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2012 SVN summer cleaning

Jeff Squyres edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 5 revisions

2012 SVN Account Summer Cleaning

Once a year, we prune non-active SVN accounts. For example:

  • People who are no longer involved in Open MPI
  • People who no longer need write access to Open MPI's Subversion
  • People who have moved organizations and no longer have that organization's permission to commit to Open MPI

Each organization is responsible for editing this wiki page and moving each of their IDs to the "keep SVN write access" or "remove SVN write access" columns. There's also some unknown IDs (meaning: Jeff didn't recognize those IDs and therefore didn't know with which organization to group them). Please claim your organization's IDs.

DEADLINE FOR ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION: COB, Thursday, July 26, 2012. All accounts that are not classified by that date will have their SVN write permissions removed.

When classifying your IDs, please remember the following:

  • The goal is to make a small, core list of active SVN committers.
  • Only put IDs in the "keep" column if they are actually active in Open MPI.
  • The Open MPI SVN repository is open; removing someone's write permissions does not stop them from reading from SVN.
  • Removing someone's SVN write access does not affect their Trac / wiki / bug tracking account.
  • If you don't recognize an SVN ID in your organization, move it to the remove column.
  • When in doubt, move to the "remove" column.
  • Since it is trivial to restore an SVN ID if we make a mistake, better to err on the side of "remove".

I (Jeff) see some truly ancient SVN IDs on here. I took a swipe at some obvious names that should probably be removed (based on personal knowledge / memory of these people moving, no longer being involved in OMPI, etc.) and marked them with a (*). Feel free to accept or discard my suggestion -- it's a suggestion only.

Organization Keep SVN write access Remove SVN write access Still need to classsify these IDs
Allinea dslecomber(), mark_allinea()
Bull derbeyn(), sjeaugey()
Cisco jsquyres
Dresden bwesarg, jurenz, knuepfer
HDF mschaara(*) (left over from UH)
HFT Stuttgart rusraink
HLRS hpcchris, shiqing hpckdich
IBM bbenton, cyeoh, jnysal
Indiana U adkulkar, dikim2, lums abbyz (same as adkulkar? (yes!))
LANL hjelmn, rhc, samuel
LLNL afriedle(*)
Mellanox kliteyn, miked, vasily, yosefe, yaeld, rlgraham Gil, sharonm, lennyve
Myricom csbell(), patrick()
Northeastern U bricka
NVIDIA rolfv
Oracle eugene, tdd Anya(), dkerr(), dlacher(), emallove(), karenn(), lenbo()
OGC jdmason(*), swise
ORNL pasha manjugv gshipman(), koenig(), matney, scottatchley() (left over from Myri), lb7(), valleegr(*)
QLogic apant(), pmlatifi()
Sandia brbarret, rbbrigh, ktpedre, mjleven, memoryhole lglenden
U British Columbia penoff(), humaira()
U Houston edgar, vvenkatesan
U Tennessee Knoxville bouteill, bosilca, herault, wbland coti(*), lemarini
U Wisconsin jjhursey (pending)
UIUC htor(*) (left over from IU)
Unknown affiliation timattox wyu(*)
Unknown fhaensel(), jruscio(), mheffner(), morrone(), sboehm(*)
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