rain_NRT_R02.v2",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified Global Swath Surface Precipitation GSFC Profiling Algorithm V2",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2021-10-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89, 180, 89",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2152626500-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2152626500-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_Rain_NRT_R02.v2",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The GCOM-W1 NRT AMSR2 Unified Global Swath Surface Precipitation GSFC Profiling Algorithm is a swath product containing global rain rate and type, calculated by the GPROF 2017 V2R rainfall retrieval algorithm using resampled NRT Level-1R data provided by JAXA. This is the same algorithm that generates the corresponding standard science products in the AMSR SIPS. The NRT products are generated in HDF-EOS-5 augmented with netCDF-4/CF metadata and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level2/rain/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. The AMSR SIPS produces AMSR2 standard science quality data products, and they are available at the NSIDC DAAC.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_SI12_NRT_R04.v4",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 12.5 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration V4",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2020-06-29",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89, 180, 89",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605827-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605827-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_SI12_NRT_R04.v4",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 12.5 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration, Version 4 uses as input the resampled brightness temperature (Level-1R) data provided by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The Version 4 dataset uses the AMSR-U2 product generation algorithm with slight modifications for NRT product generation, same algorithm used to generation the standard, science quality, data that is available at the NSIDC DAAC. This Level-3 gridded product includes brightness temperatures at 89.0 GHz. Data are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 12.5 km spatial resolution. Sea ice concentration and brightness temperatures include daily ascending averages, daily descending averages, and daily averages. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/seaice12. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. These standard product, science quality, are available at the NSIDC DAAC: https://nsidc.org/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_SI25_NRT_R04.v4",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 25 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration Polar Grids V4",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2020-06-29",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89, 180, 89",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605830-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605830-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_SI25_NRT_R04.v4",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 25 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration Polar Grids, Version 4 uses as input the resampled brightness temperature (Level-1R) data provided by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The Version 4 dataset uses the AMSR-U2 product generation algorithm with slight modifications for NRT product generation, same algorithm used to generation the standard, science quality, data that is available at the NSIDC DAAC. This Level-3 gridded product includes brightness temperatures at 6.9 through 89.0 GHz and sea ice concentrations. Data are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 25 km spatial resolution. Sea ice concentration and brightness temperatures include daily ascending averages, daily descending averages, and daily averages. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/seaice25. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. These standard product, science quality, are available at the NSIDC DAAC: https://nsidc.org/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "AU_SI6_NRT_R04.v4",
+ "title": "NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 6.25 km Polar Gridded 89 GHz Brightness Temperatures V4",
+ "catalog": "LANCEAMSR2",
+ "state_date": "2020-06-29",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -89, 180, 89",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605828-LANCEAMSR2.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605828-LANCEAMSR2.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEAMSR2/collections/AU_SI6_NRT_R04.v4",
+ "description": "The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 6.25 km Polar Gridded 89 GHz Brightness Temperatures, Version 4 uses as input the resampled brightness temperature (Level-1R) data provided by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The Version 4 dataset uses the AMSR-U2 product generation algorithm with slight modifications for NRT product generation, same algorithm used to generation the standard, science quality, data that is available at the NSIDC DAAC. This Level-3 gridded product includes brightness temperatures at 89.0 GHz. Data are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 6.25 km spatial resolution. This product is an intermediate product during processing of LANCE AMSR2 Level-3 sea ice products at 12.5 km and 25 km resolution. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5/netCDF-CF format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/seaice6. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. These standard product, science quality, are available at the NSIDC DAAC: https://nsidc.org/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "AVHRR 1-km Global Land 10-Day Composites",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1992-04-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566288-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566288-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/AVHRR_GLOBAL_10-DAY_COMPOSITES",
+ "description": "The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 1-km Global Land 10-Day Composites data set project is a component of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) AVHRR Pathfinder Program. The project is a collaborative effort between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the European Space Agency (ESA), Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), and 30 international ground receiving stations. The project represents an international effort to archive and distribute the 1-km AVHRR composites of the entire global land surface to scientific researchers and to the general public. The data set is comprised of a time series of global 10-day normalized difference vegetation index composites. The composites are generated from radiometrically calibrated, atmospherically corrected, and geometrically corrected daily AVHRR observations. The time series begins in April 1992 and continues for specific time periods.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "AVHRR 1-km Orbital Segments",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1992-04-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566340-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566340-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/AVHRR_ORBITAL_SEGMENTS",
+ "description": " The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 1-km Orbital Segments data set is a component of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) AVHRR Pathfinder Program and contains global coverage of land masses at 1-kilometer resolution. The data set is the result of an international effort to acquire, process, and distribute AVHRR data of the entire global land surface to meet the needs of the international science community. The orbital segments are comprised of raw AVHRR scenes consisting of 5-channel, 10-bit, AVHRR data at 1.1-km resolution at nadir. The raw data are used to produce vegetation index composites; to support fire detection and cloud screening activities; to support research in atmospheric correction; to develop algorithms; and to support a host of research activities that may require the inclusion of raw AVHRR data. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Active_Fluorescence_2001.v0",
+ "title": "Active fluorescence measurements in the Gulf Stream in 2001",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "2001-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360093-OB_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360093-OB_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/Active_Fluorescence_2001.v0",
+ "description": "Measurements in the Gulf Stream off the East Coast of the US in 2001",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "C1_PANA_STUC00GTD.v1",
+ "title": "Cartosat-1 PANA Standard Products",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
+ "state_date": "2005-08-05",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271378-ISRO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271378-ISRO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/C1_PANA_STUC00GTD.v1",
+ "description": "This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "C1_PANF_STUC00GTD.v1",
+ "title": "Cartosat-1 PANF Standard Products",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
+ "state_date": "2005-08-05",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271427-ISRO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271427-ISRO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/C1_PANF_STUC00GTD.v1",
+ "description": "This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_GNSS_products_IGS20.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS GNSS ITRF2020 IGS products (IGS20)",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1983-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2433571719-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2433571719-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_GNSS_products_IGS20.v1",
+ "description": "These data-derived products are the International GNSS Service (IGS) Analysis Centers' (AC) contribution to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2020.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_coseismic_offsets.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products weekly coseismic offset time series",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454001-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454001-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_coseismic_offsets.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_daily_time_series.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products daily GNSS geodetic displacement time series",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000081-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000081-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_daily_time_series.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These data products are daily geodetic displacement time series (compressed). They are combined, cleaned and filtered, GIPSY-GAMIT long-term time series of Continuous Global Navigation Satellite System (CGNSS) station positions (global and regional) in the latest version of ITRF ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_daily_tropo_delay.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs GNSS products daily tropospheric delay",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454082-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454082-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_daily_tropo_delay.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These GNSS data products are long-term time series of troposphere delay (5-minute resolution) at geodetic stations, necessarily estimated during position time series production. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_discplacement_grids.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products weekly displacement grids time series",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454029-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454029-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_discplacement_grids.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_earthquake_displacement.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products highrate earthquake displacement",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2043197582-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2043197582-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_earthquake_displacement.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These products consist of high-rate displacements at a rate of 1 sample per second or greater. They are used to measure the ground motions when an earthquake occurs.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_transients.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products plate boundary aseismic transient deformation",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042416028-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042416028-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_transients.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These data products catalog plate boundary aseismic transient deformation with focus in Cascadia, cataloging and parameterizing transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic transient motion such as episodic tremor and slip (ETS), first discovered in Japan and Cascadia. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_MEASURES_products_water_storage.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products total water storage time series",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1992-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042453960-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042453960-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_MEASURES_products_water_storage.v1",
+ "description": "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA\u2019s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These data products are grids of changes in total water storage over the continental U.S.; continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_SLR_products_ITRF2020_REPRO2020.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS SLR products ITRF2020 Station Positions and Earth Orientation Parameters Time Series REPRO2020",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "1983-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2021-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2409908432-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2409908432-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_SLR_products_ITRF2020_REPRO2020.v1",
+ "description": "\u201cThe ILRS contribution to ITRF2020 consists of a pair of time series of weekly and bi-weekly station position estimates along with daily and 3-day averaged Earth Orientation Parameters (X-pole, Y-pole and excess Length-Of-Day (LOD)) estimated over 7-day arcs (1993.0 \u2013 2021.0) and 15-day arcs for the period 1983.0-1993.0, aligned to the calendar weeks (Sunday to Saturday), starting from January 1983. Each solution is obtained through the combination of loosely constrained weekly/biweekly solutions submitted by each of the seven official ILRS Analysis Centers. Both, the individual and combined solutions have followed strict standards agreed upon within the ILRS Analysis Standing Committee (ASC) to provide ITRS products of the highest possible quality.\u201d (The ILRS contribution to ITRF2020, E. C. Pavlis (GESTAR II/UMBC & NASA Goddard 61A) and V. Luceri (e-GEOS S.p.A., ASI/CGS))",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CDDIS_VLBI_data_aux.v1",
+ "title": "CDDIS VLBI Auxilliary Files",
+ "catalog": "CDDIS",
+ "state_date": "2005-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2404928689-CDDIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2404928689-CDDIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CDDIS/collections/CDDIS_VLBI_data_aux.v1",
+ "description": " Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) auxiliary ASCII files provided by the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) include schedules, notes, and session log files.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "2007-08 V3 CEAMARC-CASO Bathymetry Plots Over Time During Events",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "2007-12-17",
+ "end_date": "2008-01-26",
+ "bbox": "139.01488, -67.07104, 150.06479, -42.88246",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214308504-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214308504-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/CEAMARC_CASO_200708030_EVENT_BATHYMETRY_PLOTS.v1",
+ "description": "A routine was developed in R ('bathy_plots.R') to plot bathymetry data over time during individual CEAMARC events. This is so we can analyse benthic data in relation to habitat, ie. did we trawl over a slope or was the sea floor relatively flat. Note that the depth range in the plots is autoscaled to the data, so a small range in depths appears as a scatetring of points. As long as you look at the depth scale though interpretation will be ok. The R files need a file of bathymetry data in '200708V3_one_minute.csv' which is a file containing a data export from the underway PostgreSQL ship database and 'events.csv' which is a stripped down version of the events export from the ship board events database export. If you wish to run the code again you may need to change the pathnames in the R script to relevant locations. If you have opened the csv files in excel at any stage and the R script gets an error you may need to format the date/time columns as yyyy-mm-dd hh;mm:ss, save and close the file as csv without opening it again and then run the R script. However, all output files are here for every CEAMARC event. Filenames contain a reference to CEAMARC event id. Files are in eps format and can be viewed using Ghostview which is available as a free download on the internet.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CEOS_CalVal_Test_Sites-Algeria3",
+ "title": "CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Algeria 3 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1972-08-11",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "5.22, 29.09, 10.01, 31.36",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567099-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567099-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/CEOS_CalVal_Test_Sites-Algeria3",
+ "description": "On the background of these requirements for sensor calibration, intercalibration and product validation, the subgroup on Calibration and Validation of the Committee on Earth Observing System (CEOS) formulated the following recommendation during the plenary session held in China at the end of 2004, with the goal of setting-up and operating an internet based system to provide sensor data, protocols and guidelines for these purposes: Background: Reference Datasets are required to support the understanding of climate change and quality assure operational services by Earth Observing satellites. The data from different sensors and the resulting synergistic data products require a high level of accuracy that can only be obtained through continuous traceable calibration and validation activities. Requirement: Initiate an activity to document a reference methodology to predict Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance for which currently flying and planned wide swath sensors can be intercompared, i.e. define a standard for traceability. Also create and maintain a fully accessible web page containing, on an instrument basis, links to all instrument characteristics needed for intercomparisons as specified above, ideally in a common format. In addition, create and maintain a database (e.g. SADE) of instrument data for specific vicarious calibration sites, including site characteristics, in a common format. Each agency is responsible for providing data for their instruments in this common format. Recommendation : The required activities described above should be supported for an implementation period of two years and a maintenance period over two subsequent years. The CEOS should encourage a member agency to accept the lead role in supporting this activity. CEOS should request all member agencies to support this activity by providing appropriate information and data in a timely manner. Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS): Algeria 3 is one of six CEOS reference Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) that are CEOS Reference Test Sites. Besides the nominally good site characteristics (temporal stability, uniformity, homogeneity, etc.), these six PICS were selected by also taking into account their heritage and the large number of datasets from multiple instruments that already existed in the EO archives and the long history of characterization performed over these sites. The PICS have high reflectance and are usually made up of sand dunes with climatologically low aerosol loading and practically no vegetation. Consequently, these PICS can be used to evaluate the long-term stability of instrument and facilitate inter-comparison of multiple instruments.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CH-OG-1-GPS-10S.v0.0",
+ "title": "10 sec GPS ground tracking data",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "2001-05-28",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-63.51, -45.69, 170.42, 78.87",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214586614-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214586614-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/CH-OG-1-GPS-10S.v0.0",
+ "description": "This data set comprises GPS ground data of a sample rate of 10 sec, generated by decoding and sampling GPS high rate ground data. This raw data passed no quality control. The data are given in the Rinex 2.1 format.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2008.v2008.00",
+ "title": "2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1994-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2007-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001707-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001707-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2008.v2008.00",
+ "description": "The 2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) centers on two broad environmental protection objectives: (1) reducing environmental stresses on human health, and (2) promoting ecosystem vitality and sound natural resource management. Derived from a careful review of the environmental literature, these twin goals mirror the priorities expressed by policymakers. Environmental health and ecosystem vitality are gauged using 25 indicators tracked in six well-established policy categories: Environmental Health (Environmental Burden of Disease, Water, and Air Pollution), Air Pollution (effects on ecosystems), Water (effects on ecosystems), Biodiversity and Habitat, Productive Natural Resources (Forestry, Fisheries, and Agriculture), and Climate Change. The 2008 EPI utilizes a proximity-to-target methodology in which performance on each indicator is rated on a 0 to 100 scale (100 represents \u00ef\u00bf\u00bdat target\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd). By identifying specific targets and measuring how close each country comes to them, the EPI provides a foundation for policy analysis and a context for evaluating performance. Issue-by-issue and aggregate rankings facilitate cross-country comparisons both globally and within relevant peer groups. The 2008 EPI is the result of collaboration among the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2010.v2010.00",
+ "title": "2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1994-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2009-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002147-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002147-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2010.v2010.00",
+ "description": "The 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 163 countries on environmental performance based on twenty-five indicators grouped within ten core policy categories addressing environmental health, air quality, water resource management, biodiversity and habitat, forestry, fisheries, agriculture, and climate change in the context of two broad objectives: environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI\u00ef\u00bf\u00bds proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. It was formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 28, 2010. The 2010 EPI is the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2012.v2012.00",
+ "title": "2012 Environmental Performance Index and Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2010-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000000-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000000-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2012.v2012.00",
+ "description": "The 2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 132 countries on 22 performance indicators in the following 10 policy categories: environmental burden of disease, water (effects on human health), air pollution (effects on human health), air pollution (ecosystem effects), water resources (ecosystem effects), biodiversity and habitat, forestry, fisheries, agriculture and climate change. These categories track performance and progress on two broad policy objectives, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Each indicator has an associated environmental public health or ecosystem sustainability target. The EPI's proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. The Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index (Trend EPI) ranks countries on the change in their environmental performance over the last decade. As a complement to the EPI, the Trend EPI shows who is improving and who is declining over time. The 2012 EPI and Pilot Trend EPI were formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 27, 2012. These are the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). The Interactive Website for the 2012 EPI is at http://epi.yale.edu/.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2014.v2014.00",
+ "title": "2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "2002-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2014-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000541-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000541-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2014.v2014.00",
+ "description": "The 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 178 countries on 20 performance indicators in the following 9 policy categories: health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. These categories track performance and progress on two broad policy objectives, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI's proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. The data set includes the 2014 EPI and component scores, backcast EPI scores for 2002-2012, and time-series source data. The 2014 EPI was formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 25, 2014. These are the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). The Interactive Website for the 2014 EPI is at http://epi.yale.edu/.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2016.v2016.00",
+ "title": "2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1950-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2016-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1419908204-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1419908204-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2016.v2016.00",
+ "description": "The 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 180 countries on 20 performance indicators in the following 9 policy categories: health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. These categories track performance and progress on two broad policy objectives, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI's proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. The data set includes the 2016 EPI and component scores, backcast EPI scores for 1950-2016, and time-series source data. The 2016 EPI was formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 23, 2016. These are the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and Yale Data-Driven Environmental Solutions Group, Yale University, Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), and the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Interactive Website for the 2016 EPI is at https://epi.yale.edu.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2000.v2000.00",
+ "title": "2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1978-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1999-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001887-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001887-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2000.v2000.00",
+ "description": "The 2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is an exploratory effort to construct an index that measures the ability of a nation's economy to achieve sustainable development, with the long term goal of finding a single indicator for environmental sustainability analagous to that of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The index covering 56 countries is a composite measure of the current status of a nation's environmental systems, pressures on those systems, human vulnerability to environmental change, national capacity to respond, and contributions to global environmental stewardship. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2000, Davos, Switzerland. The 2000 Pilot ESI is the result of collaboration among the World Economic Forum (WEF), Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2001.v2001.00",
+ "title": "2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1980-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2000-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000220-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000220-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2001.v2001.00",
+ "description": "The 2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) utilizes a refined methodology based on the 2000 Pilot ESI effort, to construct an index covering 122 countries that measures the overall progress towards environmental sustainability. The index is a composite measure of the current status of a nation's environmental systems, pressures on those systems, human vulnerability to environmental change, national capacity to respond, and contributions to global environmental stewardship. The refinements included the addition and deletion of indicators, filling gaps in data coverage, new data sets, and the modification of the aggregation scheme. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2001, Davos, Switzerland. The 2001 ESI is the result of collaboration among the World Economic Forum (WEF), Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2002.v2002.00",
+ "title": "2002 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1980-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2000-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001967-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001967-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2002.v2002.00",
+ "description": "The 2002 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) measures overall progress toward environmental sustainability for 142 countries based on environmental systems, stresses, human vulnerability, social and institutional capacity and global stewardship. The addition of a climate change indicator, reduction in number of capacity indicators, and an improved imputation methodology contributed to an improvement from the 2001 ESI. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2002, New York. The 2002 ESI is the result of collaboration among the World Economic Forum (WEF), Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2005.v2005.00",
+ "title": "2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "1980-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2000-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -55, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001889-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001889-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2005.v2005.00",
+ "description": "The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is a measure of overall progress towards environmental sustainability, developed for 146 countries. The index provides a composite profile of national environmental stewardship based on a compilation of 21 indicators derived from 76 underlying data sets. The 2005 version of the ESI represents a significant update and improvement on earlier versions; the country ESI scores or rankings should not be compared to earlier versions because of changes to the methodology and underlying data. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2005, Davos, Switzerland. The 2005 ESI is a joint product of the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_USUEXT2015.v1.00",
+ "title": "2015 Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods",
+ "catalog": "SEDAC",
+ "state_date": "2015-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -56, 180, 84",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1648035940-SEDAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1648035940-SEDAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SEDAC/collections/CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_USUEXT2015.v1.00",
+ "description": "The 2015 Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods data set models urban settlements in the Continental United States (CONUS) as of 2015. When applied to the combination of daytime spectral and nighttime lights satellite data, the machine learning methods achieved high accuracy at an intermediate-resolution of 500 meters at large spatial scales. The input data for these models were two types of satellite imagery: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Nighttime Light (NTL) data from the Day/Night Band (DNB), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) corrected daytime Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Although several machine learning methods were evaluated, including Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Neural Network (NN), and the Ensemble of RF, GBM, and NN (ESB), the highest accuracy results were achieved with NN, and those results were used to delineate the urban extents in this data set.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT.v1",
+ "title": "VIIRS/NOAA-20 Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT)",
+ "catalog": "ASIPS",
+ "state_date": "2020-10-08",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2003160566-ASIPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2003160566-ASIPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT.v1",
+ "description": "The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT is the shortname for the NOAA-20 VIIRS Near Real-time incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product\u2019s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the NOAA-20 VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the NOAA-20 VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1",
+ "title": "VIIRS/SNPP Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT)",
+ "catalog": "ASIPS",
+ "state_date": "2019-04-18",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607563719-ASIPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607563719-ASIPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASIPS/collections/CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1",
+ "description": "The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP is the shortname for the SNPP VIIRS incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product\u2019s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the SNPP VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the SNPP VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "COARE_cm_er2.mas.v1",
+ "title": "MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Measurements Taken Onboard the NASA ER-2 During the TOGA COARE Intensive Observing Period.",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "1993-01-03",
+ "end_date": "1993-03-04",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1625703857-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1625703857-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/COARE_cm_er2.mas.v1",
+ "description": "The MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Measurements, taken onboard the NASA ER-2 during the TOGA COARE Intensive Observing Period, are available upon request from NASA LAADS. Browse products are available at https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/missions-and-measurements/mas/. The ER-2 navigation data are available from the same site in sub directory nasa_er2/nav. Browse imagery of the data may be viewed from the MAS Homepage at: https://mas.arc.nasa.gov/data/deploy_html/toga_home.html. MAS Level 1B data are available on 8500 density 8mm tape from TOGA COARE User Services at the Goddard DAAC. Each tape contains all the flight lines for one MAS flight (one day). The number of flight lines varies, but is generally between 10 and 20. The volume of data varies, but is generally 1 to 3 gigabytes per flight. Detailed instructions for reading MAS tapes is contained in MAS_Usr_Guide.ps. To obtain the data on tape, contact the DAAC User Services Office. For help with NASA TOGA COARE data residing at the GSFC DAAC, contact Pat Hrubiak at hrubiak@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov. BACK GROUND: TOGA COARE was a multidisciplinary, international research effort that investigated the scientific phenomena associated with the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the warm pool region of the western Pacific. The field experiment phase of the program took place from 1 November 1992 through 28 February 1993 and involved the deployment of oceanographic ships and buoys, several ship and land based Doppler radars, multiple low and high level aircraft equipped with Doppler radar and other airborne sensors, as well as a variety of surface based instruments for in situ observations. The NASA component of TOGA COARE, while contributing directly to over all COARE objectives, emphasized scientific objectives associated with the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and NASA's cloud and radiation program. AIRCRAFT INFORMATION: The NASA ER-2 is a high altitude, single pilot aircraft based at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, and deployed globally in support of a variety of atmospheric research projects. It has a maximum altitude of 70,000 feet (21 km), a range of 3000 nautical miles, a maximum flight duration of 8 hours (nominal 6.5 hours) and a top speed of 410 knots true air speed. The aircraft accommodates about 2700 pounds (1200 kg) of payload. For the TOGA COARE campaign, the ER-2 payload consisted of a variety of radiometers, a lidar, a conductivity probe and a camera. FLIGHT INFORMATION: The following table relates MAS data files to ER-2 and DC-8 flight numbers and to the UTC dates for the 13 mission flights of the NASA/TOGA COARE campaign and 2 additional flights of the ER-2 on which MAS data was acquired. The objectives (Obj) column is included for the convenience of the user; the mission objective defaulted to radiation (Rad) unless convection (Con) was forecast in the target area. Date (UTC) ER-2 Flight DC-8 Flight MAS TapeID Obj-Jan 11-12 93-053 93-01-06 93-053 RadJan 17-18 93-054 93-01-07 93-054 Con Jan 18-19 93-055 93-01-08 93-055 Con Jan 25-26 93-056 93-01-09 93-056 RadJan 28-29 93-057 93-057 Jan 31-Feb 1 93-058 93-01-10 93-058 Rad Feb 2 93-059 93-059 Feb 4 93-060 93-01-11 93-060 Con Feb 6 93-01-12 Con Feb 7 93-061 93-061 Feb 8-9 93-062 93-01-13 93-062 Con Feb 10-11 93-063 93-01-14 93-063 Con Feb 17-18 93-01-15 93-064 Con Feb 19-20 93-064 93-064 Feb 20-21 93-065 93-01-16 93-065 Con Feb 22-23 93-066 93-01-17 Con Feb 23-24 93-067 93-01-18 Rad. INSTRUMENT INFORMATION: The MODIS Airborne Simulator is a visible/infrared imaging radiometer that was mounted, for this campaign, in the right aft wing pod of the ER-2 aircraft. Through cross track scanning to the aircraft direction of flight, the MAS instrument builds a continuous sequence image of the atmosphere surface features under the aircraft. Wavelength channels of the instrument are selected for specific cloud and surface remote sensing applications. Also the channels are those which will be incorporated in measurements by the space borne MODIS instrument. The MAS instrument acquires eleven simultaneous wavelengths with 100 meters or better resolution at the surface. Principles of Operation: The MAS Spectrometer acquires high spatial resolution imagery in the wavelength range 0.55 to 14.3 microns. A total of 50 spectral bands are available in this range, and currently the digitize is configured before each mission to record in any 12 of these bands during flight. For all pre-1994 MAS missions, the 12-channel digitize was configured with four 10-bit channels and seven 8-bit channels. The MAS spectrometer is mated to a scanner sub-assembly which collects image data with an IFOV of 2.5 mrad, giving a ground resolution of 50 meters from 20,000 meters altitude,and a cross track scan width of 85.92 degrees. A 50 channel digitizer which records all 50 spectral bands at 12 bit resolution became operational in January 1995. DATA ORGANIZATION Data Format: The archive tapes are created by writing each output data file (1 straight-line flight track) to tape in fixed-length blocks of 16384 bytes, in time ascending order. One end-of-file (EOF) mark is written at the end of the data blocks for each file, and an extra EOF is written at the end of the data on the tape. The last block of each file has good data at the start of the block and unused bytes (filled with null characters) at the end. Information on the length of the file is encoded in the header when the file is created. No file name,protection, or ownership information is written onto the archive tape. All information necessary to identify the file is stored in the file itself. Documentation: In addition to this document, please obtain Volume 3, MODIS Airborne Simulator Level 1B Data Users Guide, resident in this directory in postscript file MAS_Usr_Guide.ps. Browse Products: There are 2 GIF image files per flight line, named 93ddd??v.gif and 93ddd??i.gif, where 93 is the year, ddd the Julian day of the flight, ?? the flight line number, and v or i, indicating respectively visible (VIS) or Infrared (IR) imagery. Images from each flight, accompanied by a flight statistics summary file, reside in a sub directory named with the date of the flight (02feb93) under mas/images.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CWIC_REG.v1.0",
+ "title": "Radarsat-2 Scenes, Natural Resources Canada",
+ "catalog": "CCMEO",
+ "state_date": "2008-04-27",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204659831-CCMEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204659831-CCMEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CCMEO/collections/CWIC_REG.v1.0",
+ "description": "The collection represents browse images and metadata for systematically georeferenced Radarsat-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) satellite scenes. The browse scenes are not geometrically enhanced using ground control points, but are systematically corrected using sensor parameters. Full resolution precision geocoded scenes(corrected using ground control points) which correspond to the browse images can be ordered from MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., Vancouver, Canada. Metadata discovery is achieved using the online catalog http://neodf.nrcan.gc.ca OR by using the CWIC OGC CSW service URL : http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu/cwicv1/discovery. The imaging frequency is C Band SAR : 5405.0000 MHz. RADARSAT-2 is in a polar, sun-synchronous orbit with a period of approximately 101 minutes. The RADARSAT-2 orbit will be maintained at +\\/- 1 km in across track direction. This orbit maintenance is suitable for InSAR data collection. The geo-location accuracy of RADARSAT-2 products varies with product type. It is currently estimated at +\\/- 30 m for Standard beam products. The revisit period for RADARSAT-2 depends on the beam mode, incidence angle and geographic location of the area of interest. In general, revisit is more frequent at the poles than the equator and the wider swath modes have higher revisit than t he narrow swath modes.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CWIC_REG_RCM.v1.0",
+ "title": "RCM (Radarsat Constellation Mission ) Products, Natural Resources Canada",
+ "catalog": "CCMEO",
+ "state_date": "2019-06-12",
+ "end_date": "2026-06-12",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204659595-CCMEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204659595-CCMEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CCMEO/collections/CWIC_REG_RCM.v1.0",
+ "description": "The collection represents products and metadata for georeferenced Radarsat Constellation Mission ( RCM ) satellite scenes. Metadata discovery and product ordering is achieved using the online catalog https://www.eodms-sgdot.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/index-en.html OR by using the CWIC OpenSearch OSDD : http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu/cwicv1/discovery. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CWIC_REG_Radarsat-1.v1.0",
+ "title": "Radarsat-1 Scenes, Natural Resources Canada",
+ "catalog": "CCMEO",
+ "state_date": "1996-01-11",
+ "end_date": "2013-03-29",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204658925-CCMEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204658925-CCMEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CCMEO/collections/CWIC_REG_Radarsat-1.v1.0",
+ "description": "The collection represents browse images and metadata for systematically georeferenced Radarsat-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) satellite scenes. The browse scenes are not geometrically enhanced using ground control points, but are systematically corrected using sensor parameters. Full resolution precision geocoded scenes(corrected using ground control points) which correspond to the browse images can be ordered from MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., Vancouver, Canada. Metadata discovery is achieved using the online catalog https://neodf.nrcan.gc.ca/neodf_cat3 OR by using the CWIC OGC CSW service URL : http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu/cwicv1/discovery. Radarsat-1 operates at 5.3 GHz. (C-Band). It is in a sun-synchronous orbit. Image resolution is in the range 8-100 meters.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Catlin_Arctic_Survey.v0",
+ "title": "2011 R/V Catlin cruise in the Arctic Ocean",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "2011-03-17",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360181-OB_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360181-OB_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/Catlin_Arctic_Survey.v0",
+ "description": "Measurements made in the Arctic Ocean by the RV Catlin in 2011.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "DLG100K",
+ "title": "1:100,000-scale Digital Line Graphs (DLG) from the U.S. Geological Survey",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1987-06-19",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-126, 24, -66, 49",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566434-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566434-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/DLG100K",
+ "description": "Digital line graph (DLG) data are digital representations of cartographic information. DLG's of map features are converted to digital form from maps and related sources. Intermediate-scale DLG data are derived from USGS 1:100,000-scale 30- by 60-minute quadrangle maps. If these maps are not available, Bureau of Land Management planimetric maps at a scale of 1: 100,000 are used. Intermediate-scale DLG's are sold in five categories: (1) Public Land Survey System; (2) boundaries (3) transportation; (4) hydrography; and (5) hypsography. All DLG data distributed by the USGS are DLG - Level 3 (DLG-3), which means the data contain a full range of attribute codes, have full topological structuring, and have passed certain quality-control checks. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Aerial Photographs (from AMES Pilot Land Data System); USGS EDC, Sioux Falls",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, 20, -60, 50",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566371-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566371-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/EARTH_LAND_USGS_AMES_AIR_PHOTOS",
+ "description": "The aerial photography inventoried by the Pilot Land Data System (PLDS) at NASA AMES Research Center has been transferred to the USGS EROS Data Center. The photos were obtained from cameras mounted on high and medium altitude aircraft based at the NASA Ames Research Center. Several cameras with varying focal lengths, lenses and film formats are used, but the Wild RC-10 camera with a focal length of 152 millimeters and a 9 by 9 inch film format is most common. The positive transparencies are typically used for ancillary ground checks in conjunctions with digital processing for the same sites. The aircraft flights, specifically requested by scientists performing approved research, often simultaneously collect data using other sensors on board (e.g. Thematic Mapper Simulators (TMS) and Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanners). High altitude color infrared photography is used regularly by government agencies for such applications as crop yield forecasting, timber inventory and defoliation assessment, water resource management, land use surveys, water pollution monitoring, and natural disaster assessment. To order, specify the latitude and longitude of interest. You will then be given a list of photos available for that location. In some cases, \"flight books\" are available at EDC that describe the nature of the mission during which the photos were taken and other attribute information. The customer service personnel have access to these books for those photo sets for which the books exist.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ECO_L1B_ATT.v002",
+ "title": "ECOSTRESS Swath Attitude and Ephemeris Instantaneous L1B Global V002",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -54, 180, 54",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076117996-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076117996-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ECO_L1B_ATT.v002",
+ "description": "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Swath Attitude and Ephemeris Instantaneous Level 1B Global (ECO_L1B_ATT) Version 2 data product provides both corrected and uncorrected attitude quaternions and spacecraft ephemeris data obtained from the ISS. The data are provided in 1 second intervals, and each product file contains vectors from the duration of the orbit. The ECO_L1B_ATT Version 2 data product contains layers of attitude and ephemeris data generated by the ISS, which are used to start the geolocation process. These layers also include Earth-centered inertial (ECI) position and velocity, and associated time elements distributed in HDF5 format. Known Issues: *Cannot perform spatial query on ECO_L1B_ATT in NASA Earthdata Search: ECO_L1B_ATT does not contain spatial attributes, so granules cannot be searched by geographic location. Users should search for ECO_L1B_ATT data products by orbit number instead. *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ECO_L1B_GEO.v002",
+ "title": "ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous L1B Global 70 m V002",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -54, 180, 54",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076087338-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076087338-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ECO_L1B_GEO.v002",
+ "description": "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous Level 1B Global (ECO_L1B_GEO) Version 2 data product provides the geolocation information for the radiance values retrieved in the ECO_L1B_RAD (https://doi.org/10.5067/ecostress/eco_l1b_rad.002) Version 2 data product. The geolocation product gives geo-tagging to each of the radiance pixels. The geolocation processing corrects the ISS-reported ephemeris and attitude data by image matching with a global ortho-base derived from Landsat data, and then assigns latitude and longitude values to each of the Level 1 radiance pixels. When image matching is successful, the data are geolocated to better than 50 meter (m) accuracy. The ECO_L1B_GEO data product is provided as swath data. The ECO_L1B_GEO data product contains data layers for latitude and longitude values, solar and view geometry information, surface height, and the fraction of pixel on land versus water distributed in HDF5 format. Known Issues: *Geolocation accuracy: In cases where scenes were not successfully matched with the ortho-base, the geolocation error is significantly larger; the worst-case geolocation error for uncorrected data is 7 kilometers (km). Within the metadata of the ECO_L1B_GEO file, if the field \"L1GEOMetadata/OrbitCorrectionPerformed\" is \"True\", the data was corrected, and geolocation accuracy should be better than 50 m. If this field is \"False\", then the data was processed without correcting the geolocation and will have up to 7 km geolocation error. *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: EECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ECO_L1CG_RAD.v002",
+ "title": "ECOSTRESS Gridded Top of Atmosphere Calibrated Radiance Instantaneous L1C Global 70 m V002",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -54, 180, 54",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2595678497-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2595678497-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ECO_L1CG_RAD.v002",
+ "description": "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally between 52\u00b0 N and 52\u00b0 S latitudes. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Gridded Top of Atmosphere Calibrated Radiance Instantaneous Level 1C Global 70 m (ECO_L1CG_RAD) Version 2 data product provides at-sensor calibrated radiance values retrieved for five thermal infrared (TIR) bands operating between 8 and 12.5 \u00b5m. This product is a gridded version of the ECO_L1B_RAD (https://doi.org/10.5067/ECOSTRESS/ECO_L1B_RAD.002) Version 2 data product that has been resampled by nearest neighbor, projected to a globally snapped 0.0006\u00b0 grid, and repackaged as the ECO_L1CG_RAD data product. The ECO_L1CG_RAD Version 2 data product contains 12 layers distributed in an HDF5 format file containing radiance values for the five TIR bands, associated data quality indicators, and cloud and water masks. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Missing scan data/striping features: During testing, an instrument artifact was encountered in ECOSTRESS bands 1 and 5, resulting in missing values. A machine learning algorithm has been applied to interpolate missing values. For more information on the missing scan filling techniques and outcomes, see Section 3.3.2 of the ECO_L1B_RAD User Guide. *Scan overlap: An overlap between ECOSTRESS scans results in a clear line overlap and repeating data. Additional information is available in Section 3.2 of the ECO_L1B_RAD User Guide. *Scan flipping: Improvements to the visualization of the data to compensate for instrument orientation are discussed in Section 3.4 of the ECO_L1B_RAD User Guide. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ECO_L2G_CLOUD.v002",
+ "title": "ECOSTRESS Gridded Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m V002",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -54, 180, 54",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076113561-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076113561-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ECO_L2G_CLOUD.v002",
+ "description": "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Gridded Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m (ECO_L2G_CLOUD) Version 2 data product is derived using a single-channel Bayesian cloud threshold with a look-up-table (LUT) approach. The ECO_L2G_CLOUD product provides a cloud mask that can be used to determine cloud cover for accurate land surface temperature and evapotranspiration estimation. This data product is a gridded version of the ECO_L2_CLOUD Version 2 product that was resampled using nearest neighbor, projected to a globally snapped 0.0006\u00b0 grid, and repackaged as the ECO_L2G_CLOUD Version 2 data product. The ECO_L2G_CLOUD Version 2 data product contains two cloud mask layers: cloud confidence and final cloud mask. Information on how to interpret the cloud confidence and cloud mask layers is provided in Table 7 of the ECO_L2_CLOUD Version 2 User Guide. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ECO_L2G_LSTE.v002",
+ "title": "ECOSTRESS Gridded Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m V002",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -54, 180, 54",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076113037-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076113037-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ECO_L2G_LSTE.v002",
+ "description": "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Gridded Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Instantaneous Level 2 Global 70 m (ECO_L2G_LSTE) Version 2 data product provides atmospherically corrected land surface temperature and emissivity (LST&E) values derived from five thermal infrared (TIR) bands. The ECO_L2G_LSTE data product was derived using a physics-based Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm. This data product is a gridded version of the ECO_L2_LSTE (https://doi.org/10.5067/ECOSTRESS/ECO_L2_LSTE.002) Version 2 data product that was resampled using nearest neighbor, projected to a globally snapped 0.0006\u00b0 grid, and repackaged as the ECO_L2G_LSTE data product. The ECO_L2G_LSTE product is provided as gridded data and has a spatial resolution of 70 meters (m). The ECO_L2G_LSTE Version 2 data product contains 8 layers distributed in an HDF5 format file including LST, LST error, wideband emissivity, height, view zenith angle, quality flags, and cloud and water masks. For acquisitions after May 15, 2019, data products contain data values for TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 only. TIR bands 1 and 3 contain fill values to accommodate direct streaming of data from the ISS, as mentioned in the Known Issues section. LST data generated after May 15, 2019, will use only the three available bands; accuracy may be affected when compared to the LST data that utilized all five bands. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ECO_L2_CLOUD.v002",
+ "title": "ECOSTRESS Swath Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m V002",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -54, 180, 54",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076115306-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076115306-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/ECO_L2_CLOUD.v002",
+ "description": "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Swath Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m (ECO_L2_CLOUD) Version 2 data product is derived using a single-channel Bayesian cloud threshold with a look-up-table (LUT) approach. The ECOSTRESS Level 2 cloud product provides a cloud mask that can be used to determine cloud cover for accurate land surface temperature and evapotranspiration estimation. The corresponding ECO_L1B_GEO (https://doi.org/10.5067/ECOSTRESS/ECO_L1B_GEO.002) data product is required to georeference the ECO_L2_CLOUD data product. The ECO_L2_CLOUD Version 2 data product contains two cloud mask layers: Brightness temperature LUT test and Final cloud mask. Information on how to interpret the bit fields in the cloud mask is provided in Table 7 of the User Guide. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4 and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_1P.v4",
+ "title": "Full Resolution Full Swath Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2002-05-17",
+ "end_date": "2012-04-08",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151211533-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151211533-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_1P.v4",
+ "description": "The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) is one of 10 sensors deployed in March of 2002 on board the polar-orbiting Envisat-1 environmental research satellite by the European Space Agency (ESA). The MERIS instrument is a moderate-resolution wide field-of-view push-broom imaging spectroradiometer capable of sensing in the 390 nm to 1040 nm spectral range. Being a programmable instrument, it had the unique capability of selectively adjusting the width and location of its 15 bands through ground command. The instrument has a 68.5-degree field of view and a swath width of 1150 meters, providing a global coverage every 3 days at 300 m resolution. Communication with the Envisat-1 satellite was lost suddenly on the 8th of April, 2012, just weeks after celebrating its 10th year in orbit. All attempts to re-establish contact were unsuccessful, and the end of the mission was declared on May 9th, 2012. The 4th reprocessing cycle, in 2020, has produced both the full-resolution and reduced-resolution L1 and L2 MERIS products. EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_1P is the short-name for the MERIS Level-1 full resolution, full swath, geolocated and calibrated top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance product. This product contains the TOA upwelling spectral radiance measurements. The in-band reference irradiances for the 15 MERIS bands are computed by averaging the in-band solar irradiance for each pixel. Each pixel\u2019s in-band solar irradiance is computed by integrating the reference solar spectrum with the band-pass of each pixel. The Level-1 product contains 22 data files: 15 files contain radiances for each band (one band per file) along with associated error estimates, and 7 annotation data files. It also includes a Manifest file that provides metadata information describing the product.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_2P.v4",
+ "title": "Full Resolution Full Swath Geophysical Product for Ocean, Land and Atmosphere",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2003-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2012-04-08",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151219110-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151219110-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_2P.v4",
+ "description": "The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) is one of 10 sensors deployed in March of 2002 on board the polar-orbiting Envisat-1 environmental research satellite by the European Space Agency (ESA). The MERIS instrument is a moderate-resolution wide field-of-view push-broom imaging spectroradiometer capable of sensing in the 390 nm to 1040 nm spectral range. Being a programmable instrument, it had the unique capability of selectively adjusting the width and location of its 15 bands through ground command. The instrument has a 68.5-degree field of view and a swath width of 1150 meters, providing a global coverage every 3 days at 300 m resolution. Communication with the Envisat-1 satellite was lost suddenly on the 8th of April, 2012, just weeks after celebrating its 10th year in orbit. All attempts to re-establish contact were unsuccessful, and the end of the mission was declared on May 9th, 2012. The 4th reprocessing cycle, in 2020, has produced both the full-resolution and reduced-resolution L1 and L2 MERIS products. EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_2P is the short-name for the MERIS Level-2 full resolution, geophysical product for ocean, land, and atmosphere. This Level-2 product comes in a netCDF4 package that contains both instrument and science measurements, and a Manifest file that provides metadata information describing the product. Each Level-2 product contains 64 measurement files that break down thus: 13 files containing water-leaving reflectance, 13 files containing land surface reflectance and 13 files containing the TOA reflectance (for all bands except those dedicated to measuring atmospheric gas - M11 and M15), and several files containing additional measurements on ocean, land, and atmosphere parameters.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZFR02.v2014-10-07",
+ "title": "ASCAT L1 SZF Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2014-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901388-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901388-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZFR02.v2014-10-07",
+ "description": "Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at full resolution (SZF). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at 12.5 and 25 km Swath Grids. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZOR02.v2014-10-07",
+ "title": "ASCAT L1 SZO Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2014-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901391-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901391-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZOR02.v2014-10-07",
+ "description": "Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 25 km Swath Grid (SZO). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 12.5 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZRR02.v2014-10-07",
+ "title": "ASCAT L1 SZR Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2014-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901394-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901394-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZRR02.v2014-10-07",
+ "description": "Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid (SZR). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 25 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGASRE0100.v2015-06-01",
+ "title": "All-Sky Radiances - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1)",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2004-03-01",
+ "end_date": "2012-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-79, -81, 79, 81",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588876447-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588876447-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGASRE0100.v2015-06-01",
+ "description": "This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI All-Sky Radiances (ASR) product. The ASR product contains information on mean brightness temperatures (16x16 pixels so around 50km at nadir) from all thermal (e.g. infrared and water vapour) channels. It includes both clear and cloudy sky brightness temperatures. The ASR product also contains the fraction of clear sky and the solar zenith angle. The final ASR product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...).Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZF1B.v2010-09-21",
+ "title": "ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-05-31",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901397-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901397-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZF1B.v2010-09-21",
+ "description": "The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product consists of geo-located radar backscatter values along the six ASCAT beams. The different beam measurements are not collocated into a regular swath grid and the individual measurements are not spatially averaged. The resolution of each of the 255 backscatter values per each beam varies slightly along the beam, but it is approximately 10km (in the along beam direction) x 25 km (across the beam). This product is usually referred to as 'ASCAT Level 1B Full resolution product'. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZO1B.v2010-09-21",
+ "title": "ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-03-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901403-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901403-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZO1B.v2010-09-21",
+ "description": "The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid'.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZR1B.v2010-09-21",
+ "title": "ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-03-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901400-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901400-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZR1B.v2010-09-21",
+ "description": "The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid'.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-104.v2011-09-28",
+ "title": "ASCAT Coastal Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901378-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901378-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-104.v2011-09-28",
+ "description": "Equivalent neutral 10m winds over the global oceans, with specific sampling to provide as many observations as possible near the coasts. Better than using this archived NRT product, please use the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO12.v2010-06-21",
+ "title": "ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901376-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901376-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO12.v2010-06-21",
+ "description": "The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO25.v2010-06-21",
+ "title": "ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop",
+ "catalog": "EUMETSAT",
+ "state_date": "2007-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901374-EUMETSAT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901374-EUMETSAT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO25.v2010-06-21",
+ "description": "The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "FIFE_AF_DET_G_5.v1",
+ "title": "Aircraft Flux-Detrended: Univ. Col. (FIFE)",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1987-05-26",
+ "end_date": "1989-10-31",
+ "bbox": "-102, 37, -95, 40",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003494-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003494-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/FIFE_AF_DET_G_5.v1",
+ "description": "Detrended boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "FIFE_AF_DET_K_4.v1",
+ "title": "Aircraft Flux-Detrended: U of Wy. (FIFE)",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1987-08-11",
+ "end_date": "1989-10-31",
+ "bbox": "-102, 37, -95, 40",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003698-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003698-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/FIFE_AF_DET_K_4.v1",
+ "description": "Detrended boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "FIFE_AF_DET_M_3.v1",
+ "title": "Aircraft Flux-Detrended: NRCC (FIFE)",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1987-06-26",
+ "end_date": "1989-10-31",
+ "bbox": "-102, 37, -95, 40",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003112-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003112-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/FIFE_AF_DET_M_3.v1",
+ "description": "Detrended boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "FIFE_AF_FLT_M_6.v1",
+ "title": "Aircraft Flux-Filtered: NRCC (FIFE)",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1987-06-26",
+ "end_date": "1989-10-31",
+ "bbox": "-102, 37, -95, 40",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002951-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002951-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/FIFE_AF_FLT_M_6.v1",
+ "description": "Filtered boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "FIFE_RAIN_30M_2.v1",
+ "title": "30 Minute Rainfall Data (FIFE)",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1987-05-29",
+ "end_date": "1987-10-26",
+ "bbox": "-96.6, 39.08, -96.55, 39.11",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002914-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002914-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/FIFE_RAIN_30M_2.v1",
+ "description": "30 minute rainfall data for the Konza Prairie",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "FIFE_STRM_15M_1.v1",
+ "title": "15 Minute Stream Flow Data: USGS (FIFE)",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1984-12-25",
+ "end_date": "1988-03-04",
+ "bbox": "-96.6, 39.1, -96.6, 39.1",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003030-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003030-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/FIFE_STRM_15M_1.v1",
+ "description": "USGS 15 minute stream flow data for Kings Creek on the Konza Prairie",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "G5NR.v1",
+ "title": "GEOS-5 Nature Run data",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "2005-05-15",
+ "end_date": "2007-06-16",
+ "bbox": "-180, 90, 179.9375, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1634215803-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1634215803-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/G5NR.v1",
+ "description": "This specific GEOS-5 model configuration used to perform a two-year global, non-hydrostatic mesoscale simulation for the period 2005-2007 at 7-km (3.5-km in the future) horizontal resolution. Because this simulation is intended to serve as a reference Nature Run for Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs, e.g., Errico et al., 2012) it will be referred to as the 7-km GEOS-5 Nature Run or 7-km G5NR. This simulation has been performed with the Ganymed version of GEOS- 5, more specifically with CVS Tag wmp-Ganymed-4_0_BETA8. In addition to standard meteorological parameters (wind, temperature, moisture, surface pressure), this simulation includes 15 aerosol tracers (dust, sea-salt, sulfate, black and organic carbon), O3, CO and CO2. This model simulation is driven by prescribed sea-surface temperature and sea-ice, as well as surface emissions and uptake of aerosols and trace gases, including daily volcanic and biomass burning emissions, biogenic sources and sinks of CO2, and high-resolution inventories of anthropogenic sources.The simulation is performed at a horizontal resolution of 7 km using a cubed-sphere horizontal grid with 72 vertical levels, extending up to to 0.01 hPa (~ 80 km). For user convenience, all data products are generated on two logically rectangular longitude-latitude grids: a full-resolution 0.0625o grid that approximately matches the native cubed-sphere resolution, and another 0.5o reduced-resolution grid. The majority of the full-resolution data products are instantaneous with some fields being time-averaged. The reduced-resolution datasets are mostly time-averaged, with some fields being instantaneous. Hourly data intervals are used for the reduced-resolution datasets, while 30-minute intervals are used for the full-resolution products. All full-resolution output is on the model\u2019s native 72-layer hybrid sigma-pressure vertical grid, while the reduced-resolution output is given on native vertical levels and on 48 pressure surfaces extending up to 0.02 hPa. Section 4 presents additional details on horizontal and vertical grids. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GE01_MSI_L1B.v1",
+ "title": "GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
+ "state_date": "2009-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2471470251-CSDA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2471470251-CSDA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/GE01_MSI_L1B.v1",
+ "description": "The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band L1B Satellite Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.84m at nadir (1.65m before summer 2013) and has a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GE01_Pan_L1B.v1",
+ "title": "GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
+ "state_date": "2009-09-18",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497510652-CSDA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497510652-CSDA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/GE01_Pan_L1B.v1",
+ "description": "The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m at nadir (0.41m before summer 2013) and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GEOS FP.v1",
+ "title": "GEOS Forward Processing",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "2014-02-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, 90, 179.6875, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1634094157-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1634094157-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/GEOS FP.v1",
+ "description": "The GEOS FP Atmospheric Data Assimilation System (GEOS ADAS) uses an analysis developed jointly with NOAA\u2019s National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which allows the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) to take advantage of the developments at NCEP and the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). The GEOS AGCM uses the finite-volume dynamics (Lin, 2004) integrated with various physics packages (e.g, Bacmeister et al., 2006), under the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) including the Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) (e.g., Koster et al., 2000). The GSI analysis is a three-dimensional variational (3DVar) analysis applied in grid-point space to facilitate the implementation of anisotropic, inhomogeneous covariances (e.g., Wu et al., 2002; Derber et al., 2003). The GSI implementation for GEOS FP incorporates a set of recursive filters that produce approximately Gaussian smoothing kernels and isotropic correlation functions. The GEOS ADAS is documented in Rienecker et al. (2008). More recent updates to the model are presented in Molod et al. (2011). The GEOS system actively assimilates roughly 2 \u00b4 106 observations for each analysis, including about 7.5 \u00b4 105 AIRS radiance data. The input stream is roughly twice this volume, but because of the large volume, the data are thinned commensurate with the analysis grid to reduce the computational burden. Data are also rejected from the analysis through quality control procedures designed to detect, for example, the presence of cloud. To minimize the spurious periodic perturbations of the analysis, GEOS FP uses the Incremental Analysis Update (IAU) technique developed by Bloom et al. (1996).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GEOS-CF Products.v1",
+ "title": "GEOS CF (Composition Forecast)",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "2018-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, 90, 179.5, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633930911-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633930911-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/ GEOS-CF Products.v1",
+ "description": "The NASA Global Earth Observing System (GEOS) model has been expanded to provide global nearreal- time forecasts of atmospheric composition at a horizontal resolution of 0.25 degrees (about 25 km). This GEOS Composition Forecast (GEOS-CF) system combines the GEOS weather analysis and forecasting system with the state-of-the-science GEOS-Chem chemistry module (Bey et al., 2001; Keller et al., 2014; Long et al., 2015) to provide detailed chemical analysis of a wide range of air pollutants including ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD222.v1",
+ "title": "Active layer and permafrost properties, including snow depth, soil temperature, and soil moisture, Barrow, Alaska, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1962-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1993-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-156.78872, 71.29058, -156.78872, 71.29058",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206550-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206550-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD222.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains soil temperature, soil moisture, thaw depth, and snow depth data collected at test sites near Barrow, Alaska, during the following years. Soil temperature data - 1963-1966, 1993 Soil moisture data - 1963 Thaw depth - 1962-1968, 1991-1993 Snow depth - 1963-1964 This study focused on characterizing the active soil layer at Barrow, and determining the relationships between and among these physical properties at permafrost sites in the Arctic. This site is U1 of the IPA's Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program and later measurements are available at the CALM Web site.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD23.v1",
+ "title": "Active-Layer and Permafrost Temperatures, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg), Greenland, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1967-09-01",
+ "end_date": "1982-08-31",
+ "bbox": "-53.64, 66.94, -53.64, 66.94",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206552-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206552-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD23.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains active-layer and permafrost temperatures from Sisimiut, west Greenland, recorded from 18 sensors at depths of 0.25 m, 0.5 m, 0.75 m, 1 m, 1.25 m, 1.5 m, 1.75 m, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m, 3.5 m, 4 m, 4.5 m, 5 m, 6 m, 7 m, 8 m, and 9 m below the surface. Snow depth, snow extent, and surface air temperature were also recorded. Thermometers recorded temperatures once a day from September 1967 to August 1982; however, this data set only contains bi-weekly averages. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format and are available via FTP.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD239.v1",
+ "title": "Active layer physical processes at Broeggerhalvoya, western Spitsbergen, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1985-07-01",
+ "end_date": "1986-06-30",
+ "bbox": "12.462, 78.958, 12.462, 78.958",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206556-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206556-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD239.v1",
+ "description": "These data have been collected from an Arctic desert site (latitude 78o57'29N, longitude 12o27'42E), Broeggerhalvoya in western Spitsbergen, 10 km NW from Ny Alesund, 45 m above sea level, 2 km from the shore. This is a low relief tip of a bedrock peninsula covered with several meters of glacial drift and reworked raised beach ridges. The measurements are obtained in the site of well developed patterned ground, sorted polygons, where the influence of plants, including thermal insulation and transpiration, is negligible. The 1985-1986 period was average. Mean annual air temperature was -6.6 C, 0.4 C colder than the long-term (1975-1990) mean, but well within the mean variability. Mean winter air temperature is relatively warm (mean of coldest month, February, is -14.6 C). Annual precipitation was 17 % greater than the ong-term mean (372 mm); however, the number of rain-on-snow events was less (3) than average (5.5). Overall, the reference period is close to long-term averages. A program of automated soil temperature recordings was initiated in the summer of 1984, at a patterned ground field site Thermistors were placed approximately 0.1 m apart in an epoxy-filled PVC rod (18 mm outside diameter), buried in the center of a fine-grained domain of a sorted circle, down to 1.14 m below the ground surface. The data presented here covers 7/1/85-7/1/86, once a day (6 am), at two levels (0.0 m, 1.145 m below surface). The resolution of the thermistors is 0.004 C, and the accuracy is estimated to be 0.02 C near 0 C. Missing data accounts for less than 7 %. The gaps are filled with simple average of the beginning and end of the gap values. For a detailed description of the field site and data analysis see Putkonen (1997) and Hallet and Prestrud (1986). These data are presented on the CAPS Version 1.0 CD-ROM, June 1998.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD249.v1",
+ "title": "Active layer thickness and ground temperatures, Svea, Svalbard, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1987-07-01",
+ "end_date": "1996-05-31",
+ "bbox": "16.683, 77.9, 16.683, 77.9",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206575-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206575-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD249.v1",
+ "description": "Snow and soil temperature records for January 1988 - May 1996 are presented. Included are snow depth and weight measurements, snow density (calculated), active layer depth in the frost tubes, weight of wet and dried soil samples from unknown depth within the active layer (water content calculated), and soil temperature at the surface (0.05 cm) and to the depths of 3 to 4 meters at 3 sites. The sites are 1) on a road covered by 1 m of gravel underlain by clay; 2) outside a building on piles, (sensors are placed 1 to 2 m from the building wall); and 3) under the building between piles. In addition, air temperature was measured inside the building or between the piles (documentation is not clear on this point.) There are several gaps in temperature measurements (January 1991 to May 1992). These data are presented on the CAPS CD-ROM version 1.0, June 1998. Air temperature, wind direction, and temperature were measured at 5, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200 cm below the tundra surface at an undisturbed site; and at 5, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200 cm, and 3 m and 8 m below the concrete surface of a building. Incoming radiation, outgoing radiation, temperature of the heat flux instrument, global radiation, heat flux, wind speed, wind speed maximum, average wind speed, and temperature inside the building were measured since 1993 with data loggers. All data are recorded for July 1987 - February 1996.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD353.v6",
+ "title": "Active Layer Monitoring, Arctic and Subarctic Canada, Version 6",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1991-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2007-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-134.95, 61.883, -121.6, 69.717",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206842-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206842-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD353.v6",
+ "description": "This project involves measuring regional and site variability in maximum annual active layer development and vertical surface movement over permafrost, and monitoring sites over time in order to observe trends. The project records maximum thaw penetration, maximum heave and subsidence, late season snow depths, current depth of thaw, elevation, and soil properties. Some sites are twinned with soil- and air-temperature recording equipment. The project includes about 60 monitoring stations extending from Fort Simpson, Canada, in the upper Mackenzie River valley to the Beaufort Sea coast at North Head, Richards Island, Canada. Ten of the sites are part of the IPA's Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program. CALM site numbers are in parentheses after the site names: North Head (C3), Taglu (C4), Lousy Point (C5), Reindeer Depot (C7), Rengleng River (C8), Mountain River (C9), Norman Wells (C11), Ochre River (C13), Willowlake River (C14), and Fort Simpson (C15). See the CALM Program Web page for geographic coordinates and site history for all CALM sites. These data are the property of the people of Canada and the responsibility of the Geological Survey of Canada. If published, adequate acknowledgment is expected. Please contact F. M. Nixon regarding use of the data set or access to the extended data.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD622.v1",
+ "title": "Active-Layer Depth of a Finnish Palsa Bog, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1993-09-08",
+ "end_date": "2002-10-14",
+ "bbox": "27.17, 69.82, 27.17, 69.82",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206889-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206889-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD622.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains 76 active-layer depth measurements (cm) of the Vaisje\u00e4ggi palsa bog, Finland, from 08 September 1993 to 14 October 2002. Data were collected from a single location at 69 deg 49'16.6' N, 27 deg 10'17.1' E. Data also contain snow depth (cm) when snow cover was present. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format, and are available via ftp.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GGD632.v1",
+ "title": "Active-Layer and Permafrost Temperatures, Soendre Stroemfjord, Greenland, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "1967-09-06",
+ "end_date": "1976-02-15",
+ "bbox": "50.8, 67, 50.8, 67",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206903-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206903-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/GGD632.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains active-layer and permafrost temperatures from two stations in Soendre Stroemfjord, Greenland. Snow depth and snow extent were also recorded. Thermometers at Station A (67 deg N, 50.8 deg W, 50 m asl) recorded temperatures once a day from September 1967 to February 1976. Thermometers at Station B (67 deg N, 50.8 deg W, 38 m asl) recorded temperatures once a day from September 1967 to August 1970; however, only bi-weekly averages are given for Station B. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format and are available via FTP.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GISS-CMIP5.v1",
+ "title": "GISS ModelE2 contributions to the CMIP5 archive",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "0850-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2100-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542315069-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542315069-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/GISS-CMIP5.v1",
+ "description": "We present a description of the ModelE2 version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) General Circulation Model (GCM) and the configurations used in the simulations performed for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). We use six variations related to the treatment of the atmospheric composition, the calculation of aerosol indirect effects, and ocean model component. Specifically, we test the difference between atmospheric models that have noninteractive composition, where radiatively important aerosols and ozone are prescribed from precomputed decadal averages, and interactive versions where atmospheric chemistry and aerosols are calculated given decadally varying emissions. The impact of the first aerosol indirect effect on clouds is either specified using a simple tuning, or parameterized using a cloud microphysics scheme. We also use two dynamic ocean components: the Russell and HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) which differ significantly in their basic formulations and grid. Results are presented for the climatological means over the satellite era (1980-2004) taken from transient simulations starting from the preindustrial (1850) driven by estimates of appropriate forcings over the 20th Century. Differences in base climate and variability related to the choice of ocean model are large, indicating an important structural uncertainty. The impact of interactive atmospheric composition on the climatology is relatively small except in regions such as the lower stratosphere, where ozone plays an important role, and the tropics, where aerosol changes affect the hydrological cycle and cloud cover. While key improvements over previous versions of the model are evident, these are not uniform across all metrics.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "A Global Database of Litterfall Mass and Litter Pool Carbon and Nutrients",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1827-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1997-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-156.7, -54.5, 176.2, 72.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1227811476-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1227811476-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/GLOBAL_LITTER_CARBON_NUTRIENTS_1244.v1",
+ "description": "Measurement data of aboveground litterfall and littermass and litter carbon, nitrogen, and nutrient concentrations were extracted from 685 original literature sources and compiled into a comprehensive database to support the analysis of global patterns of carbon and nutrients in litterfall and litter pools. Data are included from sources dating from 1827 to 1997. The reported data include the literature reference, general site information (description, latitude, longitude, and elevation), site climate data (mean annual temperature and precipitation), site vegetation characteristics (management, stand age, ecosystem and vegetation-type codes), annual quantities of litterfall (by class, kg m-2 yr-1), litter pool mass (by class and litter layer, kg m-2), and concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and base cations for the litterfall (g m-2 yr-1) and litter pool components (g m-2). The investigators intent was to compile a comprehensive data set of individual direct field measurements as reported by researchers. While the primary emphasis was on acquiring C data, measurements of N, P, and base cations were also obtained, although the database is sparse for elements other than C and N. Each of the 1,497 records in the database represents a measurement site. Replicate measurements were averaged according to conventions described in Section 5 and recorded for each site in the database. The sites were at 575 different locations. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GMAO-CMIP5.v1",
+ "title": "GMAO Decadal Analysis & Prediction for CMIP5",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "1961-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2019-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542704969-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542704969-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/GMAO-CMIP5.v1",
+ "description": "Studies of change and variations on decadal timescales are essential for planning satellite missions that seek to improve our understanding of linkages among various components of the Earth System. Decadal predictions using a version of the GEOS-5 AOGCM were contributed to the CMIP5 project. The dataset include a three-member ensemble initialized on December 1 of each year from 1960 to 2010. These data are available, with the designation NASA GMAO, from the CMIP5 Archive at NASA NCCS.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GOMIGEO.v002",
+ "title": "MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the GoMACCS region V002",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "2006-07-30",
+ "end_date": "2006-10-17",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1625796320-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1625796320-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/GOMIGEO.v002",
+ "description": "Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) is an instrument designed to view Earth with cameras pointed in 9 different directions. As the instrument flies overhead, each piece of Earth's surface below is successively imaged by all 9 cameras, in each of 4 wavelengths (blue, green, red, and near-infrared). The goal of MISR is to improve our understanding of the fate of sunlight in Earth environment, as well as distinguish different types of clouds, particles and surfaces. Specifically, MISR monitors the monthly, seasonal, and long-term trends in three areas: 1) amount and type of atmospheric particles (aerosols), including those formed by natural sources and by human activities; 2) amounts, types, and heights of clouds, and 3) distribution of land surface cover, including vegetation canopy structure. MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the GoMACCS region V002 contains the Geometric Parameters which measure the sun and view angles at the reference ellipsoid.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Global_Microbial_Biomass_C_N_P_1264.v1",
+ "title": "A Compilation of Global Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Data",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "1977-11-16",
+ "end_date": "2012-06-01",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 177.9, 79",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863966-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863966-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/Global_Microbial_Biomass_C_N_P_1264.v1",
+ "description": "This data set provides the concentrations of soil microbial biomass carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus at biome and global scales. The data were compiled from a comprehensive survey of publications from the late 1970s to 2012 and include 3,422 data points from 315 papers. These data are from soil samples collected primarily at 0-15 cm depth with some from 0-30 cm. In addition, data were compiled for soil microbial biomass concentrations from soil profile samples to depths of 100 cm. Sampling site latitude and longitude were available for the majority of the samples that enabled assembling additional soil properties, site characteristics, vegetation distributions, biomes, and long-term climate data from several global sources of soil, land-cover, and climate data. These site attributes are included with the microbial biomass data. This data set contains two *.csv files of the soil microbial biomass C, N, P data. The first provides all compiled results emphasizing the full spatial extent of the data, while the second is a subset that provides only data from a series of profile samples emphasizing the vertical distribution of microbial biomass concentrations.There is a companion file, also in .csv format, of the references for the surveyed publications. A reference_number relates the data to the respective publication.The concentrations of soil microbial biomass, in combination with other soil databases, were used to estimate the global storage of soil microbial biomass C and N in 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm soil profiles. These storage estimates were combined with a spatial map of 12 major biomes (boreal forest, temperate coniferous forest, temperate broadleaf forest, tropical and subtropical forests, mixed forest, grassland, shrub, tundra, desert, natural wetland, cropland, and pasture) at 0.05-degree by 0.5-degree spatial resolution. The biome map and six estimates of C and N storage and C:N ration in soil microbial biomass are provided in a single netCDF format file. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Global_Phosphorus_Hedley_Fract_1230.v1",
+ "title": "A Global Database of Soil Phosphorus Compiled from Studies Using Hedley Fractionation",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "1985-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2010-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-117.86, -42.5, 117.6, 63.23",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863440-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863440-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/Global_Phosphorus_Hedley_Fract_1230.v1",
+ "description": "This data set provides concentrations of soil phosphorus (P) compiled from the peer-reviewed literature that cited the Hedley fractionation method (Hedley and Stewart, 1982). This database contains estimates of different forms of naturally occurring soil phosphorus, including labile inorganic P, organic P, occluded P, secondary mineral P, apatite P, and total P, based on the analyses of the various Hedley soil fractions.The recent literature survey (Yang and Post, 2011) was restricted to studies of natural, unfertilized, and uncultivated soils since 1995. Ninety measurements of soil P fractions were identified. These were added to the 88 values from soils in natural ecosystems that Cross and Schlesinger (1995) had compiled. Cross and Schlesinger provided a comprehensive survey on Hedley P data prior to 1995. Measurement data are provided for studies published from 1985 through 2010. In addition to the Hedley P fraction measurement data Yang and Post (2011) also compiled information on soil order, soil pH, organic carbon and nitrogen content, as well as the geographic location (longitude and latitude) of the measurement sites. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Global_RTSG_Flux_1078.v1",
+ "title": "A Global Database of Gas Fluxes from Soils after Rewetting or Thawing, Version 1.0",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "1956-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2009-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-149.63, -36.45, 160.52, 74.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863284-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863284-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/Global_RTSG_Flux_1078.v1",
+ "description": "This database contains information compiled from published studies on gas flux from soil following rewetting or thawing. The resulting database includes 222 field and laboratory observations focused on rewetting of dry soils, and 116 field laboratory observations focused on thawing of frozen soils studies conducted from 1956 to 2010. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxide, and ammonia (CO2, CH4, N2O, NO and NH3) were compiled from the literature and the flux rates were normalized for ease of comparison. Field observations of gas flux following rewetting of dry soils include events caused by natural rainfall, simulated rainfall in natural ecosystems, and irrigation in agricultural lands. Similarly, thawing of frozen soils include field observations of natural thawing, simulated freezing-thawing events (i.e., thawing of simulated frozen soil by snow removal), and thawing of seasonal ice in temperate and high latitude regions (Kim et al., 2012). Reported parameters include experiment type, location, site type, vegetation, climate, soil properties, rainfall, soil moisture, soil gas flux after wetting and thawing, peak soil gas flux properties, and the corresponding study references. There is one comma-delimited data file. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "GreenBay.v0",
+ "title": "2010 Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "2010-09-17",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360352-OB_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360352-OB_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/GreenBay.v0",
+ "description": "Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2010.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "IKONOS_MSI_L1B.v1",
+ "title": "IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
+ "state_date": "1999-10-14",
+ "end_date": "2015-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497453433-CSDA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497453433-CSDA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/IKONOS_MSI_L1B.v1",
+ "description": "The IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 3.2m at nadir and the temporal resolution is approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "IKONOS_Pan_L1B.v1",
+ "title": "IKONOS Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
+ "state_date": "1999-10-24",
+ "end_date": "2015-03-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497468825-CSDA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497468825-CSDA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/IKONOS_Pan_L1B.v1",
+ "description": "The IKONOS Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.82m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "IMS1_HYSI_GEO.v1.0",
+ "title": "IMS-1 HYSI TOA Radiance and Reflectance Product",
+ "catalog": "ISRO",
+ "state_date": "2008-06-22",
+ "end_date": "2012-09-10",
+ "bbox": "-6.0364, -78.8236, 152.6286, 78.6815",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622602-ISRO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622602-ISRO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/IMS1_HYSI_GEO.v1.0",
+ "description": "The data received from IMS1, HySI which operates in 64 spectral bands in VNIR bands(400-900nm) with 500 meter spatial resolution and swath of 128 kms.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ISERV.v1",
+ "title": "International Space Station SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System V1",
+ "catalog": "USGS_EROS",
+ "state_date": "2013-03-27",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1379906336-USGS_EROS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1379906336-USGS_EROS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_EROS/collections/ISERV.v1",
+ "description": "Abstract: The ISS SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System (ISERV) acquired images of the Earth's surface from the International Space Station (ISS). The goal was to improve automatic image capturing and data transfer. ISERV's main component was the optical assembly which consisted of a 9.25 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, a focal reducer (field of view enlarger), a digital single lens reflex camera, and a high precision focusing mechanism. A motorized 2-axis pointing mount allowed pointing at targets approximately 23 degrees from nadir in both along- and across-track directions.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "IXBMIGEO.v2",
+ "title": "MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the INTEX-B region V002",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "2006-02-28",
+ "end_date": "2006-04-03",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000301-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000301-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/IXBMIGEO.v2",
+ "description": "This file contains the Geometric Parameters which measure the sun and view angles at the reference ellipsoid for the INTEXB_2006 theme.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000008.v1",
+ "title": "1998 Seismic Data, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1998-12-07",
+ "end_date": "1998-12-11",
+ "bbox": "-66.266667, -64.616667, -64.416667, -62.995",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244292774-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244292774-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000008.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 2 project in year 2 of 'the Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey' was conducted in the \u2161 region around the northwestern continent of the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is northwest of Anvers Island, including areas around the pericontinent from the continental shelf to the continental rise zone. The investigation period for this project took a total of 8 days for moving navigation, the survey of the side lines and drilling investigation. After seismic investigation, a surface drilling investigation was conducted in coring point was decided from the reference seismic section. 10 researcher from \u2018Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute\u2019 participated in the field survey. We took on lease Russian icebreaker \"Yuzhmorgeologiya\".",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000009.v1",
+ "title": "1997 Seismic Data, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1997-12-23",
+ "end_date": "1997-12-28",
+ "bbox": "-64.699722, -63.525, -62.157778, -62.041389",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244293126-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244293126-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000009.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 2 project in year 1 of \u2018The Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey\u2019 in 1997 was conducted in a continental shelf in the northwestern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. The research period took a total of 8 days, including 6 days for the seismic survey and 2 days for the drilling investigation. We took on lease Norway R/V 'Polar Duke' and 10 researchers from \u2018Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute\u2019 participated as field investigation personnel. The Teac single-channel recorder, EPC Recorder, Q/C MicroMax system etc. was used mainly by Sleeve gun used as a sound source, compressor for creating compressed air, DFS-V Recorder for multi-channel Seismic record, 12 \u2013channel geophone of seismic streamers. Additional Gravity Core was used for sediment research through drilling.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000011.v1",
+ "title": "1996 Seismic Data, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1996-12-17",
+ "end_date": "1996-12-26",
+ "bbox": "-62.766667, -63.583333, -60.233333, -62.733333",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244293499-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244293499-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000011.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as in year 3 project of 'the Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey' was conducted in the basin region of western part of the Bransfeed Strait between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands . During the field investigation, the seismic investigation and the drilling investigation was conducted at the same time. The investigation period took 9 days. 10 researchers from \u2018Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute\u2019 and 3 academic personnel participated in the cruise as field investigation personnel. We took on lease Russian R/V \"Yuzhmorgeologiya\" which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000012.v1",
+ "title": "1995 Seismic Data, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1995-12-13",
+ "end_date": "1995-12-18",
+ "bbox": "-58.335, -62.984444, -54.101944, -61.301111",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291641-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291641-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000012.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as in year 2 project of \"Antarctic submarine topography and sediment investigation\", The Field Survey of Antarctica was conducted at the end of 1995 was conducted the multi-channel Seismic Investigation and the drilling Investigation in the eastern part of the Bransfield Strait between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands and near Sejong Station. We took on lease Russian R/V \"Yuzhmorgeologiya\" which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker for field investigation.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000014.v1",
+ "title": "1994 Seismic Data, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1994-12-19",
+ "end_date": "1994-12-27",
+ "bbox": "-59.352778, -63.060278, -56.167778, -62.030833",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291414-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291414-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000014.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as in year 1 of 'the Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey' was conducted at the end of 1994 was conducted Multi-channel Seismic Investgation and Drilling investigation in the central basin of the Bransfield Strait was located in between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands and the Maxwell Bay area near Sejong Station. The field research was conducted wih other research at the same time. The research period was from 11 Dec. in 1994 to 23 Jan. in 1995 (13 days). - Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 1 project in year 1 to investigate the possibility of oil resources in the Bransfield Strait of Antarctica. - Securing data for tectonic settings research in the same region. - Obtaining basic data for understanding marine geology and sedimentary layers in the same region.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000051.v1",
+ "title": "1994 Sediment Core, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1994-12-31",
+ "end_date": "1995-01-02",
+ "bbox": "-58.026667, -62.42, -57.739722, -62.32",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291543-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291543-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000051.v1",
+ "description": "For the first year of study \"The Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey\", The Field Survey of Antarctica was conducted at the end of 1994 was conducted multi-channel seismic Investigation and drilling Investigation in the central basin of the Bransfield Strait was located in between the south Shetland Islands and the Antarctic peninsula and Maxwell bay area near Sejong Station. The field investigation was conducted research projects at the same time took 13 days from 11 Dec. in 1994 to 23 Jan. in 1995. - Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 1 project in year 1 to investigate the possibility of oil resources in the Bransfield Strait of Antarctica. - Securing data for tectonic settings research in the same region. - Obtaining basic data for understanding marine geology and sedimentary layers in the same region.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000052.v1",
+ "title": "1995 Sediment Core, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1995-12-19",
+ "end_date": "1995-12-23",
+ "bbox": "-55.951111, -61.969167, -55.051111, -61.951111",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291581-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291581-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000052.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in the east basin of the Bransfield Strait between the Antarctic peninsula and south Shetland Islands and Maxwell Bay located at Sejong Station was conducted multi-channel seismic investigation and drilling investigation. We took on lease Russian \"Yuzhmorgeologiya\"(5500 ton, ice strengthed vessel) which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker for field investigation.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000053.v1",
+ "title": "1996 Sediment Core, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1996-12-16",
+ "end_date": "1996-12-16",
+ "bbox": "-60.151944, -62.100278, -59.717778, -62.051389",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291950-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291950-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000053.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in west of the Bransfeed Strait, a basin between the Antarctic Peninsula and the south Shetland Islands. It tooks 9 days. seismic investigation and drilling investigation were conducted at the same time during the field survey. We took on lease Russian R/V \"Yuzhmorgeologiya\" which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker and 10 researchers from \u2018Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute\u2019 and 3 academic personnel participated in the cruise as field investigation personnel.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000054.v1",
+ "title": "1997 Sediment Core, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1997-12-28",
+ "end_date": "1997-12-29",
+ "bbox": "-63.396667, -63.886111, -62.700833, -62.536389",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244292254-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244292254-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000054.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in 1997 carried out in a continental shelf in the northwestern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. It took 2 days. We took on lease Norway R/V 'Polar Duke' and 11 researchers from \u2018Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute\u2019 participated as field investigation personnel. The Teac single-channel recorder, EPC Recorder, Q/C MicroMax system etc. was used mainly by Sleeve gun used as a sound source, compressor for creating compressed air, DFS-V Recorder for multi-channel Seismic record, 12-channel geophone of seismic streamers. Additional Gravity Core was used for sediment research through drilling.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KOPRI-KPDC-00000055.v1",
+ "title": "1998 Sediment Core, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_KOPRI",
+ "state_date": "1998-12-11",
+ "end_date": "1998-12-12",
+ "bbox": "-66.32, -63.95, -63.47, -62.943333",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244294165-AMD_KOPRI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244294165-AMD_KOPRI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_KOPRI/collections/KOPRI-KPDC-00000055.v1",
+ "description": "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in the continental margin (II region) of the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula. We took on lease Russian R/V \"Yuzhmorgeologiya\" (5500 ton, ice strengthed vessel) and 10 researchers participated in the cruise, including acquisition of multichannel seismic, gravity, and magnetometer as well as a detailed samplings (box cores, gravity cores, and grab samples). 1. Geophysical researches (Multichannel seismic and SBP surveys) 2. Paleoceanographic researches",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "KUKRI_He",
+ "title": "(U-Th)/He ages from the Kukri Hills of southern Victoria Land",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "162.7, -77.7, 162.7, -77.7",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214587974-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214587974-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/KUKRI_He",
+ "description": "The data set consists of (U-Th)/He ages collected from three vertical profiles from the the Kukri Hills (north side of the Ferrar Glacier) of Southern Victoria Land. The data set provides information on the cooling history and hence the denduation history of the Transantarctic Mountains in this area. Analyses were all carried out at the (U-Th)/He lab of Ken Farley at the Californai Institute of Technology.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "L1B_Wind_Products",
+ "title": "Aeolus preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2020-04-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689596-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689596-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/L1B_Wind_Products",
+ "description": "The Level 1B wind product of the Aeolus mission contains the preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers, which are generated in Near Real Time. Standard atmospheric correction (Rayleigh channel), receiver response and bias correction is applied. The product is generated within 3 hours after data acquisition.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "L2B_Wind_Products",
+ "title": "Aeolus Scientific L2B Rayleigh/Mie wind product",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2020-04-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689544-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689544-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/L2B_Wind_Products",
+ "description": "The Level 2B wind product of the Aeolus mission is a geo-located consolidated HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observation with actual atmospheric correction applied to Rayleigh channel. The product is generated by within 3 hours after data acquisition.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "L2C_Wind_products",
+ "title": "Aeolus Level 2C assisted wind fields resulting from NWP Numerical Weather Prediction assimilation processing",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2020-07-09",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2619280864-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2619280864-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/L2C_Wind_products",
+ "description": "The Level 2C wind product of the Aeolus mission provides ECMWF analysis horizontal wind vectors at the geolocations of assimilated L2B HLOS wind components. The L2C can therefore be described as an Aeolus-assisted horizontal wind vector product. The L2C is a distinct product, however the L2C and L2B share a common Earth Explorer file template, with the L2C being a superset of the L2B. The L2C consists of extra datasets appended to the L2B product with information which are relevant to the data assimilation of the L2B winds.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "LAI_WOODY_PLANTS_1231.v1",
+ "title": "A Global Database of Field-observed Leaf Area Index in Woody Plant Species, 1932-2011",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1932-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2011-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-164.78, -54.2, 175.62, 78.42",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179130805-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179130805-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/LAI_WOODY_PLANTS_1231.v1",
+ "description": "This data set provides global leaf area index (LAI) values for woody species. The data are a compilation of field-observed data from 1,216 locations obtained from 554 literature sources published between 1932 and 2011. Only site-specific maximum LAI values were included from the sources; values affected by significant artificial treatments (e.g. continuous fertilization and/or irrigation) and LAI values that were low due to drought or disturbance (e.g. intensive thinning, wildfire, or disease), or because vegetation was immature or old/declining, were excluded (Lio et al., 2014). To maximize the generic applicability of the data, original LAI values from source literature and values standardized using the definition of half of total surface area (HSA) are included. Supporting information, such as geographical coordinates of plot, altitude, stand age, name of dominant species, plant functional types, and climate data are also provided in the data file. There is one data file in comma-separated (.csv) format with this data set and one companion file which provides the data sources.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "LEAF_CARBON_NUTRIENTS_1106.v1",
+ "title": "A Global Database of Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations of Green and Senesced Leaves",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2009-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-159.7, -50, 176.9, 68.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003380-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003380-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/LEAF_CARBON_NUTRIENTS_1106.v1",
+ "description": "This data set provides carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations in green and senesced leaves. Vegetation characteristics reported include species growth habit, leaf area, mass, and mass loss with senescence. The data were compiled from 86 selected studies in 31 countries, and resulted in approximately 1,000 data points for both green and senesced leaves from woody and non-woody vegetation as described in Vergutz et al (2012). The studies were conducted from 1970-2009. There are two comma-delimited data files with this data set.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "A Global Data Set of Leaf Photosynthetic Rates, Leaf N and P, and Specific Leaf Area",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "1993-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2010-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-122.4, -43.2, 176.13, 58.42",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179126725-ORNL_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179126725-ORNL_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_DAAC/collections/LEAF_PHOTOSYNTHESIS_TRAITS_1224.v1",
+ "description": "This global data set of photosynthetic rates and leaf nutrient traits was compiled from a comprehensive literature review. It includes estimates of Vcmax (maximum rate of carboxylation), Jmax (maximum rate of electron transport), leaf nitrogen content (N), leaf phosphorus content (P), and specific leaf area (SLA) data from both experimental and ambient field conditions, for a total of 325 species and treatment combinations. Both the original published Vcmax and Jmax values as well as estimates at standard temperature are reported. The maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax) and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) are primary determinants of photosynthetic rates in plants, and modeled carbon fluxes are highly sensitive to these parameters. Previous studies have shown that Vcmax and Jmax correlate with leaf nitrogen across species and regions, and locally across species with leaf phosphorus and specific leaf area, yet no universal relationship suitable for global-scale models is currently available. These data are suitable for exploring the general relationships of Vcmax and Jmax with each other and with leaf N, P and SLA. This data set contains one *.csv file.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "LGB_10m_traverse.v1",
+ "title": "10 m firn temperature data: LGB traverses 1990-95",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "1989-11-01",
+ "end_date": "1995-02-28",
+ "bbox": "54, -77, 78, -69",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313574-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313574-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/LGB_10m_traverse.v1",
+ "description": "The Lambert Glacier Basin (LGB) series of five oversnow traverses were conducted from 1989-95. Ten metre depth (10 m) firn temperatures, as a proxy indicator of annual mean surface temperature at a site, were recorded approximately every 30 km along the 2014 km main traverse route from LGB00 (68.6543 S, 61.1201 E) near Mawson Station, to LGB72 (69.9209 S, 76.4933 E) near Davis Station. 10 m depth firn temperatures were recorded manually in field notebooks and the data transferred to spreadsheet files (MS Excel). Summary data (30 km spatial resolution) can be obtained from CRC Research Note No.09 'Surface Mass Balance and Snow Surface Properties from the Lambert Glacier Basin Traverses 1990-94'. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 3 and 2216. Some of this data have been stored in a very old format. The majority of files have been updated to current formats, but some files (kaleidograph files in particular) were not able to be modified due to a lack of appropriate software. However, these files are simply figures, and can be regenerated from the raw data (also provided). The fields in this dataset are: Latitutde Longitude Height Cane Distance Elevation Density Mass Accumulation Year Delta Oxygen-18 Grain Size Ice Crusts Depth Hoar",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Level_2A_aerosol_cloud_optical_products",
+ "title": "Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud optical product",
+ "catalog": "ESA",
+ "state_date": "2021-05-26",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207498185-ESA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207498185-ESA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ESA/collections/Level_2A_aerosol_cloud_optical_products",
+ "description": "The Level 2A aerosol/cloud optical products of the Aeolus mission include geo-located consolidated backscatter and extinction profiles, backscatter-to-extinction coefficient, LIDAR ratio, scene classification, heterogeneity index and attenuated backscatter signals. Resolution - Horizontal resolution of L2A optical properties at observation scale (~87 km); Exceptions are group properties (horizontal accumulation of measurements from ~3 km to ~87 km) and attenuated backscatters (~3 km); Note: the resolution of \"groups\" in the L2A can only go down to 5 measurements at the moment, i.e. ~15 km horizontal resolution. This could be configured to go to 1 measurement - Vertical resolution 250-2000 m (Defined by Range Bin Settings https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/instruments/aladin/overview-of-the-main-wind-rbs-changes).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "M1_ AVH02C1.v6",
+ "title": "METOP-B AVHRR Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg. CMG",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2013-01-16",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2751091676-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2751091676-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/M1_ AVH02C1.v6",
+ "description": "The Long-Term Data Record (LTDR) produces, validates, and distributes a global land surface climate data record (CDR) that uses both mature and well-tested algorithms in concert with the best-available polar-orbiting satellite data from past to the present. The CDR is critically important to studying global climate change. The LTDR project is unique in that it serves as a bridge that connects data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the EOS Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS missions. The LTDR draws from the following eight AVHRR missions: NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-B. Currently, the project generates a daily surface reflectance product as the fundamental climate data record (FCDR) and derives daily Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf-Area Index/fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI/fPAR) as two thematic CDRs (TCDR). LAI/fPAR was developed as an experimental product. The METOP-B AVHRR Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG, short-name M1_AVH02C1 is generated from GIMMS Advanced Processing System (GAPS) BRDF-corrected Surface Reflectance product (AVH01C1). The M1_AVH02C1 consist of Top-of-atmosphere reflectance for bands 1 and 2, data Quality flags, angles (solar zenith, view zenith, and relative azimuth), thermal data (thermal bands 3, 4 and 5), and additional data (scan time). ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "M1_ AVH09C1.v6",
+ "title": "METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2013-01-16",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2187507677-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2187507677-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/M1_ AVH09C1.v6",
+ "description": "The Long-Term Data Record (LTDR) produces, validates, and distributes a global land surface climate data record (CDR) that uses both mature and well-tested algorithms in concert with the best-available polar-orbiting satellite data from past to the present. The CDR is critically important to studying global climate change. The LTDR project is unique in that it serves as a bridge that connects data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the EOS Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS missions. The LTDR draws from the following eight AVHRR missions: NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-B. Currently, the project generates a daily surface reflectance product as the fundamental climate data record (FCDR) and derives daily Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf-Area Index/fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI/fPAR) as two thematic CDRs (TCDR). LAI/fPAR was developed as an experimental product. The METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG, short-name M1_ AVH09C1 is generated from GIMMS Advanced Processing System (GAPS) BRDF-corrected Surface Reflectance product (AVH01C1). The M1_ AVH09C1 consist of BRDF-corrected surface reflectance for bands 1, 2, and 3, data Quality flags, angles (solar zenith, view zenith, and relative azimuth), and thermal data (thermal bands 3, 4, and 5). The AVH09C1 product is available in HDF4 file format. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "M1_AVH13C1.v6",
+ "title": "METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg. CMG",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2013-01-16",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2751635237-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2751635237-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/M1_AVH13C1.v6",
+ "description": "The Long-Term Data Record (LTDR) produces, validates, and distributes a global land surface climate data record (CDR) that uses both mature and well-tested algorithms in concert with the best-available polar-orbiting satellite data from past to the present. The CDR is critically important to studying global climate change. The LTDR project is unique in that it serves as a bridge that connects data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the EOS Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS missions. The LTDR draws from the following eight AVHRR missions: NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-B. Currently, the project generates a daily surface reflectance product as the fundamental climate data record (FCDR) and derives daily Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf-Area Index/fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI/fPAR) as two thematic CDRs (TCDR). LAI/fPAR was developed as an experimental product. The METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG, short-name M1_AVH13C1 is generated from GIMMS Advanced Processing System (GAPS) BRDF-corrected Surface Reflectance product (M1_AVH01C1). The M1_AVH13C1 product is available in HDF4 file format. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS.v6.1",
+ "title": "MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 daily, 1x1 degree grid",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2002-07-04",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1887589686-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1887589686-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS.v6.1",
+ "description": "The combined MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 daily, 1x1 degree grid product represents a new addition that is especially geared to facilitate climate scientists who deal with both models and observations. MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS represents the daily product\u2019s short-name. The \u201cCOSP\u201d acronym in its short-name stands for Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observation Simulator Package. This product is an aggregation of combined MODIS Level-2 inputs from both the Terra and Aqua incarnations (MOD35/MOD06 and MYD35/MYD06, respectively), and employs an aggregation methodology consistent with the MOD08 and MYD08 products. Provided in netCDF4 format, it contains 23 aggregated science data sets (SDS/parameters).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MCD06COSP_M3_MODIS.v6.1",
+ "title": "MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 monthly, 1x1 degree grid",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2002-07-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1888024429-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1888024429-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/MCD06COSP_M3_MODIS.v6.1",
+ "description": "The combined MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 monthly, 1x1 degree grid product represents a new addition that is especially geared to facilitate climate scientists who deal with both models and observations. MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS represents the daily product\u2019s short-name. The \u201cCOSP\u201d acronym in its short-name stands for Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observation Simulator Package. The L3 monthly product is derived by aggregating the daily-produced Aqua+Terra/MODIS D3 Cloud Properties product (MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS). Provided in netCDF4 format, it contains 23 aggregated science data sets (SDS/parameters).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MCD14DL_C5_NRT.v005",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua+Terra Thermal Anomalies/Fire locations 1km FIRMS V005 NRT",
+ "catalog": "LM_FIRMS",
+ "state_date": "2014-01-28",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -80, 180, 80",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1219768065-LM_FIRMS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1219768065-LM_FIRMS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LM_FIRMS/collections/MCD14DL_C5_NRT.v005",
+ "description": "Near Real-Time (NRT) MODIS Thermal Anomalies / Fire locations processed by FIRMS (Fire Information for Resource Management System) - Land Atmosphere Near real time Capability for EOS (LANCE), using swath products (MOD14/MYD14) rather than the tiled MOD14A1 and MYD14A1 products. The thermal anomalies / active fire represent the center of a 1km pixel that is flagged by the MODIS MOD14/MYD14 Fire and Thermal Anomalies algorithm (Giglio 2003) as containing one or more fires within the pixel. This is the most basic fire product in which active fires and other thermal anomalies, such as volcanoes, are identified.MCD14DL are available in the following formats: TXT, SHP, KML, WMS. These data are also provided through the FIRMS Fire Email Alerts. Please note only the TXT and SHP files contain all the attributes.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MIANACP.v1",
+ "title": "MISR Aerosol Climatology Product V001",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "1999-11-22",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C185127378-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C185127378-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/MIANACP.v1",
+ "description": "MIANACP_1 is the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Aerosol Climatology Product version 1. It is 1) the microphysical and scattering characteristics of pure aerosol upon which routine retrievals are based; 2) mixtures of pure aerosol to be compared with MISR observations; and 3) likelihood value assigned to each mode geographically. The ACP describes mixtures of up to three component aerosol types from a list of eight components, in varying proportions. ACP component aerosol particle data quality depends on the ACP input data, which are based on aerosol particles described in the literature, and consider MISR-specific sensitivity to particle size, single-scattering albedo, and shape, and shape - roughly: small, medium and large; dirty and clean; spherical and nonspherical [Kahn et al. , 1998; 2001]. Also reported in the ACP are the mixtures of these components used by the retrieval algorithm. The MISR instrument consists of nine pushbroom cameras which measure radiance in four spectral bands. Global coverage is achieved in nine days. The cameras are arranged with one camera pointing toward the nadir, four cameras pointing forward, and four cameras pointing aftward. It takes seven minutes for all nine cameras to view the same surface location. The view angles relative to the surface reference ellipsoid, are 0, 26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees. The spectral band shapes are nominally Gaussian, centered at 443, 555, 670, and 865 nm.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MIANCAGP.v1",
+ "title": "MISR Ancillary Geographic Product V001",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "1999-11-07",
+ "end_date": "2005-06-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C183897339-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C183897339-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/MIANCAGP.v1",
+ "description": "MIANCAGP_1 is the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Ancillary Geographic Product version 1. It is a set of 233 pre-computed files. Each AGP file pertains to a single Terra orbital path. MISR production software relies on information in the AGP, such as digital terrain elevation, as input to the algorithms which generate MISR products. The AGP contains eleven fields of geographical data. This product consists primarily of geolocation data on a Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) Grid. It has 233 parts, corresponding to the 233 repeat orbits of the EOS-AM1 Spacecraft. The MISR instrument consists of nine pushbroom cameras which measure radiance in four spectral bands. Global coverage is achieved in nine days. The cameras are arranged with one camera pointing toward the nadir, four cameras pointing forward, and four cameras pointing aftward. It takes seven minutes for all nine cameras to view the same surface location. The view angles relative to the surface reference ellipsoid, are 0, 26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees. The spectral band shapes are nominally Gaussian, centered at 443, 555, 670, and 865 nm.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MIANCARP.v2",
+ "title": "MISR Ancillary Radiometric Product V002",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "1999-12-28",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179031521-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179031521-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/MIANCARP.v2",
+ "description": "MIANCARP_2 is the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Ancillary Radiometric Product version 2. It is composed of 4 files covering instrument characterization data, pre-flight calibration data, in-flight calibration data, and configuration parameters. The MISR instrument consists of nine pushbroom cameras which measure radiance in four spectral bands. Global coverage is achieved in nine days. The cameras are arranged with one camera pointing toward the nadir, four cameras pointing forward, and four cameras pointing aftward. It takes seven minutes for all nine cameras to view the same surface location. The view angles relative to the surface reference ellipsoid, are 0, 26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees. The spectral band shapes are nominally Gaussian, centered at 443, 555, 670, and 865 nm.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MIRCCMF.v001",
+ "title": "MISR FIRSTLOOK radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V001",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "2000-12-13",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C135857530-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C135857530-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/MIRCCMF.v001",
+ "description": "Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) is an instrument designed to view Earth with cameras pointed in 9 different directions. As the instrument flies overhead, each piece of Earth's surface below is successively imaged by all 9 cameras, in each of 4 wavelengths (blue, green, red, and near-infrared). The goal of MISR is to improve our understanding of the fate of sunlight in Earth environment, as well as distinguish different types of clouds, particles and surfaces. Specifically, MISR monitors the monthly, seasonal, and long-term trends in three areas: 1) amount and type of atmospheric particles (aerosols), including those formed by natural sources and by human activities; 2) amounts, types, and heights of clouds, and 3) distribution of land surface cover, including vegetation canopy structure. MISR FIRSTLOOK radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V001 contains the FIRSTLOOK Radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask (RCCM) dataset produced using ancillary inputs Radiometric Camera-by-camera Cloud mask Threshold (RCCT) from the previous time period. It is used to determine whether a scene is clear, cloudy or dusty (over ocean).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MISBR.v005",
+ "title": "MISR Browse data V005",
+ "catalog": "LARC",
+ "state_date": "1999-12-18",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C43677744-LARC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C43677744-LARC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LARC/collections/MISBR.v005",
+ "description": "This is the browse data associated with a particular granule.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "MURI_Camouflage.v0",
+ "title": "A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) Camouflage Project",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "2010-06-14",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360494-OB_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360494-OB_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/MURI_Camouflage.v0",
+ "description": "A Multi University Research Initiative was funded to study the biological response to the dynamic, polarized light field in distinct water types. During June 2010, a campaign was undertaken in the coastal waters off Port Aransas, Texas to study the angular/temporal distribution of polarization in multiple environment types (eutrophic sediment laden coastal waters, oligotrophic off-shore), as well as the polarization-reflectance responses of several organisms. In addition to radiometric polarization measurements, water column IOPs, Rrs, benthic reflectance, and pigment concentration measurements were collected. Later campaigns expanded this research in the coastal waters off the Florida Keys.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:GOES:OSIDDLI_2011-10-07",
- "title": "Daily Downward Longwave Irradiance - GOES",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2011-10-06",
+ "id": "MURI_HI.v0",
+ "title": "A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) near the Hawaiian Islands",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
+ "state_date": "2012-05-31",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-135, -60, -15, 60",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566338-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566338-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AGOES%3AOSIDDLI_2011-10-07",
- "description": "Estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from the geostationary satellite GOES-E, produced by remapping over a 0.05\u00b0 regular grid and expressed in W/m2. Algorithm is a bulk parameterization that uses NWP model outputs to calculate a clear sky Downward Longwave Irradiance (DLI), corrected according to satellite derived cloud information. The daily value is the integration of all the hourly values in the UT day.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360508-OB_DAAC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360508-OB_DAAC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/MURI_HI.v0",
+ "description": "Measurements taken by the RV Kilo Moana in 2012 near the Hawaiian Islands.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:GOES:OSIDSSI_2011-10-07",
- "title": "Daily Shortwave Solar Irradiance - GOES",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2011-10-06",
+ "id": "MYD021KM.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-20",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-135, -60, -15, 60",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566380-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566380-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AGOES%3AOSIDSSI_2011-10-07",
- "description": "Estimation of the solar irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from the geostationary satellite GOES-E, produced by remapping over a 0.05\u00b0 regular grid and expressed in W/m2. The daily value is the integration of all the hourly values in the UT day.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426616847-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426616847-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD021KM.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The MODIS Level 1B Near Real Time (NRT) data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 36 discrete bands located in the 0.4 to 14.4 micron region of electromagentic spectrum. These data are generated from the MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance and in the process converted to geophysical units of W/(m^2 um sr). In addition, the Earth Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for the solar reflective bands (1-19, 26) through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared, and near infrared measurements are only made during the daytime, while radiances for the thermal infrared region (bands 20-25, 27-36) are measured continuously. Channel locations for MODIS are as follows: Band Center Wavelength (um) Primary Use---- ---------------------- -----------1 0.620 - 0.670 Land/Cloud Boundaries2 0.841 - 0.876 Land/Cloud Boundaries3 0.459 - 0.479 Land/Cloud Properties4 0.545 - 0.565 Land/Cloud Properties5 1.230 - 1.250 Land/Cloud Properties6 1.628 - 1.652 Land/Cloud Properties7 2.105 - 2.155 Land/Cloud Properties8 0.405 - 0.420 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton9 0.438 - 0.448 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton10 0.483 - 0.493 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton11 0.526 - 0.536 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton12 0.546 - 0.556 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton13 0.662 - 0.672 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton14 0.673 - 0.683 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton15 0.743 - 0.753 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton16 0.862 - 0.877 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton17 0.890 - 0.920 Atmospheric Water Vapor18 0.931 - 0.941 Atmospheric Water Vapor19 0.915 - 0.965 Atmospheric Water Vapor20 3.660 - 3.840 Surface/Cloud Temperature21 3.929 - 3.989 Surface/Cloud Temperature22 3.929 - 3.989 Surface/Cloud Temperature23 4.020 - 4.080 Surface/Cloud Temperature24 4.433 - 4.498 Atmospheric Temperature25 4.482 - 4.549 Atmospheric Temperature26 1.360 - 1.390 Cirrus Clouds27 6.535 - 6.895 Water Vapor Profile28 7.175 - 7.475 Water Vapor Profile29 8.400 - 8.700 Water Vapor Profile30 9.580 - 9.880 Ozone Overburden31 10.780 - 11.280 Surface/Cloud Temperature32 11.770 - 12.270 Surface/Cloud Temperature33 13.185 - 13.485 Cloud Top Altitude34 13.485 - 13.785 Cloud Top Altitude35 13.785 - 14.085 Cloud Top Altitude36 14.085 - 14.385 Cloud Top Altitude Channels 1 and 2 have 250 m resolution, channels 3 through 7 have 500m resolution, and the rest have 1 km resolution. However, for the MODIS L1B 1 km product, the 250 m and 500 m band radiance data and their associated uncertainties have been aggregated to 1km resolution. Thus the entire channel data set is referenced to the same spatial and geolocation scales. Separate L1B products are available for the 250 m channels (MYD02QKM) and 500 m channels (MYD02HKM) that preserve the original resolution of the data. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 1 km, degrading to 4.8 km in the along-scan direction at the scan extremes. However, thanks to the overlapping of consecutive swaths and respectively pixels there, the resulting resolution at the scan extremes is about 2km. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330km orbital swath width and provides global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level 1B granule will nominally contain a scene built from 203 scans (or swaths) sampled 1354 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data. Since an individual MODIS scan (or swath) will contain 10 along-track spatial elements, the scene will be composed of (1354 x 2030) pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of (2330 km x 2030 km). Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing overlap occurring beyond about 25 degrees scan angle. To summarize, the MODIS L1B 1 km data product consists of: 1. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (2) 250 m reflected solar bands aggregated to 1km resolution 2. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (5) 500 m reflected solar bands aggregated to 1 km resolution 3. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (13) 1 km reflected solar bands and (16) infrared emissive bands 4. Geolocation subsampled at every 5th pixel across and along track 5. Satellite and solar angles subsampled at the above frequency 6. Comprehensive set of file-level metadata summarizing the spatial, temporal and parameter attributes of the data, as well as auxiliary information pertaining to instrument status and data quality characterization. The MODIS L1B data are stored in the Earth Observing System Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) which is an extension of HDF as developed by the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. A typical file size will be approximately 260 MB. Environmental information derived from MODIS L1B measurements will offer a comprehensive and unprecedented look at terrestrial, atmospheric, and ocean phenomenology for a wide and diverse community of users throughout the world. The Shortname for this product is MYD021KM",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METEOSAT:OSIDDLI_2011-10-07",
- "title": "Daily Downward Longwave Irradiance - MSG",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2011-10-06",
+ "id": "MYD02HKM.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 500m - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-20",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-60, -60, 60, 60",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566367-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566367-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETEOSAT%3AOSIDDLI_2011-10-07",
- "description": "Estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from the geostationary satellite Meteosat, derived at present from the 0.6\u00b5m visible channel of SEVIRI, produced by remapping over a 0.05\u00b0 regular grid and expressed in W/m2. Algorithm is a bulk parameterization that uses NWP model outputs to calculate a clear sky Downward Longwave Irradiance (DLI), corrected according to satellite derived cloud information. The daily value is the integration of all the hourly values in the UT day.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426617060-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426617060-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD02HKM.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The 500 meter MODIS Level 1B Near Real Time (NRT) data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 7 discrete bands located in the 0.45 to 2.20 micron region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These data are generated from the MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance and in the process converted to geophysical units of W/(m^2 um sr). In addition, the Earth Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for these solar reflective bands through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared, and near infrared measurements are only made during the daytime, while radiances for the thermal infrared region (bands 20-25, 27-36) are measured continuously. Channel locations for the MODIS 500 meter data are as follows: Band Center Wavelength (um) Primary Use ---- ---------------------- ----------- 1 0.620 - 0.670 Land/Cloud Boundaries 2 0.841 - 0.876 Land/Cloud Boundaries 3 0.459 - 0.479 Land/Cloud Properties 4 0.545 - 0.565 Land/Cloud Properties 5 1.230 - 1.250 Land/Cloud Properties 6 1.628 - 1.652 Land/Cloud Properties 7 2.105 - 2.155 Land/Cloud Properties Channels 1 and 2 have 250 m resolution, channels 3 through 7 have 500 m resolution. However, for the MODIS L1B 500 m product, the 250 m band radiance data and their associated uncertainties have been aggregated to 500 m resolution. Thus the entire channel data set has been co-registered to the same spatial scale in the 500 m product. Separate L1B products are available for the 250 m resolution channels (MYD02QKM) and 1 km resolution channels (MYD021KM). For the latter product, the 250 m and 500 m channel data (bands 1 through 7) have been aggregated into equivalent 1 km pixel values. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 500 km, degrading to 2.4 km in the along-scan direction at the scan extremes. However, thanks to the overlapping of consecutive swaths and respectively pixels there, the resulting resolution at the scan extremes is about 1 km. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330 km orbital swath width and provides global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level 1B 500 m granule will contain a scene built from 203 scans sampled 2708 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data; thus 288 granules will be produced per day. Since an individual MODIS scan will contain 20 along-track spatial elements for the 500 m channels, the scene will be composed of (2708 x 4060) pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of (2330 km x 2040 km). Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing scan overlap beyond about 20 degrees scan angle. To summarize, the MODIS L1B 500 m data product consists of: 1. Calibrated radiances, uncertainties and number of samples for (2) 250 m reflected solar bands aggregated to 500 m resolution 2. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (5) 500 m reflected solar bands 3. Geolocation for 1km pixels, that must be interpolated to get 500 m pixel locations. For the relationship of 1km pixels to 500m pixels, see the Geolocation ATBD http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/atbd/atbd_mod28_v3.pdf . 4. Calibration data for all channels (scale and offset) 5. Comprehensive set of file-level metadata summarizing the spatial, temporal and parameter attributes of the data, as well as auxiliary information pertaining to instrument status and data quality characterization The MODIS L1B 500 m data are stored in the Earth Observing System Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) which is an extension of HDF as developed by the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. A typical file size will be approximately 170 MB. Environmental information derived from MODIS L1B measurements will offer a comprehensive and unprecedented look at terrestrial, atmospheric, and ocean phenomenology for a wide and diverse community of users throughout the world. The Shortname for this product is MYD02HKM",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCAT12_2010-09-06",
- "title": "ASCAT Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2008-12-31",
- "end_date": "2011-02-28",
+ "id": "MYD02QKM.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 250m - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-20",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901384-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901384-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3AASCAT12_2010-09-06",
- "description": "The ASCAT Wind Product contains measurements of the wind direction and wind speed at 10 m above the sea surface. The measurements are obtained through the processing of scatterometer data originating from the ASCAT instrument on EUMETSAT's Metop satellite, as described in the ASCAT Wind Product User Manual. Note that up until 2011-02-28, a wind-only version of this product in BUFR and netCDF formats was available via EUMETCast and the EUMETSAT Data Centre. From that date on, the wind values can be found in BUFR and netCDF formats in the ASCAT multi-parameter products (collection reference: EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS012 and EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS025). It is recommended that the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A) are used instead of this archived NRT product.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426621826-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426621826-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD02QKM.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The 250 meter MODIS Level 1B Near Real Time (NRT) data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 2 discrete bands located in the 0.62 to 0.88 micron region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These data are generated from the MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance and in the process converted to geophysical units of W / (m^2 um sr). In addition, the Earth Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for these solar reflective bands through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Channel locations for the MODIS 250 meter data are as follows: Band Center Wavelength (um) Primary Use ---- ---------------------- ----------- 1 0.620 - 0.670 Land/Cloud Boundaries 2 0.841 - 0.876 Land/Cloud Boundaries Separate L1B products are available for the five 500 m resolution channels (MYD02HKM) and the twenty-nine 1 km resolution channels (MYD021KM). For the 500 m product, there are actually seven channels available since the data from the two 250 m channels have been aggregated to 500 m resolution. Similarly, for the 1 km product, all 36 MODIS channels are available since the data from the two 250 m and five 500 m channels have been aggregated into equivalent 1 km pixel values. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 250 m, degrading to 1.2 km in the along-scan direction and 0.5 km in the along-track direction for pixels located at the scan extremes. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330 km orbital swath width and provides global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level 1B 250 m granule will contain a scene built from 203 scans sampled 5416 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data; thus 288 granules will be produced per day. Since an individual MODIS scan will contain 40 along-track spatial elements for the 250 m channels, the scene will be composed of (5416 x 8120) pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of (2330 km x 2040 km). Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing scan overlap beyond about 17 degrees scan angle. To summarize, the MODIS L1B 250 m data product consists of: 1. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (2) 250 m reflected solar bands 2. Subsampled geolocation at every 4th 250 m pixel across and along track, i.e., a geolocation point every kilometer 3. Satellite and solar angles subsampled at the above frequency 4. Calibration data for all channels (scale and offset) 5. Comprehensive set of file-level metadata summarizing the spatial, temporal and parameter attributes of the data, as well as auxiliary information pertaining to instrument status and data quality characterization The MODIS L1B 250 m data are stored in the Earth Observing System Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) which is an extension of HDF as developed by the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. A typical file size will be approximately 170 MB. Environmental information derived from MODIS L1B measurements will offer a comprehensive and unprecedented look at terrestrial, atmospheric, and ocean phenomenology for a wide and diverse community of users throughout the world. The Shortname for this product is MYD02QKM",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCAT25_2010-09-06",
- "title": "ASCAT Winds at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-10-15",
- "end_date": "2011-02-28",
+ "id": "MYD04_3K.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 3km - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-20",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214560143-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214560143-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3AASCAT25_2010-09-06",
- "description": "The ASCAT Wind Product contains measurements of the wind direction and wind speed at 10 m above the sea surface. The measurements are obtained through the processing of scatterometer data originating from the ASCAT instrument on EUMETSAT's Metop satellite, as described in the ASCAT Wind Product User Manual. Note that up until 2011-02-28, a wind-only version of this product in BUFR and netCDF formats was available via EUMETCast and the EUMETSAT Data Centre. From that date on, the wind values can be found in BUFR format in the ASCAT multi-parameter products (collection reference: EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS012 and EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS025). It is recommended that the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A) are used instead of this archived NRT product.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426717545-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426717545-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD04_3K.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The new Collection 6.1 (C61) MYD04_3K product is an improved version based on algorithm changes in Dark Target (DT) Aerosol retrieval over urban areas and uncertainty estimates for Deep Blue (DB) Aerosol retrievals. The MODIS level-2 atmospheric aerosol product provides retrieved ambient aerosol optical properties, quality assurance, and other parameters, globally over ocean and land. In Collection 5, and earlier collections, there was only one aerosol product (MOD04_L2) at 10km (at nadir) spatial resolution. Starting from C6, the Dark Target (DT) Aerosol algorithm team provided a new 3 km spatial resolution product (MOD04_3k) intended for the air quality community. The MOD04_3K product is based on the same algorithm and Look up Tables as the standard Dark Target aerosol product. Because of finer resolution, subtle differences are made in selecting pixels for retrieval and in determining QA. The only differences between the existing 10km algorithm and the 3km algorithm are: 1) the size of the pixel-arrays defining each retrieval box (6x6 retrieval boxes of 36 pixels at 0.5km resolution for 3km algorithm as oppose to 20x20 retrieval boxes of 400 pixels at 0.5km resolution for 10km product); 2) the minimum percentage of good pixels required for a retrieval (a minimum of 5 pixels over ocean and 6 pixels over land instead of a minimum of 10 pixels over ocean or 12 pixels over land for 10km product retrieval); 3) the 10km algorithm attempts a poor quality retrieval while 3km algorithm does not. Everything else is same in two products. For more information on C6.1 changes and updates, visit the MODIS Atmosphere website at: https://modis-atmosphere.gsfc.nasa.gov/documentation/collection-61",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZF1B_2010-09-21",
- "title": "ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-05-31",
+ "id": "MYD04_L2.v6.1",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2002-07-04",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901397-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901397-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3AASCSZF1B_2010-09-21",
- "description": "The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product consists of geo-located radar backscatter values along the six ASCAT beams. The different beam measurements are not collocated into a regular swath grid and the individual measurements are not spatially averaged. The resolution of each of the 255 backscatter values per each beam varies slightly along the beam, but it is approximately 10km (in the along beam direction) x 25 km (across the beam). This product is usually referred to as 'ASCAT Level 1B Full resolution product'. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443533683-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443533683-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/MYD04_L2.v6.1",
+ "description": "The MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km product (MYD04_L2) provides full global coverage of aerosol properties from the Dark Target (DT) and Deep Blue (DB) algorithms. The DT algorithm is applied over ocean and dark land (e.g., vegetation), while the DB algorithm now covers the entire land areas including both dark and bright surfaces. Both results are provided on a 10x10 pixel scale (10 km at nadir). Each MYD04_L2 product file covers a five-minute time interval. The output grid is 135 pixels in width by 203 pixels in length. Every tenth file has an output grid size of 135 by 204 pixels. MYD04_L2 product files are stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS). The new Collection 6.1 (C61) MYD04_L2 product is an improved version based on algorithm changes in Dark Target (DT) Aerosol retrieval over urban areas and uncertainty estimates for Deep Blue (DB) Aerosol retrievals. The MODIS level-2 atmospheric aerosol product provides retrieved ambient aerosol optical properties, quality assurance, and other parameters, globally over ocean and land. In Collection 5 and in earlier collections, there was only one aerosol product (MYD04_L2) at 10km (at nadir) spatial resolution. Starting from C6, the Dark Target (DT) Aerosol algorithm team provided a new 3 km spatial resolution product (MYD04_3k) intended for the air quality community. For more information visit the MODIS Atmosphere website at: https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/products/aerosol And, for C6.1 changes and updates, visit: https://modis-atmosphere.gsfc.nasa.gov/documentation/collection-61",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZO1B_2010-09-21",
- "title": "ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-03-01",
+ "id": "MYD04_L2.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-20",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901403-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901403-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3AASCSZO1B_2010-09-21",
- "description": "The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid'.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426751946-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426751946-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD04_L2.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The new Collection 6.1 (C61) MYD04_L2 product is an improved version based on algorithm changes in Dark Target (DT) Aerosol retrieval over urban areas and uncertainty estimates for Deep Blue (DB) Aerosol retrievals. The MODIS level-2 atmospheric aerosol product provides retrieved ambient aerosol optical properties, quality assurance, and other parameters, globally over ocean and land. In Collection 5, and earlier collections, there was only one aerosol product (MYD04_L2) at 10km (at nadir) spatial resolution. Starting from C6, the Dark Target (DT) Aerosol algorithm team provided a new 3 km spatial resolution product (MYD04_3k) intended for the air quality community. For more information visit the MODIS Atmosphere website at: https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/products/aerosol And, for C6.1 changes and updates, visit: https://modis-atmosphere.gsfc.nasa.gov/documentation/collection-61",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZR1B_2010-09-21",
- "title": "ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-03-01",
+ "id": "MYD09.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance 5-Min L2 Swath 250m, 500m, 1km NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2021-02-07",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901400-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901400-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3AASCSZR1B_2010-09-21",
- "description": "The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid'.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2007652303-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2007652303-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD09.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The MODIS/Aqua Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance 5-Min L2 Swath 250m, 500m, 1km NRT, short name MYD09, is computed from the MODIS Level 1B land bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (centered at 648 nm, 858 nm, 470 nm, 555 nm, 1240 nm, 1640 nm, and 2130 nm, respectively). The product is an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance for each band as it would have been measured at ground level if there were no atmospheric scattering or absorption. The surface-reflectance product is the input for product generation for several land products: vegetation Indices (VIs), BRDF, thermal anomaly, snow/ice, and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation/Leaf Area Index (FPAR/LAI).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-104_2011-09-28",
- "title": "ASCAT Coastal Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "id": "MYD09CMA.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Optical Thickness Daily L3 Global 0.05-Deg CMA NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2021-02-07",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901378-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901378-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3AOSI-104_2011-09-28",
- "description": "Equivalent neutral 10m winds over the global oceans, with specific sampling to provide as many observations as possible near the coasts. Better than using this archived NRT product, please use the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B).",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "-180, -81, 180, 81",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2007652084-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2007652084-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYD09CMA.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "The MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Optical Thickness Daily L3 Global 0.05-Deg CMA Near Real Time (NRT), short name MYD09CMA, is a daily level 3 global product. It is in linear latitude and longitude (Plate Carre) projection with a 0.05Deg spatial resolution. This product is derived from MYD09IDN, MYD09IDT and MYD09IDS for each orbit by compositing the data on the basis of minimum band 3 (459 - 479 nm band) values (after excluding pixels flagged for clouds and high solar zenith angles).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO12_2010-06-21",
- "title": "ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-06-01",
+ "id": "MYDCSR_B.v6.1",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua 8-Day Clear Sky Radiance Bias Daily L3 Global 1Deg Zonal Bands",
+ "catalog": "LAADS",
+ "state_date": "2002-07-04",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901376-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901376-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3ASOMO12_2010-06-21",
- "description": "The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1444160046-LAADS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1444160046-LAADS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LAADS/collections/MYDCSR_B.v6.1",
+ "description": "The MODIS/Aqua 8-Day Clear Sky Radiance Bias Daily L3 Global 1Deg Zonal Bands (MYDCSR_B) product consists of 1-degree zonal mean clear-sky biases (observed minus calculated radiance differences) and associated statistics for bands 31 and 33-36 for each day from the previous eight-day period. Zonal means (5-zone moving averages) are created from the eight-day, 25-km radiance differences for daytime land, nighttime land, and ocean data separately. Day and night land data are combined south of -60 degrees latitude due to poor clear-sky sampling and the difficulty of discriminating between clear and cloudy conditions in this region. The zonal mean biases are utilized to correct clear-sky radiance calculations in the cloud top pressure (CO2 slicing) algorithm. The files are in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO25_2010-06-21",
- "title": "ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2007-06-01",
+ "id": "MYDGB0.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua 5-minute GBAD data in L0 format - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-20",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901374-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901374-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMETOP%3ASOMO25_2010-06-21",
- "description": "The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1427015288-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1427015288-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/MYDGB0.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "MODIS/Aqua Near Real Time (NRT) 5-minute GBAD data in L0 format.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:AHL-DLI_2011-11-29",
- "title": "Atlantic High Latitude Downward Longwave Irradiance - Multimission",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2012-11-16",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-90, 50, 90, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566351-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566351-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMULT%3AAHL-DLI_2011-11-29",
- "description": "Daily averaged estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from AVHRR on NOAA and Metop polar orbiting satellites. The product covers the Atlantic High Latitudes, is delivered on a 5km polar stereographic grid and expressed in W/m2.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery.v1",
+ "title": "Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery",
+ "catalog": "MLHUB",
+ "state_date": "2016-09-28",
+ "end_date": "2019-04-18",
+ "bbox": "-88.2971191, 5.4683637, 34.5300293, 39.1087514",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2196591903-MLHUB.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2196591903-MLHUB.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/MLHUB/collections/Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery.v1",
+ "description": "Floating marine debris is a global pollution problem which leads to the loss of marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Large swaths of marine debris are also navigational hazards to ocean vessels. The use of Earth observation data and artificial intelligence techniques can revolutionize the detection of floating marine debris on satellite imagery and pave the way to a global monitoring system for controlling and preventing the accumulation of marine debris in oceans. This dataset consists of images of marine debris which are 256 by 256 pixels in size and labels which are bounding boxes with geographical coordinates. The images were obtained from PlanetScope optical imagery which has a spatial resolution of approximately 3 meters. In this dataset, marine debris consists of floating objects on the ocean surface which can belong to one or more classes namely plastics, algae, sargassum, wood, and other artificial items. Several studies were used for data collection and validation. While a small percentage of the dataset represents the coastlines of Ghana and Greece, most of the observations surround the Bay Islands in Honduras. The marine debris detection models created and the relevant code for using this dataset can be found here. https://github.com/NASA-IMPACT/marine_debris_ML",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:AHL-SSI_2011-11-29",
- "title": "Atlantic High Latitude Surface Shortwave Irradiance - Multimission",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2012-11-16",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-90, 50, 90, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566383-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566383-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMULT%3AAHL-SSI_2011-11-29",
- "description": "Daily averaged estimation of the Surface Shortwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from AVHRR on NOAA and Metop polar orbiting satellites. The product covers the Atlantic High Latitudes, is delivered on a 5km polar stereographic grid and expressed in W/m2.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "NEX-DCP30.v1",
+ "title": "Downscaled 30 Arc-Second CMIP5 Climate Projections for Studies of Climate Change Impacts in the United States",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "1950-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2099-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-125.0208333, 24.0625, -66.4791667, 49.9375",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542175061-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542175061-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/NEX-DCP30.v1",
+ "description": "This NASA dataset is provided to assist the science community in conducting studies of climate change impacts at local to regional scales, and to enhance public understanding of possible future climate patterns and climate impacts at the scale of individual neighborhoods and communities. This dataset is intended for use in scientific research only, and use of this dataset for other purposes, such as commercial applications, and engineering or design studies is not recommended without consultation with a qualified expert. Community feedback to improve and validate the dataset for modeling usage is appreciated. Email comments to bridget@climateanalyticsgroup.org. Dataset File Name: NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) Downscaled Climate Projections (NEXDCP30), https://portal.nccs.nasa.gov/portal_home/published/NEX.html",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NEX-GDDP.v1",
+ "title": "NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections",
+ "catalog": "NCCS",
+ "state_date": "1950-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2100-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1374483929-NCCS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1374483929-NCCS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NCCS/collections/NEX-GDDP.v1",
+ "description": "The NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) and across two of the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The CMIP5 GCM runs were developed in support of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). The NEX-GDDP dataset includes downscaled projections for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 from the 21 models and scenarios for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed under CMIP5. Each of the climate projections includes daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation for the periods from 1950 through 2100. The spatial resolution of the dataset is 0.25 degrees (~25 km x 25 km). The NEX-GDDP dataset is provided to assist the science community in conducting studies of climate change impacts at local to regional scales, and to enhance public understanding of possible future global climate patterns at the spatial scale of individual towns, cities, and watersheds. Each of the climate projections includes monthly averaged maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation for the periods from 1950 through 2005 (Retrospective Run) and from 2006 to 2099 (Prospective Run). ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:AHL-SST_2011-11-29",
- "title": "Atlantic High Latitude Sea Surface Temperature - Multimission",
- "catalog": "EUMETSAT STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2012-11-16",
+ "id": "NIPR_UAP_ELF_SYO",
+ "title": "1-100Hz ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Wave Observation at Syowa Station",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
"end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-90, 50, 90, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566384-EUMETSAT.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566384-EUMETSAT.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/EUMETSAT/collections/EO%3AEUM%3ADAT%3AMULT%3AAHL-SST_2011-11-29",
- "description": "Calculation of underskin temperature (\u00b0C) with multispectral algorithm. The product covers the Atlantic High Latitudes and is delivered twice daily on a 5km polar stereographic grid.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "bbox": "39.6, -69, 39.6, -69",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214590112-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214590112-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/NIPR_UAP_ELF_SYO",
+ "description": "1-100Hz ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Wave Observation at Syowa Station",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "ERS-1_L0_1",
- "title": "ERS-1_LEVEL0",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1991-08-08",
- "end_date": "1997-09-29",
+ "id": "NMMIEAI-L2-NRT.v2",
+ "title": "OMPS-NPP L2 NM Aerosol Index swath orbital NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2011-11-07",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1210197768-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1210197768-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ERS-1_L0_1",
- "description": "ERS-1 Standard Beam Level 0 Frame",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1657477341-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1657477341-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/NMMIEAI-L2-NRT.v2",
+ "description": "The OMPS-NPP L2 NM Aerosol Index swath orbital V2 for Near Real Time. For the standard product see the OMPS_NPP_NMMIEAI_L2 product in CMR .The aerosol index is derived from normalized radiances using 2 wavelength pairs at 340 and 378.5 nm. Additionally, this data product contains measurements of normalized radiances, reflectivity, cloud fraction, reflectivity, and other ancillary variables. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "ERS-1_L1_1",
- "title": "ERS-1_LEVEL1",
- "catalog": "ASF STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1991-08-08",
- "end_date": "1997-09-29",
+ "id": "NMSO2-PCA-L2-NRT.v2",
+ "title": "OMPS/NPP PCA SO2 Total Column 1-Orbit L2 Swath 50x50km NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2011-10-28",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1211627521-ASF.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1211627521-ASF.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ASF/collections/ERS-1_L1_1",
- "description": "ERS-1 Standard Beam Data Level 1",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439293808-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439293808-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/NMSO2-PCA-L2-NRT.v2",
+ "description": "The OMPS-NPP L2 NM Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Total and Tropospheric Column swath orbital collection 2 version 2.0 product contains the retrieved sulfur dioxide (SO2) measured by the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Nadir-Mapper (NM) sensor on the Suomi-NPP satellite. A Principle Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm is used to retrieve the SO2 total column amount and column amounts in the lower (centered at 2.5 km), middle (centered at 7.5 km) and upper (centered at 11 km) troposphere, as well as the lower stratosphere (centered at 16 km). Each granule contains data from the daylight portion for a single orbit or about 50 minutes. Spatial coverage is global (-90 to 90 degrees latitude), and there are about 14 orbits per day each with a swath width of 2600 km. There are 35 pixels in the cross-track direction, with a pixel resolution of about 50 km x 50 km at nadir. The files are written using the Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 or HDF5.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "GE01_MSI_L1B_1",
- "title": "GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2009-01-01",
+ "id": "NMTO3NRT.v2",
+ "title": "OMPS-NPP L2 NM Ozone (O3) Total Column swath orbital NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2011-10-28",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2471470251-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2471470251-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/GE01_MSI_L1B_1",
- "description": "The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band L1B Satellite Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.84m at nadir (1.65m before summer 2013) and has a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439272084-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439272084-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/NMTO3NRT.v2",
+ "description": "The OMPS-NPP L2 NM Ozone (O3) Total Column swath orbital product provides total ozone measurements from the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Nadir-Mapper (NM) instrument on the Suomi-NPP satellite.The total column ozone amount is derived from normalized radiances using 2 wavelength pairs 317.5 and 331.2 nm under most conditions, and 331.2 and 360 nm for high ozone and high solar zenith angle conditions. Additionally, this data product contains measurements of UV aerosol index and reflectivity at 331 nm.Each granule contains data from the daylight portion of each orbit measured for a full day. Spatial coverage is global (-90 to 90 degrees latitude), and there are about 14.5 orbits per day, each has typically 400 swaths. The swath width of the NM is about 2800 km with 36 scenes, or pixels, with a footprint size of 50 km x 50 km at nadir. The L2 NM Ozone data are written using the Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 or HDF5.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "GE01_Pan_L1B_1",
- "title": "GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2009-09-18",
+ "id": "NPBUVO3-L2-NRT.v2",
+ "title": "OMPS-NPP L2 NP Ozone (O3) Vertical Profile swath orbital NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2011-10-28",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497510652-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497510652-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/GE01_Pan_L1B_1",
- "description": "The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m at nadir (0.41m before summer 2013) and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439296101-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439296101-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/NPBUVO3-L2-NRT.v2",
+ "description": "The OMPS-NPP L2 NP Ozone (O3) Total Column swath orbital product provides ozone profile retrievals from the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Nadir-Profiler (NP) instrument on the Suomi-NPP satellite in Near Real Time. The V8 ozone profile algorithm relies on nadir profiler measurements made in the 250 to 310 nm range, as well as from measurements from the nadir mapper in the 300 to 380 nm range. Ozone mixing ratios are reported at 15 pressure levels between 50 and 0.5 hPa. Additionally, this data product contains measurements of total ozone, UV aerosol index and reflectivities at 331 and 380 nm. Each granule contains data from the daylight portion of each orbit measured for a full day. Spatial coverage is global (-82 to +82 degrees latitude), and there are about 14.5 orbits per day, each has typically 80 profiles. The NP footprint size is 250 km x 250 km. The L2 NP Ozone data are written using the Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 or HDF5.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "GreenBay_0",
- "title": "2010 Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2010-09-17",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_0.05D",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2010-02-18",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360352-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360352-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/GreenBay_0",
- "description": "Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2010.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351149-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351149-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "description": "This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) product was generated using MODIS products.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "IKONOS_MSI_L1B_1",
- "title": "IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1999-10-14",
- "end_date": "2015-03-31",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2000-02-18",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497453433-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497453433-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/IKONOS_MSI_L1B_1",
- "description": "The IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 3.2m at nadir and the temporal resolution is approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351155-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351155-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_1KM.v11",
+ "description": "This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) product was developed using MODIS datasets.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "IKONOS_Pan_L1B_1",
- "title": "IKONOS Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1999-10-24",
- "end_date": "2015-03-31",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_AVHRR_0.05D.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_AVHRR_0.05D",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "1981-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2018-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497468825-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497468825-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/IKONOS_Pan_L1B_1",
- "description": "The IKONOS Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.82m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351175-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351175-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_AVHRR_0.05D.v11",
+ "description": "This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Leaf Area Index (LAI) product was developed using AVHRR datasets.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "IMS1_HYSI_GEO_1.0",
- "title": "IMS-1 HYSI TOA Radiance and Reflectance Product",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2008-06-22",
- "end_date": "2012-09-10",
- "bbox": "-6.0364, -78.8236, 152.6286, 78.6815",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622602-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622602-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/IMS1_HYSI_GEO_1.0",
- "description": "The data received from IMS1, HySI which operates in 64 spectral bands in VNIR bands(400-900nm) with 500 meter spatial resolution and swath of 128 kms.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_MODIS_0.05D",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2000-02-18",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351151-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351151-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "description": "This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Leaf Area Index (LAI) product was developed using MODIS datasets.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "K1VHR_L02_OLR_Not provided",
- "title": "KALPANA-1 Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radiation",
- "catalog": "ISRO STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2008-05-06",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622569-ISRO.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622569-ISRO.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ISRO/collections/K1VHR_L02_OLR_Not%20provided",
- "description": "Kalpana-1 VHRR Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radation (OLR) in HDF-5 Format",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_AVHRR.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_AVHRR",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2002-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351177-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351177-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_AVHRR.v11",
+ "description": "Global high-resolution land surface albedo data from NOAA/AVHRR, generated by Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Dataset production team.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "MURI_Camouflage_0",
- "title": "A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) Camouflage Project",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2010-06-14",
- "end_date": "",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_0.05D",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2018-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360494-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360494-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/MURI_Camouflage_0",
- "description": "A Multi University Research Initiative was funded to study the biological response to the dynamic, polarized light field in distinct water types. During June 2010, a campaign was undertaken in the coastal waters off Port Aransas, Texas to study the angular/temporal distribution of polarization in multiple environment types (eutrophic sediment laden coastal waters, oligotrophic off-shore), as well as the polarization-reflectance responses of several organisms. In addition to radiometric polarization measurements, water column IOPs, Rrs, benthic reflectance, and pigment concentration measurements were collected. Later campaigns expanded this research in the coastal waters off the Florida Keys.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351167-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351167-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "description": "The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Albedo product derived from MODIS. The horizontal resolution is 0.05 Degree.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "MURI_HI_0",
- "title": "A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) near the Hawaiian Islands",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2012-05-31",
- "end_date": "",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_1KM.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_1KM",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2018-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360508-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360508-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/MURI_HI_0",
- "description": "Measurements taken by the RV Kilo Moana in 2012 near the Hawaiian Islands.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351152-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351152-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_1KM.v11",
+ "description": "The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Albedo product derived from MODIS. The horizontal resolution is 1KM.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L1_1",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Data Regional Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_AVHRR.v11",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "1982-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2017-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034340-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034340-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L1_1",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351148-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351148-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_AVHRR.v11",
+ "description": "The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) broadband emissivity (BBE) product derived from AVHRR.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L2_IOP_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) Regional Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "title": "NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_0.05D",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2000-02-18",
+ "end_date": "2018-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034360-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034360-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L2_IOP_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351185-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351185-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_0.05D.v11",
+ "description": "The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) broadband emissivity (BBE) product derived from MODIS. The horizontal resolution is 0.05 Degree.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L2_OC_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Ocean Color (OC) Regional Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_1KM.v11",
+ "catalog": "NRSCC",
+ "state_date": "2000-02-18",
+ "end_date": "2018-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034380-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034380-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L2_OC_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351153-NRSCC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351153-NRSCC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NRSCC/collections/NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_1KM.v11",
+ "description": "NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_1KM",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3b_CHL_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Chlorophyll (CHL) Global Binned Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "NSF-ANT05-37371",
+ "title": "A Broadband Seismic Experiment to Image the Lithosphere Beneath the Gamburtsev Mountains and Surrounding Areas, East Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2007-10-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-09-30",
+ "bbox": "40, -84, 140, -76",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069799-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069799-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/NSF-ANT05-37371",
+ "description": "This award supports a seismological study of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM), a Texas-sized mountain range buried beneath the ice sheets of East Antarctica. The project will perform a passive seismic experiment deploying twenty-three seismic stations over the GSM to characterize the structure of the crust and upper mantle, and determine the processes driving uplift. The outcomes will also offer constraints on the terrestrial heat flux, a key variable in modeling ice sheet formation and behavior. Virtually unexplored, the GSM represents the largest unstudied area of crustal uplift on earth. As well, the region is the starting point for growth of the Antarctic ice sheets. Because of these outstanding questions, the GSM has been identified by the international Antarctic science community as a research focus for the International Polar Year (2007-2009). In addition to this seismic experiment, NSF is also supporting an aerogeophysical survey of the GSM under award number 0632292. Major international partners in the project include Germany, China, Australia, and the United Kingdom. For more information see IPY Project #67 at IPY.org. In terms of broader impacts, this project also supports postdoctoral and graduate student research, and various forms of outreach.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSF-ANT10-43485.v1",
+ "title": "A New Reconstruction of the Last West Antarctic Ice Sheet Deglaciation in the Ross Sea",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2011-07-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-30",
+ "bbox": "-160, -78, -150, -68",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069944-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069944-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/NSF-ANT10-43485.v1",
+ "description": "This award supports a project to develop a better understanding of the response of the WAIS to climate change. The timing of the last deglaciation of the western Ross Sea will be improved using in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl) to date glacial erratics at key areas and elevations along the western Ross Sea coast. A state-of-the art ice sheet-shelf model will be used to identify mechanisms of deglaciation of the Ross Sea sector of WAIS. The model results and forcing will be compared with observations including the new cosmogenic data proposed here, with the aim of better determining and understanding the history and causes of WAIS deglaciation in the Ross Sea. There is considerable uncertainty, however, in the history of grounding line retreat from its last glacial maximum position, and virtually nothing is known about the timing of ice- surface lowering prior to ~10,000 years ago. Given these uncertainties, we are currently unable to assess one of the most important questions regarding the last deglaciation of the global ice sheets, namely as to whether the Ross Sea sector of WAIS contributed significantly to meltwater pulse 1A (MWP-1A), an extraordinarily rapid (~500-year duration) episode of ~20 m sea-level rise that occurred ~14,500 years ago. The intellectual merit of this project is that recent observations of startling changes at the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets indicate that dynamic responses to warming may play a much greater role in the future mass balance of ice sheets than considered in current numerical projections of sea level rise. The broader impacts of this work are that it has direct societal relevance to developing an improved understanding of the response of the West Antarctic ice sheet to current and possible future environmental changes including the sea-level response to glacier and ice sheet melting due to global warming. The PI will communicate results from this project to a variety of audiences through the publication of peer-reviewed papers and by giving talks to public audiences. Finally the project will support a graduate student and undergraduate students in all phases of field-work, laboratory work and data interpretation. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSF-ANT10-43517",
+ "title": "A new reconstruction of the last West Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation in the Ross Sea",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2011-07-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-06-30",
+ "bbox": "163.5, -78.32, 165.35, -77.57",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532070432-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532070432-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/NSF-ANT10-43517",
+ "description": "This award supports a project to develop a better understanding of the response of the WAIS to climate change. The timing of the last deglaciation of the western Ross Sea will be improved using in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl) to date glacial erratics at key areas and elevations along the western Ross Sea coast. A state-of-the art ice sheet-shelf model will be used to identify mechanisms of deglaciation of the Ross Sea sector of WAIS. The model results and forcing will be compared with observations including the new cosmogenic data proposed here, with the aim of better determining and understanding the history and causes of WAIS deglaciation in the Ross Sea. There is considerable uncertainty, however, in the history of grounding line retreat from its last glacial maximum position, and virtually nothing is known about the timing of ice- surface lowering prior to ~10,000 years ago. Given these uncertainties, we are currently unable to assess one of the most important questions regarding the last deglaciation of the global ice sheets, namely as to whether the Ross Sea sector of WAIS contributed significantly to meltwater pulse 1A (MWP-1A), an extraordinarily rapid (~500-year duration) episode of ~20 m sea-level rise that occurred ~14,500 years ago. The intellectual merit of this project is that recent observations of startling changes at the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets indicate that dynamic responses to warming may play a much greater role in the future mass balance of ice sheets than considered in current numerical projections of sea level rise. The broader impacts of this work are that it has direct societal relevance to developing an improved understanding of the response of the West Antarctic ice sheet to current and possible future environmental changes including the sea-level response to glacier and ice sheet melting due to global warming. The PI will communicate results from this project to a variety of audiences through the publication of peer-reviewed papers and by giving talks to public audiences. Finally the project will support a graduate student and undergraduate students in all phases of field-work, laboratory work and data interpretation.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSF-ANT10-43621",
+ "title": "A Comparison of Conjugate Auroral Electojet Indices",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2011-06-01",
+ "end_date": "2013-05-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -79.5, 180, -54.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069751-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069751-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/NSF-ANT10-43621",
+ "description": "The auroral electrojet index (AE) is used as an indicator of geomagnetic activity at high latitudes representing the strength of auroral electrojet currents in the Northern polar ionosphere. A similar AE index for the Southern hemisphere is not available due to lack of complete coverage the Southern auroral zone (half of which extends over the ocean) with continuous magnetometer observations. While in general global auroral phenomena are expected to be conjugate, differences have been observed in the conjugate observations from the ground and from the Earth's satellites. These differences indicate a need for an equivalent Southern auroral geomagnetic activity index. The goal of this award is to create the Southern AE (SAE) index that would accurately reflect auroral activity in that hemisphere. With this index, it would be possible to investigate the similarities and the cause of differences between the SAE and 'standard' AE index from the Northern hemisphere. It would also make it possible to identify when the SAE does not provide a reliable calculation of the Southern hemisphere activity, and to determine when it is statistically beneficial to consider the SAE index in addition to the standard AE while analyzing geospace data from the Northern and Southern polar regions. The study will address these questions by creating the SAE index and its 'near-conjugate' NAE index from collected Antarctic magnetometer data, and will analyze variations in the cross-correlation of these indices and their differences as a function of geomagnetic activity, season, Universal Time, Magnetic Local Time, and interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma parameters. The broader impact resulting from the proposed effort is in its importance to the worldwide geospace scientific community that currently uses only the standard AE index in a variety of geospace models as necessary input. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSF-ANT13-55533.v1",
+ "title": "A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2013-10-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-09-30",
+ "bbox": "163, -78.5, 167, -78",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532070231-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532070231-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/NSF-ANT13-55533.v1",
+ "description": "Antarctic benthic communities are characterized by many species of sponges (Phylum Porifera), long thought to exhibit extremely slow demographic patterns of settlement, growth and reproduction. This project will analyze many hundreds of diver and remotely operated underwater vehicle photographs documenting a unique, episodic settlement event that occurred between 2000 and 2010 in McMurdo Sound that challenges this paradigm of slow growth. Artificial structures were placed on the seafloor between 1967 and 1974 at several sites, but no sponges were observed to settle on these structures until 2004. By 2010 some 40 species of sponges had settled and grown to be surprisingly large. Given the paradigm of slow settlement and growth supported by the long observation period (37 years, 1967-2004), this extraordinary large-scale settlement and rapid growth over just a 6-year time span is astonishing. This project utilizes image processing software (ImageJ) to obtain metrics (linear dimensions to estimate size, frequency, percent cover) for sponges and other fauna visible in the photographs. It uses R to conduct multidimensional scaling to ordinate community data and ANOSIM to test for differences of community data among sites and times and structures. It will also use SIMPER and ranked species abundances to discriminate species responsible for any differences. This work focuses on Antarctic sponges, but the observations of massive episodic recruitment and growth are important to understanding seafloor communities worldwide. Ecosystems are composed of populations, and populations are ecologically described by their distribution and abundance. A little appreciated fact is that sponges often dominate marine communities, but because sponges are so hard to study, most workers focus on other groups such as corals, kelps, or bivalves. Because most sponges settle and grow slowly their life history is virtually unstudied. The assumption of relative stasis of the Antarctic seafloor community is common, and this project will shatter this paradigm by documenting a dramatic episodic event. Finally, the project takes advantage of old transects from the 1960s and 1970s and compares them with extensive 2010 surveys of the same habitats and sometimes the same intact transect lines, offering a long-term perspective of community change. The investigators will publish these results in peer-reviewed journals, give presentations to the general public and will involve students from local outreach programs, high schools, and undergraduates at UCSD to help with the analysis.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSIDC-0326.v1",
+ "title": "Ablation Rates of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "2002-11-19",
+ "end_date": "2011-01-12",
+ "bbox": "160.1, -77.9, 162.2, -77.6",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386250376-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386250376-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/NSIDC-0326.v1",
+ "description": "This data set provides glacier surface ablation rates for a network of approximately 250 sites on Taylor Glacier, spanning a period from 2003 to 2011. Here sublimation is the dominant ablation mechanism, though a few sites have accumulation. Ablation data are provided in meters water equivalent per year. Data are available via FTP in space-delimited ASCII format.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSIDC-0539.v1",
+ "title": "Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "2009-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2012-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-148.82, -81.66, -119.83, -80.01",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386205485-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386205485-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/NSIDC-0539.v1",
+ "description": "During the last glacial period atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature in Antarctica varied in a similar fashion on millennial time scales, but previous work indicates that these changes were gradual. In a detailed analysis of one event, we now find that approximately half of the CO2 increase that occurred during the 1500 year cold period between Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) Events 8 and 9 happened rapidly, over less than two centuries. This rise in CO2 was synchronous with, or slightly later than, a rapid increase of Antarctic temperature inferred from stable isotopes.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NSIDC-0596.v1",
+ "title": "17O Excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP, Version 1",
+ "catalog": "NSIDCV0",
+ "state_date": "2007-11-01",
+ "end_date": "2012-02-01",
+ "bbox": "-158.72, -81.67, -112.08, -77.79",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386205647-NSIDCV0.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386205647-NSIDCV0.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NSIDCV0/collections/NSIDC-0596.v1",
+ "description": "This data set contains the VSMOW-SLAP d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome, along with the published and VSMOW-SLAP normalized d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess for Vostok [Landais et al. 2008], EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome [Winkler et al., 2012]. The data cover the Last Glacial Maximum (25-20 ka), through the Early Holocene (12-9 ka) and into present-day (past 2 kyr)",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "OMAERUV.v003",
+ "title": "OMI/Aura Near UV Aerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo 1-orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2004-07-15",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034361-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034361-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3b_CHL_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000120-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000120-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/OMAERUV.v003",
+ "description": "The OMI/Aura level-2 near UV Aerosol data product 'OMAERUV', recently re-processed using an enhanced algorithm, is now released (April 2012) to the public. The data is available from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/omaeruv_v003.shtml NASA Aura satellite sensors are tracking important atmospheric pollutants from space since its launch in July, 2004. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI), one of the four Aura satellite sensors with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides daily global measurements of four important US Environmental Protection Agency criteria pollutants (Tropospheric ozone, Nitrogen dioxide,Sulfur dioxide and Aerosols from biomass burning and industrial emissions, HCHO, BrO, OClO and surface UV irradiance. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR)in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. The principal investigator (Dr. Pieternel Levelt) institute is the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). The Level-2 OMI Aerosol Product OMAERUV from the Aura-OMI is now available from NASAs GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) for public access. OMAERUV retrieval algorithm is developed by the US OMI Team Scientists. Dr. Omar Torres (GSFC/NASA) is the principal investigator of this product. The OMAERUV product contains Aerosol Absorption and Aerosol Extinction Optical Depths, and Single Scattering Albedo at three different wavelengths (354, 388 and 500 nm), Aerosol Index, and other ancillary and geolocation parameters, in the OMI field of view (13x24 km). Another standard OMI aerosol product is OMAERO, that is based on the KNMI multi-wavelength spectral fitting algorithm. OMAERUV files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMAERUV data product is about 6 Mbytes. A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml A short OMAERUV Readme Document that includes brief algorithm description and currently known data quality issues is provided by the OMAERUV Algorithm lead (see http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/omaeruv_v003.shtml) For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/ . OMAERUV Data Groups and Parameters: The OMAERUV data file contains a swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: Total Aerosol Optical Depth (extinction optical depth) and Aerosol Absorption Optical Depths (at 354, 388 and 500 nm), Single Scattering Albedo, UV Aerosol Index, Visible Aerosol Index, and other intermediate and ancillary parameters (e.g. Estimates of Aerosol Total Extinction and Absorption Optical Depths and Single Scattering Albedo at five atmospheric levels, Aerosol Type, Aerosol Layer Height, Normalized Radiance, Lambert equivalent Reflectivity, Surface Albedo, Imaginary Component of Refractive Index) and Data Quality Flags. Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time(TAI93), Seconds, Solar Zenith Angles, Viewing Zenith Angles, Relative Azimuth Angle, Terrain Pressure, Ground Pixel Quality Flags. For the full set of Aura products available from the GES DISC, please see the link below. http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/ Atmospheric Composition data from Aura and other satellite sensors can be ordered from the following sites: http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/acdisc/ ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3b_IOP_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) Global Binned Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "OMCLDRR.v003",
+ "title": "OMI/Aura Cloud Pressure and Fraction (Raman Scattering) 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2004-07-15",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034381-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034381-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3b_IOP_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000100-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000100-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/OMCLDRR.v003",
+ "description": "The reprocessed Aura OMI Version 003 Level 2 Cloud Data Product OMCLDRR is made available (in April 2012) to the public from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/omcldrr_v003.shtml ) Aura OMI provides two Level-2 Cloud products (OMCLDRR and OMCLDO2) at pixel resolution (13 x 24 km at nadir) that are based on two different algorithms, the Rotational Raman Scattering method and the O2-O2 absorption method. This level-2 global cloud product (OMCLDRR) provides effective cloud pressure and effective cloud fraction that is based on the least square fitting of the Ring spectrum (filling-in of Fraunhofer lines in the range 392 to 398 nm due to rotational Raman scattering). This product also contains many ancillary and derived parameters, terrain and geolocation information, solar and satellite viewing angles, and quality flags. The shortname for this Level-2 OMI Cloud Pressure and Fraction product is OMCLDRR and the algorithm lead for this product is NASA OMI scientist Dr. Joanna Joinner. OMCLDRR files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMCLDRR data product is about 9 Mbytes. A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml . A short OMCLDRR Readme Document that includes brief algorithm description and data quality is also provided by the OMCLDRR Algorithm lead. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) was launched aboard the EOS-Aura satellite on July 15, 2004(1:38 pm equator crossing time, ascending mode). OMI with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides almost daily global coverage. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR)in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. OMI is designed to monitor stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, clouds, aerosols and smoke from biomass burning, SO2 from volcanic eruptions, and key tropospheric pollutants (HCHO, NO2) and ozone depleting gases (OClO and BrO). OMI sensor counts, calibrated and geolocated radiances, and all derived geophysical atmospheric products are archived at the NASA GES DISC. For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/instruments/omi/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/ . Data Category Parameters: The OMCLDRR data file contains one swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: Two Effective Cloud Fraction and two Cloud Top Pressures that are based on two different clear and cloudy scene reflectivity criteria, Chlorophyll Amount, Effective Reflectivity (394.1 micron), UV Aerosol Index (based on 360 and 388 nm), and many Auxiliary Algorithm Parameter and Quality Flags. Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time, Solar Zenith Angle, Viewing Zenith Angle, Relative Azimuth Angle, Terrain Height, and Ground Pixel Quality Flags. OMI Atmospheric data and documents are available from the following sites: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/ http://mirador.gsfc.nasa.gov/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3b_KD_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient for Downwelling Irradiance (KD) Global Binned Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "OMICOL3NRT.v3",
+ "title": "Ozone Monitoring Instrument Near Real Time Data for v3",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034362-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034362-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3b_KD_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000040-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000040-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/OMICOL3NRT.v3",
+ "description": "This collection contains Near Real Time Data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI).The OMI instrument employs hyperspectral imaging in a push-broom mode to observe solar backscatter radiation in the visible and ultraviolet.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3b_PIC_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC) Global Binned Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "OMSO2.v003",
+ "title": "OMI/Aura Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Total Column 1-orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2004-07-15",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034363-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034363-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3b_PIC_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000121-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000121-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/OMSO2.v003",
+ "description": "The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) was launched aboard the EOS-Aura satellite on July 15, 2004 (1:38 pm equator crossing time, ascending mode). OMI with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides almost daily global coverage. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. The principal investigator (Dr. Pieternel Levelt) institute is the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). OMI is designed to monitor stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, clouds, aerosols and smoke from biomass burning, SO2 from volcanic eruptions, and key tropospheric pollutants (HCHO,NO2) and ozone depleting gases (OClO and BrO). OMI sensor counts, calibrated and geolocated radiances, and all derived geophysical atmospheric products will be archived at the NASA Goddard DAAC. The Sulfer Dioxide Product 'OMSO2' from the Aura-OMI is now publicly available from NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) for public access. OMSO2 product contains three values of SO2 Vertical column corresponding to three a-priori vertical profiles used in the retrieval algorithm. It also contains quality flags, geolocation and other ancillary information. The shortname for this Level-2 OMI total column SO2 product is OMSO2 and the algorithm leads for this product are NASA/UMBC OMI scientists Drs. Nikolay Krotkov (nickolay.a.krotkov@nasa.gov),Kai Yang(kai.yang@nasa.gov) and Arlin J. Krueger(krueger@umbc.edu). OMSO2 files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMSO2 data product is about 21 Mbytes. On-line spatial and parameter subset options are available during data download A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml A short OMSO2 Readme Document that includes brief algorithm description and documents that provides known data quality related issues are available from the UMBC OMI site ( http://so2.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs.php ) For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://so2.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/. For the full set of Aura products and other atmospheric composition data available from the GES DISC, please see the links below. http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/ http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/acdisc/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3m_CHL_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Chlorophyll (CHL) Global Mapped Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "OMTO3.v003",
+ "title": "OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2004-07-15",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034342-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034342-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3m_CHL_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000140-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000140-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/OMTO3.v003",
+ "description": "The OMI/Aura Level-2 Total Column Ozone Data Product OMTO3 Near Real Time data is made available from the OMI SIPS NASA for the public access. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)was launched aboard the EOS-Aura satellite on July 15, 2004(1:38 pm equator crossing time, ascending mode). OMI with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides almost daily global coverage. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR)in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. The principal investigator's (Dr. Pieternel Levelt) institute is the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). OMI is designed to monitor stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, clouds, aerosols and smoke from biomass burning, SO2 from volcanic eruptions, and key tropospheric pollutants (HCHO, NO2) and ozone depleting gases (OClO and BrO). OMI sensor counts, calibrated and geolocated radiances, and all derived geophysical atmospheric products will be archived at the NASA Goddard DAAC. This level-2 global total column ozone product (OMTO3)is based on the enhanced TOMS version-8 algorithm that essentially uses the ultraviolet radiance data at 317.5 and 331.2 nm. OMI additional hyper-spectral measurements help in the corrections for the factors that induce uncertainty in ozone retrieval (e.g., cloud and aerosol, sea-glint effects, profile shape sensitivity, SO2 and other trace gas contamination). In addition to the total ozone values this product also contains some auxiliary derived and ancillary input parameters including N-values, effective Lambertian scene-reflectivity, UV aerosol index, SO2 index, cloud fraction, cloud pressure, ozone below clouds, terrain height, geolocation, solar and satellite viewing angles, and extensive quality flags. The shortname for this Level-2 OMI total column ozone product is OMTO3 and the algorithm lead for this product is NASA OMI scientist Dr. Pawan K. Bhartia ( Pawan.K.Bhartia@nasa.gov). OMTO3 files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMTO3 data product is about 35 Mbytes. A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/ . Data Category Parameters: The OMTO3 data file contains one swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: OMI Total Ozone,Effective Reflectivity (331 - 360 nm), N-value, Cloud Fraction, Cloud Top Pressure, O3 below Cloud, UV Aerosol Index, SO2 index, Wavelength used in the algorithm, many Auxiliary Algorithm Parameter and Quality Flags Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time, Relative Azimuth, Solar Zenith and Azimuth, Viewing Zenith and Azimuth angles, Spacecraft Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, Terrain Height, Ground Pixel Quality Flags.For the full set of Aura data products available from the GES DISC, please see the link http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/ .",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3m_IOP_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) Global Mapped Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "OMTO3e.v003",
+ "title": "OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column Daily L3 Global 0.25deg Lat/Lon Grid NRT",
+ "catalog": "OMINRT",
+ "state_date": "2004-07-15",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034365-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034365-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3m_IOP_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1428966163-OMINRT.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1428966163-OMINRT.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OMINRT/collections/OMTO3e.v003",
+ "description": "The OMI science team produces this Level-3 Aura/OMI Global TOMS-Like Total Column Ozone gridded product OMTO3e (0.25deg Lat/Lon grids). The OMTO3e product selects the best pixel (shortest path length) data from the good quality filtered level-2 total column ozone data (OMTO3) that fall in the 0.25 x 0.25 degree global grids. Each file contains total column ozone, radiative cloud fraction and solar and viewing zenith angles. OMTO3e files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains daily data from approximately 15 orbits. The maximum file size for the OMTO3e data product is about 2.8 Mbytes. (The shortname for this Level-3 TOMS-Like Total Column Ozone gridded product is OMTO3e) .",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "OCTS_L3m_KD_2014",
- "title": "ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient for Downwelling Irradiance (KD) Global Mapped Data",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1996-11-01",
- "end_date": "1997-06-30",
+ "id": "PM1EPHND_NRT.v6.1NRT",
+ "title": "MODIS/Aqua 24-hour Spacecraft ephemeris/orbit data files to be read via SDP Toolkit Binary Format - NRT",
+ "catalog": "LANCEMODIS",
+ "state_date": "2017-10-11",
+ "end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034383-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034383-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/OCTS_L3m_KD_2014",
- "description": "On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426395235-LANCEMODIS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426395235-LANCEMODIS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LANCEMODIS/collections/PM1EPHND_NRT.v6.1NRT",
+ "description": "PM1EPHND is the Aqua Near Real Time (NRT) daily spacecraft definitive ephemeris data file in native format. This is MODIS Ancillary Data. The data collection consists of PM1 Platform Attitude Data that has been preprocessed by ECS to an internal standard supported by the ECS SDP Toolkit. This data is typically used in determining the geolocation of earth remote sensing observations.The file name format is the following: PM1EPHND_NRT.Ayyyyddd.hhmm.vvv where from left to right: PM1 = PM1 (Aqua); EPH = Spacecraft Ephemeris; N = Native format; D = Definitive; A = Acquisition; yyyy = data year, ddd = Julian data day, hh = data hour, mm = data minute; vvv = Version ID.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "PSScene3Band_1",
+ "id": "PSScene3Band.v1",
"title": "PlanetScope Satellite Imagery 3 Band Scene",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
"state_date": "2014-06-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2112982481-CSDA.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2112982481-CSDA.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2112982481-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/PSScene3Band_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/PSScene3Band.v1",
"description": "The Planet Scope 3 band collection contains satellite imagery obtained from Planet Labs, Inc by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. This satellite imagery is in the visible waveband range with data in the red, green, and blue wavelengths. These data are collected by Planets Dove, Super Dove, and Blue Super Dove instruments collected from across the global land surface from June 2014 to present. Data have a spatial resolution of 3.7 meters at nadir and provided in GeoTIFF format. Data access are restricted to US Government funded investigators approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Permafrost_ActiveLayer_NSlope_1759.v1",
+ "title": "ABoVE: Active Layer Soil Characterization of Permafrost Sites, Northern Alaska, 2018",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2018-08-22",
+ "end_date": "2018-08-26",
+ "bbox": "-149.31, 68.61, -148.56, 69.81",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2143402217-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2143402217-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/Permafrost_ActiveLayer_NSlope_1759.v1",
+ "description": "This dataset provides in situ soil measurements including soil dielectric properties, temperature, and moisture profiles, active layer thickness (ALT), and measurements of soil organic matter, bulk density, porosity, texture, and coarse root biomass. Samples were collected from the surface to permafrost table in soil pits at selected sites along the Dalton Highway in Northern Alaska. From North to South, the study sites include Franklin Bluffs, Sagwon, Happy Valley, Ice Cut, and Imnavait Creek. Measurements were made from August 22 to August 26, 2018. The purpose of the field campaign was to characterize the dielectric properties of permafrost active layer soils in support of the NASA Arctic and Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Airborne Campaign.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "QB02_MSI_L1B_1",
+ "id": "QB02_MSI_L1B.v1",
"title": "QuickBird Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
"state_date": "2001-10-18",
"end_date": "2015-01-27",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497489665-CSDA.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497489665-CSDA.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497489665-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/QB02_MSI_L1B_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/QB02_MSI_L1B.v1",
"description": "The QuickBird Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe QuickBird-2 satellite using the Ball High Resolution Camera 60 across the global land surface from October 2001 to January 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 2.16m at nadir and the temporal resolution is 2.5 to 5.6 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "QB02_Pan_L1B_1",
+ "id": "QB02_Pan_L1B.v1",
"title": "QuickBird Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
"state_date": "2001-10-18",
"end_date": "2015-01-27",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497480059-CSDA.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497480059-CSDA.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497480059-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/QB02_Pan_L1B_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/QB02_Pan_L1B.v1",
"description": "The QuickBird Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe QuickBird-2 satellite using the Ball High Resolution Camera 60 across the global land surface from October 2001 to January 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.55m at nadir and a temporal resolution of 2.5 to 5.6 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019.vV1",
+ "title": "Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (Guam 2019-2020)",
+ "catalog": "POCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "2019-10-03",
+ "end_date": "2020-01-15",
+ "bbox": "143.63035, 13.39476, 144.613, 14.71229",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151536874-POCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151536874-POCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/POCLOUD/collections/SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019.vV1",
+ "description": "This dataset was produced by the Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (NASA grant NNX17AK07G) project, an investigation to develop tools and strategies to better measure the structure and variability of upper-ocean salinity in rain-dominated environments. From October 2019 to January 2020, three Seagliders were deployed near Guam (14\u00b0N 144\u00b0E). The Seaglider is an autonomous profiler measuring salinity and temperature in the upper ocean. The three gliders sampled in an adaptive formation to capture the patchiness of the rain and the corresponding oceanic response in real time. The location was chosen because of the likelihood of intense tropical rain events and the availability of a NEXRAD (S-band) rain radar at the Guam Airport. Spacing between gliders varies from 1 to 60 km. Data samples are gridded by profile and on regular depth bins from 0 to 1000 m. The time interval between profiles was about 3 hours, and they are typically about 1.5 km apart. These profiles are available at Level 2 (basic gridding) and Level 3 (despiked and interpolated). All Seaglider data files are in netCDF format with standards compliant metadata. The project was led by a team from the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "SRDB_V5_1827.v5",
+ "title": "A Global Database of Soil Respiration Data, Version 5.0",
+ "catalog": "ORNL_CLOUD",
+ "state_date": "1961-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2017-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-163.71, -78.02, 175.9, 81.8",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216864433-ORNL_CLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216864433-ORNL_CLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/ORNL_CLOUD/collections/SRDB_V5_1827.v5",
+ "description": "The Soil Respiration Database (SRDB) is a near-universal compendium of published soil respiration (Rs) data. The database encompasses published studies that report at least one of the following data measured in the field (not laboratory): annual soil respiration, mean seasonal soil respiration, a seasonal or annual partitioning of soil respiration into its source fluxes, soil respiration temperature response (Q10), or soil respiration at 10 degrees C. The SRDB's orientation is to seasonal and annual fluxes, not shorter-term or chamber-specific measurements, and the database is dominated by temperate, well-drained forest measurement locations. Version 5 (V5) is the compilation of 2,266 published studies with measurements taken between 1961-2017. V5 features more soil respiration data published in Russian and Chinese scientific literature for better global spatio-temporal coverage and improved global climate-space representation. The database is also restructured to have better interoperability with other datasets related to carbon-cycle science.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Survey_1988_89_Mawson_npcms.v1",
+ "title": "1988/89 Summer season, surveying and mapping program, Mawson - North Prince Charles Mountains - Davis",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "1988-10-01",
+ "end_date": "1989-02-28",
+ "bbox": "62, -70, 79, -66",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313847-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313847-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/Survey_1988_89_Mawson_npcms.v1",
+ "description": "Field season report of these programs: 1988/89 Summer Season surveying and mapping North Prince Charles Mountains; ...mapping program Northern PCM's - Mawson Doppler Translocation Support; ....mapping program Voyage 6 stopover Davis. Includes maps and mapsheet layouts. See the report for full details on the program. Contents are: Introduction Preparation Voytage to Antarctica 1988/89 Summer Season Surveying and Mapping Program, Northern Prince Charles Mountains 1988/89 Summer Season Surveying and Mapping Program, Voyage 6 Stopover, Davis Performance of Equipment Station Marking Field Camping Climatic Conditions Conclusion Appendices ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Model.v1",
+ "title": "Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Model",
+ "catalog": "MLHUB",
+ "state_date": "2000-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2260133500-MLHUB.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2260133500-MLHUB.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/MLHUB/collections/Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Model.v1",
+ "description": "This is a PyTorch model trained on the Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Competition dataset with v0.1 of the TorchGeo package. The model is a resnet18 model pretrained on ImageNet then trained with a MSE loss. The data were randomly split 80/20 by storm ID and an early stop was used based on performance.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "Turbid9_0",
+ "id": "Turbid9.v0",
"title": "2004 Measurements made in the Chesapeake Bay",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
"state_date": "2004-10-01",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360689-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360689-OB_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360689-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/Turbid9_0",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/Turbid9.v0",
"description": "Measurements made in the Chesapeake Bay in 2004.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USAP-1543498.v1",
+ "title": "A Full Lifecycle Approach to Understanding Ad\u00e9lie Penguin Response to Changing Pack Ice Conditions in the Ross Sea",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2016-06-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "165, -78, -150, -60",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532074621-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532074621-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/USAP-1543498.v1",
+ "description": "The Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean is experiencing growing sea ice cover in both extent and duration. These trends contrast those of the well-studied, western Antarctic Peninsula area, where sea ice has been disappearing. Unlike the latter, little is known about how expanding sea ice coverage might affect the regional Antarctic marine ecosystem. This project aims to better understand some of the potential effects of the changing ice conditions on the marine ecosystem using the widely-recognized indicator species - the Ad\u00e9lie Penguin. A four-year effort will build on previous results spanning 19 seasons at Ross Island to explore how successes or failures in each part of the penguin's annual cycle are effected by ice conditions and how these carry over to the next annual recruitment cycle, especially with respect to the penguin's condition upon arrival in the spring. Education and public outreach activities will continually be promoted through the PenguinCam and PenguinScience websites (sites with greater than 1 million hits a month) and \"NestCheck\" (a site that is logged-on by >300 classrooms annually that allows students to follow penguin families in their breeding efforts). To encourage students in pursuing educational and career pathways in the Science Technology Engineering and Math fields, the project will also provide stories from the field in a Penguin Journal, develop classroom-ready activities aligned with New Generation Science Standards, increase the availability of instructional presentations as powerpoint files and short webisodes. The project will provide additional outreach activities through local, state and national speaking engagements about penguins, Antarctic science and climate change. The annual outreach efforts are aimed at reaching over 15,000 students through the website, 300 teachers through presentations and workshops, and 500 persons in the general public. The project also will train four interns (undergraduate and graduate level), two post-doctoral researchers, and a science writer/photographer.
The project will accomplish three major goals, all of which relate to how Ad\u00e9lie Penguins adapt to, or cope with environmental change. Specifically the project seeks to determine 1) how changing winter sea ice conditions in the Ross Sea region affect penguin migration, behavior and survival and alter the carry-over effects (COEs) to subsequent reproduction; 2) the interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic factors influencing COEs over multiple years of an individual's lifetime; and 3) how local environmental change may affect population change via impacts to nesting habitat, interacting with individual quality and COEs. Retrospective analyses will be conducted using 19 years of colony based data and collect additional information on individually marked, known-age and known-history penguins, from new recruits to possibly senescent individuals. Four years of new information will be gained from efforts based at two colonies (Cape Royds and Crozier), using radio frequency identification tags to automatically collect data on breeding and foraging effort of marked, known-history birds to explore penguin response to resource availability within the colony as well as between colonies (mates, nesting material, habitat availability). Additional geolocation/time-depth recorders will be used to investigate travels and foraging during winter of these birds. The combined efforts will allow an assessment of the effects of penguin behavior/success in one season on its behavior in the next (e.g. how does winter behavior affect arrival time and body condition on subsequent breeding). It is at the individual level that penguins are responding successfully, or not, to ongoing marine habitat change in the Ross Sea region.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USAP-1643722.v1",
+ "title": "A High Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record from the South Pole Ice Core",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2017-02-01",
+ "end_date": "2019-01-31",
+ "bbox": "180, -90, 180, -90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2534799946-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2534799946-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/USAP-1643722.v1",
+ "description": "This award supports a project to measure the concentration of the gas methane in air trapped in an ice core collected from the South Pole. The data will provide an age scale (age as a function of depth) by matching the South Pole methane changes with similar data from other ice cores for which the age vs. depth relationship is well known. The ages provided will allow all other gas measurements made on the South Pole core (by the PI and other NSF supported investigators) to be interpreted accurately as a function of time. This is critical because a major goal of the South Pole coring project is to understand the history of rare gases in the atmosphere like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, methyl chloride, and methyl bromide. Relatively little is known about what controls these gases in the atmosphere despite their importance to atmospheric chemistry and climate. Undergraduate assistants will work on the project and be introduced to independent research through their work. The PI will continue visits to local middle schools to introduce students to polar science, and other outreach activities (e.g. laboratory tours, talks to local civic or professional organizations) as part of the project. Methane concentrations from a major portion (2 depth intervals, excluding the brittle ice-zone which is being measured at Penn State University) of the new South Pole ice core will be used to create a gas chronology by matching the new South Pole ice core record with that from the well-dated WAIS Divide ice core record. In combination with measurements made at Penn State, this will provide gas dating for the entire 50,000-year record. Correlation will be made using a simple but powerful mid-point method that has been previously demonstrated, and other methods of matching records will be explored. The intellectual merit of this work is that the gas chronology will be a fundamental component of this ice core project, and will be used by the PI and other investigators for dating records of atmospheric composition, and determining the gas age-ice age difference independently of glaciological models, which will constrain processes that affected firn densification in the past. The methane data will also provide direct stratigraphic markers of important perturbations to global biogeochemical cycles (e.g., rapid methane variations synchronous with abrupt warming and cooling in the Northern Hemisphere) that will tie other ice core gas records directly to those perturbations. A record of the total air content will also be produced as a by-product of the methane measurements and will contribute to understanding of this parameter. The broader impacts include that the work will provide a fundamental data set for the South Pole ice core project and the age scale (or variants of it) will be used by all other investigators working on gas records from the core. The project will employ an undergraduate assistant(s) in both years who will conduct an undergraduate research project which will be part of the student's senior thesis or other research paper. The project will also offer at least one research position for the Oregon State University Summer REU site program. Visits to local middle schools, and other outreach activities (e.g. laboratory tours, talks to local civic or professional organizations) will also be part of the project.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USAP-1744755.v1",
+ "title": "A mechanistic study of bio-physical interaction and air-sea carbon transfer in the Southern Ocean",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2018-05-01",
+ "end_date": "2022-04-30",
+ "bbox": "-80, -70, -30, -45",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2545372297-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2545372297-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/USAP-1744755.v1",
+ "description": "Current generation of coupled climate models, that are used to make climate projections, lack the resolution to adequately resolve ocean mesoscale (10 - 100km) processes, exhibiting significant biases in the ocean carbon uptake. Mesoscale processes include many features including jets, fronts and eddies that are crucial for bio-physical interactions, air-sea CO2 exchange and the supply of iron to the surface ocean. This modeling project will support the eddy resolving regional simulations to understand the mechanisms that drives bio-physical interaction and air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USAP-1744989.v1",
+ "title": "A Multi-scale Approach to Understanding Spatial and Population Variability in Emperor Penguins",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2018-07-15",
+ "end_date": "2022-06-30",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, -60",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2705787178-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2705787178-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/USAP-1744989.v1",
+ "description": "This project on emperor penguin populations will quantify penguin presence/absence, and colony size and trajectory, across the entire Antarctic continent using high-resolution satellite imagery. For a subset of the colonies, population estimates derived from high-resolution satellite images will be compared with those determined by aerial surveys - these results have been uploaded to MAPPPD (penguinmap.com) and are freely available for use. This validated information will be used to determine population estimates for all emperor penguin colonies through iterations of supervised classification and maximum likelihood calculations on the high-resolution imagery. The effect of spatial, geophysical, and environmental variables on population size and decadal-scale trends will be assessed using generalized linear models. This research will result in a first ever empirical result for emperor penguin population trends and habitat suitability, and will leverage currently-funded NSF infrastructure and hosting sites to publish results in near-real time to the public.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USAP-2130663.v1",
+ "title": "2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science",
+ "catalog": "AMD_USAPDC",
+ "state_date": "2021-06-01",
+ "end_date": "2023-05-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, -60",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2556670196-AMD_USAPDC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2556670196-AMD_USAPDC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AMD_USAPDC/collections/USAP-2130663.v1",
+ "description": "Current networking capacity at McMurdo Station is insufficient to even be considered broadband, with a summer population of up to 1000 people sharing what is equivalent to the connection enjoyed by a typical family of three in the United States. The changing Antarctic ice sheets and Southern Ocean are large, complex systems that require cutting edge technology to do cutting edge research, with remote technology becoming increasingly useful and even necessary to monitor changes at sufficient spatial and temporal scales. Antarctic science also often involves large data-transfer needs not currently met by existing satellite communication infrastructure. This workshop will gather representatives from across Antarctic science disciplinesfrom astronomy to zoologyas well as research and education networking experts to explore the scientific advances that would be enabled through dramatically increased real-time network connectivity, and also consider opportunities for subsea cable instrumentation. This workshop will assess the importance of a subsea fiber optic cable for high-capacity real-time connectivity in the US Antarctic Program, which is at the forefront of some of the greatest climate-related challenges facing our planet. The workshop will: (1) document unmet or poorly met current scientific and logistic needs for connectivity; (2) explore connectivity needs for planned future research and note the scientific advances that would be possible if the full value of modern cyberinfrastructure-empowered research could be brought to the Antarctic research community; and (3) identify scientific opportunities in planning a fully instrumented communication cable as a scientific observatory. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop will be hosted and streamed online. While the workshop will be limited to invited personnel in order to facilitate a collaborative working environment, broad community input will be sought via survey and via comment on draft outputs. A workshop summary document and report will be delivered to NSF. Increasing US Antarctic connectivity by orders of magnitude will be transformative for science and logistics, and it may well usher in a new era of Antarctic science that is more accessible, efficient and sustainable. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_DDS_P14_cells",
+ "title": "1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Los Angeles Basin Province",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-119.63631, 32.7535, -117.52315, 34.17464",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552049-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552049-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_DDS_P14_cells",
+ "description": "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 14 (Los Angeles Basin) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1401 conventional Santa Monica Fault System and Las Cienegas Fault and Block 1402 conventional Southwestern Shelf and Adjacent Offshore State Lands 1403 conventional Newport-Inglewood Deformation Zone and Southwestern Flank of Central Syncline 1404 conventional Whittier Fault Zone and Fullerton Embayment 1405 conventional Northern Shelf and Northern Flank of Central Syncline 1406 conventional Anaheim Nose 1407 conventional Chino Marginal Basin, Puente and San Jose Hills, and San Gabriel Valley Marginal Basin",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_DDS_P16_cells",
+ "title": "1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Salton Trough Province",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-116.66911, 32.634293, -114.74501, 34.02059",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231548651-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231548651-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_DDS_P16_cells",
+ "description": "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 16 (Salton Trough) are listed here by play number, type, and name.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_DDS_P17_cells",
+ "title": "1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Idaho - Snake River Downwarp Province",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-117.24303, 41.99332, -111.04548, 49.00115",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550494-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550494-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_DDS_P17_cells",
+ "description": "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 17 (Idaho - Snake River Downwarp) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1701 conventional Miocene Lacustrine (Lake Bruneau) 1702 conventional Pliocene Lacustrine (Lake Idaho) 1703 conventional Pre-Miocene 1704 conventional Older Tertiary",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_DDS_P19_cells",
+ "title": "1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Eastern Great Basin Province",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-117.02622, 35.002083, -111.170425, 43.022377",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552402-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552402-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_DDS_P19_cells",
+ "description": "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 19 (Eastern Great Basin) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1901 conventional Unconformity \"A\" 1902 conventional Late Paleozoic 1903 conventional Early Tertiary - Late Cretaceous Sheep Pass and Equivalents 1905 conventional Younger Tertiary Basins 1906 conventional Late Paleozoic - Mesozoic (Central Nevada) Thrust Belt 1907 conventional Sevier Frontal Zone",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_DDS_P2_cells",
+ "title": "1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Central Alaska Province",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-173.22636, 58.49761, -140.99017, 68.01999",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550471-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550471-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_DDS_P2_cells",
+ "description": "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 2 (Central Alaska) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 201 conventional Central Alaska Cenozoic Gas 202 conventional Central Alaska Mesozoic Gas 203 conventional Central Alaska Paleozoic Oil 204 conventional Kandik Pre-Mid-Cretaceous Strata 205 conventional Kandik Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Non-Marine Stata",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "WV01_Pan_L1B_1",
+ "id": "USGS_P-11_cells",
+ "title": "1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Central Coastal Province",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-01",
+ "bbox": "-123.80987, 34.66294, -118.997696, 39.082233",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552077-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552077-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_P-11_cells",
+ "description": "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 11 (Central Coastal) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1101 conventional Point Arena Oil 1102 conventional Point Reyes Oil 1103 conventional Pescadero Oil 1104 conventional La Honda Oil 1105 conventional Bitterwater Oil 1106 conventional Salinas Oil 1107 conventional Western Cuyama Basin 1109 conventional Cox Graben",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_SOFIA_eco_hist_db1995-2007.vversion 7",
+ "title": "1995 - 2007 Ecosystem History of South Florida's Estuaries Database version 7",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1994-09-27",
+ "end_date": "2007-04-03",
+ "bbox": "-81.83, 24.75, -80, 26.5",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231554288-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231554288-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_SOFIA_eco_hist_db1995-2007.vversion 7",
+ "description": "The 1995 - 2007 Ecosystem History of South Florida's Estuaries Database contains listings of all sites (modern and core), modern monitoring site survey information (water chemistry, floral and faunal data, etc.), and published core data. Two general types of data are contained within this database: 1) Modern Field Data and 2) Core data - primarily faunal assemblages. Data are available for modern sites and cores in the general areas of Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay, and the southwest (Florida) coastal mangrove estuaries. Specific sites in the Florida Bay area include Taylor Creek, Bob Allen Key, Russell Bank, Pass Key, Whipray Basin, Rankin Bight, park Key, and Mud Creek core). Specific Biscayne Bay sites include Manatee Bay, Featherbed Bank, Card bank, No Name Bank, Middle Key, Black Point North, and Chicken Key. Sites on the southwest coast include Alligator Bay, Big Lostmans Bay, Broad River Bay, Roberts River mouth, Tarpon Bay, Lostmans River First and Second Bays, Harney River, Shark River near entrance to Ponce de Leon Bay, and Shark River channels. Modern field data contains (1) general information about the site, description, latitude and longitude, date of data collection, (2) water chemistry information, and (3) descriptive text of fauna and flora observed at the site. Core data contain either percent abundance data or actual counts of the distribution of mollusks, ostracodes, forams, and pollen within the cores collected in the estuaries. For some cores dinocyst or diatom data may be available.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_cont1992",
+ "title": "1992 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River Ground-Water Basin, San Bernardino County, California",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-117.652695, 34.364513, -116.55357, 35.081955",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231553864-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231553864-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_cont1992",
+ "description": "This data set consists of digital water-table contours for the Mojave River Basin. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Mojave Water Agency, constructed a water-table map of the Mojave River ground-water basin for ground-water levels measured in November 1992. Water-level data were collected from approximately 300 wells to construct the contours. The water-table contours were digitized from the paper map which was published at a scale of 1:125,000. The contour interval ranges from 3,200 to 1,600 feet above sea level. [Summary provided by the USGS.]",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "USGS_cont1994",
+ "title": "1994 Water-Table Contours of the Morongo Ground-Water Basin, San Bernardino County, California",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-117.07194, 34.095333, -115.98976, 34.64026",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231554677-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231554677-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/USGS_cont1994",
+ "description": "This data set consists of digital water-table contours for the Morongo Basin. The U.S. Geological Survey constructed a water-table map of the Morongo ground-water basin for ground-water levels measured during the period January-October 1994. Water-level data were collected from 248 wells to construct the contours. The water-table contours were digitized from the paper map which was published at a scale of 1:125,000. The contour interval ranges from 3,400 to 1,500 feet above sea level. [Summary provided by the USGS.]",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "UTC_1990countyboundaries",
+ "title": "1990 County Boundaries of the United States",
+ "catalog": "CEOS_EXTRA",
+ "state_date": "1972-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1990-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-177.1, 13.71, -61.48, 76.63",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550562-CEOS_EXTRA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550562-CEOS_EXTRA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CEOS_EXTRA/collections/UTC_1990countyboundaries",
+ "description": "This data set portrays the 1990 State and county boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The data set was created by extracting county polygon features from the individual 1:2,000,000-scale State boundary Digital Line Graph (DLG) files produced by the U.S. Geological Survey. These files were then merged into a single file and the boundaries were modified to what they were in 1990. This is a revised version of the March 2000 data set.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "WV01_Pan_L1B.v1",
"title": "WorldView-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
"state_date": "2007-10-10",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497387766-CSDA.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497387766-CSDA.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497387766-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV01_Pan_L1B_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV01_Pan_L1B.v1",
"description": "The WorldView-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Panchromatic imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-1 satellite using the WorldView-60 camera across the global land surface from September 2007 to the present. Data have a spatial resolution of 0.5 meters at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.7 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "WV02_MSI_L1B_1",
+ "id": "WV02_MSI_L1B.v1",
"title": "WorldView-2 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
"state_date": "2009-10-08",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497404794-CSDA.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497404794-CSDA.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497404794-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV02_MSI_L1B_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV02_MSI_L1B.v1",
"description": "The WorldView-2 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from October 2009 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the coastal, blue, green, yellow, red, red edge, and near-infrared (2 bands) wavelengths. It has a spatial resolution of 1.85m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "WV02_Pan_L1B_1",
+ "id": "WV02_Pan_L1B.v1",
"title": "WorldView-2 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "CSDA",
"state_date": "2009-10-08",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497398128-CSDA.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497398128-CSDA.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497398128-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV02_Pan_L1B_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV02_Pan_L1B.v1",
"description": "The WorldView-2 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from October 2009 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "WV03_MSI_L1B_1",
- "title": "WorldView-3 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2014-08-13",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497111771-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497111771-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV03_MSI_L1B_1",
- "description": "The WorldView-3 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from August 2014 to the present. This satellite imagery is in a range of wavebands with data in the coastal, blue, green, yellow, red, red edge, and near-infrared (2 bands) wavelengths. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.24m at nadir and a temporal resolution of less than one day. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF). This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "WV03_Pan_L1B_1",
- "title": "WorldView-3 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2014-08-13",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497431983-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497431983-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV03_Pan_L1B_1",
- "description": "The WorldView-3 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from August 2014 to the present. This imagery has a spatial resolution of 0.31m at nadir and a temporal resolution of less than one day. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "WV03_SWIR_L1B_1",
- "title": "WorldView-3 Level 1B Shortwave Infrared 8-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2014-08-13",
- "end_date": "",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497415947-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497415947-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV03_SWIR_L1B_1",
- "description": "The WorldView-3 Level 1B Shortwave Infrared 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from August 2014 to the present. This data product includes 8 shortwave infrared bands. The spatial resolution is 3.7m at nadir and the temporal resolution is less than one day. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "WV04_MSI_L1B_1",
- "title": "WorldView-4 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2016-12-01",
- "end_date": "2019-01-07",
- "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497446902-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497446902-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV04_MSI_L1B_1",
- "description": "The WorldView-4 Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-4 satellite using the SpaceView-110 camera across the global land surface from December 2016 to January 2019. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The multispectral imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.24m at nadir and has a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a Maxar End User License Agreement for Worldview 4 imagery and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "id": "WaterBalance_Daily_Historical_GRIDMET.v1.5",
+ "title": "Daily Historical Water Balance Products for the CONUS",
+ "catalog": "LPCLOUD",
+ "state_date": "1980-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2021-12-31",
+ "bbox": "-131.70607, 21.115301, -60.530453, 55.457306",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2674694066-LPCLOUD.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2674694066-LPCLOUD.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/LPCLOUD/collections/WaterBalance_Daily_Historical_GRIDMET.v1.5",
+ "description": "This dataset provides daily historical Water Balance Model outputs from a Thornthwaite-type, single bucket model. Climate inputs to the model are from GridMet daily temperature and precipitation for the Continental United States (CONUS). The Water Balance Model output variables include the following: Potential Evapotranspiration (PET, mm), Actual Evapotranspiration (AET, mm), Moisture Deficit (Deficit, mm), Soil Water (soilwater, mm), Runoff (mm), Rain (mm), and Accumulated Snow Water Equivalent (accumswe, mm). The dataset covers the period from January 1 to December 31 for years 1980 through 2021 for the CONUS. Water Balance Model variables are provided as individual files, by variable and year, at a 1 km x 1 km spatial resolution and a daily temporal resolution. Data are in a North America Lambert Conformal Conic projection and are distributed in a standardized Climate and Forecast (CF)-compliant NetCDF file format.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "WV04_Pan_L1B_1",
- "title": "WorldView-4 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery",
- "catalog": "CSDA STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2016-12-01",
- "end_date": "2019-01-07",
+ "id": "a6efcb0868664248b9cb212aba44313d",
+ "title": "ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol CCI): Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS (ALAMO algorithm), Version 2.2",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "2008-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2008-12-31",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497439327-CSDA.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497439327-CSDA.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/CSDA/collections/WV04_Pan_L1B_1",
- "description": "The WorldView-4 Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-4 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from December 2016 to January 2019. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.31m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2548142742-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2548142742-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/a6efcb0868664248b9cb212aba44313d",
+ "description": "The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises the Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS for 2008, using the ALAMO algorithm, version 2.2. The data have been provided by Hygeos.For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aamhcpex_1",
+ "id": "aamhcpex.v1",
"title": "AAMH CPEX V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2017-05-26",
"end_date": "2017-07-16",
"bbox": "154.716, 0.6408, -19.5629, 44.9689",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2645106424-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2645106424-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2645106424-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aamhcpex_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aamhcpex.v1",
"description": "The AAMH CPEX dataset contains products obtained from the MetOp-A, MetOp-B, NOAA-18, and NOAA-19 satellites. These data were collected in support of the NASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. The CPEX field campaign took place in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea region from 25 May-25 June 2017. CPEX conducted a total of sixteen DC-8 missions from 27 May-24 June. The CPEX campaign collected data to help explain convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data are available from May 26, 2017 through July 15, 2017 and are available in netCDF-4 format.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aces1am_1",
+ "id": "aces1am.v1",
"title": "ACES Aircraft and Mechanical Data V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2002-07-10",
"end_date": "2002-08-30",
"bbox": "-85, 23, -81, 26",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977826980-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977826980-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977826980-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1am_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1am.v1",
"description": "The ACES Aircraft and Mechanical Data consist of aircraft (e.g. pitch, roll, yaw) and mechanical (e.g. aircraft engine speed, tail commands, fuel levels) data recorded by the Altus II Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Altus II UAV) system during the Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES) based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. ACES aimed to provide extensive observations of the cloud electrification process and its effects by using the Altus II UAV to collect cloud top observations of thunderstorms. The campaign also worked to validate satellite lightning measurements. The Altus II aircraft and mechanical data files are available from July 10 through August 30, 2002 in MATLAB data format (.mat). ",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aces1cont_1",
+ "id": "aces1cont.v1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2002-07-10",
"end_date": "2002-08-30",
"bbox": "-85, 23, -81, 26",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847043-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847043-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847043-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1cont_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1cont.v1",
"description": "The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August, 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloudelectrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from seven instruments: the Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Dual Optical Pulse Sensor, Searchcoil Magnetometer, Accelerometers, Gerdien Conductivity Probe, and the Fluxgate Magnetometer. Data consists of sensor reads at 50HZ throughout the flight from all 64 channels.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aces1efm_1",
+ "id": "aces1efm.v1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2002-07-10",
"end_date": "2002-08-30",
"bbox": "-85, 23, -81, 26",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847178-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847178-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847178-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1efm_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1efm.v1",
"description": "The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from it's birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data from Electric Field Mills, which yield information about the atmospheric electrical fields above the instruments.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aces1log_1",
+ "id": "aces1log.v1",
"title": "ACES LOG DATA V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2002-07-10",
"end_date": "2002-08-30",
"bbox": "-85, 23, -81, 26",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977853903-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977853903-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977853903-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1log_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1log.v1",
"description": "The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of log data from each flight, and yields instrument and aircraft status throughout the flight.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aces1time_1",
+ "id": "aces1time.v1",
"title": "ACES TIMING DATA V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2002-07-10",
"end_date": "2002-08-30",
"bbox": "-85, 23, -81, 26",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977855412-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977855412-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977855412-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1time_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1time.v1",
"description": "The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August or 2002, ACES researchers overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of timing data used for the experiment. When used it provides: syncclock_time = time found at the syncclock (VSI-SYnCCLOCK-32) in seconds from first file name, syncclock_m_time = time found at the syncclock (VSI-SYnCCLOCK-32) in Matlab dateform format, system_time = system time in seconds from first file name, system_m_time = system time in dateform format, gps_time = time found at the GPS unit in seconds from first file name, gps_m_time = time found at GPS unit in dateform, cmos_time = time found at the computer CMOS in seconds from first file name, cmos_m_time = time found at the computer CMOS in dateform.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "aces1trig_1",
+ "id": "aces1trig.v1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2002-07-10",
"end_date": "2002-08-30",
"bbox": "-85, 23, -81, 26",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858342-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858342-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858342-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1trig_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/aces1trig.v1",
"description": "The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from the following instruments: Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Optical Pulse Sensors, Searchcoil Magnetometer, Accelerometer, and Gerdien Conductivity Probe. These data were collected at 200KHz from the first 16 telemetry items collected on the aircraft, were initiated by an operator selected trigger (e.g. DOPS), and continued collecting for as long as the trigger continued.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "amprimpacts_1",
+ "id": "amprimpacts.v1",
"title": "Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) IMPACTS V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2020-01-18",
"end_date": "2022-02-28",
"bbox": "-118.51, 30.6918, -64.3661, 48.2585",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708841-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708841-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708841-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amprimpacts_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amprimpacts.v1",
"description": "The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) IMPACTS dataset consists of brightness temperature measurements collected by the Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) onboard the NASA ER-2 high-altitude research aircraft. AMPR provides multi-frequency microwave imagery, with high spatial and temporal resolution for deriving cloud, precipitation, water vapor and surface properties. These measurements were taken during the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) campaign. Funded by NASA\u2019s Earth Venture program, IMPACTS is the first comprehensive study of East Coast snowstorms in 30 years. Data files are available from January 18, 2020 through February 28, 2022 in netCDF-4 format. ",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "amprtbcx1_2",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1993-09-26",
- "end_date": "1993-10-05",
- "bbox": "-83.8511, 23.9917, -68.2377, 42.6325",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858400-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858400-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amprtbcx1_2",
- "description": "The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) was deployed during the Convection and Moisture Experiments (CAMEX-1) conducted at Wallops Island, VA. AMPR data were collected at a combination of frequencies (10.7, 19.35, 37.1, and 85.5 GHz) during the time period of September 26 - October 5, 1993. The geographic domain of the CAMEX region was between 25.5N - 43N latitude and 70W - 83W longitude.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "amprtbcx2_2",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1995-08-23",
- "end_date": "1995-08-30",
- "bbox": "-78.907, 30.0262, -72.3661, 41.0703",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858440-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858440-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amprtbcx2_2",
- "description": "The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) was deployed during the Convection and Moisture Experiment 2 (CAMEX-2). AMPR data were collected at a combination of frequencies (10.7, 19.35, 37.1, and 85.5 GHz) during the time period of August 23 - August 30, 1995. The geographic domain of the CAMEX-2 region was between 25.5 N - 43 N latitude and 83 W - 70 W longitude.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "amprtbkwj_1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1999-07-30",
- "end_date": "1999-09-14",
- "bbox": "165.962, 5.93167, 171.12, 11.0683",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979079822-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979079822-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amprtbkwj_1",
- "description": "The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) was deployed during the First Kwajelein Experiment (KWAJEX), which provided Ground Validation for instruments onboard the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission (TRMM). AMPR brightness temperature data were collected at four microwave frequencies suited to study rain cloud systems (10.7, 19.35, 37.1 and 85.5 GHz) for the period of 30 July - 14 September 1999.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "amprtbtc_2",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "1993-01-12",
- "end_date": "1993-02-25",
- "bbox": "144.774, -21.3571, 160.679, 0.22934",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979080426-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979080426-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amprtbtc_2",
- "description": "The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) data set was part of the atmospheric measurements collected during the intensive observation period of the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere-Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). AMPR brightness temperature data were collected at a combination of frequencies (10.7, 19.35, 37.1, and 85.5 GHz) and for the period Jan. 12, 1993 - Feb. 25, 1993. The TOGA COARE geographic domain pertinent to the AMPR data set was from the equator to 21 S latitude and 145 E - 161 E longitude.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "amsua15sp_1",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "amsua15sp.v1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "1998-08-03",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 89.756",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1996541017-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1996541017-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1996541017-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amsua15sp_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amsua15sp.v1",
"description": "AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). NOAA-15 was the first spacecraft to fly AMSU. Launched on 13 May 1998, NOAA-15 is in a sun synchronous near polar orbit.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "amsua16sp_1",
+ "id": "amsua16sp.v1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC",
"state_date": "2001-05-27",
"end_date": "2009-07-30",
"bbox": "-180, -89.91, 180, 89.73",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979956366-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979956366-GHRC_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979956366-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amsua16sp_1",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amsua16sp.v1",
"description": "AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). Launched on 21 September 2000, NOAA-16 is in a sun synchronous near polar orbit.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "amsua17sp_1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2002-07-21",
- "end_date": "2003-12-13",
- "bbox": "-180, -89.575, 180, 89.629",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979975136-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979975136-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/amsua17sp_1",
- "description": "AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). The Third Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A was launched on NOAA-17 on 24 June 2002 from Vandenberg AFB, California on a Titan II booster.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "apr3cpex_1",
- "title": "Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2017-05-27",
- "end_date": "2017-06-24",
- "bbox": "-96.0262, 16.8091, -69.2994, 28.9042",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2409563129-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2409563129-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/apr3cpex_1",
- "description": "The Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX dataset consists of radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio Ku-band, and normalized radar cross section measurements at Ka- and Ku- bands data collected by the APR-3 onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) aircraft field campaign. CPEX collected data to help answer questions about convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data files are available from May 27, 2017 through June 24, 2017 in a HDF-5 file, with associated browse imagery in JPG format.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "apr3cpexaw_1",
- "title": "Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-AW V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2021-08-20",
- "end_date": "2021-09-04",
- "bbox": "-80.7804, 11.8615, -45.6417, 34.046",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2269541013-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2269541013-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/apr3cpexaw_1",
- "description": "The Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-AW dataset consists of radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio Ku-band, and normalized radar cross section measurements at Ka- and Ku- bands data collected by the APR-3 onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment \u2013 Aerosols & Winds (CPEX-AW) field campaign. CPEX-AW was a joint effort between the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) with the primary goal of conducting a post-launch calibration and validation activities of the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission-Aeolus (ADM-AEOLUS) Earth observation wind Lidar satellite in St. Croix. These data files are available from August 20, 2021 through September 4, 2021 in a MatLab file, with associated browse files in JPEG format.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "apr3cpexcv_1",
- "title": "Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-CV",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2022-09-02",
- "end_date": "2022-09-30",
- "bbox": "-89.6733315, 1.7593585, -14.8189435, 39.1985524",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2708951073-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2708951073-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/apr3cpexcv_1",
- "description": "The Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-CV dataset consists of radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio Ku-band, and normalized radar cross-section measurements at Ka- and Ku- bands data collected by the APR-3 onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment \u2013 Cabo Verde (CPEX-CV) field campaign. The NASA CPEX-CV field campaign will be based out of Sal Island, Cabo Verde from August through September 2022. The campaign is a continuation of CPEX \u2013 Aerosols and Winds (CPEX-AW) and was conducted aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft equipped with remote sensors and dropsonde-launch capability that will allow for the measurement of tropospheric aerosols, winds, temperature, water vapor, and precipitation. The overarching CPEX-CV goal was to investigate atmospheric dynamics, marine boundary layer properties, convection, the dust-laden Saharan Air Layer, and their interactions across various spatial scales to improve understanding and predictability of process-level lifecycles in the data-sparse tropical East Atlantic region. These data files are available from September 2, 2022, through September 30, 2022, in netCDF-4 format, with associated browse imagery in JPG format. ",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "ascatcpex_1",
- "title": "Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2017-05-24",
- "end_date": "2017-07-16",
- "bbox": "160.241, 3.9062, -25.0958, 42.5176",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2428509185-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2428509185-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/ascatcpex_1",
- "description": "The Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX dataset consists of ice probability, wind speed, and wind direction estimates collected by the ASCAT. The ASCAT is onboard the MetOp-A and MetOp-B satellites and uses radar to measure the electromagnetic backscatter from the wind-roughened ocean surface, from which data on wind speed and direction can be derived. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. CPEX collected data to help answer questions about convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data files are available from May 24, 2017 through July 16, 2017 in netCDF-3 format.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "avapsimpacts_1",
- "title": "Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System Dropsondes (AVAPS) IMPACTS V1",
- "catalog": "GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog",
- "state_date": "2020-01-12",
- "end_date": "2022-02-25",
- "bbox": "-77.8148, 33.5415, -65.44, 44.1677",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708338-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json",
- "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708338-GHRC_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRC_DAAC/collections/avapsimpacts_1",
- "description": "The Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) IMPACTS dataset consists of vertical atmospheric profile measurements collected by the Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) dropsondes released from the NASA P-3 aircraft during the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign. IMPACTS was a three-year sequence of winter season deployments conducted to study snowstorms over the U.S Atlantic Coast (2020-2023). The campaign aimed to (1) Provide observations critical to understanding the mechanisms of snowband formation, organization, and evolution; (2) Examine how the microphysical characteristics and likely growth mechanisms of snow particles vary across snowbands; and (3) Improve snowfall remote sensing interpretation and modeling to significantly advance prediction capabilities. AVAPS uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) dropsonde to measure atmospheric state parameters (temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction, pressure) and location in 3-dimensional space during the dropsonde\u2019s descent. The AVAPS dataset files are available from January 12, 2020 through February 25, 2022 in ASCII-ict format.",
- "license": "proprietary"
- },
- {
- "id": "chesapeake_val_2013_0",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "asas",
+ "title": "Advanced Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS)",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1988-06-26",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566261-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566261-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/asas",
+ "description": "The Advanced Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS) data collection contains data collected by the ASAS sensor flown aboard NASA aircraft. A fundamental use of ASAS data is to characterize and understand the directional variability in solar energy scattered by various land surface cover types (e.g.,crops, forests, prairie grass, snow, or bare soil). The sensor's Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function determines the variation in the reflectance of a surface as a function of both the view zenith angle and solar illumination angle. The ASAS sensor is a hyperspectral, multiangle, airborne remote sensing instrument maintained and operated by the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The ASAS instrument is mounted on the underside of either NASA C-130 or NASA P-3 aircraft and is capable of off-nadir pointing from approximately 70 degrees forward to 55 degrees aft along the direction of flight. The aircraft is flown at an altitude of 5000 - 6000 meters (approximately 16,000 - 20,000 ft.). Data in the ASAS collection primarily cover areas over the continental United States, but some ASAS data are also available over areas in Canada and western Africa. The ASAS data were collected between 1988 and 1994.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aster_global_dem",
+ "title": "ASTER Global DEM",
+ "catalog": "USGS_LTA",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567908-USGS_LTA.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567908-USGS_LTA.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/USGS_LTA/collections/aster_global_dem",
+ "description": "ASTER is capable of collecting in-track stereo using nadir- and aft-looking near infrared cameras. Since 2001, these stereo pairs have been used to produce single-scene (60- x 60-kilomenter (km)) digital elevation models (DEM) having vertical (root-mean-squared-error) accuracies generally between 10- and 25-meters (m). The methodology used by Japan's Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) to produce the ASTER GDEM involves automated processing of the entire ASTER Level-1A archive. Stereo-correlation is used to produce over one million individual scene-based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking is applied to remove cloudy pixels. All cloud-screened DEMS are stacked and residual bad values and outliers are removed. Selected data are averaged to create final pixel values, and residual anomalies are corrected before partitioning the data into 1 degree (\u00b0) x 1\u00b0 tiles. The ASTER GDEM covers land surfaces between 83\u00b0N and 83\u00b0S and is comprised of 22,702 tiles. Tiles that contain at least 0.01% land area are included. The ASTER GDEM is distributed as Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) files with geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude). The data are posted on a 1 arc-second (approximately 30\u2013m at the equator) grid and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/ 1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b673f41b-d934-49e4-af6b-44bbdf164367",
+ "title": "AVHRR - Land Surface Temperature (LST) - Europe, Daytime",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "1998-02-23",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-24, 28, 57, 78",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458008-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458008-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/b673f41b-d934-49e4-af6b-44bbdf164367",
+ "description": "The \"Land Surface Temperature derived from NOAA-AVHRR data (LST_AVHRR)\" is a fixed grid map (in stereographic projection ) with a spatial resolution of 1.1 km. The total size covering Europe is 4100 samples by 4300 lines. Within 24 hours of acquiring data from the satellite, day-time and night-time LSTs are calculated. In general, the products utilise data from all six of the passes that the satellite makes over Europe in each 24 hour period. For the daily day-time LST maps, the compositing criterion for the three day-time passes is maximum NDVI value and for daily night-time LST maps, the criterion is the maximum night-time LST value of the three night-time passes. Weekly and monthly day-time or night-time LST composite products are also produced by averaging daily day-time or daily night-time LST values, respectively. The range of LST values is scaled between \u201339.5\u00b0C and +87\u00b0C with a radiometric resolution of 0.5\u00b0C. A value of \u201340\u00b0C is used for water. Clouds are masked out as bad values. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "blue_ice_core_DML2004_AS",
+ "title": "101.1 m long horizontal blue ice core collected from Scharffenbergbotnen, DML, Antarctica, in 2003/2004",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "1970-01-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, -62.83",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214614210-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214614210-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/blue_ice_core_DML2004_AS",
+ "description": "Horizontal blue ice core collected from the surface of a blue ice area in Scharffenbergbotnen, Heimefrontfjella, DML. Samples were collected in austral summer 2003/2004 and transported to Finland for chemical analyses. The blue ice core is estimated to represent a 1000-year period of climate history 20 - 40 kyr B.P.. The results of the analyses will be available in 2005.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "chesapeake_val_2013.v0",
"title": "2013 Chesapeake Bay measurements",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
"state_date": "2013-04-11",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360188-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360188-OB_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360188-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/chesapeake_val_2013_0",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/chesapeake_val_2013.v0",
"description": "2013 Chesapeake Bay measurements.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ef6a9266-a210-4431-a4af-06cec4274726",
+ "title": "Cartosat-1 (IRS-P5) - Panchromatic Images (PAN) - Europe, Monographic",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "2015-02-10",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-25, 30, 45, 80",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207457985-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207457985-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/ef6a9266-a210-4431-a4af-06cec4274726",
+ "description": "Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. The satellite has two panchromatic cameras that were especially designed for in flight stereo viewing. However, this collection contains the monoscopic data.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "envidat-lwf-34.v2019-03-06",
+ "title": "10-HS Pfynwald",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "2019-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2019-01-01",
+ "bbox": "7.61211, 46.30279, 7.61211, 46.30279",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1647993129-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1647993129-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/envidat-lwf-34.v2019-03-06",
+ "description": "Continuous measurement of soil water content at 10 and 80 cm depth (3 replications) with 10-HS soil moisture probes (Decagon Incorporation, Pullman, WA, USA). ### Purpose: ### Monitoring of the soil water matrix potential ### Paper Citation: ### * Dobbertin, M.; Eilmann, B.; Bleuler, P.; Giuggiola, A.; Graf Pannatier, E.; Landolt, W.; Schleppi, P.; Rigling, A., 2010: Effect of irrigation on needle morphology, shoot and stem growth in a drought-exposed Pinus sylvestris forest. Tree Physiology, 30, 3: 346-360. [doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpp123](http://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpp123) ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:0000029",
+ "title": "1990, 1991, 1992 and 1995 CRETM/LMER Zooplankton Data Sets (NCEI Accession 0000029)",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1990-09-26",
+ "end_date": "1995-05-26",
+ "bbox": "-124.041667, 0.766667, -16.25, 46.263167",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372282-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372282-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:0000029",
+ "description": "Not provided",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:0000035",
+ "title": "1996 - Early 1998 CRETM/LMER Phytoplankton Data (NCEI Accession 0000035)",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1996-07-09",
+ "end_date": "1998-03-06",
+ "bbox": "-124.003, 46.179833, -123.183167, 46.261667",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372325-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372325-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:0000035",
+ "description": "Pump cast sampling, and associated CTD casts took place from a fixed vessel during one 28-35 day cruise per year in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, and 1996. In 1997 there were 2 week cruises in May, July, and October.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:0000052",
+ "title": "1988 Resurrection Bay Zooplankton Data Set from 01 March 1988 to 28 June 1988 (NCEI Accession 0000052)",
+ "catalog": "NOAA_NCEI",
+ "state_date": "1988-03-01",
+ "end_date": "1988-06-28",
+ "bbox": "-149.4083, 59.9117, -149.3583, 60.02",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372461-NOAA_NCEI.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372461-NOAA_NCEI.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/NOAA_NCEI/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:0000052",
+ "description": "Zooplantkon and beach tar data were collected using plankton net casts in the Gulf of Alaska from the ALPHA HELIX. Data were collected from 01 March 1988 to 28 June 1988 by University of Alaska in Fairbanks; Institute of Marine Science with support from the Gulf of Alaska - 1 (GAK-1) project.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-AVHRR_SST_METOP_A_GLB-OSISAF-L3C.v1",
+ "title": "GHRSST L3C global sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on Metop satellites (currently Metop-A) produced by OSI SAF (GDS version 2)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2013-07-26",
+ "end_date": "2016-02-23",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213636900-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213636900-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-AVHRR_SST_METOP_A_GLB-OSISAF-L3C.v1",
+ "description": "A global Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 3 Collated (L3C) dataset derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the European Meteorological Operational-A (MetOp-A) platform (launched 19 Oct 2006). The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is producing SST products in near real time from Metop/AVHRR. Global AVHRR level 1b data are acquired at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) through the EUMETSAT/EUMETCAST system. SST is retrieved from the AVHRR infrared channels (3.7, 10.8 and 12.0 micrometer) using a multispectral algorithm. Atmospheric profiles of water vapor and temperature from a numerical weather prediction model, together with a radiative transfer model, are used to correct the multispectral algorithm for regional and seasonal biases due to changing atmospheric conditions. This global L3C product is derived from full resolution AVHRR l1b data that are re-mapped onto a 0.05 degree grid twice daily. The product format is compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) version 2.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-AVHRR_SST_METOP_B_GLB-OSISAF-L3C.v1",
+ "title": "GHRSST L3C global sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on Metop satellites (currently Metop-B) produced by OSI SAF (GDS version 2)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2016-02-20",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213637836-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213637836-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-AVHRR_SST_METOP_B_GLB-OSISAF-L3C.v1",
+ "description": "A global Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 3 Collated (L3C) dataset derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the European Meteorological Operational-B (MetOp-B) platform (launched 17 Sep 2012). The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is producing SST products in near real time from Metop/AVHRR. Global AVHRR level 1b data are acquired at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) through the EUMETSAT/EUMETCAST system. SST is retrieved from the AVHRR infrared channels (3.7, 10.8 and 12.0 micrometer) using a multispectral algorithm. Atmospheric profiles of water vapor and temperature from a numerical weather prediction model, together with a radiative transfer model, are used to correct the multispectral algorithm for regional and seasonal biases due to changing atmospheric conditions. This global L3C product is derived from full resolution AVHRR l1b data that are re-mapped onto a 0.05 degree grid twice daily. The product format is compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) version 2.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-AVHRR16_L.v1.0",
+ "title": "GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Bulk Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-16 satellite (GDS version 1)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2004-12-30",
+ "end_date": "2005-10-26",
+ "bbox": "-45, 20, 45, 80",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213638215-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213638215-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-AVHRR16_L.v1.0",
+ "description": "A regional Level 2P Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset for the Atlantic Ocean and nearby regions based on multi-channel sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-16 platform (launched on 21 Sep 2000). The AVHRR is a space-borne scanning sensor on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) family of Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) having a operational legacy that traces back to the Television Infrared Observation Satellite-N (TIROS-N) launched in 1978. AVHRR instruments measure the radiance of the Earth in 5 (or 6) relatively wide spectral bands. The first two are centered around the red (0.6 micrometer) and near-infrared (0.9 micrometer) regions, the third one is located around 3.5 micrometer, and the last two sample the emitted thermal radiation, around 11 and 12 micrometers, respectively. The legacy 5 band instrument is known as AVHRR/2 while the more recent version, the AVHRR/3 (first carried on the NOAA-15 platform), acquires data in a 6th channel located at 1.6 micrometer. Typically the 11 and 12 micron channels are used to derive sea surface temperature (SST) sometimes in combination with the 3.5 micron channel. The highest ground resolution that can be obtained from the current AVHRR instruments is 1.1 km at nadir. The NOAA platforms are sun synchronous generally viewing the same earth location twice a day (latitude dependent) due to the relatively large AVHRR swath of approximately 2400 km. This particular dataset is derived from Local Area Coverage (LAC) binary AVHRR SST binary data originally produced by the US Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) and downloaded from the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). LAC are full resolution AVHRR data whose acquisition is prescheduled and recorded with an on-board tape recorder for subsequent transmission during a station overpass. Finally, L2P data products are derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5 including Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-AVHRR17_L.v1.0",
+ "title": "GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Bulk Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-17 satellite (GDS version 1)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2004-12-30",
+ "end_date": "2007-02-26",
+ "bbox": "-45, 20, 45, 80",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213638171-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213638171-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-AVHRR17_L.v1.0",
+ "description": "A regional Level 2P Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset for the Atlantic Ocean and nearby regions based on multi-channel sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-17 platform (launched on 24 June 2002). The AVHRR is a space-borne scanning sensor on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) family of Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) having a operational legacy that traces back to the Television Infrared Observation Satellite-N (TIROS-N) launched in 1978. AVHRR instruments measure the radiance of the Earth in 5 (or 6) relatively wide spectral bands. The first two are centered around the red (0.6 micrometer) and near-infrared (0.9 micrometer) regions, the third one is located around 3.5 micrometer, and the last two sample the emitted thermal radiation, around 11 and 12 micrometers, respectively. The legacy 5 band instrument is known as AVHRR/2 while the more recent version, the AVHRR/3 (first carried on the NOAA-15 platform), acquires data in a 6th channel located at 1.6 micrometer. Typically the 11 and 12 micron channels are used to derive sea surface temperature (SST) sometimes in combination with the 3.5 micron channel. The highest ground resolution that can be obtained from the current AVHRR instruments is 1.1 km at nadir. The NOAA platforms are sun synchronous generally viewing the same earth location twice a day (latitude dependent) due to the relatively large AVHRR swath of approximately 2400 km. This particular dataset is derived from Local Area Coverage (LAC) binary AVHRR SST binary data originally produced by the US Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) and downloaded from the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). LAC are full resolution AVHRR data whose acquisition is prescheduled and recorded with an on-board tape recorder for subsequent transmission during a station overpass. Finally, L2P data products are derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5 including Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-SEVIRI_SST.v4.0",
+ "title": "GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) on the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-1) satellite (GDS version 1)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2004-12-30",
+ "end_date": "2012-03-15",
+ "bbox": "-100, -60, 45, 60",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213639968-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213639968-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-SEVIRI_SST.v4.0",
+ "description": "The Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites are spin stabilized geostationary satellites operated by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) to provide accurate weather monitoring data through its primary instrument the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI), which has the capacity to observe the Earth in 12 spectral channels. Eight of these channels are in the thermal infrared, providing among other information, observations of the temperatures of clouds, land and sea surfaces at approximately 5 km resolution with a 15 minute duty cycle. This Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset produced by Meteo France/ Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS), is derived from the SEVIRI instrument on the first MSG satellite (also known as Meteosat-8) that was launched on 28 August 2002. Skin sea surface temperature (SST) data are calculated from the infrared channels of SEVIRI at full resolution on a hourly basis. Remapping of original pixel size to 11.6 km resolution is made by spatial averaging, and a 3-hourly temporal resolution SST is created by averaging the hourly SSTs having the best confidence level. Data from different MSG satellites are not averaged together. L2P data products with Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES) are then derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-GOES16-OSISAF-L3C.v1",
+ "title": "GHRSST L3C OSISAF SSTskin dataset v1.0 from GOES16 ABI in East position (GDS version 2)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2018-10-02",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-135, -60, -15, 60",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213640438-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213640438-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-GOES16-OSISAF-L3C.v1",
+ "description": "The data is regional and part of the High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 3 Collated (L3C) dataset covering the America Region (AMERICAS) based on retrievals from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on board the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16). The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is producing SST products in near real time from GOES-16 in the Eastern position. GOES-16 Imager level 1 data are acquired at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) through the EUMETSAT/EUMETCAST system. The new GOES-East platform (GOES-16) enables daytime SST calculations (whereas, previously, GOES East SST was restricted to nighttime conditions). The GOES-16 SST is derived from three-bands (centered at 8.4, 10.3, and 12.3 um) algorithm. The ABI split-window configuration features three bands instead of the two found in heritage sensors. This offers additional potential but also may present a challenge if the two end bands centered at 10.3 and 12.3 um are pushed too far in the absorption lines. The 8.5-um is used in conjunction with the 10.3-um and 12.3-um bands for improved thin cirrus detection as well as for better atmospheric moisture correction in relatively dry atmospheres. Atmospheric profiles of water vapor and temperature from a numerical weather prediction model, together with a radiative transfer model, are used to correct the multispectral algorithm for regional and seasonal biases due to changing atmospheric conditions. Each 30-minute observation interval is processed at full satellite resolution. The operational products are then produced by remapping over a 0.05-degree regular grid (60S-60N and 135W-15W) SST fields obtained by aggregating 30-minute SST data available in one-hour time, and the priority being given to the value the closest in time to the product nominal hour. The product format is compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) version 2.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-OISST_HR_NRT-GOS-L4-BLK.v2.0",
+ "title": "Black Sea High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.0625 deg Resolution (GDS version 2)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2012-02-01",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "26.375, 38.75, 42.375, 48.812",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213642354-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213642354-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-OISST_HR_NRT-GOS-L4-BLK.v2.0",
+ "description": "CNR MED Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.0625 deg. x 0.0625 deg. horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the CMEMS sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Black sea.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-OISST_UHR_NRT-GOS-L4-BLK.v2.0",
+ "title": "Black Sea Ultra High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.01 deg Resolution (GDS version 2)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2012-01-31",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "26.375, 38.75, 42.375, 48.812",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213642712-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213642712-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-OISST_UHR_NRT-GOS-L4-BLK.v2.0",
+ "description": "CNR MED Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.01 deg. x 0.01 deg. horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the CMEMS sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Black sea.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-REMSS-L2P_GRIDDED_25-TMI.v4.0",
+ "title": "GHRSST L2P Gridded Global Subskin Sea Surface Temperature from the Tropical Rainfall Mapping Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) (GDS version 1)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "1998-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2015-04-06",
+ "bbox": "-180, -40, 180, 40",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213645156-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213645156-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-REMSS-L2P_GRIDDED_25-TMI.v4.0",
+ "description": "The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) is a well calibrated passive microwave radiometer, similar to SSM/I, that contains lower frequency channels required for sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals. The TRMM is a joint venture between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to measure precipitation, water vapor, SST and wind in the global tropical regions and was launched in November 1997. The TRMM satellite travels west to east in a 402 km altitude semi-equatorial precessing orbit that results in day-to-day changes in the observation time of any given earth location between 38S and 38N. In contrast to infrared SST observations, microwave retrievals can be measured through most clouds, and are also insensitive to water vapor and aerosols. Remote Sensing Systems is the producer of these gridded TMI SST data for the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Project. Although the product designation is \"L2P_GRIDDED\" it is in actuality a Level 3 Collated (L3C) product as defined in the GHRSST Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 2.0. Its \"L2P_GRIDDED\" name derives from a deprecated specification in the early Pilot Project phase of GHRSST (pre 2008) and has remained for file naming continuity. In this dataset, both ascending (daytime) and descending (daytime) gridded orbital passes on packaged into the same daily file.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-VIIRS_NPP-NAVO-L2P.v3.0",
+ "title": "GHRSST Level 2P 1 m Depth Global Sea Surface Temperature version 3.0 from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite (GDS version 2)",
+ "catalog": "GHRSSTCWIC",
+ "state_date": "2013-06-28",
+ "end_date": "",
+ "bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213644303-GHRSSTCWIC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213644303-GHRSSTCWIC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/GHRSSTCWIC/collections/gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-VIIRS_NPP-NAVO-L2P.v3.0",
+ "description": "A global Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 2P dataset based on retrievals from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). This sensor resides on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi_NPP) satellite launched on 28 October 2011. VIIRS is a whiskbroom scanning radiometer which takes measurements in the cross-track direction within a field of regard of 112.56 degrees using 16 detectors and a double-sided mirror assembly. At a nominal altitude of 829 km, the swath width is 3060 km, providing full daily coverage both on the day and night side of the Earth. The VIIRS instrument is a 22-band, multi-spectral scanning radiometer that builds on the heritage of the MODIS, AVHRR and SeaWiFS sensors for sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean color. For the infrared bands for SST the effective pixel size is 750 meters at nadir and the pixel size variation across the swath is constrained to no more than 1600 meters at the edge of the swath. This L2P SST v3.0 is upgraded from the v2.0 with several significant improvements in processing algorithms, including contamination detection, cloud detection, and data format upgrades. It contains the global near daily-coverage Sea Surface Temperature at 1-meter depth with 750 m (along) x 750 m (cross) spatial resolution in swath coordinates. Each netCDF file has 768 x 3200 pixels in size, in compliance with the GHRSST Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 2 format specifications.",
+ "license": "not-provided"
- "id": "lake_erie_aug_2014_0",
+ "id": "lake_erie_aug_2014.v0",
"title": "2014 Lake Erie measurements",
- "catalog": "OB_DAAC STAC Catalog",
+ "catalog": "OB_DAAC",
"state_date": "2014-08-18",
"end_date": "",
"bbox": "-180, -90, 180, 90",
- "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360418-OB_DAAC.umm_json",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360418-OB_DAAC.json",
"metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360418-OB_DAAC.html",
- "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/lake_erie_aug_2014_0",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/OB_DAAC/collections/lake_erie_aug_2014.v0",
"description": "2014 Lake Erie measurements.",
- "license": "proprietary"
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "latent-reserves-in-the-swiss-nfi.v1.0",
+ "title": "'Latent reserves' within the Swiss NFI",
+ "catalog": "SCIOPS",
+ "state_date": "2020-01-01",
+ "end_date": "2020-01-01",
+ "bbox": "5.95587, 45.81802, 10.49203, 47.80838",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1931110427-SCIOPS.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1931110427-SCIOPS.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/SCIOPS/collections/latent-reserves-in-the-swiss-nfi.v1.0",
+ "description": "The files refer to the data used in Portier et al. \"\u2018Latent reserves\u2019: a hidden treasure in National Forest Inventories\" (2020) *Journal of Ecology*. **'Latent reserves'** are defined as plots in National Forest Inventories (NFI) that have been free of human influence for >40 to >70 years. They can be used to investigate and acquire a deeper understanding of attributes and processes of near-natural forests using existing long-term data. To determine which NFI sample plots could be considered \u2018latent reserves\u2019, criteria were defined based on the information available in the Swiss NFI database: * Shrub forests were excluded. * Plots must have been free of any kind of management, including salvage logging or sanitary cuts, for a minimum amount of time. Thresholds of 40, 50, 60 and 70 years without intervention were tested. * To ensure that species composition was not influenced by past management, plots where potential vegetation was classified as deciduous by Ellenberg & Kl\u00f6tzli (1972) had to have an observed proportion of deciduous trees matching the theoretical proportion expected in a natural deciduous forest, as defined by Kienast, Brzeziecki, & Wildi (1994). * Plots had to originate from natural regeneration. * Intensive livestock grazing must never have occurred on the plots. The tables stored here were derived from the first, second and third campaigns of the Swiss NFI. The raw data from the Swiss NFI can be provided free of charge within the scope of a contractual agreement (http://www.lfi.ch/dienstleist/daten-en.php). **** The files 'Data figure 2' to 'Data figure 8' are publicly available and contain the data used to produce the figures published in the paper. The files 'Plot-level data for characterisation of 'latent reserves' and 'Tree-level data for characterisation of 'latent reserves' contain all the data required to reproduce the section of the article concerning the characterisation of 'latent reserves' and the comparison to managed forests. The file 'Data for mortality analyses' contains the data required to reproduce the section of the article concerning tree mortality in 'latent reserves'. The access to these three files is restricted as they contain some raw data from the Swiss NFI, submitted to the Swiss law and only accessible upon contractual agreement. ",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "law_dome_annual_msa.v1",
+ "title": "150 year MSA sea ice proxy record from Law Dome, Antarctica",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "1841-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1995-12-31",
+ "bbox": "112.806946, -66.76972, 112.806946, -66.76972",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313532-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313532-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/law_dome_annual_msa.v1",
+ "description": "This MSA record (1841-1995) is from a Law Dome ice core called \"DSS\" in East Antarctica. It was calibrated against satellite sea ice records and used to reconstruct sea ice extent prior to the satellite era. The following is taken from the abstract of the paper (Curran et al., 2003). The instrumental record of Antarctic sea ice in recent decades does not reveal a clear signature of warming despite observational evidence from coastal Antarctica. This work shows a significant correlation (P less than 0.002) between methanesulphonic acid (MSA) concentrations from a Law Dome ice core and 22 years of satellite-derived sea ice extent (SIE) for the 80 degrees E to 140 degrees E sector. Applying this instrumental calibration to longer term MSA data (1841 to 1995 A.D.) suggests that there has been a 20% decline in SIE since about 1950. The decline is not uniform, showing large cyclical variations, with periods of about 11 years, that confuse trend detection over the relatively short satellite era. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 757 (ASAC_757).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "mbs_wilhelm_msa_hooh.v1",
+ "title": "15 year Wilhelm II Land MSA and HOOH shallow ice core record from Mount Brown South (MBS)",
+ "catalog": "AU_AADC",
+ "state_date": "1984-01-01",
+ "end_date": "1998-12-31",
+ "bbox": "86.082, -69.13, 86.084, -69.12",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313640-AU_AADC.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313640-AU_AADC.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/AU_AADC/collections/mbs_wilhelm_msa_hooh.v1",
+ "description": "This work presents results from a short firn core spanning 15 years collected from near Mount Brown, Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica. Variations of methanesulphonic acid (MSA) at Mount Brown were positively correlated with sea-ice extent from the coastal region surrounding Mount Brown (60-1208 E) and from around the entire Antarctic coast (0-3608 E). Previous results from Law Dome identified this MSA-sea-ice relationship and proposed it as an Antarctic sea-ice proxy (Curran and others, 2003), with the strongest results found for the local Law Dome region. Our data provide supporting evidence for the Law Dome proxy (at another site in East Antarctica), but a deeper Mount Brown ice core is required to confirm the sea-ice decline suggested by Curran and others (2003). Results also indicate that this deeper record may also provide a more circum-Antarctic sea-ice proxy. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 757 (ASAC_757).",
+ "license": "not-provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "urn:ogc:def:EOP:VITO:VGT_S10.v1",
+ "title": "10 Days Synthesis of SPOT VEGETATION Images (VGT-S10)",
+ "catalog": "FEDEO",
+ "state_date": "1998-04-01",
+ "end_date": "2014-05-31",
+ "bbox": "-180, -56, 180, 75",
+ "url": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207472890-FEDEO.json",
+ "metadata": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207472890-FEDEO.html",
+ "href": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/stac/FEDEO/collections/urn:ogc:def:EOP:VITO:VGT_S10.v1",
+ "description": "The VGT-S10 are near-global or continental, 10-daily composite images which are synthesised from the 'best available' observations registered in the course of every 'dekad' by the orbiting earth observation system SPOT-VEGETATION. The products provide data from all spectral bands (SWIR, NIR, RED, BLUE), the NDVI and auxiliary data on image acquisition parameters. The VEGETATION system allows operational and near real-time applications, at global, continental and regional scales, in very broad environmentally and socio-economically critical fields. The VEGETATION instrument is operational since April 1998, first with VGT1, from March 2003 onwards, with VGT2. More information is available on: https://docs.terrascope.be/#/DataProducts/SPOT-VGT/Level3/Level3",
+ "license": "not-provided"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nasa_cmr_catalog.tsv b/nasa_cmr_catalog.tsv
index b8aa60a..1eac0c0 100644
--- a/nasa_cmr_catalog.tsv
+++ b/nasa_cmr_catalog.tsv
@@ -1,122 +1,366 @@
id title catalog state_date end_date bbox url description license
-1C_LIS3_STUC00GTD_1.0 IRS 1C LIS3 Standard Products ISRO STAC Catalog 1996-11-14 2007-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443228137-ISRO.umm_json The medium resolution multi-spectral sensor, LISS-3 operates in four spectral bands - B2, B3, B4 in visible near infrared (VNIR) and B5 in Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) providing data with 23.5m resolution. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products. proprietary
-1C_WIFS_STUC00GTD_1.0 IRS 1C Standard Geo Referenced Product ISRO STAC Catalog 1999-10-04 2007-09-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443227047-ISRO.umm_json The data is acquired in four spectral bands, three in the visible and in NIR (VNIR B2, B3 and B4)and one in the short wave infrared (SWIR B5).The AWiFS camera is realized in two electro-optic modules viz. AWiFS-A and AWiFS-B, providing a combined swath of 740 Km with 56m resolution. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products. proprietary
-3DIMG_L1B_STD_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-1B Full Acquisition Standard Product ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1231649308-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-1B Standard Product containing 6 channels data in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L1C_SGP_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-1C Sector Product ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 20, -50, 130, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622563-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-1C Sector Product (Geocoded, all pixels at same resolution) contains 6 channels data in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2B_CMK_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Cloud Map ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622564-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Cloud Map Product in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2B_HEM_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Precipitation Using Hydroestimator Technique ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622538-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Precipitation using Hydroestimator Technique in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2B_OLR_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radiation ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622556-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radation (OLR) in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2B_SST_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Sea Surface Temperature ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622565-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Sea Surface Temperature in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2B_UTH_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Upper Tropospheric Humidity ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622539-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2C_FOG_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C FOG ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 44.5, -10, 105.5, 45.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622566-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C FOG Map in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2C_SNW_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C SNOW MAP ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 44.5, -10.05, 105.5, 45.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622557-ISRO.umm_json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2C SNOW Map in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-3DIMG_L2P_IRW_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P IR WINDS ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 20, -50, 130, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622580-ISRO.umm_json Suitable tracers are identified in TIR1 band imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector proprietary
-3DIMG_L2P_MRW_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P MIR WINDS ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 20, -50, 130, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622567-ISRO.umm_json Suitable tracers are identified in MIRband imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector proprietary
-3DIMG_L2P_SMK_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P SMOKE ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 60, -10, 100, 40 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622568-ISRO.umm_json This is an Active Smoke product, which identifies pixels having smoke using Visible albedo and Brightness Temperature of MIR, TIR-1 and TIR-2 channels proprietary
-3DIMG_L2P_VSW_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P VISIBLE WINDS ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 20, -50, 130, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622558-ISRO.umm_json Suitable tracers are identified in VISIBLE band imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector proprietary
-3DIMG_L2P_WVW_Not provided INSAT-3D Imager Level-2P WV WINDS ISRO STAC Catalog 2013-10-01 20, -50, 130, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622581-ISRO.umm_json Suitable tracers are identified in WV(Water Vapour) band imagery and tracked in subsequent half-hourly imageries to determine cloud motion vector proprietary
-AAOT_0 Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1999-08-03 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360084-OB_DAAC.umm_json Measurements made by the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), an Italian installation off the coast of Venice in the Adriatic Sea from 1999 to 2002. proprietary
-ACIDD_0 Across the Channel Investigating Diel Dynamics project OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2017-12-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360091-OB_DAAC.umm_json The ACIDD (Across the Channel Investigating Diel Dynamics) project, in the Santa Barbara Channel, was initially designed to characterize daily variations in phytoplankton populations, but with the Thomas Fire in the Santa Barbara Hills December 2017, this project evolved into a study to characterize the effects of smoke and ash on the mixed layer in the Santa Barbara Channel. proprietary
-AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT_2 VIIRS/NOAA-20 Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km (v2.0) ASIPS STAC Catalog 2023-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706369224-ASIPS.umm_json The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well. proprietary
-AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1.1 VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km ASIPS STAC Catalog 2019-04-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607549631-ASIPS.umm_json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well. proprietary
-AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_2 VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km (v2.0) ASIPS STAC Catalog 2023-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706359459-ASIPS.umm_json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well. proprietary
-AERDT_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1.1 VIIRS/SNPP Dark Target Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath ASIPS STAC Catalog 2020-06-09 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1976333380-ASIPS.umm_json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) dark target (DT) aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, and spectral AOT and their size parameters over oceans every 6 minutes, globally. The VIIRS incarnation of the DT aerosol product is based on the same DT algorithm that was developed and used to derive products from the Terra and Aqua mission’s MODIS instruments. Two separate and distinct DT algorithms exist. One helps retrieve aerosol information over ocean (dark in visible and longer wavelengths), while the second aids retrievals over vegetated/dark-soiled land (dark in the visible). proprietary
-AIRSAR_INT_JPG_1 AIRSAR_ALONGTRACK_INTERFEROMETRY_JPG ASF STAC Catalog 1998-10-25 2004-03-05 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921626-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR along-track interferometric browse product JPG proprietary
-AIRSAR_POL_3FP_1 AIRSAR_POLSAR_3_FREQ_POLARIMETRY ASF STAC Catalog 1990-03-02 2004-03-21 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921661-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR three-frequency polarimetric frame product proprietary
-AIRSAR_POL_SYN_3FP_1 AIRSAR_POLSAR_SYNOPTIC_3_FREQ_POLARIMETRY ASF STAC Catalog 1990-03-29 1991-07-16 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928843-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR three-frequency polarimetric synoptic product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_C-DEM_STOKES_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_C-BAND_DEM_AND_STOKES ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927035-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model C_Stokes product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001730-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_C_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM_C ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213925022-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model CTIF product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_L_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM_L ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926419-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model LTIF product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_P_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM_P ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926777-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model PTIF product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_L-STOKES_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_L-BAND_STOKES ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927939-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model L_Stokes product proprietary
-AIRSAR_TOP_P-STOKES_1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_P-BAND_STOKES ASF STAC Catalog 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928209-ASF.umm_json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model P_Stokes product proprietary
-ALOS_AVNIR_OBS_ORI_2 ALOS_AVNIR_OBS_ORI ASF STAC Catalog 2006-01-23 2011-05-23 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1808440897-ASF.umm_json ALOS AVNIR-2 OBS ORI proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_KMZ_1 ALOS_PALSAR_KMZ ASF STAC Catalog 2006-03-23 2011-04-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206156901-ASF.umm_json ALOS PALSAR KMZ proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_L1.0_1 ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL1.0 ASF STAC Catalog 2006-03-23 2011-04-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485320-ASF.umm_json ALOS PALSAR Level 1.0 proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_L1.1_1 ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL1.1 ASF STAC Catalog 2006-01-23 2011-05-23 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485527-ASF.umm_json ALOS PALSAR Level 1.1 proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_L1.5_1 ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL1.5 ASF STAC Catalog 2006-03-23 2011-04-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206485940-ASF.umm_json ALOS PALSAR Level 1.5 proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_L2.2_1 ALOS_PALSAR_LEVEL2.2 ASF STAC Catalog 2006-01-23 2011-05-23 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2011599335-ASF.umm_json ALOS PALSAR Level 2.2 proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_RTC_HIGH_1 ALOS_PALSAR_RTC_HIGH_RES ASF STAC Catalog 2006-03-23 2011-04-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206487504-ASF.umm_json PALSAR_Radiometric_Terrain_Corrected_high_res proprietary
-ALOS_PSR_RTC_LOW_1 ALOS_PALSAR_RTC_LOW_RES ASF STAC Catalog 2006-03-23 2011-04-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1206487217-ASF.umm_json PALSAR_Radiometric_Terrain_Corrected_low_res proprietary
-Active_Fluorescence_2001_0 Active fluorescence measurements in the Gulf Stream in 2001 OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2001-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360093-OB_DAAC.umm_json Measurements in the Gulf Stream off the East Coast of the US in 2001 proprietary
-C1_PANA_STUC00GTD_1 Cartosat-1 PANA Standard Products ISRO STAC Catalog 2005-08-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271378-ISRO.umm_json This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products. proprietary
-C1_PANF_STUC00GTD_1 Cartosat-1 PANF Standard Products ISRO STAC Catalog 2005-08-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271427-ISRO.umm_json This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products. proprietary
-CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT_1 VIIRS/NOAA-20 Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT) ASIPS STAC Catalog 2020-10-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2003160566-ASIPS.umm_json The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT is the shortname for the NOAA-20 VIIRS Near Real-time incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product’s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the NOAA-20 VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the NOAA-20 VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters. proprietary
-CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT_1 VIIRS/SNPP Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT) ASIPS STAC Catalog 2019-04-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607563719-ASIPS.umm_json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP is the shortname for the SNPP VIIRS incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product’s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the SNPP VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the SNPP VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters. proprietary
-Catlin_Arctic_Survey_0 2011 R/V Catlin cruise in the Arctic Ocean OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2011-03-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360181-OB_DAAC.umm_json Measurements made in the Arctic Ocean by the RV Catlin in 2011. proprietary
-EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZFR02_2014-10-07 ASCAT L1 SZF Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-01-01 2014-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901388-EUMETSAT.umm_json Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at full resolution (SZF). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at 12.5 and 25 km Swath Grids. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). proprietary
-EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZOR02_2014-10-07 ASCAT L1 SZO Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-01-01 2014-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901391-EUMETSAT.umm_json Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 25 km Swath Grid (SZO). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 12.5 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). proprietary
-EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZRR02_2014-10-07 ASCAT L1 SZR Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-01-01 2014-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901394-EUMETSAT.umm_json Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid (SZR). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 25 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). proprietary
-EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGAMVE0100_2015-06-01 Atmospheric Motion Vectors - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1) EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2004-03-01 2012-12-31 -65, -65, 65, 65 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566336-EUMETSAT.umm_json This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI Atmospheric Motion Vectors at all heights below the tropopause, derived from 4 channels (Visual 0.8, Water Vapour 6.2, Water Vapour 7.3, Infrared 10.8), all combined into one product. Vectors are derived by tracking the motion of clouds and other atmospheric constituents as water vapour patterns. The height assignment of the AMVs is calculated using the Cross-Correlation Contribution (CCC) function to determine the pixels that contribute the most to the vectors. An AMV product contains more than 30000 vectors depending of the time of the day. The final AMV product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...). Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data. This is a Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR). proprietary
-EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGASRE0100_2015-06-01 All-Sky Radiances - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1) EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2004-03-01 2012-12-31 -79, -81, 79, 81 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588876447-EUMETSAT.umm_json This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI All-Sky Radiances (ASR) product. The ASR product contains information on mean brightness temperatures (16x16 pixels so around 50km at nadir) from all thermal (e.g. infrared and water vapour) channels. It includes both clear and cloudy sky brightness temperatures. The ASR product also contains the fraction of clear sky and the solar zenith angle. The final ASR product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...).Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data. proprietary
-EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGCSKR0100_2015-06-01 Clear Sky Radiances - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1) EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2004-03-01 2012-12-31 -79, -81, 79, 81 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566346-EUMETSAT.umm_json This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI Clear-Sky Radiances (CSR) product. The CSR product is a subset of the information derived during the Scenes Analysis processing. The product provides the brightness temperature for a subset of the MSG channels averaged over all pixels within a processing segment (16x16 pixels) which have been identified as clear (a minimum of 7 clear pixels are needed to compute the average). For the channel WV6.2 the CSR is also derived for areas containing low-level clouds. The CSR product also contains the fraction of clear sky and the solar zenith angle. The final CSR product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...). Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:GOES:OSIDDLI_2011-10-07 Daily Downward Longwave Irradiance - GOES EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2011-10-06 -135, -60, -15, 60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566338-EUMETSAT.umm_json Estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from the geostationary satellite GOES-E, produced by remapping over a 0.05° regular grid and expressed in W/m2. Algorithm is a bulk parameterization that uses NWP model outputs to calculate a clear sky Downward Longwave Irradiance (DLI), corrected according to satellite derived cloud information. The daily value is the integration of all the hourly values in the UT day. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:GOES:OSIDSSI_2011-10-07 Daily Shortwave Solar Irradiance - GOES EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2011-10-06 -135, -60, -15, 60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566380-EUMETSAT.umm_json Estimation of the solar irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from the geostationary satellite GOES-E, produced by remapping over a 0.05° regular grid and expressed in W/m2. The daily value is the integration of all the hourly values in the UT day. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METEOSAT:OSIDDLI_2011-10-07 Daily Downward Longwave Irradiance - MSG EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2011-10-06 -60, -60, 60, 60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566367-EUMETSAT.umm_json Estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from the geostationary satellite Meteosat, derived at present from the 0.6µm visible channel of SEVIRI, produced by remapping over a 0.05° regular grid and expressed in W/m2. Algorithm is a bulk parameterization that uses NWP model outputs to calculate a clear sky Downward Longwave Irradiance (DLI), corrected according to satellite derived cloud information. The daily value is the integration of all the hourly values in the UT day. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCAT12_2010-09-06 ASCAT Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2008-12-31 2011-02-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901384-EUMETSAT.umm_json The ASCAT Wind Product contains measurements of the wind direction and wind speed at 10 m above the sea surface. The measurements are obtained through the processing of scatterometer data originating from the ASCAT instrument on EUMETSAT's Metop satellite, as described in the ASCAT Wind Product User Manual. Note that up until 2011-02-28, a wind-only version of this product in BUFR and netCDF formats was available via EUMETCast and the EUMETSAT Data Centre. From that date on, the wind values can be found in BUFR and netCDF formats in the ASCAT multi-parameter products (collection reference: EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS012 and EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS025). It is recommended that the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A) are used instead of this archived NRT product. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCAT25_2010-09-06 ASCAT Winds at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-10-15 2011-02-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214560143-EUMETSAT.umm_json The ASCAT Wind Product contains measurements of the wind direction and wind speed at 10 m above the sea surface. The measurements are obtained through the processing of scatterometer data originating from the ASCAT instrument on EUMETSAT's Metop satellite, as described in the ASCAT Wind Product User Manual. Note that up until 2011-02-28, a wind-only version of this product in BUFR and netCDF formats was available via EUMETCast and the EUMETSAT Data Centre. From that date on, the wind values can be found in BUFR format in the ASCAT multi-parameter products (collection reference: EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS012 and EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OAS025). It is recommended that the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A) are used instead of this archived NRT product. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZF1B_2010-09-21 ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-05-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901397-EUMETSAT.umm_json The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product consists of geo-located radar backscatter values along the six ASCAT beams. The different beam measurements are not collocated into a regular swath grid and the individual measurements are not spatially averaged. The resolution of each of the 255 backscatter values per each beam varies slightly along the beam, but it is approximately 10km (in the along beam direction) x 25 km (across the beam). This product is usually referred to as 'ASCAT Level 1B Full resolution product'. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZO1B_2010-09-21 ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-03-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901403-EUMETSAT.umm_json The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid'. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZR1B_2010-09-21 ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-03-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901400-EUMETSAT.umm_json The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid'. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-104_2011-09-28 ASCAT Coastal Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 1970-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901378-EUMETSAT.umm_json Equivalent neutral 10m winds over the global oceans, with specific sampling to provide as many observations as possible near the coasts. Better than using this archived NRT product, please use the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B). proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO12_2010-06-21 ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901376-EUMETSAT.umm_json The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO25_2010-06-21 ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2007-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901374-EUMETSAT.umm_json The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:AHL-DLI_2011-11-29 Atlantic High Latitude Downward Longwave Irradiance - Multimission EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2012-11-16 -90, 50, 90, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566351-EUMETSAT.umm_json Daily averaged estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from AVHRR on NOAA and Metop polar orbiting satellites. The product covers the Atlantic High Latitudes, is delivered on a 5km polar stereographic grid and expressed in W/m2. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:AHL-SSI_2011-11-29 Atlantic High Latitude Surface Shortwave Irradiance - Multimission EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2012-11-16 -90, 50, 90, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566383-EUMETSAT.umm_json Daily averaged estimation of the Surface Shortwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface, derived from AVHRR on NOAA and Metop polar orbiting satellites. The product covers the Atlantic High Latitudes, is delivered on a 5km polar stereographic grid and expressed in W/m2. proprietary
-EO:EUM:DAT:MULT:AHL-SST_2011-11-29 Atlantic High Latitude Sea Surface Temperature - Multimission EUMETSAT STAC Catalog 2012-11-16 -90, 50, 90, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1239566384-EUMETSAT.umm_json Calculation of underskin temperature (°C) with multispectral algorithm. The product covers the Atlantic High Latitudes and is delivered twice daily on a 5km polar stereographic grid. proprietary
-ERS-1_L0_1 ERS-1_LEVEL0 ASF STAC Catalog 1991-08-08 1997-09-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1210197768-ASF.umm_json ERS-1 Standard Beam Level 0 Frame proprietary
-ERS-1_L1_1 ERS-1_LEVEL1 ASF STAC Catalog 1991-08-08 1997-09-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1211627521-ASF.umm_json ERS-1 Standard Beam Data Level 1 proprietary
-GE01_MSI_L1B_1 GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2009-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2471470251-CSDA.umm_json The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band L1B Satellite Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.84m at nadir (1.65m before summer 2013) and has a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-GE01_Pan_L1B_1 GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2009-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497510652-CSDA.umm_json The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m at nadir (0.41m before summer 2013) and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-GreenBay_0 2010 Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2010-09-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360352-OB_DAAC.umm_json Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2010. proprietary
-IKONOS_MSI_L1B_1 IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 1999-10-14 2015-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497453433-CSDA.umm_json The IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 3.2m at nadir and the temporal resolution is approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-IKONOS_Pan_L1B_1 IKONOS Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 1999-10-24 2015-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497468825-CSDA.umm_json The IKONOS Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.82m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-IMS1_HYSI_GEO_1.0 IMS-1 HYSI TOA Radiance and Reflectance Product ISRO STAC Catalog 2008-06-22 2012-09-10 -6.0364, -78.8236, 152.6286, 78.6815 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622602-ISRO.umm_json The data received from IMS1, HySI which operates in 64 spectral bands in VNIR bands(400-900nm) with 500 meter spatial resolution and swath of 128 kms. proprietary
-K1VHR_L02_OLR_Not provided KALPANA-1 Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radiation ISRO STAC Catalog 2008-05-06 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622569-ISRO.umm_json Kalpana-1 VHRR Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radation (OLR) in HDF-5 Format proprietary
-MURI_Camouflage_0 A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) Camouflage Project OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2010-06-14 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360494-OB_DAAC.umm_json A Multi University Research Initiative was funded to study the biological response to the dynamic, polarized light field in distinct water types. During June 2010, a campaign was undertaken in the coastal waters off Port Aransas, Texas to study the angular/temporal distribution of polarization in multiple environment types (eutrophic sediment laden coastal waters, oligotrophic off-shore), as well as the polarization-reflectance responses of several organisms. In addition to radiometric polarization measurements, water column IOPs, Rrs, benthic reflectance, and pigment concentration measurements were collected. Later campaigns expanded this research in the coastal waters off the Florida Keys. proprietary
-MURI_HI_0 A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) near the Hawaiian Islands OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2012-05-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360508-OB_DAAC.umm_json Measurements taken by the RV Kilo Moana in 2012 near the Hawaiian Islands. proprietary
-OCTS_L1_1 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Data Regional Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034340-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L2_IOP_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) Regional Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034360-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L2_OC_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Ocean Color (OC) Regional Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034380-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3b_CHL_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Chlorophyll (CHL) Global Binned Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034361-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3b_IOP_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) Global Binned Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034381-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3b_KD_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient for Downwelling Irradiance (KD) Global Binned Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034362-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3b_PIC_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC) Global Binned Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034363-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3m_CHL_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Chlorophyll (CHL) Global Mapped Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034342-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3m_IOP_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) Global Mapped Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034365-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-OCTS_L3m_KD_2014 ADEOS-I Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient for Downwelling Irradiance (KD) Global Mapped Data OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 1996-11-01 1997-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1200034383-OB_DAAC.umm_json On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS. proprietary
-PSScene3Band_1 PlanetScope Satellite Imagery 3 Band Scene CSDA STAC Catalog 2014-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2112982481-CSDA.umm_json The Planet Scope 3 band collection contains satellite imagery obtained from Planet Labs, Inc by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. This satellite imagery is in the visible waveband range with data in the red, green, and blue wavelengths. These data are collected by Planets Dove, Super Dove, and Blue Super Dove instruments collected from across the global land surface from June 2014 to present. Data have a spatial resolution of 3.7 meters at nadir and provided in GeoTIFF format. Data access are restricted to US Government funded investigators approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-QB02_MSI_L1B_1 QuickBird Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2001-10-18 2015-01-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497489665-CSDA.umm_json The QuickBird Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe QuickBird-2 satellite using the Ball High Resolution Camera 60 across the global land surface from October 2001 to January 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 2.16m at nadir and the temporal resolution is 2.5 to 5.6 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-QB02_Pan_L1B_1 QuickBird Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2001-10-18 2015-01-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497480059-CSDA.umm_json The QuickBird Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe QuickBird-2 satellite using the Ball High Resolution Camera 60 across the global land surface from October 2001 to January 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.55m at nadir and a temporal resolution of 2.5 to 5.6 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-Turbid9_0 2004 Measurements made in the Chesapeake Bay OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2004-10-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360689-OB_DAAC.umm_json Measurements made in the Chesapeake Bay in 2004. proprietary
-WV01_Pan_L1B_1 WorldView-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2007-10-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497387766-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Panchromatic imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-1 satellite using the WorldView-60 camera across the global land surface from September 2007 to the present. Data have a spatial resolution of 0.5 meters at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.7 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV02_MSI_L1B_1 WorldView-2 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2009-10-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497404794-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-2 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from October 2009 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the coastal, blue, green, yellow, red, red edge, and near-infrared (2 bands) wavelengths. It has a spatial resolution of 1.85m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV02_Pan_L1B_1 WorldView-2 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2009-10-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497398128-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-2 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from October 2009 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV03_MSI_L1B_1 WorldView-3 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2014-08-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497111771-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-3 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from August 2014 to the present. This satellite imagery is in a range of wavebands with data in the coastal, blue, green, yellow, red, red edge, and near-infrared (2 bands) wavelengths. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.24m at nadir and a temporal resolution of less than one day. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF). This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV03_Pan_L1B_1 WorldView-3 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2014-08-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497431983-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-3 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from August 2014 to the present. This imagery has a spatial resolution of 0.31m at nadir and a temporal resolution of less than one day. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV03_SWIR_L1B_1 WorldView-3 Level 1B Shortwave Infrared 8-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2014-08-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497415947-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-3 Level 1B Shortwave Infrared 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from August 2014 to the present. This data product includes 8 shortwave infrared bands. The spatial resolution is 3.7m at nadir and the temporal resolution is less than one day. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV04_MSI_L1B_1 WorldView-4 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2016-12-01 2019-01-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497446902-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-4 Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-4 satellite using the SpaceView-110 camera across the global land surface from December 2016 to January 2019. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The multispectral imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.24m at nadir and has a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a Maxar End User License Agreement for Worldview 4 imagery and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-WV04_Pan_L1B_1 WorldView-4 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA STAC Catalog 2016-12-01 2019-01-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497439327-CSDA.umm_json The WorldView-4 Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-4 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from December 2016 to January 2019. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.31m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. proprietary
-aamhcpex_1 AAMH CPEX V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2017-05-26 2017-07-16 154.716, 0.6408, -19.5629, 44.9689 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2645106424-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The AAMH CPEX dataset contains products obtained from the MetOp-A, MetOp-B, NOAA-18, and NOAA-19 satellites. These data were collected in support of the NASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. The CPEX field campaign took place in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea region from 25 May-25 June 2017. CPEX conducted a total of sixteen DC-8 missions from 27 May-24 June. The CPEX campaign collected data to help explain convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data are available from May 26, 2017 through July 15, 2017 and are available in netCDF-4 format. proprietary
-aces1am_1 ACES Aircraft and Mechanical Data V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977826980-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The ACES Aircraft and Mechanical Data consist of aircraft (e.g. pitch, roll, yaw) and mechanical (e.g. aircraft engine speed, tail commands, fuel levels) data recorded by the Altus II Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Altus II UAV) system during the Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES) based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. ACES aimed to provide extensive observations of the cloud electrification process and its effects by using the Altus II UAV to collect cloud top observations of thunderstorms. The campaign also worked to validate satellite lightning measurements. The Altus II aircraft and mechanical data files are available from July 10 through August 30, 2002 in MATLAB data format (.mat). proprietary
-aces1cont_1 ACES CONTINUOUS DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847043-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August, 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloudelectrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from seven instruments: the Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Dual Optical Pulse Sensor, Searchcoil Magnetometer, Accelerometers, Gerdien Conductivity Probe, and the Fluxgate Magnetometer. Data consists of sensor reads at 50HZ throughout the flight from all 64 channels. proprietary
-aces1efm_1 ACES ELECTRIC FIELD MILL V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847178-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from it's birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data from Electric Field Mills, which yield information about the atmospheric electrical fields above the instruments. proprietary
-aces1log_1 ACES LOG DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977853903-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of log data from each flight, and yields instrument and aircraft status throughout the flight. proprietary
-aces1time_1 ACES TIMING DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977855412-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August or 2002, ACES researchers overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of timing data used for the experiment. When used it provides: syncclock_time = time found at the syncclock (VSI-SYnCCLOCK-32) in seconds from first file name, syncclock_m_time = time found at the syncclock (VSI-SYnCCLOCK-32) in Matlab dateform format, system_time = system time in seconds from first file name, system_m_time = system time in dateform format, gps_time = time found at the GPS unit in seconds from first file name, gps_m_time = time found at GPS unit in dateform, cmos_time = time found at the computer CMOS in seconds from first file name, cmos_m_time = time found at the computer CMOS in dateform. proprietary
-aces1trig_1 ACES TRIGGERED DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858342-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from the following instruments: Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Optical Pulse Sensors, Searchcoil Magnetometer, Accelerometer, and Gerdien Conductivity Probe. These data were collected at 200KHz from the first 16 telemetry items collected on the aircraft, were initiated by an operator selected trigger (e.g. DOPS), and continued collecting for as long as the trigger continued. proprietary
-amprimpacts_1 Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) IMPACTS V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2020-01-18 2022-02-28 -118.51, 30.6918, -64.3661, 48.2585 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708841-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) IMPACTS dataset consists of brightness temperature measurements collected by the Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) onboard the NASA ER-2 high-altitude research aircraft. AMPR provides multi-frequency microwave imagery, with high spatial and temporal resolution for deriving cloud, precipitation, water vapor and surface properties. These measurements were taken during the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) campaign. Funded by NASA’s Earth Venture program, IMPACTS is the first comprehensive study of East Coast snowstorms in 30 years. Data files are available from January 18, 2020 through February 28, 2022 in netCDF-4 format. proprietary
-amprtbcx1_2 AMPR BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE CAMEX-1 V2 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 1993-09-26 1993-10-05 -83.8511, 23.9917, -68.2377, 42.6325 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858400-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) was deployed during the Convection and Moisture Experiments (CAMEX-1) conducted at Wallops Island, VA. AMPR data were collected at a combination of frequencies (10.7, 19.35, 37.1, and 85.5 GHz) during the time period of September 26 - October 5, 1993. The geographic domain of the CAMEX region was between 25.5N - 43N latitude and 70W - 83W longitude. proprietary
-amprtbcx2_2 AMPR BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE CAMEX-2 V2 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 1995-08-23 1995-08-30 -78.907, 30.0262, -72.3661, 41.0703 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858440-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) was deployed during the Convection and Moisture Experiment 2 (CAMEX-2). AMPR data were collected at a combination of frequencies (10.7, 19.35, 37.1, and 85.5 GHz) during the time period of August 23 - August 30, 1995. The geographic domain of the CAMEX-2 region was between 25.5 N - 43 N latitude and 83 W - 70 W longitude. proprietary
-amprtbkwj_1 AMPR BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE (TB) KWAJEX V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 1999-07-30 1999-09-14 165.962, 5.93167, 171.12, 11.0683 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979079822-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) was deployed during the First Kwajelein Experiment (KWAJEX), which provided Ground Validation for instruments onboard the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission (TRMM). AMPR brightness temperature data were collected at four microwave frequencies suited to study rain cloud systems (10.7, 19.35, 37.1 and 85.5 GHz) for the period of 30 July - 14 September 1999. proprietary
-amprtbtc_2 AMPR BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE (TB) TOGA COARE V2 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 1993-01-12 1993-02-25 144.774, -21.3571, 160.679, 0.22934 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979080426-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) data set was part of the atmospheric measurements collected during the intensive observation period of the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere-Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). AMPR brightness temperature data were collected at a combination of frequencies (10.7, 19.35, 37.1, and 85.5 GHz) and for the period Jan. 12, 1993 - Feb. 25, 1993. The TOGA COARE geographic domain pertinent to the AMPR data set was from the equator to 21 S latitude and 145 E - 161 E longitude. proprietary
-amsua15sp_1 ADVANCED MICROWAVE SOUNDING UNIT-A (AMSU-A) SWATH FROM NOAA-15 V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 1998-08-03 -180, -90, 180, 89.756 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1996541017-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). NOAA-15 was the first spacecraft to fly AMSU. Launched on 13 May 1998, NOAA-15 is in a sun synchronous near polar orbit. proprietary
-amsua16sp_1 ADVANCED MICROWAVE SOUNDING UNIT-A (AMSU-A) SWATH FROM NOAA-16 V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2001-05-27 2009-07-30 -180, -89.91, 180, 89.73 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979956366-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). Launched on 21 September 2000, NOAA-16 is in a sun synchronous near polar orbit. proprietary
-amsua17sp_1 ADVANCED MICROWAVE SOUNDING UNIT-A (AMSU-A) SWATH FROM NOAA-17 V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2002-07-21 2003-12-13 -180, -89.575, 180, 89.629 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979975136-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). The Third Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A was launched on NOAA-17 on 24 June 2002 from Vandenberg AFB, California on a Titan II booster. proprietary
-apr3cpex_1 Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2017-05-27 2017-06-24 -96.0262, 16.8091, -69.2994, 28.9042 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2409563129-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX dataset consists of radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio Ku-band, and normalized radar cross section measurements at Ka- and Ku- bands data collected by the APR-3 onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) aircraft field campaign. CPEX collected data to help answer questions about convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data files are available from May 27, 2017 through June 24, 2017 in a HDF-5 file, with associated browse imagery in JPG format. proprietary
-apr3cpexaw_1 Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-AW V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2021-08-20 2021-09-04 -80.7804, 11.8615, -45.6417, 34.046 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2269541013-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-AW dataset consists of radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio Ku-band, and normalized radar cross section measurements at Ka- and Ku- bands data collected by the APR-3 onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment – Aerosols & Winds (CPEX-AW) field campaign. CPEX-AW was a joint effort between the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) with the primary goal of conducting a post-launch calibration and validation activities of the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission-Aeolus (ADM-AEOLUS) Earth observation wind Lidar satellite in St. Croix. These data files are available from August 20, 2021 through September 4, 2021 in a MatLab file, with associated browse files in JPEG format. proprietary
-apr3cpexcv_1 Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-CV GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2022-09-02 2022-09-30 -89.6733315, 1.7593585, -14.8189435, 39.1985524 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2708951073-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX-CV dataset consists of radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio Ku-band, and normalized radar cross-section measurements at Ka- and Ku- bands data collected by the APR-3 onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment – Cabo Verde (CPEX-CV) field campaign. The NASA CPEX-CV field campaign will be based out of Sal Island, Cabo Verde from August through September 2022. The campaign is a continuation of CPEX – Aerosols and Winds (CPEX-AW) and was conducted aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft equipped with remote sensors and dropsonde-launch capability that will allow for the measurement of tropospheric aerosols, winds, temperature, water vapor, and precipitation. The overarching CPEX-CV goal was to investigate atmospheric dynamics, marine boundary layer properties, convection, the dust-laden Saharan Air Layer, and their interactions across various spatial scales to improve understanding and predictability of process-level lifecycles in the data-sparse tropical East Atlantic region. These data files are available from September 2, 2022, through September 30, 2022, in netCDF-4 format, with associated browse imagery in JPG format. proprietary
-ascatcpex_1 Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2017-05-24 2017-07-16 160.241, 3.9062, -25.0958, 42.5176 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2428509185-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX dataset consists of ice probability, wind speed, and wind direction estimates collected by the ASCAT. The ASCAT is onboard the MetOp-A and MetOp-B satellites and uses radar to measure the electromagnetic backscatter from the wind-roughened ocean surface, from which data on wind speed and direction can be derived. These data were gathered during the Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. CPEX collected data to help answer questions about convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data files are available from May 24, 2017 through July 16, 2017 in netCDF-3 format. proprietary
-avapsimpacts_1 Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System Dropsondes (AVAPS) IMPACTS V1 GHRC_DAAC STAC Catalog 2020-01-12 2022-02-25 -77.8148, 33.5415, -65.44, 44.1677 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708338-GHRC_DAAC.umm_json The Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) IMPACTS dataset consists of vertical atmospheric profile measurements collected by the Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) dropsondes released from the NASA P-3 aircraft during the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign. IMPACTS was a three-year sequence of winter season deployments conducted to study snowstorms over the U.S Atlantic Coast (2020-2023). The campaign aimed to (1) Provide observations critical to understanding the mechanisms of snowband formation, organization, and evolution; (2) Examine how the microphysical characteristics and likely growth mechanisms of snow particles vary across snowbands; and (3) Improve snowfall remote sensing interpretation and modeling to significantly advance prediction capabilities. AVAPS uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) dropsonde to measure atmospheric state parameters (temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction, pressure) and location in 3-dimensional space during the dropsonde’s descent. The AVAPS dataset files are available from January 12, 2020 through February 25, 2022 in ASCII-ict format. proprietary
-chesapeake_val_2013_0 2013 Chesapeake Bay measurements OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2013-04-11 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360188-OB_DAAC.umm_json 2013 Chesapeake Bay measurements. proprietary
-lake_erie_aug_2014_0 2014 Lake Erie measurements OB_DAAC STAC Catalog 2014-08-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360418-OB_DAAC.umm_json 2014 Lake Erie measurements. proprietary
+0f4324af-fa0a-4aaf-9b97-89a4f3325ce1 DESIS - Hyperspectral Images - Global FEDEO 2018-08-30 -180, -52, 180, 52 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458058-FEDEO.json The hyperspectral instrument DESIS (DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer) is one of four possible payloads of MUSES (Multi-User System for Earth Sensing), which is mounted on the International Space Station (ISS). DLR developed and delivered a Visual/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer to Teledyne Brown Engineering, which was responsible for integrating the instrument. Teledyne Brown designed and constructed, integrated and tested the platform before delivered to NASA. Teledyne Brown collaborates with DLR in several areas, including basic and applied research for use of data. DESIS is operated in the wavelength range from visible through the near infrared and enables precise data acquisition from Earth's surface for applications including fire-detection, change detection, maritime domain awareness, and atmospheric research. Three product types can be ordered, which are Level 1B (systematic and radiometric corrected), Level 1C (geometrically corrected) and Level 2A (atmospherically corrected). The spatial resolution is about 30m on ground. DESIS is sensitive between 400nm and 1000nm with a spectral resolution of about 3.3nm. DESIS data are delivered in tiles of about 30x30km. For more information concerning DESIS the reader is referred to https://www.dlr.de/eoc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13614/ not-provided
+11c5f6df1abc41968d0b28fe36393c9d ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol CCI): Level 3 aerosol products from MERIS (ALAMO algorithm), Version 2.2 FEDEO 2008-01-01 2008-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2548143004-FEDEO.json The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises the Level 3 aerosol daily and monthly gridded products from MERIS for 2008, using the ALAMO algorithm, version 2.2. The data have been provided by Hygeos.For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation. not-provided
+12-hourly_interpolated_surface_position_from_buoys 12-Hourly Interpolated Surface Position from Buoys SCIOPS 1979-01-01 2009-12-01 -180, 60, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600619-SCIOPS.json This data set contains Arctic Ocean daily buoy positions interpolated to hours 0Z and 12Z. not-provided
+12-hourly_interpolated_surface_velocity_from_buoys 12-Hourly Interpolated Surface Velocity from Buoys SCIOPS 1979-01-01 2009-12-02 -180, 74, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600621-SCIOPS.json This data set contains 12-hourly interpolated surface velocity data from buoys. Point grid: Latitude 74N to 90N - 4 degree increment Longitude 0E to 320E - 20 and 40 degree increment. not-provided
+12_hourly_interpolated_surface_air_pressure_from_buoys 12 Hourly Interpolated Surface Air Pressure from Buoys SCIOPS 1979-01-01 2007-11-30 -180, 70, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214600618-SCIOPS.json Optimally interpolated atmospheric surface pressure over the Arctic Ocean Basin. Temporal format - twice daily (0Z and 12Z) Spatial format - 2 degree latitude x 10 degree longitude - latitude: 70 N - 90 N - longitude: 0 E - 350 E not-provided
+14c_of_soil_co2_from_ipy_itex_cross_site_comparison 14C of soil CO2 from IPY ITEX Cross Site Comparison SCIOPS 2008-01-16 2008-01-21 -157.4, -36.9, 147.29, 71.3 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214602443-SCIOPS.json Study sites: Toolik Lake Field Station Alaska, USA 68.63 N, 149.57 W; Atqasuk, Alaska USA 70.45 N, 157.40 W; Barrow, Alaska, USA 71.30 N, 156.67 W; Latnjajaure, Sweden 68.35 N, 18.50 E; Falls Creek, Australia: Site 2-unburned 36.90 S 147.29 E; Site 3-burned 36.89 S 147.28 E. Additional sites will be added summer 2008, but the exact sites are not finalized. Purpose: Collect soil CO2 for analysis of radiocarbon to evaluate the age of the carbon respired in controls and warmed plots from across the ITEX network. Treatments: control and ITEX OTC warming experiment (1994-2007). Design: 5 replicates of each treatment at dry site and moist site. Sampling frequency: Once per peak season. not-provided
+200708_CEAMARC_CASO_TRACE_ELEMENT_SAMPLES.v1 2007-08 CEAMARC-CASO VOYAGE TRACE ELEMENT SAMPLING AROUND AN ICEBERG AU_AADC 2008-01-01 2008-03-20 139.01488, -67.07104, 150.06479, -42.88246 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305618-AU_AADC.json We collected surface seawater samples using trace clean 1L Nalgene bottles on the end of a long bamboo pole. We will analyse these samples for trace elements. Iron is the element of highest interest to our group. We will determine dissolved iron and total dissolvable iron concentrations. Samples collected from 7 sites: Sites 1, 2, 3, 4 were a transect perpendicular to the edge of the iceberg to try and determine if there is a iron concentration gradient relative to the iceberg. Sites 4, 5, 6 were along the edge of the iceberg to determine if there is any spatial variability along the iceberg edge. Site 7 was away from the iceberg to determine what the iron concentration is in the surrounding waters not influenced by the iceberg. not-provided
+39480 1988 Mosaic of Aerial Photography of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve NOAA_NCEI 1988-11-24 1988-11-24 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656753-NOAA_NCEI.json Aerial photographs taken by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey during 1988 were mosaicked and orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. The resulting image was used to digitize benthic, land cover and mangrove habitat maps of the Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service), on St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.The mosaic is centered on the National Park Service Site, located on the north central coast of St. Croix, and extends beyond the park boundaries approximately 0.5 - 4.0 km. not-provided
+39481 1988 Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve NOAA_NCEI 1988-11-24 1988-11-24 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656462-NOAA_NCEI.json Habitat maps were created as part of a larger ecological assessment conducted by NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS), Biogeography Branch, for Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service).Aerial photographs were obtained for 1988 from the National Geodetic Survey, and were orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. A classification scheme was set up with 20 benthic habitat types, 19 land cover types, and 13 mangrove habitat types. For this map of seagrass and mangrove habitats during 1988 only the 3 seagrass, and 14 mangrove classification categories were used. These were mapped directly into a GIS system through visual interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs. not-provided
+39482 1992 Mosaic of Aerial Photography of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve NOAA_NCEI 1992-01-31 1992-01-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656472-NOAA_NCEI.json Aerial photographs taken by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey during 1992 were mosaicked and orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. The resulting image was used to digitize benthic, land cover and mangrove habitat maps of the Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service), on St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.The mosaic is centered on the National Park Service Site, located on the north central coast of St. Croix, and in some areas extends beyond the park boundaries up to 2 km. not-provided
+39483 1992 Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats of the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve NOAA_NCEI 1992-01-31 1992-01-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656483-NOAA_NCEI.json Habitat maps were created as part of a larger ecological assessment conducted by NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS), Biogeography Branch, for Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (National Park Service).Aerial photographs were obtained for 1992 from the National Geodetic Survey, and were orthorectified by the Biogeography Branch. A classification scheme was set up with 20 benthic habitat types, 19 land cover types, and 13 mangrove habitat types. For this map of seagrass and mangrove habitats during 1992 only the 3 seagrass, and 14 mangrove classification categories were used. These were mapped directly into a GIS system through visual interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs. not-provided
+39556 1993 Average Monthly Sea Surface Temperature for California NOAA_NCEI 1993-01-01 1993-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656641-NOAA_NCEI.json The NOAA/NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder sea surface temperature data are derived from the 5-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) on board the NOAA -7, -9, -11, -14, -16 and -17 polar orbiting satellites. Daily, 8-day and monthly averaged data for both the ascending pass (daytime) and descending pass (nighttime) are available on equal-angle grids of 8192 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 4km resolution, 4096 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 9km resolution), 2048 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 18km resolution), and 720 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 54km resolution or 0.5 degree resolution).The monthly averaged daytime data was converted to an ESRI GRID format and the 12 monthly grid files were combined into one annual grid with a attribute field for each month. not-provided
+39557 1994 Average Monthly Sea Surface Temperature for California NOAA_NCEI 1994-01-01 1994-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656671-NOAA_NCEI.json The NOAA/ NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder sea surface temperature data are derived from the 5-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) on board the NOAA -7, -9, -11, -14, -16 and -17 polar orbiting satellites. Daily, 8-day and monthly averaged data for both the ascending pass (daytime) and descending pass (nighttime) are available on equal-angle grids of 8192 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 4km resolution, 4096 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 9km resolution), 2048 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 18km resolution), and 720 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 54km resolution or 0.5 degree resolution).The monthly averaged daytime data was converted to an ESRI GRID format and the 12 monthly grid files were combined into one annual grid with a attribute field for each month. not-provided
+39558 1995 Average Monthly Sea Surface Temperature for California NOAA_NCEI 1995-01-01 1995-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102656698-NOAA_NCEI.json The NOAA/ NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder sea surface temperature data are derived from the 5-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) on board the NOAA -7, -9, -11, -14, -16 and -17 polar orbiting satellites. Daily, 8-day and monthly averaged data for both the ascending pass (daytime) and descending pass (nighttime) are available on equal-angle grids of 8192 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 4km resolution, 4096 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 9km resolution), 2048 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 18km resolution), and 720 pixels/360 degrees (nominally referred to as the 54km resolution or 0.5 degree resolution).The monthly averaged daytime data was converted to an ESRI GRID format and the 12 monthly grid files were combined into one annual grid with a attribute field for each month. not-provided
+3DIMG_L1B_STD INSAT-3D Imager Level-1B Full Acquisition Standard Product ISRO 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1231649308-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-1B Standard Product containing 6 channels data in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3DIMG_L1C_SGP INSAT-3D Imager Level-1C Sector Product ISRO 2013-10-01 20, -50, 130, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622563-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-1C Sector Product (Geocoded, all pixels at same resolution) contains 6 channels data in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3DIMG_L2B_CMK INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Cloud Map ISRO 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622564-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Cloud Map Product in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3DIMG_L2B_HEM INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Precipitation Using Hydroestimator Technique ISRO 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622538-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Precipitation using Hydroestimator Technique in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3DIMG_L2B_OLR INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radiation ISRO 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622556-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Outgoing Longwave Radation (OLR) in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3DIMG_L2B_SST INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Sea Surface Temperature ISRO 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622565-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Sea Surface Temperature in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3DIMG_L2B_UTH INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Upper Tropospheric Humidity ISRO 2013-10-01 0.843296, -81.04153, 163.15671, 81.04153 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622539-ISRO.json INSAT-3D Imager Level-2B Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) in HDF-5 Format not-provided
+3fe263d2-99ed-4751-b937-d26a31ab0606 AVHRR - Vegetation Index (NDVI) - Europe FEDEO 1994-07-01 -24, 28, 57, 78 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458021-FEDEO.json "Every day, three successive NOAA-AVHRR scenes are used to derive a synthesis product in stereographic projection known as the ""Normalized Difference Vegetation Index"" for Europe and North Africa. It is calculated by dividing the difference in technical albedos between measurements in the near infrared and visible red part of the spectrum by the sum of both measurements. This value provides important information about the ""greenness"" and density of vegetation. Weekly and monthly thematic synthesis products are also derived from this daily operational product, at each step becoming successively free of clouds. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/" not-provided
+7ae5a791-b667-4838-9733-a44e4cf2d715 Cartosat-1 (IRS-P5) - Panchromatic Images (PAN) - Europe, Stereographic FEDEO 2007-01-05 -25, 30, 45, 80 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458042-FEDEO.json Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. The satellite has two panchromatic cameras that were especially designed for in flight stereo viewing. not-provided
+802569b8-fb56-4d78-a2e8-3e4549ff475b AVHRR - Sea Surface Temperature (SST) - Europe FEDEO 1994-08-01 -35, 47.5, 51, 73 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458053-FEDEO.json The AVHRR Mulitchannel Sea Surface Temperature Map (MCSST) was the first result of DLR's AVHRR pathfinder activities. The goal of the product is to provide the user with actual Sea Surface Temperature (SST) maps in a defined format easy to access with the highest possible reliability on the thematic quality. After a phase of definition, the operational production chain was launched in March 1993 covering the entire Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Since then, daily, weekly, and monthly data sets have been available until September 13, 1994, when the AVHRR on board the NOAA-11 spacecraft failed. The production of daily, weekly and monthly SST maps was resumed in February, 1995, based on NOAA-14 AVHRR data. The NOAA-14 AVHRR sensor became some technical difficulties, so the generation was stopped on October 3, 2001. Since March 2002, NOAA-16 AVHRR SST maps are available again. With the beginning of January 2004, the data of AVHRR on board of NOAA-16 exhibited some anormal features showing strips in the scenes. Facing the “bar coded” images of NOAA16-AVHRR which occurred first in September 2003, continued in January 2004 for the second time and appeared in April 2004 again, DFD has decided to stop the reception of NOAA16 data on April 6th, 2004, and to start the reception of NOAA-17 data on this day. On April 7th, 2004, the production of all former NOAA16-AVHRR products as e.g. the SST composites was successully established. NOAA-17 is an AM sensor which passes central Europe about 2 hours earlier than NOAA-16 (about 10:00 UTC instead of 12:00 UTC for NOAA-16). In spring 2007, the communication system of NOAA-17 has degraded or is operating with limitations. Therefore, DFD has decided to shift the production of higher level products (NDVI, LST and SST) from NOAA-17 to NOAA-18 in April 2007. In order to test the performance of our processing chains, we processed simultaneously all NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 data from January 1st, 2007 till March 29th, 2007. All products are be available via EOWEB. Please remember that NOAA-18 is a PM sensor which passes central Europe about 1.5 hours later than NOAA-17 (about 11:30 UTC instead of 10:00 UTC for NOAA17). The SST product is intended for climate modelers, oceanographers, and all geo science-related disciplines dealing with ocean surface parameters. In addition, SST maps covering the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Western Atlantic equivalent to the Mediterranean MCSST maps are available since August 1994. The most important aspects of the MCSST maps are a) correct image registration and b) reasonable cloud screening to ensure that only cloud free pixels are taken for the later processing and compositing c) for deriving MCSST, only channel 4 and 5 are used.. The SST product consists of one 8 bit channel. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/ not-provided
+936b319d-5253-425d-bd29-4b6ebce067ff AVHRR - Land Surface Temperature (LST) - Europe, Nighttime FEDEO 1998-02-23 -24, 28, 57, 78 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458046-FEDEO.json "The ""Land Surface Temperature derived from NOAA-AVHRR data (LST_AVHRR)"" is a fixed grid map (in stereographic projection) with a spatial resolution of 1.1 km. The total size covering Europe is 4100 samples by 4300 lines. Within 24 hours of acquiring data from the satellite, day-time and night-time LSTs are calculated. In general, the products utilise data from all six of the passes that the satellite makes over Europe in each 24 hour period. For the daily day-time LST maps, the compositing criterion for the three day-time passes is maximum NDVI value and for daily night-time LST maps, the criterion is the maximum night-time LST value of the three night-time passes. Weekly and monthly day-time or night-time LST composite products are also produced by averaging daily day-time or daily night-time LST values, respectively. The range of LST values is scaled between –39.5°C and +87°C with a radiometric resolution of 0.5°C. A value of –40°C is used for water. Clouds are masked out as bad values. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/" not-provided
+AAOT.v0 Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) OB_DAAC 1999-08-03 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360084-OB_DAAC.json Measurements made by the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), an Italian installation off the coast of Venice in the Adriatic Sea from 1999 to 2002. not-provided
+AAS_4156_Macquarie_Island_Emerald_Lake.v1 12,000 year record of sea spray and minerogenic input from Emerald Lake, Macquarie Island AU_AADC 2012-07-01 2019-06-30 158.77441, -54.77772, 158.94951, -54.4828 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102891784-AU_AADC.json Reconstructed sea spray and minerogenic data for a 12,000 year lake sediment record from Emerald Lake, Macquarie Island. Proxies are based on biological (diatoms) and geochemical (micro x-ray fluorescence and hyperspectral imaging) indicators. Data correspond to the figures in: Saunders et al. 2018 Holocene dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and possible links to CO2 outgassing. Nature Geoscience 11:650-655. doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0186-5. Detailed supplementary information: https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41561-018-0186-5/MediaObjects/41561_2018_186_MOESM1_ESM.pdf Abstract: The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds (SHW) play an important role in regulating the capacity of the Southern Ocean carbon sink. They modulate upwelling of carbon-rich deep water and, with sea ice, determine the ocean surface area available for air–sea gas exchange. Some models indicate that the current strengthening and poleward shift of these winds will weaken the carbon sink. If correct, centennial- to millennial-scale reconstructions of the SHW intensity should be linked with past changes in atmospheric CO2, temperature and sea ice. Here we present a 12,300-year reconstruction of wind strength based on three independent proxies that track inputs of sea-salt aerosols and minerogenic particles accumulating in lake sediments on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. Between about 12.1 thousand years ago (ka) and 11.2 ka, and since about 7 ka, the wind intensities were above their long-term mean and corresponded with increasing atmospheric CO2. Conversely, from about 11.2 to 7.2 ka, the wind intensities were below their long-term mean and corresponded with decreasing atmospheric CO2. These observations are consistent with model inferences of enhanced SHW contributing to the long-term outgassing of CO2 from the Southern Ocean. not-provided
+AAS_4156_Macquarie_Island_unnamed_lake.v1 2000 year record of environmental change from an unnamed lake on Macquarie Island AU_AADC 2012-07-01 2019-06-30 158.74969, -54.78485, 158.96118, -54.47004 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2102891849-AU_AADC.json Age-depth and geochemical data for a 2000 year lake sediment record from an unnamed lake on Macquarie Island. The lake is the small lake to the west of Major Lake, on the edge of the Macquarie Island plateau. The chronology is based on lead-210 (last ca. 100 years) and radiocarbon (extending to ca. 2000 years). Geochemistry is based on micro x-ray fluroescence, and carbon, nitrogen and sulphur contents. Grain size and water content were also measured. Data correspond to the publication: Saunders et al. in prep.Southern Hemisphere westerly wind variability in the sub-Antarctic and relationships to mid-latitude precipitation for the last 2000 years not-provided
+ABLVIS1B.v1 ABoVE LVIS L1B Geolocated Return Energy Waveforms V001 NSIDC_ECS 2017-06-29 2017-07-17 -158, 48, -104, 72 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1513105920-NSIDC_ECS.json This data set contains return energy waveform data over Alaska and Western Canada measured by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of NASA's Terrestrial Ecology Program campaign, the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). not-provided
+ABLVIS2.v1 ABoVE LVIS L2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Product V001 NSIDC_ECS 2017-06-29 2017-07-17 -158, 48, -104, 72 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1513105984-NSIDC_ECS.json This data set contains surface elevation data over Alaska and Western Canada measured by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of NASA's Terrestrial Ecology Program campaign, the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). not-provided
+ABOLVIS1A.v1 ABoVE LVIS L1A Geotagged Images V001 NSIDC_ECS 2017-06-29 2017-07-17 -158, 48, -104, 72 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1673546369-NSIDC_ECS.json This data set contains geotagged images collected over Alaska and Western Canada. The images were taken by the NASA Digital Mapping Camera, paired with the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of NASA's Terrestrial Ecology Program campaign, the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). not-provided
+ABoVE_ASCENDS_Backscatter_2051.v1 ABoVE/ASCENDS: Atmospheric Backscattering Coefficient Profiles from CO2 Sounder, 2017 ORNL_CLOUD 2017-07-20 2017-08-08 -165.68, 34.59, -98.15, 71.27 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2264344759-ORNL_CLOUD.json This dataset provides atmospheric backscattering coefficient profiles collected during Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) deployments from 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08 over Alaska, U.S., and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada. These profiles were measured by the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument carried on a DC-8 aircraft. The airborne CO2 Sounder is a pulsed, multi-wavelength Integrated Path Differential Absorption lidar that estimates column-averaged dry-air CO2 mixing ratio (XCO2) in the nadir path from the aircraft to the scattering surface. In addition to XCO2, the lidar receiver recorded the time-resolved atmospheric backscatter signal strength as the laser pulses propagated through the atmosphere. Raw lidar data were converted to the atmospheric backscatter cross-section product and the two-way atmosphere transmission, also known as attenuated backscatter profiles. These ASCENDS flights were coordinated with the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) campaign and are provided in ICARTT format. not-provided
+ABoVE_ASCENDS_Merge_2114.v1 ABoVE/ASCENDS: Merged Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and Meteorological Data, 2017 ORNL_CLOUD 2017-07-20 2017-08-09 -165.68, 34.59, -98.15, 71.27 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2575399701-ORNL_CLOUD.json This dataset provides in situ airborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor concentrations, air temperature, pressure, and wind speed and direction as well as airborne remote sensing measurements of column average CO2 collected during Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) deployments from 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08 over Alaska, US, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada. CO2 and CH4 were measured with NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument. Water vapor and relative humidity were measured with Diode Laser Hydrometer. Measurements were taken onboard a DC-8 aircraft. The ASCENDS flights were coordinated with the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) campaign. The data are provided in ICARTT format along with an archive of flight videos. not-provided
+ABoVE_ASCENDS_XCO2_2050.v1 ABoVE/ASCENDS: Active Sensing of CO2, CH4, and Water Vapor, Alaska and Canada, 2017 ORNL_CLOUD 2017-07-20 2017-08-08 -165.68, 34.59, -98.1, 71.28 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2264340976-ORNL_CLOUD.json This dataset provides in situ airborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor concentrations, plus air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed values over Alaska and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada during 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08. Measurements were taken onboard a DC-8 aircraft during this Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days and Seasons (ASCENDS) airborne deployment over portions of the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) domain. CO2 and CH4 were measured with NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument. Water vapor and relative humidity were measured with Diode Laser Hydrometer. Measurements of column-averaged dry-air mixing ratio CO2 measurements (XCO2) were taken with the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument. The airborne CO2 Sounder is a pulsed, multi-wavelength Integrated Path Differential Absorption lidar. It estimates XCO2 in the nadir path from the aircraft to the scattering surface by measuring the shape of the 1572.33 nm CO2 absorption line. The data were collected in order to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics of the northern high latitude carbon cycle as part of ABoVE and are provided in ICARTT file format. not-provided
+ABoVE_Concise_Experiment_Plan_1617.v1.1 A Concise Experiment Plan for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment ORNL_CLOUD 2014-01-01 2021-12-31 -176.12, 39.42, -66.92, 81.61 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2162145735-ORNL_CLOUD.json This document presents the Concise Experiment Plan for NASA's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) to serve as a guide to the Program as it identifies the research to be conducted under this study. Research for ABoVE will link field-based, process-level studies with geospatial data products derived from airborne and satellite remote sensing, providing a foundation for improving the analysis and modeling capabilities needed to understand and predict ecosystem responses and societal implications. The ABoVE Concise Experiment Plan (ACEP) outlines the conceptual basis for the Field Campaign and expresses the compelling rationale explaining the scientific and societal importance of the study. It presents both the science questions driving ABoVE research as well as the top-level requirements for a study design to address them. not-provided
+ABoVE_PBand_SAR_1657.v1 ABoVE: Active Layer and Soil Moisture Properties from AirMOSS P-band SAR in Alaska ORNL_CLOUD 2014-08-16 2017-10-10 -167.94, 64.71, -150.25, 70.88 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2170972048-ORNL_CLOUD.json This dataset provides estimates of soil geophysical properties derived from Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) P-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data collected in August and October of 2014, 2015, and 2017 over 12 study sites (with some exceptions) across Northern Alaska. Soil properties reported include the active layer thickness (ALT), dielectric constant, soil moisture profile, surface roughness, and their respective uncertainty estimates at 30-m spatial resolution over the 12 flight transects. Most of the study sites are located within the continuous permafrost zone and where the aboveground vegetation consisting mainly of dwarf shrub and tussock/sedge/moss tundra has a minimal impact on P-band radar backscatter. not-provided
+ACCLIP_AerosolCloud_AircraftRemoteSensing_WB57_Data.v1 ACCLIP WB-57 Aerosol and Cloud Remotely Sensed Data LARC_ASDC 2022-07-14 2022-09-14 -180, 16.6, 180, 61.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2655162569-LARC_ASDC.json ACCLIP_AerosolCloud_AircraftRemoteSensing_WB57_Data is the cloud and aerosol remote sensing data from the Roscoe lidar collected during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere. not-provided
+ACCLIP_Aerosol_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1 ACCLIP WB-57 Aircraft In-Situ Aerosol Data LARC_ASDC 2022-07-14 2022-09-14 -180, 16.6, 180, 61.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2609962127-LARC_ASDC.json ACCLIP_Aerosol_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data is the in-situ aerosol data collected during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data from the Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry - Next Generation (PALMS-NG), Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), Nucleation-Mode Aerosol Size Spectrometer (N-MASS), Printed Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS), and the Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS) is featured in this collection. Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere. not-provided
+ACCLIP_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1 ACCLIP WB-57 Meteorological and Navigational Data LARC_ASDC 2022-07-14 2022-09-14 -180, 16.6, 180, 61.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2566338281-LARC_ASDC.json ACCLIP_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data is the in-situ meteorology and navigational data collection during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data from the Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) and Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH) is featured in this collection. Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere. not-provided
+ACCLIP_Model_WB57_Data.v1 ACCLIP WB-57 Aircraft Model Data LARC_ASDC 2022-07-14 2022-09-14 -180, 16.6, 180, 61.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2609869612-LARC_ASDC.json ACCLIP_Model_WB57_Data contains modeled meteorological, chemical, and aerosol data along the flight tracks of the WB-57 aircraft during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere. not-provided
+ACCLIP_TraceGas_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data.v1 ACCLIP WB-57 Aircraft In-situ Trace Gas Data LARC_ASDC 2022-07-14 2022-09-14 -180, 16.6, 180, 61.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2566342407-LARC_ASDC.json ACCLIP_TraceGas_AircraftInSitu_WB57_Data is the in-situ trace gas data collection during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP). Data from the Airborne Carbon Oxide Sulfide Spectrometer (ACOS), Carbon monOxide Measurement from Ames (COMA), Laser Induced Fluorescence - Nitrogen Oxide (LIF-NO), In Situ Airborne Formaldehyde (ISAF), Carbon Oxide Laser Detector 2 (COLD 2), and the NOAA UAS O3 Photometer (UASO3) is featured in this collection. Data collection for this product is complete. ACCLIP is an international, multi-organizational suborbital campaign that aims to study aerosols and chemical transport that is associated with the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the Western Pacific region from 15 July 2022 to 31 August 2022. The ASM is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during the summer and is associated with persistent convection and large anticyclonic flow patterns in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This leads to significant enhancements in the UTLS of trace species that originate from pollution or biomass burning. Convection connected to the ASM occurs over South, Southeast, and East Asia, a region with complex and rapidly changing emissions due to its high population density and economic growth. Pollution that reaches the UTLS from this region can have significant effects on the climate and chemistry of the atmosphere, making it important to have an accurate representation and understanding of ASM transport, chemical, and microphysical processes for chemistry-climate models to characterize these interactions and for predicting future impacts on climate. The ACCLIP campaign is conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with the primary goal of investigating the impacts of Asian gas and aerosol emissions on global chemistry and climate. The NASA WB-57 and NCAR G-V aircraft are outfitted with state-of-the-art sensors to accomplish this. ACCLIP seeks to address four scientific objectives related to its main goal. The first is to investigate the transport pathways of ASM uplifted air from inside of the anticyclone to the global UTLS. Another objective is to sample the chemical content of air processed in the ASM in order to quantify the role of the ASM in transporting chemically active species and short-lived climate forcing agents to the UTLS to determine their impact on stratospheric ozone chemistry and global climate. Third, information is obtained on aerosol size, mass, and chemical composition that is necessary for determining the radiative effects of the ASM to constrain models of aerosol formation and for contrasting the organic-rich ASM UTLS aerosol population with that of the background aerosols. Last, ACCLIP seeks to measure the water vapor distribution associated with the monsoon dynamical structure to evaluate transport across the tropopause and determine the role of the ASM in water vapor transport in the stratosphere. not-provided
+ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirHARP_Data.v1 ACEPOL Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP) Remotely Sensed Data Version 1 LARC_ASDC 2017-10-18 2020-11-20 -130, 25, -100, 45 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588261-LARC_ASDC.json ACEPOL Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP) Remotely Sensed Data (ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirHARP_Data) are remotely sensed measurements collected by the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which is a valuable resource for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions. not-provided
+ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirSPEX_Data.v1 ACEPOL Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (AirSPEX) Remotely Sensed Data Version 1 LARC_ASDC 2017-10-19 2017-11-09 -130, 25, -100, 45 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588281-LARC_ASDC.json ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_AirSPEX_Data are remotely sensed measurements collected by the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions. not-provided
+ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_CPL_Data.v1 ACEPOL Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) Remotely Sensed Data Version 1 LARC_ASDC 2017-10-19 2017-11-09 -130, 25, -100, 45 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588308-LARC_ASDC.json ACEPOL Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) Remotely Sensed Data (ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_CPL_Data) are remotely sensed measurements collected by the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions. not-provided
+ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_HSRL2_Data.v1 ACEPOL High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) Remotely Sensed Data LARC_ASDC 2017-10-23 2017-11-09 -130, 25, -100, 45 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588330-LARC_ASDC.json ACEPOL High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) Remotely Sensed Data (ACEPOL_AircraftRemoteSensing_HSRL2_Data) are remotely sensed measurements collected by the High-Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL-2) onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions. not-provided
+ACEPOL_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_Data.v1 ACEPOL ER-2 Meteorological and Navigational Data Version 1 LARC_ASDC 2017-10-19 2017-11-09 -130, 25, -100, 45 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1758588825-LARC_ASDC.json ACEPOL_MetNav_AircraftInSitu_Data are in situ meteorological and navigational measurements collected onboard the ER-2 during ACEPOL. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of aerosols on climate and air quality, measurements of aerosol chemical composition, size distribution, height profile, and optical properties are of crucial importance. In terms of remotely sensed instrumentation, the most extensive set of aerosol properties can be obtained by combining passive multi-angle, multi-spectral measurements of intensity and polarization with active measurements performed by a High Spectral Resolution Lidar. During Fall 2017, the Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) campaign, jointly sponsored by NASA and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), performed aerosol and cloud measurements over the United States from the NASA high altitude ER-2 aircraft. Six instruments were deployed on the aircraft. Four of these instruments were multi-angle polarimeters: the Airborne Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (AirHARP), the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI), the Airborne Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration (SPEX Airborne) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). The other two instruments were lidars: the High Spectral Resolution Lidar 2 (HSRL-2) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL). The ACEPOL operation was based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale California, which enabled observations of a wide variety of scene types, including urban, desert, forest, coastal ocean and agricultural areas, with clear, cloudy, polluted and pristine atmospheric conditions. The primary goal of ACEPOL was to assess the capabilities of the different polarimeters for retrieval of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical parameters, as well as their capabilities to derive aerosol layer height (near-UV polarimetry, O2 A-band). ACEPOL also focused on the development and evaluation of aerosol retrieval algorithms that combine data from both active (lidar) and passive (polarimeter) instruments. ACEPOL data are appropriate for algorithm development and testing, instrument intercomparison, and investigations of active and passive instrument data fusion, which make them valuable resources for remote sensing communities as they prepare for the next generation of spaceborne MAP and lidar missions. not-provided
+ACIDD.v0 Across the Channel Investigating Diel Dynamics project OB_DAAC 2017-12-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360091-OB_DAAC.json The ACIDD (Across the Channel Investigating Diel Dynamics) project, in the Santa Barbara Channel, was initially designed to characterize daily variations in phytoplankton populations, but with the Thomas Fire in the Santa Barbara Hills December 2017, this project evolved into a study to characterize the effects of smoke and ash on the mixed layer in the Santa Barbara Channel. not-provided
+ACOS_L2S.v7.3 ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 Full Physics Standard Product V7.3 (ACOS_L2S) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2009-04-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1339230297-GES_DISC.json "Version 7.3 is the current version of the data set. Version 3.5 is no longer available and has been superseded by Version 7.3. This data set is currently provided by the OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) Project. In expectation of the OCO-2 launch, the algorithm was developed by the Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) Task as a preparatory project, using GOSAT TANSO-FTS spectra. After the OCO-2 launch, ""ACOS"" data are still produced and improved, using approaches applied to the OCO-2 spectra. The ""ACOS"" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances, and algorithm build version 7.3. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the ""ACOS"" Level 2 production process. Even though the GES DISC is not publicly distributing Level 1B ACOS products, it should be known that changes in this version are affecting both Level 1B and Level 2 data. An important enhancement in Level1B will address the degradation in the number of quality-passed soundings. Elimination of many systematic biases, and better agreement with TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network), is expected in Level 2 retrievals. The key changes to the L2 algorithm include scaling the O2-A band spectroscopy (reducing XCO2 bias by 4 or 5 ppm); using interpolation with the instrument lineshape [ ILS ] (reducing XCO2 bias by 1.5 ppm); and fitting a zero level offset to the A-band. Users have to also carefully familiarize themselves with the disclaimer in the new documentation. An important element to note are the updates on data screening. Although a Master Quality Flag is provided in the data product, further analysis of a larger set of data has allowed the science team to provide an updated set of screening criteria. These are listed in the data user's guide, and are recommended instead of the Master Quality Flag. Lastly, users should continue to carefully observe and weigh information from three important flags: ""warn_level"" - Provides a value that summarizes each sounding's acceptability to a larger set of quality filters. A high warn level predicts that the sounding would fail most data filters applied to it. A low warn level suggests that the sounding would pass most quality filters that might be applied. ""sounding_qual_flag"" - quality of input data provided to the retrieval processing ""outcome_flag"" - retrieval quality based upon certain internal thresholds (not thoroughly evaluated) ""master_quality_flag"" - four possible values: ""Good"", ""Caution"" and ""Bad"", and ""Failed"", as determined from other flags in the L2 productThe short name for this data type is ACOS_L2S." not-provided
+ACOS_L2S.v9r ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 Full Physics Standard Product V9r (ACOS_L2S) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2009-04-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633158704-GES_DISC.json "Version 9r is the current version of the data set. Older versions will no longer be available and are superseded by Version 9r. This data set is currently provided by the OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) Project. In expectation of the OCO-2 launch, the algorithm was developed by the Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) Task as a preparatory project, using GOSAT TANSO-FTS spectra. After the OCO-2 launch, ""ACOS"" data are still produced and improved, using approaches applied to the OCO-2 spectra. The ""ACOS"" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances, and algorithm build version 7.3. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the ""ACOS"" Level 2 production process. Even though the GES DISC is not publicly distributing Level 1B ACOS products, it should be known that changes in this version are affecting both Level 1B and Level 2 data. An important enhancement in Level1B will address the degradation in the number of quality-passed soundings. Elimination of many systematic biases, and better agreement with TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network), is expected in Level 2 retrievals. The key changes to the L2 algorithm include scaling the O2-A band spectroscopy (reducing XCO2 bias by 4 or 5 ppm); using interpolation with the instrument lineshape [ ILS ] (reducing XCO2 bias by 1.5 ppm); and fitting a zero level offset to the A-band. Users have to also carefully familiarize themselves with the disclaimer in the new documentation. An important element to note are the updates on data screening. Although a Master Quality Flag is provided in the data product, further analysis of a larger set of data has allowed the science team to provide an updated set of screening criteria. These are listed in the data user's guide, and are recommended instead of the Master Quality Flag. Lastly, users should continue to carefully observe and weigh information from three important flags: ""sounding_qual_flag"" - quality of input data provided to the retrieval processing ""outcome_flag"" - retrieval quality based upon certain internal thresholds (not thoroughly evaluated) " not-provided
+ACOS_L2_Lite_FP.v7.3 ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files V7.3 (ACOS_L2_Lite_FP) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2009-04-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1339230298-GES_DISC.json "The ACOS Lite files contain bias-corrected XCO2 along with other select fields aggregated as daily files. Orbital granules of the ACOS Level 2 standard product (ACOS_L2S) are used as input. The ""ACOS"" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the ""ACOS"" Level 2 production process." not-provided
+ACOS_L2_Lite_FP.v9r ACOS GOSAT/TANSO-FTS Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files V9r (ACOS_L2_Lite_FP) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2009-04-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1720416694-GES_DISC.json "Version 9r is the current version of the data set. Older versions will no longer be available and are superseded by Version 9r. The ACOS Lite files contain bias-corrected XCO2 along with other select fields aggregated as daily files. Orbital granules of the ACOS Level 2 standard product (ACOS_L2S) are used as input. The ""ACOS"" data set contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) column averaged dry air mole fraction for all soundings for which retrieval was attempted. These are the highest-level products made available by the OCO Project, using TANSO-FTS spectral radiances. The GOSAT team at JAXA produces GOSAT TANSO-FTS Level 1B (L1B) data products for internal use and for distribution to collaborative partners, such as ESA and NASA. These calibrated products are augmented by the OCO Project with additional geolocation information and further corrections. Thus produced Level 1B products (with calibrated radiances and geolocation) are the input to the ""ACOS"" Level 2 production process." not-provided
+ACR3L2DM.v1 ACRIM III Level 2 Daily Mean Data V001 LARC 2000-04-05 2013-11-09 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179031504-LARC.json ACR3L2DM_1 is the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) III Level 2 Daily Mean Data version 1 product consists of Level 2 total solar irradiance in the form of daily means gathered by the ACRIM III instrument on the ACRIMSAT satellite. The daily means are constructed from the shutter cycle results for each day. not-provided
+ACR3L2SC.v1 ACRIM III Level 2 Shutter Cycle Data V001 LARC 2000-04-05 2013-11-09 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C61787524-LARC.json ACR3L2SC_1 is the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) III Level 2 Shutter Cycle Data version 1 product contains Level 2 total solar irradiance in the form of shutter cycles gathered by the ACRIM instrument on the ACRIMSAT satellite. not-provided
+ADAM.Surface.Reflectance.Database ADAM Surface Reflectance Database v4.0 ESA 2005-01-01 2005-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336812-ESA.json ADAM enables generating typical monthly variations of the global Earth surface reflectance at 0.1° spatial resolution (Plate Carree projection) and over the spectral range 240-4000nm. The ADAM product is made of gridded monthly mean climatologies over land and ocean surfaces, and of a companion API toolkit that enables the calculation of hyperspectral (at 1 nm resolution over the whole 240-4000 nm spectral range) and multidirectional reflectances (i.e. in any illumination/viewing geometry) depending on user choices. The ADAM climatologies that feed the ADAM calculation tools are: For ocean: monthly chlorophyll concentration derived from SeaWiFS-OrbView-2 (1999-2009); it is used to compute the water column reflectance (which shows large spectral variations in the visible, but is insignificant in the near and mid infrared). monthly wind speed derived from SeaWinds-QuikSCAT-(1999-2009); it is used to calculate the ocean glint reflectance. For land: monthly normalized surface reflectances in the 7 MODIS narrow spectral bands derived from FondsdeSol processing chain of MOD09A1 products (derived from Aqua and Terra observations), on which relies the modelling of the hyperspectral/multidirectional surface (soil/vegetation/snow) reflectance. uncertainty variance-covariance matrix for the 7 spectral bands associated to the normalized surface reflectance. For sea-ice: Sea ice pixels (masked in the original MOD09A1 products) have been accounted for by a gap-filling approach relying on the spatial-temporal distribution of sea ice coverage provided by the CryoClim climatology for year 2005. not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1day ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Day) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698128761-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1day dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is daily L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrated. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""mg/m-3"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1month ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Month) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129571-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1month dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is monthly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""mg/m-3"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1week ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Week) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129911-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1week dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is weekly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""mg/m-3"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCC_1year ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCC) (1-Year) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698131479-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCC 1year dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is annually L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCC (Ocean Color-Chlorophyll-a concentration) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCC product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of chlorophyll a concentration and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""mg/m-3"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1day ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Day) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130444-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1day dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is daily L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""m-1"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1month ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Month) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698131472-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1month dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is monthly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrated. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""m-1"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1week ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Week) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698132483-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1week dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is weekly L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""m-1"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCK_1year ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCK) (1-Year) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698129238-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCK 1year dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena. This product is annually L3BM, Level 3 Binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCK (Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm(K490)) product. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCK product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are Array of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity in this product is ""m-1"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCL_1day ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCL) (1-Day) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698128801-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCL 1day dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena.This product is daily L3BM, Level 3 binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCL (Ocean Color) product includes Normalized water radiance at 412nm,443nm,490nm,520nm, and 565nm (nLw) and aerosol radiance at 670nm,765nm and 865nm. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCL product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrated. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of normalized water-leaving radiance and aerosol radiance and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity is ""mW/cm-2/mm-1/sr-1"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+ADEOS_OCTS_L3BM_GAC_OCL_1month ADEOS OCTS L3 GAC Binned Map Ocean Color (OCL) (1-Month) JAXA 1996-11-01 1997-07-06 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2698130286-JAXA.json "ADEOS OCTS L3BM GAC OCL 1month dataset is obtained from OCTS sensor onboard ADEOS and produced by NASDA (National Space Development Agency of Japan). Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is sun-synchronous quasi-recurrent orbiter launched on August 17, 1996, and carries OCTS (Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner) and AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer) sensor.The main objectives of ADEOS (MIDORI) is to contribute to elucidation of phenomena of the earth system through integrated observation of geophysical parameters using a number of sensors. ADEOS operation on orbit was given up on June 30, 1997, because the generated power was lost due to the accident of the blanket of the solar array paddle breaking. OCTS observes the amount of chlorophyll and various substances contained in the sea, sea surface temperature, cloud formation process, etc by receiving 12 bands of wavelengths from the visible light region to the thermal infrared region. The observation field of OCTS is about 1400km, and it is possible to scan in the north-south direction. Those sensors aim at collecting global data for mainly understanding the state of the ocean and its phenomena.This product is monthly L3BM, Level 3 binned map GAC (Global Area Coverage) OCL (Ocean Color) product includes Normalized water radiance at 412nm,443nm,490nm,520nm, and 565nm (nLw) and aerosol radiance at 670nm,765nm and 865nm. Level 3 Binned map products are generated from Level 3 Binned products and classified into three subproducts: ocean color, vegetation, and sea surface temperature. GAG OCL product is daily or weekly, monthly, annually integrate. This product is one of the Ocean Color product stores, and these parameters are array of normalized water-leaving radiance and aerosol radiance and palette data. The unit of geophysical quantity is ""mW/cm-2/mm-1/sr-1"". The provided format is HDF4 format. The image data object, 13m-data, in each binned map product is a byte-valued, 4,096 * 2,048 array of an Equal-Area Rectangular projection of the globe." not-provided
+AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT.v2 VIIRS/NOAA-20 Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km (v2.0) ASIPS 2023-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706369224-ASIPS.json The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well. not-provided
+AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1.1 VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km ASIPS 2019-04-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607549631-ASIPS.json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well. not-provided
+AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v2 VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath 6 km (v2.0) ASIPS 2023-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2706359459-ASIPS.json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) deep blue aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, every 6 minutes, globally. The Deep Blue algorithm draws its heritage from previous applications to retrieve AOT from Sea‐viewing Wide Field‐of‐view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements over land. This orbit-level product (Short-name: AERDB_L2_VIIRS_SNPP) has an at-nadir resolution of 6 km x 6 km, and progressively increases away from nadir given the sensor’s scanning geometry and Earth’s curvature. Viewed differently, this product’s resolution accommodates 8 x 8 native VIIRS moderate-resolution (M-band) pixels that nominally have ~750 m horizontal pixel size. The L2 Deep Blue AOT data products, at 550 nanometers reference wavelengths, are derived from particular VIIRS bands using two primary AOT retrieval algorithms: Deep Blue algorithm over land, and the Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR) algorithm over ocean. Although this product is called Deep Blue based on retrievals for the land algorithm, the data includes over-water retrievals as well. not-provided
+AERDT_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1.1 VIIRS/SNPP Dark Target Aerosol L2 6-Min Swath ASIPS 2020-06-09 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1976333380-ASIPS.json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA standard Level-2 (L2) dark target (DT) aerosol product provides satellite-derived measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and their properties over land and ocean, and spectral AOT and their size parameters over oceans every 6 minutes, globally. The VIIRS incarnation of the DT aerosol product is based on the same DT algorithm that was developed and used to derive products from the Terra and Aqua mission’s MODIS instruments. Two separate and distinct DT algorithms exist. One helps retrieve aerosol information over ocean (dark in visible and longer wavelengths), while the second aids retrievals over vegetated/dark-soiled land (dark in the visible). not-provided
+AERIALDIGI Aircraft Scanners USGS_LTA 1987-10-06 -180, 24, -60, 72 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566211-USGS_LTA.json The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Aircraft Scanners data set contains digital imagery acquired from several multispectral scanners, including Daedalus thematic mapper simulator scanners and the thermal infrared multispectral scanner. Data are collected from selected areas over the conterminous United States, Alaska, and Hawaii by NASA ER-2 and NASA C-130B aircraft, operating from the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, and by NASA Learjet aircraft, operating from Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Limited international acquisitions also are available. In cooperation with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Daedalus Enterprises,Inc., NASA developed several multispectral sensors. The data acquired from these sensors supports NASA's Airborne Science and Applications Program and have been identified as precursors to the instruments scheduled to fly on Earth Observing System platforms. THEMATIC MAPPER SIMULATOR The Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) sensor is a line scanning device designed for a variety of Earth science applications. Flown aboard NASA ER-2 aircraft, the TMS sensor has a nominal Instantaneous Field of View of 1.25 milliradians with a ground resolution of 81 feet (25 meters) at 65,000 feet. The TMS sensor scans at a rate of 12.5 scans per second with 716 pixels per scan line. Swath width is 8.3 nautical miles (15.4 kilometers) at 65,000 feet while the scanner's Field of View is 42.5 degrees. NS-001 MULTISPECTRAL SCANNER The NS-001multispectral scanner is a line scanning device designed to simulate Landsat thematic mapper (TM) sensor performance, including a near infrared/short-wave infrared band used in applications similar to those of the TM sensor (e.g., Earth resources mapping, vegetation/land cover mapping, geologic studies). Flown aboard NASA C-130B aircraft, the NS-001 sensor has a nominal Instantaneous Field of View of 2.5 milliradians with a ground resolution of 25 feet (7.6 meters) at 10,000 feet. The sensor has a variable scan rate (10 to 100 scans per second) with 699 pixels per scan line, but the available motor drive supply restricts the maximum stable scan speed to approximately 85 revolutions per second. A scan rate of 100 revolutions per second is possible, but not probable, for short scan lines; therefore, a combination of factors, including aircraft flight requirements and maximum scan speed, prevent scanner operation below 1,500 feet. Swath width is 3.9 nautical miles (7.26 kilometers) at 10,000 feet, and the total scan angle or field of regard for the sensor is 100 degrees, plus or minus 15 degrees for roll compensation. THERMAL INFRARED MULTISPECTRAL SCANNER The Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) sensor is a line scanning device originally designed for geologic applications. Flown aboard NASA C-130B, NASA ER-2, and NASA Learjet aircraft, the TIMS sensor has a nominal Instantaneous Field of View of 2.5 milliradians with a ground resolution of 25 feet (7.6 meters) at 10,000 feet. The sensor has a selectable scan rate (7.3, 8.7, 12, or 25 scans per second) with 698 pixels per scan line. Swath width is 2.6 nautical miles (4.8 kilometers) at 10,000 feet while the scanner's Field of View is 76.56 degrees. not-provided
+AFLVIS1B.v1 AfriSAR LVIS L1B Geolocated Return Energy Waveforms V001 NSIDC_ECS 2016-02-20 2016-03-08 8, -2, 12, 1 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1549378019-NSIDC_ECS.json This data set contains return energy waveform data over Gabon, Africa. The measurements were taken by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of a NASA campaign, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) mission AfriSAR. not-provided
+AFLVIS2.v1 AfriSAR LVIS L2 Geolocated Surface Elevation Product V001 NSIDC_ECS 2016-02-20 2016-03-08 8, -2, 12, 1 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1549378743-NSIDC_ECS.json This data set contains surface elevation data over Gabon, Africa. The measurements were taken by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of a NASA campaign, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) mission AfriSAR. not-provided
+AFOLVIS1A.v1 AfriSAR LVIS L1A Geotagged Images V001 NSIDC_ECS 2016-02-20 2016-03-08 8, -2, 12, 1 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1932134853-NSIDC_ECS.json This data set contains geotagged images collected over Gabon, Africa. The images were taken by the NASA Digital Mapping Camera paired with the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter. The data were collected as part of a NASA campaign, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) mission AfriSAR. not-provided
+AG100.v003 ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset, 100 meter, HDF5 V003 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-01-01 2008-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000362-LPDAAC_ECS.json Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Emissivity Dataset (GED) land surface temperature and emissivity (LST&E) data products are generated using the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm with a Water Vapor Scaling (WVS) atmospheric correction method using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (MOD07) (https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/MOD07_L2/index.html) atmospheric profiles and the MODerate spectral resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN 5.2 radiative transfer model). This dataset is computed from all clear-sky pixels of ASTER scenes acquired from 2000 through 2008. AG100 data are available globally at spatial resolution of 100 meters. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, developed the ASTER GED product. not-provided
+AG1km.v003 ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset, 1 kilometer, HDF5 V003 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-01-01 2008-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000380-LPDAAC_ECS.json Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Emissivity Dataset (GED) land surface temperature and emissivity (LST&E) data products are generated using the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm with a Water Vapor Scaling (WVS) atmospheric correction method using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (MOD07) (https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/MOD07_L2/index.html) atmospheric profiles and the MODerate Spectral resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN) 5.2 radiative transfer model. This dataset is computed from all clear-sky pixels of ASTER scenes acquired from 2000 through 2008. AG1KM data are available globally at spatial resolution of 1 kilometer. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, developed the ASTER GED product. not-provided
+AG5KMMOH.v041 ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset, Monthly, 0.05 deg, HDF5 V041 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-01 2015-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1344831606-LPDAAC_ECS.json Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Emissivity Dataset (GED) is a collection of monthly files (see known issues for gaps) for each year of global emissivity. The ASTER GED data products are generated for 2000 through 2015 using the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm atmospheric correction method. This algorithm method uses Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Atmospheric Profiles product (MOD07) (https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/MOD07_L2/index.html) and the MODerate spectral resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN) 5.2 radiative transfer model along with the snow cover data from the standard monthly MODIS/Terra snow cover monthly global 0.05 degree product (MOD10CM) (https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD10CM.006), and vegetation information from the MODIS monthly gridded NDVI product (MOD13C2) (https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD13C2.006). ASTER GED Monthly V041 data products are offered in Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, developed the ASTER GED product. not-provided
+AIRABRAD.v005 AIRS/Aqua L1B AMSU (A1/A2) geolocated and calibrated brightness temperatures V005 (AIRABRAD) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2002-05-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1243477366-GES_DISC.json "The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. The AMSU-A instrument is co-aligned with AIRS so that successive blocks of 3 x 3 AIRS footprints are contained within one AMSU-A footprint. AMSU-A is primarily a temperature sounder that provides atmospheric information in the presence of clouds, which can be used to correct the AIRS infrared measurements for the effects of clouds. This is possible because non-precipitating clouds are for the most part transparent to microwave radiation, in contrast to visible and infrared radiation which are strongly scattered and absorbed by clouds. AMSU-A1 has 13 channels from 50 - 90 GHz and AMSU-A2 has 2 channels from 23 - 32 GHz. The AIRABRAD_005 products are stored in files (often referred to as ""granules"") that contain 6 minutes of data, 30 footprints across track by 45 lines along track." not-provided
+AIRSAR_INT_JPG.v1 AIRSAR_ALONGTRACK_INTERFEROMETRY_JPG ASF 1998-10-25 2004-03-05 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921626-ASF.json AIRSAR along-track interferometric browse product JPG not-provided
+AIRSAR_POL_3FP.v1 AIRSAR_POLSAR_3_FREQ_POLARIMETRY ASF 1990-03-02 2004-03-21 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213921661-ASF.json AIRSAR three-frequency polarimetric frame product not-provided
+AIRSAR_POL_SYN_3FP.v1 AIRSAR_POLSAR_SYNOPTIC_3_FREQ_POLARIMETRY ASF 1990-03-29 1991-07-16 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928843-ASF.json AIRSAR three-frequency polarimetric synoptic product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_C-DEM_STOKES.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_C-BAND_DEM_AND_STOKES ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927035-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model C_Stokes product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_DEM.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001730-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_C.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM_C ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213925022-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model CTIF product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_L.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM_L ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926419-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model LTIF product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_DEM_P.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_DEM_P ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213926777-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model PTIF product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_L-STOKES.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_L-BAND_STOKES ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213927939-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model L_Stokes product not-provided
+AIRSAR_TOP_P-STOKES.v1 AIRSAR_TOPSAR_P-BAND_STOKES ASF 1993-06-08 2004-12-04 -172.880269, -27.388834, -49.704356, 69.25925 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1213928209-ASF.json AIRSAR topographic SAR digital elevation model P_Stokes product not-provided
+AIRSM_CPR_MAT.v3.2 AIRS-AMSU variables-CloudSat cloud mask, radar reflectivities, and cloud classification matchups V3.2 (AIRSM_CPR_MAT) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2006-06-15 2012-12-14 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224182-GES_DISC.json "This is AIRS-CloudSat collocated subset, in NetCDF 4 format. These data contain collocated: AIRS/AMSU retrievals at AMSU footprints, CloudSat radar reflectivities, and MODIS cloud mask. These data are created within the frames of the MEaSUREs project. The basic task is to bring together retrievals of water vapor and cloud properties from multiple ""A-train"" instruments (AIRS, AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, MLS, CloudSat), classify each ""scene"" (instrument look) using the cloud information, and develop a merged, multi-sensor climatology of atmospheric water vapor as a function of altitude, stratified by the cloud classes. This is a large science analysis project that will require the use of SciFlo technologies to discover and organize all of the datasets, move and cache datasets as required, find space/time ""matchups"" between pairs of instruments, and process years of satellite data to produce the climate data records. The short name for this collection is AIRSM_CPR_MAT Parameters contained in the data files include the following: Variable Name|Description|Units CH4_total_column|Retrieved total column CH4| (molecules/cm2) CloudFraction|CloudSat/CALIPSO Cloud Fraction| (None) CloudLayers| Number of hydrometeor layers| (count) clrolr|Clear-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation|(Watts/m**2) CO_total_column|Retrieved total column CO| (molecules/cm2) CPR_Cloud_mask| CPR Cloud Mask |(None) Data_quality| Data Quality |(None) H2OMMRSat|Water vapor saturation mass mixing ratio|(gm/kg) H2OMMRStd|Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio |(gm/kg dry air) MODIS_Cloud_Fraction| MODIS 250m Cloud Fraction| (None) MODIS_scene_var |MODIS scene variability| (None) nSurfStd|1-based index of the first valid level|(None) O3VMRStd|Ozone Volume Mixing Ratio|(vmr) olr|All-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation|(Watts/m**2) Radar_Reflectivity| Radar Reflectivity Factor| (dBZe) Sigma-Zero| Sigma-Zero| (dB*100) TAirMWOnlyStd|Atmospheric Temperature retrieved using only MW|(K) TCldTopStd|Cloud top temperature|(K) totH2OStd|Total precipitable water vapor| (kg/m**2) totO3Std|Total ozone burden| (Dobson) TSurfAir|Atmospheric Temperature at Surface|(K) TSurfStd|Surface skin temperature|(K) End of parameter information" not-provided
+AIRS_CPR_IND.v4.0 AIRS-CloudSat cloud mask and radar reflectivities collocation indexes V4.0 (AIRS_CPR_IND) at GES_DISC GES_DISC 2006-06-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224151-GES_DISC.json "Version 4.1 is the current version of the data set. Previous versions are no longer available and have been superseded by Version 4.1. This is AIRS-AMSU-CloudSat collocation indexes, in netCDF-4 format. These data map CloudSat profile indexes to the collocated AMSU field of views, and AIRS IR footprints, per AIRS 6-min granule time. Hence it can be considered as Level 1. These data are created within the frames of the MEaSUREs project. The basic task is to bring together retrievals of water vapor and cloud properties from multiple ""A-train"" instruments (AIRS, AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, MLS, & CloudSat), classify each ""scene"" (instrument look) using the cloud information, and develop a merged, multi-sensor climatology of atmospheric water vapor as a function of altitude, stratified by the cloud classes. This is a large science analysis project that will require the use of SciFlo technologies to discover and organize all of the datasets, move and cache datasets as required, find space/time ""matchups"" between pairs of instruments, and process years of satellite data to produce the climate data records. The short name for this collection is AIRS_CPR_IND" not-provided
+AIRS_CPR_MAT.v3.2 AIRS-CloudSat cloud mask, radar reflectivities, and cloud classification matchups V3.2 (AIRS_CPR_MAT) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2006-06-15 2012-12-14 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1236224153-GES_DISC.json "This is AIRS-CloudSat collocated subset, in NetCDF-4 format. These data contain collocated: AIRS Level 1b radiances spectra, CloudSat radar reflectivities, and MODIS cloud mask. These data are created within the frames of the MEaSUREs project. The basic task is to bring together retrievals of water vapor and cloud properties from multiple ""A-train"" instruments (AIRS, AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, MLS, CloudSat), classify each ""scene"" (instrument look) using the cloud information, and develop a merged, multi-sensor climatology of atmospheric water vapor as a function of altitude, stratified by the cloud classes. This is a large science analysis project that will require the use of SciFlo technologies to discover and organize all of the datasets, move and cache datasets as required, find space/time ""matchups"" between pairs of instruments, and process years of satellite data to produce the climate data records. The short name for this collection is AIRS_CPR_MAT Parameters contained in the data files include the following: Variable Name|Description|Units CldFrcStdErr|Cloud Fraction|(None) CloudLayers| Number of hydrometeor layers| (count) CPR_Cloud_mask| CPR Cloud Mask| (None) DEM_elevation| Digital Elevation Map| (m) dust_flag|Dust Flag|(None) latAIRS|AIRS IR latitude|(deg) Latitude|CloudSat Latitude |(degrees) LayerBase| Height of Layer Base| (m) LayerTop| Height of layer top| (m) lonAIRS|AIRS IR longitude|(deg) Longitude|CloudSat Longitude| (degrees) MODIS_cloud_flag| MOD35_bit_2and3_cloud_flag| (None) Radar_Reflectivity| Radar Reflectivity Factor| (dBZe) radiances|Radiances|(milliWatts/m**2/cm**-1/steradian) Sigma-Zero| Sigma-Zero| (dB*100) spectral_clear_indicator|Spectral Clear Indicator|(None) Vertical_binsize|CloudSat vertical binsize| (m) End of parameter information" not-provided
+AIRXAMAP.v005 AIRS/Aqua Granule map product V005 (AIRXAMAP) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2002-05-21 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1233769004-GES_DISC.json The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. An AIRS granule has been set as 6 minutes of data, 30 footprints cross track by 45 lines along track. The AIRS Granule Map Product consists of images of granule coverage in PDF and JPG format. The images are daily ones but updated every 6 minutes to capture any new available granule. Granules are assembled by ascending, descending, in north and south hemisphere, and the maps are in global cylindrical projection and satellite projection for better view. not-provided
+AIRXBCAL.v005 AIRS/Aqua L1B Calibration subset V005 (AIRXBCAL) at GES DISC GES_DISC 2002-08-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1243477315-GES_DISC.json The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. In combination with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB), AIRS constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of visible, infrared, and microwave sensors. AIRS/Aqua Level-1B calibration subset including clear cases, special calibration sites, random nadir spots, and high clouds. The AIRS Visible/Near Infrared (VIS/NIR) level 1B data set contains AIRS visible and near-infrared calibrated and geolocated radiances in W/m^2/micron/steradian. This data set is generated from AIRS level 1A digital numbers (DN), including 4 channels in the 0.4 to 1.0 um region of the spectrum. not-provided
+AK_AVHRR Alaska AVHRR Twice-Monthly Composites USGS_LTA 1990-06-16 -179, 51, -116, 70 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220565954-USGS_LTA.json The goal of the Alaska Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) project is to compile a time series data set of calibrated, georegistered daily observations and twice-monthly maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) composites for Alaska's annual growing season (April-October). This data set has applications for environmental monitoring and for assessing impacts of global climate change. An Alaska AVHRR data set is comprised of twice-monthly maximum NDVI composites of daily satellite observations. The NDVI composites contain 10 bands of information, including AVHRR channels 1-5, maximum NDVI, satellite zenith, solar zenith, and relative azimuth. The daily observations, bands 1-9, have been calibrated to reflectance, scaled to byte data, and geometrically registered to the Albers Equal-Area Conic map projection. The 10th band is a pointer to identify the date and scene ID of the source daily observation (scene) for each pixel. The compositing process required each daily overpass to be registered to a common map projection to ensure that from day to day each 1-km pixel represented the exact same ground location. The Albers Equal-Area Conic map projection provides for equal area representation, which enables easy measurement of area throughout the data. Each daily observation for the growing season was registered to a base image using image-to-image correlation. The NDVI data are calculated from the calibrated, geometrically registered daily observations. The NDVI value is the difference between near-infrared (AVHRR Channel 2) and visible (AVHRR Channel 1) reflectance values divided by total measured reflectance. A maximum NDVI compositing process was used on the daily observations. The NDVI is examined pixel by pixel for each observation during the compositing period to determine and retain the maximum value. Often when displaying data covering large areas, such as AVHRR data, it is beneficial to include an overlay of either familiar linework for reflectance or polygon data sets to derive statistical summaries of regions. All of the linework images represent lines in raster format as 1-km cells and the strata are represented as polygons registered to the AVHRR data. The linework and polygon data sets include international boundaries, Alaskan roads with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and a raster polygon mask of the State. not-provided
+ALOS Alos African Coverage ESA archive ESA 2006-07-09 2009-05-12 -26, -37, 53, 37 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336815-ESA.json ALOS Africa is a dataset of the best available (cloud minimal, below 10%) African coverage acquired by AVNIR-2 in OBS mode and PRISM in OB1 mode (all Backward, Nadir and Forward views, in separated products), two different collections one for each instrument. The processing level for both AVNIR-2 and PRISM products is L1B. not-provided
+ALOS.AVNIR-2.L1C ALOS AVNIR-2 L1C ESA 2006-04-28 2011-04-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689548-ESA.json This collection is providing access to the ALOS-1 AVNIR-2 (Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2) L1C data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone plus some worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone (https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/ALOS-ADEN-Zone.pdf) was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and the African continents, large part of the Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission is covered, obviously with gaps outside to the ADEN zone: • Time windows: from 2006-04-28 to 2011-04-20 • Orbits: from 1375 to 27898 • Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 670 • Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 370 to 5230 One single Level 1C product types is offered for the OBS instrument mode: AV2_OBS_1C. not-provided
+ALOS.PALSAR.FBS.FBD.PLR.products ALOS PALSAR products ESA 2006-05-02 2011-04-14 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336814-ESA.json The dataset contains all ESA acquisitions over the ADEN zone (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) plus some products received from JAXA over areas of interest around the world. Further information on ADEN zones can be found in this technical note (https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/ALOS-ADEN-Zone.pdf). ALOS PALSAR products are available in following modes:• Fine Beam Single polarisation(FBS): single polarisation (HH or VV), swath 40-70km, resolution 10m, temporal coverage from 02/05/2006 to 30/03/2011 • Fine Beam Double polarisation (FBD): double polarisation (HH/HV or VV/VH) ), swath 40-70km, resolution 10m, temporal coverage from 02/05/2006 to 30/03/2011 • Polarimetry mode (PLR), with four polarisations simultaneously: swath 30km, resolution 30m, temporal coverage from 26/08/2006 to 14/04/2011 • ScanSAR Burst mode 1 (WB1), single polarization: swath 250-350km, resolution 100m, temporal coverage from 12/06/2006 to 21/04/2011 Following processing levels are available: • RAW( level 1.0): Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene. • GDH (level 1.5):Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product • GEC (level 1.5): Geocoded product not-provided
+ALOSIPY ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica ESA 2008-07-25 2010-03-31 -180, -90, 180, -50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1965336817-ESA.json International Polar Year (IPY), focusing on the north and south polar regions, aimed to investigate the impact of how changes to the ice sheets affect ocean and climate change to the habitats in these regions. IPY was a collaborative project involving over sixty countries for two years from March 2007 to March 2009. To meet the project goal, world space agencies observed these regions intensively using their own Earth observation satellites. One of these satellites, ALOS - with the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor - observed these regions independently from day-night conditions or weather conditions. Carrying on this initiative, ESA is providing the ALOS PALSAR IPY Antarctica dataset, which consists of full resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR WB1 products (100m spatial resolution) over Antarctica from July 2008 (cycle 21) to December 2008 (Cycle 24) and from May 2009 (cycle 27) to March 2010 (cycle 31). Missing products between the two periods above is due to L0 data over Antarctica not being available in ADEN archives and not processed to L1. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a _$$map$$ https://tpm-ds.eo.esa.int/smcat/ALOSIPY/ available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. not-provided
+ALOS_PRISM_L1B Alos PRISM L1B ESA 2006-07-09 2011-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689640-ESA.json This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) L1B data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone plus some data requested by European scientists over their areas of interest around the world. The ADEN zone (https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/documents/20142/37627/ALOS-ADEN-Zone.pdf) was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission is covered, though with gaps outside of the ADEN zone: Time window: from 2006-07-09 to 2011-03-31 Orbits: from 2425 to 24189 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 668 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 55 to 7185. Two different Level 1B product types (Panchromatic images in VIS-NIR bands, 2.5 m resolution at nadir) are offered, one for each available sensor mode: PSM_OB1_11 -> composed of up to three views; Nadir, Forward and Backward at 35 km swath PSM_OB2_11 -> composed of up to two views; Nadir view at 70 km width and Backward view at 35 km width. All ALOS PRISM EO-SIP products have, at least, the Nadir view which is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the view ID according to the JAXA naming convention. not-provided
+AM1EPHNE.v6.1NRT Files containing only extrapolated orbital metadata, to be read via SDP Toolkit, Binary Format LANCEMODIS 2016-01-24 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426293893-LANCEMODIS.json AM1EPHNE is the Terra Near Real Time (NRT) 2-hour spacecraft Extrapolated ephemeris data file in native format. The file name format is the following: AM1EPHNE.Ayyyyddd.hhmm.vvv.yyyydddhhmmss where from left to right: E = Extrapolated; N = Native format; A = AM1 (Terra); yyyy = data year, ddd = Julian data day, hh = data hour, mm = data minute; vvv = Version ID; yyyy = production year, ddd = Julian production day, hh = production hour, mm = production minute, and ss = production second. Data set information: http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/sci_team/ not-provided
+APSF Aerial Photo Single Frames USGS_LTA 1970-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567654-USGS_LTA.json The Aerial Photography Single Frame Records collection is a large and diverse group of imagery acquired by Federal organizations from 1937 to the present. Over 6.4 million frames of photographic images are available for download as medium and high resolution digital products. The high resolution data provide access to photogrammetric quality scans of aerial photographs with sufficient resolution to reveal landscape detail and to facilitate the interpretability of landscape features. Coverage is predominantly over the United States and includes portions of Central America and Puerto Rico. Individual photographs vary in scale, size, film type, quality, and coverage. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_ANCILLARY_CELESTIALSKY_V1.v1 Aquarius Celestial Sky Microwave Emission Map Ancillary Dataset V1.0 POCLOUD 2011-09-01 2015-06-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2617176761-POCLOUD.json "This datasets contains three maps of L-band (wavelength = 21 cm) brightness temperature of the celestial sky (""Galaxy"") used in the processing of the NASA Aquarius instrument data. The maps report Sky brightness temperatures in Kelvin gridded on the Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) reference frame epoch J2000. They are sampled over 721 Declinations between -90 degrees and +90 degrees and 1441 Right Ascensions between 0 degrees and 360 degrees, all evenly spaced at 0.25 degrees intervals. The brightness temperatures are assumed temporally invariant and polarization has been neglected. They include microwave continuum and atomic hydrogen line (HI) emissions. The maps differ only in how the strong radio source Cassiopeia A has been included into the whole sky background surveys: 1/ TB_no_Cas_A does not include Cassiopeia A and reports only the whole Sky surveys. 2/ TB_Cas_A_1cell spread Cas A total flux homogeneously over 1 map grid cell (i.e. 9.8572E-6 sr). 3/ TB_Cas_A_beam spreads Cas A over surrounding grid cells using a convolution by a Gaussian beam with HPBW of 35 arcmin (equivalent to the instrument used for the Sky surveys). Cassiopeia A is a supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation Cassiopeia and the brightest extra-solar radio source in the sky at frequencies above 1." not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_CAP_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 2 Sea Surface Salinity, Wind Speed & Direction Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-08-26 2015-06-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205121315-POCLOUD.json The version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 2 product contains the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D orbital/swath data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. This Level 2 dataset contains sea surface salinity (SSS), wind speed and wind direction data derived from 3 different radiometers and the onboard scatterometer. The CAP algorithm simultaneously retrieves the salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. Each L2 data file covers one 98 minute orbit. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_V5.v5.0 Aquarius Official Release Level 2 Sea Surface Salinity & Wind Speed Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-08-25 2015-06-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2036882456-POCLOUD.json The version 5.0 Aquarius Level 2 product is the official third release of the orbital/swath data from AQUARIUS/SAC-D mission. The Aquarius Level 2 data set contains sea surface salinity (SSS) and wind speed data derived from 3 different radiometers and the onboard scatterometer. Included also in the Level 2 data are the horizontal and vertical brightness temperatures (TH and TV) for each radiometer, ancillary data, flags, converted telemetry and navigation data. Each data file covers one 98 minute orbit. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. Enhancements to the version 5.0 Level 2 data relative to v4.0 include: improvement of the salinity retrieval geophysical model for SST bias, estimates of SSS uncertainties (systematic and random components), and inclusion of a new spiciness variable. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Standard Mapped Image 7-Day Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-08-26 2015-06-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756349-POCLOUD.json Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the 7-Day running mean sea surface salinity (SSS) V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Standard Mapped Image Monthly Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-09-01 2015-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756350-POCLOUD.json Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the monthly sea surface salinity (SSS) V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_RAINCORRECTED_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Rain Corrected Standard Mapped Image 7-Day Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-08-26 2015-06-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756351-POCLOUD.json Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the 7-Day running mean sea surface salinity (SSS) rain corrected V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_RAINCORRECTED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Rain Corrected Standard Mapped Image Monthly Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-09-01 2015-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491756352-POCLOUD.json Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the monthly sea surface salinity (SSS) rain corrected V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_7DAY_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 Wind Speed Standard Mapped Image 7-Day Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-08-26 2015-06-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491757161-POCLOUD.json Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the 7-Day running mean wind speed V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5.v5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 Wind Speed Standard Mapped Image Monthly Data V5.0 POCLOUD 2011-09-01 2015-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2491757162-POCLOUD.json Version 5.0 Aquarius CAP Level 3 products are the fourth release of the AQUARIUS/SAC-D mapped salinity and wind speed data based on the Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm. CAP Level 3 standard mapped image products contain gridded 1 degree spatial resolution salinity and wind speed data averaged over 7 day and monthly time scales. This particular dataset is the monthly wind speed V5.0 Aquarius CAP product. CAP is a P.I. produced dataset developed and provided by JPL. The CAP algorithm utilizes data from both the onboard radiometer and scatterometer to simultaneously retrieve salinity, wind speed and direction by minimizing the sum of squared differences between model and observations. The main improvements in CAP V5.0 relative to the previous version include: updates to the Geophysical Model Functions to 4th order harmonics with the inclusion of sea surface temperature (SST) and stability at air-sea interface effects; use of the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) SST product as the new source ancillary sea surface temperature data in place of NOAA OI SST. The Aquarius instrument is onboard the AQUARIUS/SAC-D satellite, a collaborative effort between NASA and the Argentinian Space Agency Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE). The instrument consists of three radiometers in push broom alignment at incidence angles of 29, 38, and 46 degrees incidence angles relative to the shadow side of the orbit. Footprints for the beams are: 76 km (along-track) x 94 km (cross-track), 84 km x 120 km and 96km x 156 km, yielding a total cross-track swath of 370 km. The radiometers measure brightness temperature at 1.413 GHz in their respective horizontal and vertical polarizations (TH and TV). A scatterometer operating at 1.26 GHz measures ocean backscatter in each footprint that is used for surface roughness corrections in the estimation of salinity. The scatterometer has an approximate 390km swath. not-provided
+ASAC_2201_HCL_0.5.v1 0.5 hour 1 M HCl extraction data for the Windmill Islands marine sediments AU_AADC 1997-10-01 1999-03-31 110, -66, 110, -66 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305813-AU_AADC.json These results are for the 0.5 hour extraction of HCl. See also the metadata records for the 4 hour extraction of HCl, and the time trial data for 1 M HCl extractions. A regional survey of potential contaminants in marine or estuarine sediments is often one of the first steps in a post-disturbance environmental impact assessment. Of the many different chemical extraction or digestion procedures that have been proposed to quantify metal contamination, partial acid extractions are probably the best overall compromise between selectivity, sensitivity, precision, cost and expediency. The extent to which measured metal concentrations relate to the anthropogenic fraction that is bioavailable is contentious, but is one of the desired outcomes of an assessment or prediction of biological impact. As part of a regional survey of metal contamination associated with Australia's past waste management activities in Antarctica, we wanted to identify an acid type and extraction protocol that would allow a reasonable definition of the anthropogenic bioavailable fraction for a large number of samples. From a kinetic study of the 1 M HCl extraction of two certified Certified Reference Materials (MESS-2 and PACS-2) and two Antarctic marine sediments, we concluded that a 4 hour extraction time allows the equilibrium dissolution of relatively labile metal contaminants, but does not favour the extraction of natural geogenic metals. In a regional survey of 88 marine samples from the Casey Station area of East Antarctica, the 4 h extraction procedure correlated best with biological data, and most clearly identified those sediments thought to be contaminated by runoff from abandoned waste disposal sites. Most importantly the 4 hour extraction provided better definition of the low to moderately contaminated locations by picking up small differences in anthropogenic metal concentrations. For the purposes of inter-regional comparison, we recommend a 4 hour 1 M HCl acid extraction as a standard method for assessing metal contamination in Antarctica. The fields in this dataset are Location Site Replicate Antimony Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Nickel Silver Tin Zinc not-provided
+ASAC_2357.v2 10 year trend of levels of organochlorine pollutants in Antarctic seabirds AU_AADC 2003-12-16 2004-01-18 77.59, -68.93, 77.99, -68.755 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214305884-AU_AADC.json Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2357 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Contaminants like PCBs and DDE have hardly been used Antarctica. Hence, this is an excellent place to monitor global background levels of these organochlorines. In this project concentrations in penguins and petrels will be compared to 10 years ago, which will show time trends of global background contamination levels. Data set description From several birds from Hop Island, Rauer Islands near Davis, samples were collected from preenoil (oil that birds excrete to preen their feathers. This preenoil was then analysed for organochlorine pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls, (PCBs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), DDE and dieldrin. The species under investigation were the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) and the Southern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialoides). The samples were collected from adult breeding birds, and stored in -20 degrees C as soon as possible. The analysis was done with relatively standard but very optimised methods, using a gas-chromatograph and mass-selective detection. Data sheets: The data are available in excel-sheets, located at Alterra, The Netherlands (the affiliation of the PI Nico van den Brink.). Data are available on PCB153 (polychlorinated biphenyl congener numbered 153), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), DDE (a metabolite of the pesticide DDT), and dieldrin (an insecticide). The metadata are in 4 sheets (in meta data 2357.xls): 1. 'Concentrations fulmars' 2. 'Morphometric data fulmars' 3. 'Concentrations Adelies' 4. 'Morphometric data Adelies' The column headings are: 1. 'Concentrations fulmars' - Fulmar: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'morphometric data fulmars'. - PCB153: concentration of PCB-congener 153 (ng/g lipids) - HCB: concentration of hexachlorobenzene (ng/g lipids) - DDE: concentration of DDE (ng/g lipids) - Dieldrin: concentration of dieldrin (ng/g lipids) - Sample size weight of collected amount of preenoil 2. Morphometric data fulmars - Fulmar: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'Concentrations fulmars'. - Bill Length (mm): length of bill (tip to base) - Head Length (mm): length of head (tip of bill to back of head) - Tarsus (mm): length of tarsus - Wing Length (cm): length of right wing - Weight (kg): weight of bird (without bag) 3. 'Concentrations Adelies' Adelie: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'morphometric data Adelies'. - PCB153: concentration of PCB-congener 153 (ng/g lipids) - HCB: concentration of hexachlorobenzene (ng/g lipids) - DDE: concentration of DDE (ng/g lipids) - Dieldrin: concentration of dieldrin (ng/g lipids) - Sample size weight of collected amount of preenoil 4. 'Morphometric data Adelies' - Adelie: bird number, corresponds with sheet 'Concentrations Adelies'. - Bill (mm): length of bill (tip to base) - Head Length (mm): length of head (tip of bill to back of head) - Tarsus (mm): length of tarsus - Flipper Length (cm): length of right flipper (wing) - Weight (kg): weight of bird (without bag) In sheets on concentrations: less than d.l.: concentrations below detection limits. not-provided
+AST14DEM.v003 ASTER Digital Elevation Model V003 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-06 -180, -83, 180, 83 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS.json The ASTER Digital Elevation Model (AST14DEM) product is generated (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/documents/996/ASTER_Earthdata_Search_Order_Instructions.pdf) using bands 3N (nadir-viewing) and 3B (backward-viewing) of an (ASTER Level 1A) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) image acquired by the Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) sensor. The VNIR subsystem includes two independent telescope assemblies that facilitate the generation of stereoscopic data. The band 3 stereo pair is acquired in the spectral range of 0.78 and 0.86 microns with a base-to-height ratio of 0.6 and an intersection angle of 27.7 degrees. There is a time lag of approximately one minute between the acquisition of the nadir and backward images. For a better understanding, refer to this (diagram) (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/documents/301/ASTER_Along_Track_Imaging_Geometry.png) depicting the along-track imaging geometry of the ASTER VNIR nadir and backward-viewing sensors. The accuracy of the new LP DAAC produced DEMs will meet or exceed accuracy specifications set for the ASTER relative DEMs by the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/documents/81/AST14_ATBD.pdf). Users likely will find that the DEMs produced by the new LP DAAC system have accuracies approaching those specified in the ATBD for absolute DEMs. Validation testing has shown that DEMs produced by the new system frequently are more accurate than 25 meters root mean square error (RMSE) in xyz dimensions. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions As of January 2021, the LP DAAC has implemented version 3.0 of the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation ASTER DEM/Ortho (SILCAST) software, which is used to generate the Level 2 on-demand ASTER Orthorectified and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) products (AST14). The updated software provides digital elevation extraction and orthorectification from ASTER L1B input data without needing to enter ground control points or depending on external global DEMs at 30-arc-second resolution (GTOPO30). It utilizes the ephemeris and attitude data derived from both the ASTER instrument and the Terra spacecraft platform. The outputs are geoid height-corrected and waterbodies are automatically detected in this version. Users will notice differences between AST14DEM, AST14DMO, and AST14OTH products ordered before January 2021 (generated with SILCAST V1) and those generated with the updated version of the production software (version 3.0). Differences may include slight elevation changes over different surface types, including waterbodies. Differences have also been observed over cloudy portions of ASTER scenes. Additional information on SILCAST version 3.0 can be found on the SILCAST website (http://www.silc.co.jp/en/products.html). Starting June 23, 2021, radiometric calibration coefficient Version 5 (RCC V5) will be applied to newly observed ASTER data and archived ASTER data products. Details regarding RCC V5 are described in the following journal article. Tsuchida, S., Yamamoto, H., Kouyama, T., Obata, K., Sakuma, F., Tachikawa, T., Kamei, A., Arai, K., Czapla-Myers, J.S., Biggar, S.F., and Thome, K.J., 2020, Radiometric Degradation Curves for the ASTER VNIR Processing Using Vicarious and Lunar Calibrations: Remote Sensing, v. 12, no. 3, at https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030427. not-provided
+ASTGTM.v003 ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V003 LPCLOUD 2000-03-01 2013-11-30 -180, -83, 180, 82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1711961296-LPCLOUD.json The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator). The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) archive of scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. Stereo correlation was used to produce over one million individual scene based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking was applied. All cloud screened DEMs and non-cloud screened DEMs were stacked. Residual bad values and outliers were removed. In areas with limited data stacking, several existing reference DEMs were used to supplement ASTER data to correct for residual anomalies. Selected data were averaged to create final pixel values before partitioning the data into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles with a one pixel overlap. To correct elevation values of water body surfaces, the ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/ASTWBD.001) Version 1 data product was also generated. The geographic coverage of the ASTER GDEM extends from 83° North to 83° South. Each tile is distributed in GeoTIFF format and projected on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each of the 22,912 tiles in the collection contain at least 0.01% land area. Provided in the ASTER GDEM product are layers for DEM and number of scenes (NUM). The NUM layer indicates the number of scenes that were processed for each pixel and the source of the data. While the ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer substantial improvements over Version 2, users are advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain applications. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions • Expansion of acquisition coverage to increase the amount of cloud-free input scenes from about 1.5 million in Version 2 to about 1.88 million scenes in Version 3. • Separation of rivers from lakes in the water body processing. • Minimum water body detection size decreased from 1 km2 to 0.2 km2. not-provided
+ASTGTM_NC.v003 ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model NetCDF V003 LPCLOUD 2000-03-01 2013-11-30 -180, -83, 180, 82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2439422590-LPCLOUD.json The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator). The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) archive of scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. Stereo correlation was used to produce over one million individual scene based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking was applied. All cloud screened DEMs and non-cloud screened DEMs were stacked. Residual bad values and outliers were removed. In areas with limited data stacking, several existing reference DEMs were used to supplement ASTER data to correct for residual anomalies. Selected data were averaged to create final pixel values before partitioning the data into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles with a one pixel overlap. To correct elevation values of water body surfaces, the ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/ASTWBD.001) Version 1 data product was also generated. The geographic coverage of the ASTER GDEM extends from 83° North to 83° South. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and projected on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each of the 22,912 tiles in the collection contain at least 0.01% land area. Each ASTGTM_NC data product contains a DEM file, which provides elevation information. The corresponding ASTGTM_NUMNC file indicates the number of scenes that were processed for each pixel and the source of the data. While the ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer substantial improvements over Version 2, users are advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain applications. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions • Expansion of acquisition coverage to increase the amount of cloud-free input scenes from about 1.5 million in Version 2 to about 1.88 million scenes in Version 3. • Separation of rivers from lakes in the water body processing. • Minimum water body detection size decreased from 1 km2 to 0.2 km2. not-provided
+ASTGTM_NUMNC.v003 ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model Attributes NetCDF V003 LPCLOUD 2000-03-01 2013-11-30 -180, -83, 180, 82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2439429778-LPCLOUD.json The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator). The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was created from the automated processing of the entire ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) archive of scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. Stereo correlation was used to produce over one million individual scene based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking was applied. All cloud screened DEMs and non-cloud screened DEMs were stacked. Residual bad values and outliers were removed. In areas with limited data stacking, several existing reference DEMs were used to supplement ASTER data to correct for residual anomalies. Selected data were averaged to create final pixel values before partitioning the data into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles with a one pixel overlap. To correct elevation values of water body surfaces, the ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/ASTWBD.001) Version 1 data product was also generated. The geographic coverage of the ASTER GDEM extends from 83° North to 83° South. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and projected on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each of the 22,912 tiles in the collection contain at least 0.01% land area. Each ASTGTM_NUMNC file indicates the number of scenes that were processed for each pixel and the source of the data.. The corresponding ASTGTM_NC data product contains a DEM file, which provides elevation information. While the ASTER GDEM Version 3 data products offer substantial improvements over Version 2, users are advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain applications. Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions • Expansion of acquisition coverage to increase the amount of cloud-free input scenes from about 1.5 million in Version 2 to about 1.88 million scenes in Version 3. • Separation of rivers from lakes in the water body processing. • Minimum water body detection size decreased from 1 km2 to 0.2 km2. not-provided
+ASTWBD.v001 ASTER Global Water Bodies Database V001 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-01 2013-11-30 -180, -83, 180, 82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734433-LPDAAC_ECS.json The ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) Version 1 data product provides global coverage of water bodies larger than 0.2 square kilometers at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meters) at the equator, along with associated elevation information. The ASTWBD data product was created in conjunction with the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 3 data product by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was generated using ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. The ASTWBD data product was then generated to correct elevation values of water body surfaces. To generate the ASTWBD data product, water bodies were separated from land areas and then classified into three categories: ocean, river, or lake. Oceans and lakes have a flattened, constant elevation value. The effects of sea ice were manually removed from areas classified as oceans to better delineate ocean shorelines in high latitude areas. For lake waterbodies, the elevation for each lake was calculated from the perimeter elevation data using the mosaic image that covers the entire area of the lake. Rivers presented a unique challenge given that their elevations gradually step down from upstream to downstream; therefore, visual inspection and other manual detection methods were required. The geographic coverage of the ASTWBD extends from 83°N to 83°S. Each tile is distributed in GeoTIFF format and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each data product is provided as a zipped file that contains an attribute file with the water body classification information and a DEM file, which provides elevation information in meters. not-provided
+ASTWBD_ATTNC.v001 ASTER Global Water Bodies Database Attributes NetCDF V001 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-01 2013-11-30 -180, -83, 180, 82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734760-LPDAAC_ECS.json The ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) Version 1 data product provides global coverage of water bodies larger than 0.2 square kilometers at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meters) at the equator, along with associated elevation information. The ASTWBD data product was created in conjunction with the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 3 data product by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was generated using ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. The ASTWBD data product was then generated to correct elevation values of water body surfaces. To generate the ASTWBD data product, water bodies were separated from land areas and then classified into three categories: ocean, river, or lake. Oceans and lakes have a flattened, constant elevation value. The effects of sea ice were manually removed from areas classified as oceans to better delineate ocean shorelines in high latitude areas. For lake waterbodies, the elevation for each lake was calculated from the perimeter elevation data using the mosaic image that covers the entire area of the lake. Rivers presented a unique challenge given that their elevations gradually step down from upstream to downstream; therefore, visual inspection and other manual detection methods were required. The geographic coverage of the ASTWBD extends from 83°N to 83°S. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each ASTWBD_ATTNC file contains an attribute file with the water body classification information. The corresponding ASTWBD_NC data product DEM file, which provides elevation information in meters. not-provided
+ASTWBD_NC.v001 ASTER Global Water Bodies Database NetCDF V001 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-01 2013-11-30 -180, -83, 180, 82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1575734501-LPDAAC_ECS.json The ASTER Global Water Bodies Database (ASTWBD) Version 1 data product provides global coverage of water bodies larger than 0.2 square kilometers at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meters) at the equator, along with associated elevation information. The ASTWBD data product was created in conjunction with the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 3 data product by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 data product was generated using ASTER Level 1A (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) scenes acquired between March 1, 2000, and November 30, 2013. The ASTWBD data product was then generated to correct elevation values of water body surfaces. To generate the ASTWBD data product, water bodies were separated from land areas and then classified into three categories: ocean, river, or lake. Oceans and lakes have a flattened, constant elevation value. The effects of sea ice were manually removed from areas classified as oceans to better delineate ocean shorelines in high latitude areas. For lake waterbodies, the elevation for each lake was calculated from the perimeter elevation data using the mosaic image that covers the entire area of the lake. Rivers presented a unique challenge given that their elevations gradually step down from upstream to downstream; therefore, visual inspection and other manual detection methods were required. The geographic coverage of the ASTWBD extends from 83°N to 83°S. Each tile is distributed in NetCDF format and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. Each ASTWBD_NC data product DEM file, which provides elevation information in meters. The corresponding ASTWBD_ATTNC file contains an attribute file with the water body classification information. not-provided
+AST_L1A.v003 ASTER L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data V003 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C14758250-LPDAAC_ECS.json The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Level 1A (AST_L1A) contains reconstructed, instrument digital numbers (DNs) derived from the acquired telemetry streams of the telescopes: Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), and Thermal Infrared (TIR). Additionally, geometric correction coefficients and radiometric calibration coefficients are calculated and appended to the metadata, but not applied. The spatial resolution is 15 m (VNIR), 30 m (SWIR), and 90 m (TIR) with a temporal coverage of 2000 to present. Starting June 23, 2021, radiometric calibration coefficient Version 5 (RCC V5) will be applied to newly observed ASTER data and archived ASTER data products. Details regarding RCC V5 are described in the following journal article. Tsuchida, S., Yamamoto, H., Kouyama, T., Obata, K., Sakuma, F., Tachikawa, T., Kamei, A., Arai, K., Czapla-Myers, J.S., Biggar, S.F., and Thome, K.J., 2020, Radiometric Degradation Curves for the ASTER VNIR Processing Using Vicarious and Lunar Calibrations: Remote Sensing, v. 12, no. 3, at https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030427. not-provided
+AST_L1AE.v003 ASTER Expedited L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data V003 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179460405-LPDAAC_ECS.json The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Expedited Level 1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data (AST_L1AE) global product contains reconstructed, unprocessed instrument digital data derived from the acquired telemetry streams of the telescopes: Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), and Thermal Infrared (TIR). This data product is similar to the (AST_L1A) (http://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1A.003) with a few notable exceptions. These include: * The AST_L1AE is available for download within 48 hours of acquisition in support of field calibration and validation efforts, in addition to emergency response for natural disasters where the quick turn-around time from acquisition to availability would prove beneficial in initial damage or impact assessments. * The registration quality of the AST_L1AE is likely to be lower than the AST_L1A, and may vary from scene to scene. * The AST_L1AE data product does not contain the VNIR 3B (aft-viewing) Band. * This dataset does not have short-term calibration for the Thermal Infrared (TIR) sensor. * The AST_L1AE data product is only available for download 30 days after acquisition. It is then removed and reprocessed into an AST_L1A product. not-provided
+AST_L1BE.v003 ASTER Expedited L1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor V003 LPDAAC_ECS 2000-03-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179460406-LPDAAC_ECS.json The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Expedited Level 1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor global data product is radiometrically calibrated and geometrically co-registered. Application of intra-telescope and inter-telescope registration corrections for all bands are relative to the reference band for each telescope: Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) Band 2, Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) Band 6, and Thermal Infrared (TIR) Band 11. The Expedited Level 1B data product is similar to the (AST_L1B) (https://doi.org/10.5067/ASTER/AST_L1B.003) with a few notable exceptions. These include: * The AST_L1BE is available for download within 48 hours of acquisition in support of field calibration and validation efforts, in addition to emergency response for natural disasters where the quick turn-around time from acquisition to availability would prove beneficial in initial damage or impact assessments. * The registration quality of the AST_L1BE is likely to be lower than the AST_L1B, and may vary from scene to scene. * The AST_L1BE dataset does not contain the VNIR 3B (aft-viewing) Band. * This dataset does not have short-term calibration for the Thermal Infrared (TIR) sensor. not-provided
+ATL02.v005 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L1B Converted Telemetry Data V005 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572246-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL02) contains science unit-converted, time-ordered telemetry data, calibrated for instrument effects, downlinked from the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The data are used by the ATLAS/ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) for system–level, quality control analysis and as source data for ATLAS/ICESat-2 Level-2 products and the Precision Orbit Determination (POD) and Precision Pointing Determination (PPD) computations. not-provided
+ATL02.v006 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L1B Converted Telemetry Data V006 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2547589158-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL02) contains science-unit-converted time-ordered telemetry data, calibrated for instrument effects, downlinked from the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The data are used by the ATLAS/ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) for system-level, quality control analysis and as source data for ATLAS/ICESat-2 Level-2 products and Precision Orbit Determination (POD) and Precision Pointing Determination (PPD) computations. not-provided
+ATL03.v005 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Global Geolocated Photon Data V005 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572325-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL03) contains height above the WGS 84 ellipsoid (ITRF2014 reference frame), latitude, longitude, and time for all photons downlinked by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The ATL03 product was designed to be a single source for all photon data and ancillary information needed by higher-level ATLAS/ICESat-2 products. As such, it also includes spacecraft and instrument parameters and ancillary data not explicitly required for ATL03. not-provided
+ATL03.v006 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Global Geolocated Photon Data V006 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2596864127-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL03) contains height above the WGS 84 ellipsoid (ITRF2014 reference frame), latitude, longitude, and time for all photons downlinked by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. The ATL03 product was designed to be a single source for all photon data and ancillary information needed by higher-level ATLAS/ICESat-2 products. As such, it also includes spacecraft and instrument parameters and ancillary data not explicitly required for ATL03. not-provided
+ATL04.v005 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Normalized Relative Backscatter Profiles V005 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153572406-NSIDC_CPRD.json ATL04 contains along-track normalized relative backscatter profiles of the atmosphere. The product includes full 532 nm (14 km) uncalibrated attenuated backscatter profiles at 25 times per second for vertical bins of approximately 30 meters. Calibration coefficient values derived from data within the polar regions are also included. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. not-provided
+ATL04.v006 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L2A Normalized Relative Backscatter Profiles V006 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2613553327-NSIDC_CPRD.json ATL04 contains along-track normalized relative backscatter profiles of the atmosphere. The product includes full 532 nm (14 km) uncalibrated attenuated backscatter profiles at 25 times per second for vertical bins of approximately 30 meters. Calibration coefficient values derived from data within the polar regions are also included. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. not-provided
+ATL09.v005 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Calibrated Backscatter Profiles and Atmospheric Layer Characteristics V005 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153574732-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL09) contains calibrated, attenuated backscatter profiles, layer integrated attenuated backscatter, and other parameters including cloud layer height and atmospheric characteristics obtained from the data. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. not-provided
+ATL09.v006 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Calibrated Backscatter Profiles and Atmospheric Layer Characteristics V006 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2649212495-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL09) contains calibrated, attenuated backscatter profiles, layer integrated attenuated backscatter, and other parameters including cloud layer height and atmospheric characteristics obtained from the data. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument on board the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) observatory. not-provided
+ATL13.v005 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Along Track Inland Surface Water Data V005 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2153575088-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL13) contains along-track surface water products for inland water bodies. Inland water bodies include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays, estuaries and a 7km near-shore buffer. Principal data products include the along-track water surface height and standard deviation, subsurface signal (532 nm) attenuation, significant wave height, wind speed, and coarse depth to bottom topography (where data permit). not-provided
+ATL13.v006 ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Along Track Inland Surface Water Data V006 NSIDC_CPRD 2018-10-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2684928243-NSIDC_CPRD.json This data set (ATL13) contains along-track surface water products for inland water bodies. Inland water bodies include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays, estuaries and a 7km near-shore buffer. Principal data products include the along-track water surface height and standard deviation, subsurface signal (532 nm) attenuation, significant wave height, wind speed, and coarse depth to bottom topography (where data permit). not-provided
+ATSMIGEO.v002 MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the ARCTAS region V002 LARC 2008-04-02 2008-07-24 -157, 54, -110, 71 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000541-LARC.json This file contains the Geometric Parameters subset for the ARCTAS region which measures the sun and view angles at the reference ellipsoid not-provided
+AU_DySno_NRT_R02.v2 NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Global Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent V2 LANCEAMSR2 2021-04-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2052622563-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Global Daily Snow Water Equivalent data set contains snow water equivalent (SWE) data and quality assurance flags mapped to Northern and Southern Hemisphere 25 km Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grids (EASE-Grids). Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/daysnow/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. not-provided
+AU_Land_NRT_R02.v2 NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Half-Orbit 25 km EASE-Grid Surface Soil Moisture Beta V2 LANCEAMSR2 2018-04-11 -180, -89.24, 180, 89.24 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1514684539-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The GCOM-W1 NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Half-Orbit 25 km EASE-Grid Surface Soil Moisture product is a daily measurement of surface soil moisture produced by two retrieval algorithms using resampled Tb (Level-1R) data provided by JAXA: the Normalized Polarization Difference (NPD) algorithm developed by JPL and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA) developed by USDA. Ancillary data include time, geolocation, and quality assessment. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 and netCDF4 formats and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level2/land/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. The AMSR SIPS produces AMSR2 standard science quality data products and they are available at the NSIDC DAAC. Note: This is the same algorithm that generates the corresponding standard science products in the AMSR SIPS. With this beta release, we are generating NRT products in both HDF-EOS5 and netCDF with CF metadata. Version 2 corrects these issues from the previous release: a boundary condition error that resulted in the failure of a small number of version 1 product files and an error in the number of low resolution scans processed which caused only the first half of each scan to be processed. not-provided
+AU_Ocean.v1 AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Ocean Products V001 NSIDC_ECS 2002-06-01 -180, -89.24, 180, 89.24 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2176472016-NSIDC_ECS.json This AMSR Unified global ocean data set reports integrated water vapor and cloud liquid water content in the atmospheric column, plus 10-meter sea surface wind speeds. The data are derived from AMSR-E and AMSR2 brightness temperature observations that have been resampled by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to facilitate an intercalibrated (i.e., “unified”) AMSR-E/AMSR2 data record. Ancillary files, including product history, quality assessment (QA), and file-specific metadata are also available. not-provided
+AU_Ocean_NRT_R01.v1 NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Ocean Products V1 LANCEAMSR2 2020-06-01 -180, -89, 180, 89 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1841273046-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The GCOM-W1 NRT AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Ocean Products is a swath product containing global sea surface temperature over ocean, wind speed over ocean, water vapor over ocean and cloud liquid water over ocean, using resampled NRT Level-1R data provided by JAXA. This is the same algorithm that generates the corresponding standard science products in the AMSR SIPS. The NRT products are generated in HDF-EOS-5 augmented with netCDF-4/CF metadata and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level2/ocean/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. The AMSR SIPS produces AMSR2 standard science quality data products, and they are available at the NSIDC DAAC. not-provided
+AU_Rain.v1 AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified L2B Global Swath Surface Precipitation V001 NSIDC_ECS 2002-06-01 -180, -89.24, 180, 89.24 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1708620364-NSIDC_ECS.json This AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified Level-2B data set reports instantaneous surface precipitation rates and types (over land and ocean) and precipitation profiles (over ocean). The data are derived by applying the AMSR-E/AMSR2 unified algorithm to L1R data obtained by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) for EOS (AMSR-E) and AMSR2 instruments. not-provided
+AU_Rain_NRT_R02.v2 NRT AMSR2 Unified Global Swath Surface Precipitation GSFC Profiling Algorithm V2 LANCEAMSR2 2021-10-01 -180, -89, 180, 89 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2152626500-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The GCOM-W1 NRT AMSR2 Unified Global Swath Surface Precipitation GSFC Profiling Algorithm is a swath product containing global rain rate and type, calculated by the GPROF 2017 V2R rainfall retrieval algorithm using resampled NRT Level-1R data provided by JAXA. This is the same algorithm that generates the corresponding standard science products in the AMSR SIPS. The NRT products are generated in HDF-EOS-5 augmented with netCDF-4/CF metadata and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level2/rain/. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. The AMSR SIPS produces AMSR2 standard science quality data products, and they are available at the NSIDC DAAC. not-provided
+AU_SI12_NRT_R04.v4 NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 12.5 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration V4 LANCEAMSR2 2020-06-29 -180, -89, 180, 89 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605827-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 12.5 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration, Version 4 uses as input the resampled brightness temperature (Level-1R) data provided by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The Version 4 dataset uses the AMSR-U2 product generation algorithm with slight modifications for NRT product generation, same algorithm used to generation the standard, science quality, data that is available at the NSIDC DAAC. This Level-3 gridded product includes brightness temperatures at 89.0 GHz. Data are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 12.5 km spatial resolution. Sea ice concentration and brightness temperatures include daily ascending averages, daily descending averages, and daily averages. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/seaice12. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. These standard product, science quality, are available at the NSIDC DAAC: https://nsidc.org/ not-provided
+AU_SI25_NRT_R04.v4 NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 25 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration Polar Grids V4 LANCEAMSR2 2020-06-29 -180, -89, 180, 89 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605830-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 25 km Brightness Temperature & Sea Ice Concentration Polar Grids, Version 4 uses as input the resampled brightness temperature (Level-1R) data provided by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The Version 4 dataset uses the AMSR-U2 product generation algorithm with slight modifications for NRT product generation, same algorithm used to generation the standard, science quality, data that is available at the NSIDC DAAC. This Level-3 gridded product includes brightness temperatures at 6.9 through 89.0 GHz and sea ice concentrations. Data are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 25 km spatial resolution. Sea ice concentration and brightness temperatures include daily ascending averages, daily descending averages, and daily averages. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/seaice25. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. These standard product, science quality, are available at the NSIDC DAAC: https://nsidc.org/ not-provided
+AU_SI6_NRT_R04.v4 NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 6.25 km Polar Gridded 89 GHz Brightness Temperatures V4 LANCEAMSR2 2020-06-29 -180, -89, 180, 89 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1886605828-LANCEAMSR2.json The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument on the Global Change Observation Mission - Water 1 (GCOM-W1) provides global passive microwave measurements of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters for the investigation of global water and energy cycles. Near real-time (NRT) products are generated within 3 hours of the last observations in the file, by the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS), which is collocated with the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC. The NRT AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 6.25 km Polar Gridded 89 GHz Brightness Temperatures, Version 4 uses as input the resampled brightness temperature (Level-1R) data provided by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The Version 4 dataset uses the AMSR-U2 product generation algorithm with slight modifications for NRT product generation, same algorithm used to generation the standard, science quality, data that is available at the NSIDC DAAC. This Level-3 gridded product includes brightness temperatures at 89.0 GHz. Data are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 6.25 km spatial resolution. This product is an intermediate product during processing of LANCE AMSR2 Level-3 sea ice products at 12.5 km and 25 km resolution. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5/netCDF-CF format and are available via HTTP from the EOSDIS LANCE system at https://lance.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsr2-science/data/level3/seaice6. If data latency is not a primary concern, please consider using science quality products. Science products are created using the best available ancillary, calibration and ephemeris information. Science quality products are an internally consistent, well-calibrated record of the Earth's geophysical properties to support science. These standard product, science quality, are available at the NSIDC DAAC: https://nsidc.org/ not-provided
+AVHRR_GLOBAL_10-DAY_COMPOSITES AVHRR 1-km Global Land 10-Day Composites USGS_LTA 1992-04-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566288-USGS_LTA.json The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 1-km Global Land 10-Day Composites data set project is a component of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) AVHRR Pathfinder Program. The project is a collaborative effort between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the European Space Agency (ESA), Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), and 30 international ground receiving stations. The project represents an international effort to archive and distribute the 1-km AVHRR composites of the entire global land surface to scientific researchers and to the general public. The data set is comprised of a time series of global 10-day normalized difference vegetation index composites. The composites are generated from radiometrically calibrated, atmospherically corrected, and geometrically corrected daily AVHRR observations. The time series begins in April 1992 and continues for specific time periods. not-provided
+AVHRR_ORBITAL_SEGMENTS AVHRR 1-km Orbital Segments USGS_LTA 1992-04-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566340-USGS_LTA.json The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 1-km Orbital Segments data set is a component of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) AVHRR Pathfinder Program and contains global coverage of land masses at 1-kilometer resolution. The data set is the result of an international effort to acquire, process, and distribute AVHRR data of the entire global land surface to meet the needs of the international science community. The orbital segments are comprised of raw AVHRR scenes consisting of 5-channel, 10-bit, AVHRR data at 1.1-km resolution at nadir. The raw data are used to produce vegetation index composites; to support fire detection and cloud screening activities; to support research in atmospheric correction; to develop algorithms; and to support a host of research activities that may require the inclusion of raw AVHRR data. not-provided
+Active_Fluorescence_2001.v0 Active fluorescence measurements in the Gulf Stream in 2001 OB_DAAC 2001-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360093-OB_DAAC.json Measurements in the Gulf Stream off the East Coast of the US in 2001 not-provided
+C1_PANA_STUC00GTD.v1 Cartosat-1 PANA Standard Products ISRO 2005-08-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271378-ISRO.json This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products. not-provided
+C1_PANF_STUC00GTD.v1 Cartosat-1 PANF Standard Products ISRO 2005-08-05 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1293271427-ISRO.json This is High resolution satellite carries two PAN sensors with 2.5m resolution and fore-aft stereo capability. The payload is designed to cater to applications in cartography, terrain modeling, cadastral mapping etc. Standard products are full scene (path-row) based geo-referenced as well as geo-orthokit products. not-provided
+CDDIS_GNSS_products_IGS20.v1 CDDIS GNSS ITRF2020 IGS products (IGS20) CDDIS 1983-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2433571719-CDDIS.json These data-derived products are the International GNSS Service (IGS) Analysis Centers' (AC) contribution to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2020. not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_coseismic_offsets.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products weekly coseismic offset time series CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454001-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_daily_time_series.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products daily GNSS geodetic displacement time series CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000081-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These data products are daily geodetic displacement time series (compressed). They are combined, cleaned and filtered, GIPSY-GAMIT long-term time series of Continuous Global Navigation Satellite System (CGNSS) station positions (global and regional) in the latest version of ITRF not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_daily_tropo_delay.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs GNSS products daily tropospheric delay CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454082-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These GNSS data products are long-term time series of troposphere delay (5-minute resolution) at geodetic stations, necessarily estimated during position time series production. not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_discplacement_grids.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products weekly displacement grids time series CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042454029-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_earthquake_displacement.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products highrate earthquake displacement CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2043197582-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These products consist of high-rate displacements at a rate of 1 sample per second or greater. They are used to measure the ground motions when an earthquake occurs. not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_transients.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products plate boundary aseismic transient deformation CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042416028-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These data products catalog plate boundary aseismic transient deformation with focus in Cascadia, cataloging and parameterizing transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic transient motion such as episodic tremor and slip (ETS), first discovered in Japan and Cascadia. not-provided
+CDDIS_MEASURES_products_water_storage.v1 CDDIS SESES MEaSUREs products total water storage time series CDDIS 1992-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2042453960-CDDIS.json Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA’s Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. These data products are grids of changes in total water storage over the continental U.S.; continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S. not-provided
+CDDIS_SLR_products_ITRF2020_REPRO2020.v1 CDDIS SLR products ITRF2020 Station Positions and Earth Orientation Parameters Time Series REPRO2020 CDDIS 1983-01-01 2021-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2409908432-CDDIS.json “The ILRS contribution to ITRF2020 consists of a pair of time series of weekly and bi-weekly station position estimates along with daily and 3-day averaged Earth Orientation Parameters (X-pole, Y-pole and excess Length-Of-Day (LOD)) estimated over 7-day arcs (1993.0 – 2021.0) and 15-day arcs for the period 1983.0-1993.0, aligned to the calendar weeks (Sunday to Saturday), starting from January 1983. Each solution is obtained through the combination of loosely constrained weekly/biweekly solutions submitted by each of the seven official ILRS Analysis Centers. Both, the individual and combined solutions have followed strict standards agreed upon within the ILRS Analysis Standing Committee (ASC) to provide ITRS products of the highest possible quality.” (The ILRS contribution to ITRF2020, E. C. Pavlis (GESTAR II/UMBC & NASA Goddard 61A) and V. Luceri (e-GEOS S.p.A., ASI/CGS)) not-provided
+CDDIS_VLBI_data_aux.v1 CDDIS VLBI Auxilliary Files CDDIS 2005-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2404928689-CDDIS.json Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) auxiliary ASCII files provided by the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) include schedules, notes, and session log files. not-provided
+CEAMARC_CASO_200708030_EVENT_BATHYMETRY_PLOTS.v1 2007-08 V3 CEAMARC-CASO Bathymetry Plots Over Time During Events AU_AADC 2007-12-17 2008-01-26 139.01488, -67.07104, 150.06479, -42.88246 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214308504-AU_AADC.json A routine was developed in R ('bathy_plots.R') to plot bathymetry data over time during individual CEAMARC events. This is so we can analyse benthic data in relation to habitat, ie. did we trawl over a slope or was the sea floor relatively flat. Note that the depth range in the plots is autoscaled to the data, so a small range in depths appears as a scatetring of points. As long as you look at the depth scale though interpretation will be ok. The R files need a file of bathymetry data in '200708V3_one_minute.csv' which is a file containing a data export from the underway PostgreSQL ship database and 'events.csv' which is a stripped down version of the events export from the ship board events database export. If you wish to run the code again you may need to change the pathnames in the R script to relevant locations. If you have opened the csv files in excel at any stage and the R script gets an error you may need to format the date/time columns as yyyy-mm-dd hh;mm:ss, save and close the file as csv without opening it again and then run the R script. However, all output files are here for every CEAMARC event. Filenames contain a reference to CEAMARC event id. Files are in eps format and can be viewed using Ghostview which is available as a free download on the internet. not-provided
+CEOS_CalVal_Test_Sites-Algeria3 CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Algeria 3 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS) USGS_LTA 1972-08-11 5.22, 29.09, 10.01, 31.36 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567099-USGS_LTA.json On the background of these requirements for sensor calibration, intercalibration and product validation, the subgroup on Calibration and Validation of the Committee on Earth Observing System (CEOS) formulated the following recommendation during the plenary session held in China at the end of 2004, with the goal of setting-up and operating an internet based system to provide sensor data, protocols and guidelines for these purposes: Background: Reference Datasets are required to support the understanding of climate change and quality assure operational services by Earth Observing satellites. The data from different sensors and the resulting synergistic data products require a high level of accuracy that can only be obtained through continuous traceable calibration and validation activities. Requirement: Initiate an activity to document a reference methodology to predict Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance for which currently flying and planned wide swath sensors can be intercompared, i.e. define a standard for traceability. Also create and maintain a fully accessible web page containing, on an instrument basis, links to all instrument characteristics needed for intercomparisons as specified above, ideally in a common format. In addition, create and maintain a database (e.g. SADE) of instrument data for specific vicarious calibration sites, including site characteristics, in a common format. Each agency is responsible for providing data for their instruments in this common format. Recommendation : The required activities described above should be supported for an implementation period of two years and a maintenance period over two subsequent years. The CEOS should encourage a member agency to accept the lead role in supporting this activity. CEOS should request all member agencies to support this activity by providing appropriate information and data in a timely manner. Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS): Algeria 3 is one of six CEOS reference Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) that are CEOS Reference Test Sites. Besides the nominally good site characteristics (temporal stability, uniformity, homogeneity, etc.), these six PICS were selected by also taking into account their heritage and the large number of datasets from multiple instruments that already existed in the EO archives and the long history of characterization performed over these sites. The PICS have high reflectance and are usually made up of sand dunes with climatologically low aerosol loading and practically no vegetation. Consequently, these PICS can be used to evaluate the long-term stability of instrument and facilitate inter-comparison of multiple instruments. not-provided
+CH-OG-1-GPS-10S.v0.0 10 sec GPS ground tracking data SCIOPS 2001-05-28 -63.51, -45.69, 170.42, 78.87 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214586614-SCIOPS.json This data set comprises GPS ground data of a sample rate of 10 sec, generated by decoding and sampling GPS high rate ground data. This raw data passed no quality control. The data are given in the Rinex 2.1 format. not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2008.v2008.00 2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) SEDAC 1994-01-01 2007-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001707-SEDAC.json The 2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) centers on two broad environmental protection objectives: (1) reducing environmental stresses on human health, and (2) promoting ecosystem vitality and sound natural resource management. Derived from a careful review of the environmental literature, these twin goals mirror the priorities expressed by policymakers. Environmental health and ecosystem vitality are gauged using 25 indicators tracked in six well-established policy categories: Environmental Health (Environmental Burden of Disease, Water, and Air Pollution), Air Pollution (effects on ecosystems), Water (effects on ecosystems), Biodiversity and Habitat, Productive Natural Resources (Forestry, Fisheries, and Agriculture), and Climate Change. The 2008 EPI utilizes a proximity-to-target methodology in which performance on each indicator is rated on a 0 to 100 scale (100 represents �at target�). By identifying specific targets and measuring how close each country comes to them, the EPI provides a foundation for policy analysis and a context for evaluating performance. Issue-by-issue and aggregate rankings facilitate cross-country comparisons both globally and within relevant peer groups. The 2008 EPI is the result of collaboration among the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission. not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2010.v2010.00 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) SEDAC 1994-01-01 2009-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002147-SEDAC.json The 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 163 countries on environmental performance based on twenty-five indicators grouped within ten core policy categories addressing environmental health, air quality, water resource management, biodiversity and habitat, forestry, fisheries, agriculture, and climate change in the context of two broad objectives: environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI�s proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. It was formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 28, 2010. The 2010 EPI is the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2012.v2012.00 2012 Environmental Performance Index and Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index SEDAC 2000-01-01 2010-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000000-SEDAC.json The 2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 132 countries on 22 performance indicators in the following 10 policy categories: environmental burden of disease, water (effects on human health), air pollution (effects on human health), air pollution (ecosystem effects), water resources (ecosystem effects), biodiversity and habitat, forestry, fisheries, agriculture and climate change. These categories track performance and progress on two broad policy objectives, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Each indicator has an associated environmental public health or ecosystem sustainability target. The EPI's proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. The Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index (Trend EPI) ranks countries on the change in their environmental performance over the last decade. As a complement to the EPI, the Trend EPI shows who is improving and who is declining over time. The 2012 EPI and Pilot Trend EPI were formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 27, 2012. These are the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). The Interactive Website for the 2012 EPI is at http://epi.yale.edu/. not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2014.v2014.00 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) SEDAC 2002-01-01 2014-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000541-SEDAC.json The 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 178 countries on 20 performance indicators in the following 9 policy categories: health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. These categories track performance and progress on two broad policy objectives, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI's proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. The data set includes the 2014 EPI and component scores, backcast EPI scores for 2002-2012, and time-series source data. The 2014 EPI was formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 25, 2014. These are the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). The Interactive Website for the 2014 EPI is at http://epi.yale.edu/. not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_EPI_2016.v2016.00 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) SEDAC 1950-01-01 2016-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1419908204-SEDAC.json The 2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 180 countries on 20 performance indicators in the following 9 policy categories: health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and climate and energy. These categories track performance and progress on two broad policy objectives, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI's proximity-to-target methodology facilitates cross-country comparisons among economic and regional peer groups. The data set includes the 2016 EPI and component scores, backcast EPI scores for 1950-2016, and time-series source data. The 2016 EPI was formally released in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on January 23, 2016. These are the result of collaboration between the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and Yale Data-Driven Environmental Solutions Group, Yale University, Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), and the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Interactive Website for the 2016 EPI is at https://epi.yale.edu. not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2000.v2000.00 2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) SEDAC 1978-01-01 1999-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001887-SEDAC.json The 2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is an exploratory effort to construct an index that measures the ability of a nation's economy to achieve sustainable development, with the long term goal of finding a single indicator for environmental sustainability analagous to that of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The index covering 56 countries is a composite measure of the current status of a nation's environmental systems, pressures on those systems, human vulnerability to environmental change, national capacity to respond, and contributions to global environmental stewardship. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2000, Davos, Switzerland. The 2000 Pilot ESI is the result of collaboration among the World Economic Forum (WEF), Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2001.v2001.00 2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) SEDAC 1980-01-01 2000-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000220-SEDAC.json The 2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) utilizes a refined methodology based on the 2000 Pilot ESI effort, to construct an index covering 122 countries that measures the overall progress towards environmental sustainability. The index is a composite measure of the current status of a nation's environmental systems, pressures on those systems, human vulnerability to environmental change, national capacity to respond, and contributions to global environmental stewardship. The refinements included the addition and deletion of indicators, filling gaps in data coverage, new data sets, and the modification of the aggregation scheme. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2001, Davos, Switzerland. The 2001 ESI is the result of collaboration among the World Economic Forum (WEF), Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2002.v2002.00 2002 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) SEDAC 1980-01-01 2000-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001967-SEDAC.json The 2002 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) measures overall progress toward environmental sustainability for 142 countries based on environmental systems, stresses, human vulnerability, social and institutional capacity and global stewardship. The addition of a climate change indicator, reduction in number of capacity indicators, and an improved imputation methodology contributed to an improvement from the 2001 ESI. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2002, New York. The 2002 ESI is the result of collaboration among the World Economic Forum (WEF), Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP), and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_ESI_2005.v2005.00 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) SEDAC 1980-01-01 2000-12-31 -180, -55, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179001889-SEDAC.json The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is a measure of overall progress towards environmental sustainability, developed for 146 countries. The index provides a composite profile of national environmental stewardship based on a compilation of 21 indicators derived from 76 underlying data sets. The 2005 version of the ESI represents a significant update and improvement on earlier versions; the country ESI scores or rankings should not be compared to earlier versions because of changes to the methodology and underlying data. The index was unveiled at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, January 2005, Davos, Switzerland. The 2005 ESI is a joint product of the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy (YCELP) and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission. not-provided
+CIESIN_SEDAC_USPAT_USUEXT2015.v1.00 2015 Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods SEDAC 2015-01-01 2015-12-31 -180, -56, 180, 84 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1648035940-SEDAC.json The 2015 Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods data set models urban settlements in the Continental United States (CONUS) as of 2015. When applied to the combination of daytime spectral and nighttime lights satellite data, the machine learning methods achieved high accuracy at an intermediate-resolution of 500 meters at large spatial scales. The input data for these models were two types of satellite imagery: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Nighttime Light (NTL) data from the Day/Night Band (DNB), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) corrected daytime Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Although several machine learning methods were evaluated, including Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Neural Network (NN), and the Ensemble of RF, GBM, and NN (ESB), the highest accuracy results were achieved with NN, and those results were used to delineate the urban extents in this data set. not-provided
+CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT.v1 VIIRS/NOAA-20 Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT) ASIPS 2020-10-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2003160566-ASIPS.json The NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_NOAA20_NRT is the shortname for the NOAA-20 VIIRS Near Real-time incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product’s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the NOAA-20 VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the NOAA-20 VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters. not-provided
+CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP_NRT.v1 VIIRS/SNPP Cloud Mask L2 6-Min Swath 750m (NRT) ASIPS 2019-04-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1607563719-ASIPS.json The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-2 (L2) Cloud Mask is one of two continuity products designed to sustain the long-term records of both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and VIIRS heritages. CLDMSK_L2_VIIRS_SNPP is the shortname for the SNPP VIIRS incarnation of the Cloud Mask continuity product derived from the MODIS-VIIRS cloud mask (MVCM) algorithm, which itself is based on the MODIS (MOD35) algorithm. MVCM describes a continuity algorithm that is central to both MODIS data (from Terra and Aqua missions) and VIIRS data (from SNPP and Joint Polar Satellite System missions). Please bear in mind that the term MVCM does not appear as an attribute within the product’s metadata. Implemented to consistently handle MODIS and VIIRS inputs, the SNPP VIIRS collection-1 products use calibration-adjusted NASA VIIRS L1B as inputs. The nominal spatial resolution of the SNPP VIIRS L2 Cloud mask is 750 meters. not-provided
+COARE_cm_er2.mas.v1 MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Measurements Taken Onboard the NASA ER-2 During the TOGA COARE Intensive Observing Period. LAADS 1993-01-03 1993-03-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1625703857-LAADS.json The MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Measurements, taken onboard the NASA ER-2 during the TOGA COARE Intensive Observing Period, are available upon request from NASA LAADS. Browse products are available at https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/missions-and-measurements/mas/. The ER-2 navigation data are available from the same site in sub directory nasa_er2/nav. Browse imagery of the data may be viewed from the MAS Homepage at: https://mas.arc.nasa.gov/data/deploy_html/toga_home.html. MAS Level 1B data are available on 8500 density 8mm tape from TOGA COARE User Services at the Goddard DAAC. Each tape contains all the flight lines for one MAS flight (one day). The number of flight lines varies, but is generally between 10 and 20. The volume of data varies, but is generally 1 to 3 gigabytes per flight. Detailed instructions for reading MAS tapes is contained in MAS_Usr_Guide.ps. To obtain the data on tape, contact the DAAC User Services Office. For help with NASA TOGA COARE data residing at the GSFC DAAC, contact Pat Hrubiak at hrubiak@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov. BACK GROUND: TOGA COARE was a multidisciplinary, international research effort that investigated the scientific phenomena associated with the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the warm pool region of the western Pacific. The field experiment phase of the program took place from 1 November 1992 through 28 February 1993 and involved the deployment of oceanographic ships and buoys, several ship and land based Doppler radars, multiple low and high level aircraft equipped with Doppler radar and other airborne sensors, as well as a variety of surface based instruments for in situ observations. The NASA component of TOGA COARE, while contributing directly to over all COARE objectives, emphasized scientific objectives associated with the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and NASA's cloud and radiation program. AIRCRAFT INFORMATION: The NASA ER-2 is a high altitude, single pilot aircraft based at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, and deployed globally in support of a variety of atmospheric research projects. It has a maximum altitude of 70,000 feet (21 km), a range of 3000 nautical miles, a maximum flight duration of 8 hours (nominal 6.5 hours) and a top speed of 410 knots true air speed. The aircraft accommodates about 2700 pounds (1200 kg) of payload. For the TOGA COARE campaign, the ER-2 payload consisted of a variety of radiometers, a lidar, a conductivity probe and a camera. FLIGHT INFORMATION: The following table relates MAS data files to ER-2 and DC-8 flight numbers and to the UTC dates for the 13 mission flights of the NASA/TOGA COARE campaign and 2 additional flights of the ER-2 on which MAS data was acquired. The objectives (Obj) column is included for the convenience of the user; the mission objective defaulted to radiation (Rad) unless convection (Con) was forecast in the target area. Date (UTC) ER-2 Flight DC-8 Flight MAS TapeID Obj-Jan 11-12 93-053 93-01-06 93-053 RadJan 17-18 93-054 93-01-07 93-054 Con Jan 18-19 93-055 93-01-08 93-055 Con Jan 25-26 93-056 93-01-09 93-056 RadJan 28-29 93-057 93-057 Jan 31-Feb 1 93-058 93-01-10 93-058 Rad Feb 2 93-059 93-059 Feb 4 93-060 93-01-11 93-060 Con Feb 6 93-01-12 Con Feb 7 93-061 93-061 Feb 8-9 93-062 93-01-13 93-062 Con Feb 10-11 93-063 93-01-14 93-063 Con Feb 17-18 93-01-15 93-064 Con Feb 19-20 93-064 93-064 Feb 20-21 93-065 93-01-16 93-065 Con Feb 22-23 93-066 93-01-17 Con Feb 23-24 93-067 93-01-18 Rad. INSTRUMENT INFORMATION: The MODIS Airborne Simulator is a visible/infrared imaging radiometer that was mounted, for this campaign, in the right aft wing pod of the ER-2 aircraft. Through cross track scanning to the aircraft direction of flight, the MAS instrument builds a continuous sequence image of the atmosphere surface features under the aircraft. Wavelength channels of the instrument are selected for specific cloud and surface remote sensing applications. Also the channels are those which will be incorporated in measurements by the space borne MODIS instrument. The MAS instrument acquires eleven simultaneous wavelengths with 100 meters or better resolution at the surface. Principles of Operation: The MAS Spectrometer acquires high spatial resolution imagery in the wavelength range 0.55 to 14.3 microns. A total of 50 spectral bands are available in this range, and currently the digitize is configured before each mission to record in any 12 of these bands during flight. For all pre-1994 MAS missions, the 12-channel digitize was configured with four 10-bit channels and seven 8-bit channels. The MAS spectrometer is mated to a scanner sub-assembly which collects image data with an IFOV of 2.5 mrad, giving a ground resolution of 50 meters from 20,000 meters altitude,and a cross track scan width of 85.92 degrees. A 50 channel digitizer which records all 50 spectral bands at 12 bit resolution became operational in January 1995. DATA ORGANIZATION Data Format: The archive tapes are created by writing each output data file (1 straight-line flight track) to tape in fixed-length blocks of 16384 bytes, in time ascending order. One end-of-file (EOF) mark is written at the end of the data blocks for each file, and an extra EOF is written at the end of the data on the tape. The last block of each file has good data at the start of the block and unused bytes (filled with null characters) at the end. Information on the length of the file is encoded in the header when the file is created. No file name,protection, or ownership information is written onto the archive tape. All information necessary to identify the file is stored in the file itself. Documentation: In addition to this document, please obtain Volume 3, MODIS Airborne Simulator Level 1B Data Users Guide, resident in this directory in postscript file MAS_Usr_Guide.ps. Browse Products: There are 2 GIF image files per flight line, named 93ddd??v.gif and 93ddd??i.gif, where 93 is the year, ddd the Julian day of the flight, ?? the flight line number, and v or i, indicating respectively visible (VIS) or Infrared (IR) imagery. Images from each flight, accompanied by a flight statistics summary file, reside in a sub directory named with the date of the flight (02feb93) under mas/images. not-provided
+CWIC_REG.v1.0 Radarsat-2 Scenes, Natural Resources Canada CCMEO 2008-04-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204659831-CCMEO.json The collection represents browse images and metadata for systematically georeferenced Radarsat-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) satellite scenes. The browse scenes are not geometrically enhanced using ground control points, but are systematically corrected using sensor parameters. Full resolution precision geocoded scenes(corrected using ground control points) which correspond to the browse images can be ordered from MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., Vancouver, Canada. Metadata discovery is achieved using the online catalog http://neodf.nrcan.gc.ca OR by using the CWIC OGC CSW service URL : http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu/cwicv1/discovery. The imaging frequency is C Band SAR : 5405.0000 MHz. RADARSAT-2 is in a polar, sun-synchronous orbit with a period of approximately 101 minutes. The RADARSAT-2 orbit will be maintained at +\/- 1 km in across track direction. This orbit maintenance is suitable for InSAR data collection. The geo-location accuracy of RADARSAT-2 products varies with product type. It is currently estimated at +\/- 30 m for Standard beam products. The revisit period for RADARSAT-2 depends on the beam mode, incidence angle and geographic location of the area of interest. In general, revisit is more frequent at the poles than the equator and the wider swath modes have higher revisit than t he narrow swath modes. not-provided
+CWIC_REG_RCM.v1.0 RCM (Radarsat Constellation Mission ) Products, Natural Resources Canada CCMEO 2019-06-12 2026-06-12 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204659595-CCMEO.json The collection represents products and metadata for georeferenced Radarsat Constellation Mission ( RCM ) satellite scenes. Metadata discovery and product ordering is achieved using the online catalog https://www.eodms-sgdot.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/index-en.html OR by using the CWIC OpenSearch OSDD : http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu/cwicv1/discovery. not-provided
+CWIC_REG_Radarsat-1.v1.0 Radarsat-1 Scenes, Natural Resources Canada CCMEO 1996-01-11 2013-03-29 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2204658925-CCMEO.json The collection represents browse images and metadata for systematically georeferenced Radarsat-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) satellite scenes. The browse scenes are not geometrically enhanced using ground control points, but are systematically corrected using sensor parameters. Full resolution precision geocoded scenes(corrected using ground control points) which correspond to the browse images can be ordered from MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., Vancouver, Canada. Metadata discovery is achieved using the online catalog https://neodf.nrcan.gc.ca/neodf_cat3 OR by using the CWIC OGC CSW service URL : http://cwic.csiss.gmu.edu/cwicv1/discovery. Radarsat-1 operates at 5.3 GHz. (C-Band). It is in a sun-synchronous orbit. Image resolution is in the range 8-100 meters. not-provided
+Catlin_Arctic_Survey.v0 2011 R/V Catlin cruise in the Arctic Ocean OB_DAAC 2011-03-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360181-OB_DAAC.json Measurements made in the Arctic Ocean by the RV Catlin in 2011. not-provided
+DLG100K 1:100,000-scale Digital Line Graphs (DLG) from the U.S. Geological Survey USGS_LTA 1987-06-19 -126, 24, -66, 49 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566434-USGS_LTA.json Digital line graph (DLG) data are digital representations of cartographic information. DLG's of map features are converted to digital form from maps and related sources. Intermediate-scale DLG data are derived from USGS 1:100,000-scale 30- by 60-minute quadrangle maps. If these maps are not available, Bureau of Land Management planimetric maps at a scale of 1: 100,000 are used. Intermediate-scale DLG's are sold in five categories: (1) Public Land Survey System; (2) boundaries (3) transportation; (4) hydrography; and (5) hypsography. All DLG data distributed by the USGS are DLG - Level 3 (DLG-3), which means the data contain a full range of attribute codes, have full topological structuring, and have passed certain quality-control checks. not-provided
+EARTH_LAND_USGS_AMES_AIR_PHOTOS Aerial Photographs (from AMES Pilot Land Data System); USGS EDC, Sioux Falls USGS_LTA 1970-01-01 -180, 20, -60, 50 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566371-USGS_LTA.json "The aerial photography inventoried by the Pilot Land Data System (PLDS) at NASA AMES Research Center has been transferred to the USGS EROS Data Center. The photos were obtained from cameras mounted on high and medium altitude aircraft based at the NASA Ames Research Center. Several cameras with varying focal lengths, lenses and film formats are used, but the Wild RC-10 camera with a focal length of 152 millimeters and a 9 by 9 inch film format is most common. The positive transparencies are typically used for ancillary ground checks in conjunctions with digital processing for the same sites. The aircraft flights, specifically requested by scientists performing approved research, often simultaneously collect data using other sensors on board (e.g. Thematic Mapper Simulators (TMS) and Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanners). High altitude color infrared photography is used regularly by government agencies for such applications as crop yield forecasting, timber inventory and defoliation assessment, water resource management, land use surveys, water pollution monitoring, and natural disaster assessment. To order, specify the latitude and longitude of interest. You will then be given a list of photos available for that location. In some cases, ""flight books"" are available at EDC that describe the nature of the mission during which the photos were taken and other attribute information. The customer service personnel have access to these books for those photo sets for which the books exist." not-provided
+ECO_L1B_ATT.v002 ECOSTRESS Swath Attitude and Ephemeris Instantaneous L1B Global V002 LPCLOUD 2018-07-09 -180, -54, 180, 54 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076117996-LPCLOUD.json The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Swath Attitude and Ephemeris Instantaneous Level 1B Global (ECO_L1B_ATT) Version 2 data product provides both corrected and uncorrected attitude quaternions and spacecraft ephemeris data obtained from the ISS. The data are provided in 1 second intervals, and each product file contains vectors from the duration of the orbit. The ECO_L1B_ATT Version 2 data product contains layers of attitude and ephemeris data generated by the ISS, which are used to start the geolocation process. These layers also include Earth-centered inertial (ECI) position and velocity, and associated time elements distributed in HDF5 format. Known Issues: *Cannot perform spatial query on ECO_L1B_ATT in NASA Earthdata Search: ECO_L1B_ATT does not contain spatial attributes, so granules cannot be searched by geographic location. Users should search for ECO_L1B_ATT data products by orbit number instead. *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. not-provided
+ECO_L1B_GEO.v002 ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous L1B Global 70 m V002 LPCLOUD 2018-07-09 -180, -54, 180, 54 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076087338-LPCLOUD.json "The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Swath Geolocation Instantaneous Level 1B Global (ECO_L1B_GEO) Version 2 data product provides the geolocation information for the radiance values retrieved in the ECO_L1B_RAD (https://doi.org/10.5067/ecostress/eco_l1b_rad.002) Version 2 data product. The geolocation product gives geo-tagging to each of the radiance pixels. The geolocation processing corrects the ISS-reported ephemeris and attitude data by image matching with a global ortho-base derived from Landsat data, and then assigns latitude and longitude values to each of the Level 1 radiance pixels. When image matching is successful, the data are geolocated to better than 50 meter (m) accuracy. The ECO_L1B_GEO data product is provided as swath data. The ECO_L1B_GEO data product contains data layers for latitude and longitude values, solar and view geometry information, surface height, and the fraction of pixel on land versus water distributed in HDF5 format. Known Issues: *Geolocation accuracy: In cases where scenes were not successfully matched with the ortho-base, the geolocation error is significantly larger; the worst-case geolocation error for uncorrected data is 7 kilometers (km). Within the metadata of the ECO_L1B_GEO file, if the field ""L1GEOMetadata/OrbitCorrectionPerformed"" is ""True"", the data was corrected, and geolocation accuracy should be better than 50 m. If this field is ""False"", then the data was processed without correcting the geolocation and will have up to 7 km geolocation error. *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: EECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. " not-provided
+ECO_L1CG_RAD.v002 ECOSTRESS Gridded Top of Atmosphere Calibrated Radiance Instantaneous L1C Global 70 m V002 LPCLOUD 2018-07-09 -180, -54, 180, 54 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2595678497-LPCLOUD.json The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally between 52° N and 52° S latitudes. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Gridded Top of Atmosphere Calibrated Radiance Instantaneous Level 1C Global 70 m (ECO_L1CG_RAD) Version 2 data product provides at-sensor calibrated radiance values retrieved for five thermal infrared (TIR) bands operating between 8 and 12.5 µm. This product is a gridded version of the ECO_L1B_RAD (https://doi.org/10.5067/ECOSTRESS/ECO_L1B_RAD.002) Version 2 data product that has been resampled by nearest neighbor, projected to a globally snapped 0.0006° grid, and repackaged as the ECO_L1CG_RAD data product. The ECO_L1CG_RAD Version 2 data product contains 12 layers distributed in an HDF5 format file containing radiance values for the five TIR bands, associated data quality indicators, and cloud and water masks. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Missing scan data/striping features: During testing, an instrument artifact was encountered in ECOSTRESS bands 1 and 5, resulting in missing values. A machine learning algorithm has been applied to interpolate missing values. For more information on the missing scan filling techniques and outcomes, see Section 3.3.2 of the ECO_L1B_RAD User Guide. *Scan overlap: An overlap between ECOSTRESS scans results in a clear line overlap and repeating data. Additional information is available in Section 3.2 of the ECO_L1B_RAD User Guide. *Scan flipping: Improvements to the visualization of the data to compensate for instrument orientation are discussed in Section 3.4 of the ECO_L1B_RAD User Guide. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. not-provided
+ECO_L2G_CLOUD.v002 ECOSTRESS Gridded Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m V002 LPCLOUD 2018-07-09 -180, -54, 180, 54 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076113561-LPCLOUD.json The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Gridded Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m (ECO_L2G_CLOUD) Version 2 data product is derived using a single-channel Bayesian cloud threshold with a look-up-table (LUT) approach. The ECO_L2G_CLOUD product provides a cloud mask that can be used to determine cloud cover for accurate land surface temperature and evapotranspiration estimation. This data product is a gridded version of the ECO_L2_CLOUD Version 2 product that was resampled using nearest neighbor, projected to a globally snapped 0.0006° grid, and repackaged as the ECO_L2G_CLOUD Version 2 data product. The ECO_L2G_CLOUD Version 2 data product contains two cloud mask layers: cloud confidence and final cloud mask. Information on how to interpret the cloud confidence and cloud mask layers is provided in Table 7 of the ECO_L2_CLOUD Version 2 User Guide. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. not-provided
+ECO_L2G_LSTE.v002 ECOSTRESS Gridded Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m V002 LPCLOUD 2018-07-09 -180, -54, 180, 54 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076113037-LPCLOUD.json The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Gridded Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Instantaneous Level 2 Global 70 m (ECO_L2G_LSTE) Version 2 data product provides atmospherically corrected land surface temperature and emissivity (LST&E) values derived from five thermal infrared (TIR) bands. The ECO_L2G_LSTE data product was derived using a physics-based Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm. This data product is a gridded version of the ECO_L2_LSTE (https://doi.org/10.5067/ECOSTRESS/ECO_L2_LSTE.002) Version 2 data product that was resampled using nearest neighbor, projected to a globally snapped 0.0006° grid, and repackaged as the ECO_L2G_LSTE data product. The ECO_L2G_LSTE product is provided as gridded data and has a spatial resolution of 70 meters (m). The ECO_L2G_LSTE Version 2 data product contains 8 layers distributed in an HDF5 format file including LST, LST error, wideband emissivity, height, view zenith angle, quality flags, and cloud and water masks. For acquisitions after May 15, 2019, data products contain data values for TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 only. TIR bands 1 and 3 contain fill values to accommodate direct streaming of data from the ISS, as mentioned in the Known Issues section. LST data generated after May 15, 2019, will use only the three available bands; accuracy may be affected when compared to the LST data that utilized all five bands. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4, and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. not-provided
+ECO_L2_CLOUD.v002 ECOSTRESS Swath Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m V002 LPCLOUD 2018-07-09 -180, -54, 180, 54 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2076115306-LPCLOUD.json The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) mission measures the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress. ECOSTRESS is attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and collects data globally as well as key biomes and agricultural zones around the world and selected FLUXNET (http://fluxnet.fluxdata.org/about/) validation sites. A map of the acquisition coverage can be found on the ECOSTRESS website (https://ecostress.jpl.nasa.gov/science). The ECOSTRESS Swath Cloud Mask Instantaneous L2 Global 70 m (ECO_L2_CLOUD) Version 2 data product is derived using a single-channel Bayesian cloud threshold with a look-up-table (LUT) approach. The ECOSTRESS Level 2 cloud product provides a cloud mask that can be used to determine cloud cover for accurate land surface temperature and evapotranspiration estimation. The corresponding ECO_L1B_GEO (https://doi.org/10.5067/ECOSTRESS/ECO_L1B_GEO.002) data product is required to georeference the ECO_L2_CLOUD data product. The ECO_L2_CLOUD Version 2 data product contains two cloud mask layers: Brightness temperature LUT test and Final cloud mask. Information on how to interpret the bit fields in the cloud mask is provided in Table 7 of the User Guide. Known Issues: *Data acquisition gap: ECOSTRESS was launched on June 29, 2018, and moved to autonomous science operations on August 20, 2018, following a successful in-orbit checkout period. On September 29, 2018, ECOSTRESS experienced an anomaly with its primary mass storage unit (MSU). ECOSTRESS has a primary and secondary MSU (A and B). On December 5, 2018, the instrument was switched to the secondary MSU and science operations resumed. On March 14, 2019, the secondary MSU experienced a similar anomaly, temporarily halting science acquisitions. On May 15, 2019, a new data acquisition approach was implemented, and science acquisitions resumed. To optimize the new acquisition approach TIR bands 2, 4 and 5 are being downloaded. The data products are as previously, except the bands not downloaded contain fill values (L1 radiance and L2 emissivity). This approach was implemented from May 15, 2019, through April 28, 2023. *Data acquisition gap: From February 8 to February 16, 2020, an ECOSTRESS instrument issue resulted in a data anomaly that created striping in band 4 (10.5 micron). These data products have been reprocessed and are available for download. No ECOSTRESS data were acquired on February 17, 2020, due to the instrument being in SAFEHOLD. Data acquired following the anomaly have not been affected. *Data acquisition: ECOSTRESS has now successfully returned to 5-band mode after being in 3-band mode since 2019. This feature was successfully enabled following a Data Processing Unit firmware update (version 4.1) to the payload on April 28, 2023. To better balance contiguous science data scene variables, 3-band collection is currently being interleaved with 5-band acquisitions over the orbital day/night periods. not-provided
+EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_1P.v4 Full Resolution Full Swath Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance LAADS 2002-05-17 2012-04-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151211533-LAADS.json The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) is one of 10 sensors deployed in March of 2002 on board the polar-orbiting Envisat-1 environmental research satellite by the European Space Agency (ESA). The MERIS instrument is a moderate-resolution wide field-of-view push-broom imaging spectroradiometer capable of sensing in the 390 nm to 1040 nm spectral range. Being a programmable instrument, it had the unique capability of selectively adjusting the width and location of its 15 bands through ground command. The instrument has a 68.5-degree field of view and a swath width of 1150 meters, providing a global coverage every 3 days at 300 m resolution. Communication with the Envisat-1 satellite was lost suddenly on the 8th of April, 2012, just weeks after celebrating its 10th year in orbit. All attempts to re-establish contact were unsuccessful, and the end of the mission was declared on May 9th, 2012. The 4th reprocessing cycle, in 2020, has produced both the full-resolution and reduced-resolution L1 and L2 MERIS products. EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_1P is the short-name for the MERIS Level-1 full resolution, full swath, geolocated and calibrated top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance product. This product contains the TOA upwelling spectral radiance measurements. The in-band reference irradiances for the 15 MERIS bands are computed by averaging the in-band solar irradiance for each pixel. Each pixel’s in-band solar irradiance is computed by integrating the reference solar spectrum with the band-pass of each pixel. The Level-1 product contains 22 data files: 15 files contain radiances for each band (one band per file) along with associated error estimates, and 7 annotation data files. It also includes a Manifest file that provides metadata information describing the product. not-provided
+EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_2P.v4 Full Resolution Full Swath Geophysical Product for Ocean, Land and Atmosphere LAADS 2003-01-01 2012-04-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151219110-LAADS.json The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) is one of 10 sensors deployed in March of 2002 on board the polar-orbiting Envisat-1 environmental research satellite by the European Space Agency (ESA). The MERIS instrument is a moderate-resolution wide field-of-view push-broom imaging spectroradiometer capable of sensing in the 390 nm to 1040 nm spectral range. Being a programmable instrument, it had the unique capability of selectively adjusting the width and location of its 15 bands through ground command. The instrument has a 68.5-degree field of view and a swath width of 1150 meters, providing a global coverage every 3 days at 300 m resolution. Communication with the Envisat-1 satellite was lost suddenly on the 8th of April, 2012, just weeks after celebrating its 10th year in orbit. All attempts to re-establish contact were unsuccessful, and the end of the mission was declared on May 9th, 2012. The 4th reprocessing cycle, in 2020, has produced both the full-resolution and reduced-resolution L1 and L2 MERIS products. EN1_MDSI_MER_FRS_2P is the short-name for the MERIS Level-2 full resolution, geophysical product for ocean, land, and atmosphere. This Level-2 product comes in a netCDF4 package that contains both instrument and science measurements, and a Manifest file that provides metadata information describing the product. Each Level-2 product contains 64 measurement files that break down thus: 13 files containing water-leaving reflectance, 13 files containing land surface reflectance and 13 files containing the TOA reflectance (for all bands except those dedicated to measuring atmospheric gas - M11 and M15), and several files containing additional measurements on ocean, land, and atmosphere parameters. not-provided
+EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZFR02.v2014-10-07 ASCAT L1 SZF Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-01-01 2014-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901388-EUMETSAT.json Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at full resolution (SZF). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at 12.5 and 25 km Swath Grids. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). not-provided
+EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZOR02.v2014-10-07 ASCAT L1 SZO Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-01-01 2014-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901391-EUMETSAT.json Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 25 km Swath Grid (SZO). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 12.5 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). not-provided
+EO:EUM:CM:METOP:ASCSZRR02.v2014-10-07 ASCAT L1 SZR Climate Data Record Release 2 - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-01-01 2014-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901394-EUMETSAT.json Reprocessed L1B data from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on METOP-A, resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid (SZR). Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) triplets of the Earth surface together with measurement time, location (latitude and longitude) and geometrical information (incidence and azimuth angles). The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product is also available at full resolution and at 25 km Swath Grid. This is a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR). not-provided
+EO:EUM:CM:MSG:MSGASRE0100.v2015-06-01 All-Sky Radiances - MSG - 0 degree (CF-015 Release 1) EUMETSAT 2004-03-01 2012-12-31 -79, -81, 79, 81 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588876447-EUMETSAT.json This is the first release of the reprocessed SEVIRI All-Sky Radiances (ASR) product. The ASR product contains information on mean brightness temperatures (16x16 pixels so around 50km at nadir) from all thermal (e.g. infrared and water vapour) channels. It includes both clear and cloudy sky brightness temperatures. The ASR product also contains the fraction of clear sky and the solar zenith angle. The final ASR product is BUFR encoded 3-hourly at every third quarter of the hour (e.g. 00:45, 01:45 ...).Note that the reprocessing was done using the latest version of the EUMETSAT software (Version 1.5.3, 2013) ingesting original level 1.5 SEVIRI images and the ECMWF ERA-interim as a as a forecast input re-analysis data. not-provided
+EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZF1B.v2010-09-21 ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-05-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901397-EUMETSAT.json The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. This product consists of geo-located radar backscatter values along the six ASCAT beams. The different beam measurements are not collocated into a regular swath grid and the individual measurements are not spatially averaged. The resolution of each of the 255 backscatter values per each beam varies slightly along the beam, but it is approximately 10km (in the along beam direction) x 25 km (across the beam). This product is usually referred to as 'ASCAT Level 1B Full resolution product'. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. not-provided
+EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZO1B.v2010-09-21 ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-03-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901403-EUMETSAT.json The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid'. not-provided
+EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:ASCSZR1B.v2010-09-21 ASCAT GDS Level 1 Sigma0 resampled at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-03-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901400-EUMETSAT.json The prime objective of the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is to measure wind speed and direction over the oceans, and the main operational application is the assimilation of ocean winds in NWP models. Other operational applications, based on the use of measurements of the backscattering coefficient, are sea ice edge detection and monitoring, monitoring sea ice, snow cover, soil moisture and surface parameters. The product is available from the archive in 2 different spatial resolutions; 25 km and 12.5 km. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. Near real-time distribution discontinued on 29/09/2015 but the product contents are now available in the corresponding Level 2 product 'ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid'. not-provided
+EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-104.v2011-09-28 ASCAT Coastal Winds at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT 1970-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901378-EUMETSAT.json Equivalent neutral 10m winds over the global oceans, with specific sampling to provide as many observations as possible near the coasts. Better than using this archived NRT product, please use the reprocessed ASCAT winds data records (EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-A, EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:OSI-150-B). not-provided
+EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO12.v2010-06-21 ASCAT Soil Moisture at 12.5 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901376-EUMETSAT.json The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. not-provided
+EO:EUM:DAT:METOP:SOMO25.v2010-06-21 ASCAT Soil Moisture at 25 km Swath Grid - Metop EUMETSAT 2007-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1588901374-EUMETSAT.json The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. Note that some of the data are reprocessed. Please refer to the associated product validation reports or product release notes for further information. not-provided
+FIFE_AF_DET_G_5.v1 Aircraft Flux-Detrended: Univ. Col. (FIFE) ORNL_DAAC 1987-05-26 1989-10-31 -102, 37, -95, 40 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003494-ORNL_DAAC.json Detrended boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza not-provided
+FIFE_AF_DET_K_4.v1 Aircraft Flux-Detrended: U of Wy. (FIFE) ORNL_DAAC 1987-08-11 1989-10-31 -102, 37, -95, 40 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003698-ORNL_DAAC.json Detrended boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza not-provided
+FIFE_AF_DET_M_3.v1 Aircraft Flux-Detrended: NRCC (FIFE) ORNL_DAAC 1987-06-26 1989-10-31 -102, 37, -95, 40 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003112-ORNL_DAAC.json Detrended boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza not-provided
+FIFE_AF_FLT_M_6.v1 Aircraft Flux-Filtered: NRCC (FIFE) ORNL_DAAC 1987-06-26 1989-10-31 -102, 37, -95, 40 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002951-ORNL_DAAC.json Filtered boundary layer fluxes recorded on aircraft flights over the Konza not-provided
+FIFE_RAIN_30M_2.v1 30 Minute Rainfall Data (FIFE) ORNL_DAAC 1987-05-29 1987-10-26 -96.6, 39.08, -96.55, 39.11 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179002914-ORNL_DAAC.json 30 minute rainfall data for the Konza Prairie not-provided
+FIFE_STRM_15M_1.v1 15 Minute Stream Flow Data: USGS (FIFE) ORNL_DAAC 1984-12-25 1988-03-04 -96.6, 39.1, -96.6, 39.1 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003030-ORNL_DAAC.json USGS 15 minute stream flow data for Kings Creek on the Konza Prairie not-provided
+G5NR.v1 GEOS-5 Nature Run data NCCS 2005-05-15 2007-06-16 -180, 90, 179.9375, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1634215803-NCCS.json This specific GEOS-5 model configuration used to perform a two-year global, non-hydrostatic mesoscale simulation for the period 2005-2007 at 7-km (3.5-km in the future) horizontal resolution. Because this simulation is intended to serve as a reference Nature Run for Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs, e.g., Errico et al., 2012) it will be referred to as the 7-km GEOS-5 Nature Run or 7-km G5NR. This simulation has been performed with the Ganymed version of GEOS- 5, more specifically with CVS Tag wmp-Ganymed-4_0_BETA8. In addition to standard meteorological parameters (wind, temperature, moisture, surface pressure), this simulation includes 15 aerosol tracers (dust, sea-salt, sulfate, black and organic carbon), O3, CO and CO2. This model simulation is driven by prescribed sea-surface temperature and sea-ice, as well as surface emissions and uptake of aerosols and trace gases, including daily volcanic and biomass burning emissions, biogenic sources and sinks of CO2, and high-resolution inventories of anthropogenic sources.The simulation is performed at a horizontal resolution of 7 km using a cubed-sphere horizontal grid with 72 vertical levels, extending up to to 0.01 hPa (~ 80 km). For user convenience, all data products are generated on two logically rectangular longitude-latitude grids: a full-resolution 0.0625o grid that approximately matches the native cubed-sphere resolution, and another 0.5o reduced-resolution grid. The majority of the full-resolution data products are instantaneous with some fields being time-averaged. The reduced-resolution datasets are mostly time-averaged, with some fields being instantaneous. Hourly data intervals are used for the reduced-resolution datasets, while 30-minute intervals are used for the full-resolution products. All full-resolution output is on the model’s native 72-layer hybrid sigma-pressure vertical grid, while the reduced-resolution output is given on native vertical levels and on 48 pressure surfaces extending up to 0.02 hPa. Section 4 presents additional details on horizontal and vertical grids. not-provided
+GE01_MSI_L1B.v1 GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA 2009-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2471470251-CSDA.json The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band L1B Satellite Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 1.84m at nadir (1.65m before summer 2013) and has a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+GE01_Pan_L1B.v1 GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA 2009-09-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497510652-CSDA.json The GeoEye-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the GeoEye-1 satellite using the GeoEye-1 Imaging System across the global land surface from September 2008 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m at nadir (0.41m before summer 2013) and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+GEOS FP.v1 GEOS Forward Processing NCCS 2014-02-20 -180, 90, 179.6875, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1634094157-NCCS.json The GEOS FP Atmospheric Data Assimilation System (GEOS ADAS) uses an analysis developed jointly with NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which allows the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) to take advantage of the developments at NCEP and the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). The GEOS AGCM uses the finite-volume dynamics (Lin, 2004) integrated with various physics packages (e.g, Bacmeister et al., 2006), under the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) including the Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) (e.g., Koster et al., 2000). The GSI analysis is a three-dimensional variational (3DVar) analysis applied in grid-point space to facilitate the implementation of anisotropic, inhomogeneous covariances (e.g., Wu et al., 2002; Derber et al., 2003). The GSI implementation for GEOS FP incorporates a set of recursive filters that produce approximately Gaussian smoothing kernels and isotropic correlation functions. The GEOS ADAS is documented in Rienecker et al. (2008). More recent updates to the model are presented in Molod et al. (2011). The GEOS system actively assimilates roughly 2 ´ 106 observations for each analysis, including about 7.5 ´ 105 AIRS radiance data. The input stream is roughly twice this volume, but because of the large volume, the data are thinned commensurate with the analysis grid to reduce the computational burden. Data are also rejected from the analysis through quality control procedures designed to detect, for example, the presence of cloud. To minimize the spurious periodic perturbations of the analysis, GEOS FP uses the Incremental Analysis Update (IAU) technique developed by Bloom et al. (1996). not-provided
+GEOS-CF Products.v1 GEOS CF (Composition Forecast) NCCS 2018-01-01 -180, 90, 179.5, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633930911-NCCS.json The NASA Global Earth Observing System (GEOS) model has been expanded to provide global nearreal- time forecasts of atmospheric composition at a horizontal resolution of 0.25 degrees (about 25 km). This GEOS Composition Forecast (GEOS-CF) system combines the GEOS weather analysis and forecasting system with the state-of-the-science GEOS-Chem chemistry module (Bey et al., 2001; Keller et al., 2014; Long et al., 2015) to provide detailed chemical analysis of a wide range of air pollutants including ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). not-provided
+GGD222.v1 Active layer and permafrost properties, including snow depth, soil temperature, and soil moisture, Barrow, Alaska, Version 1 NSIDCV0 1962-01-01 1993-12-31 -156.78872, 71.29058, -156.78872, 71.29058 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206550-NSIDCV0.json This data set contains soil temperature, soil moisture, thaw depth, and snow depth data collected at test sites near Barrow, Alaska, during the following years. Soil temperature data - 1963-1966, 1993 Soil moisture data - 1963 Thaw depth - 1962-1968, 1991-1993 Snow depth - 1963-1964 This study focused on characterizing the active soil layer at Barrow, and determining the relationships between and among these physical properties at permafrost sites in the Arctic. This site is U1 of the IPA's Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program and later measurements are available at the CALM Web site. not-provided
+GGD23.v1 Active-Layer and Permafrost Temperatures, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg), Greenland, Version 1 NSIDCV0 1967-09-01 1982-08-31 -53.64, 66.94, -53.64, 66.94 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206552-NSIDCV0.json This data set contains active-layer and permafrost temperatures from Sisimiut, west Greenland, recorded from 18 sensors at depths of 0.25 m, 0.5 m, 0.75 m, 1 m, 1.25 m, 1.5 m, 1.75 m, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m, 3.5 m, 4 m, 4.5 m, 5 m, 6 m, 7 m, 8 m, and 9 m below the surface. Snow depth, snow extent, and surface air temperature were also recorded. Thermometers recorded temperatures once a day from September 1967 to August 1982; however, this data set only contains bi-weekly averages. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format and are available via FTP. not-provided
+GGD239.v1 Active layer physical processes at Broeggerhalvoya, western Spitsbergen, Version 1 NSIDCV0 1985-07-01 1986-06-30 12.462, 78.958, 12.462, 78.958 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206556-NSIDCV0.json These data have been collected from an Arctic desert site (latitude 78o57'29N, longitude 12o27'42E), Broeggerhalvoya in western Spitsbergen, 10 km NW from Ny Alesund, 45 m above sea level, 2 km from the shore. This is a low relief tip of a bedrock peninsula covered with several meters of glacial drift and reworked raised beach ridges. The measurements are obtained in the site of well developed patterned ground, sorted polygons, where the influence of plants, including thermal insulation and transpiration, is negligible. The 1985-1986 period was average. Mean annual air temperature was -6.6 C, 0.4 C colder than the long-term (1975-1990) mean, but well within the mean variability. Mean winter air temperature is relatively warm (mean of coldest month, February, is -14.6 C). Annual precipitation was 17 % greater than the ong-term mean (372 mm); however, the number of rain-on-snow events was less (3) than average (5.5). Overall, the reference period is close to long-term averages. A program of automated soil temperature recordings was initiated in the summer of 1984, at a patterned ground field site Thermistors were placed approximately 0.1 m apart in an epoxy-filled PVC rod (18 mm outside diameter), buried in the center of a fine-grained domain of a sorted circle, down to 1.14 m below the ground surface. The data presented here covers 7/1/85-7/1/86, once a day (6 am), at two levels (0.0 m, 1.145 m below surface). The resolution of the thermistors is 0.004 C, and the accuracy is estimated to be 0.02 C near 0 C. Missing data accounts for less than 7 %. The gaps are filled with simple average of the beginning and end of the gap values. For a detailed description of the field site and data analysis see Putkonen (1997) and Hallet and Prestrud (1986). These data are presented on the CAPS Version 1.0 CD-ROM, June 1998. not-provided
+GGD249.v1 Active layer thickness and ground temperatures, Svea, Svalbard, Version 1 NSIDCV0 1987-07-01 1996-05-31 16.683, 77.9, 16.683, 77.9 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206575-NSIDCV0.json Snow and soil temperature records for January 1988 - May 1996 are presented. Included are snow depth and weight measurements, snow density (calculated), active layer depth in the frost tubes, weight of wet and dried soil samples from unknown depth within the active layer (water content calculated), and soil temperature at the surface (0.05 cm) and to the depths of 3 to 4 meters at 3 sites. The sites are 1) on a road covered by 1 m of gravel underlain by clay; 2) outside a building on piles, (sensors are placed 1 to 2 m from the building wall); and 3) under the building between piles. In addition, air temperature was measured inside the building or between the piles (documentation is not clear on this point.) There are several gaps in temperature measurements (January 1991 to May 1992). These data are presented on the CAPS CD-ROM version 1.0, June 1998. Air temperature, wind direction, and temperature were measured at 5, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200 cm below the tundra surface at an undisturbed site; and at 5, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200 cm, and 3 m and 8 m below the concrete surface of a building. Incoming radiation, outgoing radiation, temperature of the heat flux instrument, global radiation, heat flux, wind speed, wind speed maximum, average wind speed, and temperature inside the building were measured since 1993 with data loggers. All data are recorded for July 1987 - February 1996. not-provided
+GGD353.v6 Active Layer Monitoring, Arctic and Subarctic Canada, Version 6 NSIDCV0 1991-01-01 2007-12-31 -134.95, 61.883, -121.6, 69.717 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206842-NSIDCV0.json This project involves measuring regional and site variability in maximum annual active layer development and vertical surface movement over permafrost, and monitoring sites over time in order to observe trends. The project records maximum thaw penetration, maximum heave and subsidence, late season snow depths, current depth of thaw, elevation, and soil properties. Some sites are twinned with soil- and air-temperature recording equipment. The project includes about 60 monitoring stations extending from Fort Simpson, Canada, in the upper Mackenzie River valley to the Beaufort Sea coast at North Head, Richards Island, Canada. Ten of the sites are part of the IPA's Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program. CALM site numbers are in parentheses after the site names: North Head (C3), Taglu (C4), Lousy Point (C5), Reindeer Depot (C7), Rengleng River (C8), Mountain River (C9), Norman Wells (C11), Ochre River (C13), Willowlake River (C14), and Fort Simpson (C15). See the CALM Program Web page for geographic coordinates and site history for all CALM sites. These data are the property of the people of Canada and the responsibility of the Geological Survey of Canada. If published, adequate acknowledgment is expected. Please contact F. M. Nixon regarding use of the data set or access to the extended data. not-provided
+GGD622.v1 Active-Layer Depth of a Finnish Palsa Bog, Version 1 NSIDCV0 1993-09-08 2002-10-14 27.17, 69.82, 27.17, 69.82 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206889-NSIDCV0.json This data set contains 76 active-layer depth measurements (cm) of the Vaisjeäggi palsa bog, Finland, from 08 September 1993 to 14 October 2002. Data were collected from a single location at 69 deg 49'16.6' N, 27 deg 10'17.1' E. Data also contain snow depth (cm) when snow cover was present. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format, and are available via ftp. not-provided
+GGD632.v1 Active-Layer and Permafrost Temperatures, Soendre Stroemfjord, Greenland, Version 1 NSIDCV0 1967-09-06 1976-02-15 50.8, 67, 50.8, 67 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386206903-NSIDCV0.json This data set contains active-layer and permafrost temperatures from two stations in Soendre Stroemfjord, Greenland. Snow depth and snow extent were also recorded. Thermometers at Station A (67 deg N, 50.8 deg W, 50 m asl) recorded temperatures once a day from September 1967 to February 1976. Thermometers at Station B (67 deg N, 50.8 deg W, 38 m asl) recorded temperatures once a day from September 1967 to August 1970; however, only bi-weekly averages are given for Station B. Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format and are available via FTP. not-provided
+GISS-CMIP5.v1 GISS ModelE2 contributions to the CMIP5 archive NCCS 0850-01-01 2100-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542315069-NCCS.json We present a description of the ModelE2 version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) General Circulation Model (GCM) and the configurations used in the simulations performed for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). We use six variations related to the treatment of the atmospheric composition, the calculation of aerosol indirect effects, and ocean model component. Specifically, we test the difference between atmospheric models that have noninteractive composition, where radiatively important aerosols and ozone are prescribed from precomputed decadal averages, and interactive versions where atmospheric chemistry and aerosols are calculated given decadally varying emissions. The impact of the first aerosol indirect effect on clouds is either specified using a simple tuning, or parameterized using a cloud microphysics scheme. We also use two dynamic ocean components: the Russell and HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) which differ significantly in their basic formulations and grid. Results are presented for the climatological means over the satellite era (1980-2004) taken from transient simulations starting from the preindustrial (1850) driven by estimates of appropriate forcings over the 20th Century. Differences in base climate and variability related to the choice of ocean model are large, indicating an important structural uncertainty. The impact of interactive atmospheric composition on the climatology is relatively small except in regions such as the lower stratosphere, where ozone plays an important role, and the tropics, where aerosol changes affect the hydrological cycle and cloud cover. While key improvements over previous versions of the model are evident, these are not uniform across all metrics. not-provided
+GLOBAL_LITTER_CARBON_NUTRIENTS_1244.v1 A Global Database of Litterfall Mass and Litter Pool Carbon and Nutrients ORNL_DAAC 1827-01-01 1997-12-31 -156.7, -54.5, 176.2, 72.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1227811476-ORNL_DAAC.json Measurement data of aboveground litterfall and littermass and litter carbon, nitrogen, and nutrient concentrations were extracted from 685 original literature sources and compiled into a comprehensive database to support the analysis of global patterns of carbon and nutrients in litterfall and litter pools. Data are included from sources dating from 1827 to 1997. The reported data include the literature reference, general site information (description, latitude, longitude, and elevation), site climate data (mean annual temperature and precipitation), site vegetation characteristics (management, stand age, ecosystem and vegetation-type codes), annual quantities of litterfall (by class, kg m-2 yr-1), litter pool mass (by class and litter layer, kg m-2), and concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and base cations for the litterfall (g m-2 yr-1) and litter pool components (g m-2). The investigators intent was to compile a comprehensive data set of individual direct field measurements as reported by researchers. While the primary emphasis was on acquiring C data, measurements of N, P, and base cations were also obtained, although the database is sparse for elements other than C and N. Each of the 1,497 records in the database represents a measurement site. Replicate measurements were averaged according to conventions described in Section 5 and recorded for each site in the database. The sites were at 575 different locations. not-provided
+GMAO-CMIP5.v1 GMAO Decadal Analysis & Prediction for CMIP5 NCCS 1961-01-01 2019-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542704969-NCCS.json Studies of change and variations on decadal timescales are essential for planning satellite missions that seek to improve our understanding of linkages among various components of the Earth System. Decadal predictions using a version of the GEOS-5 AOGCM were contributed to the CMIP5 project. The dataset include a three-member ensemble initialized on December 1 of each year from 1960 to 2010. These data are available, with the designation NASA GMAO, from the CMIP5 Archive at NASA NCCS. not-provided
+GOMIGEO.v002 MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the GoMACCS region V002 LARC 2006-07-30 2006-10-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1625796320-LARC.json Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) is an instrument designed to view Earth with cameras pointed in 9 different directions. As the instrument flies overhead, each piece of Earth's surface below is successively imaged by all 9 cameras, in each of 4 wavelengths (blue, green, red, and near-infrared). The goal of MISR is to improve our understanding of the fate of sunlight in Earth environment, as well as distinguish different types of clouds, particles and surfaces. Specifically, MISR monitors the monthly, seasonal, and long-term trends in three areas: 1) amount and type of atmospheric particles (aerosols), including those formed by natural sources and by human activities; 2) amounts, types, and heights of clouds, and 3) distribution of land surface cover, including vegetation canopy structure. MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the GoMACCS region V002 contains the Geometric Parameters which measure the sun and view angles at the reference ellipsoid. not-provided
+Global_Microbial_Biomass_C_N_P_1264.v1 A Compilation of Global Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Data ORNL_CLOUD 1977-11-16 2012-06-01 -180, -90, 177.9, 79 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863966-ORNL_CLOUD.json This data set provides the concentrations of soil microbial biomass carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus at biome and global scales. The data were compiled from a comprehensive survey of publications from the late 1970s to 2012 and include 3,422 data points from 315 papers. These data are from soil samples collected primarily at 0-15 cm depth with some from 0-30 cm. In addition, data were compiled for soil microbial biomass concentrations from soil profile samples to depths of 100 cm. Sampling site latitude and longitude were available for the majority of the samples that enabled assembling additional soil properties, site characteristics, vegetation distributions, biomes, and long-term climate data from several global sources of soil, land-cover, and climate data. These site attributes are included with the microbial biomass data. This data set contains two *.csv files of the soil microbial biomass C, N, P data. The first provides all compiled results emphasizing the full spatial extent of the data, while the second is a subset that provides only data from a series of profile samples emphasizing the vertical distribution of microbial biomass concentrations.There is a companion file, also in .csv format, of the references for the surveyed publications. A reference_number relates the data to the respective publication.The concentrations of soil microbial biomass, in combination with other soil databases, were used to estimate the global storage of soil microbial biomass C and N in 0-30 cm and 0-100 cm soil profiles. These storage estimates were combined with a spatial map of 12 major biomes (boreal forest, temperate coniferous forest, temperate broadleaf forest, tropical and subtropical forests, mixed forest, grassland, shrub, tundra, desert, natural wetland, cropland, and pasture) at 0.05-degree by 0.5-degree spatial resolution. The biome map and six estimates of C and N storage and C:N ration in soil microbial biomass are provided in a single netCDF format file. not-provided
+Global_Phosphorus_Hedley_Fract_1230.v1 A Global Database of Soil Phosphorus Compiled from Studies Using Hedley Fractionation ORNL_CLOUD 1985-01-01 2010-12-31 -117.86, -42.5, 117.6, 63.23 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863440-ORNL_CLOUD.json This data set provides concentrations of soil phosphorus (P) compiled from the peer-reviewed literature that cited the Hedley fractionation method (Hedley and Stewart, 1982). This database contains estimates of different forms of naturally occurring soil phosphorus, including labile inorganic P, organic P, occluded P, secondary mineral P, apatite P, and total P, based on the analyses of the various Hedley soil fractions.The recent literature survey (Yang and Post, 2011) was restricted to studies of natural, unfertilized, and uncultivated soils since 1995. Ninety measurements of soil P fractions were identified. These were added to the 88 values from soils in natural ecosystems that Cross and Schlesinger (1995) had compiled. Cross and Schlesinger provided a comprehensive survey on Hedley P data prior to 1995. Measurement data are provided for studies published from 1985 through 2010. In addition to the Hedley P fraction measurement data Yang and Post (2011) also compiled information on soil order, soil pH, organic carbon and nitrogen content, as well as the geographic location (longitude and latitude) of the measurement sites. not-provided
+Global_RTSG_Flux_1078.v1 A Global Database of Gas Fluxes from Soils after Rewetting or Thawing, Version 1.0 ORNL_CLOUD 1956-01-01 2009-12-31 -149.63, -36.45, 160.52, 74.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216863284-ORNL_CLOUD.json This database contains information compiled from published studies on gas flux from soil following rewetting or thawing. The resulting database includes 222 field and laboratory observations focused on rewetting of dry soils, and 116 field laboratory observations focused on thawing of frozen soils studies conducted from 1956 to 2010. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxide, and ammonia (CO2, CH4, N2O, NO and NH3) were compiled from the literature and the flux rates were normalized for ease of comparison. Field observations of gas flux following rewetting of dry soils include events caused by natural rainfall, simulated rainfall in natural ecosystems, and irrigation in agricultural lands. Similarly, thawing of frozen soils include field observations of natural thawing, simulated freezing-thawing events (i.e., thawing of simulated frozen soil by snow removal), and thawing of seasonal ice in temperate and high latitude regions (Kim et al., 2012). Reported parameters include experiment type, location, site type, vegetation, climate, soil properties, rainfall, soil moisture, soil gas flux after wetting and thawing, peak soil gas flux properties, and the corresponding study references. There is one comma-delimited data file. not-provided
+GreenBay.v0 2010 Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin OB_DAAC 2010-09-17 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360352-OB_DAAC.json Measurements made in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2010. not-provided
+IKONOS_MSI_L1B.v1 IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA 1999-10-14 2015-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497453433-CSDA.json The IKONOS Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 3.2m at nadir and the temporal resolution is approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+IKONOS_Pan_L1B.v1 IKONOS Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA 1999-10-24 2015-03-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497468825-CSDA.json The IKONOS Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the IKONOS satellite using the Optical Sensor Assembly instrument across the global land surface from October 1999 to March 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.82m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 3 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+IMS1_HYSI_GEO.v1.0 IMS-1 HYSI TOA Radiance and Reflectance Product ISRO 2008-06-22 2012-09-10 -6.0364, -78.8236, 152.6286, 78.6815 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214622602-ISRO.json The data received from IMS1, HySI which operates in 64 spectral bands in VNIR bands(400-900nm) with 500 meter spatial resolution and swath of 128 kms. not-provided
+ISERV.v1 International Space Station SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System V1 USGS_EROS 2013-03-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1379906336-USGS_EROS.json Abstract: The ISS SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System (ISERV) acquired images of the Earth's surface from the International Space Station (ISS). The goal was to improve automatic image capturing and data transfer. ISERV's main component was the optical assembly which consisted of a 9.25 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, a focal reducer (field of view enlarger), a digital single lens reflex camera, and a high precision focusing mechanism. A motorized 2-axis pointing mount allowed pointing at targets approximately 23 degrees from nadir in both along- and across-track directions. not-provided
+IXBMIGEO.v2 MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the INTEX-B region V002 LARC 2006-02-28 2006-04-03 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000301-LARC.json This file contains the Geometric Parameters which measure the sun and view angles at the reference ellipsoid for the INTEXB_2006 theme. not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000008.v1 1998 Seismic Data, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1998-12-07 1998-12-11 -66.266667, -64.616667, -64.416667, -62.995 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244292774-AMD_KOPRI.json "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 2 project in year 2 of 'the Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey' was conducted in the Ⅱ region around the northwestern continent of the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is northwest of Anvers Island, including areas around the pericontinent from the continental shelf to the continental rise zone. The investigation period for this project took a total of 8 days for moving navigation, the survey of the side lines and drilling investigation. After seismic investigation, a surface drilling investigation was conducted in coring point was decided from the reference seismic section. 10 researcher from ‘Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute’ participated in the field survey. We took on lease Russian icebreaker ""Yuzhmorgeologiya""." not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000009.v1 1997 Seismic Data, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1997-12-23 1997-12-28 -64.699722, -63.525, -62.157778, -62.041389 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244293126-AMD_KOPRI.json Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 2 project in year 1 of ‘The Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey’ in 1997 was conducted in a continental shelf in the northwestern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. The research period took a total of 8 days, including 6 days for the seismic survey and 2 days for the drilling investigation. We took on lease Norway R/V 'Polar Duke' and 10 researchers from ‘Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute’ participated as field investigation personnel. The Teac single-channel recorder, EPC Recorder, Q/C MicroMax system etc. was used mainly by Sleeve gun used as a sound source, compressor for creating compressed air, DFS-V Recorder for multi-channel Seismic record, 12 –channel geophone of seismic streamers. Additional Gravity Core was used for sediment research through drilling. not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000011.v1 1996 Seismic Data, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1996-12-17 1996-12-26 -62.766667, -63.583333, -60.233333, -62.733333 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244293499-AMD_KOPRI.json "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as in year 3 project of 'the Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey' was conducted in the basin region of western part of the Bransfeed Strait between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands . During the field investigation, the seismic investigation and the drilling investigation was conducted at the same time. The investigation period took 9 days. 10 researchers from ‘Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute’ and 3 academic personnel participated in the cruise as field investigation personnel. We took on lease Russian R/V ""Yuzhmorgeologiya"" which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker." not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000012.v1 1995 Seismic Data, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1995-12-13 1995-12-18 -58.335, -62.984444, -54.101944, -61.301111 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291641-AMD_KOPRI.json "Korean Antarctic survey carried out as in year 2 project of ""Antarctic submarine topography and sediment investigation"", The Field Survey of Antarctica was conducted at the end of 1995 was conducted the multi-channel Seismic Investigation and the drilling Investigation in the eastern part of the Bransfield Strait between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands and near Sejong Station. We took on lease Russian R/V ""Yuzhmorgeologiya"" which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker for field investigation." not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000014.v1 1994 Seismic Data, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1994-12-19 1994-12-27 -59.352778, -63.060278, -56.167778, -62.030833 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291414-AMD_KOPRI.json Korean Antarctic survey carried out as in year 1 of 'the Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey' was conducted at the end of 1994 was conducted Multi-channel Seismic Investgation and Drilling investigation in the central basin of the Bransfield Strait was located in between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands and the Maxwell Bay area near Sejong Station. The field research was conducted wih other research at the same time. The research period was from 11 Dec. in 1994 to 23 Jan. in 1995 (13 days). - Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 1 project in year 1 to investigate the possibility of oil resources in the Bransfield Strait of Antarctica. - Securing data for tectonic settings research in the same region. - Obtaining basic data for understanding marine geology and sedimentary layers in the same region. not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000051.v1 1994 Sediment Core, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1994-12-31 1995-01-02 -58.026667, -62.42, -57.739722, -62.32 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291543-AMD_KOPRI.json "For the first year of study ""The Antarctic Undersea Geological Survey"", The Field Survey of Antarctica was conducted at the end of 1994 was conducted multi-channel seismic Investigation and drilling Investigation in the central basin of the Bransfield Strait was located in between the south Shetland Islands and the Antarctic peninsula and Maxwell bay area near Sejong Station. The field investigation was conducted research projects at the same time took 13 days from 11 Dec. in 1994 to 23 Jan. in 1995. - Korean Antarctic survey carried out as part of step 1 project in year 1 to investigate the possibility of oil resources in the Bransfield Strait of Antarctica. - Securing data for tectonic settings research in the same region. - Obtaining basic data for understanding marine geology and sedimentary layers in the same region." not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000052.v1 1995 Sediment Core, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1995-12-19 1995-12-23 -55.951111, -61.969167, -55.051111, -61.951111 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291581-AMD_KOPRI.json "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in the east basin of the Bransfield Strait between the Antarctic peninsula and south Shetland Islands and Maxwell Bay located at Sejong Station was conducted multi-channel seismic investigation and drilling investigation. We took on lease Russian ""Yuzhmorgeologiya""(5500 ton, ice strengthed vessel) which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker for field investigation." not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000053.v1 1996 Sediment Core, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1996-12-16 1996-12-16 -60.151944, -62.100278, -59.717778, -62.051389 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244291950-AMD_KOPRI.json "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in west of the Bransfeed Strait, a basin between the Antarctic Peninsula and the south Shetland Islands. It tooks 9 days. seismic investigation and drilling investigation were conducted at the same time during the field survey. We took on lease Russian R/V ""Yuzhmorgeologiya"" which is marine geology, geophysical survey vessel and Icebreaker and 10 researchers from ‘Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute’ and 3 academic personnel participated in the cruise as field investigation personnel." not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000054.v1 1997 Sediment Core, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1997-12-28 1997-12-29 -63.396667, -63.886111, -62.700833, -62.536389 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244292254-AMD_KOPRI.json Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in 1997 carried out in a continental shelf in the northwestern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. It took 2 days. We took on lease Norway R/V 'Polar Duke' and 11 researchers from ‘Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute’ participated as field investigation personnel. The Teac single-channel recorder, EPC Recorder, Q/C MicroMax system etc. was used mainly by Sleeve gun used as a sound source, compressor for creating compressed air, DFS-V Recorder for multi-channel Seismic record, 12-channel geophone of seismic streamers. Additional Gravity Core was used for sediment research through drilling. not-provided
+KOPRI-KPDC-00000055.v1 1998 Sediment Core, Antarctica AMD_KOPRI 1998-12-11 1998-12-12 -66.32, -63.95, -63.47, -62.943333 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2244294165-AMD_KOPRI.json "Korean Antarctic survey was conducted in the continental margin (II region) of the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula. We took on lease Russian R/V ""Yuzhmorgeologiya"" (5500 ton, ice strengthed vessel) and 10 researchers participated in the cruise, including acquisition of multichannel seismic, gravity, and magnetometer as well as a detailed samplings (box cores, gravity cores, and grab samples). 1. Geophysical researches (Multichannel seismic and SBP surveys) 2. Paleoceanographic researches" not-provided
+KUKRI_He (U-Th)/He ages from the Kukri Hills of southern Victoria Land SCIOPS 1970-01-01 162.7, -77.7, 162.7, -77.7 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214587974-SCIOPS.json The data set consists of (U-Th)/He ages collected from three vertical profiles from the the Kukri Hills (north side of the Ferrar Glacier) of Southern Victoria Land. The data set provides information on the cooling history and hence the denduation history of the Transantarctic Mountains in this area. Analyses were all carried out at the (U-Th)/He lab of Ken Farley at the Californai Institute of Technology. not-provided
+L1B_Wind_Products Aeolus preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers ESA 2020-04-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689596-ESA.json The Level 1B wind product of the Aeolus mission contains the preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers, which are generated in Near Real Time. Standard atmospheric correction (Rayleigh channel), receiver response and bias correction is applied. The product is generated within 3 hours after data acquisition. not-provided
+L2B_Wind_Products Aeolus Scientific L2B Rayleigh/Mie wind product ESA 2020-04-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2119689544-ESA.json The Level 2B wind product of the Aeolus mission is a geo-located consolidated HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observation with actual atmospheric correction applied to Rayleigh channel. The product is generated by within 3 hours after data acquisition. not-provided
+L2C_Wind_products Aeolus Level 2C assisted wind fields resulting from NWP Numerical Weather Prediction assimilation processing ESA 2020-07-09 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2619280864-ESA.json The Level 2C wind product of the Aeolus mission provides ECMWF analysis horizontal wind vectors at the geolocations of assimilated L2B HLOS wind components. The L2C can therefore be described as an Aeolus-assisted horizontal wind vector product. The L2C is a distinct product, however the L2C and L2B share a common Earth Explorer file template, with the L2C being a superset of the L2B. The L2C consists of extra datasets appended to the L2B product with information which are relevant to the data assimilation of the L2B winds. not-provided
+LAI_WOODY_PLANTS_1231.v1 A Global Database of Field-observed Leaf Area Index in Woody Plant Species, 1932-2011 ORNL_DAAC 1932-01-01 2011-12-31 -164.78, -54.2, 175.62, 78.42 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179130805-ORNL_DAAC.json This data set provides global leaf area index (LAI) values for woody species. The data are a compilation of field-observed data from 1,216 locations obtained from 554 literature sources published between 1932 and 2011. Only site-specific maximum LAI values were included from the sources; values affected by significant artificial treatments (e.g. continuous fertilization and/or irrigation) and LAI values that were low due to drought or disturbance (e.g. intensive thinning, wildfire, or disease), or because vegetation was immature or old/declining, were excluded (Lio et al., 2014). To maximize the generic applicability of the data, original LAI values from source literature and values standardized using the definition of half of total surface area (HSA) are included. Supporting information, such as geographical coordinates of plot, altitude, stand age, name of dominant species, plant functional types, and climate data are also provided in the data file. There is one data file in comma-separated (.csv) format with this data set and one companion file which provides the data sources. not-provided
+LEAF_CARBON_NUTRIENTS_1106.v1 A Global Database of Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations of Green and Senesced Leaves ORNL_DAAC 1970-01-01 2009-12-31 -159.7, -50, 176.9, 68.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179003380-ORNL_DAAC.json This data set provides carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations in green and senesced leaves. Vegetation characteristics reported include species growth habit, leaf area, mass, and mass loss with senescence. The data were compiled from 86 selected studies in 31 countries, and resulted in approximately 1,000 data points for both green and senesced leaves from woody and non-woody vegetation as described in Vergutz et al (2012). The studies were conducted from 1970-2009. There are two comma-delimited data files with this data set. not-provided
+LEAF_PHOTOSYNTHESIS_TRAITS_1224.v1 A Global Data Set of Leaf Photosynthetic Rates, Leaf N and P, and Specific Leaf Area ORNL_DAAC 1993-01-01 2010-12-31 -122.4, -43.2, 176.13, 58.42 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179126725-ORNL_DAAC.json This global data set of photosynthetic rates and leaf nutrient traits was compiled from a comprehensive literature review. It includes estimates of Vcmax (maximum rate of carboxylation), Jmax (maximum rate of electron transport), leaf nitrogen content (N), leaf phosphorus content (P), and specific leaf area (SLA) data from both experimental and ambient field conditions, for a total of 325 species and treatment combinations. Both the original published Vcmax and Jmax values as well as estimates at standard temperature are reported. The maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax) and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) are primary determinants of photosynthetic rates in plants, and modeled carbon fluxes are highly sensitive to these parameters. Previous studies have shown that Vcmax and Jmax correlate with leaf nitrogen across species and regions, and locally across species with leaf phosphorus and specific leaf area, yet no universal relationship suitable for global-scale models is currently available. These data are suitable for exploring the general relationships of Vcmax and Jmax with each other and with leaf N, P and SLA. This data set contains one *.csv file. not-provided
+LGB_10m_traverse.v1 10 m firn temperature data: LGB traverses 1990-95 AU_AADC 1989-11-01 1995-02-28 54, -77, 78, -69 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313574-AU_AADC.json The Lambert Glacier Basin (LGB) series of five oversnow traverses were conducted from 1989-95. Ten metre depth (10 m) firn temperatures, as a proxy indicator of annual mean surface temperature at a site, were recorded approximately every 30 km along the 2014 km main traverse route from LGB00 (68.6543 S, 61.1201 E) near Mawson Station, to LGB72 (69.9209 S, 76.4933 E) near Davis Station. 10 m depth firn temperatures were recorded manually in field notebooks and the data transferred to spreadsheet files (MS Excel). Summary data (30 km spatial resolution) can be obtained from CRC Research Note No.09 'Surface Mass Balance and Snow Surface Properties from the Lambert Glacier Basin Traverses 1990-94'. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 3 and 2216. Some of this data have been stored in a very old format. The majority of files have been updated to current formats, but some files (kaleidograph files in particular) were not able to be modified due to a lack of appropriate software. However, these files are simply figures, and can be regenerated from the raw data (also provided). The fields in this dataset are: Latitutde Longitude Height Cane Distance Elevation Density Mass Accumulation Year Delta Oxygen-18 Grain Size Ice Crusts Depth Hoar not-provided
+Level_2A_aerosol_cloud_optical_products Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud optical product ESA 2021-05-26 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207498185-ESA.json "The Level 2A aerosol/cloud optical products of the Aeolus mission include geo-located consolidated backscatter and extinction profiles, backscatter-to-extinction coefficient, LIDAR ratio, scene classification, heterogeneity index and attenuated backscatter signals. Resolution - Horizontal resolution of L2A optical properties at observation scale (~87 km); Exceptions are group properties (horizontal accumulation of measurements from ~3 km to ~87 km) and attenuated backscatters (~3 km); Note: the resolution of ""groups"" in the L2A can only go down to 5 measurements at the moment, i.e. ~15 km horizontal resolution. This could be configured to go to 1 measurement - Vertical resolution 250-2000 m (Defined by Range Bin Settings https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/instruments/aladin/overview-of-the-main-wind-rbs-changes)." not-provided
+M1_ AVH02C1.v6 METOP-B AVHRR Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg. CMG LAADS 2013-01-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2751091676-LAADS.json The Long-Term Data Record (LTDR) produces, validates, and distributes a global land surface climate data record (CDR) that uses both mature and well-tested algorithms in concert with the best-available polar-orbiting satellite data from past to the present. The CDR is critically important to studying global climate change. The LTDR project is unique in that it serves as a bridge that connects data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the EOS Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS missions. The LTDR draws from the following eight AVHRR missions: NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-B. Currently, the project generates a daily surface reflectance product as the fundamental climate data record (FCDR) and derives daily Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf-Area Index/fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI/fPAR) as two thematic CDRs (TCDR). LAI/fPAR was developed as an experimental product. The METOP-B AVHRR Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG, short-name M1_AVH02C1 is generated from GIMMS Advanced Processing System (GAPS) BRDF-corrected Surface Reflectance product (AVH01C1). The M1_AVH02C1 consist of Top-of-atmosphere reflectance for bands 1 and 2, data Quality flags, angles (solar zenith, view zenith, and relative azimuth), thermal data (thermal bands 3, 4 and 5), and additional data (scan time). not-provided
+M1_ AVH09C1.v6 METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG LAADS 2013-01-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2187507677-LAADS.json The Long-Term Data Record (LTDR) produces, validates, and distributes a global land surface climate data record (CDR) that uses both mature and well-tested algorithms in concert with the best-available polar-orbiting satellite data from past to the present. The CDR is critically important to studying global climate change. The LTDR project is unique in that it serves as a bridge that connects data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the EOS Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS missions. The LTDR draws from the following eight AVHRR missions: NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-B. Currently, the project generates a daily surface reflectance product as the fundamental climate data record (FCDR) and derives daily Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf-Area Index/fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI/fPAR) as two thematic CDRs (TCDR). LAI/fPAR was developed as an experimental product. The METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG, short-name M1_ AVH09C1 is generated from GIMMS Advanced Processing System (GAPS) BRDF-corrected Surface Reflectance product (AVH01C1). The M1_ AVH09C1 consist of BRDF-corrected surface reflectance for bands 1, 2, and 3, data Quality flags, angles (solar zenith, view zenith, and relative azimuth), and thermal data (thermal bands 3, 4, and 5). The AVH09C1 product is available in HDF4 file format. not-provided
+M1_AVH13C1.v6 METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg. CMG LAADS 2013-01-16 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2751635237-LAADS.json The Long-Term Data Record (LTDR) produces, validates, and distributes a global land surface climate data record (CDR) that uses both mature and well-tested algorithms in concert with the best-available polar-orbiting satellite data from past to the present. The CDR is critically important to studying global climate change. The LTDR project is unique in that it serves as a bridge that connects data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the EOS Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS missions. The LTDR draws from the following eight AVHRR missions: NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-B. Currently, the project generates a daily surface reflectance product as the fundamental climate data record (FCDR) and derives daily Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf-Area Index/fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (LAI/fPAR) as two thematic CDRs (TCDR). LAI/fPAR was developed as an experimental product. The METOP-B AVHRR Atmospherically Corrected Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG, short-name M1_AVH13C1 is generated from GIMMS Advanced Processing System (GAPS) BRDF-corrected Surface Reflectance product (M1_AVH01C1). The M1_AVH13C1 product is available in HDF4 file format. not-provided
+MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS.v6.1 MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 daily, 1x1 degree grid LAADS 2002-07-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1887589686-LAADS.json The combined MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 daily, 1x1 degree grid product represents a new addition that is especially geared to facilitate climate scientists who deal with both models and observations. MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS represents the daily product’s short-name. The “COSP” acronym in its short-name stands for Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observation Simulator Package. This product is an aggregation of combined MODIS Level-2 inputs from both the Terra and Aqua incarnations (MOD35/MOD06 and MYD35/MYD06, respectively), and employs an aggregation methodology consistent with the MOD08 and MYD08 products. Provided in netCDF4 format, it contains 23 aggregated science data sets (SDS/parameters). not-provided
+MCD06COSP_M3_MODIS.v6.1 MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 monthly, 1x1 degree grid LAADS 2002-07-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1888024429-LAADS.json The combined MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 monthly, 1x1 degree grid product represents a new addition that is especially geared to facilitate climate scientists who deal with both models and observations. MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS represents the daily product’s short-name. The “COSP” acronym in its short-name stands for Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observation Simulator Package. The L3 monthly product is derived by aggregating the daily-produced Aqua+Terra/MODIS D3 Cloud Properties product (MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS). Provided in netCDF4 format, it contains 23 aggregated science data sets (SDS/parameters). not-provided
+MCD14DL_C5_NRT.v005 MODIS/Aqua+Terra Thermal Anomalies/Fire locations 1km FIRMS V005 NRT LM_FIRMS 2014-01-28 -180, -80, 180, 80 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1219768065-LM_FIRMS.json Near Real-Time (NRT) MODIS Thermal Anomalies / Fire locations processed by FIRMS (Fire Information for Resource Management System) - Land Atmosphere Near real time Capability for EOS (LANCE), using swath products (MOD14/MYD14) rather than the tiled MOD14A1 and MYD14A1 products. The thermal anomalies / active fire represent the center of a 1km pixel that is flagged by the MODIS MOD14/MYD14 Fire and Thermal Anomalies algorithm (Giglio 2003) as containing one or more fires within the pixel. This is the most basic fire product in which active fires and other thermal anomalies, such as volcanoes, are identified.MCD14DL are available in the following formats: TXT, SHP, KML, WMS. These data are also provided through the FIRMS Fire Email Alerts. Please note only the TXT and SHP files contain all the attributes. not-provided
+MIANACP.v1 MISR Aerosol Climatology Product V001 LARC 1999-11-22 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C185127378-LARC.json MIANACP_1 is the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Aerosol Climatology Product version 1. It is 1) the microphysical and scattering characteristics of pure aerosol upon which routine retrievals are based; 2) mixtures of pure aerosol to be compared with MISR observations; and 3) likelihood value assigned to each mode geographically. The ACP describes mixtures of up to three component aerosol types from a list of eight components, in varying proportions. ACP component aerosol particle data quality depends on the ACP input data, which are based on aerosol particles described in the literature, and consider MISR-specific sensitivity to particle size, single-scattering albedo, and shape, and shape - roughly: small, medium and large; dirty and clean; spherical and nonspherical [Kahn et al. , 1998; 2001]. Also reported in the ACP are the mixtures of these components used by the retrieval algorithm. The MISR instrument consists of nine pushbroom cameras which measure radiance in four spectral bands. Global coverage is achieved in nine days. The cameras are arranged with one camera pointing toward the nadir, four cameras pointing forward, and four cameras pointing aftward. It takes seven minutes for all nine cameras to view the same surface location. The view angles relative to the surface reference ellipsoid, are 0, 26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees. The spectral band shapes are nominally Gaussian, centered at 443, 555, 670, and 865 nm. not-provided
+MIANCAGP.v1 MISR Ancillary Geographic Product V001 LARC 1999-11-07 2005-06-30 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C183897339-LARC.json MIANCAGP_1 is the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Ancillary Geographic Product version 1. It is a set of 233 pre-computed files. Each AGP file pertains to a single Terra orbital path. MISR production software relies on information in the AGP, such as digital terrain elevation, as input to the algorithms which generate MISR products. The AGP contains eleven fields of geographical data. This product consists primarily of geolocation data on a Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) Grid. It has 233 parts, corresponding to the 233 repeat orbits of the EOS-AM1 Spacecraft. The MISR instrument consists of nine pushbroom cameras which measure radiance in four spectral bands. Global coverage is achieved in nine days. The cameras are arranged with one camera pointing toward the nadir, four cameras pointing forward, and four cameras pointing aftward. It takes seven minutes for all nine cameras to view the same surface location. The view angles relative to the surface reference ellipsoid, are 0, 26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees. The spectral band shapes are nominally Gaussian, centered at 443, 555, 670, and 865 nm. not-provided
+MIANCARP.v2 MISR Ancillary Radiometric Product V002 LARC 1999-12-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C179031521-LARC.json MIANCARP_2 is the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Ancillary Radiometric Product version 2. It is composed of 4 files covering instrument characterization data, pre-flight calibration data, in-flight calibration data, and configuration parameters. The MISR instrument consists of nine pushbroom cameras which measure radiance in four spectral bands. Global coverage is achieved in nine days. The cameras are arranged with one camera pointing toward the nadir, four cameras pointing forward, and four cameras pointing aftward. It takes seven minutes for all nine cameras to view the same surface location. The view angles relative to the surface reference ellipsoid, are 0, 26.1, 45.6, 60.0, and 70.5 degrees. The spectral band shapes are nominally Gaussian, centered at 443, 555, 670, and 865 nm. not-provided
+MIRCCMF.v001 MISR FIRSTLOOK radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V001 LARC 2000-12-13 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C135857530-LARC.json Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) is an instrument designed to view Earth with cameras pointed in 9 different directions. As the instrument flies overhead, each piece of Earth's surface below is successively imaged by all 9 cameras, in each of 4 wavelengths (blue, green, red, and near-infrared). The goal of MISR is to improve our understanding of the fate of sunlight in Earth environment, as well as distinguish different types of clouds, particles and surfaces. Specifically, MISR monitors the monthly, seasonal, and long-term trends in three areas: 1) amount and type of atmospheric particles (aerosols), including those formed by natural sources and by human activities; 2) amounts, types, and heights of clouds, and 3) distribution of land surface cover, including vegetation canopy structure. MISR FIRSTLOOK radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V001 contains the FIRSTLOOK Radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask (RCCM) dataset produced using ancillary inputs Radiometric Camera-by-camera Cloud mask Threshold (RCCT) from the previous time period. It is used to determine whether a scene is clear, cloudy or dusty (over ocean). not-provided
+MISBR.v005 MISR Browse data V005 LARC 1999-12-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C43677744-LARC.json This is the browse data associated with a particular granule. not-provided
+MURI_Camouflage.v0 A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) Camouflage Project OB_DAAC 2010-06-14 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360494-OB_DAAC.json A Multi University Research Initiative was funded to study the biological response to the dynamic, polarized light field in distinct water types. During June 2010, a campaign was undertaken in the coastal waters off Port Aransas, Texas to study the angular/temporal distribution of polarization in multiple environment types (eutrophic sediment laden coastal waters, oligotrophic off-shore), as well as the polarization-reflectance responses of several organisms. In addition to radiometric polarization measurements, water column IOPs, Rrs, benthic reflectance, and pigment concentration measurements were collected. Later campaigns expanded this research in the coastal waters off the Florida Keys. not-provided
+MURI_HI.v0 A Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) near the Hawaiian Islands OB_DAAC 2012-05-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360508-OB_DAAC.json Measurements taken by the RV Kilo Moana in 2012 near the Hawaiian Islands. not-provided
+MYD021KM.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426616847-LANCEMODIS.json The MODIS Level 1B Near Real Time (NRT) data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 36 discrete bands located in the 0.4 to 14.4 micron region of electromagentic spectrum. These data are generated from the MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance and in the process converted to geophysical units of W/(m^2 um sr). In addition, the Earth Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for the solar reflective bands (1-19, 26) through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared, and near infrared measurements are only made during the daytime, while radiances for the thermal infrared region (bands 20-25, 27-36) are measured continuously. Channel locations for MODIS are as follows: Band Center Wavelength (um) Primary Use---- ---------------------- -----------1 0.620 - 0.670 Land/Cloud Boundaries2 0.841 - 0.876 Land/Cloud Boundaries3 0.459 - 0.479 Land/Cloud Properties4 0.545 - 0.565 Land/Cloud Properties5 1.230 - 1.250 Land/Cloud Properties6 1.628 - 1.652 Land/Cloud Properties7 2.105 - 2.155 Land/Cloud Properties8 0.405 - 0.420 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton9 0.438 - 0.448 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton10 0.483 - 0.493 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton11 0.526 - 0.536 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton12 0.546 - 0.556 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton13 0.662 - 0.672 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton14 0.673 - 0.683 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton15 0.743 - 0.753 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton16 0.862 - 0.877 Ocean Color/Phytoplankton17 0.890 - 0.920 Atmospheric Water Vapor18 0.931 - 0.941 Atmospheric Water Vapor19 0.915 - 0.965 Atmospheric Water Vapor20 3.660 - 3.840 Surface/Cloud Temperature21 3.929 - 3.989 Surface/Cloud Temperature22 3.929 - 3.989 Surface/Cloud Temperature23 4.020 - 4.080 Surface/Cloud Temperature24 4.433 - 4.498 Atmospheric Temperature25 4.482 - 4.549 Atmospheric Temperature26 1.360 - 1.390 Cirrus Clouds27 6.535 - 6.895 Water Vapor Profile28 7.175 - 7.475 Water Vapor Profile29 8.400 - 8.700 Water Vapor Profile30 9.580 - 9.880 Ozone Overburden31 10.780 - 11.280 Surface/Cloud Temperature32 11.770 - 12.270 Surface/Cloud Temperature33 13.185 - 13.485 Cloud Top Altitude34 13.485 - 13.785 Cloud Top Altitude35 13.785 - 14.085 Cloud Top Altitude36 14.085 - 14.385 Cloud Top Altitude Channels 1 and 2 have 250 m resolution, channels 3 through 7 have 500m resolution, and the rest have 1 km resolution. However, for the MODIS L1B 1 km product, the 250 m and 500 m band radiance data and their associated uncertainties have been aggregated to 1km resolution. Thus the entire channel data set is referenced to the same spatial and geolocation scales. Separate L1B products are available for the 250 m channels (MYD02QKM) and 500 m channels (MYD02HKM) that preserve the original resolution of the data. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 1 km, degrading to 4.8 km in the along-scan direction at the scan extremes. However, thanks to the overlapping of consecutive swaths and respectively pixels there, the resulting resolution at the scan extremes is about 2km. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330km orbital swath width and provides global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level 1B granule will nominally contain a scene built from 203 scans (or swaths) sampled 1354 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data. Since an individual MODIS scan (or swath) will contain 10 along-track spatial elements, the scene will be composed of (1354 x 2030) pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of (2330 km x 2030 km). Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing overlap occurring beyond about 25 degrees scan angle. To summarize, the MODIS L1B 1 km data product consists of: 1. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (2) 250 m reflected solar bands aggregated to 1km resolution 2. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (5) 500 m reflected solar bands aggregated to 1 km resolution 3. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (13) 1 km reflected solar bands and (16) infrared emissive bands 4. Geolocation subsampled at every 5th pixel across and along track 5. Satellite and solar angles subsampled at the above frequency 6. Comprehensive set of file-level metadata summarizing the spatial, temporal and parameter attributes of the data, as well as auxiliary information pertaining to instrument status and data quality characterization. The MODIS L1B data are stored in the Earth Observing System Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) which is an extension of HDF as developed by the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. A typical file size will be approximately 260 MB. Environmental information derived from MODIS L1B measurements will offer a comprehensive and unprecedented look at terrestrial, atmospheric, and ocean phenomenology for a wide and diverse community of users throughout the world. The Shortname for this product is MYD021KM not-provided
+MYD02HKM.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 500m - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426617060-LANCEMODIS.json The 500 meter MODIS Level 1B Near Real Time (NRT) data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 7 discrete bands located in the 0.45 to 2.20 micron region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These data are generated from the MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance and in the process converted to geophysical units of W/(m^2 um sr). In addition, the Earth Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for these solar reflective bands through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared, and near infrared measurements are only made during the daytime, while radiances for the thermal infrared region (bands 20-25, 27-36) are measured continuously. Channel locations for the MODIS 500 meter data are as follows: Band Center Wavelength (um) Primary Use ---- ---------------------- ----------- 1 0.620 - 0.670 Land/Cloud Boundaries 2 0.841 - 0.876 Land/Cloud Boundaries 3 0.459 - 0.479 Land/Cloud Properties 4 0.545 - 0.565 Land/Cloud Properties 5 1.230 - 1.250 Land/Cloud Properties 6 1.628 - 1.652 Land/Cloud Properties 7 2.105 - 2.155 Land/Cloud Properties Channels 1 and 2 have 250 m resolution, channels 3 through 7 have 500 m resolution. However, for the MODIS L1B 500 m product, the 250 m band radiance data and their associated uncertainties have been aggregated to 500 m resolution. Thus the entire channel data set has been co-registered to the same spatial scale in the 500 m product. Separate L1B products are available for the 250 m resolution channels (MYD02QKM) and 1 km resolution channels (MYD021KM). For the latter product, the 250 m and 500 m channel data (bands 1 through 7) have been aggregated into equivalent 1 km pixel values. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 500 km, degrading to 2.4 km in the along-scan direction at the scan extremes. However, thanks to the overlapping of consecutive swaths and respectively pixels there, the resulting resolution at the scan extremes is about 1 km. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330 km orbital swath width and provides global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level 1B 500 m granule will contain a scene built from 203 scans sampled 2708 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data; thus 288 granules will be produced per day. Since an individual MODIS scan will contain 20 along-track spatial elements for the 500 m channels, the scene will be composed of (2708 x 4060) pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of (2330 km x 2040 km). Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing scan overlap beyond about 20 degrees scan angle. To summarize, the MODIS L1B 500 m data product consists of: 1. Calibrated radiances, uncertainties and number of samples for (2) 250 m reflected solar bands aggregated to 500 m resolution 2. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (5) 500 m reflected solar bands 3. Geolocation for 1km pixels, that must be interpolated to get 500 m pixel locations. For the relationship of 1km pixels to 500m pixels, see the Geolocation ATBD http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/atbd/atbd_mod28_v3.pdf . 4. Calibration data for all channels (scale and offset) 5. Comprehensive set of file-level metadata summarizing the spatial, temporal and parameter attributes of the data, as well as auxiliary information pertaining to instrument status and data quality characterization The MODIS L1B 500 m data are stored in the Earth Observing System Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) which is an extension of HDF as developed by the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. A typical file size will be approximately 170 MB. Environmental information derived from MODIS L1B measurements will offer a comprehensive and unprecedented look at terrestrial, atmospheric, and ocean phenomenology for a wide and diverse community of users throughout the world. The Shortname for this product is MYD02HKM not-provided
+MYD02QKM.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 250m - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426621826-LANCEMODIS.json The 250 meter MODIS Level 1B Near Real Time (NRT) data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 2 discrete bands located in the 0.62 to 0.88 micron region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These data are generated from the MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance and in the process converted to geophysical units of W / (m^2 um sr). In addition, the Earth Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for these solar reflective bands through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Channel locations for the MODIS 250 meter data are as follows: Band Center Wavelength (um) Primary Use ---- ---------------------- ----------- 1 0.620 - 0.670 Land/Cloud Boundaries 2 0.841 - 0.876 Land/Cloud Boundaries Separate L1B products are available for the five 500 m resolution channels (MYD02HKM) and the twenty-nine 1 km resolution channels (MYD021KM). For the 500 m product, there are actually seven channels available since the data from the two 250 m channels have been aggregated to 500 m resolution. Similarly, for the 1 km product, all 36 MODIS channels are available since the data from the two 250 m and five 500 m channels have been aggregated into equivalent 1 km pixel values. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 250 m, degrading to 1.2 km in the along-scan direction and 0.5 km in the along-track direction for pixels located at the scan extremes. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330 km orbital swath width and provides global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level 1B 250 m granule will contain a scene built from 203 scans sampled 5416 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data; thus 288 granules will be produced per day. Since an individual MODIS scan will contain 40 along-track spatial elements for the 250 m channels, the scene will be composed of (5416 x 8120) pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of (2330 km x 2040 km). Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing scan overlap beyond about 17 degrees scan angle. To summarize, the MODIS L1B 250 m data product consists of: 1. Calibrated radiances and uncertainties for (2) 250 m reflected solar bands 2. Subsampled geolocation at every 4th 250 m pixel across and along track, i.e., a geolocation point every kilometer 3. Satellite and solar angles subsampled at the above frequency 4. Calibration data for all channels (scale and offset) 5. Comprehensive set of file-level metadata summarizing the spatial, temporal and parameter attributes of the data, as well as auxiliary information pertaining to instrument status and data quality characterization The MODIS L1B 250 m data are stored in the Earth Observing System Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) which is an extension of HDF as developed by the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. A typical file size will be approximately 170 MB. Environmental information derived from MODIS L1B measurements will offer a comprehensive and unprecedented look at terrestrial, atmospheric, and ocean phenomenology for a wide and diverse community of users throughout the world. The Shortname for this product is MYD02QKM not-provided
+MYD04_3K.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 3km - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426717545-LANCEMODIS.json The new Collection 6.1 (C61) MYD04_3K product is an improved version based on algorithm changes in Dark Target (DT) Aerosol retrieval over urban areas and uncertainty estimates for Deep Blue (DB) Aerosol retrievals. The MODIS level-2 atmospheric aerosol product provides retrieved ambient aerosol optical properties, quality assurance, and other parameters, globally over ocean and land. In Collection 5, and earlier collections, there was only one aerosol product (MOD04_L2) at 10km (at nadir) spatial resolution. Starting from C6, the Dark Target (DT) Aerosol algorithm team provided a new 3 km spatial resolution product (MOD04_3k) intended for the air quality community. The MOD04_3K product is based on the same algorithm and Look up Tables as the standard Dark Target aerosol product. Because of finer resolution, subtle differences are made in selecting pixels for retrieval and in determining QA. The only differences between the existing 10km algorithm and the 3km algorithm are: 1) the size of the pixel-arrays defining each retrieval box (6x6 retrieval boxes of 36 pixels at 0.5km resolution for 3km algorithm as oppose to 20x20 retrieval boxes of 400 pixels at 0.5km resolution for 10km product); 2) the minimum percentage of good pixels required for a retrieval (a minimum of 5 pixels over ocean and 6 pixels over land instead of a minimum of 10 pixels over ocean or 12 pixels over land for 10km product retrieval); 3) the 10km algorithm attempts a poor quality retrieval while 3km algorithm does not. Everything else is same in two products. For more information on C6.1 changes and updates, visit the MODIS Atmosphere website at: https://modis-atmosphere.gsfc.nasa.gov/documentation/collection-61 not-provided
+MYD04_L2.v6.1 MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km LAADS 2002-07-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1443533683-LAADS.json The MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km product (MYD04_L2) provides full global coverage of aerosol properties from the Dark Target (DT) and Deep Blue (DB) algorithms. The DT algorithm is applied over ocean and dark land (e.g., vegetation), while the DB algorithm now covers the entire land areas including both dark and bright surfaces. Both results are provided on a 10x10 pixel scale (10 km at nadir). Each MYD04_L2 product file covers a five-minute time interval. The output grid is 135 pixels in width by 203 pixels in length. Every tenth file has an output grid size of 135 by 204 pixels. MYD04_L2 product files are stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS). The new Collection 6.1 (C61) MYD04_L2 product is an improved version based on algorithm changes in Dark Target (DT) Aerosol retrieval over urban areas and uncertainty estimates for Deep Blue (DB) Aerosol retrievals. The MODIS level-2 atmospheric aerosol product provides retrieved ambient aerosol optical properties, quality assurance, and other parameters, globally over ocean and land. In Collection 5 and in earlier collections, there was only one aerosol product (MYD04_L2) at 10km (at nadir) spatial resolution. Starting from C6, the Dark Target (DT) Aerosol algorithm team provided a new 3 km spatial resolution product (MYD04_3k) intended for the air quality community. For more information visit the MODIS Atmosphere website at: https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/products/aerosol And, for C6.1 changes and updates, visit: https://modis-atmosphere.gsfc.nasa.gov/documentation/collection-61 not-provided
+MYD04_L2.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426751946-LANCEMODIS.json The new Collection 6.1 (C61) MYD04_L2 product is an improved version based on algorithm changes in Dark Target (DT) Aerosol retrieval over urban areas and uncertainty estimates for Deep Blue (DB) Aerosol retrievals. The MODIS level-2 atmospheric aerosol product provides retrieved ambient aerosol optical properties, quality assurance, and other parameters, globally over ocean and land. In Collection 5, and earlier collections, there was only one aerosol product (MYD04_L2) at 10km (at nadir) spatial resolution. Starting from C6, the Dark Target (DT) Aerosol algorithm team provided a new 3 km spatial resolution product (MYD04_3k) intended for the air quality community. For more information visit the MODIS Atmosphere website at: https://modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.gov/products/aerosol And, for C6.1 changes and updates, visit: https://modis-atmosphere.gsfc.nasa.gov/documentation/collection-61 not-provided
+MYD09.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance 5-Min L2 Swath 250m, 500m, 1km NRT LANCEMODIS 2021-02-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2007652303-LANCEMODIS.json The MODIS/Aqua Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance 5-Min L2 Swath 250m, 500m, 1km NRT, short name MYD09, is computed from the MODIS Level 1B land bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (centered at 648 nm, 858 nm, 470 nm, 555 nm, 1240 nm, 1640 nm, and 2130 nm, respectively). The product is an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance for each band as it would have been measured at ground level if there were no atmospheric scattering or absorption. The surface-reflectance product is the input for product generation for several land products: vegetation Indices (VIs), BRDF, thermal anomaly, snow/ice, and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation/Leaf Area Index (FPAR/LAI). not-provided
+MYD09CMA.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Optical Thickness Daily L3 Global 0.05-Deg CMA NRT LANCEMODIS 2021-02-07 -180, -81, 180, 81 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2007652084-LANCEMODIS.json The MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Optical Thickness Daily L3 Global 0.05-Deg CMA Near Real Time (NRT), short name MYD09CMA, is a daily level 3 global product. It is in linear latitude and longitude (Plate Carre) projection with a 0.05Deg spatial resolution. This product is derived from MYD09IDN, MYD09IDT and MYD09IDS for each orbit by compositing the data on the basis of minimum band 3 (459 - 479 nm band) values (after excluding pixels flagged for clouds and high solar zenith angles). not-provided
+MYDCSR_B.v6.1 MODIS/Aqua 8-Day Clear Sky Radiance Bias Daily L3 Global 1Deg Zonal Bands LAADS 2002-07-04 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1444160046-LAADS.json The MODIS/Aqua 8-Day Clear Sky Radiance Bias Daily L3 Global 1Deg Zonal Bands (MYDCSR_B) product consists of 1-degree zonal mean clear-sky biases (observed minus calculated radiance differences) and associated statistics for bands 31 and 33-36 for each day from the previous eight-day period. Zonal means (5-zone moving averages) are created from the eight-day, 25-km radiance differences for daytime land, nighttime land, and ocean data separately. Day and night land data are combined south of -60 degrees latitude due to poor clear-sky sampling and the difficulty of discriminating between clear and cloudy conditions in this region. The zonal mean biases are utilized to correct clear-sky radiance calculations in the cloud top pressure (CO2 slicing) algorithm. The files are in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF). not-provided
+MYDGB0.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua 5-minute GBAD data in L0 format - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1427015288-LANCEMODIS.json MODIS/Aqua Near Real Time (NRT) 5-minute GBAD data in L0 format. not-provided
+Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery.v1 Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery MLHUB 2016-09-28 2019-04-18 -88.2971191, 5.4683637, 34.5300293, 39.1087514 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2196591903-MLHUB.json Floating marine debris is a global pollution problem which leads to the loss of marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Large swaths of marine debris are also navigational hazards to ocean vessels. The use of Earth observation data and artificial intelligence techniques can revolutionize the detection of floating marine debris on satellite imagery and pave the way to a global monitoring system for controlling and preventing the accumulation of marine debris in oceans. This dataset consists of images of marine debris which are 256 by 256 pixels in size and labels which are bounding boxes with geographical coordinates. The images were obtained from PlanetScope optical imagery which has a spatial resolution of approximately 3 meters. In this dataset, marine debris consists of floating objects on the ocean surface which can belong to one or more classes namely plastics, algae, sargassum, wood, and other artificial items. Several studies were used for data collection and validation. While a small percentage of the dataset represents the coastlines of Ghana and Greece, most of the observations surround the Bay Islands in Honduras. The marine debris detection models created and the relevant code for using this dataset can be found here. https://github.com/NASA-IMPACT/marine_debris_ML not-provided
+NEX-DCP30.v1 Downscaled 30 Arc-Second CMIP5 Climate Projections for Studies of Climate Change Impacts in the United States NCCS 1950-01-01 2099-12-31 -125.0208333, 24.0625, -66.4791667, 49.9375 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1542175061-NCCS.json This NASA dataset is provided to assist the science community in conducting studies of climate change impacts at local to regional scales, and to enhance public understanding of possible future climate patterns and climate impacts at the scale of individual neighborhoods and communities. This dataset is intended for use in scientific research only, and use of this dataset for other purposes, such as commercial applications, and engineering or design studies is not recommended without consultation with a qualified expert. Community feedback to improve and validate the dataset for modeling usage is appreciated. Email comments to bridget@climateanalyticsgroup.org. Dataset File Name: NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) Downscaled Climate Projections (NEXDCP30), https://portal.nccs.nasa.gov/portal_home/published/NEX.html not-provided
+NEX-GDDP.v1 NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections NCCS 1950-01-01 2100-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1374483929-NCCS.json The NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) and across two of the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The CMIP5 GCM runs were developed in support of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). The NEX-GDDP dataset includes downscaled projections for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 from the 21 models and scenarios for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed under CMIP5. Each of the climate projections includes daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation for the periods from 1950 through 2100. The spatial resolution of the dataset is 0.25 degrees (~25 km x 25 km). The NEX-GDDP dataset is provided to assist the science community in conducting studies of climate change impacts at local to regional scales, and to enhance public understanding of possible future global climate patterns at the spatial scale of individual towns, cities, and watersheds. Each of the climate projections includes monthly averaged maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation for the periods from 1950 through 2005 (Retrospective Run) and from 2006 to 2099 (Prospective Run). not-provided
+NIPR_UAP_ELF_SYO 1-100Hz ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Wave Observation at Syowa Station SCIOPS 2000-01-01 39.6, -69, 39.6, -69 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214590112-SCIOPS.json 1-100Hz ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Wave Observation at Syowa Station not-provided
+NMMIEAI-L2-NRT.v2 OMPS-NPP L2 NM Aerosol Index swath orbital NRT OMINRT 2011-11-07 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1657477341-OMINRT.json The OMPS-NPP L2 NM Aerosol Index swath orbital V2 for Near Real Time. For the standard product see the OMPS_NPP_NMMIEAI_L2 product in CMR .The aerosol index is derived from normalized radiances using 2 wavelength pairs at 340 and 378.5 nm. Additionally, this data product contains measurements of normalized radiances, reflectivity, cloud fraction, reflectivity, and other ancillary variables. not-provided
+NMSO2-PCA-L2-NRT.v2 OMPS/NPP PCA SO2 Total Column 1-Orbit L2 Swath 50x50km NRT OMINRT 2011-10-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439293808-OMINRT.json The OMPS-NPP L2 NM Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Total and Tropospheric Column swath orbital collection 2 version 2.0 product contains the retrieved sulfur dioxide (SO2) measured by the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Nadir-Mapper (NM) sensor on the Suomi-NPP satellite. A Principle Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm is used to retrieve the SO2 total column amount and column amounts in the lower (centered at 2.5 km), middle (centered at 7.5 km) and upper (centered at 11 km) troposphere, as well as the lower stratosphere (centered at 16 km). Each granule contains data from the daylight portion for a single orbit or about 50 minutes. Spatial coverage is global (-90 to 90 degrees latitude), and there are about 14 orbits per day each with a swath width of 2600 km. There are 35 pixels in the cross-track direction, with a pixel resolution of about 50 km x 50 km at nadir. The files are written using the Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 or HDF5. not-provided
+NMTO3NRT.v2 OMPS-NPP L2 NM Ozone (O3) Total Column swath orbital NRT OMINRT 2011-10-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439272084-OMINRT.json The OMPS-NPP L2 NM Ozone (O3) Total Column swath orbital product provides total ozone measurements from the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Nadir-Mapper (NM) instrument on the Suomi-NPP satellite.The total column ozone amount is derived from normalized radiances using 2 wavelength pairs 317.5 and 331.2 nm under most conditions, and 331.2 and 360 nm for high ozone and high solar zenith angle conditions. Additionally, this data product contains measurements of UV aerosol index and reflectivity at 331 nm.Each granule contains data from the daylight portion of each orbit measured for a full day. Spatial coverage is global (-90 to 90 degrees latitude), and there are about 14.5 orbits per day, each has typically 400 swaths. The swath width of the NM is about 2800 km with 36 scenes, or pixels, with a footprint size of 50 km x 50 km at nadir. The L2 NM Ozone data are written using the Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 or HDF5. not-provided
+NPBUVO3-L2-NRT.v2 OMPS-NPP L2 NP Ozone (O3) Vertical Profile swath orbital NRT OMINRT 2011-10-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1439296101-OMINRT.json The OMPS-NPP L2 NP Ozone (O3) Total Column swath orbital product provides ozone profile retrievals from the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Nadir-Profiler (NP) instrument on the Suomi-NPP satellite in Near Real Time. The V8 ozone profile algorithm relies on nadir profiler measurements made in the 250 to 310 nm range, as well as from measurements from the nadir mapper in the 300 to 380 nm range. Ozone mixing ratios are reported at 15 pressure levels between 50 and 0.5 hPa. Additionally, this data product contains measurements of total ozone, UV aerosol index and reflectivities at 331 and 380 nm. Each granule contains data from the daylight portion of each orbit measured for a full day. Spatial coverage is global (-82 to +82 degrees latitude), and there are about 14.5 orbits per day, each has typically 80 profiles. The NP footprint size is 250 km x 250 km. The L2 NP Ozone data are written using the Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 or HDF5. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_0.05D.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_0.05D NRSCC 2010-02-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351149-NRSCC.json This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) product was generated using MODIS products. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_1KM.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_ FAPAR_MODIS_1KM NRSCC 2000-02-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351155-NRSCC.json This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) product was developed using MODIS datasets. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_AVHRR_0.05D.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_AVHRR_0.05D NRSCC 1981-01-01 2018-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351175-NRSCC.json This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Leaf Area Index (LAI) product was developed using AVHRR datasets. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_MODIS_0.05D.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_ LAI_MODIS_0.05D NRSCC 2000-02-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351151-NRSCC.json This Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Leaf Area Index (LAI) product was developed using MODIS datasets. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_AVHRR.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_AVHRR NRSCC 2002-01-01 2015-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351177-NRSCC.json Global high-resolution land surface albedo data from NOAA/AVHRR, generated by Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Dataset production team. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_0.05D.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_0.05D NRSCC 2000-01-01 2018-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351167-NRSCC.json The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Albedo product derived from MODIS. The horizontal resolution is 0.05 Degree. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_1KM.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_Albedo_MODIS_1KM NRSCC 2000-01-01 2018-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351152-NRSCC.json The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Albedo product derived from MODIS. The horizontal resolution is 1KM. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_AVHRR.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_AVHRR NRSCC 1982-01-01 2017-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351148-NRSCC.json The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) broadband emissivity (BBE) product derived from AVHRR. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_0.05D.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_0.05D NRSCC 2000-02-18 2018-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351185-NRSCC.json The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) broadband emissivity (BBE) product derived from MODIS. The horizontal resolution is 0.05 Degree. not-provided
+NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_1KM.v11 NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_1KM NRSCC 2000-02-18 2018-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2205351153-NRSCC.json NRSCC_GLASS_BBE_MODIS_1KM not-provided
+NSF-ANT05-37371 A Broadband Seismic Experiment to Image the Lithosphere Beneath the Gamburtsev Mountains and Surrounding Areas, East Antarctica AMD_USAPDC 2007-10-01 2013-09-30 40, -84, 140, -76 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069799-AMD_USAPDC.json This award supports a seismological study of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM), a Texas-sized mountain range buried beneath the ice sheets of East Antarctica. The project will perform a passive seismic experiment deploying twenty-three seismic stations over the GSM to characterize the structure of the crust and upper mantle, and determine the processes driving uplift. The outcomes will also offer constraints on the terrestrial heat flux, a key variable in modeling ice sheet formation and behavior. Virtually unexplored, the GSM represents the largest unstudied area of crustal uplift on earth. As well, the region is the starting point for growth of the Antarctic ice sheets. Because of these outstanding questions, the GSM has been identified by the international Antarctic science community as a research focus for the International Polar Year (2007-2009). In addition to this seismic experiment, NSF is also supporting an aerogeophysical survey of the GSM under award number 0632292. Major international partners in the project include Germany, China, Australia, and the United Kingdom. For more information see IPY Project #67 at IPY.org. In terms of broader impacts, this project also supports postdoctoral and graduate student research, and various forms of outreach. not-provided
+NSF-ANT10-43485.v1 A New Reconstruction of the Last West Antarctic Ice Sheet Deglaciation in the Ross Sea AMD_USAPDC 2011-07-01 2015-06-30 -160, -78, -150, -68 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069944-AMD_USAPDC.json This award supports a project to develop a better understanding of the response of the WAIS to climate change. The timing of the last deglaciation of the western Ross Sea will be improved using in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl) to date glacial erratics at key areas and elevations along the western Ross Sea coast. A state-of-the art ice sheet-shelf model will be used to identify mechanisms of deglaciation of the Ross Sea sector of WAIS. The model results and forcing will be compared with observations including the new cosmogenic data proposed here, with the aim of better determining and understanding the history and causes of WAIS deglaciation in the Ross Sea. There is considerable uncertainty, however, in the history of grounding line retreat from its last glacial maximum position, and virtually nothing is known about the timing of ice- surface lowering prior to ~10,000 years ago. Given these uncertainties, we are currently unable to assess one of the most important questions regarding the last deglaciation of the global ice sheets, namely as to whether the Ross Sea sector of WAIS contributed significantly to meltwater pulse 1A (MWP-1A), an extraordinarily rapid (~500-year duration) episode of ~20 m sea-level rise that occurred ~14,500 years ago. The intellectual merit of this project is that recent observations of startling changes at the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets indicate that dynamic responses to warming may play a much greater role in the future mass balance of ice sheets than considered in current numerical projections of sea level rise. The broader impacts of this work are that it has direct societal relevance to developing an improved understanding of the response of the West Antarctic ice sheet to current and possible future environmental changes including the sea-level response to glacier and ice sheet melting due to global warming. The PI will communicate results from this project to a variety of audiences through the publication of peer-reviewed papers and by giving talks to public audiences. Finally the project will support a graduate student and undergraduate students in all phases of field-work, laboratory work and data interpretation. not-provided
+NSF-ANT10-43517 A new reconstruction of the last West Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation in the Ross Sea AMD_USAPDC 2011-07-01 2015-06-30 163.5, -78.32, 165.35, -77.57 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532070432-AMD_USAPDC.json This award supports a project to develop a better understanding of the response of the WAIS to climate change. The timing of the last deglaciation of the western Ross Sea will be improved using in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl) to date glacial erratics at key areas and elevations along the western Ross Sea coast. A state-of-the art ice sheet-shelf model will be used to identify mechanisms of deglaciation of the Ross Sea sector of WAIS. The model results and forcing will be compared with observations including the new cosmogenic data proposed here, with the aim of better determining and understanding the history and causes of WAIS deglaciation in the Ross Sea. There is considerable uncertainty, however, in the history of grounding line retreat from its last glacial maximum position, and virtually nothing is known about the timing of ice- surface lowering prior to ~10,000 years ago. Given these uncertainties, we are currently unable to assess one of the most important questions regarding the last deglaciation of the global ice sheets, namely as to whether the Ross Sea sector of WAIS contributed significantly to meltwater pulse 1A (MWP-1A), an extraordinarily rapid (~500-year duration) episode of ~20 m sea-level rise that occurred ~14,500 years ago. The intellectual merit of this project is that recent observations of startling changes at the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets indicate that dynamic responses to warming may play a much greater role in the future mass balance of ice sheets than considered in current numerical projections of sea level rise. The broader impacts of this work are that it has direct societal relevance to developing an improved understanding of the response of the West Antarctic ice sheet to current and possible future environmental changes including the sea-level response to glacier and ice sheet melting due to global warming. The PI will communicate results from this project to a variety of audiences through the publication of peer-reviewed papers and by giving talks to public audiences. Finally the project will support a graduate student and undergraduate students in all phases of field-work, laboratory work and data interpretation. not-provided
+NSF-ANT10-43621 A Comparison of Conjugate Auroral Electojet Indices AMD_USAPDC 2011-06-01 2013-05-31 -180, -79.5, 180, -54.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532069751-AMD_USAPDC.json The auroral electrojet index (AE) is used as an indicator of geomagnetic activity at high latitudes representing the strength of auroral electrojet currents in the Northern polar ionosphere. A similar AE index for the Southern hemisphere is not available due to lack of complete coverage the Southern auroral zone (half of which extends over the ocean) with continuous magnetometer observations. While in general global auroral phenomena are expected to be conjugate, differences have been observed in the conjugate observations from the ground and from the Earth's satellites. These differences indicate a need for an equivalent Southern auroral geomagnetic activity index. The goal of this award is to create the Southern AE (SAE) index that would accurately reflect auroral activity in that hemisphere. With this index, it would be possible to investigate the similarities and the cause of differences between the SAE and 'standard' AE index from the Northern hemisphere. It would also make it possible to identify when the SAE does not provide a reliable calculation of the Southern hemisphere activity, and to determine when it is statistically beneficial to consider the SAE index in addition to the standard AE while analyzing geospace data from the Northern and Southern polar regions. The study will address these questions by creating the SAE index and its 'near-conjugate' NAE index from collected Antarctic magnetometer data, and will analyze variations in the cross-correlation of these indices and their differences as a function of geomagnetic activity, season, Universal Time, Magnetic Local Time, and interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma parameters. The broader impact resulting from the proposed effort is in its importance to the worldwide geospace scientific community that currently uses only the standard AE index in a variety of geospace models as necessary input. not-provided
+NSF-ANT13-55533.v1 A Multi-decadal Record of Antarctic Benthos: Image Analysis to Maximize Data Utilization AMD_USAPDC 2013-10-01 2015-09-30 163, -78.5, 167, -78 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532070231-AMD_USAPDC.json Antarctic benthic communities are characterized by many species of sponges (Phylum Porifera), long thought to exhibit extremely slow demographic patterns of settlement, growth and reproduction. This project will analyze many hundreds of diver and remotely operated underwater vehicle photographs documenting a unique, episodic settlement event that occurred between 2000 and 2010 in McMurdo Sound that challenges this paradigm of slow growth. Artificial structures were placed on the seafloor between 1967 and 1974 at several sites, but no sponges were observed to settle on these structures until 2004. By 2010 some 40 species of sponges had settled and grown to be surprisingly large. Given the paradigm of slow settlement and growth supported by the long observation period (37 years, 1967-2004), this extraordinary large-scale settlement and rapid growth over just a 6-year time span is astonishing. This project utilizes image processing software (ImageJ) to obtain metrics (linear dimensions to estimate size, frequency, percent cover) for sponges and other fauna visible in the photographs. It uses R to conduct multidimensional scaling to ordinate community data and ANOSIM to test for differences of community data among sites and times and structures. It will also use SIMPER and ranked species abundances to discriminate species responsible for any differences. This work focuses on Antarctic sponges, but the observations of massive episodic recruitment and growth are important to understanding seafloor communities worldwide. Ecosystems are composed of populations, and populations are ecologically described by their distribution and abundance. A little appreciated fact is that sponges often dominate marine communities, but because sponges are so hard to study, most workers focus on other groups such as corals, kelps, or bivalves. Because most sponges settle and grow slowly their life history is virtually unstudied. The assumption of relative stasis of the Antarctic seafloor community is common, and this project will shatter this paradigm by documenting a dramatic episodic event. Finally, the project takes advantage of old transects from the 1960s and 1970s and compares them with extensive 2010 surveys of the same habitats and sometimes the same intact transect lines, offering a long-term perspective of community change. The investigators will publish these results in peer-reviewed journals, give presentations to the general public and will involve students from local outreach programs, high schools, and undergraduates at UCSD to help with the analysis. not-provided
+NSIDC-0326.v1 Ablation Rates of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Version 1 NSIDCV0 2002-11-19 2011-01-12 160.1, -77.9, 162.2, -77.6 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386250376-NSIDCV0.json This data set provides glacier surface ablation rates for a network of approximately 250 sites on Taylor Glacier, spanning a period from 2003 to 2011. Here sublimation is the dominant ablation mechanism, though a few sites have accumulation. Ablation data are provided in meters water equivalent per year. Data are available via FTP in space-delimited ASCII format. not-provided
+NSIDC-0539.v1 Abrupt Change in Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Ice Age, Version 1 NSIDCV0 2009-01-01 2012-12-31 -148.82, -81.66, -119.83, -80.01 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386205485-NSIDCV0.json During the last glacial period atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature in Antarctica varied in a similar fashion on millennial time scales, but previous work indicates that these changes were gradual. In a detailed analysis of one event, we now find that approximately half of the CO2 increase that occurred during the 1500 year cold period between Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) Events 8 and 9 happened rapidly, over less than two centuries. This rise in CO2 was synchronous with, or slightly later than, a rapid increase of Antarctic temperature inferred from stable isotopes. not-provided
+NSIDC-0596.v1 17O Excess from WAIS Divide, 0 to 25 ka BP, Version 1 NSIDCV0 2007-11-01 2012-02-01 -158.72, -81.67, -112.08, -77.79 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1386205647-NSIDCV0.json This data set contains the VSMOW-SLAP d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess data from the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, Siple Dome and Taylor Dome, along with the published and VSMOW-SLAP normalized d17O, d18O, and 17O-excess for Vostok [Landais et al. 2008], EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome [Winkler et al., 2012]. The data cover the Last Glacial Maximum (25-20 ka), through the Early Holocene (12-9 ka) and into present-day (past 2 kyr) not-provided
+OMAERUV.v003 OMI/Aura Near UV Aerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo 1-orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT OMINRT 2004-07-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000120-OMINRT.json The OMI/Aura level-2 near UV Aerosol data product 'OMAERUV', recently re-processed using an enhanced algorithm, is now released (April 2012) to the public. The data is available from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/omaeruv_v003.shtml NASA Aura satellite sensors are tracking important atmospheric pollutants from space since its launch in July, 2004. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI), one of the four Aura satellite sensors with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides daily global measurements of four important US Environmental Protection Agency criteria pollutants (Tropospheric ozone, Nitrogen dioxide,Sulfur dioxide and Aerosols from biomass burning and industrial emissions, HCHO, BrO, OClO and surface UV irradiance. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR)in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. The principal investigator (Dr. Pieternel Levelt) institute is the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). The Level-2 OMI Aerosol Product OMAERUV from the Aura-OMI is now available from NASAs GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) for public access. OMAERUV retrieval algorithm is developed by the US OMI Team Scientists. Dr. Omar Torres (GSFC/NASA) is the principal investigator of this product. The OMAERUV product contains Aerosol Absorption and Aerosol Extinction Optical Depths, and Single Scattering Albedo at three different wavelengths (354, 388 and 500 nm), Aerosol Index, and other ancillary and geolocation parameters, in the OMI field of view (13x24 km). Another standard OMI aerosol product is OMAERO, that is based on the KNMI multi-wavelength spectral fitting algorithm. OMAERUV files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMAERUV data product is about 6 Mbytes. A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml A short OMAERUV Readme Document that includes brief algorithm description and currently known data quality issues is provided by the OMAERUV Algorithm lead (see http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/omaeruv_v003.shtml) For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/ . OMAERUV Data Groups and Parameters: The OMAERUV data file contains a swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: Total Aerosol Optical Depth (extinction optical depth) and Aerosol Absorption Optical Depths (at 354, 388 and 500 nm), Single Scattering Albedo, UV Aerosol Index, Visible Aerosol Index, and other intermediate and ancillary parameters (e.g. Estimates of Aerosol Total Extinction and Absorption Optical Depths and Single Scattering Albedo at five atmospheric levels, Aerosol Type, Aerosol Layer Height, Normalized Radiance, Lambert equivalent Reflectivity, Surface Albedo, Imaginary Component of Refractive Index) and Data Quality Flags. Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time(TAI93), Seconds, Solar Zenith Angles, Viewing Zenith Angles, Relative Azimuth Angle, Terrain Pressure, Ground Pixel Quality Flags. For the full set of Aura products available from the GES DISC, please see the link below. http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/ Atmospheric Composition data from Aura and other satellite sensors can be ordered from the following sites: http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/acdisc/ not-provided
+OMCLDRR.v003 OMI/Aura Cloud Pressure and Fraction (Raman Scattering) 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT OMINRT 2004-07-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000100-OMINRT.json The reprocessed Aura OMI Version 003 Level 2 Cloud Data Product OMCLDRR is made available (in April 2012) to the public from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/omcldrr_v003.shtml ) Aura OMI provides two Level-2 Cloud products (OMCLDRR and OMCLDO2) at pixel resolution (13 x 24 km at nadir) that are based on two different algorithms, the Rotational Raman Scattering method and the O2-O2 absorption method. This level-2 global cloud product (OMCLDRR) provides effective cloud pressure and effective cloud fraction that is based on the least square fitting of the Ring spectrum (filling-in of Fraunhofer lines in the range 392 to 398 nm due to rotational Raman scattering). This product also contains many ancillary and derived parameters, terrain and geolocation information, solar and satellite viewing angles, and quality flags. The shortname for this Level-2 OMI Cloud Pressure and Fraction product is OMCLDRR and the algorithm lead for this product is NASA OMI scientist Dr. Joanna Joinner. OMCLDRR files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMCLDRR data product is about 9 Mbytes. A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml . A short OMCLDRR Readme Document that includes brief algorithm description and data quality is also provided by the OMCLDRR Algorithm lead. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) was launched aboard the EOS-Aura satellite on July 15, 2004(1:38 pm equator crossing time, ascending mode). OMI with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides almost daily global coverage. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR)in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. OMI is designed to monitor stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, clouds, aerosols and smoke from biomass burning, SO2 from volcanic eruptions, and key tropospheric pollutants (HCHO, NO2) and ozone depleting gases (OClO and BrO). OMI sensor counts, calibrated and geolocated radiances, and all derived geophysical atmospheric products are archived at the NASA GES DISC. For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/instruments/omi/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/ . Data Category Parameters: The OMCLDRR data file contains one swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: Two Effective Cloud Fraction and two Cloud Top Pressures that are based on two different clear and cloudy scene reflectivity criteria, Chlorophyll Amount, Effective Reflectivity (394.1 micron), UV Aerosol Index (based on 360 and 388 nm), and many Auxiliary Algorithm Parameter and Quality Flags. Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time, Solar Zenith Angle, Viewing Zenith Angle, Relative Azimuth Angle, Terrain Height, and Ground Pixel Quality Flags. OMI Atmospheric data and documents are available from the following sites: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/OMI/ http://mirador.gsfc.nasa.gov/ not-provided
+OMICOL3NRT.v3 Ozone Monitoring Instrument Near Real Time Data for v3 OMINRT 1970-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000040-OMINRT.json This collection contains Near Real Time Data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI).The OMI instrument employs hyperspectral imaging in a push-broom mode to observe solar backscatter radiation in the visible and ultraviolet. not-provided
+OMSO2.v003 OMI/Aura Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Total Column 1-orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT OMINRT 2004-07-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000121-OMINRT.json The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) was launched aboard the EOS-Aura satellite on July 15, 2004 (1:38 pm equator crossing time, ascending mode). OMI with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides almost daily global coverage. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. The principal investigator (Dr. Pieternel Levelt) institute is the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). OMI is designed to monitor stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, clouds, aerosols and smoke from biomass burning, SO2 from volcanic eruptions, and key tropospheric pollutants (HCHO,NO2) and ozone depleting gases (OClO and BrO). OMI sensor counts, calibrated and geolocated radiances, and all derived geophysical atmospheric products will be archived at the NASA Goddard DAAC. The Sulfer Dioxide Product 'OMSO2' from the Aura-OMI is now publicly available from NASA GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) for public access. OMSO2 product contains three values of SO2 Vertical column corresponding to three a-priori vertical profiles used in the retrieval algorithm. It also contains quality flags, geolocation and other ancillary information. The shortname for this Level-2 OMI total column SO2 product is OMSO2 and the algorithm leads for this product are NASA/UMBC OMI scientists Drs. Nikolay Krotkov (nickolay.a.krotkov@nasa.gov),Kai Yang(kai.yang@nasa.gov) and Arlin J. Krueger(krueger@umbc.edu). OMSO2 files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMSO2 data product is about 21 Mbytes. On-line spatial and parameter subset options are available during data download A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml A short OMSO2 Readme Document that includes brief algorithm description and documents that provides known data quality related issues are available from the UMBC OMI site ( http://so2.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs.php ) For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://so2.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/. For the full set of Aura products and other atmospheric composition data available from the GES DISC, please see the links below. http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/ http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/acdisc/ not-provided
+OMTO3.v003 OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24 km V003 NRT OMINRT 2004-07-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1000000140-OMINRT.json The OMI/Aura Level-2 Total Column Ozone Data Product OMTO3 Near Real Time data is made available from the OMI SIPS NASA for the public access. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)was launched aboard the EOS-Aura satellite on July 15, 2004(1:38 pm equator crossing time, ascending mode). OMI with its 2600 km viewing swath width provides almost daily global coverage. OMI is a contribution of the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR)in collaboration with Finish Meterological Institute (FMI), to the US EOS-Aura Mission. The principal investigator's (Dr. Pieternel Levelt) institute is the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). OMI is designed to monitor stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, clouds, aerosols and smoke from biomass burning, SO2 from volcanic eruptions, and key tropospheric pollutants (HCHO, NO2) and ozone depleting gases (OClO and BrO). OMI sensor counts, calibrated and geolocated radiances, and all derived geophysical atmospheric products will be archived at the NASA Goddard DAAC. This level-2 global total column ozone product (OMTO3)is based on the enhanced TOMS version-8 algorithm that essentially uses the ultraviolet radiance data at 317.5 and 331.2 nm. OMI additional hyper-spectral measurements help in the corrections for the factors that induce uncertainty in ozone retrieval (e.g., cloud and aerosol, sea-glint effects, profile shape sensitivity, SO2 and other trace gas contamination). In addition to the total ozone values this product also contains some auxiliary derived and ancillary input parameters including N-values, effective Lambertian scene-reflectivity, UV aerosol index, SO2 index, cloud fraction, cloud pressure, ozone below clouds, terrain height, geolocation, solar and satellite viewing angles, and extensive quality flags. The shortname for this Level-2 OMI total column ozone product is OMTO3 and the algorithm lead for this product is NASA OMI scientist Dr. Pawan K. Bhartia ( Pawan.K.Bhartia@nasa.gov). OMTO3 files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains data from the day lit portion of an orbit (~53 minutes). There are approximately 14 orbits per day. The maximum file size for the OMTO3 data product is about 35 Mbytes. A list of tools for browsing and extracting data from these files can be found at: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/tools.shtml For more information on Ozone Monitoring Instrument and atmospheric data products, please visit the OMI-Aura sites: http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/ http://www.knmi.nl/omi/research/documents/ . Data Category Parameters: The OMTO3 data file contains one swath which consists of two groups: Data fields: OMI Total Ozone,Effective Reflectivity (331 - 360 nm), N-value, Cloud Fraction, Cloud Top Pressure, O3 below Cloud, UV Aerosol Index, SO2 index, Wavelength used in the algorithm, many Auxiliary Algorithm Parameter and Quality Flags Geolocation Fields: Latitude, Longitude, Time, Relative Azimuth, Solar Zenith and Azimuth, Viewing Zenith and Azimuth angles, Spacecraft Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, Terrain Height, Ground Pixel Quality Flags.For the full set of Aura data products available from the GES DISC, please see the link http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/ . not-provided
+OMTO3e.v003 OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column Daily L3 Global 0.25deg Lat/Lon Grid NRT OMINRT 2004-07-15 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1428966163-OMINRT.json The OMI science team produces this Level-3 Aura/OMI Global TOMS-Like Total Column Ozone gridded product OMTO3e (0.25deg Lat/Lon grids). The OMTO3e product selects the best pixel (shortest path length) data from the good quality filtered level-2 total column ozone data (OMTO3) that fall in the 0.25 x 0.25 degree global grids. Each file contains total column ozone, radiative cloud fraction and solar and viewing zenith angles. OMTO3e files are stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS5). Each file contains daily data from approximately 15 orbits. The maximum file size for the OMTO3e data product is about 2.8 Mbytes. (The shortname for this Level-3 TOMS-Like Total Column Ozone gridded product is OMTO3e) . not-provided
+PM1EPHND_NRT.v6.1NRT MODIS/Aqua 24-hour Spacecraft ephemeris/orbit data files to be read via SDP Toolkit Binary Format - NRT LANCEMODIS 2017-10-11 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1426395235-LANCEMODIS.json PM1EPHND is the Aqua Near Real Time (NRT) daily spacecraft definitive ephemeris data file in native format. This is MODIS Ancillary Data. The data collection consists of PM1 Platform Attitude Data that has been preprocessed by ECS to an internal standard supported by the ECS SDP Toolkit. This data is typically used in determining the geolocation of earth remote sensing observations.The file name format is the following: PM1EPHND_NRT.Ayyyyddd.hhmm.vvv where from left to right: PM1 = PM1 (Aqua); EPH = Spacecraft Ephemeris; N = Native format; D = Definitive; A = Acquisition; yyyy = data year, ddd = Julian data day, hh = data hour, mm = data minute; vvv = Version ID. not-provided
+PSScene3Band.v1 PlanetScope Satellite Imagery 3 Band Scene CSDA 2014-06-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2112982481-CSDA.json The Planet Scope 3 band collection contains satellite imagery obtained from Planet Labs, Inc by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. This satellite imagery is in the visible waveband range with data in the red, green, and blue wavelengths. These data are collected by Planets Dove, Super Dove, and Blue Super Dove instruments collected from across the global land surface from June 2014 to present. Data have a spatial resolution of 3.7 meters at nadir and provided in GeoTIFF format. Data access are restricted to US Government funded investigators approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+Permafrost_ActiveLayer_NSlope_1759.v1 ABoVE: Active Layer Soil Characterization of Permafrost Sites, Northern Alaska, 2018 ORNL_CLOUD 2018-08-22 2018-08-26 -149.31, 68.61, -148.56, 69.81 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2143402217-ORNL_CLOUD.json This dataset provides in situ soil measurements including soil dielectric properties, temperature, and moisture profiles, active layer thickness (ALT), and measurements of soil organic matter, bulk density, porosity, texture, and coarse root biomass. Samples were collected from the surface to permafrost table in soil pits at selected sites along the Dalton Highway in Northern Alaska. From North to South, the study sites include Franklin Bluffs, Sagwon, Happy Valley, Ice Cut, and Imnavait Creek. Measurements were made from August 22 to August 26, 2018. The purpose of the field campaign was to characterize the dielectric properties of permafrost active layer soils in support of the NASA Arctic and Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Airborne Campaign. not-provided
+QB02_MSI_L1B.v1 QuickBird Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA 2001-10-18 2015-01-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497489665-CSDA.json The QuickBird Level 1B Multispectral 4-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe QuickBird-2 satellite using the Ball High Resolution Camera 60 across the global land surface from October 2001 to January 2015. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared wavelengths. The spatial resolution is 2.16m at nadir and the temporal resolution is 2.5 to 5.6 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+QB02_Pan_L1B.v1 QuickBird Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA 2001-10-18 2015-01-27 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497480059-CSDA.json The QuickBird Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery was collected by the DigitalGlobe QuickBird-2 satellite using the Ball High Resolution Camera 60 across the global land surface from October 2001 to January 2015. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.55m at nadir and a temporal resolution of 2.5 to 5.6 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+SEAGLIDER_GUAM_2019.vV1 Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (Guam 2019-2020) POCLOUD 2019-10-03 2020-01-15 143.63035, 13.39476, 144.613, 14.71229 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2151536874-POCLOUD.json This dataset was produced by the Adaptive Sampling of Rain and Ocean Salinity from Autonomous Seagliders (NASA grant NNX17AK07G) project, an investigation to develop tools and strategies to better measure the structure and variability of upper-ocean salinity in rain-dominated environments. From October 2019 to January 2020, three Seagliders were deployed near Guam (14°N 144°E). The Seaglider is an autonomous profiler measuring salinity and temperature in the upper ocean. The three gliders sampled in an adaptive formation to capture the patchiness of the rain and the corresponding oceanic response in real time. The location was chosen because of the likelihood of intense tropical rain events and the availability of a NEXRAD (S-band) rain radar at the Guam Airport. Spacing between gliders varies from 1 to 60 km. Data samples are gridded by profile and on regular depth bins from 0 to 1000 m. The time interval between profiles was about 3 hours, and they are typically about 1.5 km apart. These profiles are available at Level 2 (basic gridding) and Level 3 (despiked and interpolated). All Seaglider data files are in netCDF format with standards compliant metadata. The project was led by a team from the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington. not-provided
+SRDB_V5_1827.v5 A Global Database of Soil Respiration Data, Version 5.0 ORNL_CLOUD 1961-01-01 2017-12-31 -163.71, -78.02, 175.9, 81.8 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2216864433-ORNL_CLOUD.json The Soil Respiration Database (SRDB) is a near-universal compendium of published soil respiration (Rs) data. The database encompasses published studies that report at least one of the following data measured in the field (not laboratory): annual soil respiration, mean seasonal soil respiration, a seasonal or annual partitioning of soil respiration into its source fluxes, soil respiration temperature response (Q10), or soil respiration at 10 degrees C. The SRDB's orientation is to seasonal and annual fluxes, not shorter-term or chamber-specific measurements, and the database is dominated by temperate, well-drained forest measurement locations. Version 5 (V5) is the compilation of 2,266 published studies with measurements taken between 1961-2017. V5 features more soil respiration data published in Russian and Chinese scientific literature for better global spatio-temporal coverage and improved global climate-space representation. The database is also restructured to have better interoperability with other datasets related to carbon-cycle science. not-provided
+Survey_1988_89_Mawson_npcms.v1 1988/89 Summer season, surveying and mapping program, Mawson - North Prince Charles Mountains - Davis AU_AADC 1988-10-01 1989-02-28 62, -70, 79, -66 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313847-AU_AADC.json Field season report of these programs: 1988/89 Summer Season surveying and mapping North Prince Charles Mountains; ...mapping program Northern PCM's - Mawson Doppler Translocation Support; ....mapping program Voyage 6 stopover Davis. Includes maps and mapsheet layouts. See the report for full details on the program. Contents are: Introduction Preparation Voytage to Antarctica 1988/89 Summer Season Surveying and Mapping Program, Northern Prince Charles Mountains 1988/89 Summer Season Surveying and Mapping Program, Voyage 6 Stopover, Davis Performance of Equipment Station Marking Field Camping Climatic Conditions Conclusion Appendices not-provided
+Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Model.v1 Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Model MLHUB 2000-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2260133500-MLHUB.json This is a PyTorch model trained on the Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation Competition dataset with v0.1 of the TorchGeo package. The model is a resnet18 model pretrained on ImageNet then trained with a MSE loss. The data were randomly split 80/20 by storm ID and an early stop was used based on performance. not-provided
+Turbid9.v0 2004 Measurements made in the Chesapeake Bay OB_DAAC 2004-10-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360689-OB_DAAC.json Measurements made in the Chesapeake Bay in 2004. not-provided
+USAP-1543498.v1 A Full Lifecycle Approach to Understanding Adélie Penguin Response to Changing Pack Ice Conditions in the Ross Sea AMD_USAPDC 2016-06-01 165, -78, -150, -60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2532074621-AMD_USAPDC.json "The Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean is experiencing growing sea ice cover in both extent and duration. These trends contrast those of the well-studied, western Antarctic Peninsula area, where sea ice has been disappearing. Unlike the latter, little is known about how expanding sea ice coverage might affect the regional Antarctic marine ecosystem. This project aims to better understand some of the potential effects of the changing ice conditions on the marine ecosystem using the widely-recognized indicator species - the Adélie Penguin. A four-year effort will build on previous results spanning 19 seasons at Ross Island to explore how successes or failures in each part of the penguin's annual cycle are effected by ice conditions and how these carry over to the next annual recruitment cycle, especially with respect to the penguin's condition upon arrival in the spring. Education and public outreach activities will continually be promoted through the PenguinCam and PenguinScience websites (sites with greater than 1 million hits a month) and ""NestCheck"" (a site that is logged-on by >300 classrooms annually that allows students to follow penguin families in their breeding efforts). To encourage students in pursuing educational and career pathways in the Science Technology Engineering and Math fields, the project will also provide stories from the field in a Penguin Journal, develop classroom-ready activities aligned with New Generation Science Standards, increase the availability of instructional presentations as powerpoint files and short webisodes. The project will provide additional outreach activities through local, state and national speaking engagements about penguins, Antarctic science and climate change. The annual outreach efforts are aimed at reaching over 15,000 students through the website, 300 teachers through presentations and workshops, and 500 persons in the general public. The project also will train four interns (undergraduate and graduate level), two post-doctoral researchers, and a science writer/photographer.
The project will accomplish three major goals, all of which relate to how Adélie Penguins adapt to, or cope with environmental change. Specifically the project seeks to determine 1) how changing winter sea ice conditions in the Ross Sea region affect penguin migration, behavior and survival and alter the carry-over effects (COEs) to subsequent reproduction; 2) the interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic factors influencing COEs over multiple years of an individual's lifetime; and 3) how local environmental change may affect population change via impacts to nesting habitat, interacting with individual quality and COEs. Retrospective analyses will be conducted using 19 years of colony based data and collect additional information on individually marked, known-age and known-history penguins, from new recruits to possibly senescent individuals. Four years of new information will be gained from efforts based at two colonies (Cape Royds and Crozier), using radio frequency identification tags to automatically collect data on breeding and foraging effort of marked, known-history birds to explore penguin response to resource availability within the colony as well as between colonies (mates, nesting material, habitat availability). Additional geolocation/time-depth recorders will be used to investigate travels and foraging during winter of these birds. The combined efforts will allow an assessment of the effects of penguin behavior/success in one season on its behavior in the next (e.g. how does winter behavior affect arrival time and body condition on subsequent breeding). It is at the individual level that penguins are responding successfully, or not, to ongoing marine habitat change in the Ross Sea region." not-provided
+USAP-1643722.v1 A High Resolution Atmospheric Methane Record from the South Pole Ice Core AMD_USAPDC 2017-02-01 2019-01-31 180, -90, 180, -90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2534799946-AMD_USAPDC.json This award supports a project to measure the concentration of the gas methane in air trapped in an ice core collected from the South Pole. The data will provide an age scale (age as a function of depth) by matching the South Pole methane changes with similar data from other ice cores for which the age vs. depth relationship is well known. The ages provided will allow all other gas measurements made on the South Pole core (by the PI and other NSF supported investigators) to be interpreted accurately as a function of time. This is critical because a major goal of the South Pole coring project is to understand the history of rare gases in the atmosphere like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, methyl chloride, and methyl bromide. Relatively little is known about what controls these gases in the atmosphere despite their importance to atmospheric chemistry and climate. Undergraduate assistants will work on the project and be introduced to independent research through their work. The PI will continue visits to local middle schools to introduce students to polar science, and other outreach activities (e.g. laboratory tours, talks to local civic or professional organizations) as part of the project. Methane concentrations from a major portion (2 depth intervals, excluding the brittle ice-zone which is being measured at Penn State University) of the new South Pole ice core will be used to create a gas chronology by matching the new South Pole ice core record with that from the well-dated WAIS Divide ice core record. In combination with measurements made at Penn State, this will provide gas dating for the entire 50,000-year record. Correlation will be made using a simple but powerful mid-point method that has been previously demonstrated, and other methods of matching records will be explored. The intellectual merit of this work is that the gas chronology will be a fundamental component of this ice core project, and will be used by the PI and other investigators for dating records of atmospheric composition, and determining the gas age-ice age difference independently of glaciological models, which will constrain processes that affected firn densification in the past. The methane data will also provide direct stratigraphic markers of important perturbations to global biogeochemical cycles (e.g., rapid methane variations synchronous with abrupt warming and cooling in the Northern Hemisphere) that will tie other ice core gas records directly to those perturbations. A record of the total air content will also be produced as a by-product of the methane measurements and will contribute to understanding of this parameter. The broader impacts include that the work will provide a fundamental data set for the South Pole ice core project and the age scale (or variants of it) will be used by all other investigators working on gas records from the core. The project will employ an undergraduate assistant(s) in both years who will conduct an undergraduate research project which will be part of the student's senior thesis or other research paper. The project will also offer at least one research position for the Oregon State University Summer REU site program. Visits to local middle schools, and other outreach activities (e.g. laboratory tours, talks to local civic or professional organizations) will also be part of the project. not-provided
+USAP-1744755.v1 A mechanistic study of bio-physical interaction and air-sea carbon transfer in the Southern Ocean AMD_USAPDC 2018-05-01 2022-04-30 -80, -70, -30, -45 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2545372297-AMD_USAPDC.json Current generation of coupled climate models, that are used to make climate projections, lack the resolution to adequately resolve ocean mesoscale (10 - 100km) processes, exhibiting significant biases in the ocean carbon uptake. Mesoscale processes include many features including jets, fronts and eddies that are crucial for bio-physical interactions, air-sea CO2 exchange and the supply of iron to the surface ocean. This modeling project will support the eddy resolving regional simulations to understand the mechanisms that drives bio-physical interaction and air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide. not-provided
+USAP-1744989.v1 A Multi-scale Approach to Understanding Spatial and Population Variability in Emperor Penguins AMD_USAPDC 2018-07-15 2022-06-30 -180, -90, 180, -60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2705787178-AMD_USAPDC.json This project on emperor penguin populations will quantify penguin presence/absence, and colony size and trajectory, across the entire Antarctic continent using high-resolution satellite imagery. For a subset of the colonies, population estimates derived from high-resolution satellite images will be compared with those determined by aerial surveys - these results have been uploaded to MAPPPD (penguinmap.com) and are freely available for use. This validated information will be used to determine population estimates for all emperor penguin colonies through iterations of supervised classification and maximum likelihood calculations on the high-resolution imagery. The effect of spatial, geophysical, and environmental variables on population size and decadal-scale trends will be assessed using generalized linear models. This research will result in a first ever empirical result for emperor penguin population trends and habitat suitability, and will leverage currently-funded NSF infrastructure and hosting sites to publish results in near-real time to the public. not-provided
+USAP-2130663.v1 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science AMD_USAPDC 2021-06-01 2023-05-31 -180, -90, 180, -60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2556670196-AMD_USAPDC.json Current networking capacity at McMurdo Station is insufficient to even be considered broadband, with a summer population of up to 1000 people sharing what is equivalent to the connection enjoyed by a typical family of three in the United States. The changing Antarctic ice sheets and Southern Ocean are large, complex systems that require cutting edge technology to do cutting edge research, with remote technology becoming increasingly useful and even necessary to monitor changes at sufficient spatial and temporal scales. Antarctic science also often involves large data-transfer needs not currently met by existing satellite communication infrastructure. This workshop will gather representatives from across Antarctic science disciplinesfrom astronomy to zoologyas well as research and education networking experts to explore the scientific advances that would be enabled through dramatically increased real-time network connectivity, and also consider opportunities for subsea cable instrumentation. This workshop will assess the importance of a subsea fiber optic cable for high-capacity real-time connectivity in the US Antarctic Program, which is at the forefront of some of the greatest climate-related challenges facing our planet. The workshop will: (1) document unmet or poorly met current scientific and logistic needs for connectivity; (2) explore connectivity needs for planned future research and note the scientific advances that would be possible if the full value of modern cyberinfrastructure-empowered research could be brought to the Antarctic research community; and (3) identify scientific opportunities in planning a fully instrumented communication cable as a scientific observatory. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop will be hosted and streamed online. While the workshop will be limited to invited personnel in order to facilitate a collaborative working environment, broad community input will be sought via survey and via comment on draft outputs. A workshop summary document and report will be delivered to NSF. Increasing US Antarctic connectivity by orders of magnitude will be transformative for science and logistics, and it may well usher in a new era of Antarctic science that is more accessible, efficient and sustainable. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. not-provided
+USGS_DDS_P14_cells 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Los Angeles Basin Province CEOS_EXTRA 1990-12-01 1990-12-01 -119.63631, 32.7535, -117.52315, 34.17464 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552049-CEOS_EXTRA.json The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 14 (Los Angeles Basin) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1401 conventional Santa Monica Fault System and Las Cienegas Fault and Block 1402 conventional Southwestern Shelf and Adjacent Offshore State Lands 1403 conventional Newport-Inglewood Deformation Zone and Southwestern Flank of Central Syncline 1404 conventional Whittier Fault Zone and Fullerton Embayment 1405 conventional Northern Shelf and Northern Flank of Central Syncline 1406 conventional Anaheim Nose 1407 conventional Chino Marginal Basin, Puente and San Jose Hills, and San Gabriel Valley Marginal Basin not-provided
+USGS_DDS_P16_cells 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Salton Trough Province CEOS_EXTRA 1990-12-01 1990-12-01 -116.66911, 32.634293, -114.74501, 34.02059 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231548651-CEOS_EXTRA.json The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 16 (Salton Trough) are listed here by play number, type, and name. not-provided
+USGS_DDS_P17_cells 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Idaho - Snake River Downwarp Province CEOS_EXTRA 1990-12-01 1990-12-01 -117.24303, 41.99332, -111.04548, 49.00115 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550494-CEOS_EXTRA.json The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 17 (Idaho - Snake River Downwarp) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1701 conventional Miocene Lacustrine (Lake Bruneau) 1702 conventional Pliocene Lacustrine (Lake Idaho) 1703 conventional Pre-Miocene 1704 conventional Older Tertiary not-provided
+USGS_DDS_P19_cells 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Eastern Great Basin Province CEOS_EXTRA 1990-12-01 1990-12-01 -117.02622, 35.002083, -111.170425, 43.022377 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552402-CEOS_EXTRA.json "The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 19 (Eastern Great Basin) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1901 conventional Unconformity ""A"" 1902 conventional Late Paleozoic 1903 conventional Early Tertiary - Late Cretaceous Sheep Pass and Equivalents 1905 conventional Younger Tertiary Basins 1906 conventional Late Paleozoic - Mesozoic (Central Nevada) Thrust Belt 1907 conventional Sevier Frontal Zone" not-provided
+USGS_DDS_P2_cells 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Central Alaska Province CEOS_EXTRA 1990-12-01 1990-12-01 -173.22636, 58.49761, -140.99017, 68.01999 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550471-CEOS_EXTRA.json The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 2 (Central Alaska) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 201 conventional Central Alaska Cenozoic Gas 202 conventional Central Alaska Mesozoic Gas 203 conventional Central Alaska Paleozoic Oil 204 conventional Kandik Pre-Mid-Cretaceous Strata 205 conventional Kandik Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Non-Marine Stata not-provided
+USGS_P-11_cells 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment 1/4-Mile Cells within the Central Coastal Province CEOS_EXTRA 1990-12-01 1990-12-01 -123.80987, 34.66294, -118.997696, 39.082233 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231552077-CEOS_EXTRA.json The purpose of the cell map is to display the exploration maturity, type of production, and distribution of production in quarter-mile cells in each of the oil and gas plays and each of the provinces defined for the 1995 U.S. National Oil and Gas Assessment. Cell maps for each oil and gas play were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in a play or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, or dry. The well information was initially retrieved from the Petroleum Information (PI) Well History Control System (WHCS), which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary WHCS data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from WHCS were current as of December 1990 when the cell maps were created in 1994. Oil and gas plays within province 11 (Central Coastal) are listed here by play number, type, and name: Number Type Name 1101 conventional Point Arena Oil 1102 conventional Point Reyes Oil 1103 conventional Pescadero Oil 1104 conventional La Honda Oil 1105 conventional Bitterwater Oil 1106 conventional Salinas Oil 1107 conventional Western Cuyama Basin 1109 conventional Cox Graben not-provided
+USGS_SOFIA_eco_hist_db1995-2007.vversion 7 1995 - 2007 Ecosystem History of South Florida's Estuaries Database version 7 CEOS_EXTRA 1994-09-27 2007-04-03 -81.83, 24.75, -80, 26.5 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231554288-CEOS_EXTRA.json The 1995 - 2007 Ecosystem History of South Florida's Estuaries Database contains listings of all sites (modern and core), modern monitoring site survey information (water chemistry, floral and faunal data, etc.), and published core data. Two general types of data are contained within this database: 1) Modern Field Data and 2) Core data - primarily faunal assemblages. Data are available for modern sites and cores in the general areas of Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay, and the southwest (Florida) coastal mangrove estuaries. Specific sites in the Florida Bay area include Taylor Creek, Bob Allen Key, Russell Bank, Pass Key, Whipray Basin, Rankin Bight, park Key, and Mud Creek core). Specific Biscayne Bay sites include Manatee Bay, Featherbed Bank, Card bank, No Name Bank, Middle Key, Black Point North, and Chicken Key. Sites on the southwest coast include Alligator Bay, Big Lostmans Bay, Broad River Bay, Roberts River mouth, Tarpon Bay, Lostmans River First and Second Bays, Harney River, Shark River near entrance to Ponce de Leon Bay, and Shark River channels. Modern field data contains (1) general information about the site, description, latitude and longitude, date of data collection, (2) water chemistry information, and (3) descriptive text of fauna and flora observed at the site. Core data contain either percent abundance data or actual counts of the distribution of mollusks, ostracodes, forams, and pollen within the cores collected in the estuaries. For some cores dinocyst or diatom data may be available. not-provided
+USGS_cont1992 1992 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River Ground-Water Basin, San Bernardino County, California CEOS_EXTRA 1970-01-01 -117.652695, 34.364513, -116.55357, 35.081955 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231553864-CEOS_EXTRA.json This data set consists of digital water-table contours for the Mojave River Basin. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Mojave Water Agency, constructed a water-table map of the Mojave River ground-water basin for ground-water levels measured in November 1992. Water-level data were collected from approximately 300 wells to construct the contours. The water-table contours were digitized from the paper map which was published at a scale of 1:125,000. The contour interval ranges from 3,200 to 1,600 feet above sea level. [Summary provided by the USGS.] not-provided
+USGS_cont1994 1994 Water-Table Contours of the Morongo Ground-Water Basin, San Bernardino County, California CEOS_EXTRA 1970-01-01 -117.07194, 34.095333, -115.98976, 34.64026 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231554677-CEOS_EXTRA.json This data set consists of digital water-table contours for the Morongo Basin. The U.S. Geological Survey constructed a water-table map of the Morongo ground-water basin for ground-water levels measured during the period January-October 1994. Water-level data were collected from 248 wells to construct the contours. The water-table contours were digitized from the paper map which was published at a scale of 1:125,000. The contour interval ranges from 3,400 to 1,500 feet above sea level. [Summary provided by the USGS.] not-provided
+UTC_1990countyboundaries 1990 County Boundaries of the United States CEOS_EXTRA 1972-01-01 1990-12-31 -177.1, 13.71, -61.48, 76.63 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2231550562-CEOS_EXTRA.json This data set portrays the 1990 State and county boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The data set was created by extracting county polygon features from the individual 1:2,000,000-scale State boundary Digital Line Graph (DLG) files produced by the U.S. Geological Survey. These files were then merged into a single file and the boundaries were modified to what they were in 1990. This is a revised version of the March 2000 data set. not-provided
+WV01_Pan_L1B.v1 WorldView-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA 2007-10-10 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497387766-CSDA.json The WorldView-1 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Panchromatic imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-1 satellite using the WorldView-60 camera across the global land surface from September 2007 to the present. Data have a spatial resolution of 0.5 meters at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.7 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+WV02_MSI_L1B.v1 WorldView-2 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Satellite Imagery CSDA 2009-10-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497404794-CSDA.json The WorldView-2 Level 1B Multispectral 8-Band Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from October 2009 to the present. This satellite imagery is in the visible and near-infrared waveband range with data in the coastal, blue, green, yellow, red, red edge, and near-infrared (2 bands) wavelengths. It has a spatial resolution of 1.85m at nadir and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+WV02_Pan_L1B.v1 WorldView-2 Level 1B Panchromatic Satellite Imagery CSDA 2009-10-08 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2497398128-CSDA.json The WorldView-2 Level 1B Panchromatic Imagery collection contains satellite imagery acquired from Maxar Technologies (formerly known as DigitalGlobe) by the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. Imagery is collected by the DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite using the WorldView-110 camera across the global land surface from October 2009 to the present. This data product includes panchromatic imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.46m and a temporal resolution of approximately 1.1 days. The data are provided in National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) and GeoTIFF formats. This level 1B data is sensor corrected and is an un-projected (raw) product. The data potentially serve a wide variety of applications that require high resolution imagery. Data access is restricted based on a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) license, and investigators must be approved by the CSDA Program. not-provided
+WaterBalance_Daily_Historical_GRIDMET.v1.5 Daily Historical Water Balance Products for the CONUS LPCLOUD 1980-01-01 2021-12-31 -131.70607, 21.115301, -60.530453, 55.457306 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2674694066-LPCLOUD.json This dataset provides daily historical Water Balance Model outputs from a Thornthwaite-type, single bucket model. Climate inputs to the model are from GridMet daily temperature and precipitation for the Continental United States (CONUS). The Water Balance Model output variables include the following: Potential Evapotranspiration (PET, mm), Actual Evapotranspiration (AET, mm), Moisture Deficit (Deficit, mm), Soil Water (soilwater, mm), Runoff (mm), Rain (mm), and Accumulated Snow Water Equivalent (accumswe, mm). The dataset covers the period from January 1 to December 31 for years 1980 through 2021 for the CONUS. Water Balance Model variables are provided as individual files, by variable and year, at a 1 km x 1 km spatial resolution and a daily temporal resolution. Data are in a North America Lambert Conformal Conic projection and are distributed in a standardized Climate and Forecast (CF)-compliant NetCDF file format. not-provided
+a6efcb0868664248b9cb212aba44313d ESA Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol CCI): Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS (ALAMO algorithm), Version 2.2 FEDEO 2008-01-01 2008-12-31 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2548142742-FEDEO.json The ESA Climate Change Initiative Aerosol project has produced a number of global aerosol Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products from a set of European satellite instruments with different characteristics. This dataset comprises the Level 2 aerosol products from MERIS for 2008, using the ALAMO algorithm, version 2.2. The data have been provided by Hygeos.For further details about these data products please see the linked documentation. not-provided
+aamhcpex.v1 AAMH CPEX V1 GHRC_DAAC 2017-05-26 2017-07-16 154.716, 0.6408, -19.5629, 44.9689 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2645106424-GHRC_DAAC.json The AAMH CPEX dataset contains products obtained from the MetOp-A, MetOp-B, NOAA-18, and NOAA-19 satellites. These data were collected in support of the NASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) field campaign. The CPEX field campaign took place in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea region from 25 May-25 June 2017. CPEX conducted a total of sixteen DC-8 missions from 27 May-24 June. The CPEX campaign collected data to help explain convective storm initiation, organization, growth, and dissipation in the North Atlantic-Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Oceanic region during the early summer of 2017. These data are available from May 26, 2017 through July 15, 2017 and are available in netCDF-4 format. not-provided
+aces1am.v1 ACES Aircraft and Mechanical Data V1 GHRC_DAAC 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977826980-GHRC_DAAC.json The ACES Aircraft and Mechanical Data consist of aircraft (e.g. pitch, roll, yaw) and mechanical (e.g. aircraft engine speed, tail commands, fuel levels) data recorded by the Altus II Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Altus II UAV) system during the Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES) based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. ACES aimed to provide extensive observations of the cloud electrification process and its effects by using the Altus II UAV to collect cloud top observations of thunderstorms. The campaign also worked to validate satellite lightning measurements. The Altus II aircraft and mechanical data files are available from July 10 through August 30, 2002 in MATLAB data format (.mat). not-provided
+aces1cont.v1 ACES CONTINUOUS DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847043-GHRC_DAAC.json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August, 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloudelectrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from seven instruments: the Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Dual Optical Pulse Sensor, Searchcoil Magnetometer, Accelerometers, Gerdien Conductivity Probe, and the Fluxgate Magnetometer. Data consists of sensor reads at 50HZ throughout the flight from all 64 channels. not-provided
+aces1efm.v1 ACES ELECTRIC FIELD MILL V1 GHRC_DAAC 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977847178-GHRC_DAAC.json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from it's birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data from Electric Field Mills, which yield information about the atmospheric electrical fields above the instruments. not-provided
+aces1log.v1 ACES LOG DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977853903-GHRC_DAAC.json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of log data from each flight, and yields instrument and aircraft status throughout the flight. not-provided
+aces1time.v1 ACES TIMING DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977855412-GHRC_DAAC.json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August or 2002, ACES researchers overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of timing data used for the experiment. When used it provides: syncclock_time = time found at the syncclock (VSI-SYnCCLOCK-32) in seconds from first file name, syncclock_m_time = time found at the syncclock (VSI-SYnCCLOCK-32) in Matlab dateform format, system_time = system time in seconds from first file name, system_m_time = system time in dateform format, gps_time = time found at the GPS unit in seconds from first file name, gps_m_time = time found at GPS unit in dateform, cmos_time = time found at the computer CMOS in seconds from first file name, cmos_m_time = time found at the computer CMOS in dateform. not-provided
+aces1trig.v1 ACES TRIGGERED DATA V1 GHRC_DAAC 2002-07-10 2002-08-30 -85, 23, -81, 26 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1977858342-GHRC_DAAC.json The ALTUS Cloud Electrification Study (ACES) was based at the Naval Air Facility Key West in Florida. During August 2002, ACES researchers conducted overflights of thunderstorms over the southwestern corner of Florida. For the first time in NASA research, an uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) named ALTUS was used to collect cloud electrification data. Carrying field mills, optical sensors, electric field sensors and other instruments, ALTUS allowed scientists to collect cloud electrification data for the first time from above the storm, from its birth through dissipation. This experiment allowed scientists to achieve the dual goals of gathering weather data safely and testing new aircraft technology. This dataset consists of data collected from the following instruments: Slow/Fast antenna, Electric Field Mill, Optical Pulse Sensors, Searchcoil Magnetometer, Accelerometer, and Gerdien Conductivity Probe. These data were collected at 200KHz from the first 16 telemetry items collected on the aircraft, were initiated by an operator selected trigger (e.g. DOPS), and continued collecting for as long as the trigger continued. not-provided
+amprimpacts.v1 Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) IMPACTS V1 GHRC_DAAC 2020-01-18 2022-02-28 -118.51, 30.6918, -64.3661, 48.2585 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2004708841-GHRC_DAAC.json The Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) IMPACTS dataset consists of brightness temperature measurements collected by the Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) onboard the NASA ER-2 high-altitude research aircraft. AMPR provides multi-frequency microwave imagery, with high spatial and temporal resolution for deriving cloud, precipitation, water vapor and surface properties. These measurements were taken during the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) campaign. Funded by NASA’s Earth Venture program, IMPACTS is the first comprehensive study of East Coast snowstorms in 30 years. Data files are available from January 18, 2020 through February 28, 2022 in netCDF-4 format. not-provided
+amsua15sp.v1 ADVANCED MICROWAVE SOUNDING UNIT-A (AMSU-A) SWATH FROM NOAA-15 V1 GHRC_DAAC 1998-08-03 -180, -90, 180, 89.756 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1996541017-GHRC_DAAC.json AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). NOAA-15 was the first spacecraft to fly AMSU. Launched on 13 May 1998, NOAA-15 is in a sun synchronous near polar orbit. not-provided
+amsua16sp.v1 ADVANCED MICROWAVE SOUNDING UNIT-A (AMSU-A) SWATH FROM NOAA-16 V1 GHRC_DAAC 2001-05-27 2009-07-30 -180, -89.91, 180, 89.73 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1979956366-GHRC_DAAC.json AMSU-A, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, is a 15-channel passive microwave radiometer used to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture from the earth's surface to ~45 km (3 millibars). All orbits beginning in the day (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC) are stored in one daily HDF-EOS file. Each file contains 15 (channel) arrays, as well as corresponding latitude, longitude, and time. AMSU flies on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft as part of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). Launched on 21 September 2000, NOAA-16 is in a sun synchronous near polar orbit. not-provided
+asas Advanced Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS) USGS_LTA 1988-06-26 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220566261-USGS_LTA.json The Advanced Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS) data collection contains data collected by the ASAS sensor flown aboard NASA aircraft. A fundamental use of ASAS data is to characterize and understand the directional variability in solar energy scattered by various land surface cover types (e.g.,crops, forests, prairie grass, snow, or bare soil). The sensor's Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function determines the variation in the reflectance of a surface as a function of both the view zenith angle and solar illumination angle. The ASAS sensor is a hyperspectral, multiangle, airborne remote sensing instrument maintained and operated by the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The ASAS instrument is mounted on the underside of either NASA C-130 or NASA P-3 aircraft and is capable of off-nadir pointing from approximately 70 degrees forward to 55 degrees aft along the direction of flight. The aircraft is flown at an altitude of 5000 - 6000 meters (approximately 16,000 - 20,000 ft.). Data in the ASAS collection primarily cover areas over the continental United States, but some ASAS data are also available over areas in Canada and western Africa. The ASAS data were collected between 1988 and 1994. not-provided
+aster_global_dem ASTER Global DEM USGS_LTA 1970-01-01 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1220567908-USGS_LTA.json ASTER is capable of collecting in-track stereo using nadir- and aft-looking near infrared cameras. Since 2001, these stereo pairs have been used to produce single-scene (60- x 60-kilomenter (km)) digital elevation models (DEM) having vertical (root-mean-squared-error) accuracies generally between 10- and 25-meters (m). The methodology used by Japan's Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) to produce the ASTER GDEM involves automated processing of the entire ASTER Level-1A archive. Stereo-correlation is used to produce over one million individual scene-based ASTER DEMs, to which cloud masking is applied to remove cloudy pixels. All cloud-screened DEMS are stacked and residual bad values and outliers are removed. Selected data are averaged to create final pixel values, and residual anomalies are corrected before partitioning the data into 1 degree (°) x 1° tiles. The ASTER GDEM covers land surfaces between 83°N and 83°S and is comprised of 22,702 tiles. Tiles that contain at least 0.01% land area are included. The ASTER GDEM is distributed as Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) files with geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude). The data are posted on a 1 arc-second (approximately 30–m at the equator) grid and referenced to the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS84)/ 1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. not-provided
+b673f41b-d934-49e4-af6b-44bbdf164367 AVHRR - Land Surface Temperature (LST) - Europe, Daytime FEDEO 1998-02-23 -24, 28, 57, 78 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207458008-FEDEO.json "The ""Land Surface Temperature derived from NOAA-AVHRR data (LST_AVHRR)"" is a fixed grid map (in stereographic projection ) with a spatial resolution of 1.1 km. The total size covering Europe is 4100 samples by 4300 lines. Within 24 hours of acquiring data from the satellite, day-time and night-time LSTs are calculated. In general, the products utilise data from all six of the passes that the satellite makes over Europe in each 24 hour period. For the daily day-time LST maps, the compositing criterion for the three day-time passes is maximum NDVI value and for daily night-time LST maps, the criterion is the maximum night-time LST value of the three night-time passes. Weekly and monthly day-time or night-time LST composite products are also produced by averaging daily day-time or daily night-time LST values, respectively. The range of LST values is scaled between –39.5°C and +87°C with a radiometric resolution of 0.5°C. A value of –40°C is used for water. Clouds are masked out as bad values. For additional information, please see: https://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/avhrr/" not-provided
+blue_ice_core_DML2004_AS 101.1 m long horizontal blue ice core collected from Scharffenbergbotnen, DML, Antarctica, in 2003/2004 SCIOPS 1970-01-01 -180, -90, 180, -62.83 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214614210-SCIOPS.json Horizontal blue ice core collected from the surface of a blue ice area in Scharffenbergbotnen, Heimefrontfjella, DML. Samples were collected in austral summer 2003/2004 and transported to Finland for chemical analyses. The blue ice core is estimated to represent a 1000-year period of climate history 20 - 40 kyr B.P.. The results of the analyses will be available in 2005. not-provided
+chesapeake_val_2013.v0 2013 Chesapeake Bay measurements OB_DAAC 2013-04-11 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360188-OB_DAAC.json 2013 Chesapeake Bay measurements. not-provided
+ef6a9266-a210-4431-a4af-06cec4274726 Cartosat-1 (IRS-P5) - Panchromatic Images (PAN) - Europe, Monographic FEDEO 2015-02-10 -25, 30, 45, 80 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207457985-FEDEO.json Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. The satellite has two panchromatic cameras that were especially designed for in flight stereo viewing. However, this collection contains the monoscopic data. not-provided
+envidat-lwf-34.v2019-03-06 10-HS Pfynwald SCIOPS 2019-01-01 2019-01-01 7.61211, 46.30279, 7.61211, 46.30279 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1647993129-SCIOPS.json Continuous measurement of soil water content at 10 and 80 cm depth (3 replications) with 10-HS soil moisture probes (Decagon Incorporation, Pullman, WA, USA). ### Purpose: ### Monitoring of the soil water matrix potential ### Paper Citation: ### * Dobbertin, M.; Eilmann, B.; Bleuler, P.; Giuggiola, A.; Graf Pannatier, E.; Landolt, W.; Schleppi, P.; Rigling, A., 2010: Effect of irrigation on needle morphology, shoot and stem growth in a drought-exposed Pinus sylvestris forest. Tree Physiology, 30, 3: 346-360. [doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpp123](http://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpp123) not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:0000029 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1995 CRETM/LMER Zooplankton Data Sets (NCEI Accession 0000029) NOAA_NCEI 1990-09-26 1995-05-26 -124.041667, 0.766667, -16.25, 46.263167 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372282-NOAA_NCEI.json Not provided not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:0000035 1996 - Early 1998 CRETM/LMER Phytoplankton Data (NCEI Accession 0000035) NOAA_NCEI 1996-07-09 1998-03-06 -124.003, 46.179833, -123.183167, 46.261667 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372325-NOAA_NCEI.json Pump cast sampling, and associated CTD casts took place from a fixed vessel during one 28-35 day cruise per year in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, and 1996. In 1997 there were 2 week cruises in May, July, and October. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:0000052 1988 Resurrection Bay Zooplankton Data Set from 01 March 1988 to 28 June 1988 (NCEI Accession 0000052) NOAA_NCEI 1988-03-01 1988-06-28 -149.4083, 59.9117, -149.3583, 60.02 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2089372461-NOAA_NCEI.json Zooplantkon and beach tar data were collected using plankton net casts in the Gulf of Alaska from the ALPHA HELIX. Data were collected from 01 March 1988 to 28 June 1988 by University of Alaska in Fairbanks; Institute of Marine Science with support from the Gulf of Alaska - 1 (GAK-1) project. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-AVHRR_SST_METOP_A_GLB-OSISAF-L3C.v1 GHRSST L3C global sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on Metop satellites (currently Metop-A) produced by OSI SAF (GDS version 2) GHRSSTCWIC 2013-07-26 2016-02-23 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213636900-GHRSSTCWIC.json A global Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 3 Collated (L3C) dataset derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the European Meteorological Operational-A (MetOp-A) platform (launched 19 Oct 2006). The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is producing SST products in near real time from Metop/AVHRR. Global AVHRR level 1b data are acquired at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) through the EUMETSAT/EUMETCAST system. SST is retrieved from the AVHRR infrared channels (3.7, 10.8 and 12.0 micrometer) using a multispectral algorithm. Atmospheric profiles of water vapor and temperature from a numerical weather prediction model, together with a radiative transfer model, are used to correct the multispectral algorithm for regional and seasonal biases due to changing atmospheric conditions. This global L3C product is derived from full resolution AVHRR l1b data that are re-mapped onto a 0.05 degree grid twice daily. The product format is compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) version 2. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-AVHRR_SST_METOP_B_GLB-OSISAF-L3C.v1 GHRSST L3C global sub-skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on Metop satellites (currently Metop-B) produced by OSI SAF (GDS version 2) GHRSSTCWIC 2016-02-20 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213637836-GHRSSTCWIC.json A global Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 3 Collated (L3C) dataset derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the European Meteorological Operational-B (MetOp-B) platform (launched 17 Sep 2012). The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is producing SST products in near real time from Metop/AVHRR. Global AVHRR level 1b data are acquired at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) through the EUMETSAT/EUMETCAST system. SST is retrieved from the AVHRR infrared channels (3.7, 10.8 and 12.0 micrometer) using a multispectral algorithm. Atmospheric profiles of water vapor and temperature from a numerical weather prediction model, together with a radiative transfer model, are used to correct the multispectral algorithm for regional and seasonal biases due to changing atmospheric conditions. This global L3C product is derived from full resolution AVHRR l1b data that are re-mapped onto a 0.05 degree grid twice daily. The product format is compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) version 2. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-AVHRR16_L.v1.0 GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Bulk Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-16 satellite (GDS version 1) GHRSSTCWIC 2004-12-30 2005-10-26 -45, 20, 45, 80 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213638215-GHRSSTCWIC.json A regional Level 2P Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset for the Atlantic Ocean and nearby regions based on multi-channel sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-16 platform (launched on 21 Sep 2000). The AVHRR is a space-borne scanning sensor on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) family of Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) having a operational legacy that traces back to the Television Infrared Observation Satellite-N (TIROS-N) launched in 1978. AVHRR instruments measure the radiance of the Earth in 5 (or 6) relatively wide spectral bands. The first two are centered around the red (0.6 micrometer) and near-infrared (0.9 micrometer) regions, the third one is located around 3.5 micrometer, and the last two sample the emitted thermal radiation, around 11 and 12 micrometers, respectively. The legacy 5 band instrument is known as AVHRR/2 while the more recent version, the AVHRR/3 (first carried on the NOAA-15 platform), acquires data in a 6th channel located at 1.6 micrometer. Typically the 11 and 12 micron channels are used to derive sea surface temperature (SST) sometimes in combination with the 3.5 micron channel. The highest ground resolution that can be obtained from the current AVHRR instruments is 1.1 km at nadir. The NOAA platforms are sun synchronous generally viewing the same earth location twice a day (latitude dependent) due to the relatively large AVHRR swath of approximately 2400 km. This particular dataset is derived from Local Area Coverage (LAC) binary AVHRR SST binary data originally produced by the US Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) and downloaded from the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). LAC are full resolution AVHRR data whose acquisition is prescheduled and recorded with an on-board tape recorder for subsequent transmission during a station overpass. Finally, L2P data products are derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5 including Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES). not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-AVHRR17_L.v1.0 GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Bulk Sea Surface Temperature from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-17 satellite (GDS version 1) GHRSSTCWIC 2004-12-30 2007-02-26 -45, 20, 45, 80 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213638171-GHRSSTCWIC.json A regional Level 2P Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset for the Atlantic Ocean and nearby regions based on multi-channel sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA-17 platform (launched on 24 June 2002). The AVHRR is a space-borne scanning sensor on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) family of Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) having a operational legacy that traces back to the Television Infrared Observation Satellite-N (TIROS-N) launched in 1978. AVHRR instruments measure the radiance of the Earth in 5 (or 6) relatively wide spectral bands. The first two are centered around the red (0.6 micrometer) and near-infrared (0.9 micrometer) regions, the third one is located around 3.5 micrometer, and the last two sample the emitted thermal radiation, around 11 and 12 micrometers, respectively. The legacy 5 band instrument is known as AVHRR/2 while the more recent version, the AVHRR/3 (first carried on the NOAA-15 platform), acquires data in a 6th channel located at 1.6 micrometer. Typically the 11 and 12 micron channels are used to derive sea surface temperature (SST) sometimes in combination with the 3.5 micron channel. The highest ground resolution that can be obtained from the current AVHRR instruments is 1.1 km at nadir. The NOAA platforms are sun synchronous generally viewing the same earth location twice a day (latitude dependent) due to the relatively large AVHRR swath of approximately 2400 km. This particular dataset is derived from Local Area Coverage (LAC) binary AVHRR SST binary data originally produced by the US Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) and downloaded from the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). LAC are full resolution AVHRR data whose acquisition is prescheduled and recorded with an on-board tape recorder for subsequent transmission during a station overpass. Finally, L2P data products are derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5 including Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES). not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-EUR-L2P-SEVIRI_SST.v4.0 GHRSST Level 2P Atlantic Regional Skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) on the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-1) satellite (GDS version 1) GHRSSTCWIC 2004-12-30 2012-03-15 -100, -60, 45, 60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213639968-GHRSSTCWIC.json The Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites are spin stabilized geostationary satellites operated by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) to provide accurate weather monitoring data through its primary instrument the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI), which has the capacity to observe the Earth in 12 spectral channels. Eight of these channels are in the thermal infrared, providing among other information, observations of the temperatures of clouds, land and sea surfaces at approximately 5 km resolution with a 15 minute duty cycle. This Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset produced by Meteo France/ Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS), is derived from the SEVIRI instrument on the first MSG satellite (also known as Meteosat-8) that was launched on 28 August 2002. Skin sea surface temperature (SST) data are calculated from the infrared channels of SEVIRI at full resolution on a hourly basis. Remapping of original pixel size to 11.6 km resolution is made by spatial averaging, and a 3-hourly temporal resolution SST is created by averaging the hourly SSTs having the best confidence level. Data from different MSG satellites are not averaged together. L2P data products with Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES) are then derived following the GHRSST-PP Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 1.5. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-GOES16-OSISAF-L3C.v1 GHRSST L3C OSISAF SSTskin dataset v1.0 from GOES16 ABI in East position (GDS version 2) GHRSSTCWIC 2018-10-02 -135, -60, -15, 60 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213640438-GHRSSTCWIC.json The data is regional and part of the High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 3 Collated (L3C) dataset covering the America Region (AMERICAS) based on retrievals from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on board the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16). The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) is producing SST products in near real time from GOES-16 in the Eastern position. GOES-16 Imager level 1 data are acquired at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) through the EUMETSAT/EUMETCAST system. The new GOES-East platform (GOES-16) enables daytime SST calculations (whereas, previously, GOES East SST was restricted to nighttime conditions). The GOES-16 SST is derived from three-bands (centered at 8.4, 10.3, and 12.3 um) algorithm. The ABI split-window configuration features three bands instead of the two found in heritage sensors. This offers additional potential but also may present a challenge if the two end bands centered at 10.3 and 12.3 um are pushed too far in the absorption lines. The 8.5-um is used in conjunction with the 10.3-um and 12.3-um bands for improved thin cirrus detection as well as for better atmospheric moisture correction in relatively dry atmospheres. Atmospheric profiles of water vapor and temperature from a numerical weather prediction model, together with a radiative transfer model, are used to correct the multispectral algorithm for regional and seasonal biases due to changing atmospheric conditions. Each 30-minute observation interval is processed at full satellite resolution. The operational products are then produced by remapping over a 0.05-degree regular grid (60S-60N and 135W-15W) SST fields obtained by aggregating 30-minute SST data available in one-hour time, and the priority being given to the value the closest in time to the product nominal hour. The product format is compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) version 2. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-OISST_HR_NRT-GOS-L4-BLK.v2.0 Black Sea High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.0625 deg Resolution (GDS version 2) GHRSSTCWIC 2012-02-01 26.375, 38.75, 42.375, 48.812 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213642354-GHRSSTCWIC.json CNR MED Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.0625 deg. x 0.0625 deg. horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the CMEMS sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Black sea. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-OISST_UHR_NRT-GOS-L4-BLK.v2.0 Black Sea Ultra High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.01 deg Resolution (GDS version 2) GHRSSTCWIC 2012-01-31 26.375, 38.75, 42.375, 48.812 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213642712-GHRSSTCWIC.json CNR MED Sea Surface Temperature provides daily gap-free maps (L4) at 0.01 deg. x 0.01 deg. horizontal resolution over the Black Sea. The data are obtained from infra-red measurements collected by satellite radiometers and statistical interpolation. It is the CMEMS sea surface temperature nominal operational product for the Black sea. not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-REMSS-L2P_GRIDDED_25-TMI.v4.0 GHRSST L2P Gridded Global Subskin Sea Surface Temperature from the Tropical Rainfall Mapping Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) (GDS version 1) GHRSSTCWIC 1998-01-01 2015-04-06 -180, -40, 180, 40 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213645156-GHRSSTCWIC.json "The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) is a well calibrated passive microwave radiometer, similar to SSM/I, that contains lower frequency channels required for sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals. The TRMM is a joint venture between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to measure precipitation, water vapor, SST and wind in the global tropical regions and was launched in November 1997. The TRMM satellite travels west to east in a 402 km altitude semi-equatorial precessing orbit that results in day-to-day changes in the observation time of any given earth location between 38S and 38N. In contrast to infrared SST observations, microwave retrievals can be measured through most clouds, and are also insensitive to water vapor and aerosols. Remote Sensing Systems is the producer of these gridded TMI SST data for the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Project. Although the product designation is ""L2P_GRIDDED"" it is in actuality a Level 3 Collated (L3C) product as defined in the GHRSST Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 2.0. Its ""L2P_GRIDDED"" name derives from a deprecated specification in the early Pilot Project phase of GHRSST (pre 2008) and has remained for file naming continuity. In this dataset, both ascending (daytime) and descending (daytime) gridded orbital passes on packaged into the same daily file." not-provided
+gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-VIIRS_NPP-NAVO-L2P.v3.0 GHRSST Level 2P 1 m Depth Global Sea Surface Temperature version 3.0 from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite (GDS version 2) GHRSSTCWIC 2013-06-28 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2213644303-GHRSSTCWIC.json A global Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 2P dataset based on retrievals from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). This sensor resides on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi_NPP) satellite launched on 28 October 2011. VIIRS is a whiskbroom scanning radiometer which takes measurements in the cross-track direction within a field of regard of 112.56 degrees using 16 detectors and a double-sided mirror assembly. At a nominal altitude of 829 km, the swath width is 3060 km, providing full daily coverage both on the day and night side of the Earth. The VIIRS instrument is a 22-band, multi-spectral scanning radiometer that builds on the heritage of the MODIS, AVHRR and SeaWiFS sensors for sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean color. For the infrared bands for SST the effective pixel size is 750 meters at nadir and the pixel size variation across the swath is constrained to no more than 1600 meters at the edge of the swath. This L2P SST v3.0 is upgraded from the v2.0 with several significant improvements in processing algorithms, including contamination detection, cloud detection, and data format upgrades. It contains the global near daily-coverage Sea Surface Temperature at 1-meter depth with 750 m (along) x 750 m (cross) spatial resolution in swath coordinates. Each netCDF file has 768 x 3200 pixels in size, in compliance with the GHRSST Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 2 format specifications. not-provided
+lake_erie_aug_2014.v0 2014 Lake Erie measurements OB_DAAC 2014-08-18 -180, -90, 180, 90 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1633360418-OB_DAAC.json 2014 Lake Erie measurements. not-provided
+latent-reserves-in-the-swiss-nfi.v1.0 'Latent reserves' within the Swiss NFI SCIOPS 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 5.95587, 45.81802, 10.49203, 47.80838 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1931110427-SCIOPS.json "The files refer to the data used in Portier et al. ""‘Latent reserves’: a hidden treasure in National Forest Inventories"" (2020) *Journal of Ecology*. **'Latent reserves'** are defined as plots in National Forest Inventories (NFI) that have been free of human influence for >40 to >70 years. They can be used to investigate and acquire a deeper understanding of attributes and processes of near-natural forests using existing long-term data. To determine which NFI sample plots could be considered ‘latent reserves’, criteria were defined based on the information available in the Swiss NFI database: * Shrub forests were excluded. * Plots must have been free of any kind of management, including salvage logging or sanitary cuts, for a minimum amount of time. Thresholds of 40, 50, 60 and 70 years without intervention were tested. * To ensure that species composition was not influenced by past management, plots where potential vegetation was classified as deciduous by Ellenberg & Klötzli (1972) had to have an observed proportion of deciduous trees matching the theoretical proportion expected in a natural deciduous forest, as defined by Kienast, Brzeziecki, & Wildi (1994). * Plots had to originate from natural regeneration. * Intensive livestock grazing must never have occurred on the plots. The tables stored here were derived from the first, second and third campaigns of the Swiss NFI. The raw data from the Swiss NFI can be provided free of charge within the scope of a contractual agreement (http://www.lfi.ch/dienstleist/daten-en.php). **** The files 'Data figure 2' to 'Data figure 8' are publicly available and contain the data used to produce the figures published in the paper. The files 'Plot-level data for characterisation of 'latent reserves' and 'Tree-level data for characterisation of 'latent reserves' contain all the data required to reproduce the section of the article concerning the characterisation of 'latent reserves' and the comparison to managed forests. The file 'Data for mortality analyses' contains the data required to reproduce the section of the article concerning tree mortality in 'latent reserves'. The access to these three files is restricted as they contain some raw data from the Swiss NFI, submitted to the Swiss law and only accessible upon contractual agreement. " not-provided
+law_dome_annual_msa.v1 150 year MSA sea ice proxy record from Law Dome, Antarctica AU_AADC 1841-01-01 1995-12-31 112.806946, -66.76972, 112.806946, -66.76972 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313532-AU_AADC.json "This MSA record (1841-1995) is from a Law Dome ice core called ""DSS"" in East Antarctica. It was calibrated against satellite sea ice records and used to reconstruct sea ice extent prior to the satellite era. The following is taken from the abstract of the paper (Curran et al., 2003). The instrumental record of Antarctic sea ice in recent decades does not reveal a clear signature of warming despite observational evidence from coastal Antarctica. This work shows a significant correlation (P less than 0.002) between methanesulphonic acid (MSA) concentrations from a Law Dome ice core and 22 years of satellite-derived sea ice extent (SIE) for the 80 degrees E to 140 degrees E sector. Applying this instrumental calibration to longer term MSA data (1841 to 1995 A.D.) suggests that there has been a 20% decline in SIE since about 1950. The decline is not uniform, showing large cyclical variations, with periods of about 11 years, that confuse trend detection over the relatively short satellite era. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 757 (ASAC_757)." not-provided
+mbs_wilhelm_msa_hooh.v1 15 year Wilhelm II Land MSA and HOOH shallow ice core record from Mount Brown South (MBS) AU_AADC 1984-01-01 1998-12-31 86.082, -69.13, 86.084, -69.12 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214313640-AU_AADC.json This work presents results from a short firn core spanning 15 years collected from near Mount Brown, Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica. Variations of methanesulphonic acid (MSA) at Mount Brown were positively correlated with sea-ice extent from the coastal region surrounding Mount Brown (60-1208 E) and from around the entire Antarctic coast (0-3608 E). Previous results from Law Dome identified this MSA-sea-ice relationship and proposed it as an Antarctic sea-ice proxy (Curran and others, 2003), with the strongest results found for the local Law Dome region. Our data provide supporting evidence for the Law Dome proxy (at another site in East Antarctica), but a deeper Mount Brown ice core is required to confirm the sea-ice decline suggested by Curran and others (2003). Results also indicate that this deeper record may also provide a more circum-Antarctic sea-ice proxy. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 757 (ASAC_757). not-provided
+urn:ogc:def:EOP:VITO:VGT_S10.v1 10 Days Synthesis of SPOT VEGETATION Images (VGT-S10) FEDEO 1998-04-01 2014-05-31 -180, -56, 180, 75 https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C2207472890-FEDEO.json The VGT-S10 are near-global or continental, 10-daily composite images which are synthesised from the 'best available' observations registered in the course of every 'dekad' by the orbiting earth observation system SPOT-VEGETATION. The products provide data from all spectral bands (SWIR, NIR, RED, BLUE), the NDVI and auxiliary data on image acquisition parameters. The VEGETATION system allows operational and near real-time applications, at global, continental and regional scales, in very broad environmentally and socio-economically critical fields. The VEGETATION instrument is operational since April 1998, first with VGT1, from March 2003 onwards, with VGT2. More information is available on: https://docs.terrascope.be/#/DataProducts/SPOT-VGT/Level3/Level3 not-provided