3 | 3 | >This document is: OpenEBS Contributing Guidelines. OpenEBS is an umbrella project, composed as a federation of individual sub projects (repositories). This document applies to both the umbrella project and to every sub project in the OpenEBS organization.
4 | 4 | <BR>
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| -There are many ways you can contribute to OpenEBS: |
| 6 | +There are many ways you can contribute to OpenEBS: <BR> |
| 7 | +```ruby |
| 8 | +Please use the following prioritized metholdology to submit contributions: |
| 9 | +``` |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +| Priority | Type | Description | |
| 12 | +| :---: | :--- | :--- | |
| 13 | +| 1. | Global Slack | CNCF provides the **OpenEBS project** with a [```global Slack support Channel```](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/openebs/). All users and community members are welcome to engage all proejct memebrs via the Slack channel. | |
| 14 | +| 2. | [Org Discussions](https://github.com/orgs/openebs/discussions) | Our GitHub Discussions are enabled at the **Parent OpenEBS** ```Org level``` and aggregate all project/repo discussions into ONE Unified Umbrella scope for the best community discussion experince. Individual projects/repos ```Do Not``` have repos level GitHub discussions enabled. | |
| 15 | +| 3. | Repo Issues | Product Issues are managed for each ```individual repo```. You can create/submitt issues as per the normal GitHub methdology & rules. Please choose carefully if you are engaging the team in a [```General Discussion```](https://github.com/orgs/openebs/discussions) or need help with a very specifc **Product ```Issue```**. This will help you get the best community experince. Please create your interactions in the **correct** GitHub forum/tool. | |
| 16 | +| 4 | Repo Projects | We manage some major initiatives via the **GitHub Projects tool**. Users and community members are welcome to contribute, comment and participate in Public projects. Projects are enabled and managed on a per-repo basis. | |
| 17 | +| 5. | Repo PR's | You may engage and contribute via the standard **GitHub PR** ```(Pull Request)``` methodology. PR's are low-level repo/product/component focused engineering process used to manage **```low-level changes to code```**. For the best community experience, ```Do Not``` create PR's for **Discussions**, **Issues** or **support tickets**. (such items may be migrated to the appropriate forum/tool and could become stale and/or be closed without action/comment. | |
| 18 | + |
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| -## Ask a question |
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| -If you have questions about using OpenEBS, please use the OpenEBS Kubernetes slack channel, it is open for anyone to ask a question: |
| 21 | +## Ask a question :question: |
| 22 | +If you have questions about using OpenEBS, please use the CNCF Kubernetes **OpenEBS slack channel**, it is open for anyone to ask a question: |
| 23 | +<BR> |
| 24 | +> :arrow_forward: [OpenEBS Kubernetes Slack channel](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/openebs/) |
11 | 25 | <BR>
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| -:arrow_forward: [OpenEBS Kubernetes Slack channel](https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/openebs/) |
13 | 26 | <BR>
14 | 27 | ## Report a product issue
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| -If you have a problem using OpenEBS, first check the [troubleshooting guide](https://openebs.io/docs/troubleshooting), you can also ask a question in the OpenEBS Kubernetes Slack channel. |
| 29 | +If you have a problem using OpenEBS, first check the [troubleshooting guide](https://openebs.io/docs/troubleshooting), you can also ask a question in the CNCF Kubernetes **OpenEBS slack channel**. |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | +> [!NOTE] |
| 32 | +> - Our support and enginering team/community has a ```primary obligation``` to provide priority, focused spupprt for the **OpenEBS STANDARD** (OSS) [parent parnet](https://github.com/openebs) ```only```. <BR> |
| 33 | +> - Questions & issues relating to the Legacy Archived, Deprecated & Migrated OpenEBS projects, repos, code & dependancies are **not the focus** or responsibility of the parent OSS project; and may be provided on a ```best effort``` basis by the team. <BR> |
| 34 | +> - The overall open-source community is the main source of direct support for all **Legacy** ```Archived```, ```Deprecated``` & ```Migrated``` OpenEBS projects. |
| 35 | +> - please **```Do Not```** post Discussions, Issues or PR's on the **OpenEBS STANDARD** (OSS) [parent parnet](https://github.com/openebs). |
| 36 | +
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18 | 38 | If you have an issue not solved by the troubleshooting guide or by asking a question in Slack, first check the GitHub issue list to see if the issue is already recorded, then add a New Issue.
19 | 39 |
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