Thank you for your interest in contributing to Olive!
Bug reports help to make the software more stable and usable. Please read the pinned issue #1175 for guidelines before you create a new issue.
Code contributions are welcome. Note that the code base is rapidly changing in the current stage of development however. There is some documentation in the form of code comments, including Javadoc in header files. Feel free to reach out via an issue or pull request if you have questions about the architecture or implementation details.
In order to keep the code as readable and maintainable as possible, code submitted should abide by the following standards:
- The code style generally follows the
Google C++ Style Guide
including, but not limited to:
- Indentation is 2 spaces wide, spaces only (no tabs)
class SentenceCaseClassesAndStructs {}
prepended with a lowercasek
for variables or same style as functions for macro functionsclass_member_variables_
end with a_
- 100 column limit (where it doesn't impair readability)
- Unix line endings (only LF no CRLF)
- Javadoc documentation where appropriate