layout | title |
master |
Staff |
- toc {:toc}
The Network Staff are responsible for the maintenance and well-being of the Network and its users.
When connected to our IRC network, staff are identifiable by their
cloaked hostmasks: <nickname>.<role>
Staff are assigned to their roles during annual staff-wide elections from the 8th to the 11th of every October. Between elections, staff may be promoted, demoted, added, or removed by the Network Operations Committee, as outlined in the Network's Constitution. The constitution also outlines the responsibilities of each staff role, and defines the rules for our elections.
OFTC's constitution is enforced by resolution 2002-07-02.iwj.5 of Software in the Public Interest's Board of Directors.
If you would like to join our staff or sponsor a server, please refer to our Application and send it via mail.
These are the people you should seek for assistance.
{% assign chair = | where: "roles.chair", true | first %} {% if chair.size == 0 %}
- No current Chair{% else %} {% if chair %}
- {{ }} ({{ chair.nick }}) <chair -at->{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% assign ombudsman = | where: "roles.ombudsman", true | first %} {% if ombudsman.size == 0 %}
- No current Ombudsman{% else %} {% if ombudsman %}
- {{ }} ({{ ombudsman.nick }}) <ombudsman -at->{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% assign noc = | where: "roles.noc", true %} {% if noc.size == 0 %}
- No current NOC members{% else %} {% for person in noc %}{% if %}
- {{ }} ({{ person.nick }}){% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% assign netop = | where: "roles.netop", true %} {% if netop.size == 0 %}
- No current NetOps{% else %} {% for person in netop %}{% if %}
- {{ }} ({{ person.nick }}){% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% assign netrep = | where: "roles.netrep", true %} {% if netrep.size == 0 %}
- No current NetReps{% else %} {% for person in netrep %}{% if %}
- {{ }} ({{ person.nick }}){% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
Being an Advisor is an honorary and not an administrative position.
- David Graham (cdlu)
- Timothy J. Fontaine (tjfontaine)
The most important role on OFTC! We sincerely appreciate the generosity of each of our sponsors. Not all sponsors or servers are mentioned here.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that any specific server will be accessible at any specific time. Refer to our connection FAQ for more information on connecting to OFTC.
{% if sponsor.logo != "" %}
{% else %}{% endif %}
{% if sponsor.url != "" %}{{}}{% else %}{{}}{% endif %}
{{ repstring }}
{% endif -%}-
{% for server in sponsor.servers -%}
{{ }}
({{ server.location }})
{%- endfor %}