% BAM-LS(1) | Bam Manual
bam-ls - List matching targets
bam ls [-h|--help] [--args=<args>] [--[no]color] [--markdown]
\ \ \ \ [--dotfile=<filename>] [--root=<root-dir>]
\ \ \ \ [--runtime-deps-list-file=<filename>] [--threads=<N>]
\ \ \ \ [--time] [--tracelog=<logfile>] [-v]
\ \ \ \ [<label-pattern>] [--all-toolchains] [--as=...]
\ \ \ \ [--type=...] [--testonly=...]
Lists all targets matching the given pattern for the given build directory. By default, only targets in the default toolchain will be matched unless a toolchain is explicitly supplied.
If the label pattern is unspecified, list all targets. The label pattern is not a general regular expression (see "gn help label_pattern"). If you need more complex expressions, pipe the result through grep.
-h, --help : Display this help and exit.
--args=<args> : Specifies build argument overrides.
--color : Force colored output.
--dotfile=<filename> : Override the name of the ".gn" file.
--markdown : Write the output in the Markdown format.
--nocolor : Force non-colored output.
--root=<root-dir> : Explicitly specify source root.
--runtime-deps-list-file=<filename> : Save runtime dependencies for targets to file.
--threads=<N> : Specify number of worker threads.
--time : Outputs a summary of how long everything took.
--tracelog=<logfile> : Writes a Chrome-compatible trace log to the given file.
-v : Verbose logging.
--as=(buildfile|label|output) : How to print targets.
: Prints the build files where the given target was declared as
file names.
label (default)
: Prints the label of the target.
: Prints the first output file for the target relative to the
root build directory.
--all-toolchains : Matches all toolchains. When set, if the label pattern does not specify an explicit toolchain, labels from all toolchains will be matched. When unset, only targets in the default toolchain will be matched unless an explicit toolchain in the label is set.
--testonly=(true|false) : Restrict outputs to targets with the testonly flag set accordingly. When unspecified, the target's testonly flags are ignored.
--type=(action|copy|executable|group|loadable_module|shared_library|source_set|static_library) : Restrict outputs to targets matching the given type. If unspecified, no filtering will be performed.