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OMNI will process of initialization, construction and template creation according to different project types
The project types:
spa-react - React single-page-application
spa-react-pc - React single-page-application based on Antd
spa-vue - Vue single-page-application
ssr-react - React sever-side-render application
component-react - React Component Library
component-vue - Vue Component Library
toolkit - SDK Library
The dev-server based on express, realizing hot-update, api-proxy and other common functions. Provide personalized customization schemes such as middleware customization, port number, log output level and webpack configuration.
middleware - middleware configuration:
{ route: string; callback: (req: any, res: any) => Promise<void>; }
(params: { ip: string; port: number; host?: string; proxyConfig?: (ProxyItem | ProxyFn)[]; }) => { route: string; callback: (req: any, res: any) => Promise<void>; }
webpack - dev-server webpack configuration
proxy - dev-server proxy configuration
{ route: '/api', // Address of the local service for the proxy API config: { target: 'http://www.api.com/api', // The actual address of the proxy API changeOrigin: true // whether change the host } }
(params: { ip: string; port: number; host?: string; middlewareConfig?: (MiddlewareItem | MiddlewareFn)[]; }) => { route: string; config: Config; }
For more configuration, see http-proxy-middleware
port - dev-server port
host - dev-server host
https - start dev-server with https protocol which could custom
serverType - dev-server type
favicon - favicon path for dev-server
autoRelease - auto release project after build success
srcDir - the build source directory
outDir - the directory for compiled project
esmDir - es6 module compiled directory
hash - whether the hash tag add to building result, optional 'contenthash', 'chunkhash' and 'hash'(true equal 'contenthash')
configuration - The callback will be call in the build-process, you can return your custom build configuration
reserve - Configure resources that are not packaged but need to be kept in the build result
style - whether or not reserve the stylesheet files
assets - reserve other asset paths
preflight - the flight check before build
typescript - whether or not process the ts or tsx files
test - whether or not process unit-test
eslint - whether or not process eslint check
prettier - whether or not process prettier check
stylelint - whether or not process stylelint check
autoBuild - auto build project before release process
autoTag - npm publish will auto set tag according to the current version
git - project git repo url
npm - npm depository url
preflight - the flight check before release
test - whether or not process unit-test
eslint - whether or not process eslint check
prettier - whether or not process prettier check
stylelint - whether or not process stylelint check
commitlint - whether or not process commitlint check
branch - only can release in this branch, set empty string to ignore this check
root - the root directory for generate template
typescript - whether or not apply typescript
test - whether or not generate unit-test file
stylesheet - stylesheet type
readme - [true, 'mdx'] ([whether or not README.md, generate mdx or md file])
plugin must meet following types:
type OmniPlugin = {
name: string;
stage: PluginStage;
handler: PluginHandler;
type PluginStage = 'new' | 'build' | 'release';
interface PluginHandler {
(config: Omit<OmniConfig, 'plugins'>): Promise<any>;