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File metadata and controls

221 lines (195 loc) · 5.77 KB


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@omni-door/cli provides the ability of secondary development, which is implemented through plug-in or import form。


The Plugin provides the third-party developers with the ability to perform multiple tasks in each lifecycle of the project. Please make sure that the Plugin writing meets the type definition of type OmniPlugin.

Write a plugin for gzip when execution release stage

import pack from 'pack'; // pseudo code for gzip

export default function (config, options) {
  return {
    name: '@scope/my-release-plugin',
    stage: 'release',
    handler: config => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const { build } = config;
      const srcPath = build.outDir;
      const destPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '');
      // gzip
      pack(srcPath, destPath, function (res) {
        if (res === 'success') {
          return resolve();
        return reject();

Type of plugin

type PLUGINSTAGE = 'new' | 'build' | 'release';

interface OmniPlugin<T extends PLUGINSTAGE> {
  name: string;
  stage: T;
  handler: PluginHandler<T>;

interface PluginHandler<T extends PLUGINSTAGE> {
    config: config: Omit<OmniConfig, 'dev' | 'plugins'>,
    options?: T extends 'new' ? OptionTemplate : T extends 'build' ? OptionBuild : OptionRelease
  ): Promise<any>;

// stage of "new"
type OptionTemplate = {
  componentName: string;
  componentType: 'function' | 'class';
  tplSource: string;

// stage of "build"
type OptionBuild = {
  verify?: boolean;
  buildConfig?: string;

// stage of "release"
type OptionRelease = {
  version: string;
  versionIterTactic: 'ignore' | 'manual' | 'auto';
  verify?: boolean;
  tag?: string;

Type of OmniConfig

import type { Configuration } from 'webpack';
import type { Config } from 'http-proxy-middleware';
import type { Options as DevMiddlewareOptions } from 'webpack-dev-middleware';
import type { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
import type * as KoaApp from 'koa';

type ServerType = 'storybook' | 'docz' | 'dumi' | 'bisheng' | 'styleguidist' | 'default';
type BUILD = 'webpack' | 'rollup' | 'gulp' | 'tsc' | 'next' | '';
type NPM = 'npm' | 'yarn' | 'pnpm';
type PROJECT_TYPE = 'spa-react' | 'spa-react-pc' | 'spa-vue' | 'ssr-react' | 'component-react' | 'component-vue' | 'toolkit';
type STYLE = 'less' | 'scss' | 'css' | 'all' | '';
type SSRSERVER = 'next' | 'koa-next' | 'nuxt' | 'koa-nuxt' | '';
type Method = 'get' | 'GET' | 'post' | 'POST' | 'put' | 'PUT' | 'del' | 'DEL';

type OmniServer = {
  port?: number;
  host?: string;
  https?: boolean | { key: string; cert: string; };
  CA?: {
    organization?: string;
    countryCode?: string;
    state?: string;
    locality?: string;
    validityDays?: number;
  proxy?: {
    route: PathParams;
    config: Config;
  middleware?: {
    route: PathParams;
    callback: MiddleWareCallback;
    method?: Method;
  cors?: {
    origin?: string | ((ctx: KoaCtx) => string);
    allowMethods?: string | string[];
    exposeHeaders?: string | string[];
    allowHeaders?: string | string[];
    maxAge?: string | number;
    credentials?: boolean | ((ctx: KoaCtx) => string);
    keepHeadersOnError?: boolean;
    secureContext?: boolean;
    privateNetworkAccess?: boolean;
  nextRouter?: NextRouter;

interface OmniConfig {
  dev?: OmniServer & {
    devMiddlewareOptions?: Partial<DevMiddlewareOptions>;
    webpack?: Configuration | (() => Configuration);
    serverType?: ServerType;
    favicon?: string;
  server?: OmniServer & { serverType?: SSRSERVER; };
  build: {
    autoRelease?: boolean;
    srcDir: string;
    outDir: string;
    esmDir?: string;
    hash?: boolean;
    configuration?: (config: ANYOBJECT) => ANYOBJECT;
    tool?: BUILD;
    preflight?: {
      typescript?: boolean;
      test?: boolean;
      eslint?: boolean;
      stylelint?: boolean;
    reserve?: {
      style?: boolean;
      assets?: (string | { srcPath: string; relativePath?: string; })[];
  release: {
    git?: string;
    npm?: string;
    preflight?: {
      test?: boolean;
      eslint?: boolean;
      stylelint?: boolean;
      commitlint?: boolean;
      branch?: string;
  template: {
    root: string;
    test?: boolean;
    typescript?: boolean;
    stylesheet?: STYLE;
    readme?: [boolean, 'mdx' | 'md'];
  plugins?: OmniPlugin<PLUGINSTAGE>[];
  • name: the name of plugin

  • stage: the stage of plugin execution

  • handler: executed callback function, returned in the form of promise

    • through import { PluginHandler_Release } from '@omni-door/cli/lib/index.d'; to get the type that handler should satisfy
    • support: PluginHandler_Dev, PluginHandler_Build, PluginHandler_Release, PluginHandler_New

The commands by import

  • import { initial } from '@omni-door/cli';: get the initial instruction, then call with paramter directly:

      standard: true // initial a standard project
    }, {
      // before the project initial
      before: dir_name => ({
        create_dir: false // avoid create new dir
      // after finish the project initial
      after: () => {
        return {
          success: true,
          msg: 'build success!'
      // custom the installing template
      tplPkj: '@omni-door/tpl-toolkit',
      // custom the template parameters
      tplPkjParams: ['bid=55232', 'test=false'],
      // custom the name of omni.config.js file
      configFileName: 'custom.config.js'
  • Other phases commands: import { dev, new as newTpl, build, release } from '@omni-door/cli';

  • Support custom logo and brand:

    import { setLogo, setBrand } from '@omni-door/cli';