This is a TypeScript/Javascript API client designed for retrieving weather information from the Open-Meteo Weather API in Typescript / Javascript.
Unlike conventional JSON APIs, this API client employs FlatBuffers for data transfer. This is a more efficient method, particularly for handling extended time-series data. You can locate the schema definition files on GitHub open-meteo/sdk.
- Easily access weather data
- Retrieve weather data for multiple locations with a single request
- Automatic retry mechanism for handling errors
- Enhanced bandwidth efficiency and speedy parsing using FlatBuffers and Zero Copy technology
- Type annotations for enhanced code clarity
npm install openmeteo
Note: The Open-Meteo API documentation generates the required Typescript code automatically.
import { fetchWeatherApi } from 'openmeteo';
const params = {
latitude: [52.54],
longitude: [13.41],
current: 'temperature_2m,weather_code,wind_speed_10m,wind_direction_10m',
hourly: 'temperature_2m,precipitation',
daily: 'weather_code,temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min'
const url = '';
const responses = await fetchWeatherApi(url, params);
// Helper function to form time ranges
const range = (start: number, stop: number, step: number) =>
Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step }, (_, i) => start + i * step);
// Process first location. Add a for-loop for multiple locations or weather models
const response = responses[0];
// Attributes for timezone and location
const utcOffsetSeconds = response.utcOffsetSeconds();
const timezone = response.timezone();
const timezoneAbbreviation = response.timezoneAbbreviation();
const latitude = response.latitude();
const longitude = response.longitude();
const current = response.current()!;
const hourly = response.hourly()!;
const daily = response.daily()!;
// Note: The order of weather variables in the URL query and the indices below need to match!
const weatherData = {
current: {
time: new Date((Number(current.time()) + utcOffsetSeconds) * 1000),
temperature: current.variables(0)!.value(), // Current is only 1 value, therefore `.value()`
weatherCode: current.variables(1)!.value(),
windSpeed: current.variables(2)!.value(),
windDirection: current.variables(3)!.value()
hourly: {
time: range(Number(hourly.time()), Number(hourly.timeEnd()), hourly.interval()).map(
(t) => new Date((t + utcOffsetSeconds) * 1000)
temperature: hourly.variables(0)!.valuesArray()!, // `.valuesArray()` get an array of floats
precipitation: hourly.variables(1)!.valuesArray()!,
daily: {
time: range(Number(daily.time()), Number(daily.timeEnd()), daily.interval()).map(
(t) => new Date((t + utcOffsetSeconds) * 1000)
weatherCode: daily.variables(0)!.valuesArray()!,
temperatureMax: daily.variables(1)!.valuesArray()!,
temperatureMin: daily.variables(2)!.valuesArray()!,
// `weatherData` now contains a simple structure with arrays for datetime and weather data
for (let i = 0; i < weatherData.daily.time.length; i++) {
This package only exposes one function to fetch weather data and decode the FlatBuffer messages.
* Retrieve data from the Open-Meteo weather API
* @param {string} url Server and endpoint. E.g. ""
* @param {any} params URL parameter as an object
* @param {number} [retries=3] Number of retries in case of an server error
* @param {number} [backoffFactor=0.2] Exponential backoff factor to increase wait time after each retry
* @param {number} [backoffMax=2] Maximum wait time between retries
* @returns {Promise<WeatherApiResponse[]>}
async function fetchWeatherApi(
url: string,
params: any,
retries = 3,
backoffFactor = 0.2,
backoffMax = 2
): Promise<WeatherApiResponse[]> {