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File metadata and controls

722 lines (619 loc) · 21 KB

Moto Changelog


* Reduced dependency overhead.
  It is now possible to install dependencies for only specific services using:
  pip install moto[service1,service1].
  See the README for more information.


Full list of PRs merged in this release:

General Changes:
    * The has been fixed to make it easier to scaffold new services.
      See the README for an introduction.

New Services:
    * Application Autoscaling
    * Code Commit
    * Code Pipeline
    * Elastic Beanstalk
    * Kinesis Video
    * Kinesis Video Archived Media
    * Managed BlockChain
    * Resource Access Manager (ram)
    * Sagemaker

New Methods:
    * Athena:
        * create_named_query
        * get_named_query
        * get_work_group
        * start_query_execution
        * stop_query_execution
    * API Gateway:
        * create_authorizer
        * create_domain_name
        * create_model
        * delete_authorizer
        * get_authorizer
        * get_authorizers
        * get_domain_name
        * get_domain_names
        * get_model
        * get_models
        * update_authorizer
    * Autoscaling:
        * enter_standby
        * exit_standby
        * terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group
    * CloudFormation:
        * get_template_summary
    * CloudWatch:
        * describe_alarms_for_metric
        * get_metric_data
    * CloudWatch Logs:
        * delete_subscription_filter
        * describe_subscription_filters
        * put_subscription_filter
    * Cognito IDP:
        * associate_software_token
        * create_resource_server
        * confirm_sign_up
        * initiate_auth
        * set_user_mfa_preference
        * sign_up
        * verify_software_token
    * DynamoDB:
        * describe_continuous_backups
        * transact_get_items
        * transact_write_items
        * update_continuous_backups
    * EC2:
        * create_vpc_endpoint
        * describe_vpc_classic_link
        * describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
        * describe_vpc_endpoint_services
        * disable_vpc_classic_link
        * disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
        * enable_vpc_classic_link
        * enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
        * register_image
    * ECS:
        * create_task_set
        * delete_task_set
        * describe_task_set
        * update_service_primary_task_set
        * update_task_set
    * Events:
        * delete_event_bus
        * create_event_bus
        * list_event_buses
        * list_tags_for_resource
        * tag_resource
        * untag_resource
    * Glue:
        * get_databases
    * IAM:
        * delete_group
        * delete_instance_profile
        * delete_ssh_public_key
        * get_account_summary
        * get_ssh_public_key
        * list_user_tags
        * list_ssh_public_keys
        * update_ssh_public_key
        * upload_ssh_public_key
    * IOT:
        * cancel_job
        * cancel_job_execution
        * create_policy_version
        * delete_job
        * delete_job_execution
        * describe_endpoint
        * describe_job_execution
        * delete_policy_version
        * get_policy_version
        * get_job_document
        * list_attached_policies
        * list_job_executions_for_job
        * list_job_executions_for_thing
        * list_jobs
        * list_policy_versions
        * set_default_policy_version
        * register_certificate_without_ca
    * KMS:
        * untag_resource
    * Lambda:
        * delete_function_concurrency
        * get_function_concurrency
        * put_function_concurrency
    * Organisations:
        * describe_create_account_status
        * deregister_delegated_administrator
        * disable_policy_type
        * enable_policy_type
        * list_delegated_administrators
        * list_delegated_services_for_account
        * list_tags_for_resource
        * register_delegated_administrator
        * tag_resource
        * untag_resource
        * update_organizational_unit
    * S3:
        * delete_bucket_encryption
        * delete_public_access_block
        * get_bucket_encryption
        * get_public_access_block
        * put_bucket_encryption
        * put_public_access_block
    * S3 Control:
        * delete_public_access_block
        * get_public_access_block
        * put_public_access_block
    * SecretsManager:
        * get_resource_policy
        * update_secret
    * SES:
        * create_configuration_set
        * create_configuration_set_event_destination
        * create_receipt_rule_set
        * create_receipt_rule
        * create_template
        * get_template
        * get_send_statistics
        * list_templates
    * STS:
        * assume_role_with_saml
    * SSM:
        * create_documen
        * delete_document
        * describe_document
        * get_document
        * list_documents
        * update_document
        * update_document_default_version
    * SWF:
        * undeprecate_activity_type
        * undeprecate_domain
        * undeprecate_workflow_type

General Updates:
    * API Gateway - create_rest_api now supports policy-parameter
    * Autoscaling - describe_auto_scaling_instances now supports InstanceIds-parameter
    * AutoScalingGroups - now support launch templates
    * CF - Now supports DependsOn-configuration
    * CF - Now supports FN::Transform AWS::Include mapping
    * CF - Now supports update and deletion of Lambdas
    * CF - Now supports creation, update and deletion of EventBus (Events)
    * CF - Now supports update of Rules (Events)
    * CF - Now supports creation, update and deletion of EventSourceMappings (AWS Lambda)
    * CF - Now supports update and deletion of Kinesis Streams
    * CF - Now supports creation of DynamoDB streams
    * CF - Now supports deletion of  DynamoDB tables
    * CF - list_stacks now supports the status_filter-parameter
    * Cognito IDP - list_users now supports filter-parameter
    * DynamoDB - GSI/LSI's now support ProjectionType=KEYS_ONLY
    * EC2 - create_route now supports the NetworkInterfaceId-parameter
    * EC2 - describe_instances now supports additional filters (owner-id)
    * EC2 - describe_instance_status now supports additional filters (instance-state-name, instance-state-code)
    * EC2 - describe_nat_gateways now supports additional filters (nat-gateway-id, vpc-id, subnet-id, state)
    * EC2 - describe_vpn_gateways now supports additional filters (attachment.vpc_id, attachment.state, vpn-gateway-id, type)
    * IAM - list_users now supports path_prefix-parameter
    * IOT - list_thing_groups now supports parent_group, name_prefix_filter, recursive-parameters
    * S3 - delete_objects now supports deletion of specific VersionIds
    * SecretsManager - list_secrets now supports filters-parameter
    * SFN - start_execution now receives and validates input
    * SNS - Now supports sending a message directly to a phone number
    * SQS - MessageAttributes now support labeled DataTypes


This release broke dependency management for a lot of services - please upgrade to 1.3.16.


General Changes:
    * Support for Python 3.8
    * Linting: Black is now enforced.

New Services:
    * Athena
    * Config
    * DataSync
    * Step Functions

New methods:
    * Athena:
        * create_work_group()
        * list_work_groups()
    * API Gateway:
        * delete_stage()
        * update_api_key()
    * CloudWatch Logs
        * list_tags_log_group()
        * tag_log_group()
        * untag_log_group()
    * Config
        * batch_get_resource_config()
        * delete_aggregation_authorization()
        * delete_configuration_aggregator()
        * describe_aggregation_authorizations()
        * describe_configuration_aggregators()
        * get_resource_config_history()
        * list_aggregate_discovered_resources() (For S3)
        * list_discovered_resources() (For S3)
        * put_aggregation_authorization()
        * put_configuration_aggregator()
    * Cognito
        * assume_role_with_web_identity()
        * describe_identity_pool()
        * get_open_id_token()
        * update_user_pool_domain()
    * DataSync:
        * cancel_task_execution()
        * create_location()
        * create_task()
        * start_task_execution()
    * EC2:
        * create_launch_template()
        * create_launch_template_version()
        * describe_launch_template_versions()
        * describe_launch_templates()
    * ECS
        * decrypt()
        * encrypt()
        * generate_data_key_without_plaintext()
        * generate_random()
        * re_encrypt()
    * Glue
        * batch_get_partition()
    * IAM
        * create_open_id_connect_provider()
        * create_virtual_mfa_device()
        * delete_account_password_policy()
        * delete_open_id_connect_provider()
        * delete_policy()
        * delete_virtual_mfa_device()
        * get_account_password_policy()
        * get_open_id_connect_provider()
        * list_open_id_connect_providers()
        * list_virtual_mfa_devices()
        * update_account_password_policy()
    * Lambda
        * create_event_source_mapping()
        * delete_event_source_mapping()
        * get_event_source_mapping()
        * list_event_source_mappings()
        * update_configuration()
        * update_event_source_mapping()
        * update_function_code()
    * KMS
        * decrypt()
        * encrypt()
        * generate_data_key_without_plaintext()
        * generate_random()
        * re_encrypt()
    * SES
        * send_templated_email()
    * SNS
        * add_permission()
        * list_tags_for_resource()
        * remove_permission()
        * tag_resource()
        * untag_resource()
    * SSM
        * describe_parameters()
        * get_parameter_history()
    * Step Functions
        * create_state_machine()
        * delete_state_machine()
        * describe_execution()
        * describe_state_machine()
        * describe_state_machine_for_execution()
        * list_executions()
        * list_state_machines()
        * list_tags_for_resource()
        * start_execution()
        * stop_execution()
        * list_queue_tags()
        * send_message_batch()

General updates:
    * API Gateway:
        * Now generates valid IDs
        * API Keys, Usage Plans now support tags
    * ACM:
        * list_certificates() accepts the status parameter
    * Batch:
        * submit_job() can now be called with job name
    * CloudWatch Events
        * Multi-region support
    * CloudWatch Logs
        * get_log_events() now supports pagination
    * Cognito:
        * Now throws UsernameExistsException for known users
    * DynamoDB
        * update_item() now supports lists, the list_append-operator and removing nested items
        * delete_item() now supports condition expressions
        * get_item() now supports projection expression
        * Enforces 400KB item size
        * Validation on duplicate keys in batch_get_item()
        * Validation on AttributeDefinitions on create_table()
        * Validation on Query Key Expression
        * Projection Expressions now support nested attributes
    * EC2:
        * Change DesiredCapacity behaviour for AutoScaling groups
        * Extend list of supported EC2 ENI properties
        * Create ASG from Instance now supported
        * ASG attached to a terminated instance now recreate the instance of required
        * Unify OwnerIDs
    * ECS
        * Task definition revision deregistration: remaining revisions now remain unchanged
        * Fix created_at/updated_at format for deployments
        * Support multiple regions
    * ELB
        * Return correct response then describing target health of stopped instances
        * Target groups now longer show terminated instances
        * 'fixed-response' now a supported action-type
        * Now supports redirect: authenticate-cognito
    * Kinesis FireHose
        * Now supports ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration
    * KMS
        * Now supports tags
    * Organizations
        * create_organization() now creates Master account
    * Redshift
        * Fix timezone problems when creating a cluster
        * Support for enhanced_vpc_routing-parameter
    * Route53
        * Implemented UPSERT for change_resource_records
    * S3:
        * Support partNumber for head_object
        * Fix KeyCount attribute
        * list_objects now supports pagination (next_marker)
        * Support tagging for versioned objects
    * STS
        * Implement validation on policy length
    * Lambda
        * Support EventSourceMappings for SQS, DynamoDB
        * get_function(), delete_function() now both support ARNs as parameters
    * IAM
        * Roles now support tags
        * Policy Validation: SID can be empty
        * Validate roles have no attachments when deleting
    * SecretsManager
        * Now supports binary secrets
    * IOT
        * update_thing_shadow validation
        * delete_thing now also removed principals
    * SQS
        * Tags supported for create_queue()


* Switch from mocking requests to using before-send for AWS calls


* Fix boto3 pinning.


* Pin down botocore issue as temporary fix for #1793.
* More features on secrets manager


* IAM get account authorization details
* adding account id to ManagedPolicy ARN
* APIGateway usage plans and usage plan keys
* ECR list images


* Fix a regression in S3 url regexes
* APIGateway region fixes
* ECS improvements
* Add @mock_cognitoidentity, thanks to @brcoding


The huge change in this version is that the responses library is no longer vendored. Many developers are now unblocked. Kudos to @spulec for the fix.

* Fix route53 TTL bug
* Added filtering support for S3 lifecycle
* unvendoring responses


Dozens of major endpoint additions in this release. Highlights include:

* Fixed AMI tests and the Travis build setup
* SNS improvements
* Dynamodb improvements
* EBS improvements
* Redshift improvements
* RDS snapshot improvements
* S3 improvements
* Cloudwatch improvements
* SSM improvements
* IAM improvements
* ELBV1 and ELBV2 improvements
* Lambda improvements
* EC2 spot pricing improvements
* ApiGateway improvements
* VPC improvements


* Supports filtering AMIs by self
* Implemented signal_workflow_execution for SWF
* Wired SWF backend to the moto server
* Added url decoding to x-amz-copy-source header for copying S3 files
* Revamped lambda function storage to do versioning
* IOT improvements
* RDS improvements
* Implemented CloudWatch get_metric_statistics
* Improved Cloudformation EC2 support
* Implemented Cloudformation change_set endpoints


* Implemented Iot and Iot-data
* Implemented resource tagging API
* EC2 AMIs now have owners
* Improve codegen scaffolding
* Many small fixes to EC2 support
* CloudFormation ELBv2 support
* UTF fixes for S3
* Implemented SSM get_parameters_by_path
* More advanced Dynamodb querying


* Implemented Batch
* Fixed regression with moto_server dashboard
* Fixed and closed many outstanding bugs
* Fixed serious performance problem with EC2 reservation listing
* Fixed Route53 list_resource_record_sets


* Implemented X-Ray
* Implemented Autoscaling EC2 attachment
* Implemented Autoscaling Load Balancer methods
* Improved DynamoDB filter expressions


* Lambda policies
* Dynamodb filter expressions
* EC2 Spot fleet improvements


* ELBv2 bugfixes
* Removing GPL'd dependency


* Improved `make scaffold`
* Implemented IAM attached group policies
* Implemented skeleton of Cloudwatch Logs
* Redshift: fixed multi-params
* Redshift: implement taggable resources
* Lambda + SNS: Major enhancements


* Fixing regression from 1.1.15


* Polly implementation
* Added EC2 instance info
* SNS publish by phone number


* ACM implementation
* Added `make scaffold`
* X-Ray implementation


* Created alpine-based Dockerfile (dockerhub: motoserver/moto)
* SNS.SetSMSAttributes & SNS.GetSMSAttributes + Filtering
* S3 ACL implementation
* pushing to Dockerhub on `make publish`


* implemented all AWS managed policies in source
* fixing Dynamodb CapacityUnits format
* S3 ACL implementation


* S3 authentication
* SSM get_parameter
* ELBv2 target group tagging
* EC2 Security group filters


* EC2 vpc address filtering
* EC2 elastic ip dissociation
* ELBv2 target group tagging
* fixed complexity of accepting new filter implementations


* EC2 root device mapping


* Lambda get_function for function created with zipfile
* scripts/


* Lambda invoke_async
* EC2 keypair filtering


* Dynamo ADD and DELETE operations in update expressions
* Lambda tag support


* Dynamo allow ADD update_item of a string set
* Handle max-keys in list-objects
* bugfixes in pagination


* EC2 vpc_id in responses


* IAM account aliases
* SNS subscription attributes
* bugfixes in Dynamo, CFN, and EC2


* EC2 group-id filter
* EC2 list support for filters


* Add ELBv2
* IAM user policies
* RDS snapshots
* IAM policy versions


* Add Cloudformation exports
* Add ECR
* IAM policy versions


* The normal @mock_<service> decorators will no longer work with boto. It is suggested that you upgrade to boto3 or use the standalone-server mode. If you would still like to use boto, you must use the @mock_<service>_deprecated decorators which will be removed in a future release.
* The @mock_s3bucket_path decorator is now deprecated. Use the @mock_s3 decorator instead.
* Drop support for Python 2.6
* Redshift server defaults to returning XML instead of JSON

Added features
* Reset API: a reset API has been added to flush all of the current data ex: `"")`
* A dashboard is now available with moto_server at http://localhost:5000/moto-api/


* ECS Cloudformation support
* Cleaned up RDS XML/JSON issues
* Boto==2.45
* Add STS get_caller_identity
* Turn on variable escaping in templates for S3 XML documents


* Change spot requests to launch instances


* Nest flask import so that it is not required globally


* Add basic spot fleet support
* IAM Managed Policies
* Better EMR coverage
* Basic KMS support for encrypt/decrypt




* ASG tags
* ContainerInstance handling in ECS


* Add basic lambda endpoints
* Support placement for EC2
* Cleanup API versions


* Fix bug with wrong response matches for S3


* mock_s3 and mocks3bucket_path are now the same thing. The server decides
which interface to is being used based on the request Host header. We will
evetually deprecate mocks3bucket_path.
* Basic ECS support
* More Dynamo querying and indexes
* Add Kinesis and ELB tags
* Add JSON responses for EMR
* Fix root instance volume to show up in other EBS volume calls