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Kubernetes Deployment

This document contains steps for a basic deployment of the DPCreator application on Azure.

The deployment is on a kubernetes (k8s) cluster and requires the coordination of several pieces, including:

  • Building of Docker Images
  • Creation of k8s .yaml files with correct environment variable settings
  • Using the k8s files on an Azure cluster
  • Setting up Azure resources (covered in a separate doc)

The instructions here are not exhaustive and depend on the specific cluster/etc.


Before starting, make sure you have access to:

In terms of software, you'll need:

  • A local DPCreator development environment installed including Node and Python.
  • Docker

Github Token Setup

The first time you deploy, you will need to set up a Github auth token so that you can communicate with the container service.

Building of Docker Images

(Note: In the future this could be a GitHub action.)

Deployment currently requires the building of two Docker images:

  • (A) DPCreator app
  • (B) DPCreator nginx

Set an environment variable called "today" of the form YYYY-MMDD. We will use this throughout the deploy:

# Example: (use today's date)
export today=2023-0821

(A) DPCreator app

  1. Double check that you are on the develop or main branch, depending on what kind of deploy you are doing.

  2. Build node/vue app files

    # Switch to the "client" directory 
    #  (at the top-level of the dpcreator repository)
    cd client
    # Build the language file from the .csv
    #   - For more information, see at the top of the project directory
    node ./build_locale/CreateLocaleJson.js
    # If this fails, try this--then run `CreateLocaleJson.js` again:
    # rm -rf node_modules
    # npm install
    # npm update
    # Build the Vue app
    export NODE_ENV=production DEV_MODE=false
    ./   #npm run build
  3. Build/Push docker images

    # Switch to the "server" directory 
    #  (at the top-level of the dpcreator repository)
    cd ../server
    # Build/Push DPCreator app  
    #  -- change YYYY-MMDD to the current date
    docker build -t$today .
    docker push$today   
    docker tag$today
    docker push
    # Example:
    # docker build -t .
    # docker push  
    # docker tag
    # docker push    

(B) DPCreator nginx

  • Build/Push docker images

    # Switch to the "deploy/nginx-setup" directory 
    #  (from the top-level of the dpcreator repository)
    cd ../deploy/nginx-setup
    # Build/Push DPCreator nginx
    #  -- change YYYY-MMDD to the current date
    docker build -t$today .
    docker push$today
    docker tag$today
    docker push
    # Example:
    # docker build -t$today .
    # docker push$today
    # docker tag
    # docker push  

Creating the K8s deployment file(s)

(Assumes access to the Azure cluster with existing resources in place)

These steps document how to run a Python script which will generate a k8s specification that includes the Docker images generated above.

Run the script to create the K8s file

  1. Switch to the "deploy/k8s_maker" directory (from the top-level of the dpcreator repository)

    cd ../k8s_maker  # ../deploy/k8s_maker
    pip install -r requirements.txt     # one time install
  2. Update the file.

    • This file contains variables which are passed into a k8s template.
    • For most cases, you will only need to change the dpcreator_container_tag to the current date.
      • Example: dpcreator_container_tag="2021-0608"
  3. (Infrequent update). If needed, update the templates used to create the k8s file.

    • Template location: deploy/k8s_maker/templates
      • There are two basic templates: one for the database container and another for the app.
    • Open the file.
    • Within the make_k8s_template() function, update these variables to point to the correct files:
      • db_template_name
        • Example: db_template_name = 'azure_k8s_04_database.yaml'
      • app_template_name
        • Example: app_template_name = 'azure_k8s_04_app.yaml'
    1. Run the script
      # From the "deploy/k8s_maker" directory
      # Expected output, something like:
      # ----------------------------------------
      # file written: /Users/ramanprasad/Documents/github-rp/dpcreator/deploy/k8s_maker/rendered/dev.dpcreator.org_07_2021_1213.yaml
      # ----------------------------------------
      # ----------------------------------------
      # file written: /Users/ramanprasad/Documents/github-rp/dpcreator/deploy/k8s_maker/rendered/test.dpcreator.org_07_2021_1213.yaml
      # ----------------------------------------   
  4. Check the new/updated k8s file into the opendp/dpcreator repository

Azure: Using the K8s file

(Assumes you have an Azure account.) In this example, the cluster name is dp-creator-test-cluster

  1. Log into ''

  2. From the "All Resources" section, find your cluster name and click on it.

  3. Click on the "Connect" icon

    • Follow the onscreen instructions to open the Cloud Shell and connect to the cluster
  4. (One time) Clone the dpcreator repository

    git clone
  5. (Very Infrequent) Upload the k8s secrets YAML file which contains settings such as the SECRET_KEY. (* The secrets file is not in this repository. Example name: dpcreator-azure-secrets.yaml)

  6. Update the dpcreator repository + Start the app and related services

    cd dpcreator/deploy/k8s_maker/rendered/
    git pull
    # The k8s file you created in the previous section should be available
    # Start the application
    # - file name example: dpcreator_05_2021_0608.yaml
    kc apply -f dpcreator_nn_YYYY_MMDD.yaml  
    # Stop the application
    kc delete -f dpcreator_nn_YYYY_MMDD.yaml  
    # To stop it immediately:
    kc delete -f dpcreator_nn_YYYY_MMDD.yaml --now
    • You should see output similar to:
       configmap/dpcreator-db-data-configmap created
       deployment.apps/postgres created
       service/postgres-service created
       configmap/dpcreator-app-configmap created
       deployment.apps/dpcreator-app created
       service/dpcreator-load-balancer created
  7. To see the running pods, run: kc get pods

    • Sample output:
      NAME                                 READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
      dpcreator-app-856ccfcfcc-cn5dr       0/2     ContainerCreating   0          1s
      dpcreator-database-695bffdb4-grvld   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s
    • Note, the DPCreator pod names are prefaced with dpcreator-
    • To see more details on a specific pod:
      # syntax:  kc describe pod dpcreator-app-[extension added at runtime)
      # example (be sure to change the extension!)
      kc describe pod dpcreator-app-856ccfcfcc-cn5dr 
  8. Below are several more k8s commands.

    • For commands that are pod specific, you'll need the pod name from:
      • kc get pods
    # See if the services are running and the IP address
    #  - `dpcreator-load-balancer` - should have an external IP
    #  - `dpcreator-postgres-service` - db service
    kc get svc
    # -----------------
    # --- View Logs ---
    # -----------------
    # See the logs for the dpcreator app or nginx
    #  - example uses pod name "dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz" where "zzzzzzzz" is 
    #    the extension added at pod creation
    # nginx logs, regular and tailed
    kc logs dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz dpcreator-nginx
    kc logs -f dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz dpcreator-nginx 
    # app logs, regular and tailed
    kc logs dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz dpcreator-app
    kc logs -f dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz dpcreator-app
    # ------------------------------------
    # --- Log into a Running Container ---
    # ------------------------------------
    # Log into the container dpcreator app or nginx
    #  - example uses pod name "dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz" where "zzzzzzzz" is 
    #    the extension added at pod creation
    # Syntax:
    # kc exec -it [pod name] -c [container name] -- /bin/bash
    # nginx 
    kc exec -it dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz -c dpcreator-nginx -- /bin/bash
    # app 
    kc exec -it dpcreator-app-zzzzzzzz -c dpcreator-app -- /bin/bash