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File metadata and controls

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CHEK Data completeness checking service

This service can perform data completeness and geometry validation operations on CityJSON / CityGML datasets.

This is a FastAPI application which uses TU Delft's val3dity to validate geometries, SHACL-based profiles to validate data completeness, and CityGML tools to convert CityGML files to CityJSON.

The resulting service is compatible with OGC API - Processes, conforming the following classes:

  • Core
  • JSON
  • OGC Process Description

A separate process is defined for each of the validation profiles found on the data source. A list of the available processes can be retrieved by querying the /processes endpoint.



If you want to run the application locally, you need to have val3dity and CityGML tools installed as well.

# Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies 
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the application
VAL3DITY=/path/to/val3dity CITYGML_TOOLS=/path/to/citygml-tools fastapi run  # or 'fastapi dev' for development mode

You may also create a .env file with the configuration instead of defining the variables.


val3dity and CityGML tools come prepackaged in the Docker image, so no dependencies are required.

docker run --pull=always -p 8080:8080

The service will be available at https://localhost:8080.

If you need to serve the application from a path other than /, you can pass it as the ROOT_PATH environment variable:

docker run --pull=always -p 8080:8080 -e ROOT_PATH=/my-subpath/


The application can be configured by using environment variables and/or a .env file (with the former taking precedence). The following (case-insensitive) configuration variables are available:

Variable Default value Description
data_source ./data/chek-profiles.ttl Data source for profiles. Can be a path or a URL to a Turtle file containing the definition of the profiles, or a SPARQL endpoint URL prefixed with sparql:, or a URL to an OGC Building Blocks register.json prefixed with bblocks:. Also supports a list of entries in JSON format.
python3 python3 Path to the Python 3 executable
val3dity /opt/val3dity/val3dity Path to val3dity executable
citygml_tools /opt/citygml-tools/citygml-tools Path to CityGML tools executable
temp_dir ./tmp Directory where temporary files will be stored

Defining profiles

A profile is composed of:

  • An RDF description.
  • One or more artifacts for validation (SHACL files).

The RDF descriptions for the profiles can be stored in a file (local or remote) or in a SPARQL endpoint (see Configuration). Each profile can then declare one or more resources (files with SHACL shapes) for validation.

The following example shows how to describe a profile:

@prefix chekp: <urn:chek:profiles/> .
@prefix prof: <> .
@prefix dct:  <> .
@prefix role: <> .
@prefix sd: <> .
@prefix hydra: <> .

chekp:sample a prof:Profile, chekp:Profile ;     # Only instances of checkp:Profile are processed, so this is required 
  dct:title "Sample profile for CHEK" ;          # A title for the profile
  dct:hasVersion "0.1" ;                         # Profile version 
  prof:isProfileOf chekp:chek ;                  # prof:isProfile of can be used for declaring inheritance
  prof:hasToken "chek-ascoli-piceno" ;           # A token is required and will be used to identify the profile
  prof:hasResource [                             # At least one resource must be described
    a prof:ResourceDescriptior ;
    prof:hasRole role:validation ;                         # The role must be role:validation
    dct:format <> ;  # Optional
    dct:conformsTo <> ;        # Conforming to is *mandatory* 
    prof:hasArtifact <./ap-shapes.shacl> ;                 # Path or URL to SHACL shapes file
  ] ;
  sd:hasParameter [                             # Zero or more parameters can also be declared
    dct:identifier "myParameter" ;                # Identifier that will be used when running validations
    dct:description "Sample argument" ;           # An optional description for the parameter
    sd:hasDataType "string" ;                     # Data type of the parameter
    hydra:required false ;                        # Whether the parameter is required (true) or optional (false)
  ] ;

Building Block profiles

When defining Building Block profiles:

  • The RDF description must be provided in the data.ttl file for the building block (or as a URI inside the rdfData array field in bblock.json).
  • The SHACL shapes must be included in the rules.shacl file (or the shaclRules field in bblock.json).
  • The building block must contain the chek-validation-profile among its tags.

Building Block register resolution is enabled, so registers will be loaded recursively according to their imports (bblocks-config.yaml).

Profile inheritance

prof:isProfileOf can be used to define an inheritance chain. If a profile is declared to be the profile of another, the validation SHACL shapes in the latter will be included any time that the former is used. This allows defining fine-grained rules for specific cases (e.g., cities, areas, building types, etc.) while leveraging already existing sets of rules. For example, given the following profile hierarchy:

  • Italy
    • Marche region
      • Ascoli Piceno province
        • Ascoli Piceno municipality
          • Ascoli Piceno Old town
        • Ancona province

A validation run against the "Ascoli Piceno Old town" profile will include the rules for "Ascoli Piceno municipality", "Ascoli Piceno Province", "Marche region" and "Italy".

In the case of Building Block profiles, profile inheritance is signaled by using the dependsOn field in bblock.json.

Using parameters

There are situations in which some information may be required at runtime to perform some type of validation. For example, the geographical extent of a dataset may be defined by using a radius from a point of interest, but while the radius is fixed and thus can be declared in the SHACL shape, the central point of interest depends on the specific area that needs to be validated.

Profiles can define parameters that will be used when running validations. Every parameter needs to have, at least:

  • an identifier (dct:identifier) that will be used as a variable name when executing validation processes.
  • a description (dct:description) for users to know the purpose of the parameter.
  • a data type (sd:hasDataType).
  • optionally, a flag to mark the parameter as required (hydra:required).

Parameters in SHACL shapes

When performing validations, parameter values are added to the RDF input data with the following format:

@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix sd: <> .

[] a sd:Parameter ;                            # Instance of Parameter
  dct:identifier "myParameter" ;               # Identifier declared in the profile definition also with dct:identifier
  sd:hasFixedValue "Value for the parameter" ; # The value provided by the user

Example: Checking that a building exists with a given identifier passed as a string:

  a sh:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetNode _:dummy ;
  sh:not [
    sh:sparql [
      sh:select """
        PREFIX rdf: <>
        PREFIX sd: <>
        PREFIX dct: <>
        PREFIX city: <>
        SELECT $this (rdf:type as ?path) (?buildingOfInterest as ?value) WHERE {
          # Extract the parameter value from the graph
          ?buildingOfInterestParam a sd:Parameter ;
            dct:identifier "buildingOfInterest" ;
            sd:hasFixedValue ?buildingOfInterestValue ;
          # Use the parameter value
          ?dataset city:hasObject/dct:identifier ?objectIdentifier .
          FILTER(?objectIdentifier = ?buildingOfInterestValue)
      """ ;
      sh:message "Invalid point of interest" ;
      sh:severity sh:Violation ;

Providing parameter values

When executing processes, parameter values are passed along the inputs:

POST /processes/my-profile/execution

  "inputs": {
    "cityFiles": [
        "name": "dataset1",
        "data_str": "..."
    "myParameter": "Value for the parameter",
    "myOtherParameter": "Value for the second parameter"


The work has been co-funded by the European Union and the United Kingdom under the Horizon Europe CHEK project (GA 101058559).