diff --git a/shinydashboard/lantern/modules/profilemodule.R b/shinydashboard/lantern/modules/profilemodule.R
index 8b58f642f..ff5d1f9f6 100644
--- a/shinydashboard/lantern/modules/profilemodule.R
+++ b/shinydashboard/lantern/modules/profilemodule.R
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ selected_fhir_endpoint_profiles <- reactive({
} else {
- reactable::reactableOutput(ns("no_filter_profile_table"))
+ DT::dataTableOutput("no_filter_profile_table")
@@ -90,29 +90,4 @@ selected_fhir_endpoint_profiles <- reactive({
- output$no_filter_profile_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- reactable(
- selected_fhir_endpoint_profiles(),
- defaultColDef = colDef(
- align = "center"
- ),
- columns = list(
- url = colDef(name = "Endpoint", minWidth = 300, sortable = TRUE, align = "left", html = TRUE),
- profileurl = colDef(name = "Profile URL", minWidth = 300, align = "left", sortable = FALSE, aggregate = "count",
- format = list(aggregated = colFormat(prefix = "Count: "))),
- profilename = colDef(name = "Profile Name", minWidth = 200, sortable = FALSE),
- resource = colDef(name = "Resource", sortable = FALSE),
- fhir_version = colDef(name = "FHIR Version", sortable = FALSE, aggregate = "unique"),
- vendor_name = colDef(name = "Certified API Developer Name", minWidth = 110, sortable = FALSE)
- ),
- groupBy = "url",
- striped = TRUE,
- searchable = TRUE,
- showSortIcon = TRUE,
- highlight = TRUE,
- defaultPageSize = 10
- )
- })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shinydashboard/lantern/server.R b/shinydashboard/lantern/server.R
index 175ee247f..2fd1a7b15 100644
--- a/shinydashboard/lantern/server.R
+++ b/shinydashboard/lantern/server.R
@@ -1,1283 +1,1332 @@
-# Define server function
-function(input, output, session) { #nolint
- # Trigger this observer every time the session changes, which is on first load of page, and switch tab to tab stored in url
- observeEvent(session, {
- message(sprintf("I am in observe session *********************************** %s", database_fetch()))
- query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
- if (!is.null(query[["tab"]]) && (toString(query[["tab"]]) %in% c("dashboard_tab", "endpoints_tab", "resource_tab", "implementation_tab", "fields_tab", "profile_tab", "values_tab", "validations_tab", "security_tab", "smartresponse_tab", "about_tab", "contacts_tab"))) {
- current_tab <- toString(query[["tab"]])
- updateTabItems(session, "side_menu", selected = current_tab)
- } else {
- updateQueryString(paste0("?tab=", input$side_menu), mode = "push")
- }
- }, priority = 100)
- observeEvent(database_fetch, {
- message(sprintf("I am in observe event *********************************** %s", database_fetch()))
- if (database_fetch() == 1) {
- message("I am inside observe event ***********************************")
- show_modal_spinner(
- spin = "double-bounce",
- color = "#112446",
- text = "Please Wait, Lantern is fetching the most up-to-date data")
- app_fetcher()
- database_fetcher()
- database_fetch(0)
- remove_modal_spinner()
- }
- }, priority = 90)
- # Trigger this observer every time side_menu changes, and change the url to contain the new tab name
- observeEvent(input$side_menu, {
- updateQueryString(paste0("?tab=", input$side_menu), mode = "push")
- }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
- callModule(
- dashboard,
- "dashboard_page",
- reactive(input$httpvendor))
- observeEvent(database_fetch, {
- if (database_fetch() == 0) {
- callModule(
- endpointsmodule,
- "endpoints_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$availability),
- reactive(input$is_chpl))
- callModule(
- downloadsmodule,
- "downloads_page")
- callModule(
- organizationsmodule,
- "organizations_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$match_confidence))
- callModule(
- capabilitystatementsizemodule,
- "capabilitystatementsize_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor))
- callModule(
- securitymodule,
- "security_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$auth_type_code))
- callModule(
- smartresponsemodule,
- "smartresponse_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor))
- callModule(
- resourcemodule,
- "resource_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$resources),
- reactive(input$operations))
- callModule(
- implementationmodule,
- "implementation_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor))
- callModule(
- fieldsmodule,
- "fields_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor))
- callModule(
- profilemodule,
- "profile_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$profile_resource),
- reactive(input$profiles))
- callModule(
- valuesmodule,
- "values_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$field))
- callModule(
- contactsmodule,
- "contacts_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$has_contact)
- )
- callModule(
- validationsmodule,
- "validations_page",
- reactive(input$fhir_version),
- reactive(input$vendor),
- reactive(input$validation_group))
- }
- })
- show_http_vendor_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("dashboard_tab"))
- page_name_list <- list(
- "dashboard_tab" = "Current Endpoint Metrics",
- "endpoints_tab" = "List of Endpoints",
- "downloads_tab" = "Downloads Page",
- "organizations_tab" = "Organizations Page",
- "resource_tab" = "Resource Page",
- "implementation_tab" = "Implementation Page",
- "fields_tab" = "Fields Page",
- "profile_tab" = "Profile Page",
- "values_tab" = "Values Page",
- "contacts_tab" = "Contact Information Page",
- "about_tab" = "About Lantern",
- "security_tab" = "Security Authorization Types",
- "smartresponse_tab" = "SMART Core Capabilities Well Known Endpoint Response",
- "capabilitystatementsize_tab" = "CapabilityStatement / Conformance Size",
- "validations_tab" = "Validations Page"
- )
- output$resource_tab_popup <- renderUI({
- if (show_resource_tab_popup()) {
- div(class = "pull-right", actionButton("resource_popup", "How to use this page", icon = tags$i(class = "fa fa-question-circle", "aria-hidden" = "true", role = "presentation", "aria-label" = "question icon")))
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$resource_popup, {
- showModal(modalDialog(
- title = "How to use this page...",
- p("By default, the list of resources below contains the supported resources across all endpoints and FHIR versions. Clicking a resource in the left box selects it and moves it to the right box. Remove a resource from the list by clicking the resource in the right box.", style = "font-size:16px; margin-left:5px;"),
- p("You may also change the FHIR Version or Developer filtering criteria to filter the applicable supported resources from the default list.
- Any resources at that point will be removed from the list of resources if no endpoints that pass the selected filtering criteria support the given resource.
- If you make other changes to the FHIR Version or Developer filtering criteria, resources that are filtered out of the list will re-appear on the left side of the list, regardless if they were selected previously.", style = "font-size:16px; margin-left:5px;"),
- p("You will have to re-select these resources, either by clicking the resource on the left box, or clicking the 'Select All Resources' button.", style = "font-size:16px; margin-left:5px;"),
- p("Note: This is the list of FHIR resource types reported by the CapabilityStatement / Conformance Resources from the endpoints. This reflects the most recent successful response only. Endpoints which are down, unreachable during the last query or have not returned a valid CapabilityStatement / Conformance Resource, are not included in this list.", style = "font-size:13px; margin-left:5px;")
- ))})
- show_filter <- reactive(
- input$side_menu %in% c("endpoints_tab", "organizations_tab", "resource_tab", "implementation_tab", "fields_tab", "security_tab", "smartresponse_tab", "values_tab", "capabilitystatementsize_tab", "validations_tab", "profile_tab", "contacts_tab")
- )
- fhir_version_no_capstat <- reactive(
- input$side_menu %in% c("endpoints_tab", "smartresponse_tab", "validations_tab")
- )
- show_availability_filter <- reactive(
- input$side_menu %in% c("endpoints_tab")
- )
- show_validations_filter <- reactive(
- input$side_menu %in% c("validations_tab")
- )
- show_has_contact_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("contacts_tab"))
- show_resource_checkbox <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("resource_tab"))
- show_profiles_filters <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("profile_tab"))
- show_operation_checkbox <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("resource_tab"))
- show_resource_tab_popup <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("resource_tab"))
- show_value_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("values_tab"))
- show_security_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("security_tab"))
- show_confidence_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("organizations_tab") && (input$organization_tabset == "NPI Organizations"))
- page_name <- reactive({
- page_name_list[[input$side_menu]]
- })
- output$htmlFooter <- renderUI({
- if (input$side_menu %in% c("about_tab")) {
- tags$footer(class = "footer",
- includeHTML("aboutInfo.html")
- )
- } else {
- tags$footer(class = "footer",
- includeHTML("disclaimer.html")
- )
- }
- })
- output$page_title <- renderText(page_name())
- output$version <- renderText(version_title)
- observeEvent(input$fhirversion_selectall, {
- if (input$fhirversion_selectall == 0) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()))
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$fhirversion_removeall, {
- if (input$fhirversion_removeall == 0) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()))
- }
- })
- output$show_filters <- renderUI({
- if (show_filter()) {
- if (fhir_version_no_capstat()) {
- fhirDropdown <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
- fhirDropdown_noLabel <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
- } else {
- fhirDropdown <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
- fhirDropdown_noLabel <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
- }
- developerDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "vendor", label = "Developer:", choices = app$vendor_list(), selected = ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS, size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
- availabilityDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "availability", label = "Availability Percentage:", choices = list("0-100", "0", "50-100", "75-100", "95-100", "99-100", "100"), selected = "0-100", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
- validationsDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "validation_group", label = "Validation Group", choices = c("All Groups", validation_group_names), selected = "All Groups", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
- confidenceDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "match_confidence", label = "Match Confidence:", choices = c("97-100", "98-100", "99-100", "100"), selected = "97-100", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
- contactDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "has_contact", label = "Has Contact Data:", choices = c("True", "False", "Any"), selected = "Any", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
- chplDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "is_chpl", label = "From CHPL:", choices = c("True", "False", "All"), selected = "All", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
- if (show_availability_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 3,
- tags$div(
- p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
- ),
- fhirDropdown_noLabel),
- column(width = 3, developerDropdown),
- column(width = 3, availabilityDropdown),
- column(width = 3, chplDropdown)
- )
- } else if (show_validations_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- tags$div(
- p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
- ),
- fhirDropdown_noLabel),
- column(width = 4, developerDropdown),
- column(width = 4, validationsDropdown)
- )
- } else if (show_confidence_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- tags$div(
- p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
- ),
- fhirDropdown_noLabel),
- column(width = 4, developerDropdown),
- column(width = 4, confidenceDropdown)
- )
- } else if (show_has_contact_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- tags$div(
- p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
- ),
- fhirDropdown_noLabel),
- column(width = 4, developerDropdown),
- column(width = 4, contactDropdown)
- )
- } else {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- tags$div(
- p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
- actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
- ),
- fhirDropdown_noLabel),
- column(width = 4, developerDropdown)
- )
- }
- }
- })
- output$show_http_vendor_filters <- renderUI({
- if (show_http_vendor_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "httpvendor",
- label = "Developer:",
- choices = app$vendor_list(),
- selected = ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS,
- selectize = FALSE
- )
- )
- )
- }
- })
- output$show_has_contact_filters <- renderUI({
- if (show_has_contact_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "has_contact",
- label = "Has Contact Data",
- choices = list("True", "False", "Any"),
- selected = "Any"
- )
- )
- )
- }
- })
- output$show_date_filters <- renderUI({
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "date",
- label = "Date range",
- choices = list("Past 7 days", "Past 14 days", "Past 30 days", "All time"),
- selected = "All time",
- size = 1,
- selectize = FALSE)
- )
- )
- })
- output$show_http_date_filters <- renderUI({
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "http_date",
- label = "Date range",
- choices = list("Past 7 days", "Past 14 days", "Past 30 days", "All time"),
- selected = "All time",
- size = 1,
- selectize = FALSE)
- )
- )
- })
- output$show_value_filters <- renderUI({
- if (show_value_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "field",
- label = "Field",
- choices = list("url", "fhirVersion", "name", "title", "date", "publisher", "description", "purpose", "copyright", "software.name", "software.version", "software.releaseDate", "implementation.description", "implementation.url", "implementation.custodian"),
- selected = "url",
- size = 1,
- selectize = FALSE)
- )
- )
- }
- })
- output$show_security_filter <- renderUI({
- if (show_security_filter()) {
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 4,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "auth_type_code",
- label = "Supported Authorization Type:",
- choices = isolate(app_data$security_code_list()),
- selected = "SMART-on-FHIR",
- size = 1,
- selectize = FALSE)
- )
- )
- }
- })
- profile_options <- reactive({
- res <- isolate(app_data$supported_profiles())
- req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
- res <- res %>% filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version)
- if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
- res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
- }
- res <- res %>%
- distinct(profileurl) %>%
- arrange(profileurl) %>%
- split(.$profileurl) %>%
- purrr::map(~ .$profileurl)
- profile_list <- list(
- "All Profiles" = ui_special_values$ALL_PROFILES
- )
- return(c(profile_list, res))
- })
- resource_options <- reactive({
- res <- isolate(app_data$supported_profiles())
- req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
- res <- res %>%
- filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version) %>%
- filter(resource != "")
- if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
- res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
- }
- resource_list <- list(
- "All Resources" = ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES
- )
- res <- res %>%
- distinct(resource) %>%
- arrange(resource) %>%
- split(.$resource) %>%
- purrr::map(~ .$resource)
- return(c(resource_list, res))
- })
- checkbox_resources <- reactive({
- res <- isolate(app_data$endpoint_resource_types())
- req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
- res <- res %>% filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version)
- if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
- res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
- }
- res <- res %>%
- distinct(type) %>%
- arrange(type) %>%
- split(.$type) %>%
- purrr::map(~ .$type)
- return(res)
- })
- checkbox_resources_no_filter <- reactive({
- res <- isolate(app_data$endpoint_resource_types())
- res <- res %>%
- distinct(type) %>%
- arrange(type) %>%
- split(.$type) %>%
- purrr::map(~ .$type)
- return(res)
- })
- # #
- # Display Resource and Operations Checkbox #
- # #
- output$show_resource_operation_checkboxes <- renderUI({
- if (show_resource_checkbox() && show_operation_checkbox()) {
- fluidPage(
- fluidRow(
- h2("FHIR Resource Types"),
- tags$a("Skip Past Resources", href = "#selectall", class = "show-on-focus-resources", "aria-label" = "Click the enter key to skip past the resource checkbox options and jump directly to select all and deselect all resource buttons"),
- column(width = 4,
- multiInput(
- inputId = "resources",
- width = "500px",
- label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:",
- choices = checkbox_resources_no_filter(),
- selected = checkbox_resources_no_filter(),
- options = list(
- non_selected_header = "Choose resources:",
- selected_header = "Selected resources:"
- )
- ),
- actionButton("selectall", "Select All Resources", style = "margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: 20px;"),
- actionButton("removeall", "Remove All Resources", style = "margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: 20px;")
- ),
- column(width = 8,
- selectizeInput("operations", "Click in the box below to add or remove operations:",
- choices = c("read", "vread", "update", "patch", "delete", "history-instance", "history-type", "create", "search-type", "not specified"),
- selected = c("read"), multiple = TRUE, options = list("plugins" = list("remove_button"), "create" = TRUE, "persist" = FALSE), width = "100%"),
- actionButton("removeallops", "Clear All Operations", style = "margin-top: -15px;"),
- p("Note: When selecting multiple operations, only the resources that implement all selected operations will be displayed in the table and graph below.
- Choosing the 'not specified' option will display resources where no operation was defined in the CapabilityStatement / Conformance Resource.", style = "font-size:15px; margin-left:5px; margin-top:5px;")
- )
- )
- )
- }
- })
- # #
- # Resource Checkbox #
- # #
- current_selection <- reactiveVal(NULL)
- observeEvent(input$resources, {
- current_selection(input$resources)
- })
- observeEvent(input$selectall, {
- if (input$selectall == 0) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources(), selected = checkbox_resources())
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$removeall, {
- if (input$removeall == 0) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- current_selection(NULL)
- updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources())
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$fhir_version, {
- if (!show_resource_checkbox() || is.null(current_selection())) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources(), selected = current_selection())
- }
- })
- observeEvent(input$vendor, {
- if (!show_resource_checkbox() || is.null(current_selection())) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources(), selected = current_selection())
- }
- })
- # #
- # Operations Checkbox #
- # #
- current_op_selection <- reactiveVal(NULL)
- # Updates what the user has currently selected
- observeEvent(input$operations, {
- current_op_selection(input$operations)
- })
- # Resets the display if the user is navigating to this page
- observe({
- req(input$side_menu)
- if (show_operation_checkbox()) {
- updateSelectInput(session, "operations",
- label = "Click in the box below to add or remove operations:",
- choices = c("read", "vread", "update", "patch", "delete", "history-instance", "history-type", "create", "search-type", "not specified"),
- selected = c("read"))
- }
- })
- # Resets the display if the user clicks the "Remove All Operations" button
- observeEvent(input$removeallops, {
- if (input$removeallops == 0) {
- return(NULL)
- } else {
- updateSelectizeInput(session, "operations",
- label = "Click in the box below to add or remove operations:",
- choices = c("read", "vread", "update", "patch", "delete", "history-instance", "history-type", "create", "search-type", "not specified"),
- options = list("plugins" = list("remove_button"), "create" = TRUE, "persist" = FALSE))
- }
- })
- # #
- # Display Resource and Profile Filters #
- # #
- output$resource_filter_tab <- renderUI({
- fluidPage(
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 12,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "profile_resource",
- label = "Resources:",
- choices = resource_options(),
- selected = ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES,
- selectize = FALSE,
- size = 1,
- width = paste0(max(nchar(profile_options())) * 8, "px")
- )
- )
- ),
- p("Note: DSTU2 endpoints will not be visible if resource filter selected.")
- )
- })
- output$profile_filter_tab <- renderUI({
- fluidPage(
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 12,
- selectInput(
- inputId = "profiles",
- label = "Profiles:",
- choices = profile_options(),
- selected = ui_special_values$ALL_PROFILES,
- selectize = FALSE,
- size = 1,
- width = paste0(max(nchar(profile_options())) * 8, "px")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- })
- output$show_resource_profiles_dropdown <- renderUI({
- if (show_profiles_filters()) {
- tagList(
- fluidRow(
- column(width = 12,
- tabsetPanel(id = "profile_resource_tab", type = "tabs",
- tabPanel("Profile Filtering", uiOutput("profile_filter_tab")),
- tabPanel("Resource Filtering", uiOutput("resource_filter_tab")))
- )
- )
- )
- }
- })
- # Resets the filters when switching between filtering tabs
- observeEvent(input$profile_resource_tab, {
- updateSelectInput(session, "profiles",
- label = "Profiles:",
- choices = profile_options(),
- selected = ui_special_values$ALL_PROFILES)
- updateSelectInput(session, "profile_resource",
- label = "Resources:",
- choices = resource_options(),
- selected = ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES)
- })
- observeEvent(input$show_details, {
- showModal(modalDialog(
- title = "All API Information Source Names",
- p(HTML(str_replace_all(get_endpoint_organization_list(input$show_details), ";", "
- easyClose = TRUE
- ))
- })
- observeEvent(input$show_contact_modal, {
- showModal(modalDialog(
- title = "All Contacts",
- p(input$show_contact_modal),
- p(ifelse(is.na(
- app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
- filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
- distinct(endpoint_names) %>%
- select(endpoint_names))
- ||
- app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
- filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
- distinct(endpoint_names) %>%
- select(endpoint_names) == "",
- "-",
- app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
- filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
- mutate(endpoint_names = strsplit(endpoint_names, ";")[[1]][1]) %>%
- distinct(endpoint_names) %>%
- select(endpoint_names)
- ),
- reactable::renderReactable({
- reactable(
- app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
- mutate(contact_name = ifelse(is.na(contact_name), "N/A", contact_name)) %>%
- filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
- arrange(contact_preference) %>%
- mutate(contact_name = ifelse(is.na(contact_name), "-", contact_name)) %>%
- select(contact_name, contact_type, contact_value) %>%
- mutate(contact_value = ifelse(contact_value == "", "-", contact_value)),
- defaultColDef = colDef(
- align = "center"
- ),
- columns = list(
- contact_name = colDef(name = "Contact Name"),
- contact_type = colDef(name = "Contact Type"),
- contact_value = colDef(name = "Contact Info")
- ),
- groupBy = "contact_name"
- )
- }),
- easyClose = TRUE
- )))
- })
-# Current Endpoint that is selected to view in Modal
-current_endpoint <- reactive({
- splitString <- strsplit(input$endpoint_popup, "&&")
- endpointURL <- splitString[[1]][1]
- endpoint_requested_fhir_version <- splitString[[1]][2]
- current_endpoint_list <- list(url = endpointURL, requested_fhir_version = endpoint_requested_fhir_version)
- current_endpoint_list
-### CHPL Products Modal Page ###
-endpoint_products <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_endpoint_products(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- res
-output$endpoint_products_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_products(),
- colnames = c("Name", "Version", "CHPL ID", "API URL", "Certification Status", "Certification Edition", "Certification Date", "Last Modified in CHPL"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-endpoint_products_page <- function() {
- page <- fluidPage(
- h1("Endpoint CHPL Products"),
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_products_table"),
- p("Note: The software products shown in the table above are matched with the best guess possible given the information Lantern has available, and therefore may not be completely accurate.")
- )
- page
-### IGs and Profiles Modal Page ###
-endpoint_implementation_guides <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- implementation_guides <- get_endpoint_implementation_guide(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- implementation_guides
-endpoint_profiles <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- profiles <- get_endpoint_supported_profiles(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- profiles
-output$endpoint_IG_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_implementation_guides() %>% select(implementation_guide),
- colnames = c("Implementation_Guides"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-output$endpoint_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_profiles() %>% select(profileurl, profilename, resource),
- colnames = c("Profile URL", "Profile Name", "Resource"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-implementation_guide_profiles_page <- function() {
- page <- fluidPage(
- h1("Endpoint IGs and Profiles"),
- bsCollapse(id = "IGs_profiles_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
- bsCollapsePanel("Implementation Guides", fluidPage(
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_IG_table"),
- ), style = "info"),
- bsCollapsePanel("Endpoint Profiles", fluidPage(
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_profile_table"),
- ), style = "info")
- ))
- page
-### Capabilities Modal Page ###
-# Required Capability Statement fields that we are tracking
-required_fields <- c("status", "kind", "fhirVersion", "format", "date")
-endpoint_fields <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_endpoint_capstat_fields(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version, "false")
- res
-endpoint_extensions <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_endpoint_capstat_fields(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version, "true")
- res
-endpoint_resources <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_endpoint_resources(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- res
-endpoint_smart_capabilities <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_endpoint_smart_response_capabilities(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- res
-output$endpoint_fields_table_required <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_fields() %>% filter(field %in% required_fields) %>% select(field, exist),
- colnames = c("Field Name", "Exists"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-output$endpoint_fields_table_optional <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_fields() %>% select(field, exist),
- colnames = c("Field Name", "Exists"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-output$endpoint_extensions_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_extensions() %>% select(field, exist),
- colnames = c("Extension Name", "Exists"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-output$endpoint_resource_op_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- reactable(
- endpoint_resources(),
- columns = list(
- Operation = colDef(
- aggregate = "count",
- format = list(aggregated = colFormat(prefix = "Total: "))
- ),
- Resource = colDef(
- minWidth = 150
- )
- ),
- groupBy = "Operation",
- sortable = TRUE,
- searchable = TRUE,
- striped = TRUE,
- showSortIcon = TRUE,
- defaultPageSize = 10,
- showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
- pageSizeOptions = c(10, 25, 50, 100)
- )
-output$smart_capabilities_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(endpoint_smart_capabilities(),
- colnames = c("SMART Capabilities"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
-get_capability_statement_json <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_capability_and_smart_response(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- capability_statement_json <- res$capability_statement
- if (length(res$capability_statement) <= 0) {
- capability_statement_json <- "{\"Not Available\": \"No Capability Statement Returned\"}"
- }
- capability_statement_json
-get_smart_response_json <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_capability_and_smart_response(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- smart_response_json <- res$smart_response
- if (length(res$smart_response) <= 0) {
- smart_response_json <- "{\"Not Available\": \"No SMART Response Returned\"}"
- }
- smart_response_json
-endpoint_capabilities_page <- function() {
- page <- fluidPage(
- h1("Endpoint Capabilities"),
- bsCollapse(id = "capabilities_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
- bsCollapsePanel("Capability/Conformance Fields", fluidPage(
- h3("Required Fields"),
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_fields_table_required"),
- h3("Optional Fields"),
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_fields_table_optional"),
- h3("Extensions"),
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_extensions_table"),
- ), style = "info"),
- bsCollapsePanel("Capability/Conformance Resources", reactable::reactableOutput("endpoint_resource_op_table"), style = "info"),
- bsCollapsePanel("SMART Response Fields", DT::dataTableOutput("smart_capabilities_table"), style = "info"),
- bsCollapsePanel("Capability Statement/Conformance Resource", renderJsonedit(jsonedit(get_capability_statement_json(),
- mode = "view", modes = c("view", "code"),
- "onEditable" = htmlwidgets::JS("function() { return false;}"))
- ), style = "info"
- ),
- bsCollapsePanel("SMART Response", renderJsonedit(jsonedit(get_smart_response_json(),
- mode = "view", modes = c("view", "code"),
- "onEditable" = htmlwidgets::JS("function() { return false;}"))
- ), style = "info"
- )
- )
- )
-### Organizations Modal Page ###
-single_endpoint_locations <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- lt <- get_single_endpoint_locations(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- lt
-output$endpoint_location_map <- renderLeaflet({
- single_endpoint_locations()
- map <- leaflet() %>%
- addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
- addCircles(data = single_endpoint_locations(), lat = ~ lat, lng = ~ lng, popup = paste0(isolate(single_endpoint_locations()$organization_name), "
NPI ID: ", isolate(single_endpoint_locations())$npi_id, "
Zipcode: ", isolate(single_endpoint_locations())$zipcode), weight = 10, color = "#33bb33", fillOpacity = 0.8, fillColor = "#00ff00") %>%
- setView(-98.9, 37.7, zoom = 4)
- map
- get_endpoint_list_orgs <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_endpoint_list_matches()
- res <- res %>%
- filter(url == endpoint$url) %>%
- filter(requested_fhir_version == endpoint$requested_fhir_version) %>%
- mutate(organization_name = if_else(organization_name == "Unknown", "Not Available", organization_name))
- res
- })
- get_endpoint_npi_orgs <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- res <- get_npi_organization_matches(db_tables)
- res <- res %>%
- filter(url == endpoint$url) %>%
- filter(requested_fhir_version == endpoint$requested_fhir_version) %>%
- mutate(organization_secondary_name = if_else(organization_secondary_name == "Unknown", "Not Available", organization_secondary_name))
- res
- })
- output$endpoint_list_org_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(get_endpoint_list_orgs() %>% distinct(organization_name),
- colnames = c("Organization Name"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
- })
- output$npi_list_org_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
- datatable(get_endpoint_npi_orgs() %>% select(organization_name, organization_secondary_name, npi_id, zipcode, match_score) %>% distinct(organization_name, organization_secondary_name, npi_id, zipcode, match_score),
- colnames = c("Organization Name", "Organization Secondary Name", "NPI ID", "Zipcode", "Confidence"),
- rownames = FALSE,
- selection = "none",
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
- })
-organization_endpoint_page <- function() {
- page <- fluidPage(
- h1("Endpoint Organizations"),
- bsCollapse(id = "organizations_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
- bsCollapsePanel("Endpoint List Organizations", fluidPage(
- DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_list_org_table")
- ), style = "info"),
- bsCollapsePanel("Matched NPI Organizations", fluidPage(
- DT::dataTableOutput("npi_list_org_table")
- ), style = "info"),
- bsCollapsePanel("Linked Organizations Locations", fluidPage(
- leafletOutput("endpoint_location_map", width = "100%", height = "600px")
- ), style = "info")
- )
- )
-### Endpoint Details Modal Page ###
-get_range <- function(date) {
- if (all(date == "Past 7 days")) {
- range <- "604800"
- } else if (all(date == "Past 14 days")) {
- range <- "1209600"
- } else if (all(date == "Past 30 days")) {
- range <- "2592000"
- } else {
- range <- "maxdate.maximum"
- }
- range
-response_time_xts <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- range <- get_range(input$date)
- res <- get_endpoint_response_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- # convert to xts format for use in dygraph
- xts(x = cbind(res$response),
- order.by = res$date
- )
-output$no_plot <- renderText({
- if (nrow(response_time_xts()) == 0) {
- "Sorry, there isn't enough data to show response times!"
- }
-output$endpoint_response_time_plot <- renderDygraph({
- if (nrow(response_time_xts()) > 0) {
- dygraph(response_time_xts(),
- main = "Endpoint Response Time",
- ylab = "seconds",
- xlab = "Date") %>%
- dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(-1.30, NA)) %>%
- dySeries("V1", label = "ResponseTime") %>%
- dyLegend(width = 450)
- }
-output$plot_note_text <- renderUI({
- note_info <- "There are many variables that influence response time, such
- as network congestion, geographic location, hosting configurations, etc.
- This graphic only intends to convey the health of the FHIR endpoint ecosystem
- as a whole, drastic changes to which may represent some widespread issue
- throughout the ecosystem."
- res <- paste("
Note:", note_info, "
- HTML(res)
-endpoint_http_responses <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- range <- get_range(input$http_date)
- res <- get_endpoint_http_over_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version) %>%
- left_join(app$http_response_code_tbl(), by = c("http_response" = "code")) %>%
- mutate(http_response = paste(http_response, "-", label)) %>%
- select(date, http_response)
- res
-endpoint_http_codes_table <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- range <- get_range(input$http_date)
- res <- get_endpoint_http_over_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- http_code_table <- app$http_response_code_tbl() %>%
- inner_join(res, by = c("code" = "http_response")) %>%
- distinct(code, label) %>%
- mutate(row_num = row_number()) %>%
- select(code, row_num, label)
-endpoint_http_responses_mapping <- reactive({
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- range <- get_range(input$http_date)
- res <- get_endpoint_http_over_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- http_code_table <- endpoint_http_codes_table()
- res <- res %>%
- left_join(http_code_table, by = c("http_response" = "code")) %>%
- tidyr::replace_na(list(row_num = 0)) %>%
- mutate(http_response = paste(http_response, "-", label)) %>%
- select(date, http_response, row_num)
- res
-create_dygraph_json <- reactive({
- res <- endpoint_http_responses_mapping() %>%
- distinct(row_num, http_response) %>%
- rename(v = row_num, label = http_response)
- toJSON(res)
-endpoint_http_responses_xts <- reactive({
- res <- endpoint_http_responses_mapping()
- xts(x = cbind(res$row_num), order.by = res$date)
-output$http_no_plot <- renderText({
- if (nrow(endpoint_http_responses_xts()) == 0) {
- "Sorry, there isn't enough data to show http responses over time!"
- }
-output$endpoint_http_response_plot <- renderDygraph({
- if (nrow(endpoint_http_responses_xts()) > 0) {
- dygraph(endpoint_http_responses_xts(),
- main = "Endpoint HTTP Responses",
- ylab = "HTTP Codes",
- xlab = "Date") %>%
- dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(-0.2, nrow(endpoint_http_codes_table()) + .5),
- axisLabelWidth = 70, ticker = htmlwidgets::JS(
- paste("function(min, max, pixels, opts, dygraph, vals) {
- return ", create_dygraph_json(), ";}")),
- valueFormatter = htmlwidgets::JS(
- paste("function(v){
- let jsonfile = `", create_dygraph_json(), "`;
- let jsonobj = JSON.parse(jsonfile);
- for (let obj of jsonobj) {
- if (obj.v === v) {
- return obj.label;
- }
- }
- }"))
- ) %>%
- dySeries("V1", label = "HTTPCode") %>%
- dyLegend(width = 450)
- }
-output$endpoint_http_response_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
- reactable(
- endpoint_http_responses() %>% select(date, http_response) %>% mutate_all(as.character),
- defaultColDef = colDef(
- align = "center"
- ),
- columns = list(
- date = colDef(name = "Date", sortable = TRUE),
- http_response = colDef(name = "HTTP Response", sortable = FALSE)
- ),
- searchable = TRUE,
- showSortIcon = TRUE,
- highlight = TRUE,
- defaultPageSize = 10
- )
- detailPage <- function() {
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- detailsInfo <- get_details_page_info(endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version, db_connection)
- metricsInfo <- get_details_page_metrics(endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
- page <- fluidPage(
- h1("Endpoint Details"),
- tags$p(paste0("Updated at ", as.character(detailsInfo$info_updated), " | Created at ", as.character(detailsInfo$info_created)), style = "font-style: italic;"),
- br(),
- mainPanel(
- fluidRow(
- infoBox("FHIR Version", as.character(detailsInfo$fhir_version), icon = icon("code"), width = 6),
- infoBox("Supported Versions", tags$p(as.character(detailsInfo$supported_versions), style = "overflow-wrap: break-word;"), icon = icon("check"), width = 6, color = "red")
- ),
- fluidRow(
- infoBox("Vendor", as.character(detailsInfo$vendor_name), icon = icon("building"), width = 6, color = "green"),
- infoBox("List Source", tags$p(as.character(detailsInfo$list_source), style = "overflow-wrap: break-word;"), icon = icon("list"), width = 6, color = "teal")
- ),
- h3("Software"),
- fluidRow(
- infoBox("Software Name", as.character(detailsInfo$software_name), icon = icon("code-branch"), width = 6, color = "blue"),
- infoBox("Software Version", as.character(detailsInfo$software_version), icon = icon("code"), width = 6, color = "orange"),
- infoBox("Format", as.character(detailsInfo$format), icon = icon("file-code"), width = 6, color = "yellow"),
- infoBox("Security", as.character(detailsInfo$security), icon = icon("lock", lib = "glyphicon"), width = 6, color = "purple")
- ),
- fluidRow(
- tags$p(paste0("Last Software Version Update: ", as.character(detailsInfo$software_releasedate)), style = "font-style: italic;")
- ),
- br(),
- uiOutput("show_date_filters"),
- bsCollapse(id = "performance_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
- bsCollapsePanel("Response Time", fluidPage(
- textOutput("no_plot"),
- dygraphOutput("endpoint_response_time_plot"),
- p("Click and drag on plot to zoom in, double-click to zoom out."),
- htmlOutput("plot_note_text")
- ), style = "info")
- ),
- br(),
- uiOutput("show_http_date_filters"),
- bsCollapse(id = "http_over_time_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
- bsCollapsePanel("HTTP Responses Over Time", fluidPage(
- fluidRow(
- textOutput("http_no_plot"),
- dygraphOutput("endpoint_http_response_plot"),
- p("Click and drag on plot to zoom in, double-click to zoom out.")
- ),
- fluidRow(
- reactable::reactableOutput("endpoint_http_response_table")
- )
- ), style = "info")
- )
- ),
- sidebarPanel(
- h2("Metrics"),
- h4("Status:"),
- p(metricsInfo$status),
- h4("Last HTTP Response:"),
- p(metricsInfo$http_response),
- h4("Availability:"),
- p(metricsInfo$availability),
- h4("Capability Statement Returned:"),
- p(metricsInfo$cap_stat_exists),
- h4("Errors:"),
- p(metricsInfo$errors),
- h4("SMART HTTP Response:"),
- p(metricsInfo$smart_http_response)
- )
- )
- ### Endpoint Popup Modal ###
- observeEvent(input$endpoint_popup, {
- endpoint <- current_endpoint()
- showModal(modalDialog(
- title = "Endpoint Details",
- h1("Endpoint URL:"),
- h3(tags$a(as.character(endpoint$url)), style = "word-wrap: break-word;"),
- p("Note: The blue boxes found in many of the tabs below can be clicked on and expanded to display additional information."),
- tabsetPanel(id = "endpoint_modal_tabset", type = "tabs",
- tabPanel("Details", detailPage()),
- tabPanel("Organizations", organization_endpoint_page()),
- tabPanel("Capabilities", endpoint_capabilities_page()),
- tabPanel("Implementation Guides & Profiles", implementation_guide_profiles_page()),
- tabPanel("Products", endpoint_products_page())
- ),
- size = "l",
- easyClose = TRUE
- ))
- })
+# Define server function
+function(input, output, session) { #nolint
+selected_fhir_endpoint_profiles <- reactive({
+ res <- isolate(app_data$supported_profiles())
+ req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
+ res <- res %>% filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version)
+ if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
+ res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
+ }
+ if (length(input$profile_resource) > 0) {
+ if (input$profile_resource != ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES) {
+ res <- res %>% filter(resource == input$profile_resource)
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(input$profile_resource) > 0) {
+ if (input$profile_resource != ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES) {
+ res <- res %>% filter(resource == input$profile_resource)
+ }
+ }
+ res <- res %>%
+ distinct(url, profileurl, profilename, resource, fhir_version, vendor_name) %>%
+ select(url, profileurl, profilename, resource, fhir_version, vendor_name) %>%
+ group_by(url) %>%
+ mutate(url = paste0("", url, "")) %>%
+ mutate_at(vars(-group_cols()), as.character)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ # Trigger this observer every time the session changes, which is on first load of page, and switch tab to tab stored in url
+ observeEvent(session, {
+ message(sprintf("I am in observe session *********************************** %s", database_fetch()))
+ query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
+ if (!is.null(query[["tab"]]) && (toString(query[["tab"]]) %in% c("dashboard_tab", "endpoints_tab", "resource_tab", "implementation_tab", "fields_tab", "profile_tab", "values_tab", "validations_tab", "security_tab", "smartresponse_tab", "about_tab", "contacts_tab"))) {
+ current_tab <- toString(query[["tab"]])
+ updateTabItems(session, "side_menu", selected = current_tab)
+ } else {
+ updateQueryString(paste0("?tab=", input$side_menu), mode = "push")
+ }
+ }, priority = 100)
+ observeEvent(database_fetch, {
+ message(sprintf("I am in observe event *********************************** %s", database_fetch()))
+ if (database_fetch() == 1) {
+ message("I am inside observe event ***********************************")
+ show_modal_spinner(
+ spin = "double-bounce",
+ color = "#112446",
+ text = "Please Wait, Lantern is fetching the most up-to-date data")
+ app_fetcher()
+ database_fetcher()
+ database_fetch(0)
+ remove_modal_spinner()
+ }
+ }, priority = 90)
+ # Trigger this observer every time side_menu changes, and change the url to contain the new tab name
+ observeEvent(input$side_menu, {
+ updateQueryString(paste0("?tab=", input$side_menu), mode = "push")
+ }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
+ callModule(
+ dashboard,
+ "dashboard_page",
+ reactive(input$httpvendor))
+ observeEvent(database_fetch, {
+ if (database_fetch() == 0) {
+ callModule(
+ endpointsmodule,
+ "endpoints_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$availability),
+ reactive(input$is_chpl))
+ callModule(
+ downloadsmodule,
+ "downloads_page")
+ callModule(
+ organizationsmodule,
+ "organizations_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$match_confidence))
+ callModule(
+ capabilitystatementsizemodule,
+ "capabilitystatementsize_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor))
+ callModule(
+ securitymodule,
+ "security_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$auth_type_code))
+ callModule(
+ smartresponsemodule,
+ "smartresponse_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor))
+ callModule(
+ resourcemodule,
+ "resource_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$resources),
+ reactive(input$operations))
+ callModule(
+ implementationmodule,
+ "implementation_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor))
+ callModule(
+ fieldsmodule,
+ "fields_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor))
+ callModule(
+ profilemodule,
+ "profile_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$profile_resource),
+ reactive(input$profiles))
+ callModule(
+ valuesmodule,
+ "values_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$field))
+ callModule(
+ contactsmodule,
+ "contacts_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$has_contact)
+ )
+ callModule(
+ validationsmodule,
+ "validations_page",
+ reactive(input$fhir_version),
+ reactive(input$vendor),
+ reactive(input$validation_group))
+ }
+ })
+ show_http_vendor_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("dashboard_tab"))
+ page_name_list <- list(
+ "dashboard_tab" = "Current Endpoint Metrics",
+ "endpoints_tab" = "List of Endpoints",
+ "downloads_tab" = "Downloads Page",
+ "organizations_tab" = "Organizations Page",
+ "resource_tab" = "Resource Page",
+ "implementation_tab" = "Implementation Page",
+ "fields_tab" = "Fields Page",
+ "profile_tab" = "Profile Page",
+ "values_tab" = "Values Page",
+ "contacts_tab" = "Contact Information Page",
+ "about_tab" = "About Lantern",
+ "security_tab" = "Security Authorization Types",
+ "smartresponse_tab" = "SMART Core Capabilities Well Known Endpoint Response",
+ "capabilitystatementsize_tab" = "CapabilityStatement / Conformance Size",
+ "validations_tab" = "Validations Page"
+ )
+ output$resource_tab_popup <- renderUI({
+ if (show_resource_tab_popup()) {
+ div(class = "pull-right", actionButton("resource_popup", "How to use this page", icon = tags$i(class = "fa fa-question-circle", "aria-hidden" = "true", role = "presentation", "aria-label" = "question icon")))
+ }
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$resource_popup, {
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "How to use this page...",
+ p("By default, the list of resources below contains the supported resources across all endpoints and FHIR versions. Clicking a resource in the left box selects it and moves it to the right box. Remove a resource from the list by clicking the resource in the right box.", style = "font-size:16px; margin-left:5px;"),
+ p("You may also change the FHIR Version or Developer filtering criteria to filter the applicable supported resources from the default list.
+ Any resources at that point will be removed from the list of resources if no endpoints that pass the selected filtering criteria support the given resource.
+ If you make other changes to the FHIR Version or Developer filtering criteria, resources that are filtered out of the list will re-appear on the left side of the list, regardless if they were selected previously.", style = "font-size:16px; margin-left:5px;"),
+ p("You will have to re-select these resources, either by clicking the resource on the left box, or clicking the 'Select All Resources' button.", style = "font-size:16px; margin-left:5px;"),
+ p("Note: This is the list of FHIR resource types reported by the CapabilityStatement / Conformance Resources from the endpoints. This reflects the most recent successful response only. Endpoints which are down, unreachable during the last query or have not returned a valid CapabilityStatement / Conformance Resource, are not included in this list.", style = "font-size:13px; margin-left:5px;")
+ ))})
+ show_filter <- reactive(
+ input$side_menu %in% c("endpoints_tab", "organizations_tab", "resource_tab", "implementation_tab", "fields_tab", "security_tab", "smartresponse_tab", "values_tab", "capabilitystatementsize_tab", "validations_tab", "profile_tab", "contacts_tab")
+ )
+ fhir_version_no_capstat <- reactive(
+ input$side_menu %in% c("endpoints_tab", "smartresponse_tab", "validations_tab")
+ )
+ show_availability_filter <- reactive(
+ input$side_menu %in% c("endpoints_tab")
+ )
+ show_validations_filter <- reactive(
+ input$side_menu %in% c("validations_tab")
+ )
+ show_has_contact_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("contacts_tab"))
+ show_resource_checkbox <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("resource_tab"))
+ show_profiles_filters <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("profile_tab"))
+ show_operation_checkbox <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("resource_tab"))
+ show_resource_tab_popup <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("resource_tab"))
+ show_value_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("values_tab"))
+ show_security_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("security_tab"))
+ show_confidence_filter <- reactive(input$side_menu %in% c("organizations_tab") && (input$organization_tabset == "NPI Organizations"))
+ page_name <- reactive({
+ page_name_list[[input$side_menu]]
+ })
+ output$htmlFooter <- renderUI({
+ if (input$side_menu %in% c("about_tab")) {
+ tags$footer(class = "footer",
+ includeHTML("aboutInfo.html")
+ )
+ } else {
+ tags$footer(class = "footer",
+ includeHTML("disclaimer.html")
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ output$page_title <- renderText(page_name())
+ output$version <- renderText(version_title)
+ observeEvent(input$fhirversion_selectall, {
+ if (input$fhirversion_selectall == 0) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()))
+ }
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$fhirversion_removeall, {
+ if (input$fhirversion_removeall == 0) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()))
+ }
+ })
+ output$show_filters <- renderUI({
+ if (show_filter()) {
+ if (fhir_version_no_capstat()) {
+ fhirDropdown <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
+ } else {
+ fhirDropdown <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", label = "FHIR Version:", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel <- pickerInput(inputId = "fhir_version", multiple = TRUE, choices = isolate(app$fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), selected = isolate(app$distinct_fhir_version_list_no_capstat()), options = list(`multiple-separator` = " | ", size = 5))
+ }
+ developerDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "vendor", label = "Developer:", choices = app$vendor_list(), selected = ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS, size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
+ availabilityDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "availability", label = "Availability Percentage:", choices = list("0-100", "0", "50-100", "75-100", "95-100", "99-100", "100"), selected = "0-100", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
+ validationsDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "validation_group", label = "Validation Group", choices = c("All Groups", validation_group_names), selected = "All Groups", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
+ confidenceDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "match_confidence", label = "Match Confidence:", choices = c("97-100", "98-100", "99-100", "100"), selected = "97-100", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
+ contactDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "has_contact", label = "Has Contact Data:", choices = c("True", "False", "Any"), selected = "Any", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
+ chplDropdown <- selectInput(inputId = "is_chpl", label = "From CHPL:", choices = c("True", "False", "All"), selected = "All", size = 1, selectize = FALSE)
+ if (show_availability_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 3,
+ tags$div(
+ p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
+ ),
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel),
+ column(width = 3, developerDropdown),
+ column(width = 3, availabilityDropdown),
+ column(width = 3, chplDropdown)
+ )
+ } else if (show_validations_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ tags$div(
+ p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
+ ),
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel),
+ column(width = 4, developerDropdown),
+ column(width = 4, validationsDropdown)
+ )
+ } else if (show_confidence_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ tags$div(
+ p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
+ ),
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel),
+ column(width = 4, developerDropdown),
+ column(width = 4, confidenceDropdown)
+ )
+ } else if (show_has_contact_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ tags$div(
+ p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
+ ),
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel),
+ column(width = 4, developerDropdown),
+ column(width = 4, contactDropdown)
+ )
+ } else {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ tags$div(
+ p("FHIR Version: ", style = "font-weight: 700; font-size: 14px;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_selectall", "Select All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;"),
+ actionButton("fhirversion_removeall", "Remove All FHIR Versions", width = "145px", style = "font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: auto; background-color: white;")
+ ),
+ fhirDropdown_noLabel),
+ column(width = 4, developerDropdown)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ output$show_http_vendor_filters <- renderUI({
+ if (show_http_vendor_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "httpvendor",
+ label = "Developer:",
+ choices = app$vendor_list(),
+ selected = ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS,
+ selectize = FALSE
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ output$show_has_contact_filters <- renderUI({
+ if (show_has_contact_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "has_contact",
+ label = "Has Contact Data",
+ choices = list("True", "False", "Any"),
+ selected = "Any"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ output$show_date_filters <- renderUI({
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "date",
+ label = "Date range",
+ choices = list("Past 7 days", "Past 14 days", "Past 30 days", "All time"),
+ selected = "All time",
+ size = 1,
+ selectize = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ output$show_http_date_filters <- renderUI({
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "http_date",
+ label = "Date range",
+ choices = list("Past 7 days", "Past 14 days", "Past 30 days", "All time"),
+ selected = "All time",
+ size = 1,
+ selectize = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ output$show_value_filters <- renderUI({
+ if (show_value_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "field",
+ label = "Field",
+ choices = list("url", "fhirVersion", "name", "title", "date", "publisher", "description", "purpose", "copyright", "software.name", "software.version", "software.releaseDate", "implementation.description", "implementation.url", "implementation.custodian"),
+ selected = "url",
+ size = 1,
+ selectize = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ output$show_security_filter <- renderUI({
+ if (show_security_filter()) {
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 4,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "auth_type_code",
+ label = "Supported Authorization Type:",
+ choices = isolate(app_data$security_code_list()),
+ selected = "SMART-on-FHIR",
+ size = 1,
+ selectize = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ profile_options <- reactive({
+ res <- isolate(app_data$supported_profiles())
+ req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
+ res <- res %>% filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version)
+ if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
+ res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
+ }
+ res <- res %>%
+ distinct(profileurl) %>%
+ arrange(profileurl) %>%
+ split(.$profileurl) %>%
+ purrr::map(~ .$profileurl)
+ profile_list <- list(
+ "All Profiles" = ui_special_values$ALL_PROFILES
+ )
+ return(c(profile_list, res))
+ })
+ resource_options <- reactive({
+ res <- isolate(app_data$supported_profiles())
+ req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
+ res <- res %>%
+ filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version) %>%
+ filter(resource != "")
+ if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
+ res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
+ }
+ resource_list <- list(
+ "All Resources" = ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES
+ )
+ res <- res %>%
+ distinct(resource) %>%
+ arrange(resource) %>%
+ split(.$resource) %>%
+ purrr::map(~ .$resource)
+ return(c(resource_list, res))
+ })
+ checkbox_resources <- reactive({
+ res <- isolate(app_data$endpoint_resource_types())
+ req(input$fhir_version, input$vendor)
+ res <- res %>% filter(fhir_version %in% input$fhir_version)
+ if (input$vendor != ui_special_values$ALL_DEVELOPERS) {
+ res <- res %>% filter(vendor_name == input$vendor)
+ }
+ res <- res %>%
+ distinct(type) %>%
+ arrange(type) %>%
+ split(.$type) %>%
+ purrr::map(~ .$type)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ checkbox_resources_no_filter <- reactive({
+ res <- isolate(app_data$endpoint_resource_types())
+ res <- res %>%
+ distinct(type) %>%
+ arrange(type) %>%
+ split(.$type) %>%
+ purrr::map(~ .$type)
+ return(res)
+ })
+ # #
+ # Display Resource and Operations Checkbox #
+ # #
+ output$show_resource_operation_checkboxes <- renderUI({
+ if (show_resource_checkbox() && show_operation_checkbox()) {
+ fluidPage(
+ fluidRow(
+ h2("FHIR Resource Types"),
+ tags$a("Skip Past Resources", href = "#selectall", class = "show-on-focus-resources", "aria-label" = "Click the enter key to skip past the resource checkbox options and jump directly to select all and deselect all resource buttons"),
+ column(width = 4,
+ multiInput(
+ inputId = "resources",
+ width = "500px",
+ label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:",
+ choices = checkbox_resources_no_filter(),
+ selected = checkbox_resources_no_filter(),
+ options = list(
+ non_selected_header = "Choose resources:",
+ selected_header = "Selected resources:"
+ )
+ ),
+ actionButton("selectall", "Select All Resources", style = "margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: 20px;"),
+ actionButton("removeall", "Remove All Resources", style = "margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: 20px;")
+ ),
+ column(width = 8,
+ selectizeInput("operations", "Click in the box below to add or remove operations:",
+ choices = c("read", "vread", "update", "patch", "delete", "history-instance", "history-type", "create", "search-type", "not specified"),
+ selected = c("read"), multiple = TRUE, options = list("plugins" = list("remove_button"), "create" = TRUE, "persist" = FALSE), width = "100%"),
+ actionButton("removeallops", "Clear All Operations", style = "margin-top: -15px;"),
+ p("Note: When selecting multiple operations, only the resources that implement all selected operations will be displayed in the table and graph below.
+ Choosing the 'not specified' option will display resources where no operation was defined in the CapabilityStatement / Conformance Resource.", style = "font-size:15px; margin-left:5px; margin-top:5px;")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ # #
+ # Resource Checkbox #
+ # #
+ current_selection <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ observeEvent(input$resources, {
+ current_selection(input$resources)
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$selectall, {
+ if (input$selectall == 0) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources(), selected = checkbox_resources())
+ }
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$removeall, {
+ if (input$removeall == 0) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ current_selection(NULL)
+ updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources())
+ }
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$fhir_version, {
+ if (!show_resource_checkbox() || is.null(current_selection())) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources(), selected = current_selection())
+ }
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$vendor, {
+ if (!show_resource_checkbox() || is.null(current_selection())) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ updateMultiInput(session, "resources", label = "Click a resource on the left to add, and on the right to remove:", choices = checkbox_resources(), selected = current_selection())
+ }
+ })
+ # #
+ # Operations Checkbox #
+ # #
+ current_op_selection <- reactiveVal(NULL)
+ # Updates what the user has currently selected
+ observeEvent(input$operations, {
+ current_op_selection(input$operations)
+ })
+ # Resets the display if the user is navigating to this page
+ observe({
+ req(input$side_menu)
+ if (show_operation_checkbox()) {
+ updateSelectInput(session, "operations",
+ label = "Click in the box below to add or remove operations:",
+ choices = c("read", "vread", "update", "patch", "delete", "history-instance", "history-type", "create", "search-type", "not specified"),
+ selected = c("read"))
+ }
+ })
+ # Resets the display if the user clicks the "Remove All Operations" button
+ observeEvent(input$removeallops, {
+ if (input$removeallops == 0) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ updateSelectizeInput(session, "operations",
+ label = "Click in the box below to add or remove operations:",
+ choices = c("read", "vread", "update", "patch", "delete", "history-instance", "history-type", "create", "search-type", "not specified"),
+ options = list("plugins" = list("remove_button"), "create" = TRUE, "persist" = FALSE))
+ }
+ })
+ # #
+ # Display Resource and Profile Filters #
+ # #
+ output$resource_filter_tab <- renderUI({
+ fluidPage(
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "profile_resource",
+ label = "Resources:",
+ choices = resource_options(),
+ selected = ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES,
+ selectize = FALSE,
+ size = 1,
+ width = paste0(max(nchar(profile_options())) * 8, "px")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ p("Note: DSTU2 endpoints will not be visible if resource filter selected.")
+ )
+ })
+ output$profile_filter_tab <- renderUI({
+ fluidPage(
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ selectInput(
+ inputId = "profiles",
+ label = "Profiles:",
+ choices = profile_options(),
+ selected = ui_special_values$ALL_PROFILES,
+ selectize = FALSE,
+ size = 1,
+ width = paste0(max(nchar(profile_options())) * 8, "px")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ output$show_resource_profiles_dropdown <- renderUI({
+ if (show_profiles_filters()) {
+ tagList(
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ tabsetPanel(id = "profile_resource_tab", type = "tabs",
+ tabPanel("Profile Filtering", uiOutput("profile_filter_tab")),
+ tabPanel("Resource Filtering", uiOutput("resource_filter_tab")))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ # Resets the filters when switching between filtering tabs
+ observeEvent(input$profile_resource_tab, {
+ updateSelectInput(session, "profiles",
+ label = "Profiles:",
+ choices = profile_options(),
+ selected = ui_special_values$ALL_PROFILES)
+ updateSelectInput(session, "profile_resource",
+ label = "Resources:",
+ choices = resource_options(),
+ selected = ui_special_values$ALL_RESOURCES)
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$show_details, {
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "All API Information Source Names",
+ p(HTML(str_replace_all(get_endpoint_organization_list(input$show_details), ";", "
+ easyClose = TRUE
+ ))
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$show_contact_modal, {
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "All Contacts",
+ p(input$show_contact_modal),
+ p(ifelse(is.na(
+ app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
+ filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
+ distinct(endpoint_names) %>%
+ select(endpoint_names))
+ ||
+ app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
+ filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
+ distinct(endpoint_names) %>%
+ select(endpoint_names) == "",
+ "-",
+ app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
+ filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
+ mutate(endpoint_names = strsplit(endpoint_names, ";")[[1]][1]) %>%
+ distinct(endpoint_names) %>%
+ select(endpoint_names)
+ ),
+ reactable::renderReactable({
+ reactable(
+ app_data$contact_info_tbl() %>%
+ mutate(contact_name = ifelse(is.na(contact_name), "N/A", contact_name)) %>%
+ filter(url == input$show_contact_modal) %>%
+ arrange(contact_preference) %>%
+ mutate(contact_name = ifelse(is.na(contact_name), "-", contact_name)) %>%
+ select(contact_name, contact_type, contact_value) %>%
+ mutate(contact_value = ifelse(contact_value == "", "-", contact_value)),
+ defaultColDef = colDef(
+ align = "center"
+ ),
+ columns = list(
+ contact_name = colDef(name = "Contact Name"),
+ contact_type = colDef(name = "Contact Type"),
+ contact_value = colDef(name = "Contact Info")
+ ),
+ groupBy = "contact_name"
+ )
+ }),
+ easyClose = TRUE
+ )))
+ })
+# Current Endpoint that is selected to view in Modal
+current_endpoint <- reactive({
+ splitString <- strsplit(input$endpoint_popup, "&&")
+ endpointURL <- splitString[[1]][1]
+ endpoint_requested_fhir_version <- splitString[[1]][2]
+ current_endpoint_list <- list(url = endpointURL, requested_fhir_version = endpoint_requested_fhir_version)
+ current_endpoint_list
+### CHPL Products Modal Page ###
+endpoint_products <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_endpoint_products(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ res
+output$endpoint_products_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_products(),
+ colnames = c("Name", "Version", "CHPL ID", "API URL", "Certification Status", "Certification Edition", "Certification Date", "Last Modified in CHPL"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+endpoint_products_page <- function() {
+ page <- fluidPage(
+ h1("Endpoint CHPL Products"),
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_products_table"),
+ p("Note: The software products shown in the table above are matched with the best guess possible given the information Lantern has available, and therefore may not be completely accurate.")
+ )
+ page
+### IGs and Profiles Modal Page ###
+endpoint_implementation_guides <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ implementation_guides <- get_endpoint_implementation_guide(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ implementation_guides
+endpoint_profiles <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ profiles <- get_endpoint_supported_profiles(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ profiles
+output$endpoint_IG_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_implementation_guides() %>% select(implementation_guide),
+ colnames = c("Implementation_Guides"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+output$endpoint_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_profiles() %>% select(profileurl, profilename, resource),
+ colnames = c("Profile URL", "Profile Name", "Resource"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+implementation_guide_profiles_page <- function() {
+ page <- fluidPage(
+ h1("Endpoint IGs and Profiles"),
+ bsCollapse(id = "IGs_profiles_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
+ bsCollapsePanel("Implementation Guides", fluidPage(
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_IG_table"),
+ ), style = "info"),
+ bsCollapsePanel("Endpoint Profiles", fluidPage(
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_profile_table"),
+ ), style = "info")
+ ))
+ page
+### Capabilities Modal Page ###
+# Required Capability Statement fields that we are tracking
+required_fields <- c("status", "kind", "fhirVersion", "format", "date")
+endpoint_fields <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_endpoint_capstat_fields(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version, "false")
+ res
+endpoint_extensions <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_endpoint_capstat_fields(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version, "true")
+ res
+endpoint_resources <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_endpoint_resources(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ res
+endpoint_smart_capabilities <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_endpoint_smart_response_capabilities(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ res
+output$endpoint_fields_table_required <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_fields() %>% filter(field %in% required_fields) %>% select(field, exist),
+ colnames = c("Field Name", "Exists"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+output$endpoint_fields_table_optional <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_fields() %>% select(field, exist),
+ colnames = c("Field Name", "Exists"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+output$endpoint_extensions_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_extensions() %>% select(field, exist),
+ colnames = c("Extension Name", "Exists"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+output$endpoint_resource_op_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ reactable(
+ endpoint_resources(),
+ columns = list(
+ Operation = colDef(
+ aggregate = "count",
+ format = list(aggregated = colFormat(prefix = "Total: "))
+ ),
+ Resource = colDef(
+ minWidth = 150
+ )
+ ),
+ groupBy = "Operation",
+ sortable = TRUE,
+ searchable = TRUE,
+ striped = TRUE,
+ showSortIcon = TRUE,
+ defaultPageSize = 10,
+ showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
+ pageSizeOptions = c(10, 25, 50, 100)
+ )
+output$smart_capabilities_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(endpoint_smart_capabilities(),
+ colnames = c("SMART Capabilities"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+get_capability_statement_json <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_capability_and_smart_response(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ capability_statement_json <- res$capability_statement
+ if (length(res$capability_statement) <= 0) {
+ capability_statement_json <- "{\"Not Available\": \"No Capability Statement Returned\"}"
+ }
+ capability_statement_json
+get_smart_response_json <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_capability_and_smart_response(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ smart_response_json <- res$smart_response
+ if (length(res$smart_response) <= 0) {
+ smart_response_json <- "{\"Not Available\": \"No SMART Response Returned\"}"
+ }
+ smart_response_json
+endpoint_capabilities_page <- function() {
+ page <- fluidPage(
+ h1("Endpoint Capabilities"),
+ bsCollapse(id = "capabilities_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
+ bsCollapsePanel("Capability/Conformance Fields", fluidPage(
+ h3("Required Fields"),
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_fields_table_required"),
+ h3("Optional Fields"),
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_fields_table_optional"),
+ h3("Extensions"),
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_extensions_table"),
+ ), style = "info"),
+ bsCollapsePanel("Capability/Conformance Resources", reactable::reactableOutput("endpoint_resource_op_table"), style = "info"),
+ bsCollapsePanel("SMART Response Fields", DT::dataTableOutput("smart_capabilities_table"), style = "info"),
+ bsCollapsePanel("Capability Statement/Conformance Resource", renderJsonedit(jsonedit(get_capability_statement_json(),
+ mode = "view", modes = c("view", "code"),
+ "onEditable" = htmlwidgets::JS("function() { return false;}"))
+ ), style = "info"
+ ),
+ bsCollapsePanel("SMART Response", renderJsonedit(jsonedit(get_smart_response_json(),
+ mode = "view", modes = c("view", "code"),
+ "onEditable" = htmlwidgets::JS("function() { return false;}"))
+ ), style = "info"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+### Organizations Modal Page ###
+single_endpoint_locations <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ lt <- get_single_endpoint_locations(db_connection, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ lt
+output$endpoint_location_map <- renderLeaflet({
+ single_endpoint_locations()
+ map <- leaflet() %>%
+ addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
+ addCircles(data = single_endpoint_locations(), lat = ~ lat, lng = ~ lng, popup = paste0(isolate(single_endpoint_locations()$organization_name), "
NPI ID: ", isolate(single_endpoint_locations())$npi_id, "
Zipcode: ", isolate(single_endpoint_locations())$zipcode), weight = 10, color = "#33bb33", fillOpacity = 0.8, fillColor = "#00ff00") %>%
+ setView(-98.9, 37.7, zoom = 4)
+ map
+ get_endpoint_list_orgs <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_endpoint_list_matches()
+ res <- res %>%
+ filter(url == endpoint$url) %>%
+ filter(requested_fhir_version == endpoint$requested_fhir_version) %>%
+ mutate(organization_name = if_else(organization_name == "Unknown", "Not Available", organization_name))
+ res
+ })
+ get_endpoint_npi_orgs <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ res <- get_npi_organization_matches(db_tables)
+ res <- res %>%
+ filter(url == endpoint$url) %>%
+ filter(requested_fhir_version == endpoint$requested_fhir_version) %>%
+ mutate(organization_secondary_name = if_else(organization_secondary_name == "Unknown", "Not Available", organization_secondary_name))
+ res
+ })
+ output$endpoint_list_org_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(get_endpoint_list_orgs() %>% distinct(organization_name),
+ colnames = c("Organization Name"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+ })
+ output$npi_list_org_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(get_endpoint_npi_orgs() %>% select(organization_name, organization_secondary_name, npi_id, zipcode, match_score) %>% distinct(organization_name, organization_secondary_name, npi_id, zipcode, match_score),
+ colnames = c("Organization Name", "Organization Secondary Name", "NPI ID", "Zipcode", "Confidence"),
+ rownames = FALSE,
+ selection = "none",
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE))
+ })
+organization_endpoint_page <- function() {
+ page <- fluidPage(
+ h1("Endpoint Organizations"),
+ bsCollapse(id = "organizations_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
+ bsCollapsePanel("Endpoint List Organizations", fluidPage(
+ DT::dataTableOutput("endpoint_list_org_table")
+ ), style = "info"),
+ bsCollapsePanel("Matched NPI Organizations", fluidPage(
+ DT::dataTableOutput("npi_list_org_table")
+ ), style = "info"),
+ bsCollapsePanel("Linked Organizations Locations", fluidPage(
+ leafletOutput("endpoint_location_map", width = "100%", height = "600px")
+ ), style = "info")
+ )
+ )
+### Endpoint Details Modal Page ###
+get_range <- function(date) {
+ if (all(date == "Past 7 days")) {
+ range <- "604800"
+ } else if (all(date == "Past 14 days")) {
+ range <- "1209600"
+ } else if (all(date == "Past 30 days")) {
+ range <- "2592000"
+ } else {
+ range <- "maxdate.maximum"
+ }
+ range
+response_time_xts <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ range <- get_range(input$date)
+ res <- get_endpoint_response_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ # convert to xts format for use in dygraph
+ xts(x = cbind(res$response),
+ order.by = res$date
+ )
+output$no_plot <- renderText({
+ if (nrow(response_time_xts()) == 0) {
+ "Sorry, there isn't enough data to show response times!"
+ }
+output$endpoint_response_time_plot <- renderDygraph({
+ if (nrow(response_time_xts()) > 0) {
+ dygraph(response_time_xts(),
+ main = "Endpoint Response Time",
+ ylab = "seconds",
+ xlab = "Date") %>%
+ dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(-1.30, NA)) %>%
+ dySeries("V1", label = "ResponseTime") %>%
+ dyLegend(width = 450)
+ }
+output$plot_note_text <- renderUI({
+ note_info <- "There are many variables that influence response time, such
+ as network congestion, geographic location, hosting configurations, etc.
+ This graphic only intends to convey the health of the FHIR endpoint ecosystem
+ as a whole, drastic changes to which may represent some widespread issue
+ throughout the ecosystem."
+ res <- paste("Note:", note_info, "
+ HTML(res)
+endpoint_http_responses <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ range <- get_range(input$http_date)
+ res <- get_endpoint_http_over_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version) %>%
+ left_join(app$http_response_code_tbl(), by = c("http_response" = "code")) %>%
+ mutate(http_response = paste(http_response, "-", label)) %>%
+ select(date, http_response)
+ res
+endpoint_http_codes_table <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ range <- get_range(input$http_date)
+ res <- get_endpoint_http_over_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ http_code_table <- app$http_response_code_tbl() %>%
+ inner_join(res, by = c("code" = "http_response")) %>%
+ distinct(code, label) %>%
+ mutate(row_num = row_number()) %>%
+ select(code, row_num, label)
+endpoint_http_responses_mapping <- reactive({
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ range <- get_range(input$http_date)
+ res <- get_endpoint_http_over_time(db_connection, range, endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ http_code_table <- endpoint_http_codes_table()
+ res <- res %>%
+ left_join(http_code_table, by = c("http_response" = "code")) %>%
+ tidyr::replace_na(list(row_num = 0)) %>%
+ mutate(http_response = paste(http_response, "-", label)) %>%
+ select(date, http_response, row_num)
+ res
+create_dygraph_json <- reactive({
+ res <- endpoint_http_responses_mapping() %>%
+ distinct(row_num, http_response) %>%
+ rename(v = row_num, label = http_response)
+ toJSON(res)
+endpoint_http_responses_xts <- reactive({
+ res <- endpoint_http_responses_mapping()
+ xts(x = cbind(res$row_num), order.by = res$date)
+output$http_no_plot <- renderText({
+ if (nrow(endpoint_http_responses_xts()) == 0) {
+ "Sorry, there isn't enough data to show http responses over time!"
+ }
+output$endpoint_http_response_plot <- renderDygraph({
+ if (nrow(endpoint_http_responses_xts()) > 0) {
+ dygraph(endpoint_http_responses_xts(),
+ main = "Endpoint HTTP Responses",
+ ylab = "HTTP Codes",
+ xlab = "Date") %>%
+ dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(-0.2, nrow(endpoint_http_codes_table()) + .5),
+ axisLabelWidth = 70, ticker = htmlwidgets::JS(
+ paste("function(min, max, pixels, opts, dygraph, vals) {
+ return ", create_dygraph_json(), ";}")),
+ valueFormatter = htmlwidgets::JS(
+ paste("function(v){
+ let jsonfile = `", create_dygraph_json(), "`;
+ let jsonobj = JSON.parse(jsonfile);
+ for (let obj of jsonobj) {
+ if (obj.v === v) {
+ return obj.label;
+ }
+ }
+ }"))
+ ) %>%
+ dySeries("V1", label = "HTTPCode") %>%
+ dyLegend(width = 450)
+ }
+output$endpoint_http_response_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
+ reactable(
+ endpoint_http_responses() %>% select(date, http_response) %>% mutate_all(as.character),
+ defaultColDef = colDef(
+ align = "center"
+ ),
+ columns = list(
+ date = colDef(name = "Date", sortable = TRUE),
+ http_response = colDef(name = "HTTP Response", sortable = FALSE)
+ ),
+ searchable = TRUE,
+ showSortIcon = TRUE,
+ highlight = TRUE,
+ defaultPageSize = 10
+ )
+ detailPage <- function() {
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ detailsInfo <- get_details_page_info(endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version, db_connection)
+ metricsInfo <- get_details_page_metrics(endpoint$url, endpoint$requested_fhir_version)
+ page <- fluidPage(
+ h1("Endpoint Details"),
+ tags$p(paste0("Updated at ", as.character(detailsInfo$info_updated), " | Created at ", as.character(detailsInfo$info_created)), style = "font-style: italic;"),
+ br(),
+ mainPanel(
+ fluidRow(
+ infoBox("FHIR Version", as.character(detailsInfo$fhir_version), icon = icon("code"), width = 6),
+ infoBox("Supported Versions", tags$p(as.character(detailsInfo$supported_versions), style = "overflow-wrap: break-word;"), icon = icon("check"), width = 6, color = "red")
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ infoBox("Vendor", as.character(detailsInfo$vendor_name), icon = icon("building"), width = 6, color = "green"),
+ infoBox("List Source", tags$p(as.character(detailsInfo$list_source), style = "overflow-wrap: break-word;"), icon = icon("list"), width = 6, color = "teal")
+ ),
+ h3("Software"),
+ fluidRow(
+ infoBox("Software Name", as.character(detailsInfo$software_name), icon = icon("code-branch"), width = 6, color = "blue"),
+ infoBox("Software Version", as.character(detailsInfo$software_version), icon = icon("code"), width = 6, color = "orange"),
+ infoBox("Format", as.character(detailsInfo$format), icon = icon("file-code"), width = 6, color = "yellow"),
+ infoBox("Security", as.character(detailsInfo$security), icon = icon("lock", lib = "glyphicon"), width = 6, color = "purple")
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ tags$p(paste0("Last Software Version Update: ", as.character(detailsInfo$software_releasedate)), style = "font-style: italic;")
+ ),
+ br(),
+ uiOutput("show_date_filters"),
+ bsCollapse(id = "performance_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
+ bsCollapsePanel("Response Time", fluidPage(
+ textOutput("no_plot"),
+ dygraphOutput("endpoint_response_time_plot"),
+ p("Click and drag on plot to zoom in, double-click to zoom out."),
+ htmlOutput("plot_note_text")
+ ), style = "info")
+ ),
+ br(),
+ uiOutput("show_http_date_filters"),
+ bsCollapse(id = "http_over_time_collapse", multiple = TRUE,
+ bsCollapsePanel("HTTP Responses Over Time", fluidPage(
+ fluidRow(
+ textOutput("http_no_plot"),
+ dygraphOutput("endpoint_http_response_plot"),
+ p("Click and drag on plot to zoom in, double-click to zoom out.")
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ reactable::reactableOutput("endpoint_http_response_table")
+ )
+ ), style = "info")
+ )
+ ),
+ sidebarPanel(
+ h2("Metrics"),
+ h4("Status:"),
+ p(metricsInfo$status),
+ h4("Last HTTP Response:"),
+ p(metricsInfo$http_response),
+ h4("Availability:"),
+ p(metricsInfo$availability),
+ h4("Capability Statement Returned:"),
+ p(metricsInfo$cap_stat_exists),
+ h4("Errors:"),
+ p(metricsInfo$errors),
+ h4("SMART HTTP Response:"),
+ p(metricsInfo$smart_http_response)
+ )
+ )
+ ### Endpoint Popup Modal ###
+ observeEvent(input$endpoint_popup, {
+ endpoint <- current_endpoint()
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "Endpoint Details",
+ h1("Endpoint URL:"),
+ h3(tags$a(as.character(endpoint$url)), style = "word-wrap: break-word;"),
+ p("Note: The blue boxes found in many of the tabs below can be clicked on and expanded to display additional information."),
+ tabsetPanel(id = "endpoint_modal_tabset", type = "tabs",
+ tabPanel("Details", detailPage()),
+ tabPanel("Organizations", organization_endpoint_page()),
+ tabPanel("Capabilities", endpoint_capabilities_page()),
+ tabPanel("Implementation Guides & Profiles", implementation_guide_profiles_page()),
+ tabPanel("Products", endpoint_products_page())
+ ),
+ size = "l",
+ easyClose = TRUE
+ ))
+ })
+output$no_filter_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ DT::datatable(
+ selected_fhir_endpoint_profiles(),
+ escape = FALSE,
+ colnames = c('Endpoint', 'Profile URL', 'Profile Name', 'Resource', 'FHIR Version', 'Certified API Developer Name'),
+ options = list(
+ lengthMenu = c(5, 30, 50),
+ pageLength = 5,
+ scrollX = TRUE
+ )
+ )