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.NET Usage Tutorial

Table of Contents

In this usage tutorial, we are going to build a small demo app that streams a "Hello World" message. To this end, we are going to create 3 functions: a Launcher that starts a HelloWorldGenerator and passes the resulting stream to a StreamPrinter.

Usage sample architecture


Starting Perper Fabric

Before we begin, start an instance of Perper Fabric; this will allow us to run parts of the sample as we proceed.

$ docker run --rm -p 10800:10800 -p 40400:40400 obecto/perper-fabric:0.8.0 config/example.xml
(Alternatively, if using a local Perper clone)

From the root of a clone of the Perper repository, run:

$ cd path/to/perper/fabric
fabric$ ./gradlew run --args="config/example.xml"

Note that in 0.8.0-beta1 you might want to occasionally restart Fabric by interrupting (Ctrl-C) the process and running it again, since starting our Launcher over and over will result in many HelloWorldGenerator / StreamPrinter-s running.

Step by step tutorial

Note that if you feel like following the step-by-step tutorial and want to go directly for some off-roads experimentation, you can jump down to the Exploration ideas at the end.

Creating an agent

To create a new agent, create a new Console .NET project and add a reference to the Perper NuGet package:

$ dotnet new console -o MyFirstAgent
$ cd MyFirstAgent
MyFirstAgent$ dotnet add package Perper
(Alternatively, if using a local Perper clone)

Change the last command to:

MyFirstAgent$ dotnet add reference path/to/perper/agent/dotnet/src/Perper

Then, change the default Program.cs boilerplate to:

using Perper.Application;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
Host.CreateDefaultBuilder().ConfigurePerper(perper => perper.AddAssemblyHandlers("MyFirstAgent")).Build().Run();

Congratulations, you now have a Perper agent! An empty one, but an agent nonetheless.

If you were to run the project right now, it would print something like the following before exiting:

info: Perper.Application.PerperBuilder[0]
info: Perper.Application.PerperBuilder[0]
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

(Possibly along with a few other stray logs)

What just happened?

  • The agent process's entrypoint, Program.cs, got called.
  • In turn, it instanced a HostBuilder/IHost, a standard C# mechanism for managing application lifecycle.
  • Then, it used ConfigurePerper, a utility that lets us turn that host into a Perper agent process by providing an IPerperBuilder to add handlers for the different delegates (methods) that may be called on the instances of that agent.
  • It then called AddAssemblyHandlers, which went through the classes in the assembly's root namespace that have a Run or RunAsync method and added them as handlers for "MyFirstAgent" to the PerperStartup.
    • AddAssemblyHandlers can also use another assembly or look for classes filtered by another namespace. Alternatively, there is AddClassHandlers which would add all of a class's methods as handlers. Or, one could also use AddHandler/AddInitHandler to specify handlers manually. For now, we will stick to AddAssemblyHandlers, as it allows us to split our code more easily.
  • Finally, IHost's Run method got called, and it printed some debug information before connecting to Fabric, and then some more debug information.
  • At this point, we still haven't defined any handlers, so our agent process ends up doing nothing apart from connecting... but we are going to fix in a moment.

Writing the Launcher

Let's start implementing our agent by adding the launcher function, which would then set up the stream graph printing "Hello World". As we don't have anything for that launcher to call yet, it will just directly print "Hello World" for now.

AddAssemblyHandlers expects our launcher to be a class named Deploy somewhere under the MyFirstAgent namespace, so, add a new file called Deploy.cs with the following code:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MyFirstAgent // <- AddAssemblyHandlers is going to be looking in this namespace by default.
    public static class Deploy // <- The class name is used for the handler's name, "Deploy"
                               // Note that static is not required; non-static handler classes are automatically instanced
        public static async Task RunAsync() // <- All classes with a Run or RunAsync method are turned into handlers
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from Deploy!");
            await Task.Delay(1); // <- A delay to avoid the warning about async method lacking await.

Now, if you run the project... you should see something like this:

Hello world from Deploy!


What just happened?

  • AddAssemblyHandlers found our Deploy class, and used AddHandler to register it to PerperStartup, automatically wrapping it in a MethodPerperHandler and picking a DeployPerperListener for it.
    • MethodPerperHandler is a low-level utility class that wraps a .NET method, handling things like Task/ValueTask/IAsyncEnumerable return values.
    • DeployPerperListener is a service that invokes the handler as soon as it connects to Perper.
  • The DeployPerperListener called our RunAsync function as part of starting the host.
  • The process remains there, waiting for us to press Ctrl-C. Let's fix that!

Adding and calling another function

Next, let's add the StreamPrinter function and call it. For the time being, we won't actually pass it a stream, but just showcase calling a function in Perper.

Create a StreamPrinter.cs file (similar to the Deploy.cs from before):

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MyFirstAgent
    public static class StreamPrinter // <- Creates a handler for the "StreamPrinter" delegate
        public static async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from StreamPrinter!");
            await Task.Delay(1);

Then modify Deploy.cs so it would call the StreamPrinter:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Perper.Extensions;
namespace MyFirstAgent
    public static class Deploy
        public static async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from Deploy!");
            await PerperContext.CallAsync("StreamPrinter"); // <- Call the "StreamPrinter" handler on the same agent

And now, running the project should result in something like this:

Hello world from Deploy!
Hello world from StreamPrinter!

What just happened?

  • AddAssemblyHandlers found our StreamPrinter class as well, using AddHandler to register it; picking an ExecutionPerperListener this time around.
  • The DeployPerperListener called our Deploy handler. In parallel, the ExecutionPerperListener started listening for executions for StreamPrinter.
  • Our Deploy handler used PerperContext.CallAsync to create a new execution for StreamPrinter.
  • The ExecutionPerperListener picked up the execution for StreamPrinter and called our handler.
  • Our StreamPrinter handler printed a hello world message. Except... it's still not coming from a stream.

Adding a stream

To meet our initial objective of receiving the hello world message over a stream, let's add the HelloWorldGenerator stream. This would be a slightly bigger change, as we are also going to modify Deploy and StreamPrinter to use the stream.

Create a HelloWorldGenerator.cs file, with the following contents:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MyFirstAgent
    public static class HelloWorldGenerator // <- Creates a handler for the "HelloWorldGenerator" delegate
        public static async IAsyncEnumerable<char> RunAsync() // The IAsyncEnumerable return value makes this a stream handler
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from HelloWorldGenerator!");
            foreach (var ch in "Hello world through stream!")
                yield return ch; // (see also
                await Task.Delay(100); // <- By delaying the time between characters, we'd be able to actually see them pop on screen one-by-one

Then modify Deploy.cs to call the new HelloWorldGenerator and pass the resulting stream to StreamPrinter:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Perper.Model;
using Perper.Extensions;
namespace MyFirstAgent
    public static class Deploy
        public static async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from Deploy!");
            PerperStream stream = await PerperContext.CallAsync<PerperStream>("HelloWorldGenerator"); // <- Get an object representing our stream
            await PerperContext.CallAsync("StreamPrinter", stream); // <- Pass the PerperStream to StreamPrinter

And finally, modify StreamPrinter.cs to receive and process the stream:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Perper.Model;
using Perper.Extensions;
namespace MyFirstAgent
    public static class StreamPrinter
        public static async Task RunAsync(PerperStream streamToPrint) // <- Receive the passed PerperStream as a parameter
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from StreamPrinter!");
            await foreach (var ch in streamToPrint.EnumerateAsync<char>())

And now, running the project should finally result in something looking like this:

Hello world from Deploy
Hello world from StreamPrinter!
Hello world from HelloWorldGenerator!
Hello World through stream!

What just happened?

  • AddAssemblyHandlers found our HelloWorldGenerator class, and register it as a picking an StreamPerperListener. The StreamPerperListener started listening for executions related to the HelloWorldGenerator.
  • Our Deploy handler got called.
  • Our Deploy handler used PerperContext.CallAsync<> to call "HelloWorldGenerator" and get a PerperStream representing the resulting stream.
    • The PerperStream is automatically returned by the StreamPerperListener, as it starts a long-running execution for the stream in the background.
  • The StreamPerperListener called our HelloWorldGenerator handler, only for MethodPerperHandler to notice it returns an IAsyncEnumerable. The latter then started waiting for a listener for that stream.
    • It is possible to make the stream start without waiting for a listener by using [Perper.Application.PerperStreamOptions(Action=true)] on the stream class.
  • Our Deploy handler used PerperContext.CallAsync to create a new execution for StreamPrinter, and passed it the PerperStream object.
  • Our StreamPrinter handler used PerperStreamExtensions.EnumerateAsync to start listening for items added to the stream.
  • MethodPerperHandler noticed that there is a listener and started our HelloWorldGenerator handler, that wrote the hello world text to the stream one character at a time.
  • Our StreamPrinter handler started receiving and printing the hello world message. Success!

Note: This is the first time you might need to restart Fabric between runs. Since stream completion is not yet implemented, StreamPrinter never completes, and restarting the agent process would slowly result in many leftover StreamPrinter-s accumulating. Also, note that stopping the process might take a while, as IHost gives a generous timeout to the StreamPrinter.

Adding another agent

Our code so far achieves the stated goal of streaming a hello world text through Perper. However, to demonstrate more of Perper's functionality and to, uh, promote code reusability, we can move StreamPrinter to its own separate agent.

To this end, make another agent project called StreamPrinterAgent, adding a reference to Perper like before.

Then, again as before, change its Program.cs to:

using Perper.Application;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
Host.CreateDefaultBuilder().ConfigurePerper(perper => perper.AddAssemblyHandlers("StreamPrinterAgent")).Build().Run();

Then, move StreamPrinter.cs to the new project, changing it's namespace:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Perper.Model;
using Perper.Extensions;
namespace StreamPrinterAgent // <- AddAssemblyHandlers wants to have namespaces named just like the assembly/project
    public static class StreamPrinter
        public static async Task RunAsync(PerperStream streamToPrint)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from StreamPrinterAgent's StreamPrinter!");
            await foreach (var ch in streamToPrint.EnumerateAsync<char>())

And finally, modify the Deploy.cs in the original project.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Perper.Model;
using Perper.Extensions;
namespace MyFirstAgent
    public static class Deploy
        public static async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from Deploy!");
            PerperStream stream = await PerperContext.CallAsync<PerperStream>("HelloWorldGenerator");
            PerperAgent agent = await PerperContext.StartAgentAsync("StreamPrinterAgent"); // <- Create an object representing our agent
            await agent.CallAsync("StreamPrinter", stream); // <- Call the agent's StreamPrinter

Now, if you run both projects, in separate terminals, you should see that Deploy and HelloWorldGenerator run in the first agent process / terminal, while StreamPrinter runs in the other agent process / terminal.

... (first terminal)
Hello world from Deploy
Hello world from HelloWorldGenerator!
... (second terminal)
Hello world from StreamPrinterAgent's StreamPrinter!
Hello World through stream!

What just happened?

  • The first process's Host.Run called our Deploy handler.
  • As before, our Deploy handler used PerperContext.CallAsync<> to get a PerperStream representing a HelloWorldGenerator stream.
  • Our Deploy handler used PerperContext.StartAgent to create a new instance of the StreamPrinterAgent agent, and get a PerperAgent representing it.
    • The stream printer's Host.Run then would have called the Start handler, had we provided one.
  • Our Deploy handler then used PerperContext.CallAsync to create a new execution for StreamPrinter, and passed it the PerperStream object.
  • The stream printer's PerperStartup picked the execution up, and started the StreamPrinter handler.
  • As before, StreamPrinter subscribed to HelloWorldGenerator, and the hello world text started flowing across, one character at a time. Woohooo!

And, that's it! You have successfully created two Perper agents; one of which starts the other and streams it a hello world message. Who said hello world had to be complicated?

Usage sample code

You can find the whole code of the usage sample created as part of this tutorial in samples/dotnet/MyFirstAgent and samples/dotnet/StreamPrinterAgent.

Exploration ideas

If you feel like playing around with the sample further, here is a list of things you could try. Do note that restarting Fabric might be needed to clear out stale executions.

  • Try running the agents without Fabric / starting Fabric after the agents. Or try running just one of the agents / running them in different order.
  • Try changing the "StreamPrinterAgent" string in both StreamPrinterAgent/Program.cs and MyFirstAgent/Deploy.cs. What happens on mismatch?
  • Try changing HelloWorldGenerator's return type. PerperStream objects are untyped, so it is possible to enumerate them as the wrong type -- what happens then?
  • Try calling StreamPrinter multiple times in parallel with the same stream. (Hint: you might need to use Task.WhenAll)
  • Make HelloWorldGenerator accept the string to print as a parameter. Also, give it a default value.
  • Make a GetHello function which returns a string (or Task<string>) with the hello world text to print, then call that instead of hardcoding the string.
  • Refactor HelloWorldGenerator into its own agent.
  • Store the PerperStream object for HelloWorldGenerator inside of PerperState instead of a variable.
  • Make one of the Program.cs-s use AddInitHandler<T>/AddHandler<T> instead of AddAssemblyHandlers.
  • Make one of the Program.cs-s use AddClassHandlers<T> instead of AddAssemblyHandlers. (Hint: move all of the functions in that project to one class, and rename the methods to {Delegate}Async instead of RunAsync)
  • Make a new Perper project which includes the other projects, and use multiple invocations of AddAssemblyHandlers/AddClassHandlers to host all the agents in that one process.

Closing note

Thank you for following this tutorial; I hope it was useful in figuring out the basics of using Perper through C#! If you want to read more in-depth documentation, feel free to check out the Architecture page. Or, if you just want to dive into using the framework, feel free to check out the Reference (currently nonexistent, but the classes in the Perper.Extensions namespace should be a good place to start)!