Santa is currently very busy preparing for Christmas. But he noticed that elves changed his "naughty list.txt" from his SharePoint folder " Documents". Can you help him solve the mystery of how did they get access to it? 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
First of all, let's crack this Base64 thing. Simple script will do the trick, applying Base64 decode a few times. We get some credentials:
username:[email protected]:NorthPoleH0H
Direct login attempt via did not work -- it asked for MFA which we don't have.
It took some time for trial and error, but the critical part of the solution was from StackOverflow: REST - Authentication to online Sharepoint.
See how I implemented the login part or the full solution.
Alternatively, you can set the SPOIDCRL
in your browser and surf the SharePoint installation.
The flag is in when the correct cookie is set: